Forecasting and planning of tourism activities. Planning the activities of a travel agency and its individual divisions Types of planning documents in a travel agency

  • Protocol for agreeing the curriculum
  • Additions and changes to the curriculum for the subject being studied for the 2013-2014 academic year
  • Methodological recommendations for studying the discipline
  • Lecture notes Economics of the tourism industry
  • Topic 1. Economic nature and operating environment of tourism
  • 1.1. The essence and content of tourism
  • 1.2. Economic environment and operating conditions for tourism
  • 1.3. Tourism policy
  • Topic 2. Tourist enterprise
  • 2.1. Tourism enterprise as a business entity
  • 2.2. Organizational and legal forms and types of tourism enterprises
  • 2.3. Economic accounting for a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 3. Fixed and working capital of a tourism enterprise
  • 3.1. The essence and significance of fixed assets, their composition and structure
  • 3.2. Indicators of evaluation and efficiency of use of fixed assets
  • 3.3. Working capital of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 4. Labor resources and wages at tourism enterprises
  • 4.1. The essence and characteristics of labor in tourism
  • 4.2. Labor resources of tourism enterprises
  • 4.3. Salary and its essence
  • Topic 5. Financial resources of a tourism enterprise
  • 5.1. Organization of financial activities of a tourism enterprise
  • 5.3. Investment activity of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 6. Production costs of a tourism enterprise
  • 6.1. Essence, structure and composition of production costs
  • 6.2. Composition and classification of costs included in the cost of a tourism product
  • 6.3. Production Cost Management
  • Topic 7. Taxes and taxation of tourism enterprises
  • 7.1. Essence, types and characteristics of taxes. Features of taxation of tourism enterprises
  • 7.2. Analysis of the influence of the tax burden on the activities of a tourism enterprise. Ways to improve the efficiency of a tourism enterprise under the current tax system
  • Topic 8. Pricing at tourism enterprises
  • 8.1. The essence of price as an economic category
  • 8.2. Pricing policy in tourism
  • 8.3.Pricing procedure in tourism
  • 8.4. Methodology for calculating the price of a tourism product
  • 1. The procedure for booking places and tourist services.
  • 2. Conditions of reception, accommodation and service.
  • Topic 9. Analysis of the economic activities of a tourism enterprise
  • 9.1. Contents and methodology of economic analysis of a tourism enterprise
  • 9.2. Information support for economic analysis
  • 9.3. Comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 10. Planning the activities of a tourism enterprise
  • 10.1. The essence of planning
  • 10.2. Financial planning
  • 10.3. Business planning
  • Model for constructing a business plan for a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 11. Economic efficiency of tourism activities
  • 11.1. Indicators of the level of tourism development
  • 11.4. Profitability of economic activities of a tourism enterprise
  • Approximate topics of coursework in the discipline “Economics of the tourism industry”5
  • Coursework structure6
  • Materials for testing knowledge, questions for testing
  • Questions for the exam
  • Methodological recommendations for independent work of students
  • Topic 1. Economic nature and operating environment of tourism
  • Topic 2. Tourist enterprise
  • Topic 3. Fixed and working capital of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 4. Labor resources and wages at tourism enterprises
  • Topic 5. Financial resources of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 6. Production costs of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 7. Taxes and taxation of tourism enterprises
  • Topic 8. Pricing at tourism enterprises
  • Topic 9. Analysis of the economic activities of a tourism enterprise
  • Topic 10. Planning the activities of a tourism enterprise
  • Chapter 1. Brief analytical characteristics of the organizational and economic activities of a tourism enterprise.
  • Chapter 2. Description of the methodological approach to developing a specific section of an enterprise’s business plan.
  • Chapter 3. Development of a specific section of a business plan based on materials from a tourism enterprise.
  • Topic 11. Economic efficiency of tourism activities
  • List of recommended literature
  • Bhatia, A.K. International Tourism Management // a.K. Bhatia. - Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 2001 – 539 p.
  • Dwyer, l. Tourism Economics and Policy // l. Dwyer, p. Forsyth. – Channel View Publications, 2010. – 711 p.
  • Topic 10. Planning the activities of a tourism enterprise

    Learning objective: mastering the mechanism for planning the activities of a tourism enterprise, and developing practical skills for its implementation.

    Methods to achieve the goal: studying the theory of the issue, normative legal acts; solving exercises, problems, problem situations, training tasks; testing; survey; development of a business plan.

    10.1. The essence of planning

    Planning at an enterprise - a complex process that comprehensively takes into account all the circumstances and features important for the sales market. It is preceded by the development of a development strategy and philosophy of the enterprise.

    Enterprise philosophy reflects the way it functions in interaction with clients, shareholders, the state and society and is expressed by the main purpose of its existence.

    Enterprise strategy is a set of rules and techniques by which fundamental goals are achieved, a course of action is established, and the resources necessary to achieve these goals are determined. When developing an enterprise strategy, it is necessary to formulate and have answers to the main questions:

      priorities and directions of enterprise development;

      capital and resource requirements;

      market and its segments;

      recoil efficiency.

    Planning allows you to foresee the prospects for the development of an enterprise; rationally plan its resources; avoid the risk of bankruptcy; timely update and improve products, expand the list of services and improve their quality in accordance with market conditions; expand sales markets; identify weaknesses.

    Planning principles :


      scientific character;



      leading links and the priority of their implementation;

      mutual coordination and coordination.

    Basic planning tasks are:

      in increasing sales volume and market share through high-quality tourism products and services;

      ensuring the financial stability of the tourism enterprise and a higher return on capital than competitors.

    Planning classified according to the following characteristics:

    by time

    Long-term (for a period of 5 years or more);

    Medium-term (for a period of 1 to 5 years);

    Short-term (up to 1 year);

    by object

    Enterprise plan;

    Structural unit;

    A specific performer;

    by coverage

    Private (certain areas of activity);

    General (activities of the entire enterprise);

    by type

    Strategic (search for new opportunities);

    Tactical (creation of certain prerequisites);

    Operational (implementation of opportunities);

    on the subject of planning

    Target (definition of goals);

    Funds planning (material, labor, financial, information resources);

    Software (production and sales programs);

    Action planning (special sales, multi-level marketing).

    In recent years, strategic planning has gained priority. Moreover, within the enterprise it serves as the basis for all other planning. It is a set of decisions and actions to develop strategies necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. The objects of strategic decisions and, accordingly, the development of strategic plans of a tourism organization can be goods, pricing, interaction of the organization with the markets of production factors, its behavior in financial markets, foreign economic and investment activities, personnel incentives, and prevention of insolvency (bankruptcy).

    The compliance of the planning process, as well as the plans themselves, with the real conditions of economic activity is largely determined by the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information received. Information support is also considered a means of increasing the validity of plans. Therefore, information, methods of collecting it and processing methods should be given very important importance.

    Along with this, each of the listed types of planning has characteristic differences, which are mainly:

      exactly the set planning interval;

      degree of differentiation and number of planning indicators;

      degree of accuracy of calculations of costs and production results;

      the procedure for distributing responsibilities between plan executors.

    The wider the planning interval, the higher the degree of uncertainty of the plan parameters.

    In addition, there are current, future And strategic planning. This classification is conditional, since the difference lies in the timing of obtaining the final result, and the planning object, as a rule, does not change.

    Coordination and organization of planning work is carried out by the following ways :

      from top to bottom (break-down). The manager determines goals and objectives, target figures (for profit);

      bottom-up (build-up) - reverse process;

      counter planning - a symbiosis of the first and second - is the most effective way.

    Planning methods :




    In the era of informatization, software products from a number of companies have appeared that make it possible to automate the bulk of planning work.

    The need for economic justification for plans predetermines system of indicators, including:

    quantitative indicators(absolute values):

    Volume of sales;

    Number of staff;

    Payroll fund;

    Amount of profit;


    Number of tourists, excursionists, overnight stays, etc.;

    qualitative indicators(relative) express the economic efficiency of production and its individual factors:

    Labor productivity;

    return on assets;

    Quality of product, service, etc.

    The planning process includes the following stages :

      determination of local and global goals of the enterprise;

      analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise;

      search for alternatives;

      making a forecast and assessing the best alternative;

      making decisions, setting planned targets;

      actual development of the plan.

    Currently, there is no officially approved methodology for drawing up a plan for the economic development of a tourism enterprise, especially with regard to the number of sections of the plan.

    Plan Structure :

    production program. It is understood as a scientifically based plan for the volume, nomenclature, assortment and quality of a tourism product, developed on the basis of concluded contracts and agreements. The basis for the development of the production program is:

    Results of marketing research;

    Order portfolio;

    Availability of production capacity and resources;

    Cost plan;

    Labor and personnel plan;

    Investment plan;

    Workforce Social Development Plan;

    Financial plan.

    Some of these sections of the plan are discussed in the corresponding chapters of this manual. Let us dwell in more detail on the financial plan, which is the generalizing and final section of the consolidated plan.

    Strategic planning for a travel company

    Introduction. 2

    1 Strategic planning. 4

    1.1 The concept and essence of strategic management.4

    1.2 Strategic planning in the tourism industry.7

    1.2.1 Formation of development goals.10

    1.2.2 Analysis of the external environment.. 12

    1.3 Development strategies and factors determining them.21

    2. Strategic planning using the example of the Megatest company. 24

    2.1. General features of strategic management in tourism. 24

    2.2. Features of the Megatest company. 26

    2.3. SWOT analysis (analysis of internal capabilities and external environment).32


    References.. 38


    Why did I choose this particular topic? First of all, because of its relevance. The competitive tourism economy in Russia practically forces every hotel or tourism enterprise or institution to find its own new solutions. The scope and focus of goals and objectives can be definitely and convincingly proven. But management cannot always confidentially approve the framework within which the company’s tourism product will go through its life cycle (its circulation). Even less can he predict the nature of competition or know in advance the quirks of the current economic situation. Consequently, the business strategy must be prepared for changes, and if necessary, then for rapid changes. When getting involved in business, you need to be a strategist and tactician, flexibly balancing responses based on solid goals.

    The life of a company is impossible without planning. When creating any enterprise, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of its activities, which determines long-term planning. Long-term planning defines medium-term and short-term planning, which are designed for a shorter period and therefore imply greater detail. The basis of planning is the sales plan, since production is focused primarily on what will be sold, that is, in demand in the market. Sales volume determines production volume, which in turn determines the planning of all types of resources, including labor resources, raw materials and materials inventories. This necessitates financial planning, planning costs and profits. Planning should be carried out according to a rigid scheme, using calculations of many quantitative indicators.

    Currently, strategic analysis is one of the fundamental disciplines that any manager needs to know. The strategic planning process includes a number of important operations: cost planning, production planning, sales planning and financial planning (profit planning). Strategic analysis, as a science, allows an entrepreneur to plan the company's activities in the short, medium and long periods in order to ensure that the company receives the maximum possible profit with minimal costs in conditions of volatile market conditions. Of course, this is associated with inevitable financial risk, especially in modern Russian conditions, but properly carried out planning will

    olith to reduce the risk to a minimum.

    The purpose of the work is to show the importance of strategic analysis for a tourism enterprise.

    The object of the study is the tourism enterprise Megatest LLC (Moscow). The subject of the study is the strategic management of a tourism company.

    Problems solved in the work:

    Analyze the theoretical concepts of strategic planning, show the importance of this type of planning for modern business;

    Consider the features of strategic planning in tourism;

    Characterize current trends in strategic management in tourism;

    Consider the features of strategic management of the company under study;

    Conduct a SWOT analysis of the company.

    The work uses literature on strategic and general management of an enterprise, publications from periodicals on the problem under consideration, materials of the company under study, openly published on the website.

    1 Strategic planning

    1.1 The concept and essence of strategic management.

    Strategic planning is the process of formulating the mission and goals of an organization, selecting specific strategies to identify and obtain the necessary resources, and allocating them to ensure the effective operation of the organization in the future. The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making management decisions. Its task is to ensure innovation and organizational changes in sufficient volume to adequately respond to changes in the external environment. Strategy planning does not end with any immediate action. Usually it ends with the establishment of general directions, following which ensures the growth and strengthening of the organization's position.

    Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals. The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making management decisions. Its task is to ensure innovation and change in the organization to a sufficient extent. There are four main types of management activities within the strategic planning process:

    Resource Allocation

    Adaptation to the external environment

    Internal coordination

    Organizational strategic foresight

    Resource distribution.

    This process involves the allocation of scarce organizational resources, such as funds, scarce management talent, and technological expertise.

    Adaptation to the external environment

    Adaptation covers all actions of a strategic nature that improve the relationship of an enterprise with its environment. Businesses need to adapt to both external opportunities and threats, identify appropriate options, and ensure that strategy is effectively adapted to environmental conditions.

    Internal coordination

    Involves coordinating strategic activities to reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in order to achieve effective integration of internal operations.

    Awareness of organizational strategies

    This activity involves systematically developing the thinking of managers by creating an enterprise organization that can learn from past strategic decisions.

    Strategic planning consists mainly in choosing the main goals of the company's activities and is focused on determining the intended final results, taking into account the means and methods of achieving the presented goals and providing the necessary resources. At the same time, new opportunities for the company are also developed, for example, expanding production capacity by building new plants or purchasing equipment, changing the profile of the enterprise or radically changing technology. Strategic planning covers a period of 10-15 years, has long-term consequences, affects the functioning of the entire management system and is based on enormous resources. Strategic planning aims to provide a comprehensive scientific basis for the problems that a company may encounter in the coming period, and on this basis to develop indicators of the company's development for the planning period.

    When developing a plan, the basis is:

    Analysis of the company's development prospects, identification of factors influencing the development of relevant trends;

    Analysis of positions in competition, the task of which is to determine the competitiveness of the company’s products in different markets and opportunities for improving performance in competitive areas in all types of activities;

    Choosing a strategy based on an analysis of the company’s prospects for various types of activities and determining priorities for specific types of activities in terms of its efficiency and resource availability;

    Analysis of areas for diversification of activities, search for new, more effective activities and determination of expected results.

    An appropriate service strategy addresses three main components of any service business:

    1. customer need;2. the company's ability to meet these needs;3. long-term profitability of the company.

    Many firms operate without formally adopted plans. In newly opened enterprises, managers find themselves so busy that they simply do not have time to plan. In mature firms, many managers claim that until now they have managed just fine without formal planning, and therefore it cannot be of significant importance. They don't want to take the time to prepare a written plan. They say the market is changing too quickly for the plan to be of much use, and it will eventually just sit on a shelf collecting dust. It is for these and a number of other reasons that many firms do not use formal planning.

    But formal planning promises many benefits to the manager:

    1. Planning encourages managers to continually think forward.2. It leads to better coordination of the efforts undertaken by the company.3. It leads to the establishment of performance indicators for subsequent monitoring.4. It forces the firm to more clearly define its objectives and policies.5. It makes the firm more prepared for sudden changes.

    1.2 Strategic planning in the tourism industry.

    It is known that effective management can ensure the development of a tourism company faster than the growth of the general economy, or the tourism sector, or even the production of goods and services related to tourism. Moreover, management based on increased growth can trigger the development of entire new industries, such as delivery vehicles. The increased activity of both the tourism and industrial sectors, strengthening each other, interacting with each other, develops and strengthens the economy of the country as a whole. Experience shows that any discussion about management alternatives for increasing the growth of the national economy should be considered from the perspective of:

    • what strategic growth is most appropriate for managing a tourism company;
    • what management program can be adopted for a new area of ​​activity of a tourism company.

    To reveal the practical framework of both approaches, it is important to first analyze the strategies used for the development of tourism activities in a number of foreign countries and in Russia, and then highlight specific specific measures that can be used as management methods.

    The planning process:

    So, the generally accepted strategic planning process consists of the following components:

    Defining the company's mission;

    Analysis of the external environment;

    Analysis of the company's internal capabilities;

    Studying strategic alternatives that contribute to achieving set goals and choosing a strategy;

    Development of the company's organizational structure, basic principles of motivation and control;

    Strategy implementation;

    Operational planning and management;

    Strategy assessment (monitoring the progress of the strategy and making appropriate adjustments to it if necessary)

    Fig. 1.1 Stages of strategic planning.

    1.2.1 Formation of development goals.

    The first and perhaps most significant decision in planning is the choice of enterprise goals.

    The main overall purpose of the enterprise - the clearly expressed reason for its existence - is designated as its mission. Goals are developed to achieve this mission.

    The mission details the status of the enterprise and provides direction and guidance for defining goals and strategies at various organizational levels. The mission statement of the enterprise should contain the following:

    1. The mission of the enterprise in terms of its main services or products, its main markets and its main technologies

    The main objectives of strategic planning are:

    1. Planning for profit growth.

    2. Planning of enterprise costs, and, as a result, their reduction.

    3. Increase in market share, increase in sales share.

    4. Improving the company's social policy.

    Thus, the main task of planning is to obtain maximum profit as a result of activity and the implementation of its most important functions: marketing planning, productivity, innovation and others.

    Goal setting and strategy formulation are influenced by various external and internal groups (Fig. 1, 2).

    Fig.1.2. Groups acting in goal setting and formation of the company's strategy

    2. The external environment in relation to the company, which determines the operating principles of the enterprise.

    Setting goals is the process of converting the purpose of a business into a specific set of goals. At the same time, this begins the necessary process of directing the efforts of each part of the organization in the appropriate direction. Objectives are needed for each key result that the manager considers important to achieving success. Specific key results may typically include size and rank in the industry, business growth, return on investment, dividend growth, market size, reputation for quality products and/or technology leadership, ability to operate in a volatile economy, degree of diversification, financial strength, customer service, ability to compete by cost.

    Both long-term and short-term goals are required. Long-term goals have two purposes: firstly, they indicate what needs to be done today in order to achieve long-term goals, and secondly, the presence of such goals pushes the manager to make today's decisions taking into account the long-term perspective.

    Short-term goals consistently indicate what immediate and immediate results should be achieved. They show both the speed that the organization needs to move along the chosen path, and the required level of action ("how much and when" should be done).

    The purpose and goals of the organization must be measurable. Companies whose managers set goals for each key result and then take aggressive action to achieve what needs to be achieved are better candidates for winning than companies whose managers operate on hopes, requests and good intentions. The following phrases should be excluded: “maximize profits”, “reduce costs”, “make more efficient”, “increase sales”.

    For strategic thinking, it is important to comprehensively establish a hierarchy of goals at all levels of management from top to bottom. This provides all managers with not only clarity of objectives, but also the reality of their achievement (which is ensured by the participation of low-level managers in the process).

    1.2.2 Analysis of the external environment

    The external environment is considered as a combination of two relatively independent subsystems:

    · · macroenvironment;· · immediate environment.

    The macroenvironment (macroenvironment) creates the general conditions of the environment where a tourism enterprise is located. In most cases, the macroenvironment is not specific to an individual company. However, each of them experiences its influence and cannot control it.

    Studying demographic factors The macro environment occupies an important place when analyzing the market opportunities of a tourism enterprise. Marketing should consider issues related to the size of the population, its distribution in individual countries and regions, the age structure, highlighting the working population, students and retirees. Thus, the tourism market for older people is currently the fastest growing. International tourism of 55-year-olds and older increased by 35% between 1995 and 2000, and from 2001 to 2002. - by 41%, and by 2005 it is expected to increase by another 60%. In Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, 68% of the total number of tourists are mature travelers.

    Urbanization is one of the main prerequisites for the development of mass forms of tourism, because the degree of population departure for tourist trips is directly proportional to the degree of urbanization. Moreover, the larger the city, the greater the number of its residents go on tourist trips.

    Having collected data on trends in demographic processes, it is possible to analyze their possible impact on the activities of a tourism company, determine the directions for applying the main efforts and predict the results of future work.

    Economic factors are no less important than demographic ones. It is not enough to know how many potential clients a company has. It is important to determine how many more and what services they will want to purchase. The effective demand of the population is influenced by many factors, including the level of economic development of the country itself, wages, inflation, and unemployment. It is necessary to take into account the high dependence of demand for tourism services on income level.

    It is also important to know the structure of income distribution between different groups of the population. The unevenness of such distribution is a completely natural phenomenon. Therefore, when choosing to serve a certain market segment, a company must proceed from the financial situation of its potential customers.

    Natural factors also influence the activities of a tourism enterprise. Natural factors (climate, topography, flora and fauna) are the most important element in motivating customers to travel and attracting tourists to a particular region or country.

    The greatest power is possessed by established norms accepted in society, systems of social rules, spiritual values, people’s relationships to nature, work, among themselves and to themselves. firmany,

    Scientific and technological progress brings with it enormous opportunities and an equally serious threat for the company. Any innovations threaten displacement, outdated technologies and methods of work, which is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences if due attention is not paid to the study of factors of a scientific and technical nature.

    Analysis of laws and other regulations that establish legal norms and the framework of relations gives a tourism enterprise the opportunity to determine for itself the acceptable boundaries of action and acceptable methods of defending its interests. The immediate environment is represented by those components of the external marketing environment with which the tourism enterprise is in direct interaction.

    The first “among equals” in the immediate external environment of a travel company are, of course, consumers. Studying them allows you to better understand what services will be most accepted by them, what sales volume you can expect, and how much you can increase the circle of potential clients.

    The next most important component of the immediate external environment is competitors, engaged in ongoing competition for consumer preferences. American marketing specialist J. Pilditch in his book “The Path to the Buyer” emphasizes that knowing your competitors means, sparing no time and effort, scrupulously studying them. Why is this necessary? And for the fact that it is competitors who set the criteria that the company has to achieve or exceed.

    Almost no tourist enterprise is able to independently organize a tour, provide clients with all the necessary means of transport, provide accommodation, organize meals, etc. For this purpose, relevant enterprises and organizations ("subcontractors") are usually involved, providing the missing links in comprehensive services:

    · accommodation facilities;· transport companies;· excursion bureaus and other companies providing support and information services for tourists;· intermediary tourism enterprises;· trading enterprises;· catering establishments, etc.

    Relationships with contact audiences have a significant impact on the activities of a tourism enterprise. They represent groups of individuals, organizations, institutions that potentially or actually influence the activities of the company. The potential impact can be expressed either by maintaining neutrality towards the company or by demonstrating a certain attitude towards it.

    The main contact audiences surrounding the travel company are:

    · financial circles(banks, investment funds, financial, insurance companies and other financial and credit institutions); · mass media(press, radio, television); · public(consumer unions, public formations, as well as the population that does not act as any organized force, for example, residents of the resort area); · company staff, whose opinion about the activities of his enterprise determines his attitude to work. In addition, a good image of a company in the eyes of its own employees has a beneficial effect on other contact audiences. Consequently, efforts are required from the management of a tourism enterprise to increase the level of awareness of employees about the company’s activities, carry out measures to stimulate their work, and increase social guarantees.

    The task of marketing research is to obtain information about the mood prevailing in contact audiences, anticipate the most likely actions in relation to the company, and also find means to establish constructive cooperation with the public.

    Thus, a tourism enterprise in the market does not operate in isolation, but surrounded and under the influence of various forces that make up the external marketing environment. The relationships that develop between environmental subjects and the company are varied and, depending on the nature of the company’s influence on them, they can be controlled and uncontrollable. The enterprise's task comes down to reducing uncontrollable environmental factors to a minimum and finding opportunities for indirect influence on them.

    Analysis of the external environment and internal capabilities of a company is also called SWOT analysis. This component of strategic planning is used by a wide range of Russian companies almost constantly, since even small businesses intuitively search for their market niches and are forced to compare business development plans with their resources.

    However, the possibilities for using SWOT analysis in conditions of economic, financial and political instability are much wider. We will only mention the so-called scenario forecasts, which should be compiled by departments responsible for strategic planning. Each of these forecasts actually represents a company development strategy, developed on the basis of the application of all elements of strategic planning, which can be implemented under a certain variant (scenario) of events. Developing alternative strategies for the development of a company takes quite a lot of time, but, being prepared in advance, these forecasts enable the company, in the event of the implementation of one or another scenario of events, to act according to a clearly drawn up plan, which eliminates the possibility of making hasty impulsive decisions that put the company on hold after their implementation in a difficult situation.

    Basic rules for conducting SWOT analysis:

    Rule 1. Carefully define the scope of each SWOT analysis. Companies often conduct broad analyzes covering their entire business. It will likely be too general and unhelpful to managers interested in opportunities in specific markets or segments. Focusing a SWOT analysis, for example on a specific segment, ensures that its most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are identified.

    Rule 2. Understand the differences between the SWOT elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal features of a company and therefore controllable by it. Opportunities and threats are related to the characteristics of the market environment and are beyond the influence of the organization.

    Rule 3. Strengths and weaknesses can only be considered as such if that is how customers perceive them. Only the most relevant strengths and weaknesses should be included in the analysis. Remember that they must be determined in light of competitors' proposals. A strength will only be strong if the market sees it as such. For example, the quality of a product will only be a strength if it performs better than competitors' products. And finally, there can be a lot of such strengths and weaknesses, so that you won’t understand which of them are the main ones. To avoid this, strengths and weaknesses must be ranked according to their importance in the eyes of buyers.

    Rule 4. It is necessary to be objective and use diverse input information. Of course, it is not always possible to conduct an analysis based on the results of extensive market research, but on the other hand, it cannot be entrusted to one person, since it will not be as accurate and in-depth as an analysis carried out in the form of group discussion and the exchange of ideas. It is important to understand that a SWOT analysis is not simply a list of managers' suspicions. It should be based as much as possible on objective facts and research data.

    Rule 5. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous statements. Too often, a SWOT analysis is weakened by the inclusion of statements that likely mean nothing to most buyers. The more precise the wording, the more useful the analysis will be.

    1. Organizational culture. What type of work climate exists within the company?

    The culture of an enterprise consists of many norms, rules and values ​​that guide its activities. Culture covers the existing system of relations between people in an enterprise, the distribution of power, management style, personnel issues, and the determination of development prospects. The achieved level of culture can help an enterprise operate competently; the absence of culture, on the contrary, will hinder the normal implementation of its business behavior. Everything here matters - from the design of the office to the reaction of employees to this or that version of the marketing strategy.

    Since the culture of an enterprise does not have a clearly expressed manifestation, it is quite difficult to study. However, there are several consistent points that are important to clarify in order to try to point out the strengths and weaknesses that culture gives to an enterprise.

    Firstly, Businesses with strong cultures tend to emphasize the importance of the people who work for them. Such enterprises pay great attention to explaining their corporate philosophy and promoting their values.

    Secondly, about The culture of an enterprise can be judged by how it builds relationships with competitors and treats its customers.

    Third, An idea of ​​the culture of an enterprise comes from observing how employees work at their jobs, how the career system is structured, and what criteria are used to promote employees.

    Fourthly, understanding of culture is facilitated by the existence at the enterprise of stable commandments, unwritten norms of behavior, awareness of this by all employees and how seriously they take them. If employees are knowledgeable about the history of the company and take rules and symbols seriously and respectfully, then it is highly likely that the company has a strong culture.

    The particular importance of analyzing the culture of an enterprise is that it not only determines intra-company relationships, but also has a serious impact on how the enterprise builds its interaction with the external environment.

    The management of the tourism company must demonstrate from the very beginning that development is not just a tribute to hopes to be discussed at annual meetings, but also the leading objective of the association. This means forming development goals for each section of the company’s activities, the required results, and refusing to resolve ordinary problems. Almost without exception, the management teams of powerful tourist associations around the world adhere to this tactic. This is reflected in their decisions, compensation efforts, determinations to find financial resources, as well as in their assessment of the suitability of subsidiaries and management structures.

    Through its development philosophy, a company can achieve results, leaving its competitors behind. For example, two large travel companies selling tours from Russia to the United States had historically opposite results. The biggest difference between the two companies was that Company A - the more successful one - had a very strict development policy. Company B did not have it. The management team of Company A developed an extreme goal: the company must grow faster than the tourism economy in the country. They determined to adhere to this rule year after year, not only because the program, in their opinion, represented sustainable business practice, but also to ensure the implementation of fresh alternatives that keep their organization alive.

    Not only did Company A set itself a higher target of return on invested capital than Company B, but its management achieved revenue growth ranging from 4 to 12 percent for each section of the tourism business.

    Company A consciously invested 60 to 70 percent of its profits in businesses and projects that could offer alternative developments above the average of the company as a whole. On the contrary, Company B linked the allocation of capital to cost reduction. In practice, this led to reinvestment in a number of sales systems, the deadening of the sales package proposed for Russia and the company’s exit from the Russian market.

    The funds allocated by the management of Company A to compensate for costs for each individual indicator ensured the satisfaction of both positions: return on capital investment and development goal.

    1.3 Development strategies and factors determining them.

    There are a lot of these factors. A simple model of primary factors that must be taken into account and essentially determine the strategy is shown in Fig. 7. The interaction of these factors is usually complex and has specific differences for the industry and the company.

    As a rule, a strategy does not ensure success if the boundary between internal and external situations is not drawn, the acquisition of significant competitive advantages is not ensured, and the company's performance is not improved.

    Fig.1.3. Factors determining a company's strategic choice

    Thus. Strategic plans must be designed to not only remain coherent over long periods of time, but also to be flexible enough to allow modification and reorientation as needed. The overall strategic plan should be viewed as a program that guides the firm's activities over an extended period of time, recognizing that the conflictual and constantly changing business and social environment makes constant adjustments inevitable.

    2. Strategic planning using the example of the Megatest company

    2.1. General features of strategic management in tourism

    2. development of an existing product in established areas of tourism; 3. expansion of the geography of travel and sales through new areas of tourist destination;4. introduction of counter areas of tourism activity, including through the creation of new companies.

    Development of tourism based on an established market. The most striking example of a tourism company that has developed due to the strengthening of tourism in Russia is the Sputnik Bureau of International Youth Tourism, whose branches exist throughout Russia. From 1958 to 1998 Sputnik maintains almost constant growth in tourism sales and offers. For the period from 1969 to 1985. this company was increasing its capacity by 15 percent per year, far outpacing the growth rate of most other companies in the country. Until 1992, Sputnik was virtually the only manufacturer whose performance showed diversified growth, and managed to approach the level of sustainable sales of a tourism product in all regions of the former USSR and the Russian Federation, even in the conditions of its own decentralization.

    R development through new tourism products based on the existing industry. Only a few companies can grow their business year after year by marketing only one product. The success of many enterprises was achieved by a different strategy - the creation of a new product in their activities. Thus, the travel company "Academservice" used exactly this method to break into the existing tourism business through new tours and markets, annually expanding the market of its tourist offer.

    In contrast to Sputnik, since 1993 Academservice has been developing through the systematic introduction of new routes and tours, as well as new types of stay programs. An essential element of this strategy is the conscious promotion of specific market completeness. For example, Academservice developed not only new tour packages, but also corresponding programs for clientele with different needs. This company has specialists, sales managers and programmers who, with the help of computers and information systems, have developed their own system of sales and tourism activities to the point of automation. New tours and services, combined with market demand, allowed the corporation to expand its market in certain regions and achieve remarkable results in the development of the company.

    Development of new activities. Some large companies have achieved significant development using the third type of strategy - they have entered new areas of activity or business. For almost 10 years, the Turkish company Troika, which has a specific interest in the system of development and implementation of tourism programs and transport transportation, realized that interest and skills alone would not provide it with adequate revenue development and profit growth. The company's management decided to invest in construction, transport deliveries and tourism related to Russia. And today Troika has become the most representative company in the tourism infrastructure of Russia. The company's economic growth - tens of percent annually - became possible as a result of the transfer of capital from established business with Western Europe to a new alternative field of activity in Russia. Despite the pressure of competition in the Russian tourism market, as well as certain difficulties, the company is successfully growing its business in construction, cargo transportation and tourism with Russia.

    Lanta Tour is another example of a company that has used a similar strategy. Initially, tourism was subordinated to the promotion of tours in the United States, but then there was an investment in the development of trips to France and Spain. The next step is the accelerated development of routes and tours to the countries of North Africa and Benelux. Within 5 years, the company achieved significant growth in sales and revenue.

    In choosing an appropriate strategy, it is necessary to keep in mind that the approaches outlined above may be quite similar. In fact, most companies often combine different types of strategy to develop development programs over several years.

    However, business strategy must change and, if necessary, change quickly to take account of emerging economic circumstances and changes in tourism circulation. Early in product development (the concept and introduction stages of an innovation), a decision point can be important. In the second stage, skillful marketing and effective control of the distribution network become more important elements. At the final stage, controlling operating costs becomes vital. The company must be sure that at each stage of development nothing goes beyond its specific scope. However, timely awareness of the need for changes in the undertaken strategy is essential in maintaining tourist appeal.

    2.2. Features of the Megatest company

    Company " Megatest"was created in 1990. Based on the results of previous years, it is one of the leading travel agencies in Russia. It specializes in tours around Russia: excursion and adventure.

    Main destinations: Karelia, Kamchatka, Baikal, Elbrus, Altai, Ladoga, Solovetsky Islands, etc.

    The subject of activity of the Megatest company is:

    organization and provision of guide-interpreter services, provision of meet-and-greets, excursion services, theatrical, entertainment and other events, transport and other services for tourists;

    organizing services for foreign tourists in the Russian Federation, and selling trips to foreign tourists on a commercial basis, developing and introducing new tourism routes;

    making reservations of transport, hotel and other services on a contractual basis and ensuring the provision of services agreed upon and paid for by tourists on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    implementation of measures to improve economic efficiency, quality and competitiveness of services provided at the lowest cost;

    sale of equipment;

    organizing the work of commercial stores, selling purchased equipment;

    work in the catering sector (operation of restaurants, cafes and canteens).

    Company mission:

    Provide active recreation and acquaintance with the sights of the country.

    Statement of goals:

    The goal of Megatest is to increase profits in 2004 by 20% through the organization of new activities, including the organization of tours for foreign and Russian citizens to the Caucasus and the Urals;

    Increase in equipment sales volume by 30% due to the offer of winter sports equipment (alpine skiing, snowboarding, and related products;

    5. Creation of your own workshop for sewing tents and tourist clothing.

    External environment:

    A narrow circle of travel agencies operate on the Russian active tourism market, each of which seeks to occupy a certain niche in it, for example, specializing only in certain types of travel, or limiting activities to “their” region. There are only a few such active operators in each region, one or two, and several travel agents who help them sell vouchers. For example, such a large region as Altai is divided mainly between two operators - the Novosibirsk company "Brothers Govor and K" and the Barnaul company "Turimpex". The agencies “Neva-Tour” and “Kopis” operate successfully in St. Petersburg, implementing active tours along the Karelian Isthmus. The company "Team Gorky", specializing in water tourism, has been operating in Nizhny Novgorod for more than five years.

    But the largest sector of the market is Moscow. The main tour operators for active tourism are concentrated here. The most famous among them are the companies "Alpindustria", "Alfprofsport", "Association of Travelers", "Vertical", "Active Leisure". Each of the Moscow operators has its own rather narrow specialization. Thus, the main areas of work of the Alpindustria agency are travel in the mountains and the sale of tourist equipment through its own store. According to the deputy director of the agency, Alexander Elkov, Caucasian routes are in greatest demand, with the main clientele being foreigners. Another company, Alfprofsport, created on the basis of the Directorate of Alpine Camps, has recently successfully organized trips for small groups of tourists to the Himalayas. In the multidisciplinary travel agency "Association of Travelers", in addition to the outbound and domestic departments, an adventure tourism sector has been created. As the head of the sector, Tatyana Kulikova, notes, the company mainly develops original travel programs in exotic countries such as Nepal, Kenya, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. As for domestic Russian routes, preference is given to cooperation with regional operators. The relatively young company Vertical is also well known in Moscow. The main directions of its activity are conducting mountain and horse riding tours. According to the general manager of the company, Ivan Vvedensky, in 1998, about 400 people were served on mountain routes in Central Asia alone. According to the director of the company, Alexander Smychkovich, in the 2003 season, inexpensive kayak trips along the rivers of Karelia and programs in the Baikal region are in greatest demand. “A feature of this year is a decrease in requests from foreign tourists and, against this background, a slight increase in the demand for active recreation among Russians.”

    The clientele of the famous Moscow company "Active Holidays", which offers a variety of routes throughout Russia (Karelia, Altai, Baikal, Kamchatka), is also dominated by Russians. “Active Recreation” places emphasis in its developments on promising combined programs: walking part + rafting, kayaking + excursions, mountain climbing + rafting. By developing original programs, the company "Collection of Adventures" is trying to find its niche. A new mountain-pedestrian route “Rope Course” has been prepared for the current summer season. Equestrian tourism in Moscow is represented by numerous small companies. One of them, the International Club of Equestrian and Sports Tourism, was able to unite horseback riding enthusiasts and corporate clients. According to the head of the domestic tourism department of the International Club, Natalya Polikarpova, the demand for horse riding routes is constantly increasing, and “in the near future this type of recreation may become dominant in adventure tourism.” The main regions of equestrian routes are Altai, central Russia (Kostroma, Ryazan), Moscow region, and the Urals.

    The potential range of adventure tourism clients is very small. For example, the capacity of the tourism market in Moscow and nearby regions is estimated by experts at only 3-4 thousand people. Moreover, until recently, the most frequent buyers of active tours in Russia (mountain climbing, fishing, hunting) were foreigners. Recently, the proportion of demand has gradually begun to change in favor of Russians.

    This market sector is developing quite dynamically. Many, mostly inexpensive, tour operator programs are built on a regular basis and are implemented not in separate segments, as was previously practiced, but in complete tour packages, including travel, transfers, meals, active part, guide services, rental of necessary equipment and personal equipment.

    Among the most promising types of active tourism in the future, experts name water, pedestrian, horseback and combined (cruise+pedestrian part, excursions+active part, pedestrian+vehicle part, mountain-water, pedestrian-horseback, water-horseback) routes.

    Active tourism routes are divided into walking, mountain or trekking, water, skiing, horseback riding, cycling and automobile. Additionally, routes are classified by difficulty - from 1st to 6th category. As a rule, the complexity of commercial active tours does not exceed category 3.

    Supporters of active recreation represent a very specific clientele - as a rule, they turn to travel agencies in families and groups. The growth in sales of sports tours stimulates the professionalism of tour operators - you cannot get rid of an “active” tourist with a simple description of the hotel, beach and transfer - he requires accurate information about the route schedule, the complexity of obstacles, information about the types of tents, rafts, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc.

    Another trend of the coming season reflects a change in the geographical nature of demand - almost all tour operators note the significantly increased popularity of tours to Altai, including rafting on the Katun and Chuya, holidays on Lake Teletskoye, trekking routes in the area of ​​Mount Belukha, etc.

    The popularity (albeit slowly - due to the high cost of air tickets) of various routes - from walking and water to cycling - around Lake Baikal is growing. A distinctive feature of the demand for Baikal tours is the predominance of groups of foreign tourists.

    Speaking about the demand for active recreation of foreign tourists, it should be noted that there is a pronounced predominance of demand for routes in mountainous (Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai) and exotic (Baikal, Kamchatka, North Pole, etc.) regions.

    The Megatest company has developed and tested on foreign groups a new exotic tour to the North Pole on skis, starting from the 89th parallel.

    Routes in the North-West (primarily Karelia) are still popular among a fairly large category of poor clients.

    Horse riding routes in central Russia are in steady demand. Active recreation on Lake Seliger and inexpensive routes in the Moscow region and neighboring regions, such as rafting on the Sturgeon River near Moscow, are in stable demand.

    In general, according to Moscow and non-Moscow tour operators, in the current and future seasons we can expect a dynamic increase in demand for “active” routes, for which not only travel companies, but also manufacturers of tourist equipment should be prepared.

    2.3. SWOT analysis (analysis of internal capabilities and external environment).

    SWOT analysis (SWOT is an abbreviation for the words strong (strong), worth (weak), opportinities (opportunities), threat (fear).)

    First, we will conduct a SWOT analysis for the main activity - the provision of tourism services .

    Strengths of the company:

    2. The ability to compete professionally. .3. Full use of technological and marketing economies of scale.4. The presence of several permanent partners in cities in the main areas, which allows one partner to turn to another in case of unforeseen circumstances.5. Effective advertising.

    6. There is a need for the company’s services in the consumer market.

    7. Providing rental equipment.

    Weaknesses of the company:

    1. Lack of a clear strategy.2. Factor of seasonality of the service provided (increased demand in summer due to the holiday period and decrease in winter).3. Lack of our own buses for excursions around the Moscow region.

    Company capabilities:

    1. Serving additional consumer groups, entering a new market, expanding the product line.

    2. Growing interest in active recreation.3. The predominance of the population with an average income.4. Excess of supply over demand in the service market in Moscow.

    Threats to the company:

    1. Entry of a strong competitor into the market.

    2. Increase in effective demand for outbound tours.3. Increased transportation costs.4. Changes in consumer tastes.5. Deterioration of the environmental situation in the country.

    SWOT analysis of the activities of Megatest as a seller of tourist equipment.

    Strengths of the company:

    1. Availability of necessary financial resources.

    3. Availability of permanent equipment suppliers with whom long-term contracts have been concluded.

    4. There is a need for the company’s services in the consumer market.

    5. Effective management and logistics, allowing you to track the stock of goods in the warehouse necessary for continuous operation.

    6. Close proximity of stores and warehouses to each other.

    7. Flexible system of discounts for regular customers.

    Weaknesses of the company:

    1. Lack of a clear strategy.

    2. The seasonality factor of the service provided (increased demand in the summer due to the holiday period and decreased in the winter).

    3. Due to the short duration of the in-house production of equipment, relations with material suppliers are not sufficiently stable.

    Company capabilities:

    1. Existence of demand for inexpensive equipment.2. Growing interest in active recreation.

    Threats to the company:

    1. Rapid growth in this market can lead to a significant excess of supply over demand and the appearance of unclaimed goods in the warehouse.

    Alternative strategies of the travel company "Megatest"

    1. Activities in selected areas without expanding the geography of the main areas, by, for example, increasing clients as a result of a more effective advertising campaign. Attracting new clients by improving the quality of services provided, for example, accompanying a group with a medical doctor can attract the attention of people suffering from any ailments, but who prefer active recreation. The quality of the service can also be improved by offering travel to groups differentiated by age and, accordingly, physical abilities; family groups can be created separately.2. Expanding the geography of destinations, developing new routes and tours. For example, travel to the Caucasus has recently attracted interest. These can be walking, horseback or water routes. In addition, this direction may be interesting as it will overcome the seasonality of the services provided. In these areas, it is possible to work with ski resorts, although, for now, this type of service will, of course, attract Russian clients most of all.3. The following strategy is characteristic of “Megatest”, which is associated with the specifics of the services provided - expanding the sale of equipment through the sale of equipment for alpine skiing.4. In addition, it is possible to expand the production of equipment in our own workshops by creating new workshops or increasing production capacity and space in existing workshops.

    Thus, Megatest can not just choose one strategy, but combine several of them. At the moment, Megatest will choose strategy 2, 3, 4.


    Currently, strategic analysis is one of the fundamental disciplines that any manager needs to know. Strategic planning allows you to plan the company's activities in the short, medium and long periods to ensure that the company receives the maximum possible profit with minimal costs in conditions of volatile market conditions. Of course, this is associated with inevitable financial risk, especially in modern Russian conditions, but proper planning will reduce the risk to a minimum.

    The analysis shows that companies that successfully compete in the tourism industry are guided by three strategic methods, used both separately and in combination:

    Development of an existing product in established areas of tourism; - expansion of the geography of travel and sales through new areas of tourist destination; - introduction of counter areas of tourism activity, including through the creation of new companies.

    However, business strategy must change and, if necessary, change quickly to take account of emerging economic circumstances and changes in tourism circulation. Thus. Strategic plans must be designed to not only remain coherent over long periods of time, but also to be flexible enough to allow modification and reorientation as needed. The overall strategic plan should be viewed as a program that guides the firm's activities over an extended period of time, recognizing that the conflictual and constantly changing business and social environment makes constant adjustments inevitable.

    The results of the strategic analysis of the company under study allowed us to conclude that in order to overcome external threats and internal problems, Megatest LLC can not only choose one strategy, but combine several of them. Strategies are proposed to attract new customers without expanding the geography of routes with the help of marketing moves, expanding the geography of routes, expanding the sale of equipment through the sale of equipment for alpine skiing, increasing the sale of alpine skiing equipment, increasing the production of equipment of its own production - expanding the production capacity of the company's production division.

    Of course, you should also say about your opinion about the prospects for strategic planning - in modern conditions its implementation is not so simple - the external environment and management requirements are constantly changing, there is no stability in the Russian market - this is the reason that strategic management in most Russian companies is located in its infancy.


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    2. Bayazitov T Strategy: individual aspects of formulation and application/T. Bayazitov. / /Company Management.-2002.-N 3.-S. 13-17.

    3. Glushakov V. E. Strategic management: Textbook. manual for universities in economics. specialties / V. E. Glushakov. - Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2001.-164 p.

    4. Goldstein G. Ya. Strategic management. Lecture notes. - Textbook. - M.: “Filin”, 2002.

    5. Gulyaev V.G., Organization of tourism activities, M, 2002

    6. Kvartalnov V.A. Strategic management in tourism. Textbook - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.

    7. Lyukshinov A. N. Strategic management: Textbook. manual for universities in economics. specialties/A. N. Lyukshinov.-M.: UNITY-Dana, 2001.-373 p.

    8. Tourism management: Tourism economics: Textbook.-M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.-320 p.

    9. Tourism management: Tourism and industry systems: Textbook.-M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.-272 p.

    10. Miruk T. Strategic planning of enterprise development/T. MIRUK. //Consultant to the director.-2003.-N 2.- P. 26-31.

    11. Osipov G.K. Behind the fog and the smell of the taiga? - //Tour business, 2003, No. 5.

    12. Panov A.I. Strategic management: Textbook. manual for universities/A. I. Panov.-M.: UNITI-Dana, 2002.-239 p.

    13. Papiryan G.A. Management in the hospitality industry.-M.: Economics 2002.-207 p. Soboleva.a., Sobolevi.i. Financial and economic analysis of the activities of a travel agency: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.-128p.

    14. Yakovlev G. Strategies in the tourism business /G. YAKOVLEV. //Consultant to the director.-2003.-N 7. - P. 2-8.

    15. Official website of the Megatest company

    Glushakov V. E. Strategic management: Textbook. manual for universities in economics. specialties / V. E. Glushakov. - Minsk: Ecoperspective, 2001.-164 p.

    Tourism management: Tourism and industry systems: Textbook.-M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.-272 p.

    Kvartalnov V.A. Strategic management in tourism. Textbook - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002

    Http:// Official website of the Megatest company

    Osipov G.K. Behind the fog and the smell of the taiga? - //Tour business, 2003, No. 5.

    Yakovlev G. Strategies in the tourism business /G. YAKOVLEV. //Consultant to the director.-2003.-N 7. - P. 2-8.

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    Relevance of the topic. The most important task of strategic planning in market conditions is to ensure that an enterprise (firm) can achieve the necessary advantage over other competitors by using the most effective means. The main task of strategic planning, both at domestic enterprises and at foreign firms, is to justify the most important goals and develop the correct strategy for long-term development. In conditions of fierce competition and a rapidly changing situation, enterprises must not only focus on the internal state of the organization, but also develop a long-term strategy of behavior that would allow them to monitor the changes occurring in their environment.

    The acceleration of changes in the environment, the emergence of new consumer demands, the updating of business opportunities opened up by the achievements of science and technology, the development of information networks, the availability of modern technologies, the increasing role of human resources, as well as a number of other factors have led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management and planning. Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals. Strategic planning provides the basis for all management decisions.

    Development of the research topic. Problems of strategic management and strategic planning are studied in the works of the following domestic economists G.L. Bagieva, M. Bukhalkova, S.V. Valdaytseva, O.S. Vikhansky, V.N. Volkova, A.V. Vorontsovsky, V.V. Glukhova, A.P. Gradova, I.B. Gurkova, V. Goremykina, R. Fatkhutdinova and others.

    In modern market relations, planning the economic activities of all enterprises and firms is an important prerequisite for free production and entrepreneurship, distribution and consumption of resources and goods. Activity planning has now become the economic basis of free market relations between individuals and entire work collectives, small and large enterprises, various firms and organizations, all economic entities and economic entities with various forms of ownership. The choice of direction or strategy for developing the potential of an enterprise depends mainly on the composition, structure and quality of available economic resources, the level of competitiveness of the work and services produced, the existing position in the market and upcoming goals, for example, becoming a leader, consolidating among competitors, avoiding bankruptcy, etc. P.

    In market conditions, the effective operation of enterprises is possible only if optimal development plans, production programs, and socio-economic development forecasts are developed; personnel management is of particular importance. At the same time, plans must correspond to the business development strategy and be maximally adapted to market conditions.

    In modern market relations, planning the economic activities of all enterprises and firms is an important prerequisite for free production and entrepreneurship, distribution and consumption of resources and goods. Strategic activity planning has now become the economic basis of free market relations between individuals and entire work teams, small and large enterprises, various firms and organizations, all economic entities and economic entities with various forms of ownership.

    The following research methods were used in the work: analytical, methods and techniques of economic and statistical analysis, analysis of methodological, scientific, educational and reference literature.

    The object of research in this work is a travel company.

    The subject of the study is the process of strategic planning at a travel agency.

    The purpose of the work is to analyze the strategic planning process at the company.

    In accordance with the goal, the following work tasks are set:

    Study the theoretical foundations of strategic planning in an organization: consider strategic management and strategic planning;

    Study the stages of developing an organization's development strategy, tools and methods of analysis used in strategic planning;

    Identify strategic alternatives, consider the choice of strategy;

    Conduct strategic planning at the travel company LLC “Lucky Ticket”: characterize the activities of the travel company;

    Analyze the external and internal environment of the organization, conduct a competitive analysis; summarize the strategic analysis,

    Develop a strategy for the travel company LLC “Lucky Ticket”.

    The structure of the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications

    The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

    The information base for the study was materials from the following printed publications: “Business Journal”, “Marketing in Russia and Abroad”, “Property Management: Theory and Practice”, as well as materials from the Internet information network.

    Practical significance of the work. The results of the study and the recommendations developed can be used in organizing strategic planning at the enterprise.

    The first chapter covers the theoretical foundations of strategic planning in an organization: its essence and types, strategy formation, and the strategic planning process. stages of developing an organization's development strategy, tools and methods of analysis used in strategic planning; strategic alternatives, criteria for choosing a strategy.

    The second chapter describes the activities of a travel company, analyzes the external and internal environment of the organization, and conducts a competitive analysis; the results of the strategic analysis were summed up,

    In the third chapter, the strategy of the travel company LLC “Lucky Ticket” has been developed.

    1. Theoretical foundations of strategic planning in an organization

    1 Strategic management and strategic planning

    Strategic planning is an integral part of the broader concept of “strategic management”. Strategic management is management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients the organization’s activities to customer needs, flexibly responds to timely changes in activities that meet the challenges of the macro environment and allows for competitive advantages, and carries out these changes, which together makes it possible for the organization survive in the long term and achieve your goals at the same time.

    The objects of strategic management are both organizations and their individual functional areas.

    The subject of strategic management is:

    tasks related to the implementation of the organization’s strategic goals;

    tasks and decisions related to any element of the organization, if this element is necessary to achieve goals, but is currently missing or insufficient;

    tasks associated with external factors (macroenvironment) that are beyond the control of the organization.

    The essence of strategic management is the formation and implementation of an organization's development strategy based on continuous monitoring and assessment of ongoing changes in its activities in order to maintain the ability to survive and operate effectively in an unstable external environment. Strategic decisions are those management decisions that are future-oriented and lay the foundation for making operational decisions, are associated with significant uncertainty because they take into account uncontrollable external factors, are associated with the involvement of significant resources and can have extremely serious, long-term consequences for the organization.

    Strategic planning is an integral element of the activities of any enterprise in market conditions. The term “strategic planning” was coined by foreign researchers. Let's look at some of the definitions of strategic planning in Table 1.1.1.

    Table 1.1.1

    Definitions of “strategic planning”

    Author Definition Ilyin A.I. A tool with the help of which a system of goals for the functioning of an enterprise is formed and the efforts of the entire team are combined to achieve it Vladimirova L.P. A set of actions and decisions taken by the management of the company in order to develop functional strategies and assist the company in solving the problems of its development Basovsky L.E. A set of decisions and actions to develop a strategy necessary to achieve the goals of an organization, an enterprise. A. P. Korchagin, V. V. Solovyov. A set of specific goals that need to be achieved by a certain period, covering the most general problems of production development and resource distribution in many years in advance and are developed independently in various areas, but at the same time they are subject to a certain hierarchy D.N. Danilenko is a special multi-aspect type of planned work aimed at creating and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage of the enterprise by: adapting activities to the constantly changing conditions of the influence of the external environment; reducing the uncertainty of information about the future state of the external environment; developing the goals of the enterprise and searching for opportunities to achieve them based on taking into account the interaction of many internal and external economic processes.” Golubkov E.P. the process of developing and maintaining a strategic balance between the goals and capabilities of the organization in changing market conditions Yakimov A.V. Strategic planning is an optimization process all types of resources, allowing the organization to best fulfill its mission and achieve sustainable competitive advantage

    A. Chandler, the author of one of the pioneering works in the field of strategic planning, believes that strategy is “the determination of the main long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the approval of a course of action, the allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.”

    G. Mintzberg believes that: “Strategy is a model (pattern of behavior) in the flow of future actions or decisions.” J. Barney adheres to a similar position: “Strategy is a model for allocating resources that allows an organization to improve the results of its business activities. A “good” strategy is one that neutralizes threats, takes advantage of market opportunities, builds on its strengths, and strengthens its weaknesses.”

    Some scientists identify “strategic planning” with long-term (long-term) planning, others contrast these types of planning, others talk about the replacement of long-term (long-term) strategic planning, fourth - a set of actions and decisions of management to develop specific strategies to achieve long-term goals, fifth - formalized a means of predicting the future. We can come to the conclusion that experts do not have a single definition.

    We believe that the definition given by Zabelin P.V. and Moiseev N.K. most fully reveals the essence of “strategic planning”, who believe that “...planning is the formation of an image of the future state of an object (enterprise, organization, product, service, team etc.) in the consciousness of the subject. Strategic planning consists of establishing the main goals of the enterprise and is focused on determining the intended end results, taking into account the means and methods of achieving the goals and providing the necessary resources.”

    Strategic planning is a set of decisions and actions to develop strategies necessary to achieve the goals of an organization or enterprise. Modern strategic planning is a management tool that helps senior management personnel of an enterprise make fundamental decisions. The main task of strategic planning is to ensure the flexibility and innovation in the organization's activities necessary to achieve goals in a changing environment. Within the framework of strategic planning, four main tasks are solved: resource allocation, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination and the formation of a strategic organizational culture.

    Resource allocation involves allocating the limited resources of an enterprise. Adaptation to the external environment is a strategic action that improves a company's relationship with its environment. Companies need to adapt to favorable external opportunities, threats, identify adequate business options - alternatives, and ensure effective adaptation of the strategy to environmental conditions.

    Internal coordination of strategic activities should be carried out in order to achieve effective integration within the enterprise, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. Ensuring efficient internal operations in organizations is a critical planning factor.

    Strategic organizational culture presupposes the systematic development of the thinking of management personnel by forming the structure of the organization, the style of activity, aimed at constant searches, changes, and learning the experience of past strategic decisions.

    strategic planning tourism

    1.2 Stages of developing an organization’s development strategy

    A strategy is a detailed, comprehensive, comprehensive plan designed to ensure that an organization's mission is achieved and its goals are achieved. It is largely formulated and developed by senior management, but its implementation involves the participation of all levels of management. The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. To compete effectively in today's business world, a company must constantly collect and analyze a huge amount of information about the industry, market, competition and other factors.

    Strategy is influenced by changes in the environment and can itself shape these changes. It has a long-term impact on the organization, determines the directions for the formation and development of the latter’s potential, taking into account present and future needs, its strengths and weaknesses. According to one of the leading Western researchers of this issue, B. Karloff, the following factors give the specificity of an organization’s strategy:

    ) Mission, reflecting the existing priorities and needs of society, when changing which the strategy must be adjusted.

    ) Competitive advantages that the organization has in its field of activity in comparison with its competitors, or which it strives for (high quality products, their compliance with public demands, low costs, etc.). Competitive advantages disappear sooner or later, so there is a need to find new ones.

    ) The nature of the products, features of their sales, after-sales service.

    )Organizational factors (internal structure of the company and its expected changes, management system, development of integration and differentiation processes).

    )Material, financial, information, human resources that determine the scale of possible investments in future projects.

    )The potential for developing the organization, improving its activities and expanding its scale.

    ) Management culture, level of entrepreneurship and competence of management, internal climate in the team.

    In addition, the strategy is also influenced by the degree of riskiness of the activity, the level of personnel qualifications, the organization’s dependence on the external environment and previously assumed obligations.

    Strategic planning is implemented sequentially in stages:

    "Formulation of the organization's mission -> Setting goals -> Assessment and analysis of the external environment -> Management survey of the organization -" Analysis of strategic alternatives -> Selecting a strategy.

    At the development stage, a strategic goal is formulated; assessment of market opportunities and resources of the organization; creating a general concept of strategy and choosing its options.

    At the stage of strategic choice, options are analyzed and evaluated, the best of them is accepted as the base one. It serves as the basis for the creation of special and functional strategies, the preparation of strategic and operational plans, programs, and budgets.

    Based on the developed strategy, a course of action is built - a system of guidelines that the organization must adhere to in its daily activities. It gives unity to different types of strategies and plans, at the same time, it must also provide a certain freedom of behavior.

    Once a strategy is formulated, the firm defines policies that transform the developed strategy into an open and detailed statement of the firm's core activities. Then the rules and procedures necessary to implement the strategy are developed.

    The enterprise development strategy must contain and disclose:

    mission, main strategic goals and objectives set for it for the period of the development strategy;

    assessment of the internal and external factors that determined the development of the enterprise over the past few years, and the factors that will determine its development in the future;

    identification of key competencies and competitive advantages of the enterprise that will ensure the achievement of goals and objectives;

    perspectives, policies and principles of cooperation with clients, business partners and employees;

    main policy directions for products and services, directions of pricing and advertising policies for the period of the development strategy;

    main guidelines and expected performance results expected to be achieved during the development strategy period;

    goals and objectives facing the organization in the field of improving the organizational structure and management system, improving the system of activity planning, risk management, accounting, improving technology and personnel management systems, as well as in the field of expanding and optimizing the activities of the enterprise.

    In the West, as part of strategic planning, the following types of plans are drawn up:

    ) The summary (main strategic) plan contains information about the main goals of the organization, future directions of its activities, sales markets, production growth, profits, etc.

    )Functional plans developed on its basis reflect the development of individual promising areas of the organization’s activities and allow us to look for ways to optimize the use of material, financial and labor resources,

    ) Economic plans specify the summative in relation to large divisions in such indicators as profit, profitability, turnover, investments, market share, etc.

    The plans can formulate the directions and methods of competition with real and potential rivals, the possible consequences of the implementation, or, conversely, the refusal to implement certain strategies. Planning at an enterprise is carried out by planning bodies and managers at various levels. The quality of planning depends on the competence of managers at all levels of management, their qualifications, as well as information support.

    Let's draw conclusions. Strategic planning consists of establishing the main goals of the enterprise and is focused on determining the intended final results, taking into account the means and methods of achieving the goals and providing the necessary resources. Within the framework of strategic planning, four main tasks are solved: resource allocation, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination and the formation of a strategic organizational culture. Strategic planning is implemented sequentially in stages: Formulation of the organization's mission -> Setting goals -> Assessment and analysis of the external environment -> Management survey of the organization - "Analysis of strategic alternatives -> Choice of strategy. Once the strategy is formulated, the firm determines the main directions of the firm's activities. The rules and procedures necessary to implement the strategy are then developed. The firm's ultimate strategic plan includes: vision, mission and overall goals; organization strategies: general, business, functional; the company's action policy.

    2. Study of the strategic planning process

    1 Tools and methods of analysis used in strategic planning

    A manager, while analyzing the state of the external environment, must analyze markets, levels of competition and technology. The analysis of the work of competing enterprises is based on the same scheme as the analysis of the work of one’s own enterprise. In this case, various types of analysis and their combinations are used:

    analysis conducted solely on the basis of past factual information - factual analysis, or factual analysis;

    analysis carried out on the basis of information oriented to the past and future - analysis of events and deviations. Variance analysis is part of control processes;

    analysis carried out on the basis of future information - analysis of planned indicators. Serves to evaluate plans and select planning alternatives.

    Analysis can be carried out both in the form of pure analysis of facts and in the form of cause-and-effect analysis, most often when studying deviations.

    Let's look at the most popular analysis methods.

    Functional and cost analysis. The object of functional cost analysis most often are products, product groups and production processes. This analysis allows you to optimize, in terms of cost-benefit ratio, the execution of the processes required for the development and production of a particular product. Functional cost analysis requires coordination of all enterprise departments involved in solving the problem, and the sequence of steps in cost analysis corresponds to the stages of the decision-making process.

    Benchmarking. Benchmarking is the analytical process of accurately measuring and comparing all world-class product development and manufacturing activities, both in-house and among competitors. The object of this analysis is products and their components, as well as functions and processes in the enterprise associated with the development, production and marketing of products. The focus of the analysis is often to compare the same functions performed by different companies in an industry to identify “best in class.” The purpose of such an analysis is to detect insufficient performance of certain functions and the reasons for these phenomena in comparison with the “best in class” and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.

    Value chain analysis. The set of functions performed by an enterprise can be represented as a chain of value creation processes, which at the beginning and end is integrated with the activities of market partners. The process chain-oriented analysis tool was developed by the famous Western specialist Michael E. Porter.

    Analysis of business fields (Profit Impact of Market Strategies - PIMS). Business field analysis is an analysis of the impact of market strategies on profit, which is carried out both for the enterprise as a whole and for individual business fields based on a data bank of more than 20 thousand homogeneous business fields. The impact of the specific environment of a particular type of business and internal factors operating within the enterprise itself on profit and cash flow indicators is considered.

    Comparative analysis of enterprise activities. This type of analysis is considered classic. When using this method, the technical, economic and financial indicators of two or more competing enterprises are compared. The object of analysis is the enterprise as a whole. The comparison may refer to a specific moment or period.

    Comparative industry analysis. The object of such analysis is the indicators of enterprises in one industry, for example, turnover and labor productivity, profitability.

    There is also a distinction between quantitative and qualitative analysis of the state of the external environment. Quantitative analysis is based primarily on absolute, relative indicators and indices, presented in the form of analytical tables and graphs.

    Data from qualitative analysis in a concentrated form characterize the state of the external environment and the operation of the enterprise. In this case, the concepts of chances and risks, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise are used.

    A forecast of the state of the external environment, or forecast information about the external environment, contains assumptions about the future state (development) of certain variables of the external environment of the enterprise, taking into account certain initial conditions. The overall goal of such a forecast is to create as reliable a basis as possible for planning their own future behavior, since dynamic systems must always take into account the development of their external environment. The special goal is to identify possible chances and risks for the enterprise in the external environment based on the results of the analysis.

    The possibilities for classifying forecasts of the state of the external environment are associated with the type and size of the area under study, the type and nature of the variables under study (objects, phenomena), as well as with the processes of information processing or methods of obtaining it (forecasting methods). Thus, the objects of forecasting the state of the external environment can be economic, socio-cultural, technological, political, legal and environmental spheres of the external environment or their specific segments in the corresponding regions. For selected regions, general and special forecasts of the state of the external environment are distinguished. Based on the nature of the measurement of variables, forecasts of the state of the external environment are divided into qualitative and quantitative. Forecasts of the external environment differ in the methods of collecting and processing information. There are quantitative and qualitative methods here. Their combination and integration is carried out as part of the development of scenarios.

    Let's consider an analysis of the business situation. In addition to analyzing the external and internal environment, a good manager must be able to analyze and evaluate the business environment in which his enterprise operates. Depending on the results of such an analysis, many management decisions must be made that influence the strategy of the enterprise in the market.

    The business environment is the entire set of elements of the external and internal environment that have a significant impact on the achievement of strategic goals in the activities of an enterprise in the market.

    The main areas of the business environment largely coincide: political, economic, socio-political, legal, criminal spheres.

    It is very important for managers to be able to identify and predict the business environment. Not only the growth or decline of economic indicators of doing business, but also the safety of the company’s activities in certain conditions depends on this. Western companies have been working on assessing the business situation and forecasting it for a long time. Russian companies often neglect this, and they pay for it. Such work should be placed on a scientific level and entrusted only to a competent specialist. The meaning of such activity should be reduced to three main areas: firstly, to the classification of the safety level; secondly, to assessments of external and internal impacts on the company; thirdly, to develop countermeasures.

    Assessing the state of the business environment includes several parameters.

    External influences can be classified as follows: unfair competition; dishonest relationships; disputes; dangers; threats; confrontation. Internal influences can be classified as follows: interpersonal, personnel; technogenic and technological.

    The state of the business environment is determined by the following levels: favorable or normal; unfavorable, or complicating; complex; tense, or pre-conflict; conflict; catastrophic. Ranking the situation according to the above levels allows directors and managers of enterprises to determine the degree of tension in the security system and the need to seek support from government agencies and companies operating in the non-state security system.

    Forecasting the business environment. A forecast of the business environment, as a rule, is understood as an informed judgment about its possible state in the future and about alternative ways and timing of its change. When predicting the business situation, the enterprise security service encounters a large number of problems due to the complexity of creating a database, description algorithms, and the need to attract specialist experts.

    There are two types of business situation forecast: search (research) and normative. A search (research) forecast is based on a study of the existing state of the business situation, which can be carried out by the enterprise itself. The normative forecast is based on those norms that already exist and are described for a specific situation.

    To formulate strategic management decisions, target, program and project forecasts can be developed. According to the lead period - the period of time for which the forecast is calculated, forecasts are distinguished between operational (current), short-term, medium-term, long-term and long-term. Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise is a very important area in the activities of an enterprise. The SWOT analysis method can effectively help with this and is widely used by businesses all over the world. A modern manager must be fluent in this method. analysis is a strategic planning method used to assess factors and phenomena affecting a project or organization. All factors are divided into four categories: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The method includes determining the goal of the project and identifying internal and external factors that contribute to its achievement or complicate it. A qualitative analysis of the prospects of an enterprise is carried out in order to clarify the above-mentioned aspects of its activities, the opportunities that open up for it and the impending threats. The strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise must be assessed in the context of its competitiveness.

    SWOT analysis helps develop an understanding of the circumstances in which a company operates, it helps to balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities and threats that the company will have to face. This analysis helps to determine not only the capabilities of the enterprise, but also all available advantages over competitors.

    Strengths should be based only on facts. Thus, this method helps to identify key success factors (KSFs), i.e. strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise that have the greatest impact on the success of its activities. At the first stage, you need to analyze the following factors.

    Internal factors. Strengths: competence; availability of sufficient financial resources; having good competitive skills; good reputation among consumers; recognized leadership of the enterprise in the market; the company has well-thought-out strategies in this area of ​​activity; Availability of our own high quality technologies; availability of cost advantages for products and services; having advantages over competitors; ability to innovate, etc.

    Weaknesses: lack of strategic direction; marginal position in the market; presence of outdated equipment; low level of profitability; unsatisfactory level of management; poor control; weakness compared to competitors; backwardness in innovation processes; narrow range of products; unsatisfactory image in the market; low marketing skills among staff; lack of sufficient funding for projects, etc.

    External factors. Opportunities: working with additional consumer groups; introduction into new markets or market segments; expanding the range of products to satisfy a wider range of consumers; product differentiation; the ability of the enterprise to quickly move to more profitable strategic groups; confidence in relation to rival firms; rapid market growth, etc.

    Threat factors: arrival of new competitors; increasing sales of similar products; slow market growth; unfavorable tax policy of the state; changes in the needs and tastes of customers, etc.

    Thus, a manager must be able to determine what strengths his enterprise has, and not only see, but also admit its weaknesses. He must recognize what opportunities exist for the enterprise and take into account those threats that may prevent it from capitalizing on opportunities.

    Based on the analysis, at the second stage, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled, shown in Fig. 2.2.1.

    Opportunities 1. 2. Threats 1. 2. pp. Strengths 1. 2. Field “SIV” Field “SIU” p. Weaknesses 1. 2. Field “SLV” Field “SLU” i. Fig.2.2.1 SWOT Matrix

    Managing threats and taking advantage of existing opportunities requires more than just being aware of them. If a business is aware of a threat but does not confront it, it may fail in the marketplace. On the other hand, an enterprise may have information about new opportunities, but not have the resources to implement them. Analysis involves the interactive use of the matrix. On the left, two sections are highlighted (strengths, weaknesses), into which all the characteristics of the enterprise identified at the first stage of the analysis are respectively entered. At the top of the matrix, two sections are highlighted (opportunities and threats), and at the intersection of these sections, four fields are formed for further research:

    . "SIV" (strength and opportunity);

    . "SIU" (force and threats);

    . “SLV” (weakness and opportunity);

    . “SLU” (weakness and threats).

    All relevant entries are entered into these fields as suggestions as a result of an analysis of the interaction of the above characteristics.

    It is clear from the matrix that the most favorable opportunities for the existence of an enterprise are opened by the “SIV” field. This field allows you to use the strengths of the enterprise in order to benefit from emerging opportunities. The “SLV” field allows you to try to overcome the existing weaknesses of the enterprise using the opportunities that have emerged. The “SIS” field presupposes the possibility of using the enterprise’s forces to eliminate threats. The SLU field is the most dangerous for the enterprise. It is characterized by the weakness of the enterprise's position and the danger of an impending threat.

    The manager must also be aware that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposites. Thus, unused opportunities of an enterprise can become a threat if a competitor uses them in time. On the other hand, a successfully prevented threat can provide a company with a strong position if competitors have not eliminated the same threat.

    2.2 Study of strategic alternatives, choice of strategy

    Once management balances external threats and opportunities with internal strengths and weaknesses, it can determine the strategy to follow. At this stage, management has already answered the question: “What business are we in?” and now ready to deal with the questions: “Where are we going?” and “How do we get from where we are now to where we want to be?”

    The strategy selection process consists of the stages of development, refinement and analysis or evaluation. At the first stage, strategies are created that allow you to achieve your goals. At this stage, it is important to develop as many alternative strategies as possible. At the second stage, strategies are refined to the level of adequacy to the diverse goals of enterprise development. A general strategy is being formed. At the third stage, alternatives within the chosen overall strategy of the company are analyzed and assessed according to the degree of suitability for achieving its main goals. This is where the general strategy is filled with specific content.

    Assessing the implementation of the strategy is inextricably linked with control, the main tasks of which are: determining what and by what indicators to check; assessment of the condition of the controlled object in accordance with accepted standards, regulations or other benchmarks; identifying the reasons for deviations, if any are revealed as a result of the assessment; making adjustments if necessary and possible.

    Strategy options can in principle be limited to four alternative strategic categories, each of which has two options. Focusing on these categories greatly simplifies any organization's strategy development process.

    The main strategic alternatives are:

    Expansion strategy. The organization is pursuing a major expansion of activity within a specific mission or is redefining its mission through the development of new products, new markets, or new technology. Adopting an expansion strategy usually requires significant investment and often involves large risks.

    Stabilization strategy. The organization is committed to incrementally increasing operational improvements while continuing to deliver on its mission. The stabilization strategy does not mean that the organization “does not want to do anything”; rather, it focuses on “fine-tuning” the operations already in progress.

    Saving strategy. The organization's activities are aimed at eliminating unprofitable or unprofitable operations within the framework of the Current Targets or revising them through the cessation of production of certain products, withdrawal from certain markets, or abandonment of certain technologies. This type of strategy is adopted by the organization as a temporary measure when solving a specific range of problems.

    Combined strategy. The organization simultaneously implements any two or even all three of the listed strategies. This is usually done in different business units. Thus, an organization can choose an expansion strategy in the most promising area for growth and at the same time withdraw from areas of activity in which decline is expected. Each of the main types of strategy has two options that take into account the internal and external aspects of the organization’s activities.

    Since most organizations operate in a competitive environment, possible competitive strategies should be considered. There are different names for competitive strategies, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that we are always talking about four types: power, niche, adaptation and pioneer strategies.

    The essence of power strategies lies in the organization’s desire to dominate a fairly wide market space due to high internal labor productivity, low production costs, and, consequently, low prices of manufactured products. Achieving such targets requires organizing mass production of goods aimed at the average buyer with average needs and capabilities. Niche strategies involve the organization limiting the range and volume of products while paying special attention to its quality. The essence of this approach is the desire to evade the direct influence of competitors through the identification and active formation of market segments with specific needs.

    Adaptive strategies aim to satisfy small-scale, short-term and frequently changing needs as quickly as possible. Pioneer strategies focus the organization on radical innovations and the development of market demand for fundamentally new goods and services. Depending on the mission and goals of the company, development prospects, internal culture, environmental factors, and acceptable level of risk, the best strategy is selected. After making a decision regarding a particular strategy, the organization faces the task of implementing it. Strategic planning is a continuous process and the tasks assigned to the enterprise must be revised in connection with the emergence of new circumstances forcing adjustments. Sometimes even the long-term goals of an enterprise can be changed. Changing the forecast for the development of the enterprise, developing new goals, as well as fluctuations in the market entail adjustments to the strategy. Based on the assessment results, the strategy is adjusted.

    In the Russian Federation, at the level of industrial enterprises, widely known tools are actively used for strategic planning, such as SWOT analysis, the method of constructing strategic matrices, and expert methods. But some large corporations and a number of medium-sized companies have detailed strategic development plans in the Russian Federation. Relatively small companies are often unable to develop a comprehensive strategic plan on their own, and in the vast majority of cases there are not enough free financial resources to order it from outside specialists. Problems of strategic planning are given in table 2.2.1.

    Table 2.2.1

    Reasons why strategic planning fails

    The first three reasons are of an organizational nature: the lack of a mechanism for implementing and monitoring the strategy; conflict of priorities between strategic and current activities and different types of management potential; lack of a strategic data bank. The fourth reason is behavioral and organizational in nature. Lack of professionalism causes managers to resist planning because it is ineffective. The fifth reason is resistance to change.

    The complexity of solving strategic planning problems in modern conditions is due to a number of factors, the key of which are:

    the large dimension of strategic planning tasks caused by the scale of both the production and marketing system of the enterprise and its environment;

    uncertainty of a large number of elements of the management task - from the conceptual scheme of the enterprise to the mechanisms for implementing management decisions;

    the need to choose a strategic development plan in a fairly short period of time.

    simple copying of tools for the development and implementation of strategic plans that have proven themselves in foreign countries, without taking into account domestic specifics (for example, an extremely high level of business corruption, undeveloped infrastructure, a special mentality of business organization, etc.);

    inconsistency between the strategic plans of the state and private business;

    lack of constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of strategic plans, insufficiently advanced methodological tools.

    Let's draw conclusions.

    The essence of external environment analysis is the systematic study and assessment of controllable and uncontrollable factors (objects and events) related to the enterprise. The main goal of such an analysis is to obtain the necessary planning and forecast information, and an additional goal is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise itself, as well as the opportunities and risks associated with its external environment.

    In addition to analyzing the external and internal environment, an analysis of the business environment in which the enterprise operates is carried out. Depending on the results of such an analysis, many management decisions must be made that influence the strategy of the enterprise in the market. Once a strategy is formulated, the firm defines policies that transform the developed strategy into an open and detailed statement of the firm's core activities. Then the rules and procedures necessary to implement the strategy are developed.

    3. Strategic planning at the travel company LLC “Lucky Ticket”

    1 Characteristics of the activities of the travel company LLC "Happy Ticket"

    The travel company LLC "Lucky Ticket" has been operating in the tourism market of Kazan since 2009. The company has a package of constituent documents provided for by law - a charter and a constituent agreement, as well as a formed authorized capital.

    In 2006, the travel company passed voluntary certification of tourism services, which further contributed to increasing the competitiveness of the services provided.

    The goal of the travel agency is to become the main service provider in the field of tourist and excursion programs in the Republic of Tatarstan. The main principle of work is an individual approach to each client, careful preparation of tour and travel programs and achieving the best ratio of quality and price. LLC "Happy Ticket" specializes in the field of domestic tourism.

    The company is engaged in providing tourism services, organizing business trips around the Republic of Tatarstan and visiting international industry exhibitions. The company also provides additional travel services, such as booking hotels in countries around the world, booking air tickets, railway tickets, tickets to sporting and cultural events, visa support, transfers, organizing business trips (exhibitions, fairs, congresses), excursions. Active tours are offered for lovers of domestic tourism

    The company's clients include almost all categories of consumers of tourism services - from tourists who prefer economical tours to VIP clients.

    The schedule for the implementation of tours (units) for 2013 at the travel agency Happy Ticket LLC is shown in Figure 2.1.1.

    Rice. 3.1.1 Schedule of tours (units) for 2013 LLC "Happy Ticket"

    To study the activities of the organization, we will analyze the financial results of the travel agency.

    Table 3.1.1

    Financial results of the travel agency LLC "Happy Ticket"

    Indicator 2011 2012 2013 Revenue, thousand rubles 492705722043103 Net profit, thousand rubles 14250 190506352 Profitability of commercial activities, % 28,933,314.8

    We show the dynamics of changes in revenue for the period from 2011 to 2013 in Figure 3.1.2.

    Rice. 3.1.2 Revenue of the travel agency “Lucky Ticket” LLC, thousand rubles.

    The organization's revenue in 2013 decreased by 24.7% compared to the previous year to a value of 43,103 thousand rubles.

    Thus, in 2013, the organization’s profit and profitability decreased. The company receives the main profit from the sale of individual tours (78%), the second largest profit is the sale of air and train tickets, which accounts for 13% of the total amount received from the sale of services, the third place is occupied by the sale of corporate tours, which accounts for 11% of funds received from the sale of services.

    2 Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization LLC “Happy Ticket”

    Let's analyze the factors affecting the activities of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC using PEST analysis. Analysis is an abbreviation of the first letters of the words "policy" (policy - P), "economy" (economy - E), "society" (society - S), “technology” (technology - T). The management of a travel agency must be aware of the latest trends in politics, economics, social sphere and technological progress that directly affect its activities. This information can be obtained by regularly viewing industry periodicals (newspapers, magazines), specialized websites and television programs. Politics is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and the acquisition of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying economics is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST Analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of its research is considered to be to identify trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and losses in the market, as well as the emergence of new products. The analysis is presented in Table 3.2.1.

    Table 3.2.1 analysis of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC

    Politics Certainty and consistency in Russia's foreign and domestic policies. (Russian development forecast for 2014-2015). Tourism development programs in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. Tourism development program in Kazan.Economy - Concentration of ownership in the tourism area - Investments in the tourism industrySociety - Focus on quality, quality product. -Competition in the market of cultural and educational tourism Technologies Use of innovative developments of tourism products in the direction of cultural and educational tourism Use of modern Internet technologies

    The wealth of natural, cultural and historical resources, the possibility and convenience of their use have a significant impact on the scale, pace and directions of tourism development in the Republic of Tatarstan. High cultural and historical potential (Kazan Kremlin - a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 13 historical cities, numerous objects of cultural and historical heritage, a special flavor determined by the diversity of cultures and traditions, etc.). The presence of religious sites of various faiths (Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, mosque Kul Sharif and others).

    Compared to other subjects of the Volga Federal District, the Republic of Tatarstan has a rare tourism and recreational potential, which is determined by: rich natural resource opportunities; unique cultural and historical heritage; diverse ethnographic composition; favorable geographical position; the presence of a metropolis - Kazan. All this makes the Republic of Tatarstan an ideal region for the development of various types of tourism.

    Major sporting competitions, for example, the 2013 Universiade, the World and European Football Championships, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the tourism business in the Republic of Tatarstan.

    The most characteristic trends in world tourism at present are the diversification of the tourism product, the search for new tourist destinations, the reduction of the average duration of tourist trips, the choice of alternative means of accommodation and transport, competent positioning, as well as general price pressure. The main factors determining the future of tourism include general and sectoral factors such as competition, information technology, air travel, tour operator services, as well as political and social development conditions.

    The SWOT analysis method allows you to clearly present the existing advantages and disadvantages and the current market situation. SWOT analysis helps determine the position of a travel agency in the market and determine whether the external situation is being used sufficiently. Based on this analysis, you can formulate a promotion strategy. This allows you to choose the optimal path of development with the most efficient use of all resources available to interacting entities, simultaneously using the opportunities provided and eliminating or neutralizing negative factors.

    Let's conduct a SWOT analysis of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC in Table 2.3.2.

    Table 3.2.2

    Strengths, weaknesses. Opportunities and threats of the travel agency "Lucky Ticket" LLC

    Strengths1..Good impression of the organization from the consumer 3.Accumulated experience in the market 4.Convenient location 5.Qualified personnel1. Gaining your own market share and expanding it in comparison with competitors. 2. Development of a marketing strategy. 3. Possibility of expanding activities and its differentiation due to the company’s status as a travel agent. Opportunities Weaknesses 1. Reduced profitability, lack of necessary financial resources; 2. A short period of work in the tourism industry market, lack of experience. 3. Lack of name (brand) recognition. 4 Lack of mission, goals 5. Lack of a competent marketing strategy 6. Insufficiently active promotion of tourism products to the market.1. The presence of a significant number of competitors in one segment of the tourism industry market. 2. The possibility of the emergence of more and more new competitors in this market segment. 3. Instability of external and internal factors in the tourism industry market. Threats

    As a result of formulating a SWOT analysis, a ranked list of the strengths and weaknesses of Happy Ticket LLC, opportunities and threats of the external environment was obtained.

    From the analysis of the resulting SWOT matrix, it follows that to develop a strategy for entering a new market, all the strengths of the travel agency should be used. The company uses the strength of its marketing policy and the qualifications of its personnel to promote the offered tourism services and stimulate sales. It is recommended to apply a diversification strategy.

    In SWOT analysis, threats are assessed using the method of positioning each specific opportunity on the opportunity matrix (Table 2.3.3.).

    Table 3.2.3

    Opportunity Matrix

    Strong influence Moderate influence Small influence High probability - Development of marketing strategy - Application of a new strategy in the market; - Work on the image of the enterprise. Average probability - Improving the quality of customer service. -Ways to expand the range of services through the development of innovative cultural and educational tours Low probability Application of modern Internet technologies in work

    As can be seen from the table, all the company’s capabilities are of great importance for it and they must be used.

    A matrix for assessing threats is also compiled (Table 3.2.4).

    Table 3.2.4

    Threat Assessment Matrix

    DestructionCritical conditionSevere condition"Minor bruises"High probabilityIncreasing competitive pressureDownturn in the country's economy caused by the global crisisIncreasing demands of consumers and changes in their tastesMedium probabilityIncreasing prices for tour packagesUnfavorable changes in the rate of growth in exchange ratesDecreased solvency of the populationLow probabilityHigh dependence on decreased demand

    The most dangerous threats are: growing competitive pressure in the tourism market and the decline in the country's economy; the management of a travel agency must pay more attention to this problem and quickly respond to external changes in the market.

    Thus, the SWOT analysis of Happy Ticket LLC showed:


    A good impression formed by the consumer about the organization; 2.Accumulated experience in the market 3.Convenient location 4.Qualified personnel


    Gaining your own market share and expanding it in comparison with competitors. 2. Development of a marketing strategy. 3. Possibility of expanding activities and its differentiation due to the company’s status as a travel agent.

    Weak sides:

    Reduced profitability, lack of necessary financial resources; 2.Short period of work in the tourism industry market, lack of experience; 3. Lack of name (brand) recognition; 4. Lack of mission, goals 5. Lack of a competent marketing strategy; 6. Insufficiently active promotion of tourism products to the market;

    The presence of a significant number of competitors in one segment of the tourism industry market; 2. The possibility of the emergence of more and more new competitors in this market segment; 3. Instability of external and internal factors in the tourism industry market; For a travel agency, PEST showed:


    Certainty and consistency in Russia's foreign and domestic policies. (Russian development forecast until 2020).


    Concentration of ownership in the tourism area, investment in the tourism industry


    Focus on quality, quality product; competition in the cultural and educational tourism market.


    The use of innovative developments of tourism products in the direction of tourism, the use of modern Internet technologies

    The Republic of Tatarstan has rich natural resource potential; favorable geographical position.

    Internal analysis

    Let's consider the staff of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC. The travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC consists of 8 people (Table 3.2.5.).

    Table 3.2.5

    Staffing schedule of the travel agency LLC "Happy Ticket"

    Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications Number of staff units General Director 1 Accountant 1 Head of Tourism Department 1 Domestic Tourism Manager 1 Business Tourism Manager 1 Individual and VIP Tours Manager 1 Advertising Manager 1 Courier 1 Total 8

    All employees of the travel agency, with the exception of the courier, have higher education and experience in the tourism industry for at least 2 years. The travel agency often uses student interns as labor for minimum wage.

    The head of the travel company is the director. He independently decides all issues of the organization’s activities, acts on behalf of the company, and represents its interests before other firms and organizations. Also, this person disposes, within the limits of the right granted to him, of the property of the enterprise, enters into contracts, including those for the hiring of workers. Issues instructions and individual orders that are mandatory for execution by all employees of the travel company. The director bears, within the limits of his powers, full responsibility for the activities of the organization, ensuring the safety of inventory, cash and other property.

    The accountant and the head of the tourism department are directly subordinate to the director. The chief accountant of a travel agency reports directly to the general director.

    The head of the tourism department of a travel agency reports to the director of the company. Its main function is to fulfill the plan for tour sales. This employee supervises the operational activities of sales managers. Makes proposals to optimize sales of tours to consumers.

    Tourism managers work directly with potential tourists. Provides full consultation and sales of tours. Monitor the process of selling tourism services. They present proposals to management that will increase customer loyalty and their satisfaction with the company’s services provided, which ultimately leads to an increase in the company’s profits.

    The travel agency actively uses computer technology - it uses the “Tourist Office” computer information system, which significantly speeds up all calculations and the generation of documents. The computers of all employees are connected to a local network and have an Internet connection. There is a system that provides input, editing and storage of information about tours, hotels, clients, and the status of applications. The program allows you to provide information output in the form of various documents: lists of tourists, descriptions of tours, hotels, can calculate the cost of tours taking into account exchange rates, discounts, also automatically makes payments for tours, allows you to obtain financial statements, and has other capabilities.

    Marketing activities of a travel agency.

    There is no marketing department in this travel agency; marketing and advertising activities in the travel agency are handled by the advertising manager. In the tourism business, as in any other type of activity, it is necessary to study the problems of supply and demand in markets, i.e. conducting marketing research.

    When providing travel services, the company focuses on the needs of tourists, determined by the demand of potential clients. An important source of information is the analysis of advertising brochures and leaflets delivered by Russian and foreign partner companies and competitors. To determine the direction of the trip, the company employee takes into account the purpose of the trip.

    The travel agency has a website on the Internet. Email address: http: [email protected].

    Thus, Happy Ticket LLC is a travel company operating as a travel agent and specializing in the field of domestic tourism. The travel agency has eight qualified employees on staff, and the organizational management structure includes all the necessary divisions. Marketing and advertising activities in a travel agency are carried out by an advertising manager.

    3 Competitive analysis

    Any company faces a wide range of competitors. Currently, there are about 500 travel companies operating in the tourism market of the Republic of Tatarstan, of which about 350 are in Kazan, about 80 are working on domestic tourism. The main competitors of the travel agency LLC "Lucky Ticket" in the domestic tourism market in Kazan are presented in Table 3.3.1.

    Table 3.3.1

    Competitors of the travel agency "Lucky Ticket" LLC in the domestic tourism market in Kazan

    Name of travel agency (travel agency) Sales volume, thousand rubles Price level Number of staff, people List of main types of services Level of customer service Travel agency Media service 182785 Market average 7 Tourist services - Excursions: Kazan, Raifa Monastery, Sviyazhsk, Elabuga, Bulgari, Bilyarsk, etc. ; - Organization of holidays in Russia and abroad. Organization of events: - Cultural, scientific, business meetings, presentations, seminars, exhibitionsVysokiyTravel and travel company158257Above average7Reception programs in the city of Kazan and in small towns of the Republic (Elabuga, Arsk, Chistopol, Bilyar, Bolgari, Sviyazhsk, Laishevo).HighFortuna Travel agency 126523 Market average travel and excursions around the world and in Russia and Tatarstan. Visit to the Golden Ring of Russia. Organization of excursions to the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Veliky Novgorod, and the protected region of Karelia. Low Volga Travel LLC 135673 Above average7. Excursion programs with various themes. “Kazan - the heart of Eurasia”, “Kazan sports”, “Raifa - God-protected...”, “Theatrical Kazan” and others Average LLC “Happy Ticket” 71740 High 8 The most popular tours in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Volga region. Average Travel planet 180 517 Above average 9 Excursion services in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan; Guide-translator services HighOther125000Tours of cultural and educational nature

    36 travel agencies are registered in the federal register, incl. engaged in domestic tourism 26, international inbound - 4, international outbound - 6; Of the total number of tour operators, 33 operate in Kazan, 1 in Elabuga. In the tourism market of the Republic of Tatarstan, most travel companies are engaged in sending domestic tourists abroad, because it is more profitable. But at the same time, the number of travel agencies whose activities are aimed at domestic and inbound tourism has recently increased. There are not very many of them - only 11%, more than 30 companies in Kazan and about 40 in the Republic of Tatarstan.

    The analysis showed that on average the number of employees working in Kazan travel agencies does not exceed 9 people.

    Thus, the travel agency Happy Ticket LLC ranks last (7%) among travel agencies operating in this area of ​​the domestic tourism market segment in Kazan, inferior to the leaders in terms of sales volume, price level, and level of service. The main share in the tourism market in Kazan is occupied by travel agencies: Mediaservice (market share 19%) and Planet Travel (18%), in third place is Travel Endwalk (16%), in fourth place is Volzhskie Travel LLC (14%), then Fortuna (13%), followed by Media Service (12%), Volzhskie Travel (11%), and in last place is Happy Ticket LLC (7%).

    It should be noted that the vast majority of Kazan travel agencies specialize in outbound tourism. In this case, preference is given to beach, entertainment and business tourism. Cultural, educational, religious and sports tourism has been little developed. The largest number of travel agencies in the city of Kazan are aimed at serving individual tourists, despite the fact that group tourism has certain prospects (for example, a large number of educational institutions whose students prefer to travel in groups).

    As for the level of tours offered, travel agencies mainly specialize in travel of tourist and economy classes.

    It should also be noted that travel agencies mostly give their preferences in advertising to the press, radio and customer reviews. At the same time, modern Internet technologies are not used enough. Therefore, a travel agency should consider all these disadvantages when developing its strategy and planning its activities.

    Let's consider the partners of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC (tourist service providers). Since the main thing for the travel agency “Lucky Ticket” LLC is to provide its clients with high-quality travel services, therefore the company cooperates with reliable and well-known companies. The company's partners are: 1. Airlines - Aeroflot; 2.Railway companies - JSC "Federal Passenger Company"; 3. Mobile operator Megafon; 4. Insurance company "Renaissance Insurance"; 5. Hotels not lower than ***.

    The presence of such partners has a positive effect on the image and reputation of the travel agency Happy Ticket LLC.

    The end consumers of the services of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC are: business people; individual tourists (groups of tourists); VIP clients. The structure of income received from each customer segment is presented in Table 3.3.2.

    Table 3.3.2

    Segmentation of clients by income from sales of travel packages

    Segments Share of income for 2012, % Share of income for 2013, % Corporate clients 3637a). business trips2220b). Organization of seminars57c). Organization of exhibitions910Private clients6463Total:100100

    The table data shows that the main clients of the travel agency “Happy Ticket” LLC are private clients. Therefore, even in the off-season, sales come from organizing various tours for private individuals. Here we also cannot fail to note the decrease in the share of private clients. Thus, the travel agency Schastlivy Ticket LLC needs to think over a clearer strategy for working with private clients.

    At the moment, Happy Ticket LLC operates through an agent network in Kazan. However, the tourism market of Kazan is oversaturated with travel agencies, and competition is intensifying. Thus, a travel agency should expand its travel agency network as quickly as possible and enter new markets.

    4. Development of a strategy for the travel agency LLC "Happy Ticket"

    1 Results of strategic analysis

    The analysis showed that Happy Ticket LLC is a travel company operating as a travel agent and specializing in the field of domestic tourism. The company is engaged in providing tourism services in the domestic tourism market, organizing business trips throughout the Republic of Tatarstan and visiting international industry exhibitions. The company also provides additional travel services, such as booking hotels in countries around the world, booking air tickets, etc.

    The company's clients include almost all categories of consumers of tourism services - from tourists who prefer economical tours to VIP clients. The company receives its main profit from the sale of individual tours.

    The strengths are: 1. The consumer has a good impression of the organization; 2.Accumulated experience in the market 3.Convenient location 4.Qualified personnel

    The identified weaknesses are: 1. Lack of necessary financial resources; 2.Short period of work in the tourism industry market, lack of experience; 3. Lack of name (brand) recognition; 4. Lack of mission, goals 5. Lack of a competent marketing strategy; 6. Insufficiently active promotion of tourism products to the market;

    Threats: 1. The presence of a significant number of competitors in one segment of the tourism industry market; 2. The possibility of the emergence of more and more new competitors in this market segment; 3. Instability of external and internal factors in the tourism industry market; For a travel agency, PEST showed:

    The use of innovative developments of tourism products in the direction of tourism, since the Republic of Tatarstan has rich natural resource opportunities, a rich history, and an advantageous geographical location.

    The travel agency has eight qualified employees on staff, and the organizational management structure includes all the necessary divisions. Marketing and advertising activities in a travel agency are carried out by an advertising manager.

    At the moment, Happy Ticket LLC operates through an agent network in Kazan. However, the tourism market of Kazan is oversaturated with travel agencies, and competition is intensifying. The travel agency ranks last (7%) among travel agencies operating in the domestic tourism market in Kazan, inferior to the leaders in sales volume, price level, and level of service.

    The tourism market in the Republic of Tatarstan is very promising for the following reasons.

    An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan shows stable positive dynamics in terms of main indicators. For 2010-2012, the average increase in the number of tourists was 14.8%. In 2012, the tourist flow to the Republic of Tatarstan amounted to 1.5 million people, including one-day tourists - 1 million 850 thousand people. Over the first 9 months of 2013, the total number of tourists increased by 19% compared to the same period in 2012. Today, Tatarstan is still ahead of most Russian regions in terms of the number of tourist arrivals.

    The second important indicator of tourism development is the volume of tourism services provided. For 2010-2012, the average increase was 9%. In 2012, the volume of tourism services provided amounted to 6.9 billion rubles. For 9 months of 2013, this figure amounted to 6.2 billion rubles, which is 19% more than the same figure in 2012. It should be noted that this figure does not include additional expenses of tourists, such as food, transport, entertainment and souvenirs.

    The hotel sector is developing rapidly. In 2012, 338 accommodation facilities with a total number of beds of 33.5 thousand operated in Tatarstan; over 9 months of 2013, 51 new accommodation facilities with a number of beds of more than 3 thousand were opened in Tatarstan, including hostels. According to this indicator, Tatarstan is also ahead of most Russian regions, while the budget for tourism development in the republic is one of the lowest in tourist-attractive regions of Russia.

    At the moment, there are more than 600 tourism enterprises operating in Tatarstan, of which about 70 are tour operators. It is characteristic that in January 2013 this figure was 42 tour operators.

    The republican tourism product is being actively promoted in the Russian and international tourism markets. In 2010-2013, the republic took part in 51 exhibitions and organized 23 special information tours for tour operators and journalists in Russia and abroad, which resulted in more than 400 television stories and publications.

    There is great potential for tourism development in municipal areas. Tourism development programs have already been adopted in 8 districts; programs are being developed in another 10 districts and should be adopted by the end of 2013. Active work in the development of the tourism sector is being carried out in Zelenodolsk, Spassky, Elabuga, Tetyushsky and Sabinsky districts.

    Thus, over the past few years, large-scale work has been carried out in Tatarstan to create the latest transport, sports, hotel infrastructure, and powerful tourist centers - Bolgar and Sviyazhsk. (Based on the results of 9 months of this year, the tourist flow to the Ancient City of Bolgar increased by 41%, to the island town of Sviyazhsk - by 90%, compared to the same period last year). In addition, vast organizational experience has been accumulated and a powerful impetus has been given to the development of the tourism sector. The Universiade has become a major marketing project, the effect of which may be lost in the absence of serious government support and development of the tourism industry.

    Currently, the subprogram “Development of the tourism and hospitality sector in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2020” of the state program “Development of physical culture, sports, tourism and increasing the efficiency of youth policy implementation for 2014-2020” has been developed. The goal of this subprogram is to increase the competitiveness of the tourism complex of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian and international tourism markets based on the effective use of the developing tourism infrastructure, as well as the cultural, historical, natural potential, the potential of event tourism of the republic and the development of the hospitality industry. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve several strategic problems caused by existing problems in the tourism industry.

    The first task is to maintain a favorable tourist image of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian market.

    The second task - the development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, is aimed at forming a package of investment proposals and projects for the development of tourism infrastructure, as well as the creation of tourist, recreational and autotourist clusters on the territory of the republic with their subsequent inclusion in the federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russian Federation for 2011-2018".

    As a result of the implementation of the subprogram, by 2020 the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of tourism will be able to achieve the following indicators:

    ) Increase in internal and incoming tourist flows to 2 million 250 thousand people, and taking into account excursionists, more than 3 million 700 thousand people.

    ) Bring the volume of paid tourist services provided to the population to 12 billion. rub.

    Today, the Republic of Tatarstan has serious competitive advantages in tourism due to the development of tourism infrastructure for the 2013 Universiade.

    In 2013, the organization "Lucky Ticket" LLC saw a decrease in profit and profitability. The company receives its main profit from the sale of individual tours.

    The new strategic goal of the travel agency is to develop a new sector of cultural and educational tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan. To do this, we are choosing a growth strategy to enter the cultural and educational tourism sector of the Republic of Tatarstan in view of its prospects, which will allow the organization to expand its share in the tourism services market, increase profits and the quality of customer service.

    The mission of the travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC is to help people have a great holiday, inspiring them to enjoy travel in accordance with their own taste.

    The travel agency's slogan: “Travel with us!

    The company's goals: entering a new segment of the tourism market in order to achieve a competitive advantage and generate additional profits, long-term cooperation with any client who contacts the company. Individual approach to each client.

    Priorities: wide range of tours and services provided; high professionalism of employees; flexible pricing policy; quality service.

    The main objectives of the travel company LLC "Lucky Ticket" are:

    Expanding the share in the tourism market by developing the niche of cultural and educational tourism in the market of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan, as the most promising in connection with the development of a tourism development strategy in the Republic of Tatarstan;

    development of an individual approach to each client;

    improving the information and material base of the company;

    staff development.

    The main values ​​of the travel agency are competence, honesty and reliability in work. The company's prices are competitive, but the management does not set itself the goal of becoming the cheapest travel company, but strives to provide a high level of service, where the price corresponds to the quality of the product. The agency has developed its own regular circle of clients. This fact is an indicator of the stability of the enterprise. However, constantly expanding the circle of clients is an urgent task for the company.

    The quality criterion is taken as the basis for the work of the travel agency: careful development of cultural and educational tourism routes in the Tatarstan market, competence of employees, high level of service. All this will allow the company to become one of the most respected travel companies, which will increase the number of tour operators and regular customers cooperating with it.

    After analyzing and comparing SWOT analysis indicators and financial and economic indicators, a diversification strategy was chosen. Diversification is understood as the simultaneous development of several separate types of activities, as well as the expansion of the range of services provided. The main reasons why an organization has to diversify include: the desire to survive and strengthen its position in a competitive environment; an attempt to reduce business risks by distributing them between different areas of activity; the opportunity to make greater profits than by simply increasing tour sales.

    In order to gain market share, a strategy has been proposed to diversify the activities of a travel agency in three areas:

    Development of a new tourist route within the framework of cultural and educational tourism;

    Let's consider the financial support of the strategy of the travel agency LLC "Happy Ticket".

    In order to expand business and develop an additional share of the tourism market in Tatarstan in the direction of cultural and educational tourism, additional financial resources are needed.

    The development of the organization is expected to use borrowed funds.

    The travel agency decided to take out a loan from Tatfondbank for a period of one year in the amount of 36,000 thousand rubles. at a rate of 20% per annum.

    Let's calculate the efficiency of attracting a loan.

    Balance sheet profit without a loan amounted to RUB 24,480 thousand.

    For the year, balance sheet profit will amount to 36,720 thousand rubles.

    Interest on the loan = 36,000 thousand rubles. x 20% = 7,200 thousand rubles.

    Profit after interest = 36,720 thousand rubles. - 7,200 thousand rubles. =

    RUB 29,520 thousand

    Income tax = 29,520 thousand rubles. x 20% = 5,904 thousand rubles.

    Net profit = 29,520 thousand rubles. - 5,904 thousand rubles. = 23,616 thousand rubles.

    Average annual asset value =

    Average annual cost of capital =

    Return on Assets =

    Net return on assets =

    Net return on assets has decreased because the company will pay interest to the bank, which will reduce the organization's profit margin.

    Let's calculate return on capital:

    Return on Equity =

    Return on Equity =

    By attracting a loan in the amount of 36,000 rubles. In a year, the travel agency will increase its return on capital by 15.6%.

    Improving the image of a travel agency through the development of a PR project.

    Most PR (public relations) activities are carried out with the goals of: 1) persuading people to change their opinion on an issue, product or organization, 2) forming public opinion when there is none, 3) strengthening existing public opinion.

    The company's PR activities have global goals - maintaining the company's reputation, image, and local goals - informing about news, responding to external industry events, commenting. The main problem that PR services face in their activities is the information occasion and the novelty of information. The target groups in PR events are representatives of the public.

    Indicators of the effectiveness of PR activities can be: a recognizable brand; positive attitude among target groups; number of publications mentioning the company.

    The list of costs for implementing a PR project is given in Table 4.2.1.

    Table 4.2.1

    List of costs for implementing a PR project

    Planned event Items of expenses Amount, thousand rubles Preparation and distribution of printed information materials (brochures, booklets, newspapers) Expenses for preparation, printing and distribution 20 Organization of a series of thematic articles Expenses for the production and printing of brochures, booklets, prospectuses, advertising posters Advertising expenses for the production and printing of brochures, booklets, prospectuses, advertising posters 40 TOTAL: 60

    The total cost of the PR project will be 60 thousand rubles.

    Development of a new tourist route within the framework of cultural and educational tourism

    Development of a tourist route - "Island city-Sviyazhsk - (Makarevsky Monastery) - Raifa (Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery)" 2 days (1 night)

    Route description

    Every city has something completely unique that can be shown from a special perspective to both local residents and tourist groups.

    Archaeological excursions are visits to monuments of ancient and medieval history and human culture.

    The island town of Sviyazhsk is located in the picturesque mouth of the Sviyaga River on a high hill-remnant of Kazan. The island-city of Sviyazhsk is an outstanding historical, urban planning, architectural, artistic, natural landscape and archaeological monument of Russia of the 16th-20th centuries.

    Sviyazhsk is one of the oldest Russian cities, founded by Ivan the Terrible in 1551 as a military fortress for the capture of the Kazan Khanate. Acquaintance with the sights of the island: Church of the Holy Trinity, Temple in honor of St. Sergius, the Wonderworker of Radonezh, Cathedral of Our Lady of Joy of All Who Sorrow, Chapel of the Royal Passion-Bearers, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen.

    As a unique integral historical and cultural territorial complex of the 16th – early 20th centuries. in 1990, Sviyazhsk was included in the list of historical settlements of the Russian Federation. In 1998, the “Ensemble of development of the former city of Sviyazhsk” was submitted to the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Center in 6 categories: history, urban planning, architecture, icons and frescoes, archeology, natural anthropogenic landscape and included in the preliminary UNESCO World Heritage List.

    Raifa. Starting from the 17th century, this word was used to call the Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery, a famous Orthodox shrine. Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery is the largest of the existing monasteries of the Kazan diocese. The Raifa Monastery is a famous center of pilgrimage for both ordinary believers and eminent public and political figures, representatives of Russian culture.

    Information on the excursion is given in Appendix 4.

    Delivery method to Sviyazhsk is by motor ship or yacht.

    Target group: schoolchildren, students, adults, pensioners.

    Time spent on the island-city of Sviyazhsk: up to 5 hours

    Seasonality of the route: summer;

    Geography of tourists: Republic of Tatarstan and the city of Kazan, Mari El, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Ulyanovsk region, Udmurtia, Ural.

    Type of travel: walking.

    Route duration: 2.5 hours.

    Technological map of the route: according to GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Design of tourist services."

    Point A - parking of the ship (yacht). Sightseeing tour of the island with inspection of the territory of the Assumption Monastery - the Assumption Cathedral (1560), the bell tower of St. Nicholas Church (1556), and the fraternal building. Possibility of visiting the utility yard. Continuation of the excursion with a visit to the State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum "Island-city of Sviyazhsk", inspection of the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen (XVII) - point B,

    Return to point A.

    Continuation of the excursion on the territory of the Makaryevsky Monastery with a visit to the Trinity Church (1551), the Cathedral of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (1898-1906) and the Sergius Church (1604).

    Delivery method to Raifa is by bus.

    Route type: thematic, sightseeing.

    According to the construction of the trail: circular.

    Type of travel: walking.

    Route duration: from 2 to 5 hours

    Return to Kazan. Free time.

    Information on the excursion program is given in Appendix 2.

    The tour price includes:

    excursion service,

    hotel accommodation with breakfast,

    bus service,

    a trip on a boat or yacht,

    Barbecue lunch on the island,

    entrance ticket to the Kremlin,

    entrance ticket to Raifa

    Additional charge

    entrance tickets to museums in the Kremlin,

    food lunches and dinners

    entrance tickets to the water park

    food in addition to the ordered menu

    Thus, the developed cultural and educational tour with the aim of attracting tourists will help the travel agency Happy Ticket LLC increase its share in the cultural and educational tourism market.

    Let's draw conclusions.

    The work analyzed the activities and financial results of a travel company. Based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn.

    The dynamics of demand for tourism products of a travel company over three years is stable, profitable and profitable. The organization's net income and profitability increased. The organization is solvent and financially independent.

    The company receives the main profit from the sale of individual tours (78%), the second largest profit is the sale of air and train tickets, which accounts for 13% of the total amount received from the sale of services, the third place is occupied by the sale of corporate tours, which accounts for 11% of funds received from the sale of services.

    The travel agency "Happy Ticket" LLC ranks last (7%) among travel agencies operating in the cultural and educational tourism market in Kazan, inferior to the leaders in terms of sales volume, price level, and level of service.

    The most dangerous threats are: growing competitive pressure in the cultural tourism market and the decline in the country’s economy; travel agency management must pay more attention to this problem and quickly respond to external changes in the market.

    In order to gain additional market share, a strategy was proposed to diversify the activities of the travel agency in three areas:

    Aggressive development of the domestic market of Tatarstan in the direction of cultural and educational tourism,

    Improving the company's image through the development of a PR campaign;

    Development of a new tourist route within the framework of cultural and educational tourism;


    Strategy is a unique philosophy (ideology) of enterprise development. At the same time, new capabilities of the enterprise are being developed (for example, expanding production capacity, purchasing equipment, changing the profile of the enterprise, changing technology, etc.).

    The strategy development process involves: the formation of a common “vision”, an idea of ​​the future state of the enterprise, shared by all stakeholders (primarily its owners and senior management); formulation of the enterprise development mission; analysis of the development prospects of the enterprise, the task of which is to identify trends and factors influencing the development of relevant trends; analysis of positions in competition (determine how competitive the company’s products are in different markets); choosing a strategy based on an analysis of the development prospects of the enterprise and determining priorities for specific types of activities in terms of its efficiency and resource availability; analysis of directions for diversification of activities, search for new, more effective types and determination of expected results.

    Strategic planning helps make decisions on complex problems of enterprise activity on any scale: determining the directions and sizes of capital investments, sources of their financing; introduction of technical innovations and advanced technology; diversification of production and product renewal; forms of investment in the context of the acquisition of new enterprises; improvement of management organization for individual departments and personnel policies.

    A standard strategic plan includes forecasts about development trends, the nature of competition, and changes in the external environment; analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization itself; its mission and major goals: overall strategy; plan for creating competitive advantages; functional and contingency strategies; calculation of resource requirements for the implementation of strategies and plans; assessment of the probability of success: schedule of main activities. The plan is drawn up from the future to the present.

    Strategic planning consists of a number of interrelated stages. First, the mission of the organization is formulated, then goals are formulated, then a study of the external and internal environment of the organization is carried out, then the main guidelines of the company are determined, at the next stage, as part of strategic analysis, the company compares the results of the first and second stages, determines possible options for strategies, then selects one of options and formulates its own strategy; at the last stage, the company prepares a final strategic plan based on previously carried out developments and proposals from lower levels.

    Strategy evaluation is carried out by comparing performance results with goals. The evaluation process is used as a feedback mechanism to adjust the strategy. The company has four strategic alternatives: limited growth, growth, contraction, and a combination of these options. Assessing the implementation of the strategy is inextricably linked with control, the main tasks of which are: determining what and by what indicators to check; assessment of the condition of the controlled object in accordance with accepted standards, regulations or other benchmarks; identifying the reasons for deviations, if any are revealed as a result of the assessment; making adjustments if necessary and possible. The most common models for assessing the choice of strategic position are the Boston Advisory Group (BCG) matrix and the General Electric-McKinsey matrix. In the last stage, the firm prepares the final strategic plan. The final strategic plan of the company includes: vision, mission and overall goals; organization strategies: general, business, functional; the company's action policy. The use of modern tools and methods of analysis in strategic planning allows you to effectively manage the company’s product portfolio and develop appropriate marketing strategies for product lines to achieve the goals of the organization as a whole.

    The most popular analysis methods are: functional cost analysis, benchmarking, value chain analysis, business field analysis, comparative analysis of enterprise activities, comparative industry analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the state of the external environment.

    The strategy options are: expansion strategy, stabilization strategy, saving strategy, combined strategy.

    In addition to analyzing the external and internal environment, a good manager must be able to analyze and evaluate the business environment in which his enterprise operates. Depending on the results of such an analysis, many management decisions must be made that influence the strategy of the enterprise in the market. Once a strategy is formulated, the firm defines policies that transform the developed strategy into an open and detailed statement of the firm's core activities. Then the rules and procedures necessary to implement the strategy are developed.

    The paper examines strategic planning at the travel agency Happy Ticket LLC. According to the strategic analysis, threats and opportunities were revealed, and their importance for a travel agency when developing a strategy for its behavior was assessed. In order to gain market share, a strategy has been proposed to diversify the activities of a travel agency in three areas:

    Development of the domestic tourism market of Tatarstan in the direction of cultural and educational tourism, finding additional financial resources,

    Improving the company's image through the development of a PR company;

    Development of a new tourist route within the framework of cultural and educational tourism.

    A financial justification for the directions of the strategy is provided.


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    Table 1

    Tour program

    DayTimeEvent1 day7.00-8.00 9.00-9.30 10.00 In the morning, meeting at the square of the railway station (or airport). A comfortable tourist bus awaits tourists along with an accompanying company manager

    Similar work to - Strategic planning process at the travel agency "Lucky Ticket" LLC

    Chapter 1. Business planning in a travel company………......4

    1.1 Planning as a function of management in tourism……………….4

    1.2 Goals, objectives and features of drawing up a business plan

    in a travel agency……………………………………………………………....6

    1.3 Structure of a business plan in a travel company…………………7

    Chapter 2. Organizational and economic characteristics

    travel company "Finkos"……………………………………………………….........9

    2.1 Organization of work of the tourist company “Finkos”……………….9

    2.2 Economic characteristics of the travel company “Finkos”.13

    2.3 Business activity of the travel agency “Finkos”………………………….19

    Chapter 3. Assessing the economic efficiency of a travel company

    3.1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the tour in the travel company “Finkos”...22

    3.2 Assessing the financial sustainability of tourism

    "Finkos" company………………………………………………………........22

    3.3 Forecast of bankruptcy in the travel company “Finkos”………….22

    Conclusions and proposals…………………………………………………………….……….28

    List of references…………………...……………………….31


    Introduction Each entrepreneur, starting his activity, must clearly understand the future need for financial, material, labor and intellectual resources, the sources of their receipt, and also be able to clearly calculate the efficiency of using resources in the process of the company’s work. In a market economy, entrepreneurs will not be able to achieve sustainable success if they do not clearly and effectively plan their activities, constantly collect and accumulate information both about the state of target markets, the position of competitors in them, and about their own prospects and opportunities. With all the diversity of forms of entrepreneurship, there are key provisions that apply in almost all areas of commercial activity and for different companies, but are necessary in order to prepare in a timely manner and avoid potential difficulties and dangers, thereby reducing the risk in achieving your goals. An important task is the problem of attracting investments, including foreign ones, into existing and developing enterprises. To do this, it is necessary to argue and justify the design of projects (proposals) that require investment. For these and some other purposes, a business plan is used.

    1. General classification and structure of business plans

    1.1 Planning as a function of tourism management.

    Management of the tourism system should be based on strategic (projected into the future) vision and foresight. Based on the vision (a kind of “drawings” that show us in the future), which is the leading idea of ​​management, the policy of the tourism company is developed, which represents the general goals and norms of relations that ensure the viability and development of this structure.

    Planning is one of the stages of the management process at which the goals of any tourism structure are determined, as well as methods for achieving them. In some cases, the company ceases to exist after achieving its goals, in others new, more significant goals are set. This indicates that planning is not a one-time activity. This is a continuous process (one of the stages of the management process) of studying new ways and methods of improving the company's activities through identified opportunities, conditions and factors.

    The formation of enterprise policy is most often carried out at the highest level of management. All policy provisions of a travel company are presented, as a rule, in the form of a leading tourist image. The leading image contains long-term goals, philosophy, policies (principles of relationships with various interest groups), culture of the enterprise and its legislative rights.

    In relation to a specific tourist region, we should primarily talk about its competitiveness. Specifically, the planning function includes the following types of work:

    · participation in the development of regional development goals established by tourism departments;

    · current analysis of the competitiveness of the place (market, direct and indirect competitors, demand, suppliers, industry);

    · development of a regional competitiveness strategy, its
    special position;

    · implementation of the region's competitiveness strategy - primarily providing advice to tourism enterprises and carrying out innovative management.

    The result of planning as a management function can be the tourist image of the region, presented in Table. 1.

    Thus, planning the activities of a tourism enterprise should be understood as a systematic, information-processed process of qualitative, quantitative and temporal determination of future goals, means and methods, formation, management and development of the enterprise.

    1.2 Goals, objectives and features of drawing up a business plan

    in a travel agency

    The modern economic situation, associated with the transition to market relations, dictates to enterprises a new approach to intra-company planning. Planning is necessary for any organization that intends to take some action in the future. Enterprises are forced to look for forms and models of planning that would ensure maximum efficiency of decisions made.

    The best option for achieving such decisions is a progressive form of a business plan.

    How to organize your own business? Where to begin? How to ensure business security and product competitiveness? How to calculate profit, production volume, taxes, expenses?

    A business plan will help you solve all these and other questions. It includes the development of goals and objectives that are set for the entrepreneur in the near and future, an assessment of the current state of the economy, the strengths and weaknesses of production, market analysis and information about clients. It provides an assessment of the resources required to achieve set goals in a competitive environment.

    A business plan allows you to show the profitability of the proposed project and attract potential financial partners. He can convince investors that the company has an effective, consistent program for achieving the project's goals and objectives.

    Until recently, a business plan in our country was considered only as a plan for a single event (which is true in principle) or as a plan for the formation and development of a small enterprise or firm.

    A business plan can be in the nature of a current (i.e., one year) or long-term (3 - 5 years) plan. For the first and second years, it is recommended to give the main indicators on a quarterly basis, and only starting from the third year, you can limit yourself to annual indicators.

    1.3 The structure of a business plan for a travel company.

    Before investing money in a project, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of it to check its feasibility and feasibility, as well as evaluate its effectiveness in the following aspects, which make up the approximate structure of a business plan:

    Commercial analysis, including market analysis

    Collection, processing and analysis of information necessary to prepare a project is perhaps the most difficult and critical stage in developing a business plan. This especially applies to the analysis of market-related information – marketing research. Contacting specialized companies requires significant material costs, but otherwise the research may be carried out unprofessionally and lead to significant losses in the future.

    Organizational and management analysis

    To objectively present the advantages and disadvantages of the project associated with the organizational and management structure existing at the beginning of the development of the business plan, the business plan provides for an analysis of the organizational structure and stages of project implementation, project participants, initiators, investors, project team, environment (suppliers and contractors , administrations at various levels).

    Analysis of the regulatory environment

    Important from the point of view of successful implementation of the project is the section of the business plan, which discusses the legal aspect of the project and its reflection in legislation

    Social analysis

    During the development of a business plan, an analysis of possible social risks, consequences, as well as benefits and benefits of a social nature is carried out.

    Environmental analysis

    This section of the business plan describes the environmental environment, the impact of the project on the environment, and the nuances of environmental and environmental legislation.

    The financial analysis

    The section of the business plan devoted to financial analysis includes an assessment of future cash flows, bringing forthcoming expenses and income at different times to comparable indicators in the initial period, and determining project performance indicators.

    Risk analysis

    The final section of the business plan is devoted to the analysis of project risks, which includes qualitative and quantitative risk analysis.

    2. Organizational and economic characteristics

    travel company "Finkos".

    2.1 Organization of work of a travel agency "Finkos".

    The company achieved success in tourism product sales technology thanks to a well-functioning sales system and flexible agency policy. For each tour, an extensive information base (leaflets, brochures) has been developed, allowing the client to obtain a sufficient amount of information to make a decision on choosing a destination and a specific tour. When purchasing a tourist voucher, clients sign an agreement with the company, which specifies a carefully worked out set of conditions, which helps prevent possible shortcomings and conflicts in service.

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