The disappearance of Yulia Savicheva. Yulia Savicheva, biography, news, photos. Yulia Savicheva's childhood, early years

Late the night before, the first pictures of Yulia Savicheva after giving birth appeared on the Internet. They were made in Russia, from which the logical conclusion follows that the artist returned from Portugal, where her daughter Anna was born. The artist’s return was secret: neither she nor her producer Maxim Fadeev announced the singer’s arrival, which somewhat surprised fans. Even the date of arrival remained unknown: Yulia could return the other day, or she could fly to Moscow a couple of weeks ago.

The behavior of the “Star Factory” graduate has been intriguing her fans for a whole year. The fact is that since the fall of 2016, Julia led a reclusive lifestyle: she abandoned social networks and stopped appearing at social events. This later received its partial explanation: Savicheva just did not want to advertise her pregnancy. But why she continues to hide from everyone even after announcing the birth of her child remains a mystery to fans.

Even more incomprehensible is the fact that Fadeev categorically denied “rumors” about his ward’s pregnancy in February of this year. “It’s all nonsense. This is done by a couple of strange people: they wrote lies all the time, called my mother, introduced themselves as other people, and then wrote. This information has nothing to do with reality!” - Fadeev said then. Maxim assured everyone that Yulia was on sabbatical and preparing to record a new album. Fans are still wondering: why was such secrecy necessary, or maybe the star’s producer really was not aware of Savicheva’s “situation”?

By the way, fans are still haunted by Yulia’s phrase from a letter of appeal to her daughter, in which they saw a hint of Savicheva’s health problems. “You’ll probably be surprised how many people were waiting for you, how many people congratulated you. How long have we been going towards this? How much effort and nerves were spent in order to say “Good morning” to you today!” - said Julia’s message. However, fans hope that Julia will soon return to performing and will definitely share with fans details about the events of the past year.

Yulia Savicheva gave her first concert after giving birth

Slowly but surely he returns to his normal life as an artist. Last year, the singer became a mother for the first time. In order for her daughter to be born, Savicheva had to quit the stage for a long time. There were even rumors that Yulia would never return to show business or to Russia in general.

But the fans were worried in vain. Just two months after the birth of her daughter, Savicheva came to Moscow from Portugal, where she lived permanently for more than a year. Almost immediately she began working on her new song, shot a heartfelt video for it, began appearing at rare social events and singing on stage.

Yesterday, on the eve of her own birthday, Savicheva gave herself the best gift. She gave her first solo concert in two years. This happened in the city of Polyarnye Zori, Murmansk region.

“God, how I miss you all!” - she wrote on her personal blog after the performance, referring, of course, to the grateful audience, who received her very warmly and did not let her go for a long time, shouting “Bravo!” and "Encore!"

The trip to the concert took Yulia and her team several days, and this is the first time Savicheva left her daughter alone for such a long time. But today, her 31st birthday, the singer will, of course, spend in the company of her family - her beloved husband and daughter.

She recently shared some details about Anechka, who turned exactly 7 months old today.

“She is very active and cheerful,” said Yulia. - I spend all my energy on her, I spend a lot of time on my feet when I play with her, walk or rock her to sleep. And now I know for sure: children of mothers, in principle, rejuvenate them. Fortunately, my daughter loves to sleep, so I have the opportunity to rest.”

Yulia Savicheva for the first time about the loss of a child: “Misfortune strengthened our marriage”

Julia was born on Valentine's Day and considers herself a romantic person. True, there is almost no time left for lyrics now. In the first place is raising my seven-month-old daughter Anya and concerts. Savicheva, who will turn 31 on Wednesday, shared with StarHit how her relationship with her husband Alexander Arshinov changed after the birth of the child.

Mom with intuition
- Julia, your daughter is not yet a year old, and you already have a planned tour schedule...

To be honest, I really missed the audience and the emotions on stage. And I’m lucky that my mother-in-law Irina helps me raise my baby. She herself suggested with the words: “I know you will never give up your profession. I want you and Sasha to be happy, so I’m ready to look after Anya as long as possible.” We agreed and she moved to our country house. My parents, unfortunately, do not have such an opportunity, because they live in Kurgan, where my father works.

Can you call yourself a crazy mom?

No, although I have met such women. Personally, I don't get nervous about everything. I rely on intuition, which has never let me down; on a subconscious level I feel what is worth paying attention to. But my grandmother is more worried, we listen to advice - she raised two children.

// Photo: Instagram

What fears did you face after giving birth?

There were more of them during pregnancy, because this is my second. The first time I had a miscarriage. I found out that I was pregnant again a year later, when my husband and I were vacationing in Portugal, where his dad lives. Local doctors forbade me from flying, and I stayed for the entire nine months. When I carried Anya under my heart, I shuddered from every tingling sensation in my body! Sasha supported, tried to calm, but at times panic seized both of them. And after the birth of my daughter, my fears disappeared. I remember taking her in my arms, feeling the weight and realizing: everything will be okay.

Has adversity strengthened a marriage?

Yes, although I was afraid it would be different. Families often break up after such trials. It was morally difficult, because we dreamed of having a baby before the wedding and it took a long time to achieve this. But my husband turned out to be very patient and calmed me down during emotional outbursts. In our couple, I can flare up. Fortunately, we managed to overcome all the difficulties and reach a new level of relations. We began to understand each other better.

How does your husband help?

In everything! Sasha swaddles, bathes and bottle feeds Anya. If he sees that I’m very busy, he can wash the floors and vacuum the carpets himself. We don't have a housekeeper.

// Photo: Instagram

How do you spend time together?

It’s not often that we get privacy; we can go to a restaurant or a movie, just discuss some things. After the birth of a child, it is important not to forget about your husband, family and yourself, as many women do. But more often, of course, we have fun with Anya. We come up with crazy games and sing songs for her. Sasha even wrote a lullaby.

Who is your daughter more like?

She's a redhead, just like me. For some reason I really wanted her to have the same hair color. I don't know, maybe it will darken over time. Overall, she took a little bit from both parents. But she took after her mother’s character – restless. As a child, they even called me a spinning top. Anya, of course, cannot run yet, but she needs constant attention. My husband was a calmer child.

Who was it named after?

When I didn’t yet know the gender, I felt that it would be a girl, and the name Anna came to mind. Well, first of all, there are three “A”s in the initials – Anna Aleksandrovna Arshinova. Sounds great, right? Then I began to remember people with that name - Akhmatova, Pavlova. I realized that when my daughter grows up, I will tell her about these great women.

They say that after pregnancy the body is completely renewed. Did you feel it?

In principle, yes, but recovery takes a lot of time. It took me about four months, although almost immediately I started eating right and exercising. But outwardly she became more feminine and attractive. Friends notice this.

Julia, you seem like an optimistic person. Is there something that might upset you?

Yes, a lot of things. In fact, I am often sad. My husband often says: “Why does everyone else get positive things, but I don’t see you like that?” I'm just relaxing at home.

// Photo: Instagram

Guardian angel
- Are you ready to give up a cool project for the sake of your family?

So far this question has not arisen, but if it does, I will discuss it with producer Maxim Fadeev. My husband and daughter come first for me now.

Has Maxim already met Anya?

Certainly. Max is like a second dad to me. He was aware, worried about us and supported us. We called him via video call on the second day after Anya was born and showed her. When I saw Anya, I was moved: “What a beauty she is!” And he gave me compliments.

Have you already met the children from Kurgan whom you care for?

She did not officially formalize guardianship over Sasha and Christina and did not sign any papers. I am their guardian angel. This is what the “Change One Life” charitable foundation calls people who help orphans. My task is to talk about Christina and Sasha. The more people know about them, the more likely they are to find parents in the future. We haven't met in person yet. I hope it works out soon. Sometimes attention is the most important thing for such children.

Sometimes being alone with yourself, not thinking about what is happening in the world right now, is very useful. And the stars also need a quiet rest, spent away from television cameras.

Where did Yulia Savicheva go? Max Fadeev explains

Maxim Fadeev is the producer of Yulia Savicheva. It is not surprising that it was he who the star’s concerned fans turned to after she stopped posting new photos on social networks.

By the way, Yulia rarely did this before; she never put virtual life above real life. But when the period of silence turned out to be too long, the singer’s fans began to worry.

What did Savicheva’s producer answer them? He called for calm and assured that their favorite was preparing a surprise. What are we talking about?

Personal life or creativity?

Recently, rumors have increasingly appeared in the press that Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov are expecting an imminent addition to the family. The singer does not comment on these rumors in any way, which further fuels the public’s interest in her personal life.

Fadeev spoke on this topic. On his Instagram page, the producer wrote: “Yulia is now busy preparing material for a new album. She decided to devote the remaining time from work to her family. She’ll come back soon and tell you everything herself.”

But where will the celebrity return from?

Where is Yulia Savicheva

The star and her husband went on vacation to Portugal. The vacation was delayed, and that is why nothing has been heard about the singer lately.

By the way, Julia and her husband love to travel, get to know different countries, peoples and their cultures. Savicheva especially fell in love with Portugal because it is a country with open and pleasant people, delicious food that can be bought everywhere, and a wonderful climate. Therefore, the couple decided to spend their long vacation there.

What else did Fadeev say?

But let’s return to the rumors about the singer’s disappearance and how her producer commented on them. There is another interesting point in this regard.

When asked where rumors about his ward’s pregnancy could have come from, Maxim replied that they were spread by the same strange individuals. As it turned out, they even called his mother several times and asked where the singer had gone. Despite the fact that they did not receive answers, articles about Yulia’s possible pregnancy began to appear on the Internet.

Grief breaks many. Families and the usual way of life are crumbling into pieces. Close people, unable to cope with the pain, instantly become strangers...

Singer Yulia Savicheva and her husband also experienced a terrible loss. However, it was their common misfortune that became the beginning of their happiness.

Four months ago, Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter, Anna. The girl was born in Portugal. But not at all because mom and dad didn’t trust our doctors and really wanted to give birth abroad. Julia was brought to a foreign country by a misfortune that happened to her several years ago and serious health problems.


I dreamed of having a child since I was 25,” says Yulia. - By this time, although we were not officially married, I was sure that Sasha and I had a real family.

Musician Alexander Arshinov appeared in her life somehow by accident, but at the same time once and for all. Yulia was only 16 - yesterday's schoolgirl, the finalist of the "Star Factory" looked even younger than her age, when her friends introduced her to a cool, brutal guy.

He performed alternative music then,” Savicheva smiles. - A tattoo on my leg, a tunnel in my ear, protective pants... Sasha later told me that he was shocked by how small and fragile I was, just a child with his head in the clouds.

He took this sparrow under his wing and protection. Soon they began to live together. They got used to each other and grew closer to each other. We dreamed of a wedding and a child...

Julia realized that she was pregnant while on tour. I felt great, so I didn’t interrupt the tour. But when she finally got to the doctor, he stunned her: there were serious problems, all concerts should be cancelled, not going anywhere, taking medications, lying down. Julia waved it off: “Oh, bullshit!”

It seemed to me that everything was simple. The older generation supported: “We didn’t rush to doctors in our time, so you were born healthy!” Believing in myself, I continued to fly, perform and jump on stage. At every concert I gave my best, I left like a squeezed lemon, but I was happy.


The bleeding started suddenly. Early in the morning, in a hotel in a provincial town, she was overcome by a sharp pain in her stomach. The ambulance took Yulia to the operating table. The doctors saved her life. There is no child.

For me and our entire family, this became a tragedy and a cruel lesson. “I paid for my mistakes,” Yulia recalls that time with tears in her eyes. “My husband and I were broken, but we found the strength not to withdraw into ourselves. They talked constantly, both cried, trying to come to terms with their common grief. In order to save a family in a difficult situation, you need to talk about everything, you can’t keep anything to yourself. If you want to bang your head against the wall, fight! The main thing is together.

After some time, they finally got married. For some reason, Julia decided that if the marriage became legal, then fate would immediately send them another child.

She rushed to get examined, then treat the sores she found, went in for sports, and switched to proper nutrition. I was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​giving birth...

I took a full course of hormones, went through the necessary procedures, but we still didn’t succeed. And then I realized: I’m too active, I’m nervous at work and I’m very tired. I reduced my workload... For more than two years, every month I took pregnancy tests and waited with bated breath for the two cherished stripes to appear on it... I constantly thought that time was running out, I was soon 30. But there, in heaven, no one was going to send me a gift...

Savicheva, who was already going crazy with despair, paused her work. With Alexander, they decided to go to Portugal for several months. Walk, eat, sleep, travel and think about nothing. Julia turned off her phone and internet and began... getting to know her husband:

We both realized that we didn't really know each other and weren't really family. We felt and recognized in a new way: he - me, I - him. They started talking about what they didn’t like about each other and why, they even quarreled. We built relationships again. A month later we were already in harmony and decided that if things didn’t work out with the child, it was not a problem, but fate. We must accept it...


But out of long-term habit, Yulia continued to take pregnancy tests. Sasha will never forget how she flew out of the shopping center restroom shouting “Two, two stripes!” When the clinic confirmed that she was expecting a child, Savicheva burst into hysterical tears.

Along with relief came panic. Julia decided to obey the doctors unquestioningly. And when she was informed that flights were prohibited due to the risk of thrombosis and long-distance travel was extremely undesirable, she firmly said: “We’ll stay in Portugal to give birth,” and she spent the entire pregnancy there. I took my husband and his sister with me to the birth. But at the most crucial moment, she kicked them out of the delivery room and asked for epidural anesthesia.

There was no strength to endure this pain! But when Anya was born and they placed her on my stomach... An unforgettable feeling! I even started singing! Anya cried at first, and then calmed down and listened to my voice. The doctors were delighted - they had never seen anything like this in a Portuguese maternity hospital.

Now she, like all crazy young mothers, jumps up at every child’s sneeze and listens to her daughter’s sniffles at night. Too many fears still live in her soul...

Reporters are sounding the alarm about the disappearance of popular singer Yulia Savicheva and hinting at her pregnancy. Dni.Ru got through to the star’s PR director and found out how the artist lives.

Yulia Savicheva disappeared from the field of view of the paparazzi several months ago. She does not go out into the world, does not perform at concerts, does not act in television projects and does not update social networks. The feather sharks believe that the performer is pregnant and for this reason is hiding from them.

Two important points prompted the reporters to think so. Firstly, Julia has been married since October 23, 2014. According to journalists, the couple could well have matured for the birth of children in two years. The singer is now 29 years old - an excellent age for the birth of her first child.

Secondly, back in April, at one of the parties, eagle-eyed paparazzi spotted Savicheva’s rounded tummy, who was wearing a loose dress. After that evening, the performer stopped attending social events. And she didn’t appear at the concert hodgepodges, in which all the stars of domestic show business participate. If in the spring she had a rounded belly, then some believed that by October 2016 she could already give birth. In secret from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

More than a month ago, the star published a message on Instagram that seemed not entirely convincing to media representatives. Savicheva claimed that she plunged headlong into creativity. The singer is actively recording new songs away from the noisy crowd and bustle of the capital. And not a word about personal life, not a word about future offspring.

Dni.Ru contacted Yulia's PR director Vlada Agapova. Savicheva’s representative categorically denied the news about the artist’s pregnancy. “This is not true,” Vlada assured. According to her, the performer is now “out of the country” and is exclusively busy recording a new album. “Yulia went on sabbatical. She announced this in advance,” Vlad was surprised at the media hype that arose. It is not yet known when Savicheva plans to return to social life.

Let us remember that the star previously announced on her official pages on social networks that she “listens to silence” away from the red carpet and spotlights. “I know, I know that you have lost me,” the artist addressed her worried fans. “Don’t worry, everything is fine with me. Since the end of the huge tour, I have plunged headlong into creativity - I spend almost all this time in the studio - writing, writing , we write. Then I listen to the silence, breathe the air, think and write again. Neither the end nor the edge is visible (hereinafter the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Ed.)."

Savicheva really likes her new, unglamorous lifestyle. “You know, this is just wonderful!” the artist admitted. “But I know that such luxury of quiet creation cannot last long. So don’t judge me harshly for my absence. Ps. As I said earlier, I’m not a computer person at all, I don’t really like social networks, I don’t document my every step. Perhaps this is wrong, and in our time this is not possible, but I hope that you will forgive me. I love you all. Always your Yu."

The owner of several Golden Gramophone statuettes, an almost constant guest on the TV show “Song of the Year”, a young singer who represented the Russian Federation at Eurovision, Yulia Savicheva, whose biography does not fit into the imagination of the average person, is a constant source of inspiration for the glamorous and yellow press. Her creative career, personal life, rapid rise and multifaceted talent are capable of striking the richest imagination. Many people don't believe it. that she is just like everyone else, and she also has a husband and children.
It’s simply incredible that today Yulia Savicheva has suspended her creative career and taken time out to write a new album. Her biography and stormy personal life, which began publicly at the age of 16, have always been the subject of close attention of fans, as well as her husband, children, participation in TV projects, shows, filming in a youth series, and her current deliberate departure from the center of public attention . Although the vacation taken to enjoy life organically fits into the idea that fans have about her.

Creative rise and career

The future Russian star Yulia Savicheva was born in the city of Kurgan in 1987, but at a young age she not only managed to establish her personal life and become a mother. Her stellar biography, 7 music albums released, her adored husband and equally beloved children are a natural phenomenon. Despite the learning problems caused in childhood, this becomes clear if you carefully look at the undoubted talent and environment in which the future singer and actress grew up. Her father is the drummer of the rock band “Convoy”, which at that time included the now famous Maxim Fadeev, who is a famous musician and an equally famous producer who gave the Russian scene several mega-stars. He was a close friend of the family and remained Julia's faithful and devoted companion all his life.

Yulia Savicheva as a teenager

She repeatedly mentioned that she considered him a second father, because it was he who noticed her talent, natural craving for music and was the first to bring her to the stage. Excellent genetics (Savicheva’s mother was a teacher at a music school) led to the fact that the girl adored music and tried to dance to any tune. At the age of 3 she already studied at a choreographic school, and at 5 she became a soloist in the children’s choreographic ensemble “Firefly”.

As a teenager, she was a complex, small, red-haired and freckled girl with glasses, who did not have free time because of her studies, and she had problems with the exact sciences. Julia did not know how to get along with her peers at all. She lost her only friend when her family moved to live in Moscow.

Yulia earned her first artistic fees at New Year's parties at the MAI Palace of Culture, where her parents worked at that time, and continued her choreography and ballroom dancing classes in the Zhuravushka group.

Yulia Savicheva

Having twice become, together with her partner, a ballroom dancing champion in her age group, the girl passed the 11th grade exams as an external student because she received an invitation to the “Star Factory” that was booming at that time. It is not surprising that Yulia Savicheva had such a successful start, and her biography and personal life are the result of an amazing coincidence of circumstances and undoubted talent. A husband and children were simply not on the agenda at that time.

At 3.5 years old - Yulia on the stage of the Kurgan Philharmonic with the group "Convoy", at 8 - children's backing vocals and backup dancers in Linda's thunderous "Marijuana" and "Do It So". In 2003, she entered the top five finalists at the Star Factory and recorded her first hit, “Vysoko,” written especially for her by the brilliant Max Fadeev. The same song allowed her to become a laureate of the Song of the Year festival in the same year, 2003.

Representing the Russian Federation at the World Best festival, Savicheva entered the top ten (8th place) and received the right to participate in Eurovision. In 2005, the debut album was released, bearing the same name as the first hit, and the song “If Love Lives in the Heart” became the soundtrack to one of the most popular television series.

Yulia Savicheva at Eurovision

The singer’s filmography includes 19 video clips, her creative path includes collaboration with Joseph Kobzon and joint projects with Dzhigan, awarded on RU TV as the best duet of the year. MusicBox nominated a new project called “My Way” for the “Album of the Year” award.

Yulia Savicheva did not limit her biography only to her performing career; she actively participated in the TV shows “Star Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars”, and starred in the youth series “First Love”. This did not stop her from having a stormy personal life, as a result of which she has a beloved husband and children. At the same time, she dubbed cartoons, won a prize in a parody competition in the One to One project, and even starred in the musical Three Heroes. The undoubted and comprehensive talent of Yulia Savicheva shaped the course of her biography, and not a completely unusual course of events in her personal life - the result of the manifestation of an extraordinary and rich internally creative personality. Fans who closely followed the vicissitudes of her heartfelt, long-term affection were able to take a breath of relief when, in 2014, she finally had a baby, followed by the long-awaited children.

Apotheosis of love and triumph of constancy

The wedding, which took place at the Crocus City Hall entertainment center in the fall of 2014, became the apotheosis of a love affair that began at the age of 16. When she met 18-year-old Alexander Arshinov, Yulia immediately realized that in front of her was her one and only betrothed, with whom she wanted to spend her whole life. The girl found out the phone number of her future husband and called him first. Her efforts were crowned with success after 2 years when, after numerous calls and meetings, they decided to start living together. The reason for the frequent quarrels over the 10 years that their informal relationship lasted was jealousy, which just indicated that there was a huge bright feeling between them.

Wedding photo with Alexander Arshinov

After 10 years, the long-term affection ended with an official marriage proposal. The celebration took place in a romantic setting on the ocean. Glamorous publications enthusiastically described the elegant white outfit with a pink ribbon at the waist, the invited guests, among whom were stars (Natasha Koroleva, Zara, Joseph Kobzon), and the presenters - Alexander Anatolyevich and Lera Kudryavtseva. The bride compensated for the lack of a veil with an elegant hairstyle. After some time, a little one appeared in the family. Initial fears of ruining her career gave way to healthy maternal affection, and in an interview with one of the publications, the singer said that she wanted two children, because it’s hard for one in the family.

The personal life and creative career of Yulia Savicheva are the subject of constant attention from both fans and scandalous publications. Some time ago they tried to attribute an affair to her with TV presenter Dmitry Borisov, just as they once did with producer Fadeev. However, Julia categorically denied the rumors about the alleged affair, and explained the joint photographs as a business partnership. According to her, she is a big homebody, a faithful wife, enjoys cooking and healthy diets, and has many new projects in her bag.

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