Passing score. Passing score Threshold for admission to university

Every graduate understands perfectly well that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the maximum possible points. What does it mean to “pass the exam well” and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will cover the following important questions:

First of all, it is important to understand that there is:

  • the minimum score giving the right to receive a certificate;
  • the minimum score that allows you to apply to a university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for actual admission to the budget in a specific specialty at a certain university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

The minimum USE certification scores are established for compulsory subjects - Russian language and basic level mathematics and in 2018 are:

Having passed this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to submit documents to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is a threshold value that gives the right to enter a university. In other words, persons who have passed the test threshold theoretically have the right to compete for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost impossible to enter highly ranked universities with minimal indicators.

In 2018, in all subjects except Russian language and basic mathematics, the minimum Unified State Exam test scores coincide with the certification scores and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


Foreign language


Computer science


The principle of calculating success in passing the unified state exam assumes that the test taker must demonstrate a high, average or sufficient level of knowledge, corresponding to grades “5”, “4” and “3” on the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing with a score that the examinee considers insufficient for himself, graduates are given the right to retake the Unified State Exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties taking into account the points scored on the Unified State Exam.

In 2018, we can be guided by the fact that last season the average passing scores in all Unified State Exam subjects among applicants admitted to MGIMO and other highly ranked universities in the capital fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most regional universities in the Russian Federation, 65-75 points can be considered a competitive result.

Converting the primary score to the resulting score

By completing the tasks proposed in the Unified State Examination ticket, the examinee gains so-called primary points, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When assessing the level of knowledge, such primary scores are converted into final scores, which are entered into the certificate and are the basis for admission.

Using an online calculator, you can compare primary and test scores in subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018 the points scored while passing the Unified State Exam influence the certificate score and, although the official table for comparing test scores and traditional assessments has not been adopted, you can roughly compare your scores right now using a universal calculator.

Passing scores of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
St. Petersburg State University
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties at the same university may vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants admitted to the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a kind of guideline for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

The minimum passing score is influenced by many factors, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who applied and the scores shown on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who provided original documents;
  3. number of beneficiaries.

So, seeing your name in 20th place in the list of a specialty that provides 40 budget places, you can confidently consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are set on another university and submitted documents for this specialty as a backup option .

The busy time for passing state exams continues for schoolchildren across the country. Very soon, Russian schoolchildren will learn their results and understand how many points they were able to score on the Unified State Exam. Naturally, many are interested in the minimum required score thresholds for passing the Unified State Exam. Minimum Unified State Exam scores in 2018 in all subjects: table, minimum required thresholds for successfully passing the unified state exams.

Since the end of May, schools across the country have been holding the Unified State Exam in various subjects. Schoolchildren take exams in 12 disciplines, each of which has its own required minimum threshold for passing. The next minimum that students can score in the compulsory and selective Unified State Exams gives them the right to become applicants to higher educational institutions in the country. In accordance with data released by Rosobrnadzor, to enter a university in 2018, schoolchildren must score the following number of points:

Item Minimum points
Russian language 42
Mathematics (basic level) 27
Mathematics (profile level) 27
Social science 42
Physics 36
Literature 32
Story 29
Chemistry 36
Foreign language 22
Biology 36
Computer science 40
Geography 40

In accordance with the specialty that the student plans to enroll in, the core discipline for him may be mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, a foreign language or another subject that is the basis of education, Ros-Register has learned. Every year, the admissions committee of higher educational institutions sets a minimum passing score threshold.

If a student cannot provide a certificate with this minimum, then his documents will not be considered even if he passed the Unified State Exam with higher scores in other disciplines.

On average, for educational institutions in Russia, the minimum threshold starts from 45-60 points in accordance with the level of the university. However, even this number of points will not guarantee admission to a budget place if your goal is admission to MGIMO or another large Moscow university. Last year, there was still an opportunity to “slip” into a budget place by scoring more than 82 points in a core subject. One way or another, in regional universities the indicators are, as a rule, much more modest - here it is possible to get a budget place by scoring 65-70 points for the main subject.

The most important nuance is the competition for one place in that other university, that is, the number of applicants who applied to the educational institution of your choice and their scores for the state exam.

Naturally, the higher the competition, the higher the minimum score threshold for certain specialties in a certain year. And on the contrary, sometimes students, frightened by the statistics of previous years, do not risk applying for any specialty with high competition, and due to this, the minimum score for admission to the budget may be much lower than usual. One way or another, it is impossible to predict in advance how exactly the situation will develop.

The number of applicants who submitted originals of their documents also has a serious impact on the “budget queue”. This means that they have not considered any alternative options and are planning to enroll in this particular university. One way or another, most graduates usually take out insurance and apply to more than one institution. Thus, you should not be upset ahead of time if, with the existing 40 budget places, you find yourself in 41st place on the list.

All teachers, parents of graduates, as well as schoolchildren themselves are concerned about what requirements will be imposed on the content of the Unified State Examination, since they are improved every year. However, the main question is: who, how, and by what principle evaluates the work of graduates? Will the number of points on the Unified State Exam change in 2019 and in what disciplines?

Evaluation of work on the Unified State Exam

For a better understanding of the article, consider the main terms and their abbreviations:

  • The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam.
  • FIPI – Federal Institute of Pedagogical Research.
  • KIM – control and measuring materials (forms that are issued for the Unified State Examination).

Tasks for the state exam are developed and coordinated by FIPI. He is also responsible for developing the evaluation system (specifications) written by CMMs.

Next year the points will change:

  • In social studies (will increase from 64 to 65).
  • In biology (will decrease from 59 to 58).

All high school students are initially awarded a primary score (preliminary). It is obtained by adding up the grades for completed CMM tasks. Primary scores in different subjects have different maximum values ​​and can range from 22 to 80.

From the preliminary assessments, using a special table, a test score is obtained. It is transferred to the form and is the final assessment of the Unified State Examination. Marking tables are updated annually for each examination subject. The process of converting preliminary scores obtained during the exam into secondary scores is called scaling and lasts about 8 days.

There will be no changes related to the testing assessment procedure next year. Therefore, when evaluating work, the same as in the previous one, the following will be applied:

  • Automatic check of CMMs (this is why it is important to fill out the forms correctly).
  • The assessment of CIMs with a detailed answer will be carried out by two specialists (in case of fundamental disagreements in the assessment there will be three).

The average score for the 2019 Unified State Examination is calculated as follows. The amount received as a result of testing is divided by the number of exams. For example: 60+70+80/3 = 70, i.e. the test score for the exam will be 70.

In exactly the same way, the average annual grades in the certificate are calculated. Sum up the grades from the appendix to the certificate and divide them by the number of subjects. The resulting value is taken into account when entering a university. If the results obtained on the state exam are the same, preference is given to the student whose certificate score is higher.

The maximum score for the Unified State Exam 2019 in all subjects is 100. Do not forget that the highest mark is the process of converting the preliminary assessment into a test assessment. Therefore, you need to get the highest performance when working with CMMs.

How to get a certificate?

To obtain a certificate in 2019, you need a minimum number of Unified State Examination points in compulsory subjects.

The lowest points scored, if translated into the usual rating system, correspond to a rating of “three” on a five-point scale. It is clear that having received such marks, a student is unlikely to enter a university for a prestigious specialty. The lowest test result gives the student the right to receive a certificate of secondary education.

Requirements for students to enter the university

Those wishing to enter a university must pass the Unified State Exam to a certain minimum. Each subject has its own indicators, shown in the table:

Item Preliminary estimate Test score
Physics 9 36
Chemistry 13 36
Geography 11 37
Story 9 32
Biology 16 36
English language 22 22
Literature 8 32
Russian language 16 36
Mathematics (professional level) 6 27
Social science 19 42
Computer science 6 40

Anyone wishing to enroll in a budget-funded place at a university should take into account that the countdown begins at 60-70 points. This is a general indicator for small regional universities in the country. If we consider the prestigious universities of the capital, then the result obtained on testing in all disciplines must exceed the mark of 80. Each university annually indicates what mark and in what subject it is necessary to achieve for a budget place. The student must monitor these changes independently in order to correctly calculate his strengths and capabilities. The right thing to do would be to select several options and submit documents where the chances of admission will be higher.

The passing score for the 2019 Unified State Exam into a university depends on the result of the last applicant admitted to the budget of the previous year. That is, if last year 250 people applied for one place, but only 30 were admitted to the budget, then the result of the last applicant enrolled to the budget will be decisive. It can be 80 or 85 - this is the required threshold for a budget place, which means that other applicants had higher results.

Graduates who entered government-funded places in 2018 had a score of about 76-76.5. This means that if you count on a preferential place, then the average score for the Unified State Exam 2019 should not be lower, but even higher than the specified mark.

Your preparation for the Unified State Exam should be serious and systematic. You can prepare for exams with a tutor or on your own using:

  • Books with assignments for next year.
  • Demo versions of the subjects to be handed over, which are located on the FIPI website.
  • Archive with codifier

Taking into account all of the above, seriously think about the real prospects. If you want to get a higher education, then preparation for the final exam should be carried out throughout the 11th grade. During this time, you need to have time to repeat everything you have covered previously and have time to learn new material. Be attentive to the design of the CMM, take your time and do not worry in order to earn the highest score.

Don't be discouraged if your passing score is not too high. Successfully passing the USE/OGE will help you get into the budget (or at least just get in). And a certain number of points will even help you get into the budget!

Where is it realistic/impossible to go on a budget?

The average Unified State Exam score of those admitted to the budget will vary greatly due to the university they enroll in.

As a rule, the highest passing scores for the Unified State Exam/Unified State Exam for admission to the budget are in the most prestigious universities in the country: St. Petersburg State University, MIPT, Moscow State University, MGIMO, HSE, etc. To get here, you will have to score at least 90 points.

But applicants with a passing score of 80 can easily apply for a place in almost any other university. True, the minimum Unified State Exam score for admission to the budget must be found out separately in each specific case, because it may depend not only on the university itself, but also on the specialty for which you are applying.

From 60 to 80 - these are the scores needed for admission to public educational institutions that are not top-ranked, but nevertheless provide a very high level of education to their students.

Another point that is important to pay attention to when asking the question whether it is difficult to enroll on a budget is what city you are going to enroll in. Of course, the larger the city, the greater the competition. This means that the requirements for the number (sum) of Unified State Exam points for admission to the budget will be higher than in less popular cities.

Is it difficult to apply on a budget: requirements for different specialties

Choosing a university is not everything. To enroll on a budget, it is important to take into account not only the passing scores for a specific university, but also for a specific specialty.
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And now, so that you can get your bearings and be able to accurately calculate what your chances of getting into the budget are, let’s look at the main directions and begin to soberly assess your own strengths so as not to waste time.

The coolest specialties: from 75 points

So, here are the specialties and areas for which if you don’t score at least 75 points, you can consider that you didn’t get in (we’ll tell you what to do later):

  • Foreign languages;
  • International relationships;
  • Oriental and African Studies;
  • Linguistics.

Typically, the average score in these areas can vary between 80-82 points.

A little less (75-80 points) will be needed for other, no less popular destinations:

  • Philology,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Political science,
  • Economy,
  • Literary creativity,
  • Art theory,
  • Journalism,
  • Advertising and PR.

Destinations of average “steepness”: 70-75 points

What should I do to apply to the budget for specialties related to medicine, philosophy, nuclear physics or government services? You will have to score from 70 to 75 points.

Here is a list of destinations that require on average this number of points:

  • Healthcare,
  • Nuclear physics,
  • Municipal and public administration,
  • Information security and business informatics,
  • Publishing,
  • Story,
  • Design,
  • Culturology and philosophy.

Standard directions: 65-70 points

If you are often tormented by the thoughts “I’m afraid I won’t get into the budget!” - relax! There are always specialties that are easy to enroll in and then easy to study. Another thing is that you won’t be able to build much of a career afterwards, but that’s the next thing.

So, here are the most popular areas, for admission to which you will have to score 65-70 points:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Management and personnel management,
  • Tourism, service, hotel business (service industry in general),
  • Psychology,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biotechnology,
  • Sociology,
  • Religious Studies,
  • Library and archival science.

Availability of exact sciences: 60-65 points

What are the chances of getting accepted on a budget? Much more if you are a “techie” by mentality and not a humanist

Construction, technology, geology and other exact sciences (natural sciences and physics and mathematics) require great intelligence, but, oddly enough, a lower passing grade.

Here you can easily apply for a budget in one of the following areas:

  • Biology and ecology,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics,
  • Construction,
  • Geodesy, geology, geography,
  • Space technology and aviation,
  • Computer technology and information science,
  • Automation and control,
  • Energy,
  • Oil and gas business,
  • Radio and electrical engineering.

It's as simple as that: up to 60 points

If you failed to score more than 60 points, do not be discouraged - the fields of technology, transport and agriculture and the following areas are always open to you:

  • railway transport,
  • water transport management,
  • light industry and technology,
  • food industry and technology,
  • Materials Science,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • soil science,
  • printing and packaging,
  • agriculture and fisheries.

Why be upset? In these areas you (unlike many others) will be able to gain real practical skills close to production. And despite the fact that such specialties do not sparkle with prestige, young specialists from such universities are always in demand and will always get a job, unlike newly minted philologists and art historians.

And the most NOT in demand among young people are the following specialties:

  • metallurgy,
  • forestry,
  • marine technology.

To become a public sector employee in these specialties, 52-55 points are enough.

In any case, you will first have to find out the number of required passing points so as not to waste time and go where you can go based on the points you have scored. This can be done by analyzing last year's situation. Usually this information doesn't change much over a couple of years, so based on last year's earnings you'll get a pretty clear picture of what's in store for you this year.

You can find out the number of passing scores from previous years on the websites of the selected educational institutions. Usually, everywhere there is an “Admissions Committee” item, where average statistical data is published.

However, even a low passing score does not prevent you from striving for more points. So try to prepare conscientiously. And so that nothing distracts you from preparing (with a tutor, from lessons, from self-study), contact us - you will be freed from the need to take an urgent test, write an essay, or even take an exam at school!

And as a bonus - a short video with tips from an experienced person:

Constantly changing. In 2017, applicants will be faced with several innovations at once. Among them is a special methodology for calculating threshold points for admission. The initiator of the reform was the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2016, the department approached the Ministry of Education and Science with a proposal to entrust Rosobrnadzor with the development of a new scheme for calculating the Unified State Exam threshold score. Today it does not exist as such, and the minimum scores for admission are set based on the results of the previous year’s graduates.

In 2017, they will finally develop a methodology for calculating threshold points

Passing scores for the Unified State Exam 2017 upon admission

If you trace how the numbers have changed over the entire existence of the Unified State Exam, you can come to the conclusion: the requirements for graduates are becoming stricter from year to year. But officials believe that the low scores of eleventh-graders indicate their insufficient level of knowledge. The head of Rosobrnadzor promised to develop a new assessment methodology by 2017. For now, graduates can only rely on the 2016 standards. To enroll in a bachelor's or specialist's degree, you need to score the following points:

  • Russian language – 36
  • Mathematics – 27
  • Computer Science – 40
  • Biology – 36
  • History – 32
  • Chemistry – 36
  • Foreign languages ​​– 22
  • Physics – 36
  • Social studies – 42
  • Literature – 32
  • Geography – 37

Moreover, each university can set its own threshold scores. The more prestigious the establishment, the higher the requirements. Thus, the average score for admission to a highly competitive university is 70 points for each subject. If your goal is to obtain a certificate of secondary education, then it is enough to pass the Russian language with 24 points and specialized level mathematics with 27 points. Each student can retake the Unified State Exam twice, even if his result is above the threshold mark.

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