Product of an office manager's work. Job description for office manager. Features of the office manager's job

10 minutes to read. Views 122 Published 11/11/2018

Every large company needs specialists who will take on internal management functions. Such employees deal with the preparation of primary documents and resolve important organizational issues. As a rule, this task is assigned to the office manager, who fulfills not only his professional obligations, but also the duties of a secretary. It is important to note that this employee can only be supervised by the CEO of the company. The person holding this position recruits candidates for this position. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how the job description of an office manager with the functions of a secretary is drawn up.

An office manager is a “jack of all trades”, without whom it is difficult to imagine the work of a modern company

Office manager: the essence of the profession

The office manager position includes the functions of the “right hand” of the company’s management and the chief administrator. The person holding this position belongs to the management level and is obliged to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. Persons wishing to obtain this position must take a responsible approach to their job responsibilities, concentrating on the main functions of the company. As mentioned above, the office manager is a kind of deputy general director who is responsible for solving all organizational issues. This means that in order to enroll an applicant for a vacancy on the company’s staff, the company’s management needs to prepare an appropriate act. Only the general director has the right to hire a new employee for this position.

Only a specialist with a vocational secondary education can obtain this post. However, many companies want to see specialists in this position who have not only higher education, but also professional experience in this field. The office manager is the link between ordinary employees and the company's management. His responsibilities include full control of the internal activities of the company and the organization of various events.

What is the difference between an office manager and a secretary

From all of the above, we can conclude that the position of an office manager is completely similar to the position of a secretary. However, this opinion is erroneous, since the first post includes many more different functions. According to experts, employees holding this position must resolve a significantly larger number of organizational issues than an ordinary secretary. It is important to note that the content of the office manager’s job descriptions depends on the direction of the company’s activities. This means that in some areas, this job position is completely different from that of a secretary.

Many experts note that office managers occupy a higher level on the career ladder. This view is supported by a wider range of professional commitments. Also, these employees have higher earnings compared to the secretary. Decent pay is accompanied by strict requirements for candidates for this post. In large companies, which include several different departments, the office manager's responsibility is to coordinate the work of the secretaries. In small companies where there is no personnel department, the office manager selects candidates for available vacancies or conducts a competitive selection of applicants. Often this employee is entrusted with the responsibility of training newcomers.

Features of the profession

From all of the above, we can conclude that the profession in question has unique specifics. Below we propose to discuss the main features of this specialty.

The job description of an office manager requires serious elaboration, because the job responsibilities of an office manager include the functions of a secretary, supply manager, administrator, and he is often involved in personnel records management and primary accounting

Office manager's workplace

Employees of large organizations are faced with significantly more organizational tasks compared to employees of small firms. This means that every large enterprise should have an office manager position. . The incumbent of this position is responsible for coordinating the activities of the entire office. Based on this statement, we can conclude that specialists representing this profession are in great demand on the labor market.

The staff of large holdings includes several office managers, each of whom oversees the work of a specific division or branch. The functionality of the company and the speed of resolving all issues related to office activities depend on the literacy of specialists.

average salary

As we noted above, specialists representing this area of ​​professional activity are in high demand. According to experts, there is a high level of competition in this area. According to statistics, the level of competition is equal to six applicants for one vacant position. Such high competition is explained by high wages.

The salary of newcomers in this field is more than twenty thousand rubles. Only residents of the capital can count on this amount. In other regions, wages vary from eight to fifteen thousand rubles. Specialists with professional experience and work experience can count on higher earnings. In Moscow, experienced managers earn at least thirty thousand rubles. In other cities of Russia, the earnings of workers holding this position range from fifteen to twenty-five thousand rubles.
The work of workers with higher education is valued significantly higher. Many companies offer applicants for a vacant position a salary of more than sixty thousand rubles.

Required personal qualities

Having considered the key functions of an office manager and the issue related to remuneration, it is necessary to move on to a conversation about the personal qualities necessary to obtain this position. It should be noted in advance that each businessman has his own requirements for personnel. However, there is a general list of personal qualities that will help you get the desired position.

These qualities include communication skills, organization and perseverance. Working with documents requires the ability to concentrate on detail and a high level of responsibility. In order to control the work of office workers, it is not enough to be resistant to stress. In addition to this quality, developed erudition, concentration and self-discipline will be required. The office manager must have creative thinking and promptly carry out all orders from management. You can take the place of a leader in a team only by competently communicating with subordinates and showing goodwill.

Having all of the above qualities significantly increases your chances of getting a well-paid job.

A job description refers to the type of documents that are not mandatory for use, but are widely used

Important professional skills

It is important to note that all of the above personal qualities are not enough to guarantee a job. Many employers pay increased attention to the professional skills of applicants. A person wishing to occupy the post in question must know the basic principles of accounting and office work. This employee will have to conclude contracts with potential contractors and maintain primary documentation. Knowledge of office programs is one of the undoubted advantages for a job applicant. In addition, you must have skills in working with office equipment.

A specialist who wants to obtain the position of office manager must know not only the rules of business etiquette, but also all current sanitary standards, occupational safety and fire safety rules. To manage the “life” of an office, you will need the following professional skills:

  1. Knowledge of the rules for conducting competitive events in order to select the best applicant from all applications from people wishing to occupy an empty workplace.
  2. Knowledge of the basic rules of psychology aimed at effective interaction with the workforce.
  3. Ability to use various motivating techniques to increase employee productivity.
  4. Ability to develop and implement plans to optimize office operations.

In addition to all of the above, this employee must be able to independently resolve important organizational issues and be responsible for his own actions.

Office manager: job responsibilities

The job responsibilities of an office manager may vary depending on the area in which the company operates. However, there are a number of general obligations that these employees must fulfill. As a rule, the set of functions of an office manager includes the purchase of all consumables necessary for the full-fledged work of office employees. Along with this, the employee must exercise control over the serviceability of all equipment at the disposal of the office. In the event of a breakdown of computers and other devices, the employee must promptly contact the technical service.

In addition to monitoring the work of the office, the manager needs to manage document flow. As a rule, all incoming documents are processed by a specialist and forwarded to structural departments. Many experts in this field recommend that beginners check corporate email several times throughout the day. When working with correspondence, you should select letters and incoming documents that may be of interest to the company's management. In addition to working with correspondence, the manager must answer incoming calls and receive company visitors. When performing such functions, it is very important to comply with corporate ethics and adhere to the rules of business communication.

We have already noted above that the office manager is one of the deputy management of the company. The responsibilities of this employee include preparatory work for various events. In simple terms, the manager must prepare not only all the necessary office supplies and handouts, but also issue written notices inviting him to a meeting or meeting. It is the employees holding the position in question who are tasked with drawing up protocols and other documents related to the activities described above.

The job description allows you to familiarize the employee with the list of functions within his competence, as well as his rights and responsibilities.

In addition to preparing primary documents and fully coordinating document flow, the manager needs to ensure that other company employees follow the orders of the administration. As a rule, many managers are given the right to independently look for ways to solve all office issues and tasks. One of the important functions of a specialist is to monitor the work of all employees working in the office. If a violation of labor discipline is detected, the specialist must draw up a report that will be handed over to management. In order to control the work of office employees, various accounting documents, estimates and statements are prepared. In small companies, managers keep track of the time worked by office workers. Based on this information, calculations of employee salaries are prepared.

Conducting business correspondence is one of the important responsibilities of a manager. During this process, all rules of business etiquette must be followed. An employee holding a leadership position is required to resolve conflicts and controversial situations that arise within the team. Company management must be aware of the situation inside the office. That is why it is very important for an employee to correctly provide all the information about the work of the company’s administration office.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the office manager is obliged to control all internal processes, discipline and compliance with the rules of the company’s internal charter. When performing his duties, the employee must adhere to applicable laws and regulations. If an employee is absent from his workplace, all of the above functions are assigned to his deputy. The candidacy of a person for the position of deputy must be agreed upon with management and approved by the relevant order.

Liability imposed

Considering all of the above, we can make a logical conclusion that a person holding the position of office manager is obliged to follow the rules set out in the Labor Code. In this case, it is very important to take into account local legal acts in force within the enterprise. Violation of these rules may result in penalties in the form of a reprimand or reprimand. Violation of the procedures set forth in the Constitution and other legal acts may result in administrative, civil or criminal penalties. Similar liability is provided for employees who disclose confidential information or cause material harm to the company in other ways. The employer has the right to independently choose the penalty for those employees who violated:

  1. Internal rules of discipline and labor standards.
  2. Labor protection, safety and fire safety regulations.
  3. Business etiquette standards.
  4. Used false information for personal gain.

The list of responsibilities should be equivalent to the employee’s working time; he should not be overloaded or left too free

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we looked at the responsibilities of an office manager for a resume. Employees who meet all the criteria for applicants for this position can count on receiving a prestigious and highly paid job. During the performance of his labor obligations, the manager must strictly adhere to the rules set out in the job description. Careful study of this document will minimize the risk of making mistakes that could lead to negative consequences for the entire office.

In contact with

How an office manager differs from a secretary and what managerial functions he has is reflected in the job description. What is often forgotten when compiling it, we will tell you in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Is it necessary to develop a job description for an office manager?

Since job descriptions are not among the documents required by law, not all employers consider it necessary to develop them. They explain this by the fact that the employee’s labor function can be specified in detail and .

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

A complete directory of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

But, as practice shows, it is the job description, drawn up and approved in accordance with the requirements of the law, that is a regulatory document with which you can:

  • establish a specific list of responsibilities for employees holding a particular position;
  • determine rights for each position and responsibility for failure to fulfill established job duties;
  • distribute the workload evenly among employees and eliminate duplication of functions;
  • establish criteria and requirements by which the work activity of each employee can be assessed;
  • determine how suitable the employee is for his position and, if he cannot cope with his duties, transfer him to another position or .

If the employee’s functionality is described in the employment contract, any changes will require the employee’s approval and the conclusion of an additional agreement. It will be necessary to sign an additional agreement with the employee even if the job description is drawn up as an annex to the employment contract.

Note! It is in the employer's interest to office manager was formalized as an independent regulation, into which current changes can be made that do not require agreement with the employee.

Thanks to the job description, which must be drawn up taking into account the specifics of not only the position, but also the specific workplace, the employee will clearly understand:

  • what knowledge and skills he must have to qualify for the position;
  • what exactly is included in his job responsibilities;
  • what laws and other regulations it should be guided by in its activities;
  • what rights does he have in his position and how can he use them;
  • what responsibility he bears for failure to comply with the requirements of the job description.

What sections does the job description of an office manager contain?

For better perception, the text of any job description must be structured. Typically, this document consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions;
  2. Qualification requirements;
  3. Responsibilities of the position;
  4. Employee rights;
  5. Responsibility.

At the same time, the list of qualification requirements for the position may be one of the items in the “General Provisions” section, or it may be separated into a separate section, this is not important.

In the “General Provisions” section, it is advisable to list those regulations that should guide an employee holding the position of office manager and determine the procedure for his appointment.

When establishing qualification requirements, you can use a single qualification reference book as a basis and « Specialist in organizational and documentation support for organization management.” In addition to the general requirements for experience and qualifications, the office manager will, in particular, need:

  • knowledge of the basics of office work, jurisprudence, psychology;
  • ability to work with confidential information and store it;
  • leadership skills;
  • negotiation skills;
  • ability to work in multitasking conditions;
  • resistance to stress and ability to resolve conflict situations;
  • organizational skills, ability to delegate authority.

But, of course, the main part office manager is a description of his job responsibilities.

Responsibilities of an office manager

The job responsibilities of an office manager may vary depending on the needs of a particular organization. An office manager in a small company will most likely perform both his own tasks in managing the day-to-day work of the office, as well as the duties of a secretary and. In a large company, an office manager can only deal with administrative support of the office, while secretarial work will be performed by individual employees.

Therefore, when developing a job description First of all, you should decide which tasks are relevant to be assigned to the office manager in your company.

Traditionally, an office manager performs the following functions:

  • ensures that the office opens and closes at set hours,
  • distributes telephone calls,
  • organizes reception of visitors in the office,
  • provides preparation for office events (meetings, sessions, conferences),
  • coordinates the work of the office and its employees,
  • carries out operational management of administrative personnel,
  • controls the current office work,
  • on behalf of the manager, prepares letters, orders, takes minutes of meetings,
  • monitors the material support of the office: controls the availability of office supplies and consumables, the working condition of equipment, orders water, etc.

Despite the absence of the office manager position, if desired, specific job functions and actions can be borrowed from it.

Let us remind you that for the position in question, the use of the professional standard and bringing the job titles in accordance with it is not mandatory. Therefore, the responsibilities of an office manager, if necessary, can include various responsibilities up to those related to functions .

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Job Description for Office Manager

The job description of an office manager consists of sections usually included in such a document:

  • general provisions that reflect:
  • procedure for appointment to a position,
  • subordination to the office manager;
  • qualification requirements (level of education, experience work),
  • a list of documents the knowledge of which is necessary to fill a position;
  • job responsibilities which include:
  • the list of job responsibilities of the employee,
  • knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation;
  • office manager rights;
  • employee responsibility.

If this is accepted in the organization, other sections can be included in the job description: communications by position, interaction with structural divisions, the procedure for revising the job description, and others.

assigning additional work to an employee or assigning him the functions of a secretary in the manner (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Please note that when choosing the second option, the employee will need to establish an additional payment. Its size is determined by agreement with the employee (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the advantage of this option is the ability to refuse this order at any time, for which you only need to notify the employee 3 working days in advance. This may be more convenient for a developing company, since a decision may later be made to hire an individual employee for the position of secretary.

It is also possible to arrange an internal part-time job. For this purpose there is a separate .

Any large company requires a specialist who is able to support office activities. Such an employee is an office manager. Who he is, what responsibilities he is entrusted with and what rights he has are discussed below.

Who is an office manager

Office manager (chief office administrator, assistant manager, assistant manager) is a company employee who ensures the smooth operation and functioning of the office. This profession requires extreme organization, concentration and responsibility.

The office manager reports directly to the general director of the enterprise/firm/company. Based on this, hiring and dismissal are carried out only in accordance with the order of the general director.

A specialist who has received at least complete secondary education is appointed to this position. However, higher education and work experience would be more desirable.

The office manager is the connecting component in the interaction between management and the staff working in the office. At the request of management, he prepares a report on the state of affairs in the office and the internal functioning of the organization/company/corporation, and more.

Distinction between the specialties “Office Manager” and “Secretary”

Some perceive the professions “Office manager” and “” as interchangeable. However, this is not true. The position of an office manager is more comprehensive and multifunctional than the position of a secretary, since it involves a wider range of tasks performed to ensure the functioning of the organization, while depending on the field of activity of the employer, the job responsibilities of an office manager can vary significantly, unlike those of a secretary.

Essentially, an office manager is a higher rung on the career ladder. This leads to a wider range of responsibilities, higher wages and increased requirements for the candidacy of the employee being hired.

In various companies, corporations, and large holdings, it is the office manager who is entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring and coordinating the work of secretaries.

In some organizations that do not provide for the position of a personnel specialist, the office manager is also involved in recruiting personnel, posting information about the start of a competition for a particular position, reviewing and studying the resume of a future employee, and even training new personnel.

Place of work and average salary of an office manager

The larger the company, the wider and more varied the range of office tasks that employees have to deal with every day. Therefore, no companies, corporations, firms, enterprises, organizations, holdings can do without an office manager, who is the coordinator of all office activities. In this regard, an office manager is a very popular and important profession for the successful functioning and optimization of all office processes in the office of any business facility.

Very large companies may have not one, but several office managers on their staff, each of whom will be assigned to the corresponding department or division.

Despite the fairly high demand, competition for the position of office manager is also quite high. In Russia it is approximately 6 people per place.

The salary of a beginning office manager is:

  • in Moscow – 15-22 thousand rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg – 11-16 thousand rubles;
  • in Yekaterinburg – 8-13 thousand rubles;
  • in Novosibirsk – 7-12 thousand rubles.

Mid-level specialists who have already gained work experience and demonstrated their organizational skills can qualify for a salary in Moscow of up to 30 thousand rubles, in the city on the Neva - up to 23 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg - up to 20 thousand rubles, in Novosibirsk - up to 18 thousand rubles.

The wages of highly qualified professionals are even higher. So, in Moscow it can reach 60 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 45 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 35 thousand rubles, in Novosibirsk - 30 thousand rubles.

Personal qualities required by an office manager for employment

Each manager has his own requirements for a future employee of his company. However, there is a generalized list of qualities whose owners will be given undisputed first preference when hiring for the position of office manager. Here is just a small list of them:

Necessary professional knowledge to work as an office manager

To perform his job professionally, an office manager must have the following necessary knowledge:

  • Know the procedure for concluding and terminating contracts;
  • Know the basics of preparing office documentation;
  • Know the basics of accounting, all the basic computer programs necessary for office work (MS Office software: MS Word, MS EXEL, MS PowerPoint, Databases), as well as the principles of working with e-mail and fax;
  • Be a confident user of a personal computer and the Internet;
  • Possess speed typing skills;
  • It is appropriate to use the norms of business protocol and etiquette;
  • Follow labor protection standards, fire safety rules, sanitary standards;
  • Have knowledge of personnel selection and management;
  • Use the basics of psychology and professional ethics when working with personnel;
  • Know the rules for using and operating office equipment;
  • Apply motivating techniques when interacting with office employees;
  • Have an understanding of planning methods in the development of office activities;
  • Be able to make quick decisions in critical situations and be able to bear full responsibility for the results of decisions made

Job responsibilities of an office manager

The immediate responsibilities of the office manager include:

  • Purchase all necessary stationery, equipment and all consumables for the normal functioning of the office;
  • Monitor the serviceability and performance of all office equipment, including computers, printers, faxes, and other office equipment. If breakdowns occur, call a technician to fix the problems;
  • Systematically register correspondence received by the office, transfer it to structural units for further processing and preparation of responses;
  • Check your office email at least twice a day;
  • Prepare the manager's workplace before the start of the working day. Provide him with all the necessary office supplies and working office equipment;
  • Sort and distribute documentation to appropriate departments;
  • Track and record incoming calls;
  • Organize the reception of visitors, clients and partners. Comply with the company’s established communication policy with visitors, clients and partners;
  • Prepare meetings, gatherings and business meetings. Provide all necessary handouts and stationery for negotiations, meetings, meetings, presentations and other company events. Keep minutes of events, monitor the documentation of the progress of negotiations, analyze the results of meetings and conferences;
  • Execute orders from senior management accurately and in a timely manner;
  • Comply with the provisions of the job description;
  • Monitor the company's reporting documentation, prepare the transfer of documentation to the archive, monitor the office document flow;
  • Develop materials necessary to resolve problems and solve current problems of the company;
  • Prepare the office before the start of the working day;
  • Monitor the main indicators of sanitary standards (lighting, room ventilation, temperature maintained in the office);
  • Monitor the work of secretaries, drivers, cleaners, couriers and all members of staff under his direct subordination;
  • Write down estimates and keep records of all necessary costs for the uninterrupted operation of office workers, provide them with office supplies and consumables;
  • Keep records of hours worked by office employees in order to transfer this data to the accounting department for calculating their wages;
  • , maintain a database of employee violations of labor discipline and the established dress code;
  • Conduct business correspondence with clients and partners of the company, taking into account all the norms of business protocol and etiquette;
  • Help in eliminating any kind of conflicts, hostility, problems and contradictions that arise among office employees;
  • Coordinate the end of the working day in the office, ensure that all office equipment, lighting systems, and air conditioners are turned off;
  • Accept documents, applications and appeals for their subsequent consideration and signing by the head of the company/enterprise/corporation/holding/organization;
  • Bring to the attention of the manager all important information received;
  • Issue orders from senior management and immediately distribute them to staff for review.

Among other things, the office manager is obliged to follow the internal labor regulations of his company, its Charter and regulations. When exercising his powers, the office manager must adhere to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as domestic civil and labor law.

During the absence of the office manager, all his job responsibilities are assigned to another authorized person, previously agreed upon and approved in the order of the general director.

Office manager rights

In addition to the duties, the office manager also has rights, among which are:

Office Manager Responsibilities

The office manager is responsible under the following circumstances:

  • Inadequate fulfillment of one’s obligations established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the company’s internal regulations;
  • Ignoring the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms of administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Causing material damage to the company in accordance with the current labor, civil and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Unauthorized use of material resources and property of the company, contrary to the interests of the business entity and its management;
  • Misuse of personal information and confidential information about employees and senior management of the company, disclosure of interests and trade secrets of the corporation;
  • Gross violation of the rules of business protocol and etiquette;
  • Violation of the internal labor regulations and regulations of the company;
  • Violation of fire safety rules;
  • Failure to comply with safety regulations;
  • Providing false information for personal gain.

Any office space that has a manager and at least a few employees implies the presence of some kind of organizing force that ensures the smooth operation of the office and its normal functioning. Having an office manager on staff is such a strength.

What does this position entail?

This position involves organizing the work of all other employees, including the manager, as well as interacting with the outside world on behalf of the company through business correspondence, telephone conversations and receiving visitors.

In small organizations, the office manager often combines functions accountant and human resources worker. In large companies, the secretariat, drivers and administrative staff may be subordinate to him.

Such abundance responsibilities forms a certain set of necessary personal qualities of a potential applicant for this position. The main ones are communication skills, responsibility, diligence, efficiency, organizational skills and punctuality.

Requirements for this specialist

They also require certain specific skills, which arise from the list of responsibilities: confident use of a personal computer and working with office equipment, competent oral speech and business correspondence skills, knowledge of office work. If necessary, knowledge of foreign languages, accounting, labor legislation, etc. can be added to the list of requirements.

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Job responsibilities

The list of assigned responsibilities can be very, very extensive and always depends on the requirements of a particular organization.

From the general list of responsibilities We can highlight those that are almost always included in the job description:

  • Processing incoming and outgoing correspondence, conducting business correspondence, redistributing incoming documents within the organization according to their intended purpose;
  • Office work, document control, tracking the terms of contracts and agreements;
  • Conducting telephone conversations, receiving incoming calls;
  • Reception of visitors - clients, contractors, partners, regulatory authorities;
  • Providing the office with the necessary supplies: stationery, furniture, office equipment. This also includes tracking emerging problems and breakdowns, calling the appropriate technicians in a timely manner;
  • Drawing up the office work schedule, drawing up and maintaining the manager’s work schedule;
  • Organization of business trips for employees, logistics of transported goods;
  • Organization of events - meetings, conferences, corporate events;
  • Maintaining a client base;
  • Keeping minutes of meetings and conferences.

Among other things, the office manager may also be assigned responsibilities for maintaining a website, organizing advertising, ordering souvenirs and printed products, distributing information materials about the company, etc.

This profession is described in the following video:

What to include in your resume

Thus, when writing a resume For the vacancy of an office manager, it is necessary to indicate the presence of the above personal qualities and special skills, and also rely on the specific requirements of the employer specified in the vacancy description, since they can vary significantly compared to the standard requirements.

Most vacancies are available only with a higher education diploma, although a specific specialty is usually not important; education can be economic, legal, linguistic, philological, psychological or any other relevant to the field of work. In addition, the employer often indicates the presence of a photograph of the applicant as a prerequisite for accepting a resume for consideration. This is because the office manager will become the face of the company, and most employers care about how it looks.

Features of the office manager's job

Real estate agency

Since working in a real estate agency is largely related to increasing the client base, as well as careful study of the legal basis of transactions, the work of an office manager is directly related to these features.

It may be necessary to place advertising information, order souvenirs, call current or potential clients, explain the sequence of actions for registering real estate, including with government agencies, banks, and notaries.

Construction companies

Construction related work implies a large volume procurement of construction materials, logistics of their transportation, heavy equipment, hiring additional employees for temporary or seasonal work, including foreign citizens. A certain part of these responsibilities, depending on the size of the company, may be assigned to the office manager.

Insurance companies

Additional specifics insurance companies often adds to the office manager's responsibilities accounting for employee productivity, client base, sending commercial proposals and settlement documents, preparing insurance contracts, ordering printing and advertising products.

One way or another, but in almost any area of ​​the organization’s work from the office manager required to work with its clients. This can be simply receiving visitors, and directing them to the right specialist, or working independently with a client within the scope of one’s authority, or attracting new clients, or actively selling if necessary. In all these cases, experience interacting with people, the ability to win over oneself, as well as persuasion skills are simply necessary to work in this position.

Additionally, it should be noted that it is necessary clearly understand the differences in the positions of an office manager, since, as follows from all of the above, the job responsibilities of an office manager can often also include secretarial work, but in general it is much broader, and the combination of these positions occurs only in cases where the organization is quite small , and the scope of responsibilities does not ensure the workload of two staff units with similar functions.

For information on training courses and acquired skills in this profession, see the following video:

Office Manager– “a jack of all trades”, without whom it is difficult to imagine the work of a modern company. The job description of an office manager requires serious elaboration, because the job responsibilities of an office manager include the functions of a secretary, supply manager, administrator, and he is often involved in personnel records management and primary accounting. How not to miss the key points and important nuances of the work of an office manager? We offer you a sample job description for an office manager with the most typical responsibilities and authorities.

Job Description for Office Manager

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. An office manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. An office manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The office manager reports directly to the general director.
1.4. The driver, courier and cleaner report to the office manager.
1.5. During the absence of the office manager, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.6. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of office manager: education - higher, incomplete higher or secondary specialized education, at least one year of experience in similar work, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel), office work.
1.7. The office manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of an office manager

The office manager performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Answers telephone calls, records and transmits official information to the general director and company employees.
2.2. Ensures the company's document flow: incoming and outgoing correspondence, registration, accounting, storage, archiving of documents.
2.3. On behalf of the General Director, he performs copying and duplicating work.
2.4. On behalf of the General Director, prepares draft letters, requests and other documents relating to the company’s activities.
2.5. On behalf of the General Director, prints official materials and maintains a database.
2.6. Prepares meetings and meetings held by the General Director (material and technical support, notifying participants about the time and place of the meeting, agenda).
2.7. Organizes business trips for employees: orders air and train tickets, books hotels.
2.8. Organizes the supply of office supplies, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the operation of the office. Organizes their acceptance, accounting, storage and issuance.
2.9. Monitors the proper condition of office equipment and communications; When identifying malfunctions of office equipment and other equipment, calls specialists to carry out repair work and other types of maintenance.
2.9. Coordinates and controls the work of the driver: (accepting applications for a car and developing a schedule for the use of company vehicles); courier (accepting applications and developing a schedule); cleaning ladies.

3. Rights of the office manager

The office manager has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.2. Endorse documents of management activities within the scope of their competence.
3.3. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and that of the company.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.
3.6. Apply incentives and impose penalties on employees subordinate to the office manager, after agreement with the general director.

4. Responsibility of the office manager

The office manager is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

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