Project Russian folk holidays and traditions. Project on the topic "traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia." on the topic “Traditions of the Russian people”

National culture- this is the national memory of the people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life.

Mentality- each nation has its own unique properties of mentality, inherent only to it; depending on the mentality of the nation, traditions, rituals, customs and other components of culture are built. The mentality of the Russian people, of course, is qualitatively different from other nationalities, primarily in its special hospitality, breadth of traditions and other features.

"Tradition", "custom", "rite"- the most important elements of the culture of every nation, these words are familiar to everyone, they evoke certain associations and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, their unique features, accumulating all the accumulated cultural experience of many generations of people, bringing into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.



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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Nightingale”, Zernograd Customs, rituals and traditions of the Russian people “The further into the future we enter, the more we value the past...” Prepared by: teacher - Lyudmila Viktorovna Korsunova

Goals and objectives: to cultivate interest in history and folk art; introduce folk traditions, customs, rituals; expanding their ideas about the culture of the Russian people; development of aesthetic and moral perception of the world; give an idea of ​​the structure of the house, the history of folk costume, folk crafts, folklore, and Russian national cuisine.

National culture is the national memory of a people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life. Mentality - each nation has its own unique properties of mentality, inherent only to it; depending on the mentality of the nation, traditions, rituals, customs and other components of culture are built. The mentality of the Russian people, of course, is qualitatively different from other nationalities, primarily in its special hospitality, breadth of traditions and other features. “Tradition”, “custom”, “rite” are the most important elements of the culture of every nation; these words are familiar to everyone, evoke certain associations and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, their unique features, accumulating all the accumulated cultural experience of many generations of people, bringing into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.

Maslenitsa (farewell to winter and welcome to spring) lasted a whole week and starting from Thursday of Maslenitsa week, all work stopped and noisy fun began. We went to visit each other, treated ourselves generously to pancakes, pancakes, pies, and there was also booze. Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week! You came dressed up to greet us in Spring. We will bake pancakes and have fun all week, To drive the cold winter out of the house! Monday – “Meeting” Tuesday – “Flirting” Wednesday – “Gourmet” Thursday – “Running” Friday “Evenings at Mother-in-Law’s” Saturday – “Sister-in-Law’s Treats” Sunday – “Forgiveness Day” Magnificent festivities The Fair crowns. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

Easter (the blossoming of spring, the awakening of life) is a church holiday. On Easter, they decorated the house with cut willow, baked rich breads (Easter cakes, Easter cakes), painted eggs (Krashenki), attended church, visited each other, exchanged dyes when they met, and said Christ ( kissed), greeted each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!” Eggs are a symbol of the Sun and the birth of new life. On Easter they danced in circles, walked through the streets, rode on swings, and rolled eggs. After Easter week, on Tuesday they celebrated Parents' Day - they visited cemeteries, brought food to the graves of deceased relatives, including Easter food.

Russian hut A Russian traditional house consists of two parts: a cold part (canopy, cage, basement) and a warm part (where the stove was located). Everything in the house was thought out to the smallest detail and verified over centuries. The house was built from pine. And the roof was covered with straw or aspen planks. The front end of the roof had a ridge - a sign of aspiration. Only the Russians compared the house to a chariot that should lead the family to a better future. The outside of the houses was decorated with carvings. The tradition of using platbands has survived to this day. The owners kept various utensils in the entryway, and in the house itself the so-called “woman’s kut” was clearly visible. Where housewives cooked and did handicrafts.

No matter the tower or the hut - Gilding and carving. Tower, tower, tower, It is intricate and tall, It has mica windows, All the frames are carved, And on the roof there are cockerels with Golden combs. And in the railings on the porch the Master cut out rings, curls and flowers and painted them by hand. There are carved doors in the mansion, Flowers and animals on the doors, Birds of paradise sitting in a row on the tiles on the stove.

Next to the front room there is a bedroom in the next room, and the bed in it is high, high - up to the ceiling! There are feather beds, blankets, and a lot of pillows, and there stands, covered with a carpet, a chest with the owner's goods.

Russian stove in the hut There are carved benches on the walls and a carved oak table. The herbs were drying near the stove, they were collected in the spring and the infusion was brewed to drink from the sickness in the winter. The main thing in the house was the stove. The walls are black, smoky, not beautiful from the inside, but did not rot and served good people from the heart. (the stoves were heated black)

Red corner in a Russian hut “... Go you, my dear Rus', Huts, vestments in images...”

Russian towels A towel is a small towel for wiping hands and face, and was also hung for decoration in the red corner of the hut. A towel is a symbol of home and family. This is not only a towel, but also an object for ceremonies and rituals. A linen towel, embroidered with large roosters along the edges. A cheerful creation of female hands: Two roosters - oblique combs, spurs; They blew the dawn, and flowers were woven around everything and patterns were laid out.

Dishes in Rus'

Women's costume: Girl's shirt, festive headdresses, poneva Russian national costume Men's costume: Shirt, ports, belt, sermyaga

Lapti Lapti are one of the most ancient types of shoes. Bast shoes were woven from the bast of various trees, mainly linden (lychniki), and from bast - linden bast, soaked and torn into fibers (mochalyzhniki). Bast shoes were also made from the bark of willow (verzka), willow (willow), elm (elm), birch (birch bark), oak (oak), from tal (shelyuzhniki), from hemp combs, old ropes (kurpa, krutsy, chuni, sheptuny ), from horsehair - manes and tails - (hairworts), and even from straw (strawmen).

Russian hospitality Russian hospitality is also an integral part of our cultural traditions. Guests were also always welcome and the last piece was shared with them. No wonder they said: “What is in the oven, swords are on the table!” Guests were greeted with bread and salt. With the words: “Welcome!” The guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in salt and eats it. We welcome our dear guests with a lush round loaf. It's on a painted saucer with a snow-white towel! We present the loaf to you, bowing and asking you to taste it!

Russian kitchen

The art of folk crafts is a link between the past and the present, the present and the future. The Russian land is rich in a variety of folk crafts: Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Russian matryoshka, palekh, Tula samovars, Vologda lace, Russian enamel, Ural crafts, Pavlovsk Posad shawls and other folk crafts

Russian folklore Rituals dedicated to major holidays included a large number of different works of folk art (Folklore): ancient lyrical songs, wedding songs, round dances, calendar-ritual, dance songs; however, daily life was dominated by ditties, songs, sentences, round dances, games, dances, dramatic scenes, masks, folk costumes, unique props, oral folk art - pestles, riddles, fairy tales, sayings and many other ditties

Russian folk musical instruments Folk instruments in folklore are usually used in the everyday life of shepherds or for some types of dances and songs. string instruments - balalaika, gudok, wind instruments; wind instruments - pipe, horn, zhaleika; military trumpets, hunting horns, tambourines.

Not a single house in Rus' could do without folk amulets. The Russian people believed that amulets reliably protect against diseases, the “evil eye,” natural disasters and various misfortunes, to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. When preparing for a long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness and love put into it would warm the soul and remind him of his home and family. Amulets in Rus'

Doll-amulet Russian folk doll is a historical piece of the culture of the peoples of Russia. The doll, as a play image, symbolizes a person, his era, the history of the culture of peoples (Russian rituals and customs). Rag dolls were made in folk traditions using ancient techniques and technologies. Since ancient times, folk dolls have been made from twigs, scraps, and dry grass. Dolls symbolized everything secret and magical that exists in the human soul.

Brownies Brownies live in houses and yards. In Rus' they believed that not a single house could stand without a brownie. The well-being of the home directly depended on respectful attitude towards the brownie. When moving to a new place, the brownie was always invited to come with him. He was transported in a bast shoe, on a bread shovel or on a broom, saying at the same time “here are those sleighs, come with us. If in a house the Brownie loves the owner, he feeds and grooms his horses, takes care of everything, and braids the owner’s beard.” . Whose house he doesn’t love, he ruins the owner completely, transferring his livestock, disturbing him at night, and breaking everything in the house.

If you imagine a family in the form of a tree, then the crown is you, our future, what pleases the eye, the branches are your parents, the various lines of its descendants, the trunk is your ancestors. And the roots are the ancestor, this is what holds the crown, these are the traditions of the “Family tree”. A family tree is a schematic representation of family ties in the form of a tree. A family tree is also called a representation of pedigrees in the form of ascending or descending genealogical tables

Thank you for attention!

Svetlana Dyachkina
Project “Russian people: life, traditions and customs” (senior group)


“Russian people: life, traditions and customs”

(senior group)

Project type: creative, educational.

IN project id: group.

Expected results:

Children have ideas about the traditions and life of the Russian people. They understand the role of work in the life of Russians, know and preserve historical and spiritual memory, and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in later life.

Relevance of the topic

From preschool age, a child must be raised as a patriot - a person who has a sense of the Motherland, who loves the country in which he was born and grows up, its

traditions, history, culture, language.

In the process of creative activity based on the study of the traditions of the Russian people, children's cognitive processes are improved, their ideas about the world around them are enriched, observation and voluntary attention are developed, speech is enriched and developed, adequate self-esteem, self-control skills and positive relationships with teachers and children are formed.

Main problem: to awaken in the child those moral feelings and desires that will help him in the future to become familiar with folk culture, way of life, traditions and to be an aesthetically developed person.

Objective of the project:

To form in children ideas about the traditions and life of the Russian people; awakening interest in one of the most beautiful pages of human life, nurturing an aesthetic sense, developing emotional perception and artistic taste.


1 Introduce children to the peculiarities of life and everyday life of the Russian people.

2 Give an idea of ​​the wise science of building a Russian hut, the traditional purpose and use of each part of the hut, its everyday and festive decoration; Russian costume.

3 Give an idea of ​​the traditional character qualities of a Russian person: hospitality, hard work, kindness, respect for elders.

4 To help, through acquaintance with the hut, to understand the fairy tale, to reveal some unfamiliar aspects of the life of a village person to a child living in modern urban conditions.

5 Instill in the child an interest and love for the history, culture, customs and traditions of their people, and cultivate patriotic feelings.

6 Instill a love for native nature, a desire to cherish and protect its beauty.

7 Expand and activate children’s vocabulary using native Russian words and concepts, instill a love for the beauty and wisdom of Russian speech.

Methods and techniques for introducing children to Russian folk art

Learning nursery rhymes, jokes, nicknames.

Use of proverbs, riddles, sayings.

Reading fiction.

Use of Russian folk songs and dances.

Holding Russian folk games.

The use of Russian folk costumes in holidays and independent activities.

Use of toys and handicrafts.

Acting out scenes and episodes from fairy tales.

A story about folk customs and traditions.

Examination of illustrations about Russian life.

Conversations, questions, clarifications

Forms of educational work with children

Organized classes.

Cooperative activity.

Holidays and entertainment.

Observations in everyday life and nature.

Organization of drawing and craft competitions

Visiting thematic exhibitions

Watching videos, listening to music.

Meeting interesting people.

The main directions of our work:

1. Creating an atmosphere of national life - creating the interior of the Russian hut “Gornitsa”

We tried to recreate the main details and furnishings of a Russian hut, conveying the spirit and atmosphere of Russian life. In our room there is a samovar, a cast iron pot, a grip, wooden spoons and bowls, an iron, a comb, a spindle, a ruble, a rocker, embroidered tablecloths, napkins and other household items; there are also exhibitions of “Russian folk costume”, “Folk toys”, national embroidery, knitting, weaving, samples of folk crafts: “Khokhloma”, “Zhestov”, “Gorodets”.

With what interest the children looked at the antiques.

Children enjoyed using folk items in role-playing games, playing didactic folk games, looking at illustrations, drawing, sculpting and much more.

2. Use of folklore (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, counting books, nursery rhymes, etc.).

Oral folk art, like nowhere else, reflects the traits of the Russian character and its inherent moral values ​​- ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, fidelity, etc. A special place in such works is occupied by a respectful attitude to work and admiration for the skill of human hands. Thanks to this, folklore is a rich source of cognitive and moral development of children.

3. Introduction to folk art.

The people showed their creative aspirations and abilities only in creating objects necessary in work and everyday life. However, this world of utilitarian things reflected the spiritual life of the people, their understanding of the surrounding world - beauty, nature, people, etc. Folk craftsmen did not literally copy nature. Reality, colored by fantasy, gave rise to original images. This is how fabulously beautiful paintings on spinning wheels and dishes were born; patterns in lace and embroidery; fancy toys.

Considering folk art as the basis of national culture, we consider it very important to introduce students to it.

4. Introduction to Russian folk games.

Russian folk games attracted our attention not only as a genre of oral folk art. Folk games have enormous potential for the physical development of a child, and therefore we decided to introduce folk games into the program for organizing children’s physical activity.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I. Conceptual – justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice. Formulation of tasks and goals of the project.

Conducting information for parents on the topic: “Traditions of the Russian people.”

Familiarization with the contents of books. Reading educational and fiction literature.

Primary monitoring.

Parent survey.

Involving parents in collecting materials: videos, illustrations, etc.

Invite parents to create a project: “Traditions and life of the Russian people”

Stage II. Formative - activities in accordance with the approved content of the project plan

Classes according to plan.

Reading educational and fiction literature.

Listening to classical music.

Watching videos, presentations.

Excursion to a Russian hut.

Holding exhibitions of works made from vegetables and fruits, an exhibition of drawings, a competition for the best recipe for my grandmother.

I Stage II. Reflective – generalization and systematization of the students’ acquired knowledge, summing up the results in a discussion of activities in the children’s team.


Design of the album “Traditions of the Russian People” together with children and parents.

Open lesson "Life and traditions of the Russian people""

Release of information on the site

Project presentation

Activities with children

Lesson "Dwelling of the Russian people."

Goal: To acquaint children with the dwelling of the Russian man, the hut, and how it was built.

Conversation on the painting “Peasant Family”.

Excursion to the city's local history museum.

View the presentation “Russian Hut”.

Purpose: To introduce the life of a peasant family.

Reading the Russian folk tale “Tops and Roots.”

View the presentation “The Labor of Peasants.”

Goal: To introduce peasants to labor.

Reading the works of Bianchi.

Purpose: To show, based on works of art, the author’s love for his native nature.

Exhibition of children's drawings “Golden Autumn”

Holiday "Mother - Autumn".

Goal: To introduce children to one of the main holidays of the autumn period.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons".

Purpose: To show, based on musical works, the author’s love for his native nature.

Lesson “Oral folk art”.

Goal: To introduce children to small folklore forms.

Conversation “In the Russian Upper Room”

Goal: Continue to introduce Russian people to their homes.

Making a model of a hut

Drawing “Dymkovo toy”

Game-round dance "Kapustin round dances"

Goal: To introduce children to the round dance games of the autumn period.

Drawing "Gzhel"

Listening to Russian folk songs.

Goal: Show the life and way of life of the Russian people based on folk songs.

The game is fun "Boyars".

Goal: Show children how they vacationed in the old days.

An evening of riddles about the autumn period, harvest, household utensils, etc.

Goal: To reinforce with children the names of vegetables, fruits, household utensils, etc.

View the presentation “Russian national costume”

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the Russian national costume.

Drawing and coloring book “National costume”.

Master class “Scarf”

Conversation “Russian heroes”


Final event for the project “Life and Traditions of the Russian People”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people in the autumn.

Activities with parents

Release of the traveling folder “Traditions of the Russian People” for parents.

Round table “Traditions of the Russian people”

Goal: To attract parents to create a book about the traditions of the Russian people

Exhibition of works from vegetables and fruits.

Invite parents to read the following works of fiction to their children: A. Pushkin “A sad time!”, A. Pushkin “Autumn” (excerpt, I. Demyanov “Autumn”, I. Demyanov “Raindrops Are Flying”, N. Nekrasov “Glorious Autumn”, A Fet “The Swallows Are Missing”, M. Prishvin’s short stories about autumn, Russian folk tales “The Smart Worker”, “The Flying Ship”, “Seven Simeons - Seven Workers”, “Porridge from an Ax”, “Two Brothers”, “Sivka- Burka", "Plowman".

Select and write down the names of fairy tales that talk about the value of work and its significance in our lives.

Performance at the beginning of the project

Children do not have knowledge about the diversity of cultural traditions, are not able to correlate the peculiarities of the life of a nationality with their cultural traditions, in particular the content of folk holidays, and do not realize their uniqueness and the value of each of the folk cultures.

Children's knowledge of what is not part of their everyday environment is superficial, fragmentary and fragmented. Many did not show emotional responsiveness when looking at situations in photographs that had no personal significance for them.

Children are practically unfamiliar with the cultural traditions of their people.

Most children showed an active interest in the culture and traditions of their people and interest in national holidays.

Most children intently looked at photographs and illustrations depicting features of everyday life and cultural traditions of their people, but rarely showed emotional responsiveness when perceiving objects that had no personal significance.

A small percentage of children were able to sing a lullaby and Russian folk songs, chants, remember the drawing of lots or name a holiday.

Conclusion: Summing up our survey, we were convinced that the children could not answer some questions, and answered some with difficulty. We came to the conclusion that work in this direction should be planned and systematic.


At the initial stage of our work, we identified the level of knowledge of children about the traditions of the Russian people in the older group.

Criteria for the diagnostic card.

High level

Uses nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs and sayings, riddles, counting rhymes, and figurative expressions in active speech.

Knows folk signs, knows how to correlate what he sees in nature with folk signs and draw appropriate conclusions.

Knows epic and fairy-tale characters, knows how to recognize them in works of fine art and artistic creativity

Knows the names of seasonal holidays. He knows how to explain what kind of holiday this is and when it happens.

Knows how to play active and round dance folk games.

Knows the history of Russian folk costume, distinguishes between hats (women's, girls', men's)

Average level.

Knows nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, counting rhymes, figurative expressions and uses them in speech

Knows folk signs and notices them in everyday life

Knows the name of some folk holidays and takes part in them

Knows Russian folk outdoor games and can explain the rules of some of them

Knows some elements of Russian folk costume and distinguishes between hats

Low level.

Knows nursery rhymes, proverbs, omens, riddles, counting rhymes and sometimes uses them in speech

Knows folk signs

Knows the name of some holidays, but takes passive part in them

Knows 2-3 outdoor games and can explain the rules to them

Diagnostic results at the end of the project

Children showed independent attempts to communicate about what they saw with peers and adults.

Children have ideas about the value and uniqueness of folk culture, but in a situation of choice, children still give preference to familiar holidays.

Children familiar with folk holidays, as a rule, name the holiday rituals and traditions of their native people.

Most children showed an active interest in the culture and traditions of their people and interest in national holidays.

Children are familiar with a variety of holiday traditions and folklore.

They can highlight the similarities and differences between holidays, are able to explain what this or that holiday means, that is, they can correlate cultural traditions with the peculiarities of life and living conditions.

Children show an active interest in the culture of their own people; children are interested in cultural traditions that are directly related to them and have been experienced by them.

Children show initiative, independence, and a desire to reflect in their play and activities the acquired knowledge about the cultural traditions of the family.

For parents:

We got acquainted with the culture and traditions of our people, the specifics of national holidays through active forms of interaction between the teacher and children.

We got acquainted with the traditions of folk holidays and the principles of organizing education in the family, aimed at introducing children to traditional folk culture and developing a tolerant attitude towards the culture of different peoples.

The scope of parental participation in organizing the educational process in the group has expanded; parents actively participate in the life of the group and kindergarten.

In the kindergarten, together with parents, a museum of folk life and culture was created, in which children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of housing and everyday life.

A card index of outdoor folk games and folklore, a folk toy and a national doll have been created.

Scenarios for the holidays “Christmas”, “Maslenitsa”, “Easter” and “Trinity” were compiled.

Conclusion: At the end of the project “Life and Traditions of the Russian People,” children read poetry expressively, know national dances, songs, and folk games. The result of working with the children of our kindergarten was the final event “Traditions of our people in the autumn period”, at which the children showed practically good knowledge in mastering folklore material.


In the process of implementing the project, preschoolers received extensive knowledge about the history of peasant housing - the hut, its structure, and the life of peasants.

Children got acquainted with ancient household items and their modern analogues, and got the opportunity to practically use these items. The pupils' vocabulary was enriched with the names of Russian everyday objects.

Children participated in making a model of the hut and its decoration: they made furniture, dishes, windows and doors.

In the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle, children became familiar with the basics of crafts that were considered “female” and “male” in Rus'.

All this undoubtedly contributed to the development of thinking, broadening the horizons of preschoolers and instilling respect and love for Russian folk culture.

Svetlana Vasilenko
Project on the topic: “Culture and traditions of the Russian people”


Currently, it is necessary from preschool age to pay attention to the issues of spiritual and moral development of children, which contributes to the formation of love for their native land. Respect for folk traditions, as well as the creative development of children in various activities.

That is why it is important to include a variety of artistic and creative activities in a child’s life. It is in them that every child can express himself most fully and realize his creative activity.

One of the most important means of aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art.

IN folk art generalizes ideas about beauty. Aesthetic ideals, wisdom people, which are passed on from generation to generation. Through folk child learns art traditions, customs, features of their life people, joins him culture.

Folk creativity is rich in rhythms and repetitions, it carries specific images, colors, is accessible and interesting to the child, which is the basis for awakening and strengthening the emotionally positive attitude of children towards it.

Value folk art is also determined by the fact that it influences the child’s feelings through means of expression, and this influence is natural, non-violent. Because of this, it is accessible to children with different levels of development, and every child receives pleasure and emotional charge from it.

It attracts the attention of children, and therefore, based on the selection of elements folk art, color structure, composition, it can be used for the development baby: perception of aesthetic attitude and aesthetic evaluation, i.e. impact on the child’s sensory sphere folk art stimulates the development of a person’s creative abilities.

Formulation of the problem:

Introducing children from an early age to their native culture, native speech, works of oral folk art, contributes to the development of spiritual, moral, aesthetic education. In the future they will be able to save everything cultural the values ​​of our Motherland and Russia will live on, giving the world a huge amount of talent.

Target project:

Nurturing a creatively developed personality of preschoolers by means of introducing children to the origins Russian folk culture. On the basis of cognition, promote the speech, artistic, aesthetic, moral and social development of the child.

Tasks project:

I. Show children beauty Russian language through oral folk art, expressed in songs, choruses, carols, rituals.

II. Introduce children to folk traditions and include them in children's lives, because they reflect deep wisdom and creativity Russian people.

III. To assist parents in the revival and creative development of the best traditions centuries of experience in raising children and attracting them to cooperation in creating a subject-development environment.

IV. Promote the development of cognitive activity and curiosity in children.

Planned educational result:

Awakening interest in history and culture of their homeland, love for the native land;

Formation of feelings of national dignity;

Expanding children's understanding of everyday life Russian people;

Joining folk traditions through folklore;

Interaction between teachers and parents when organizing work to introduce children to...

Pedagogical implementation program project:

I. Study of psychological and pedagogical literature on problems project.

II. Studying positive teaching experience, using folk folklore for the education of preschool children.

III. Studying folk traditions family education.

V. Development of a plan for working with children.

Basic forms of working with children:

I. Direct educational activity:

1. Conversations, examination of paintings, illustrations, visual and didactic material on topics:

- "Getting to know your native land";

- “Acquaintance with decorative and applied arts”;

-"Nature of the native land";

- “Fish looks for where it’s deeper, and man looks for where it’s better.” (places of residence, housing construction);

- "Being a guest is good, but being at home is better" (life and main activities Russian people) ;

- "Story Russian folk costume» ;

- “Oh, bast shoes, yes my bast shoes” (introduction to shoes);

- "The History of Headdresses";

- "Oh, my pancakes" (story Russian cuisine) ;

Video presentation "Story Russian scarf» ;

Video presentation "Gorodets painting";

Video presentation "Dymkovo toy";

Video presentation "Gzhel painting".

2. Artistic creativity children:

Drawing on themes:

- "Gorodets painting of a cutting board";

- “Painting of Gzhel dishes”;

- “Painting of Dymkovo toys”.

Modeling on themes:

- "Fairy Tale World";

- "Dymkovo toys".

Application on themes:

- « Russian folk costume» ;

Matryoshka – Russian souvenir».

II. Celebrations and entertainment:

- “Autumn, autumn, we ask for your visit”;

- “We invite you to visit and treat us to tea” (Mothers Day);

- "Christmas Gatherings";

- "Wide Maslenitsa";

- "Easter Bells";

- "Journey through a fairy tale".

III. Play activity:

Didactic games:

- "Whose suit", "Decorate the kokoshnik", "Make a pattern", "Guess the painting".

Movable folk games:

- "Swan geese" "Burners", "Tag", "Paints", "Golden Gate",

“Aunt Motya has 4 sons”, “How a cat walked on a bridge”.

Dramatization Games:

By Russian folk tales: "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Swan geese".

IV. Introduction to artistic literature:

Acquaintance with small folklore forms (rhymes, songs, proverbs, sayings, jokes, chants);

Reading Russian folk tales: "By magic", "Fox with a rolling pin", "Swan geese";

Reading stories by Valery Kostryuchin from the book “Heavenly Bells” "Grains"; "Christ and the Children"; "Mother's love"; “Love for people drives away boredom”; "Easter Bells".

V. Competition of children's drawings based on folk paintings:

- "Blue flowers of Gzhel";

- "Golden Khokhloma".

VI: Exhibitions:

- “Skillful hands know no boredom”- autumn crafts from natural materials;

- "World of Patterns"- New Year's crafts;

- "Easter compositions"- decorating eggs.

VII: Excursions:

To the local history museum;

To the children's library.

System of working with parents:

I. Questioning parents on topic: “Introducing children to the origins Russian culture» .

II. Roundtable conversation table: “The role of the family in introducing children to Russian national culture».

III. Joint gatherings with parents and children:

- “I am a family – clan – people»

- "Family traditions»

- « Russian samovar and tea drinking in Rus'"

IV. A joint visit by parents, children and teachers to the local history museum.

V. Holding a joint exhibition « Folk DIY toys".

VI. Conducting parent meetings topic:

- "Introducing children to Russian culture» ;

- “Spiritual and moral education in preschool age”.

VII: Consultations for parents:

- "Introduce children to folk games» ;

- “How to introduce children to Russian folk art, crafts, everyday life.”

Generalization of work experience on the pedagogical council preschool educational institution: presentation "Customs, rituals and traditions of the Russian people» .

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

“Kindergarten No. 18 “Nest” of a combined type in Orsk”


“Life and traditions of the Russian people”


Art. teacher of VKK MDAU No. 18

Sharova Olesya Viktorovna

Orsk, 2016

Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

Became more familiar

We're flying to the moon.

Let's remember

old customs!

Let's remember

our antiquity!


The formation of moral values ​​is the most important indicator of a holistic personality, truly independent and responsible, capable of creating their own idea of ​​their future life path. We are increasingly thinking about the future of our children. What lies ahead for them? What spiritual legacy will we leave for them? What are the customs and traditions?

Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who can make non-standard decisions and who can think creatively. After all, only such individuals will make their contribution to the development of science, culture, industry and thereby raise the prestige of the country to the proper level.

Therefore, in conditions of emotional inferiority, moral and spiritual poverty of modern society in general and people in particular, the development of the cultural needs of the individual from early childhood becomes one of the most important tasks of upbringing and education.

According to A.I. Arnoldov, N.P. Denisyuk, L.A. Ibragimova, A.I. Lazarev, V.M. Semenov, introducing new generations to national culture is becoming a pressing pedagogical issue of our time. Since every nation not only preserves historically established educational traditions and characteristics, but also strives to transfer them into the future, so as not to lose its historical national identity and identity.

Introducing to the traditions of the people is especially important in the preschool years. The child, according to V.G. Beznosov, V.P. Zenkovsky, D.S. Likhachev, is a future full member of society, he will have to master, preserve, develop and pass on the cultural heritage of the ethnic group through inclusion in culture and social activity.

The above, as well as the developmental features of preschool children, manifested primarily in the intensive development of thinking and other intellectual processes, a significant change in the motivational sphere, and orientation towards social relationships in the adult world, give reason to assume the following: preschool age is the most optimal for the beginning of targeted education by means ethnographic culture.

The formation of the foundations of folk culture should be comprehensive, permeate all types of activities of preschool children, carried out in everyday life and in organized educational activities, at events organized in kindergarten and at home.

To familiarize preschoolers with traditional folk culture, way of life, and traditions, certain conditions have been created in preschool educational institutions:

Multifunctional centers in the groups of preschool educational institutions “Mumming Center”, “Seclusion Center”, “Book Center”, “Arts Center”.

- “Theatre Center”, where various types of theaters are located.

Audio library with recordings of folk songs and melodies, fairy tales.

Museum of National Life, organization of excursions, photo report of a visit to the local history museum of the city of Orsk - Russian Izba.

Organization and holding of national holidays, holidays of the national calendar.

Works of decorative and applied art, paintings and household items.

Library with oral folk art, small folklore genres, fiction of different peoples of the world.

Card index of folk games, folk toys and national dolls.

The ongoing project “Calendar-ritual holidays”

Joint creative activity of children and adults (teachers, parents, specialists) within the framework of “Autumn Gatherings”.

Organization of interactive exhibitions and mini-museums.

Availability of a theoretical basis of experience

The traditions of a people are what most fully reflect their spiritual appearance and inner world, the living national memory of the people, the embodiment of the path they have traveled and their unique spiritual experience. What ultimately protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations. The rich cultural heritage of our ancestors goes back centuries, to the everyday experience of creative work and wise, respectful development of the surrounding nature. A special way of folk life was formed, closely connected with the annual cycles of renewal and extinction of nature, reflected in its own way in riddles, proverbs and sayings, sincere songs and mischievous ditties, legends and fairy tales. Another living evidence of the richness of the everyday culture of the Russian people is their customs and holidays, as well as church rites and sacraments. Preserving this heritage is a noble task that fell to the lot of patient workers, collectors and researchers of the national spiritual heritage, such as V.I. Dal, I.S. Sakharov, M. Zabylin, A.N. Afanasyev. In the same row, the name of A.V. Tereshchenko, an outstanding expert on Russian rituals and customs, the author of numerous works on the bright and harmonious world of the folk culture of our ancestors, rightfully deserves mention.

Researchers of this problem G.V. Alekseeva, K.V. Chistov, T.V. Chernik, N.E. Chernoivanova, S.B. Shmerling are inclined to believe that culture is always addressed to people, it is created for the benefit of people. The process of cultural transmission reveals the continuity of cultural traditions going from generation to generation, and the development of culture always presupposes the development of the creator of all culture - man. Speaking about traditional culture, we cannot escape the concept of “historical memory”, just as we cannot escape from ourselves. This broad concept includes all the diversity of folk traditions, national characteristics, spiritual way of life, rites, rituals, holidays, costumes, and crafts. It implies that hundreds of thousands of people are engaged in amateur creativity in its traditional forms.

Traditional folk culture is the deep basis of the entire diversity of directions, types and forms of culture in modern society. It consolidates all the experience of practical and spiritual activity accumulated over centuries, through it the most important national ideals, moral principles and ethical guidelines are formed, the norms of social relations, family, community, and labor relations between generations are regulated.

A fundamental role in the development of a child’s spirituality, the formation of a civic position, the assimilation of sociocultural norms and national cultural traditions belongs to preschool childhood.

Project type: creative, educational.

Project type: family, group.

Expected results:Children have ideas about the traditions and life of the Russian people. They understand the role of work in the life of Russians, know and preserve historical and spiritual memory, and be able to apply the acquired knowledge in later life. Active participation of parents in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children

Location:MDOAU "Kindergarten No. 18"

Dates:September - January 2016.

Project participants:
- children and parents of older children,
age from 5 to 6 years;

Musical director of MDOAU No. 18 – Kruglova Yu.A., Mikhailichenko E.Yu.

Teachers of senior groups - Kolomiets T.N., Didenko O.V.

Teacher-psychologist – Veksel A.V.

Relevance of the topic

In recent years, the problem of patriotic education of preschool children has become very relevant. It is given great importance in the project “National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation”. Among the targets that should be formed by the end

preschool age, mastery of ideas about society is indicated,

Its cultural values, about the state and belonging to it.

Currently, patriotic education is understood as the interaction of an adult and children in joint activities and communication, aimed at revealing and forming in the child universal moral qualities of the individual, familiarization with the origins of national regional culture, the nature of the native land, nurturing an emotionally effective relationship, a sense of belonging, affection to others. From preschool age, a child must be raised as a patriot - a person who has a sense of the Motherland, who loves the country in which he

Born and growing, its traditions, history, culture, language.

The relevance of organizing project activities is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of education and upbringing of children, which involve the formation of their value-semantic orientation and the development of life competence.. In the process of creative activity based on the study of the traditions of the Russian people, children’s cognitive processes are improved, their ideas about the environment are enriched world, observation and voluntary attention develop, speech is enriched and developed, adequate self-esteem, self-control skills and positive relationships with teachers and children are formed.

Main problem:The centuries-old experience of mankind has shown the importance of introducing children to the culture of their people, since turning to the paternal heritage fosters respect and pride for the land on which we live.

This leads to an important problem: to awaken in the child those moral feelings and desires that will help him in the future to become familiar with folk culture, way of life, traditions and to be an aesthetically developed person.

Hypothesis – the formation of the foundations of folk culture should be comprehensive, permeate all types of activities of preschool children, carried out in everyday life, at specially organized educational activities and events organized in kindergarten and at home.

Objective of the project: To form in children ideas about the traditions and life of the Russian people; awakening interest in one of the most beautiful pages of human life, nurturing an aesthetic sense, developing emotional perception and artistic taste.

Considering, what in Currently, interest in understanding, strengthening and actively promoting national cultural traditions is beginning to grow, and she chose the topic of her work “Formation of children’s knowledge about the culture and life of the Russian people.” I considered it necessary to start by introducing children to the culture, way of life and traditions of the Russian people, since from communication with parents it turned out that many of them cannot talk about the life of our ancestors and what household items they used, they do not know Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters .


Defined at work with children the following tasks:

  1. Introduce children with peculiarities of life and everyday life of the Russian people.
  2. To give an idea of ​​the wise science of building a Russian hut, the traditional purpose and use of each part of the hut, its everyday and festive decoration; Russian costume.
  3. To give an idea of ​​the traditional character qualities of a Russian person: hospitality, hard work, kindness, respect for elders.
  4. To help, through getting to know the hut, to understand the fairy tale, to reveal some unfamiliar aspects of the life of a village person to a child living in modern urban conditions.
  5. To instill in a child an interest and love for the history, culture, customs and traditions of their people, to cultivate patriotic feelings.
  6. To instill a love for our native nature, a desire to cherish and protect its beauty.
  7. Expand and activate children's vocabulary using native Russian words and concepts, instill a love for the beauty and wisdom of Russian speech.

Novelty: The peculiarity of my project, in my opinion, is that together with my family we not only learn and master new things, but also work and actively relax. We work in one team “Educators-Children-Parents”, where parents become active participants in the lives of children in kindergarten.

In our work we rely on the following scientific principles:

The principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child.The developmental nature of education is realized through the activities of each child in his zone of proximal development.

Principles of scientific validity and practical applicability. The content of the material must correspond to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy, and at the same time be able to be implemented in mass practice of preschool education;

Meet the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency, that is, allow you to solve set goals and objectives only on the necessary and sufficient material, to get as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”;

To ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, abilities and skills are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children.

Optimality and effectiveness of funds

The main methods of work are visual-auditory, information-receptive and reproductive, which are used taking into account the principle of didactics (from simple to complex).

Visual-auditory methodis the leading method of musical education, since without it the perception of music is impossible. Using this method, we encourage children to compare and contrast. For example, a comparison of “live” sound and a recording, a comparison of two (three) works that contrast with each other. For older children, we suggest distinguishing between different performances of the same piece.

Information-receptive methodWe use it to convey knowledge about music, composers, performers, musical instruments, we explain the musical works that they listen to, we teach them to independently apply the mastered performing creative skills. Using this method, we make poetic comparisons with pictures of nature, metaphors, and epithets that allow us to characterize the connections of sound images with life.

One of the directions conversations – characteristics of the emotional and figurative content of music: feelings, moods expressed in the work. The information-reproductive method develops children's figurative speech. Children begin to understand that music can express not only a cheerful and sad mood, but also a wide variety of feelings and their shades - tenderness, excitement, triumph, light sadness, grief, etc.

Reproductive methodWe use it to consolidate learned material and repeat. We use tasks at two levels: in the first, we work out ways to apply knowledge according to a model; in the second, children perform variable tasks that require rethinking and creative application of acquired knowledge.

Methods and techniques for introducing children to Russian folk art

  • Learning nursery rhymes, jokes, nicknames.
  • Use of proverbs, riddles, sayings.
  • Reading fiction.
  • Use of Russian folk songs and dances.
  • Holding Russian folk games.
  • The use of Russian folk costumes in holidays and independent activities.
  • Use of toys and handicrafts.
  • Puppet theater performance.
  • Acting out scenes and episodes from fairy tales.
  • A story about folk customs and traditions.
  • Examination of illustrations about Russian life.
  • Conversations, questions, clarifications

Forms of educational work with children

  • Organized classes.
  • Cooperative activity.
  • Holidays and entertainment.
  • Observations in everyday life and nature.
  • Organization of drawing and craft competitions
  • Visiting thematic exhibitions
  • Watching videos, listening to music.
  • Meeting interesting people.


The experience of project activities on the topic “Life and traditions of the Russian people” is addressed to creative teachers and parents interested in the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family in introducing children to traditional folk culture.

The main directions of our work:

1. Creating an atmosphere of national life- creation of the interior of the Russian hut “Gornitsa”
Everyone knows that surrounding objects have a great influence on the formation of a child’s mental qualities - they develop curiosity, cultivate a sense of beauty. We decided that the children should be surrounded by objects characteristic of Russian folk life. This will allow children from an early age to feel like they are part of a great nation.
We tried to recreate the main details and furnishings of a Russian hut, conveying the spirit and atmosphere of Russian life. In our room there is a samovar, a cast iron pot, a grip, wooden spoons and bowls, an iron, a comb, a spindle, a ruble, a rocker, embroidered tablecloths, napkins and other household items; there are also exhibitions of “Russian folk costume”, “Folk toys”, national embroidery, knitting, weaving, samples of folk crafts: “Khokhloma”, “Zhestov”, “Gorodets”.

With what interest the children looked at the antiques.
Children enjoyed using folk items in role-playing games, playing didactic folk games, looking at illustrations, drawing, sculpting and much more.

2. Use of folklore(fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, counting books, nursery rhymes, etc.).
Oral folk art reflects, like nowhere else, the traits of the Russian character and its inherent moral values ​​- ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, fidelity, etc. A special place in such works is occupied by a respectful attitude towards work and admiration for the skill of human hands. Thanks to this, folklore is a rich source of cognitive and moral development of children.

3. Introduction to folk art.

The people showed their creative aspirations and abilities only increating itemsnecessary in work and everyday life. However, this world of utilitarian things reflected the spiritual life of the people, their understanding of the surrounding world - beauty, nature, people, etc. Folk craftsmen did not literally copy nature. Reality, colored by fantasy, gave rise to original images. This is how fabulously beautiful were born murals on spinning wheels and dishes;patterns in lace and embroidery; fancy toys.

Considering folk art as the basis of national culture, we consider it very important to introduce students to it.

4. Introduction to Russian folk games.

Russian folk games attracted our attention not only as a genre of oral folk art. Folk games have enormous potential for the physical development of a child, and therefore we decided to introduce folk games into the program for organizing children’s physical activity.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I. Conceptual (from September 1 to September 15, 2015) – justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice. Formulation of tasks and goals of the project.

Conducting a parent round table on the topic: “Traditions of the Russian people.”

Familiarization with the contents of books. Reading educational and fiction literature.

Primary monitoring.

Parent survey.

Involving parents in collecting materials: videos, illustrations, etc.

Invite parents to create a project: “Traditions and life of the Russian people”

Stage II. Formative (from September 16 to January 20, 2016) - activities in accordance with the approved content of the project plan

Classes according to plan.


Reading educational and fiction literature.

Listening to classical music.

Watching videos, presentations.

Excursion to a Russian hut.

Holding exhibitions of works made from vegetables and fruits, an exhibition of drawings, a competition for the best recipe for my grandmother.

III Stage. Reflective (from January 20 to January 31, 2016) – generalization and systematization of the students’ acquired knowledge, summing up the results in a discussion of activities in the children’s team.


Design of the album “Traditions of the Russian People” together with children and parents.

Open lesson "Life and traditions of the Russian people""

Release of information on the site

Project presentation

Activities with children

Lesson “Mother Rus'”.

Goal: To introduce children to what our homeland used to be called and why.

Conversation on the painting “Peasant Family”.

Excursion to the local history museum of the city of Orsk Russian hut

View the presentation “Russian Hut”.

Purpose: To introduce the life of a peasant family.

Organization of the photo exhibition “And there is no end to surprise when autumn is golden in nature”

Goal: To develop aesthetic perception, the ability to see the beauty of nature.

Reading the Russian folk tale “Tops and Roots.”

View the presentation “The Labor of Peasants.”

Goal: To introduce peasants to labor.

Reading the works of Bianchi.

Purpose: To show, based on works of art, the author’s love for his native nature.

Exhibition of children's drawings “Golden Autumn”

Conversation “Mother - Autumn”.

Goal: To introduce children to one of the main holidays of the autumn period.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons".

Purpose: To show, based on musical works, the author’s love for his native nature.

Lesson “Proverbs and sayings related to the autumn period.”

Goal: To introduce children to small folklore forms. Learn to understand the essence of proverbs and sayings.

Conversation “Zazimki on Pokrov - the period of weddings”

Goal: To tell children about the Intercession and the traditions associated with this day.

Conversation “Women’s autumn work”

Goal: To introduce children to the work that women did in the autumn.

Application “Decorate a towel”

Game-round dance "Kapustin round dances"

Goal: To introduce children to the round dance games of the autumn period.

Drawing "Spoon Painting"

Listening to Russian folk songs.

Goal: Show the life and way of life of the Russian people based on folk songs.

The game is fun "Boyars".

Goal: Show children how they vacationed in the old days.

An evening of riddles about the autumn period, harvest, household utensils, etc.

Goal: To reinforce with children the names of vegetables, fruits, household utensils, etc.

View the presentation “Russian national costume”

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the Russian national costume.

Drawing “Paint the sundress and shirt.”

Drawing “Paint the kokoshnik.”


The final event for the project “Life and traditions of the Russian people” “Traditions of our people in the autumn period.”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people in the autumn.

Activities with parents

Campaign “Make a collage about your family’s traditions”(Children and their parents make a collage and decorate it colorfully.)

Goal: To attract parents to the project. Develop children's cognitive interest.

Release of the traveling folder “Traditions of the Russian People” for parents.

Round table “Traditions of the Russian people”

Goal: To attract parents to create a book about the traditions of the Russian people

Exhibition of works from vegetables and fruits.

Invite parents to read the following works of fiction to their children:A. Pushkin “Sad time!” , A. Pushkin “Autumn” (excerpt), I. Demyanov “Autumn”, I. Demyanov “The Rain is Flying”, N. Nekrasov “Glorious Autumn”, A. Fet “The Swallows Are Missing”, short stories by M. Prishvin about autumn, Russian folk tales “The Smart Worker”, “The Flying Ship”, “Seven Simeons - Seven Workers”, “Porridge from an Ax”, “Two Brothers”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Plowman”.

Watch the cartoon “Autumn Ships” and “Autumn Concerns” with your children.

Select and write down the names of fairy tales that talk about the value of work and its significance in our lives.

Competition for the best recipe for my grandmother's porridge.

Give parents the task of finding material for the album “Traditions of the Russian People in the Autumn Period.”

Performance at the beginning of the project

  • children do not have knowledge about the diversity of cultural traditions, are not able to correlate the peculiarities of the life of a nationality with their cultural traditions, in particular the content of folk holidays, and do not realize their uniqueness and the value of each of the folk cultures.
  • Children's knowledge of what is not part of their everyday environment is superficial, fragmentary and fragmented. Many did not show emotional responsiveness when looking at situations in photographs that had no personal significance for them.
  • children are practically unfamiliar with the cultural traditions of their people.
  • Most children showed an active interest in the culture and traditions of their people and interest in national holidays.
  • Most children intently looked at photographs and illustrations depicting features of everyday life and cultural traditions of their people, but rarely showed emotional responsiveness when perceiving objects that had no personal significance.
  • A small percentage of children were able to sing a lullaby and Russian folk songs, chants, remember the drawing of lots or name a holiday.

Conclusion: Summing up the results of our survey, we were convinced that the children could not answer some questions, and answered some with difficulty. We came to the conclusion that work in this direction should be planned and systematic.

Secondary monitoring will be carried out at the end of November.


At the initial stage of our work, we identified the level of knowledge of children about the traditions of the Russian people in the older group.

Criteria for the diagnostic card.

High level

Uses nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs and sayings, riddles, counting rhymes, and figurative expressions in active speech.

Knows folk signs, knows how to correlate what he sees in nature with folk signs and draw appropriate conclusions.

Knows epic and fairy-tale characters, knows how to recognize them in works of fine art and artistic creativity

Knows the names of seasonal holidays. He knows how to explain what kind of holiday this is and when it happens.

Can play in active and round dance folk games.

Knows the history of Russian folk costume, distinguishes between hats (women's, girls', men's)

Average level.

Knows nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, counting rhymes, figurative expressions and uses them in speech

Knows folk signs and notices them in everyday life

Knows the name of some folk holidays and takes part in them

Knows Russian folk outdoor games and can explain the rules of some of them

Knows some elements of Russian folk costume and distinguishes between hats

Low level.

Knows nursery rhymes, proverbs, omens, riddles, counting rhymes and sometimes uses them in speech

Knows folk signs

Knows the name of some holidays, but takes passive part in them

Knows 2-3 outdoor games and can explain the rules to them

Diagnostic results at the end of the project

In children:

  • children showed independent attempts to communicate about what they saw with peers and adults.
  • Children have ideas about the value and uniqueness of folk culture, but in a situation of choice, children still give preference to familiar holidays.
  • Children familiar with folk holidays, as a rule, name the holiday rituals and traditions of their native people.
  • Most children showed an active interest in the culture and traditions of their people and interest in national holidays.
  • children are familiar with a variety of holiday traditions and folklore.
  • can highlight the similarities and differences between holidays, are able to explain what this or that holiday means, that is, they can correlate cultural traditions with the peculiarities of life and living conditions.
  • Children show an active interest in the culture of their own people; children are interested in cultural traditions that are directly related to them and have been experienced by them.
  • Children show initiative, independence, and a desire to reflect in their play and activities the acquired knowledge about the cultural traditions of the family.

For parents:

  • We got acquainted with the culture and traditions of our people, the specifics of national holidays through active forms of interaction between the teacher and children.
  • We got acquainted with the traditions of folk holidays and the principles of organizing education in the family, aimed at introducing children to traditional folk culture and developing a tolerant attitude towards the culture of different peoples.
  • The scope of parental participation in organizing the educational process in the group has expanded; parents actively participate in the life of the group and kindergarten.
  • In the kindergarten, together with parents, a museum of folk life and culture was created, in which children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of housing and everyday life.
  • A card index of outdoor folk games and folklore, a folk toy and a national doll have been created.
  • Scenarios for the holidays “Christmas”, “Maslenitsa”, “Easter” and “Trinity” were compiled.

Conclusion: At the end of the project “Life and Traditions of the Russian People,” children read poetry expressively, know national dances, songs, and folk games. The result of working with the children of our kindergarten was the final event “Traditions of our people in the autumn”, at which the children showed practically good knowledge in mastering folklore material.


In the process of implementing the project, preschoolers received extensive knowledge about the history of peasant housing - the hut, its structure, and the life of peasants.

Children got acquainted with ancient household items and their modern analogues, and got the opportunity to practically use these items. The pupils' vocabulary was enriched with the names of Russian everyday objects.

Children participated in making a model of the hut and its decoration: they made furniture, dishes, windows and doors.

In the classes of the “Skillful Hands” circle, children became familiar with the basics of crafts that were considered “female” and “male” in Rus'.

All this undoubtedly contributed to the development of thinking, broadening the horizons of preschoolers and instilling respect and love for Russian folk culture.

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