Passing score in Kutafina. Mgyua. passing score, competition, benefits, hostel. How is the entrance exam conducted?

In 1999, the process of forming a single educational space began in European countries. Higher educational institutions began to switch to a two-stage education system. In Russia, this process started later - in 2003. At first, bachelor's and master's degrees were new to applicants. These levels of education were not offered at all universities. Today, both bachelor's and master's degrees are available in every educational institution. One of them is Moscow State Law University (formerly MSLA).

In this educational institution, the bachelor's degree is very popular, because school graduates enter this level of education. The MSLA master's program is no less interesting for applicants. It is available to persons with higher education and wishing to gain in-depth knowledge in their chosen specialty.

Master's degree: differences from bachelor's degree

At a law university, as at any other educational institution, a bachelor's degree is considered a full-fledged higher education. University graduates become specialists. However, they are not associated with a specific narrow specialization. This means that they cannot apply for all positions.

MSLA's master's program provides an opportunity for its graduates, as well as graduates of other higher educational institutions, to receive a more in-depth education in the area of ​​most interest related to their previously acquired specialty. If you wish, you can change your specialization altogether. Some, for example, enroll in legal master's programs with an economics education. This is not prohibited by law.

Implementation of master's programs

At MSAL, the education of students in master's programs is entrusted to one structural unit - the institute of master's studies. He appeared at the educational institution relatively recently - in 2011 - by order of the rector of the university. The institute offers 3 forms of education: full-time, part-time and part-time. In the first of them, the duration of training is 2 years, and in the latter - 2 years and 3 months.

For young men who have not served in the army, full-time education is best suited. It provides a deferment from conscription. Those who wish to study for free can choose any form of training. There are budget places available for both full-time, part-time and part-time courses.

List of educational programs

The Institute of Master's Degree of Moscow State Law Academy offers 2 areas of training: “Jurisprudence” and “Municipal and Public Administration”. “Jurisprudence” offers a huge number of profiles:

  • “Protection of the rights of organizations and citizens in administrative and civil proceedings.”
  • "Master of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure."
  • "Tax consulting".
  • "Court Advocacy".
  • “Lawyer in the field of sports”, etc.

“Municipal and public administration” is a completely new area of ​​training. Its opening at the university became known in January 2018 from the rector of Moscow State Law Academy, Viktor Blazheev, who, on the eve of the celebration of Russian Student Day, held a traditional meeting with students at the university.

What is important to know about applying to a master's program?

To enter the master's program at Moscow State Law Academy, you must prepare a package of documents:

  • application (you can write it at home or at the admissions office);
  • a diploma confirming the availability of relevant education (higher);
  • 2 photos.

You also need to prepare for the entrance test. It is a comprehensive interdisciplinary examination. It is taken orally upon admission to all forms of study at the MSLA master's program (correspondence, part-time and full-time). To participate in the competition for admission, you must score at least 60 points when passing the entrance test. When the last place remains, and several people apply for it, members of the admissions committee calculate the average score of the educational diploma. As a result, the applicant with the highest indicator is enrolled in the remaining place.

What is included in the exam conducted for admission to “Jurisprudence”

Upon admission to master's programs, applicants are informed of the day for passing the entrance test. It is similar to the final state exam that everyone takes after completing their bachelor's degree. At the entrance test, each applicant is given a ticket. It includes 3 questions. You have 1 hour to prepare your answers.

When enrolling in the Master's program at Moscow State Law Academy in "Jurisprudence" the following is required:

  • answer the question on the theory of state and law;
  • answer questions on relevant areas of law;
  • solve and demonstrate your ability to apply basic knowledge in specific practical situations.
Some topics (for example) on which exam questions are based
Questions on the theory of state and law Questions on specialized areas of law
1. The concept and functions of the theory of state and law. 1. Sources of civil procedural and civil law.
2. Essence and main approaches. 2. System and structure of criminal procedure and criminal legislation.
3. Concept, features of formation and structure of legislative power. 3. Falsification of evidence. Evidence in criminal proceedings.
4. A normative legal act is the main source of law in the Russian Federation. Other sources of law. 4. Bribery. Use in proving the results of operational investigative activities.

Exam on “Municipal and State Administration”

In the MSLA master's program for the entrance exam in the direction of "Municipal and Public Administration" it is planned to compile tickets according to a similar scheme. They will consist of 3 sections. The first sections will be theoretical questions. The last task is a creative task (incident).

The first section is planned to include questions on the general theory of municipal and public administration. Here are some examples:

  1. Management: concept and characteristics.
  2. The relationship between public administration and executive power.
  3. Types of management decisions.
  4. Ensuring the legality and validity of management decisions.

The second section will contain special questions on the municipal and public administration program. Examples:

  1. Strategic planning documents: general characteristics and types.
  2. State control and supervision in the field of municipal and state administration.
  3. Public property relations. Management of municipal and state property.
  4. Organizational and legal foundations of public administration in the field of security.

Score for passing the entrance test

Passing the entrance exam for MSLA master's programs is assessed on a 100-point scale. For the answer to the first question a maximum of 30 points can be awarded, for the second - also 30 points, for solving a practical problem - 40 points.

The maximum score for answers to theoretical questions can be obtained if a correct and complete answer is given. A reduction of 1-5 points is allowed if the answer is correct and complete, but if there are minor errors and inaccuracies. Examiners deduct 6 to 20 points from the maximum possible score for a correct but incomplete answer.

To evaluate the solution to a practical task at a university, the following criteria are provided:

  1. With a correct solution, logical actions, and a detailed explanation, 40 points are awarded. To receive the maximum score, you still need to correctly answer all additional questions from the examiners present.
  2. The final score is reduced by 1-10 points if the solution is correct and the answers are correct, but if the actions are not consistent enough or there are some inaccuracies.
  3. A reduction of 11-20 points is provided for the correct decision, but insufficient justification for one’s actions. The answers to additional questions were generally correct, but with significant inaccuracies and errors.
  4. A reduction of 20-30 points is possible if the problem is solved correctly and the additional questions from the examiners are answered incorrectly.

Tuition fees

Budget places are available only in one direction of the master's degree - in "Jurisprudence". There are a lot of them. In 2018, it is planned to admit 350 people full-time, 165 people part-time and 200 people part-time. The second direction - “Municipal and State Administration” - will be new, so there are no free places in it.

Moscow State Law University is a metropolitan university with a good reputation and glorious history, so studying at the MSLA master's program is not affordable for everyone. Full-time students pay more than 370 thousand rubles. Full-time and part-time education is about 100 thousand rubles cheaper. The lowest cost is set for the absentee form - 185 thousand rubles.

Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL) was founded in 1931. The academy's specialized education is legal. MSLA today occupies a leading position among law universities in the country. The Academy has a large number of specialized specialties and has a good technical base. Produces highly qualified forensic experts. There are budget places. High passing score. Qualification – bachelor's, master's. You can continue your studies in graduate school. There are preparatory courses and advanced training courses. Classes are conducted full-time and part-time.

General information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)"


No. 01936 valid indefinitely from 02/16/2016


No. 01925 is valid from 05/13/2016 to 02/26/2021

Previous names of the university

  • Moscow State Law Academy named after. O.E. Kutafina

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Moscow State Law Academy

Indicator14 year15 year16 year17 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study81.75 76.28 77.34 75.71
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget89.87 85.88 86.58 87.05
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis80.79 69.95 70.05 67.7
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled62 63.00 45.10 47.8
Number of students7145 7322 7674 8365
Full-time department4098 4672 4649 5207
Part-time department1361 1221 1553 1517
Correspondence department1686 1429 1472 1641
Full report


About the university

Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina is one of the largest law schools in Russia, where students receive not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but during their studies they completely absorb the spirit of the profession, which allows them to then successfully find a job.

Education at Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

At the Academy you can receive secondary vocational education in the field of Law and social security organization. During their studies, students will study general scientific disciplines, as well as an introduction to the specialty, administrative, civil, environmental, family and labor law, professional ethics, insurance and other programs that will allow them to work in their specialty.

At the university you can get higher education and a specialist, bachelor's or master's degree on full-time study at the institutes:

  • law, where students study in civil law, state law or criminal law, and can also receive specialization: Lawyer in the field of advertising, show business or sports;
  • international legal, where they train specialists in international law jurisprudence. While studying at the institute, students, in addition to legal disciplines, study in depth a foreign language, and sometimes several: English, Spanish, German or French;
  • prosecutor's office, receiving a specialty in the training profile of prosecutorial and investigative activities. Before graduation, students of the institute must pass 2 state exams - in their specialty and in the theory of state and law;
  • banking and financial law, where students receive an education in the Lawyer program in the banking and financial sector, studying tax and budget law, banking law in Russia and abroad, the basics of insurance, legal mechanisms for regulating banking transactions, accounting and other special legal disciplines;
  • Bar, where they train specialists in legal practice. Students of the institute study the history of the legal profession, professional ethics and psychology of a lawyer, juvenile advocacy, legal proceedings and other disciplines. In addition, they study legal rhetoric in depth, which will allow them to learn how to correctly and clearly convey their position to listeners;
  • Energy Law, where they train future lawyers who will be able to work in the energy industry of the Russian Federation, teaching them general legal disciplines and disciplines related to mining law, nuclear and electric power.

At the Academy you can also get education:

  • full-time and part-time courses (attending classes in the evenings or weekends) in specializations: lawyer in the field of advertising, show business or sports, international law, criminal law, civil law and state law;
  • on a correspondence course (visiting the university only twice a year to take a session) in specializations: state law, criminal law or civil law.

It is possible to train students both on a budgetary basis and on a contract basis. After completing their education, students receive a state diploma. All young men who study full-time receive a deferment from military service. Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory.

Pre-university preparation for admission to the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

Applicants can enroll in the preparatory department at the university. There they will be able to prepare for entrance exams to the Academy and to participate in the university Olympiad, the winners of which enjoy benefits when entering the Moscow State Law Academy.

The following courses are offered at the preparatory department:

  • 4 months, during which students will listen to lectures on social studies and Russian history and attend seminars on the Russian language;
  • 8-month periods, where students will deepen their knowledge of the Russian language, social studies and Russian history to the required level;
  • correspondence courses that students attend only for consultations and tests to test their level of knowledge.

Children can take courses in in-depth study of the English language, the duration of which is 3 months, and the cost is 55,000 rubles.

Citizens of other countries who want to enroll in the Academy can take courses in Russian as a foreign language.

International cooperation at Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

The Academy actively cooperates with foreign legal universities and international organizations from different parts of the world. Together they conduct various scientific research, the results of which are introduced into the educational process, conferences and seminars, where students and teachers from different countries participate in the discussion of important legal issues. Students of the Academy are sent to foreign universities, participating in an experience exchange program, and teachers and professors from those universities come to Moscow State Law Academy to give their lectures.

Thanks to international cooperation, the university performs the following tasks that contribute to its continuous development:

  • the market for educational services is analyzed, thanks to which the educational program at the Academy is improved;
  • professors and teachers of Moscow State Law Academy undergo retraining and improve their qualifications in foreign universities, which allows them to better prepare students of the Academy;
  • joint educational programs of the Academy and foreign universities are being developed;
  • Academy students do internships abroad, improving their knowledge and gaining legal experience;
  • The level of knowledge of a foreign language increases, both among students and teachers.

If you have a desire to even try to enroll in master's degree at Moscow State Law Academy, then you definitely need to do this. At least because entrance examination shows the level of knowledge as objectively as possible, and the assessment system determines the quality indicators of this level. Students contact me every day with questions about admission to the master's program and the entrance exam. All the answers can be found on the MSLA website, but there are some points that should be mentioned in advance.

What is the entrance exam?

Written-oral interdisciplinary examination.

  • Time: ~1.5 hours(we had 1 astronomical hour = 60 minutes, from this year the time has been increased, the Admissions Committee will tell you exactly),
  • Answer: on 2 questions in various areas of law.
  • Ticket contents: First question on TGP, second in specialized areas of law (Communist Party of the Russian Federation, civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure)

How is the entrance exam?

After the whole epic of submitting documents, you are assigned a day for the exam, which you must appear for. with passport, notice and pen. You enter the classroom, check in with your passport with the curator of the site, receive an applicant's kit (front page, white paper), choose a ticket and sit down in any free seat.

We were told that we could open the ticket when everyone was seated and received their kits. Naturally, most of the applicants did not wait for anyone, frantically read the questions, and even began to write answers to the questions in the white paper. I was terribly scared, so I acted solely according to the instructions. They told me not to look, but I don’t look.

Drafts They are distributed on the spot, so you don’t need to take anything with you. It’s better to take several pens, because the paste tends to run out at the most inopportune times, and the curators may not have extra with them.

About “Is it really possible to write it off?” I can say one thing: everyone who copied next to me through headphones/phone/from cheat sheets was removed from the exam. And it was so shameful and loud that it was often distracting. You are calmly writing your answer, then suddenly someone above you loudly declares, “We are drawing up an act!” And it's scary. Even in my case, when I did not dare to take water into the classroom in order to avoid test situations.

All one time ( as on the Unified State Exam) h fill out the front page of the exam answer and put it aside. From now on, your answer is impersonal. Instead of your full name, you have a code. Everything is in the best traditions of RosReestr)) This is cool, because corruption at the admission level is minimal here. After all, according to the results, when the answers are appreciated commission, she will put points on the answer sheet itself, outlining controversial and incorrect points. And then, almost a year later, in practice at the Academy you will be able to see your real results and those of your classmates. Stupid people won't work on a budget!

After the time allotted for the exam expires, everyone will be asked, insisted on handing in the answers, and then simply take the sheets from their hands, regardless of how much has been written. Therefore I advise don’t bother with writing in drafts, Although you shouldn't neglect them at all. Drafts can be great help, but more on that later.

Each question is worth 50 points. Accordingly, the maximum is 100 .

How to answer questions?

In fact, above the questions for applicants there is information on a page of A4 text with the criteria by which the applicant’s answer is assessed. For each criterion 10 points are given. But no one seems to read them, so I'll duplicate them with clarifying comments:

  • definition of basic concepts, signs of the described phenomenon (phenomena);
    it is necessary to give a capacious definition and, based on it, to identify the characteristics. Try not to write more than 7 signs. If the concept is complex, then the signs can be briefly explained. If you feel that this is unnecessary, then it’s not worth it. Since it is better to reveal the functions and classification, which will come later.
    Do not give more signs than indicated in the definition of the concept, since the question arises: since this is a sign, why is it not indicated in the definition? And if you are sure, then divide it into main signs and additional ones.
  • correlation of concepts with related concepts;
    here we are talking about similar objects (for example, the subject of law and the subject of legal relations; theft and robbery), and a foreign analogue (for example, a jury trial and a court of sheffens; the administrative justice of the Russian Federation and the administrative courts of Germany). This is a very important point, so don't skip it.
  • classification of concepts;
    classification is not just a listing of types, but first identifying criteria, and then dividing into types (for example, classification of financial markets. 1) according to circulation periods: money market and capital market;
    2) by area of ​​operation: loan market, stock market, foreign exchange market)
  • main provisions of legislation related to this
    how this or that concept is implemented both in Russia and abroad. And if you come from a certain region, you can highlight the implementation of this or that concept in your subject.
  • necessary additional information (analysis of problematic aspects, points of view, etc.)
    this is freedom and flight, which must necessarily contain different doctrinal points of view with reference to eminent scientists. If you don’t know any of the luminaries on your ticket, then remember your teachers. Do you remember? And now the most senior ones from the department. Remember every seminar lesson, lecture, find out their personal point of view. Every (normal) university has amazing doctors, candidates of legal sciences, and practitioners.

    What should you pay attention to?

    There shouldn’t be a lot of water, everything is according to the criteria. At the same time, no schematic images, mechanical 1) 2) 3). There should be text as if you were writing an article, a post in a magazine. An answer will not be accepted if there is no associated text that allows you to follow the logic of the reasoning. This is probably the most difficult thing.
    Abbreviations. Are not valid. Everyone’s favorite, for example, abbreviation K RF (Constitution of the Russian Federation) will be perceived as a personal insult if you have a question about the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (oops, irony). At the same time, the Civil Code and the Criminal Code are normal) A very sensitive question about the abbreviation “RF”. If you have a question about the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, do not be lazy to write “Russian Federation”, because in the basic law of Russia there are only two correct spelling options.
    Drafts. People also pay attention to them and evaluate them. Of course, this is a very attractive lifesaver. If, for example, you are not sure which categories of cases belong to special proceedings, indicate 3-4 in the white paper, and all the remaining ones, in your opinion, in the draft. If they match, then they will most likely be credited to you. They announced this to us at a meeting before the exam, I don’t know, maybe it was akin to psychological calm, but if it helped someone, then I’m glad)


    If you have good knowledge of theory, then that's great. So, you will get your 50 points. The second question is more difficult. If there is a second question on civil law and procedure, then most likely it will be difficult to get through to the budget. Very demanding teachers. I’m telling you this as a master’s student in the Department of Civil Procedure) If you come across a question from criminal law and procedure, then the situation is 50/50. With the Communist Party of the Russian Federation everything depends on the level of training, there should not be any special problems. I never lie about the difficulty with civil law. No matter how many times I ask my classmates, they all answer, “I had a constitutional/criminal record.” Not a single person yet who has come across civil law. And this already says something!
    Good luck to all applicants! See you next year :)

Moscow State Law University named after. Kutafina, known among students by the abbreviation MSYuA, is very popular among many applicants. This is confirmed by the fact that although the passing score is quite high every year, the number of people wishing to enter this institution does not decrease. Despite the fact that the passing score for the jurisprudence budget is as much as 86 for each subject of the Unified State Exam and enough places are allocated for the budget, the competition among students is still quite tough, since they all have a high level of knowledge and preparation for future studies. If you want to enroll in the specialty “forensic science” or “legal support of national security”, then the average score here is slightly lower - 82.4.

MSLA has its own history. He will turn 87 next year. Today, 17 thousand students study at Moscow State Law Academy.

This university has many branches, which are located in cities such as Vologda, Orenburg, Kirov, Makhachkala, Magadan. The university consists of more than a dozen institutes, including the prosecutor’s office, the legal profession, forensic science, business law and many others. At these institutes, the areas of law and forensic science, which, as already mentioned, are quite popular among graduates, have a lot of competition and a high passing score.

MSLA is widely known not only in Moscow, Russia, but also in other countries, not only due to its reputation, history, but also due to its professional staff. After all, famous lawyers, academicians, honored scientists, and true professionals in their field teach at MSLA.

The Academy has an impeccable reputation; it is not without reason that during its entire existence, MSLA has graduated more than 150 thousand specialists who are known not only as highly qualified specialists in Russia, but also abroad.

MISiS: passing scores on a budget

Due to the fact that this university is so popular among applicants, it sets a fairly high passing score for the budget. So in 2017, in the field of study in jurisprudence, you had to score 329 points, and in the field of forensic science, the score was 241.

Official website – main assistant

MSLA also has its own official website, by visiting which applicants can find all the information necessary for admission. In the section of the website “Admissions Committee”, “Applicants” you will find not only a list of documents that will be needed for admission, but also the rules for admission. In addition, on the website you will find what passing score you will need to enter the budget in 2017.

In addition to the fact that it contains information about the faculties of the university in Moscow, it also contains details that you need to know when enrolling not only in the first year, but also in master’s, doctoral and postgraduate studies. The applicant will be able to get acquainted with the deadlines for submitting documents, as well as the deadlines within which the results will be announced, who entered the budget in previous years or in 2017. In addition, applicants can learn about the possibility of preparatory courses. Since the competition is high, this will be a good opportunity for future students to gain not only additional knowledge, but also additional points.

In addition to all of the above information, graduates will also be able to find information about benefits that are taken into account upon admission. For example, if students are winners and prize-winners of the Kutafin Olympiad for schoolchildren in law, the Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, the Olympiad for schoolchildren “Lomonosov”, the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren and other Olympiads, then such applicants are equated to those who scored 100 points in the additional exam in social studies, and the Unified State Examination in the same subject with at least 70 points.

Master's degree - admission features

In addition to the fact that many students enter the first year of Moscow State Law Academy, many also wish to continue their studies at this university for a master's degree. Detailed information about the admission rules, what documents are needed and the number of places per budget for full-time, part-time and part-time courses can be found in the “Master’s” section of the official website. In 2017, the number of places for a full-time master's degree is 250 places, for full-time and part-time courses – 150, and for part-time courses, respectively, 155. The passing score in 2017 is the sum of the points for the entrance exam, additionally for scientific works, articles, publications and participation in seminars and conferences. It is this total that makes up the score with which you will be able to pass the budget test.

How to enter MAMI on a budget and what points are needed

In general, getting into this university is quite difficult, but it is possible if you strive and prepare for it. Applicants will have to work hard to achieve a passing grade. Because, as you can see, in 2017, as in previous years, the competition is quite high, and the competition between future students is also quite high. That’s why you need to take advantage of all the opportunities: participate in Olympiads, various competitions, achieve high results. You also need to pass the Unified State Exam well, since a lot depends on it and many recommend taking additional classes or taking the opportunity to take courses at the university itself.

In addition, if you are planning to study for a master’s degree in the future, then when you enter the university, do not relax, but, on the contrary, intensify your activities: participate in all kinds of competitions, olympiads, and conferences. And this will play into your hands in the future, because every additional point will give you the opportunity to pass on a budget.

Official information

The dormitory is intended for temporary residence and accommodation of nonresident students during the period of their studies at Moscow State Law Academy.
Residential building No. 1 is located at the address: Moscow, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 88, building 6.
Directions to the Tushinskaya metro station, then 10 minutes on foot.
Double rooms. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Residential building No. 2 is located at the address: Moscow, 2nd Donskoy proezd, 7
Directions to the Leninsky Prospekt metro station, then 10 minutes on foot.
Double and quadruple rooms. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Certificate of provision of hostel accommodation in 2016

For nonresident students (more than 80 km from Moscow) who need a dormitory, 75 places are allocated in dormitory No. 1 and 79 places in dormitory No. 2.

The priority right to receive a place in a dormitory is enjoyed by:
- orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
- disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood; - students exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
- students who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during military service, and combat veterans or who have the right to receive state social assistance;
- students from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering, technical, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of state authorities of the Russian Federation in military positions to be filled by soldiers and sailors , sergeants, foremen, and those dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 Year No. 5E-FZ “On military duty and military service.”

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
The fee for the use of residential premises with utilities in the University dormitories is 500 rubles per month.

Persons who are orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, are provided with living quarters in dormitories free of charge.

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