Olga's 30th anniversary program. Zodiac roll call of guests

The thirtieth birthday is perhaps the most long-awaited and memorable anniversary in everyone’s life. If you, your husband, son, father or other loved one will soon have such a holiday, you simply need a competent script for a man’s 30th anniversary. Such an event should be epic for the hero of the day. Only an enchanting mood, pleasant memories, the best treats and the most interesting entertainment!

Creating a festive atmosphere

First of all, you should pay attention to the hobbies of the birthday boy. For example, if he collects something (medals, coins, photos, stamps, etc.), then why not put his trophies under glass. Let the guests admire and sigh in admiration. Buy helium balloons and hang them from the ceiling, and on ribbons attach photographs of the hero of the day, where he is at different ages. You can also set up a wish board, decorating it with gold glitter. Everyone will be able to come up and leave a few lines there with warm wishes.

Let the number “30” flaunt everywhere. Order a personalized cake with the date of birth, decorate the walls with posters with “30” depicted on them, and you can also give the birthday boy a football jersey with this number.

Don't forget to make a good selection of music to set the best possible mood. It has long become a tradition to include the famous song of the group “Sector Gaza” on the 30th anniversary. Make sure she is on the playlist. Take care of the festive table, invitations and outfits. And don't miss the program key - a script ready for execution. Everything must be carefully thought out, competitions are selected taking into account the wishes of the guests and the hero of the day. Much depends on the character of the participants. Some people like active games, others are more interested in quizzes, and for others, serve it hot. If in your case everyone’s moods are different, try to organically combine the necessary entertainment into one scenario.

Where to spend a man's 30th birthday?

  • Outdoors. Many men are very close to this method of celebration. They are literally attracted by the harsh natural realities! Go deeper into the forest, breathe in the freshness, get firewood, fry juicy meat, set up a tent and dismantle your backpack. And there, to each his own. Some go to the river with fishing rods, some take a guitar, and some just have a hearty chat and laugh around the fire! True, if your anniversary is in winter, you will have to postpone this idea.
  • Bars, clubs. If you are a child of the city and are demanding of amenities, and also do not want to celebrate, burdening yourself with festive troubles, your option is an entertainment establishment. Loud music, delicacies, exciting show program, dancing and full service.
  • Karaoke. This option is ideal for those who were born musically gifted with a sonorous voice. Why not celebrate your 30th anniversary at a karaoke bar?! The main thing is to make sure that there is really high-quality sound equipment there.
  • Big party. To hold it you will have to rent a room or go to a country house. Firstly, to celebrate in a big way and not be crowded, and secondly, so as not to disturb the neighbors. And then arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers, invite dozens of guests and walk with all the breadth of the Russian soul!
  • Frosty anniversary. If your birthday is in winter, we offer you a special holiday experience. Skating, skiing, snowboarding - have fun! Well, if the winter is not snowy, go to the ice arena!

Script for a man's 30th birthday. Battle for prizes!

To simplify preparations for the holiday, we have developed for you a neutral scenario for a man’s 30th birthday, which should be perfect for celebrating such an anniversary. It is designed for a number of guests of 6 or more people. It is ideal if you celebrate in the most spacious room possible.


Hello, guests and our dear birthday boy! I congratulate you all on this significant event and invite you to raise a glass to our hero of the day! Today he is 30 years old! And this is a great reason to have a lot of fun! And now I encourage the bravest to start our program!

Competition “Lion – King of Beasts”

The king of beasts, or lion, is chosen from among those present, but, of course, most often it becomes the hero of the day himself. He occupies a place of honor - a makeshift throne. After this, the lion chooses one of the guests and, without words, tries to explain to him the role of which animal he should play. The guest’s task is to understand the king of beasts and approach him in such a way that it is clear what kind of animal he is. So, the hare should gallop, the snake should crawl, and so on. After all the players gather at the feet of the lion, the most intelligent and artistic of them receives a prize.


While our “king” is happy with his retinue, I suggest not stopping and continuing in the same spirit to maintain a cheerful mood. Do we already have the next contenders?

Nomination game “Who is the best?”

The essence of the competition is to highlight some bright and original feature in each of the guests. Usually young and interesting people are invited to 30 years, and each of them is pleased to emphasize their merits. Examples of nominations: “The most original hairstyle”, “The shortest skirt”, “The highest heel”, “The most gorgeous beard” and so on.

Competition “Find thirty!”

For this competition you will need to prepare several types of items (usually 3-4), each in the amount of 30 pieces. The presenter must arrange them in the room in such a way that several objects are in plain sight, and the rest are hidden. Players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal for the start of the competition, each of them takes for herself those items that are in sight. The task of each team is to find the same hidden objects. The one who collects 30 identical things faster wins a prize.


Let's take a little break and once again raise our glasses to the birthday boy! And we will all say a few warm words to the hero of the occasion! Just look at the kind of guy my parents raised me! Complete advantages! And then we’ll continue!

Game “What is thirty?”

The players sit in a circle and begin to say the composition of the number 30. The first says: 30 is 1+29, the second: 30 is 2+28, the third: 30 is 3+27 and so on. For each guest, the host assigns an action for the largest of his numbers. They can be like this: 29 jumps, 28 squats, 27 compliments to the birthday boy, 10 associations with him and so on, depending on the presenter’s imagination.


Have you heard the tale of the princess and the pea? Remember how the poor thing didn't sleep all night? But we are not princesses here, but real men! Let's see which of you can quickly get rid of peas. The fastest one will receive a medal “For saving the dreams of all princesses”! Will there be any nominees?

Competition "Catch a Pea"

Each participant in the competition receives a small saucer and fork. Each saucer contains 30 pieces of canned green peas. After the “start” command, the participants begin to eat them. You can prick only 1 pea on a fork at a time. The winner is the one who can empty his saucer the fastest.


Yes, you look like me, those are still heroes! Well, shall we take a break? I'll prepare some more interesting entertainment for now.

Competition "Cinderella's Share"

2 people take part in this competition. They must arrange piles of different objects on 2 sides. The composition of the piles can be different: glasses and mugs, pencils and pens, and so on. The difficulty is that sorting is done with your eyes closed. The prize is given to the one who completes the task faster.

Competition "Guess the Artist"

This competition requires preparation. The presenter should have printed reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Painters should be famous and well recognizable: Van Gogh, Aivazovsky, Dali, Shishkin, Levitan and so on. Reproductions are shown to guests one by one. The one who was able to correctly name the painting and the author receives a prize. But in case of a mistake, the participant must fulfill the wish of the birthday boy.

Game “And a dog’s sense of smell...”

The presenter prepares in advance several jars of substances that have a distinct odor. This can be shampoo, perfume, ammonia, valerian, mint, laurel and others. The task of each participant is to guess the substance by smell, blindfolded. The one who succeeds receives a prize, and the one who fails performs a number for the hero of the day: reads a poem, sings a song, and so on.


Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye, but I've saved one more competition for last. Let's compete for the last prize!

Competition “Getting rid of knots”

The festival participants are divided into teams. Each of them is given a rope or cord with the same number of knots. At the command of the presenter, the competition participants must untangle the knots on the rope as quickly as possible. Each player unties only one knot. If there are fewer participants than nodes, the remaining node is untied by the first guest to become free. The team that frees the rope from the knots first wins and receives a prize.

A round date is a reason to have a lot of fun. To celebrate your friend’s anniversary in a great way, it’s worth holding several fun competitions that anyone can organize. You will find everything new and original in 13 ideas, selected specifically for the 30th anniversary celebration.

1. The birthday girl's oath

Invite the hero of the day to solemnly take an oath before celebrating her 30th anniversary.

Let the girl respond to each statement with a loud “I swear!”:

  • Wake up in your bed in the morning.
  • With husband.
  • With his.
  • Don't lose your image as a business woman.
  • Don't fall asleep with your face in the salad.
  • Don't lose your things.
  • Don't text anyone at 2 am.
  • Don't call anyone at 2 am.
  • Don't confess your love to strangers.
  • In any case, no more than twice.
  • Come home on two legs, not four.
  • Erase my memory if I do something wrong.

The oaths can be supplemented with other funny sayings if desired.

2. Baby

The next competition is held specifically for the other half of the birthday girl. If your friend is free, you can invite one of the guests to play the main role. For the scene you will need a special fabric screen with sewn legs and handles. Making it at home is quite simple.

The essence of the competition is to get a funny, disproportionate baby that will be controlled by different people. So, the husband of the birthday girl substitutes his head, he is also responsible for the legs, and the hero of the day inserts his hands into the holes. Young people must tell their story through movements and facial expressions, depicting everything that the presenter is talking about. Two assistants hold a fabric screen at the sides.

An example of the story “How Ivan was going to his wife’s anniversary”: Vanya got up in the morning, stretched, washed, brushed his teeth. Then he started doing exercises, push-ups, pumped his abs, did the splits in different directions, jumped, and ran. For courage, Ivan drank some cognac and ate some lemon. Vanya went to get a gift for his beloved, but in the park he was attacked by gopniks who wanted to take away the money for the gift. Ivan was not taken aback, he quickly killed five, showing his signature blows with his hands and left leg. Having bought the gift, Vanya returned home and drank a little more for courage. He put on his pants, tie, combed his hair and ran as fast as he could to his beloved Nastya’s birthday party, and on the way he sang the song “My Only One”.

Depending on the scenario, you need to prepare the attributes in advance: toothbrush, comb, glass of cognac, lemon, etc.

3. Rap ​​congratulations

Let the guests pull out pieces of paper with quatrains on which funny congratulations are written for the birthday girl. Everyone’s task is to take turns reading poems in rap style to the hero of the day. . To do this, you should use characteristic movements and accompany the words with sounds: “Yo”, “Eee”, “Komon”.

As attributes prepare bandanas, caps and scarves, thick gold chains. Dress up your guests as rappers, and let your friend choose, based on the results, whose congratulations she liked the most.

4. Fairy tale

For this competition it is necessary to prepare in advance a script for a fairy tale for 30 years . Today you can find many similar texts on the Internet. Each guest is asked to learn one catchphrase for their character. The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, and those present, hearing the mention of their hero, artistically depict what was said, adding certain words.

5. Quiz

For the quiz, you need to prepare questions related to the birthday girl in advance. You need to start with your virginity and end with the present.

Examples of questions:

Thirty years is a certain line between youth and maturity. The thirty-year mark is very important on the scale of life. This anniversary is usually celebrated more often than the twentieth or fortieth anniversary.

There are beliefs that certain dates should not be celebrated. It is not recommended to celebrate 40 years; they associate them with forty days of funerals. For this birthday, it is better to have a modest dinner with your family. You also need to live your 33rd birthday quietly and calmly, since it was at this age that Jesus Christ died, and excessive fun can lead to trouble. Are they celebrating 30 years? You can safely say that they are celebrating, and how! Why can’t you celebrate such a first significant event as 30 years, because this is the time of the first serious achievements, for example, such as a promotion or buying your own apartment.

If you or your close friends are approaching this milestone, it’s time to think about where and how to celebrate this wonderful holiday of 30 years in an original way, so that it remains vivid and unforgettable in your memory. Anniversaries are celebrated on a larger scale than ordinary birthdays. Many guests gather at such events, and they tirelessly have fun and regularly congratulate the birthday person. And in order for the celebration to go off without a hitch and at the highest level, you need to think in advance where you can celebrate 30 years, and create an entertainment program the day before.

Several ideas for celebrating your thirtieth birthday

For the holiday to be successful and unforgettable, the main thing is that its organization is fun and easy. By doing everything with a good mood, love of life and a pure desire for a pleasant stay for your guests, your anniversary will be a great success!

Well, tell me, is 30 years old an age for a woman? Naturally not! Therefore, when celebrating this event, you need to make it fun and certainly bright! This is exactly why we wrote our cool script for a 30th anniversary, which is suitable for any woman, no matter what life principles she is guided by. The script with competitions and in verse, and most importantly - it is simply magnificent!

Dear guests of our today's holiday! I am glad to welcome all of you to the anniversary of our beloved woman! But while she’s gone, I suggest you pick up one balloon at a time and build a living corridor through which our birthday girl will pass.
(guests take one balloon each, balloon colors: green, red, blue and white)
Now let's build a living corridor. But first, I want you to remember what color ball you chose. After all, those who took the blue ball came here to get drunk. Whoever has a red ball has come to have fun. Whoever chose white sharit came to eat deliciously. But whoever is green has nothing to do at home and came here.
As you understand, it was a nice joke to defuse the situation a little. Now let's get serious, because here she is - the queen of tonight! Meet our beloved (name of the hero of the day).

The look is attracted by your beauty,
You are the most beautiful of all and still very young!
Quickly walk along the living corridor,
Please accept congratulations and flowers from us!
You amazed us with your beauty,
And I haven’t surprised you with my intelligence yet!
Now, if you solve the riddles,
Then you will become the smartest person in the world!
Riddle 1:
The best gift from us,
Congratulations will be served now.
And as always at such moments,
The most stormy sounds...

Riddle 2:
If you want to decorate your biography,
We need to make an anniversary...
So you solved all the riddles,
And she became the smartest person on earth!
It's time for us to fill our glasses,
Come to the table, dear friends!
(guests are seated at tables)
They say that age only adorns a woman. This may be true, or it may be fiction. We will not reveal the true age of our hero of the day, but let’s say this: we congratulate our beloved friend, assistant, mother and just a good girl on her 18th anniversary, with 12 years of experience!
Is the age thirty years old?
Let's say together - of course not!
We raise our glasses
And standing, we drink together!
So that all dreams come true,
But in life I only met good people.
Such as our hero of the occasion.
Let's say three times to her - hurray, hurray, hurray!
You probably noticed that you have pipes, rattles and whistles on your table. Do you know what they are for? Let me first tell you the story of the appearance of the word anniversary as such. This word in some way means a Hebrew holiday. When a new fiftieth year began, the ancient Jews blew their trumpets loudly to notify everyone of this event. And according to legend, in this anniversary year all sins and debts were forgiven.
So I suggest you take your rattles and whistles and everything else and make a loud, loud noise with them. So that everyone knows that today is the anniversary!
And so, we informed everyone that this is the most fun holiday. Now let's help our young birthday girl and give her a couple of simple but very necessary tips for a future happy life.
Tip 1:
If you expect alms from your husband, then you may never receive it. So where should I get it?
(in my husband's inner pocket)
Tip 2:
You can and should listen to your mother. But remember, if your mother had listened to her mother back in the day, what wouldn’t have happened?
(your conversation with your mother might not have taken place)
Tip 3:
For his life, a man must: build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. And you must help him in construction, in planting a tree, and his son...
(must grow it myself)
And so, new toast! Money is trash. I wish our hero of the day to become the general director of a garbage factory!
How many happy holidays do you know? Naturally a lot! But they are always missing. Therefore, I propose to come up with new holidays to relax rather than work.
The point of the game is this: I tell you these words - mur-mur - and you say what a holiday this is. For example, this is a cat holiday. If I say - ko-ko-ko - then this is a holiday for sellers of chicken legs. Are the rules clear? Then let's go!
That's how it goes!
C'mon, me!
Oh oh oh!
And not a boom-boom!
I suggest you dance! Which one of you dances the best? I need five of the best dancers.
The essence of the game is this: the dancers sit on chairs and the music turns on. And the presenter says which parts of the body to dance with.
Music plays and the presenter says:
Let's dance with our elbows! (this means you need to dance with your elbows while sitting on a chair)
Let's dance with our heads! (this means you need to dance with your head while sitting on a chair)
Let's dance with our breasts! (this means you need to dance with only your chest while sitting on a chair)
Let's dance with our mouths! (this means you need to dance with your mouth only while sitting on a chair)
The eyes are dancing! (this means you need to dance while sitting on a chair with only your eyes)
And now it's time for acceptance speeches! I invite five men to join me who are not afraid to express their feelings.
This means that you now need to confess your love for our hero of the day. But not just like that, but as the cards fall. There are five cards in front of you that tell you how you should make your confession.
Card 1 – confess as if you are the President of Russia
Card 2 – confess as if you are Georgian
Card 3 – confess as if you are a hussar
Card 4 – confess as if you are a hundred year old man
Card 5 – confess as if you were a child.

And now I ask you to say the words beautifully - happy anniversary! You just have to say it so emotionally how the card is dealt to you.
Card 1 – say that you were offended
Card 2 - say it's your fault
Card 3 - say you're tipsy
Card 4 - say you're excited
Card 5 - say that you hate the hero of the day
After this you can dance and have fun, sing songs and

Scenario for 30th anniversary for a girl

How fun and interesting is it to organize a girl’s 30th birthday party at home, and even with competitions? The question, at first glance, is complex, but solvable. And a scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday can easily resolve this issue. This scenario is designed to celebrate this birthday at home, without the help of a toastmaster, but on your own. All guests will enjoy a fun and entertaining program, and they will relax like never before.

Scenario for a girl's 30th birthday. Birthday 30 years

The hero of the day herself is behind the door. There is a red carpet laid out on the floor, with helium-filled balloons hanging on either side. The balls soar up and create a unique atmosphere. The balls must be hung so that there are no identical colors next to each other, but so that the colors opposite each other are the same. And at the end of the red carpet there are guests, they stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands in the center, and next to her on either side are two young men with gorgeous bouquets of flowers.
Solemn music sounds. The doors open and the hostess of the evening enters the room. She walks along the red carpet and stops near the guests and the presenter.

We congratulate you on a beautiful, important date!
Ten times more, we wish you to live longer!
So that you have time to do everything you wished for,
And the invisible fairy fulfilled your wishes!
This applause sounds only for you,
A bouquet of gorgeous flowers for the best girl in the world!

Everyone applauds, and young guys present bouquets of flowers.
Next, the hero of the day invites everyone to the table.

Toast 1.

Today we will drink to your beauty!
There is nothing in the world that can be compared with it!
Let's raise all our glasses and drink them to the bottom,
You are the best, you are the only one we have!

Game 1.

One famous song says: “birthday, sad holiday.” Is this really so? Do guests come to the hero of the day to be sad? No! And now we will prove it.

Game for girls. The girls go to the center. They stand as they stood. And the presenter says:
And now your task is to build according to height from the tallest to the smallest!
All girls must line up according to height. The presenter records the time on a stopwatch.

And finally, build according to the neckline: from the smallest to the deepest!
The girls line up, and the presenter again times the time. Afterwards, the presenter says how much time the girls spent on all the constructions.

Game for guys. The guys go to the center. The presenter says:
Line up by the number of hairs on your head: from least to most!
The guys line up, and the leader starts the stopwatch.

Now line up by shoe size: from largest to smallest!
And the stopwatch starts again.

And finally, line up along the length of... the ring finger on your left hand!
The guys line up, and the stopwatch is started again. After, when everyone has lined up, the stopwatch turns off and compares who spent the least time on everything. So to speak, who is more disciplined?

Toast 2. (to parents)

Who tried hard at night without sleeping?
Who didn't close their eyes?
Who did everything for him
To reveal this child to the world?
Of course it's the parents!
Would you like to have a glass for them?

Game 2.

Which of you wants to catch money with a net? But this is only at first glance, it seems that everything is so simple, in fact everything is not very simple, especially for the one who loses.

Rules of the game.
Comic money is taken in the same currency, for example, rubles, but of different denominations. One person climbs onto a chair and throws money up. And two or three others stand nearby and catch them with a net. You can’t pick up money from the floor; if it falls, that’s it. When the money runs out, the amount of money caught is counted. It is not the number of banknotes that is counted, but their denomination. If one caught 550 rubles, and the second caught 400 rubles, then the one who caught more wins. And whoever lost either pays the difference in the loss, in this case 150 rubles, or fulfills the wish. For example, eat 150 grams of lemon or drink 150 grams of vodka at a time.

Toast 3.

Let's fill our glasses again,
And we’ll empty them once, twice, three times!
To our hero of the day we drink to the dregs,
And we’ll tell her three times: hurray, hurray, hurray!

Game 3.

And now I propose to divide into four teams!

The essence of the game.
The first two teams write words on sheets of paper in two minutes that characterize the mood of the hero of the day. For example, cheerful, joyful, happy, and so on. Whoever comes up with the most different words wins. And the third and fourth teams write words that indicate a mood that the hero of the day should not have. For example, sad, not happy, doesn’t dance, and so on. Yet again. Whoever wrote the most wins.
Two teams compete in a super game that reach the finals.

Super game.
Teams must come up with and write congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day in three minutes. But it’s not so easy to write, but so that each congratulation begins with the letter of her name, surname and patronymic, if it comes to that. That is, if the hero of the day’s name is: Irina Alekseevna Prokopyeva, then congratulations should begin in turn with the letters: i, r, i, n, a, a, l, e, k, s, e, e, v, n, a , p, r, o. k, o, p, e, v, a. You cannot move to another letter until you have come up with a congratulation for the previous letter.
After the time has passed, the pieces of paper are handed in, and the presenter reads out congratulations. The team that writes the most wins.

Game 4.

Does everyone like to play forfeits? Then here are your assignments, everyone in turn takes out their piece of paper with the assignment and completes it.

And now it's time for something tasty! and what is the most delicious thing we have? That's right - cake!

The cake can be brought out spectacularly. This requires four strong men and one dancer. Four men lift the dancer on an improvised tray and cover him with an opaque cloth. They bring the tray to the hero of the day, lower it and ask the hero of the day to throw off the cloth. The fabric is thrown off and the man begins to dance a fiery dance.
After the dance everyone eats cake.

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