The simplest methods for studying water quality at home. How to test the quality of water from a well for drinking at home How to test mineral water at home

How to check the quality of water from a well at home?

And it is a completely worthy alternative to a centralized water supply system. But you should use water from such sources with extreme caution - you need to regularly check it for the presence of foreign impurities and contaminants. Fortunately, for this there is no need to bother yourself with going to the laboratory, because the analysis can be carried out at home. Want to know how? Let's talk.

The first step in testing is to take a sample from your source. Here you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Collect water in a sterile glass or plastic container. The recommended container volume is 1.5 liters.

Advice. Containers containing carbonated sweet drinks are not suitable for collecting water, since there is a high probability that particles of food additives and dyes may remain on its inner walls, which can cause incorrect analysis results.

  • Before use, rinse the container with plain hot water. There is no need to use any cleaning products.
  • Draw water not from a tap in the house, but from a pipe connected directly to the source. Be sure to drain the stagnant liquid - to do this, open the tap and first wait about 5-7 minutes, and only then fill the container.
  • Fill with water under very low pressure - this will prevent excess air from entering the container.
  • Fill the container to the brim and be sure to close it with an airtight stopper or lid.

If you drink water from a well, check the quality several times a year

The first water test should be carried out after the sand, dust and various types of soil that were raised during excavation procedures have finally settled. During subsequent use of the water source, analysis is recommended to be carried out once a year. The exception is those areas that are located in industrial zones - here the water must be checked once a quarter or at least once every 6 months.

Water testing and purification

When the water is prepared, you can begin to directly test it: analyze the smell, taste, transparency and color. Based on the results of a household analysis of the liquid, take certain measures to clean it:

Advice. Do not forget to regularly check filter devices and maintain their working elements.

Thus, testing water from a well or well does not take much time and does not require extremely complex efforts. All that is needed for a quality analysis is to correctly take a water sample and perform a series of simple verification steps. Moreover, water can even be purified at home if you follow the tips suggested above.

Well water analysis: video

For normal well-being, each person needs to drink from 2 to 2.4 liters of clean water per day. How can you make sure it complies with regulations and is safe? What is the best way to check the quality of drinking water at home, using available means?

There are many ways:

  • boiling the liquid and analyzing the contents of the walls of the container;
  • brewing high-strength black or green tea;
  • identifying water quality using a mirror.

Special kits are sold that are designed to test water and check its parameters. You can determine the physical indicators of water (smell, turbidity, taste characteristics, salt inclusions) at home. To obtain a detailed water analysis based on chemical composition, use the services of a reliable laboratory.

After reading the article you will learn:

What drinking water quality can be tested?

Before testing water for quality parameters, determine whether it belongs to a certain type. This substance is classified according to various criteria.

According to the source of origin, H2O is:

  • artesian;
  • spring;
  • water supply;
  • well

There are conditioned, purified and mixed water. The services of an independent laboratory are used by people who want to know the characteristics and parameters of water coming from. Often it does not meet the standards, so it is not recommended to use it without preliminary cleansing.

You can check the quality of any type of water, including groundwater, river and lake water, that is, taken from open water bodies. You must deliver the samples to the laboratory yourself.

Tap water

Its integral characteristics are controlled by SanPiN The regulatory document establishes the levels of metals (iron, manganese, aluminum, arsenic, strontium) in water and the permanganate oxidability of such a liquid.

What other indicators does SanPiN control? It defines the maximum permissible values:

  • phenolic index;
  • residual chlorine;
  • general hydrocarbons;
  • organohalogen compounds.

Specialists check the general mineralization and hardness of the substance submitted for analysis. They establish the concentration of coliform bacteria, nitrates and nitrites, and formazin turbidity. Purified water coming from various water supply sources is used by residents of populated areas for cooking and household needs.

Bottled water

Requirements for drinking water, which is sold to the population in glass and plastic bottles, determine sanitary rules.

This water is divided into 2 categories:

  • first;
  • highest.

Organoleptic properties must comply with the standards specified in the sanitary rules. Indicators of salt composition are important, that is, the levels of chlorides, sulfates and phosphates in bottled water, which are measured in hectoliters. A product received for analysis in a laboratory is subjected to thorough analysis according to several criteria.

Experts determine:

  • pH value;
  • smell of the substance when heated to 60 degrees;
  • taste of the liquid being tested, color and turbidity.

Drinking water from natural sources

Water obtained from natural sources brings great benefits to the human body. These include reservoirs, reservoirs, sand wells, and lakes. Before using such a liquid, you will need to make sure that it is safe and meets the standards.

To find out the chemical composition, contact specialists from a suitable laboratory. Many institutions provide such services:

  • center for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance;
  • central analytical laboratory of water intake;
  • Rospotrebnadzor specialists who work with citizens’ appeals;
  • accredited laboratories offering analysis services.

Are you looking to spend as little money as possible? Then contact a state laboratory owned by a water utility or located on the territory of a sanitary-epidemiological station. The services of this laboratory will cost you inexpensively. Private institutions charge higher prices for H2O analysis.

What needs to be done to check water quality in the laboratory

It is necessary to collect water from a suitable source or pour it from a tap. You will need a clean glass bottle, scalded with boiling water. Plastic containers are not suitable. The bottle volume exceeds 1 liter. You should not treat it with disinfectants, as this will affect the results.

Try to bring the sample to the laboratory as quickly as possible; after 24 hours, the contents of the container cannot be used. Do you want to check the quality of the water coming from your tap? Then let it drain for 18 or 20 minutes, and then collect a sample and send it to the laboratory. Many institutions offer a home-based water analysis service. These are mainly commercial laboratories that have not been accredited.

However, you should not be afraid to contact such companies. Accreditation is an expensive procedure, so not all testing laboratories can take advantage of this offer. Meanwhile, such companies professionally perform a comprehensive analysis of the quality and taste properties and safety parameters of H2O.

How to check water quality at home using organoleptic analysis

What is it - organoleptic qualities? How to accurately analyze water parameters using this method? A person determines the organoleptic characteristics of drinking water using the senses (vision, smell and taste). The analysis is performed taking into account the intensity of perception of the properties of water by the senses.

If the organoleptic properties of the water being tested do not pass the test, then this is the basis for a thorough and comprehensive analysis in the laboratory. Let's start looking at the methods that are used to determine the quality of H2O and can be used at home at any time.

  1. Fill the bottle made of glass or plastic, water from a natural source or tap. Close its neck with a lid and place this container in a cool place. After 48 hours, open the bottle and see how its contents have changed, and whether plaque has appeared on the walls of the container. If you see a coating or notice an oily film that appears on the surface, then stop drinking such water. It contains harmful substances.
  2. Fill the kettle with water, put it on high heat. When the liquid boils, do not turn off the stove, but reduce the heat to low and continue boiling the water for 12 to 14 minutes. After boiling for the specified time, wait about 20 minutes for the liquid to cool slightly. Then drain the contents of the kettle into another container.

Check to see if there are any lime deposits or scale left on the walls.

The gray color of the scale indicates an excess of Fe concentration. When deposits are yellow, this is a sign of high calcium concentration.

7 ways to check the quality of drinking water at home

Perform the analysis in your city apartment or country house.

There are 7 reliable ways:

  1. Add 40–50 ml of the tested water to a transparent glass container containing tightly brewed tea. If the drink changes color or becomes cloudy, then you should not drink the water.
  2. Drop 1–2 ml of liquid onto the glass. Now wait a few minutes for it to completely evaporate. After the water has completely evaporated, check the surface of the glass. The surface of the glass should remain clean, this is one of the signs that the water is suitable for consumption.
  3. If you keep freshwater mollusks belonging to the Unionidae family, place them in a container filled with water. If the mollusks are hidden in their shells, the water does not meet accepted requirements.
  4. Wash your hands with strong soap. If it produces little foam and you have to soap your hands again, then your water is too hard.
  5. The reaction of H2O with potassium permanganate will reveal the quality characteristics of water. An alarming sign is that the water turns yellow.
  6. Using a high-precision balance, compare the mass of the H2O samples. The first sample is the liquid you are testing, the second is obviously high-quality water, for example, taken from a cooler. The mass of the samples should be approximately the same. Acceptable error is 1–2%.
  7. Evaluate the water by its appearance and smell. The presence of foreign and pronounced odors, impurities of various kinds and cloudy sediment is not allowed.

Use any of the above methods. Then you will not need to contact a trusted laboratory and pay for its services.

How to check the quality of water in an apartment using test systems

To perform tap water tests, buy special devices, compact kits equipped with different reagents. They can be purchased online or in retail stores that sell chemical test systems to the public that are suitable for quick and reliable analysis.

Test systems are portable and inexpensive. They are used for precise and thorough control. It will not be a problem to choose a suitable analyzer to determine the pH level of the water substance, the concentration of residual chlorine, the content of iron, cations and nitrates in H2O.

How to check water quality using special meters

If you need to quickly check fluid levels, use special test strips. These are litmus paper strips, their price ranges from 300 rubles per set. Each litmus strip turns a specific color after contact with the test liquid.

Along with this type of meter, you receive instructions that describe how the resulting colors correspond to the measured H2O parameters. A more expensive option is a set of reagents and chemicals, which allows you to conduct a full quality examination at home and establish the safety of the water.

How and where can you check the quality of water from a well?

If you get water from a sand well or collect it from a well, then check its quality once every 8-10 months. Often such a substance exceeds the permissible concentration level for iron, nitrates, and calcium salts. If you want to be sure that the water indicators meet the standards, collect a sample of the liquid and send it to the laboratory. After drilling a well, you must contact a suitable company and order a detailed analysis.

How to check the quality of distilled water

To determine high water hardness, use a salinometer - a compact and simple device. He will accurately check this hydrophysical characteristic. The salt concentration should not exceed 5 ml per liter.

A pH meter, an autonomous and economical device, will allow you to measure the pH value (acidity). It's inexpensive. To measure the electrical conductivity of the distillate, you will need a conductivity meter. A high-precision device called a chlorometer helps determine the level of free chlorine. The concentration of this substance in distilled water should not exceed 0.02 mg per liter.

Water... It is needed to live, but what do we know about it? Even for scientists, water is largely a mystery.

It is enough for the average consumer to know its formula (H2O) and the chemical composition of the liquid that flows from the tap under the guise of drinking water.

The ingredients of this “cocktail” may unpleasantly surprise you. Let's talk about what could be wrong with tap water and how to bring it to clean water by exposing it to poor quality.

Don't drink, Ivanushka: what's wrong with tap water?

They say water is the source of life. Unfortunately, tap water can be a source of problems. Don't be under any illusions about its high quality. Vodokanal is primarily concerned with disinfection issues.

Infectious epidemics caused by state-owned enterprises do not go unnoticed, are widely covered in the media and cost the perpetrators dearly.

Filter stations always have funds for cheap carcinogenic bleach, but the purchase of expensive filter equipment usually does not fit into the budget. Result?

The result is hidden from the general public so thoroughly that the situation may turn out to be even more deplorable than journalists say. The GOST standards that Vodokanal is guided by already do not meet WHO requirements.

The water released into the pipes from treatment plants very roughly resembles clean drinking water. Collecting dirt from water pipes along the way, water enters our homes in a deplorable state. What effect do the ingredients in this “cocktail” have on our health?

  • Nitrates cause methemoglobinemia - oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Excess fluoride leads to the development of osteosclerosis - hardening of bones.
  • Calcium and magnesium sulfates can cause urolithiasis.
  • An increased concentration of iron provokes itching, dryness and allergies.
  • Mercury, even in small doses, affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Organochlorine compounds increase the risk of cancer pathologies.

Water, of course, should not be “sterile”. Along with it, the body receives a number of minerals - for example, fluorine, iodine, iron, calcium and magnesium. But mineralization should also be moderate. The content of bacteria, toxins, and radioactive substances is unacceptable.

Inadmissible - on paper. In reality it’s different. In reality, tap water is harmful - and if not to health, then to the nerves with its organoleptic characteristics (color, taste and smell). Russian main pipes have been in need of replacement for a long time - corrosion, rust and bacteria have attacked them from the inside (all this is washed off into our glass). The environmental situation also does not inspire confidence - the soil and groundwater are clogged with waste and emissions. Perhaps you are still confident that Vodokanal is taking care of you? Let's check.

50 shades of brown: testing the quality of drinking water at home

Tap water can be sent to a laboratory, but the tariffs for laboratory testing are unaffordable for many. How check the water quality yourself?

Organoleptic quality assessment

  • An approximate assessment of water quality can be given by its organoleptic characteristics - color, smell and taste:
  • a range of shades from yellow-brown to reddish-brown indicates an excess of iron;
  • Gray or yellow scale in the kettle, as well as limescale on plumbing fixtures, will help detect calcium and magnesium salts;
  • milky-colored water simply indicates air leaks in the water supply system, but sometimes warns of methane gas;
  • the smell of chlorine directly indicates excessive chlorination;
  • The metallic taste, again, is reminiscent of high iron content.

Pure water should have no taste or odor either when cold or when heated. The color of pure water is 100% transparent (examine it in the light by placing a white sheet behind a container of water). When settled (2-3 days in a dark place), no sediment forms in clean water, and there is no film on its surface. Is your water like this?

It will be more informative to check the quality using express tests, which can be purchased at an aquarium store or medical laboratory. For example, a set of tests for freshwater from the JBL Test Lab company will cost 7,680 rubles - with its help you can evaluate the pH value, hardness (GH), the presence and concentration of nitrites, phosphates, iron and chlorine. A wide range of mono-tests costing 180-270 rubles per piece is offered by the domestic company NILPA. Inexpensive test kits for assessing tap water (300-1750 rubles per set) were produced by the MedEcoTest laboratory.

  • Budget-friendly! Prepare a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate using high-quality water for the solution, for example, bottled water. Fill half a glass with water, the quality of which needs to be checked. Add a solution of potassium permanganate to the test water. If the liquid has acquired a yellow tint, it is not recommended to drink it.

The error of home examination is quite high even when using industrial tests. In the laboratory they will put the water on the shelves with all diligence.

Please note the following rules for selecting tap water for testing:

  • prepare a sterile container for collection;
  • wipe the faucet, valve and hands with alcohol;
  • drain the water - at least 10 minutes;
  • collect 0.5-2 liters of water and take it.

The reliability of the microbiological analysis is ensured if the study is carried out within two hours after collection. Chemical and bacteriological analysis can be carried out within two days.

How much does clean water cost for the people?

If your intuition or the results of organoleptic, reagent or laboratory tests indicate poor quality of tap water, you should consider the issues of its purification.

By civilized methods, of course - for example, using filter systems installed under the sink. The choice of cleaning system should take into account the results of quality tests.

Hard water

You can soften the nature of harsh water using filters with ion exchange resins. Aquaphor Trio Norma Softening promises to provide tasty and soft water. Inexpensive (3050 rubles), economical to maintain (a set of replaceable modules for a year - 990 rubles), long and faithfully serves (up to 4000 liters) - what else is needed?

Ferrous water

Tired of cleaning rust stains and feeling a metallic taste in your mouth? Pay attention to Ferrum Pro Barrier. For 3,400 rubles you will purchase a high-quality unit for water purification and iron removal (innovative FERROSTOP technology). Resource – 10000 l. A set of filters – 1199 rubles.

Chlorinated water

Is your water just oversaturated with chlorine? Any inexpensive filter with activated carbon will get rid of chlorine - for example, Aquaphor Crystal Solo. Starting investment is 2,500 rubles, costs are 560 rubles per replacement module, which is replaced on average once a year (or every 4,000 liters).

There are microbes, bacteria and viruses in water

Only reverse osmosis systems can turn water contaminated with microbes and viruses into clean water, like a baby’s tears. Nothing will leak through their membranes, including, alas, minerals. A budget option for such a filter is Econic Osmos O300 from PRIO New Water. For 7,750 rubles you get the opportunity to drink perfectly purified and disinfected water, and the problem of its mineralization can be solved by adding a cartridge with a mineralizer. A set of filters for this system costs 5,050 rubles; the most expensive filter in the set is replaced every one to two years.

Laboratory analysis of tap water and installation of filter systems are cheaper than health ruined by drinking low-quality water. The price of the issue does not exceed the cost of a bottle of French perfume or 1-2 trips to a restaurant. But clean drinking water, unlike expensive perfume, is not a luxury, but a necessity.

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People use water every day. With it, not only useful, but also dangerous substances can enter the body. Water is a universal solvent, so it is usually not found in chemically pure form. Along with bacteria and viruses, it can also carry many different impurities. All this affects the taste of water, its smell, transparency and color. And even by these simple signs you can determine that its quality has changed.

Polluted water is the cause of about 70–80% of all known diseases and accelerates the aging process by 30%. That's why it's so important to check its quality. And if it is not possible to send the water to a laboratory for analysis, initial testing can be carried out at home.

1. Storage

This test allows you to determine the presence of foreign impurities. Pour water into a clean transparent bottle, close the lid and leave in a dark place. If after a few days at least one of the suspicious signs appears (film on the surface, plaque on the walls, sediment), then the quality of the water leaves much to be desired: it contains a large amount of metal salts.

2. Boiling

This experiment allows you to determine whether metals are present in high concentrations in water. Bring the water in the pan to a boil, then leave it to simmer for another 12-14 minutes. Then wait another 20 minutes for the water to cool and then pour it out. The presence of lime deposits and scale on the walls of the pan is not a good indicator. If the color of the scale is gray, it means that the concentration of calcium is exceeded, and brownish-yellow means that the concentration of iron is too high.

3. Test with potassium permanganate

Ordinary potassium permanganate allows you to determine whether water is suitable for drinking. Dissolve a small amount of it in a glass with the test liquid and evaluate the reaction. The water should turn light pink. If the water has acquired a yellow tint, then it is of poor quality and should not be drunk. Potassium permanganate becomes discolored when it breaks down organic matter.

4. Brewing tea

Tea can brew differently in different water, even if it is all of good quality. But special attention should be paid to the transparency of the drink. Pour 40–50 ml of raw water to be tested into a glass of freshly brewed tea. If the contents of the glass acquire a lighter shade, then the quality of the water is acceptable. If the tea is cloudy, you cannot drink such water: it may contain an excess of salts or other harmful substances, including organic ones.

5. Weighing

Good quality water is believed to be lighter. Using an accurate kitchen scale, you can weigh 2 water samples. The first sample is a reference sample (water from a cooler or filtered water can serve as a standard), the second is a test sample. It is better to use the same measuring cup. A good indicator is that the mass of the samples is approximately the same (the difference should be no more than 1–2%).

6. Mirror test

Have you ever wondered why little children should only be given boiled water? It is correct that the baby receives fluid of the appropriate quality. This also applies to adults. How to check the quality of water at home?

How to determine water quality

If you want to know how to determine water quality, then you are concerned about one or more of the following signs of “bad” water. And the quality of water can be questioned:

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  • you don't like the liquid smelling like chlorine. This means that the water was chlorinated, and not ozonized or subjected to ultraviolet irradiation.
  • The water tastes unnaturally salty. This also means that the quality leaves much to be desired. Chlorides that got into the water during disinfection at treatment stations are to blame for everything.
  • The metallic taste that remains in your mouth after drinking tap water indicates that the water pipes are in poor condition.
  • Brown water with rusty sediment means that liquid flowed through rusty pipes before entering your home.
  • white limescale in a glass or teapot means that calcium salts are present in the water.
  • The inside of the kettle is covered with scale. This means that the quality of water in the house is not up to par; its hardness level exceeds the norm.

When in contact with the skin, calcium and magnesium ions cause dryness and irritation. And with prolonged consumption of water containing calcium salt, the likelihood of developing urolithiasis increases.

  • Are the cutlery covered in dark spots even after washing? Tap liquid is “rich” in hydrogen sulfide.
  • If the water smells like gouache, sound the alarm. The liquid contains a high concentration of phenol, which enters the water with industrial waste.
  • The “aroma” of rotten fish emanating from the liquid indicates the presence of nitrogen-containing organic compounds in the composition of the water.
  • and finally, what we all already know, the presence of petroleum products is determined by a multi-colored film on the surface of the water.

Tap water quality

What is the quality of tap water and are there indicators of the quality of tap water? Yes, there are such people.

  • In Ukraine there is a Law on the functioning of the drinking water supply system.
  • The main document that determines the quality of drinking water is the “State Sanitary Norms and Rules.” This standard specifies 54 sanitary-chemical and bacteriological indicators that determine the quality of drinking water. For comparison, 95 indicators are used in world practice.

That is, if we see, hear, feel that tap water is causing concern for our health, then it’s time to check the quality of the water.

You can read more about the quality of drinking water on Wikipedia.

How to check water quality at home

We can try to independently assess the quality of water without analysis. To do this, we will use simple tips:

  • First of all, the appearance and taste of the water attracts attention. To apply tips on how to check the quality of water at home visually and by taste, you don’t have to graduate from college. We know that clean water is transparent, without precipitation. The smell of water can be described in one word: “freshness”, no foreign, let alone chemical, fragrances.
  • Pour water into a transparent thin-walled glass glass and place it in front of any book, newspaper or sheet of text. If we can read what is printed or written through a glass of water, it means there are no mechanical impurities in our transparent water.

Be sure to check the quality of water at home with your children. In addition to the useful information they will learn from you, they will get a lot of pleasure from such experiences.

  • Now let’s look at a transparent glass of water against the background of a regular white sheet of paper. If there are organic compounds in the water that decompose in the water, they will give the paper a dark color.
  • slightly heat the liquid to about twenty degrees, wait a minute and continue heating to sixty degrees. If hydrogen sulfide is present in the water, the heated liquid begins to emit a putrid odor.
  • The hardness of water in the house will be determined by any housewife who periodically washes by hand. Soap does not foam in hard water.

How to determine the quality of water from a well? Pour some water into a bottle and place it on a window in direct sunlight. The liquid that turns green after two days is alkaline (houseplants will thank you for it). The clear liquid is acidic and good for you.

  • The sediment in the kettle or pan that appears after boiling will also tell us about the hardness of the water.
  • Boil a small amount of tap liquid for five minutes. Let it cool to twenty to twenty-five degrees. And we taste the quality. The sweetness of the water is given by the gypsum contained in it; bitterness comes from magnesium salts; Iron salts add astringency. But the taste of rot (brrr) arises from the presence of decay products of plant or animal organisms in the water.

If, after taking a bath or shower, your skin becomes dry or allergic reactions occur, then check the chlorine content in the water using an express test.

  • let the water settle and then filter through cotton wool. Third-party particles, invisible to the naked eye, linger on the fleece and color it dark.
  • Water quality testing can be carried out on aquarium fish. After adding some liquid from the tap into the aquarium, we observe its inhabitants. Poor water quality causes concern among the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.
  • Apply a small drop of water to a mirror or glass and wait for the liquid to evaporate. Is the surface still clean? The water quality is excellent. Are there any stains or stains on the mirror? Unfortunately, the water does not meet quality standards.

But it is still worth drawing your attention to the fact that advice on how to check the quality of water yourself is not entirely useful if you do not use test devices.

  • We can evaluate the quality of water at home and well, check the pH level (an indicator of acidity) using special indicator strips, onto which we drip some water, and then we compare the developed color with the standard. The optimal acidity indicator in water is pH 6-9, if lower, then the environment is acidic, and if higher, it is alkaline.

Instead of an indicator strip to determine the pH level in water, you can purchase a pH meter. The small device is easy to use - just dip two electrodes into the liquid - and the acidity level is displayed before your eyes.

  • Whether the water in your house is hard can be determined by indicator test strips or a TDS meter.

In order not to purchase separate indicator tests for each type of possible contamination, you can buy a household kit that allows you to do an express analysis of the quality of tap water for several items at once, including microbiological contamination.

Where can water quality be determined?

To be absolutely sure of the composition of the water used in your home, have the liquid analyzed. We immediately prevent the search for a place where water quality can be determined.

  • The sanitary-epidemiological laboratory is the very place where laboratory analysis of water quality will be carried out.

What is needed for this? Make the correct water selection:

  • Determining water quality independently at home does not require sampling, but for chemical, microbiological and bacteriological analysis, the material should be collected according to the rules.
  • prepare a sterile bag or container for water.
  • After treating your hands with alcohol, wipe the tap and valve. We put on sterile gloves.

the reliability of the microbiological analysis will be one hundred percent if the study is carried out two hours after taking the sample, and for chemical and bacteriological analysis the liquid can be sent to the laboratory in a day or two.

  • run the tap water at full capacity for ten minutes.
  • then we fill the prepared container with liquid, no less than half a liter. At the same time, we make sure that the neck of our container does not touch the tap.
  • selected material for research should be kept in a cool, dark place.
    If this procedure gives you doubts about whether you can handle it or not, then invite a laboratory specialist to take a sample.

Where to complain about the quality of tap water

The analysis has been received and its results do not make you happy. What to do? Where can I complain about the quality of tap water?

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