A project about the work of Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography, video, interesting facts. Other biography options

Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, an Austrian composer, bandmaster, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, and organist. According to contemporaries, he had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. Mozart is widely recognized as one of the greatest composers: his uniqueness lies in the fact that he worked in all musical forms of his time and achieved the highest success in all of them

Mozart's musical abilities manifested themselves at a very early age, when he was about three years old. His father Leopold was one of Europe's leading music teachers. Wolfgang's father taught him the basics of playing the harpsichord, violin and organ. In London, the young Mozart was the subject of scientific research, and in Holland, where music was strictly banned during Lent, an exception was made for Mozart, since the clergy saw the finger of God in his extraordinary talent. Leopold Mozart

In 1762, Mozart's father and his son and daughter Anna, also a remarkable harpsichord performer, took an artistic trip to Munich, Paris, London and Vienna, and then to many other cities in Germany, Holland, and Switzerland. In the same year, young Mozart wrote his first composition. Everywhere he aroused surprise and delight, emerging victorious from the most difficult tests that were offered to him by people both knowledgeable in music and amateurs. Thus began the creative life of a genius. Sister Anna.

A distinctive feature of Mozart's work is the amazing combination of strict, clear forms with deep emotionality. The uniqueness of his work lies in the fact that he not only wrote in all the forms and genres that existed in his era, but also left works of lasting significance in each of them. Mozart's music reveals many connections with different national cultures (especially Italian), nevertheless it belongs to the national Viennese soil and bears the stamp of the creative individuality of the great composer. Mozart is one of the greatest melodists. Its melody combines the features of Austrian and German folk songs with the melodiousness of the Italian cantilena.

The thematic catalog of Mozart's works, with notes, compiled by Köchel, is a volume of 550 pages. According to Kechel's calculation, Mozart wrote 68 sacred works (masses, offertories, hymns, etc.), 23 works for the theater, 22 sonatas for harpsichord, 45 sonatas and variations for violin and harpsichord, 32 string quartets, about 50 symphonies, 55 concertos and etc., a total of 626 works.

Mozart also went down in history as a music teacher. Among his students was, in particular, the English musician Thomas Attwood, who, upon returning from Austria to the capital of the British Empire, London, immediately took the positions of court conductor, organist at St. Paul's Cathedral, musical mentor to the Duchess of York, and then the Princess of Wales.

“The Debt of the First Commandment” Theatrical oratorio “Apollo and Hyacinth” student musical drama based on the Latin text “Bastien and Bastienne is another student piece. “The Feigned Simpleton” is an exercise in the opera buffe genre based on the libretto by Goldoni “Mithridates, King of Pontus”. These are just a few of Mozart’s works.

Mozart died on December 5, 1791, about an hour after midnight (in his thirty-sixth year of life). The cause of Mozart's death is still a matter of debate. The famous legend about the poisoning of Mozart by the composer Salieri is still supported by several musicologists. But there is no documentary evidence for this version. Salieri.

The drama of Mozart's life and work, as well as the mystery of his death, have become a fruitful theme for artists of all types of arts. Mozart became the hero of numerous works of literature, drama and cinema. It is impossible to list them all, below are the most famous of them: “Little tragedies. Mozart and Salieri." A. S. Pushkin, drama “Mozart on the way to Prague.” Eduard Mörike, story “Amadeus”. Peter Schaeffer, play. A highly praised book about the composer was written by G. V. Chicherin and others. Painting by Mikhail Vrubel

We can say that in recent decades Pushkin’s little tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” has gained particular popularity. She did not have such popularity during Pushkin’s lifetime. But the depth of its ethical problematics, the severity of the questions posed in it, finally, the sheer magnitude of the historical figures who are depicted in it, and its plot acuity made this little work popular. “Mozart and Salieri,” as everyone knows very well, is based on the legend of Mozart’s poisoning by Salieri. As a matter of fact, the entire plot of the play is based on this legend. Monument to Mozart.

Some music historians believe that if before Pushkin there was only gossip, then the legend of Mozart’s poisoning could only have arisen thanks to the great Russian poet. It is known that the first information about Alexander Sergeevich’s play began to appear in 1826, when Pushkin, having returned from Mikhailov’s exile to Moscow, established contact with a group of young writers, artists and aesthetes and mentioned in a conversation with them that he had a story about Mozart and Salieri. Pushkin added a lot himself. For example, according to the play, Salieri kept the poison with him for 18 years. Even now it is difficult to say whether Mozart's poisoning is true or a myth. But the fact that Mozart preferred wine over other alcoholic drinks, and quite often overindulged, is absolutely known. But, as you know, geniuses are not judged.

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus is an Austrian composer. Mozart's musical development was greatly influenced by his father Leopold Mozart, who taught his son to play musical instruments and composition. At the age of 4, Mozart played the harpsichord, and at the age of 5-6 he began composing (the 1st symphony was performed in 1764 in London). A virtuoso harpsichordist, Mozart also performed as a violinist, singer, organist and conductor; he improvised brilliantly, impressing with his phenomenal ear for music and memory.

Already from the age of 6, success was visible in Mozart’s biography: he triumphantly toured Germany, Austria, France, England, Switzerland, and Italy. At the age of 11 he performed as a theater composer (school opera "Apollo and Hyacinth"). A year later he created it. Singspiel "Bastien and Bastienne" and the Italian opera buffa "The Fake Shepherdess". In 1770, the Pope awarded him the Order of the Golden Spur.

In the same year, the 14-year-old musician, after a special test, was elected a member of the Philharmonic Academy in Bologna (here Wolfgang Mozart took composition lessons from G.B. Martini for some time). At the same time, the young composer conducted the premiere of his opera “Mithridates, King of Pontus” in Milan. The following year, Mozart's serenade "Ascanius in Alba" was performed there, and a year later the opera "Lucius Sulla" was performed there. The artistic tour and subsequent stay in Mannheim, Paris, and Vienna contributed to Mozart’s wide acquaintance with European musical culture, his spiritual growth, and the improvement of his professional skills. By the age of 19, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the author of 10 musical and stage works of various genres (among them the opera “The Imaginary Gardener” staged in Munich, “The Dream of Scipio” and “The Shepherd King” in Salzburg), 2 cantatas, numerous symphonies, concerts, quartets, sonatas, ensemble-orchestral suites, church compositions, arias and other works. But the more the child prodigy turned into a master, the less aristocratic society was interested in him.

Since 1769, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was listed as concertmaster of the court chapel in Salzburg. Archbishop Jerome Count Colloredo, ruler of the ecclesiastical principality, despotically limited the possibilities of his creative activity. Attempts to find another service were in vain. In the princely residences and aristocratic salons of Italy, the German states, and France, the composer met with indifference. After his wanderings in 1777-79, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was forced to return to his hometown and take up the position of court organist. In 1780, the opera “Idomeneo, King of Crete, or Elijah and Idamante” was written for Munich. Efforts about service remained unsuccessful. Mozart made his living through occasional editions of his works (most of his major works were published posthumously), lessons in piano playing and composition theory, as well as “academies” (concerts), which are associated with the appearance of his piano concertos. After the singspiel “The Abduction from the Seraglio” (1782), which was an important milestone in the development of this genre, the composer did not have the opportunity to write for the theater for almost 4 years.

In 1786, his short musical comedy “The Theater Director” was performed at the Schönbrunn Imperial Palace. With the assistance of the poet-librettist L. Da Ponte, in the same year it was possible to stage the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (1786) in Vienna, but it ran there for a relatively short time (it was resumed in 1789); the more joyful was for Mozart the resounding success of “The Marriage of Figaro” in Prague (1787). The Czech public also reacted with enthusiasm to Mozart’s opera “The Punished Libertine, or Don Giovanni” (1787), specially written for Prague; in Vienna (post. 1788) this opera was received with restraint. In both operas, the composer's new ideological, artistic, and aspirations were fully revealed. During these years, his symphonic and chamber ensemble creativity also flourished. The position of “imperial and royal chamber musician”, granted by Emperor Joseph II at the end of 1787 (after the death of K.V. Gluck), constrained Mozart’s activities. Mozart's responsibilities were limited to composing dances for masquerades. Only once was he commissioned to write a comic opera based on a plot from social life - “They are all like that, or the School of Lovers” (1790). Wolfgang Mozart intended to leave Austria. The trip he took to Berlin in 1789 did not live up to his hopes. With the accession of the new Emperor Leopold II in Austria (1790), Mozart's position did not change. In 1791 in Prague, on the occasion of the coronation of Leopold as the Czech king, Mozart's opera La Clemenza di Titus was presented and received a cold reception. The same month (September) The Magic Flute was released. Staged on the stage of a suburban theater. This opera by Mozart found real recognition among the democratic public of Vienna. Among the leading musicians who were able to fully appreciate the power of Mozart's talent were his older contemporary I. Haydn and his younger -. In conservative circles, his innovative works were condemned. Mozart's "academies" ceased in 1787. He failed to organize performances of the last 3 symphonies (1788); three years later, one of them was performed at charity concerts in Vienna under the direction of A. Salieri.

In the spring of 1791, Wolfgang Mozart was hired as a free assistant to the conductor of the Cathedral of St. Stephen with the right to take this place in the event of the latter's death (the bandmaster survived him). Half a month before his death, Mozart fell ill (diagnosed with rheumatic-inflammatory fever) and died before reaching 36 years of age. He was buried in a common grave in the cemetery of St. Mark (location of the grave is unknown).

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: biography and creativity.
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A great representative of the Viennese classical school of composition. Virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor. He had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. B.Kraft. Portrait of Mozart. 1814

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Salzburg is the birthplace of Mozart. On JANUARY 27, 1756, the seventh child was born into the family of Leopold Mozart in the Austrian city of Salzburg. In Salzburg

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Father Leopold Mozart (11/14/1719 - 05/28/1787), a talented musician of the chapel of the Archbishop of Salzburg, is an Austrian violinist, father and teacher of V.A. Mozart, had a significant influence on his creative formation, one of the leading European music teachers, composer and theorist. (1719–1787)

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A bright and brilliant path in music. Since childhood, his name has become a legend. At the age of 4 he could learn and play a minuet in half an hour. At the age of 6, he toured Europe with his father Leopold Mozart. At the age of 11 he composed his first opera. At 14, he conducted the premiere of his opera at the Milan theater. At the age of 14 he received the honorary title of Academician of Music of Bologna.

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Family Mother – Maria Anna, née Pertl; father: Leopold Mozart. Despite his many years of back-breaking work as Wolfgan, the Mozart family led a modest lifestyle, often unable to pay off their debts. Leopold Mozart was constrained and limited by his dependent position as a court musician.

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Honor and dignity are Mozart's credo. The position of a court musician obliged him to fulfill any whim of his master. But Mozart's character was independent and decisive. The young composer valued honor and dignity most of all. Having gone through many life trials, he did not change his views and beliefs.

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The opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (1786) was staged based on the play by the French playwright Beaumarchais, “A Mad Day or the Marriage of Figaro,” which was banned by censorship. This is a fun opera in the style of the Italian comic opera buffa.

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The opera "Don Giovanni" (1787) Mozart's subtitle is "Merry Drama". The theme of Don Juanism was not new in music. Mozart's Don Giovanni is a charming, noble, courageous man with knightly courage. With sympathy, Mozart revealed the emotional experiences of the women insulted by Don Juan - the victims of his love affairs.

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The opera-fairy tale “The Magic Flute” (1791) is Mozart’s favorite work, his “swan song”, a kind of epilogue to the life of the great composer. It was staged in Vienna 2 months before his death. The opera was a stunning success. Scenery sketch for the opera “The Magic Flute”

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. In 1762, the family travels to Vienna and Munich. Concerts by Mozart and his sister Maria Anna are given there. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland, Mozart’s music amazes listeners with its amazing beauty. For the first time, the composer's works are published in Paris.

For the next few years (1770-1774), Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. His operas (“Mithridates – King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) were staged there for the first time, and received great public success.

Note that by the age of 17, the composer’s wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Creativity flourishes

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort of works. After taking up the post of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies and operas contained more and more new techniques.

In a short biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio” is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, since the difficult financial situation of the family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. Mozart's piano concerts were held in aristocratic circles; the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

Peak of Glory

Mozart's work in the following years amazes with its fruitfulness along with its skill. The famous operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” (both operas written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. “The Magic Flute”, “La Clemenza di Tito” - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressively, with the most beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmayer.


Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. The famous composer died on December 5, 1791 from an acute fever. Mozart was buried in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Of the seven children in the Mozart family, only two survived: Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna.
  • The composer showed his talents in music while still a child. At the age of 4 he wrote a harpsichord concerto, at the age of 7 he wrote his first symphony, and at the age of 12 he wrote his first opera.
  • Mozart joined Freemasonry in 1784 and wrote music for their rituals. And later his father, Leopold, joined the same lodge.
  • On the advice of Mozart's friend, Baron van Swieten, the composer was not given an expensive funeral. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was buried according to the third category, as a poor man: his coffin was buried in a common grave.
  • Mozart created light, harmonious and beautiful works that have become classics for children and adults. It has been scientifically proven that his sonatas and concertos have a positive effect on a person’s mental activity, helping to become collected and think logically.
  • see all

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)

  • great representative of the Viennese classical school of composition.
  • Virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor
  • He had a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise.
  • Slide 3

    Salzburg - the birthplace of Mozart

    ON JANUARY 27, 1756, in the Austrian city of Salzburg, the seventh child was born into the family of Leopold Mozart.

  • Slide 4

    Father Leopold Mozart (11/14/1719 - 05/28/1787),

    • talented musician of the chapel of the Archbishop of Salzburg,
    • Austrian violinist, father and teacher V.A. Mozart, had a significant influence on his creative formation,
    • one of the leading European music teachers,
    • composer and theorist.
  • Slide 5

    A bright and brilliant path in music

    • Since childhood, his name has become a legend.
    • At the age of 4 he could learn and play a minuet in half an hour.
    • At the age of 6, he toured Europe with his father Leopold Mozart.
    • At the age of 11 he composed his first opera.
    • At 14, he conducted the premiere of his opera at the Milan theater.
    • At the age of 14 he received the honorary title of Academician of Music of Bologna.
  • Slide 6


    • Mother - Maria Anna, née Pertl;
    • father: Leopold Mozart.
    • Despite his many years of back-breaking work as Wolfgan, the Mozart family led a modest lifestyle, often unable to pay off their debts.
    • Leopold Mozart was constrained and limited by his dependent position as a court musician.
  • Slide 7

    Honor and dignity are Mozart's credo

    • The position of a court musician obliged him to fulfill any whim of the owner.
    • But Mozart's character was independent and decisive.
    • The young composer valued honor and dignity most of all.
    • Having gone through many life trials, he did not change his views and beliefs.
  • Slide 9

    Opera “Don Giovanni” (1787) Mozart’s subtitle “Merry Drama”

    • The theme of Don Juanism was not new in music.
    • Mozart's Don Giovanni is a charming, noble, courageous man with knightly courage.
    • With sympathy, Mozart revealed the emotional experiences of the women insulted by Don Juan - the victims of his love affairs.
  • Slide 10

    Opera-fairy tale “The Magic Flute” (1791)

    • Mozart's favorite work,
    • his “swan song”, a kind of epilogue to the life of the great composer.
    • It was staged in Vienna 2 months before his death.
    • The opera was a stunning success.
    • Scenery sketch for the opera “The Magic Flute”
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