Audition for the children's choir of the Bolshoi Theater. Auditions for the big theater. This is a colossal job

Currently, the choir successfully combines theatrical performances with independent...

The Bolshoi Theater Children's Choir has existed as an independent group since 1920. The team took part in many opera and ballet productions of the theater: “The Queen of Spades”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Nutcracker”, “Khovanshchina”, “Boris Godunov”, “That’s What Everybody Do”, “Carmen”, “La Boheme”, “Tosca” ", "Turandot", "Der Rosenkavalier", "Wozzeck", "Fire Angel", "Child and Magic", "Moidodyr", "Ivan the Terrible" and others.

Currently, the choir successfully combines theatrical performances with independent concert activities. The unique sound of the voices of young artists of the Bolshoi Theater was heard in all the halls of the Moscow Conservatory, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the Moscow International House of Music, the Central House of Artists, in the halls of the museums named after A. S. Pushkin, named after M. I. Glinka and other audiences. The team is constantly invited to participate in special events, government concerts and other cultural events (Day of Slavic Literature, Year of Culture in Russia, etc.). The choir's tours in Germany, Italy, Estonia, Japan, South Korea and other countries were a great success.

Leading soloists of the Bolshoi Theater take part in many concerts of the Children's Choir. The team collaborated with famous Russian orchestras - the Russian National Orchestra, the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic", the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov and, of course, the Bolshoi Theater Symphony Orchestra.

The choir's repertoire includes European and Russian, sacred and secular music of the 15th-20th centuries. The Bolshoi Theater Children's Choir has recorded several CDs, including two albums of Christmas carols, and concert programs with pianists V. Krainev and M. Bank.

Classes in the choir allow its students to enter higher musical educational institutions. Many of them become laureates of vocal competitions, many among former children's choir artists and leading soloists of opera houses, including soloists of the Bolshoi Theater.

Leads the choir Yulia Molchanova. A graduate of the Moscow Conservatory (class of Professor B.I. Kulikov), since 2000 she has been the choirmaster of the Bolshoi Theater, and since 2004 she has headed the Children's Choir. She took part as a choirmaster of adult and children's choirs in all repertoire performances and concert activities of the choir. She performed as a conductor in all halls of the Moscow Conservatory. Awarded a certificate of honor from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The youth opera program of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia announces an additional set of participants for the 2018/19 season in the specialty “soloist-vocalist” (from two to four places). Performers from 1984 - 1998 are allowed to participate in competitive auditions in the program. born with incomplete or completed higher musical education.

The deadline for auditions in the city chosen by the contestant is three calendar days before the audition date in that city. The deadline for submitting applications for auditions in Moscow is five calendar days before the start of these auditions.

All expenses for participation in auditions (travel, accommodation, etc.) are borne by the contestants themselves.

Procedure for holding the competition

First tour:
  • Audition in Tbilisi, Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater. Z. Paliashvili - May 25, 2018
  • Audition in Yerevan, Yerevan State Conservatory. Komitas - May 27, 2018
  • Auditions in St. Petersburg, Palace of Student Youth of St. Petersburg - May 30, 31 and June 1, 2018.
  • Audition in Chisinau, Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts - June 5, 2018
  • Audition in Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater - June 11, 2018
  • Audition in Yekaterinburg, Ural State Conservatory named after. M. P. Mussorgsky - June 12, 2018
  • Audition in Minsk, National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus - June 16, 2018
  • Auditions in Moscow, Bolshoi Theater, opera classes in the Administrative Auxiliary Building - September 20 and 21, 2018.

Due to the FIFA World Cup in June-July 2018, rounds I, II and III in Moscow are postponed to September 2018.

The participant comes to the audition with his own accompanist, having first filled out an electronic form on the website.

The questionnaire is considered accepted if within 10-15 MINUTES after sending it an automatic notification is sent to the sender's email address.

In Moscow, for non-resident participants, upon prior request, the theater provides an accompanist.

At each stage of the auditions, the participant must present to the commission at least two arias - the first at the request of the singer, the rest - at the choice of the commission from the repertoire list provided by the contestant earlier in the questionnaire and including five prepared arias. The list of arias must include arias in three or more languages, necessarily Russian, Italian, French and/or German. All arias listed must be performed in their original language. The commission reserves the right to listen to fewer or more arias.

The number of participants in the first round is not limited.

Second round:

Auditions in Moscow, Bolshoi Theater, New Stage - September 22, Historical Stage - September 23, 2018. The participant comes to the audition with his own accompanist (the theater provides an accompanist for non-resident participants upon prior request). The participant must present two or three arias to the commission - the first at the request of the singer, the rest - at the choice of the commission from the repertoire list prepared for the first round. All arias listed must be performed in their original language. The Commission reserves the right to ask for a smaller or larger number of arias. The number of participants in the second round is no more than forty people.

Third round:
  1. Audition in Moscow, Bolshoi Theatre, Historical Stage - September 24, 2018. The participant comes to the audition with his own accompanist (for non-resident participants, upon prior request, the theater provides an accompanist). The participant must present to the commission one or two arias according to the preliminary selection of the commission (based on the results of the 2nd round) from his repertoire list.
  2. Lesson/interview with program leaders.

The number of participants in the third round is no more than twenty people.


In October 2009, the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia created a Youth Opera Program, within the framework of which young singers and pianists from Russia and the CIS undergo professional development courses. For several years, young artists who entered the program as a result of competitive auditions study various academic disciplines, including vocal classes, master classes with famous singers and tutors, training in foreign languages, stage movement and acting. In addition, each of the participants in the Youth Program has extensive stage practice, performing roles in the theater's premiere and current productions, as well as preparing various concert programs.

Throughout the years of the Youth Program's existence, the largest professionals in the field of opera art worked with the participants: singers - Elena Obraztsova, Evgeny Nesterenko, Irina Bogacheva, Maria Guleghina, Makvala Kasrashvili, Carol Vaness (USA), Neil Shicoff (USA), Kurt Riedl (Austria ), Nathalie Dessay (France), Thomas Allen (Great Britain); pianists - Giulio Zappa (Italy), Alessandro Amoretti (Italy), Larisa Gergieva, Lyubov Orfenova, Mark Lawson (USA, Germany), Brenda Hurley (Ireland, Switzerland), John Fisher (USA), George Darden (USA); conductors - Alberto Zedda (Italy), Vladimir Fedoseev (Russia), Mikhail Yurovsky (Russia), Giacomo Sagripanti (Italy); directors - Francesca Zambello (USA), Paul Curran (USA), John Norris (USA), etc.

Artists and graduates of the Youth Opera Program perform at the largest venues in the world, such as the Metropolitan Opera (USA), Royal Opera Covent Garden (UK), Teatro alla Scala (Italy), Berlin State Opera (Germany), Deutsche Oper Berlin (Germany) , Paris National Opera (France), Vienna State Opera (Austria), etc. Many graduates of the Youth Opera Program joined the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia or became guest soloists of the theater.

The artistic director of the Youth Opera Program is Dmitry Vdovin.

Participants are paid a stipend while studying in the program; non-resident participants are provided with a hostel.

Musical Theater named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko dreamed of having his own children's choir for many years. Children’s participation was demanded by “Carmen”, “La Bohème”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Tosca”... And in February 2004, two dozen excited parents brought two dozen frisky and much less excited children to an audition. The wish turned into reality, and children's voices began to ring in the classrooms and corridors of the theater, which had not yet been opened after the reconstruction. And soon the first performance took place. May 6, 2006 in the Hall. Tchaikovsky's opera troupe of the Musical Theater presented a concert performance of the opera "Carmen" in French and with spoken dialogues. This day became the birthday of the children's choir, its first participation in the play, albeit not yet on its native stage.

And since the fall of 2006, when the theater opened after reconstruction, classes, rehearsals and performances have become real adult work. They now perfectly understood what stage and orchestral rehearsals were, they learned to perform the most difficult director's tasks, they knew that they had to come to make-up in advance and also learned many other theatrical secrets.

Now, more than 10 years later, our children's choir is real, experienced artists. They themselves can tell a lot about the theater, introducing the choir recruits to the secrets. They not only take part in theatrical performances, but also perform solo choir concerts. And adult artists, directors, and conductors now know for sure that the theater cannot do without a children’s choir. The children's choir takes part in theater performances: " " , " " , " " , " ", " ", " " , " " , " " , " " , " " .

Children's choir directors: Tatyana Leonova, Marina Oleynik, Alla Baykova.
The children's choir includes children aged 9 to 14 years.Class days: Tuesday and Saturday.


17.00 – 18.30 (choir – junior and senior groups)
18.30 – choreography


16.00 – 17.00 (choir – junior group)
17.00 – general choir


Dear parents, congratulations to everyone on the beginning of the new season! We wish you good health and creative energy throughout the year!


Bring children to class 10-15 minutes before the start. You need to have spare shoes and a choir folder with you. Parents are prohibited from entering the theater (except for parent-teacher meetings).

Performances of the first half of the year:

29.10 (Tuesday) – no classes

1.11 (Friday) – rehearsal of the play “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp” from 11:30 to 14:30
2.11 (Saturday) – no classes
9.11. (Saturday) - NO CHORUS CLASSES, performance "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" ("Tomboys" gathering at 12:00, busy until 4:30 p.m., "Emeralds" gathering at 2:00 p.m., busy until 4:30 p.m.)
13.11. (Wednesday) – performance “Tosca”

07.12. (Saturday) – performance “The Queen of Spades”
11.12. (Wednesday) – performance "Othello"
12.12. (Thursday) – performance “The Nutcracker”
13.12. (Friday) – performance “The Nutcracker”
25.12. (Wednesday) – performance “Aida”
26.12. (Thursday) – performance “Aida”
27.12. (Friday) – performance “La Bohème”
28.12. (Saturday) – morning and evening performance of “The Nutcracker”
29.12. (Sunday) – morning and evening performance of “The Nutcracker”
30.12. (Monday) – morning and evening performance of “The Nutcracker”
31.12. (Tuesday) – morning and evening performance “The Nutcracker”

For questions, please email the choir inspector

All performances may have additional rehearsals. Class times and days are subject to change!

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