Simple life rules that will help you achieve financial success. Life according to the rules Simple rules of life, what not to do

  1. No one will give you a comprehensive answer to the question of how to be happy and successful. The Internet is full of articles giving advice on achieving happiness and success in business. Some of them are even based on real stories of very worthy people. But not a single such article, not a single course gives a guarantee that the methods and methods outlined will work for you personally. There is no universal recipe that works for everyone, alas.
  2. The easiest path is not always the right one. We are told from all sides that we only need to study what our heart desires. However, the most pleasant activity is not always the right and useful one. It is better to do the right things slowly than to do nonsense quickly and with pleasure. The path to the goal often lies through rough roads and bumps and is not at all like a pleasant trip on the freeway.
  3. The opinions of others can be destructive. No, don't completely ignore people, but don't let it uniquely shape your mood and agenda. Just take note of it, but nothing more.
  4. Your inner circle can make you strong or sink you. No matter how strong, smart and strong-willed a person you are, you will be able to achieve little without support. Re-read the biographies of great people, and in the shadow of each one you will find a spouse, a colleague, or even an entire team that helped him. Select people into your inner circle with the greatest care and care.
  5. Principles are inconvenient. Following your principles and rules will not make you the most popular, nicest, and gentle person. Sometimes not only you yourself, but also the people you love can suffer from your principles.
    Principles are like a hard bed, which is uncomfortable to sleep on, but which forms a good spine.
  6. You will always be incredibly imperfect. But this is not a reason to give up.
  7. Comfort kills dreams. There is nothing wrong with wanting to provide yourself with a comfortable and full of pleasures life, but you should remember that this is it. So you have to choose one thing.
  8. If you want to achieve something, then you need to make an effort. If you want something new, then you must stop doing something old. If you want something you've never had, then you have to do something you've never done before. The point is that you will never be at another point as long as you stand still.
  9. Our life is the result only of our choice. The difference between multiple futures lies only in the choices you make. You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your own decisions. Sometimes it’s difficult to admit and you really want to shift the responsibility to someone else. But in reality, it is you and your decisions that are the root cause of everything.
  10. The only link between desire and possession is action. This law of life acts inevitably, like the law of universal gravitation, and no one has ever been able to deceive it.
  11. If success has not been paid enough for, it has no value. Only the effort expended and the obstacles overcome make your achievement truly important. The world is full of people who became such by birthright, but who is interested in them? But everyone admires people who have achieved something through their efforts, even if their success looks rather modest.
  12. Challenges are part of every success story. If you have problems, that's good. This means you are moving forward. This means you are learning and growing.
    The only people who don't have any problems are the ones who do nothing.
  13. Focus is everything. You can break through a wall only with your palm clenched into a fist, directing all your strength to only one place. There is no need to randomly flail your hands in the air: it may look impressive from the outside, but it certainly won’t bring any results.
  14. What you want and what you will achieve are not always the same. All success stories are drawn to us as a two-dimensional graph of growth and decline. The hero clearly sees the goal and steadily moves towards it, overcoming obstacles. But in fact, any path in life is more like a tangled labyrinth with many traps, branches and dead ends. And we don’t always come to exactly the exit that we outlined at the beginning. And many generally choose a convenient dead end and decide to settle in it.
  15. You are exactly where you should be at this very moment. Even if something doesn't go the way you would like. Even if you went to the wrong place and want to start all over again. Each and every step is necessary.
  16. You can't change yesterday, but you can take care of tomorrow today. Live in the present. But don’t forget that it is what shapes the future.

Life, by and large, is a series of random events that we can only indirectly influence. But it is precisely this influence that ultimately turns out to be decisive.

Don't miss the opportunity to focus on what really depends on us, and don't regret what is beyond our control.

Don't look back. Just take the right course and confidently move forward. We have no way of knowing what exactly awaits us over the horizon, but this is what makes the journey even more exciting!

When there is a rush at work, and endless troubles at home, you often want to escape to the ends of the world - away from the hustle and bustle and problems. We begin to get nervous and take out our anger and aggression on loved ones. As a result, strong relationships are destroyed, scandals, quarrels and complete misunderstandings arise. To avoid an unfavorable scenario, you should develop golden rules of daily life that will help maintain balance, as well as replenish energy and strength, which will help you cope with troubles both at the domestic and business levels.

Apperciate things which you have

The basic laws that will bring happiness and give peace of mind were developed by the famous Bulgarian figure, astrologer, alchemist and occultist Omraam Aivankhov. The golden rules of daily life, in his opinion, begin with the main thing - the ability to value what is given by God. Life is the most valuable good. To waste it, to take risks, to not take advantage of existing opportunities and chances is sheer spinelessness, even blasphemy.

Before you complain about problems at home or at work, think about the positive things. Are all your loved ones healthy? Are there children running around the house? Is your husband lying on the sofa? This is already good. The main thing is that you have them, and minor penalties can be eliminated. If you strive to achieve peace and quiet family well-being, start with yourself. Become kind, affectionate, able to listen and understand. Think about how you love your loved ones. Believe me, this feeling is the key to vital activity. When there is someone to work and try for, then any task, even the most difficult one, can be accomplished in one’s hands.

Harmony of Worlds

The golden rule of life is to put things in order in your head. First, evaluate your real capabilities, remove from the depths of your consciousness those qualities, feelings and skills that you do not use. Enjoy them. After all, a person’s greatest wealth is not material wealth, but that individual and unique wealth that makes him truly happy. Live a spiritual life, help others, don’t criticize them, don’t get involved in other people’s lives. Do what brings you pleasure - your joy and contentment will attract people and make them happy. Yes, and they will pay off handsomely.

Secondly, remember that the external world is a reflection of the internal state. Rules that will help in life make it clear: do not look for in people what you yourself do not possess. That is, if there is a lack of wisdom in others, perhaps you yourself are not brilliant, so you attract similar personalities. Develop yourself, read, visit theaters - the more beauty, love and intellectual capabilities you discover in yourself, the more you will begin to notice them in those around you.

Balance between times

Another golden rule of life is to enjoy the present. People often worry about the troubles that the future may bring them. But why beat yourself up? Why poison your existence with thoughts about possible illnesses, bankruptcy, death. Many psychologists are confident that a person programs himself for possible events. Therefore, tune in as positively as possible to the future and discard bad thoughts. All problems must be solved as they arise.

Appreciate the past and dream about the future. But live exclusively in the present. The events awaiting us are built on the foundation that we are building in these very moments. If it is dilapidated and unusable, then it is useless to hope for a brilliant future. Therefore, sculpt the future with your own hands right now.

The golden rule of life is don’t worry if every day doesn’t turn out the way you want. If you fail, before going to bed, analyze the causes and consequences of the mistake again. Tomorrow morning is a great time to fix it and create better conditions for existence.

Opinion by Randy Paul Gage

The American self-development expert, a specialist in the field of achieving success, developed his golden rules in He calls them the laws of existence, the main goal of which is to increase the well-being of those who follow them:

  • Emptiness. If you need a new coat, throw away your old one. Without regrets, part with stereotypes and complexes.
  • Circulation. To get what you want, let go of what you own.
  • Imagination. Dream about an ideal world, draw it, describe it in words. When everything gets out of hand, review your notes.
  • Creation. The energy of thinking, intuition and imagination help achieve prosperity.
  • You - for me, I - for you. Remember: what you give comes back to you tenfold. Share blessings, share gifts with others.
  • Tithe. The Universe always takes 10% of what you have. But he will also give in return: money, recovery, new relationships.
  • Forgiveness. A person cannot while resentment, hatred, envy and other negative feelings live in his soul.

These simple 7 rules will become your reliable assistants in the fight for the favor of fate and achieving inner harmony.

Eastern practice

In India, people solve all problems with the help of meditation. They advise using this golden rule of life for those who cannot gather their courage and do not have the strength to solve pressing problems. According to Hindus, yoga lovers, people are obliged to devote more time to taking care of the nervous system, doing unloading for it. For example, when your energy is almost gone, you need to put things aside and take time to relax. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your limbs and imagine how a ray of light penetrates your body. It slowly spreads through the veins and veins, filling every cell with energy. After a few minutes of such meditation, you will immediately feel that your body has recovered.

In addition, yoga makes us self-confident, strong, and resilient. It returns. As a result, a person, having received a new surge of activity, is ready to move mountains. Therefore, daily practice of Eastern practice is the golden rule of life for every person who does not stop there, but wants further development and self-improvement.

Sports and healthy food are our best friends

This is a postulate that should be instilled in children from birth. Having analyzed the main 19 golden rules of life, you can see that proper nutrition is not the last place on this list. It has been scientifically proven that fatty, smoked, fried and sweet foods cause a person to feel overwhelmed and empty. In addition, weight increases and heaviness arises throughout the body: you don’t want to work, move, or engage in your favorite hobbies.

But a diet enriched with greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat products, fish and seafood makes us healthier, more active, entrepreneurial and optimistic.

The same can be said about sports. Swimming and running, aerobics and exercise in the gym will improve your physical well-being, figure, and have a positive effect on your appearance. Having seen changes in the mirror, a person will also want inner perfection, which will force him to work on himself, discipline his feelings, control his emotions, giving others only positivity and delighting them with openness of soul, genuine honesty, goodwill and love.

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The famous Russian psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky does not hide the fact that he became a psychologist to solve his own problems. And he succeeded. The result of his more than 30 years of observation of his clients and himself was the 6 rules method. According to the author, these rules consistently help to get out of neurosis.

website I figured out what the 6 rules of Mikhail Labkovsky are. And he invites you to start putting them into practice - for the sake of happiness, for the sake of health, for the sake of yourself.

Rule 1. Do only what you want

This rule is the main one. Just do what you want and that's it. And it works in all situations, from everyday situations (what to eat for breakfast?) to life-changing ones (should I get married? should I have a child? should I move to another city? should I change jobs or not?). Just listen to yourself, your feelings and do what you want.

In order for a child to grow up to be an independent person with a healthy psyche, the rule must be applied from birth. And questions such as: “What do you want to do now?”, “What would you like to eat?”, “What T-shirt do you want to wear today?” are the first step towards this.

Rule 2. Don't do what you don't want to do

One of the famous quotes from Mikhail Labkovsky: “Concessions and compromises are a direct road to a cardiologist or oncologist.” Living from the principle “I don’t want to, but I do it because I have to” is the road to the same place.

So don't do anything you don't want to do. Never. And if you do, then don’t be surprised by illness, depression, the fact that you are unhappy, restless, unsuccessful.

Rule 3. Say what you don’t like right away

Keeping silent, accumulating grievances, suffering, conducting an endless mental dialogue with the offender in your head are typical neurotic patterns of behavior. Saying, “You can’t do this to me, it makes me uncomfortable,” is certainly much less romantic, but it is a healthy way of reacting.

Rule 4. Do not answer when not asked

Replies in the style: “You’re an asshole!” or “How tired I am, how tired I am of everything. “I have no more strength” and the like are not a question. And you don't have to answer them.

They provoke the other person to some kind of response. For example, “What happened to you, why are you complaining?” We must understand that such remarks are provocation and manipulative behavior of a neurotic. According to Labkovsky, such phrases should never be answered or answered according to rule 3: “I don’t like this kind of conversation.”

Rule 5. Answer only the question

When you are asked a question and you answer only this question, then you are a confident person. Otherwise your answer looks like an excuse. Any additional explanation or clarification is an excuse.

If your interlocutor wants to know the details, he will ask clarifying questions.

Rule 6. When sorting out relationships, talk only about yourself

In this case we are talking about the use of the “I-messages” method, widely known in psychology. The essence of the method is to talk about yourself and your feelings, about what you experience when you expect others to act differently or treat you differently.

This rule does not imply any conflict at all - you do not sort things out with your partner, do not argue with him, but talk to yourself.

To experience positive changes from applying the 6 rules, you need to live by them for at least six months, assures the author of the method.

Perhaps someone is already applying the rules in practice. Share in the comments.

Do you write the story of your life yourself or do you allow other people and circumstances to write it for you? You may not even perceive yourself as the person being led through life, but there are several signs that you are not in control.

You don't like your job. Perhaps you have found something that is easier and safer than your dream career. Or worse, you simply do everything under pressure from your family.

You live paycheck to paycheck. Often the problem here is not money, but your priorities. The property you own has long been yours.

You feel obligated to do something you don't want to do. First of all, you owe it to yourself. You can't save the world if you need to be saved.

Managing your life is not easy. To do this you must free yourself from many different prejudices. This freedom can be scary and painful at first, which is why a limited number of people do it. It is much easier to follow the principles of society, even if they do not give you the opportunity for self-realization.

Here are 7 rules to help you start building a life worth living:

Rule one: Never let others tell you how to live.

Not your parents. Neither your other half. Neither your children. When managing your life, you can allow other people to interfere, but the final decision should be yours alone. This means that your choice of profession, relationships with people, your religion and lifestyle will be determined only by you and no one else.

This rule becomes especially relevant when doubts begin to overcome you. Don't let doubt become a weakness that other people take advantage of. Are you not sure what you want from life? This doesn't mean you should sit back and let other people decide for you.

Rule two: Don't allow yourself to get attached to things.

The world is filled with all sorts of rubbish. Don't let clutter block the path to something important. If you start to get attached to things, you stop managing your life. Ask yourself a question: if, in order to catch up with your dream, tomorrow you have to throw away 90% of what you have acquired, can you easily do this? If you hesitate, then perhaps you are not able to manage your life due to your weakness of attachment to things.

Rule three: Own your money. Don't let money control you.

Money is a means by which you can control your life. You can use money to provide convenience, to be able to focus on important work, to study and improve your skills. But if you live paycheck to paycheck, it means money rules you.

Here are some goals you can set for yourself to learn how to manage money in your life:

– Set an approximate annual spending amount.

– You should spend less than you earn.

– Know how to significantly reduce your expenses, if necessary.

Financial freedom does not mean that you can buy whatever you want or live in luxury. This means that money is a tool with which you manage your life, and not something that prevents you from managing it.

Rule four: You need relationships with other people.

Do you know people who can't stand being alone? They get rid of one inappropriate relationship only to start another equally inappropriate one.

Why? Because they are very dependent on other people. They cannot exist without emotional and possibly financial support.

In any relationship, you must remain the person who comes first. This means that you can enjoy some relationship, but you should not make it an end in itself.

Your goals and ability to manage your life should be established before the relationship you enter into. Surprisingly, when you do this, your relationships become stronger and closer because there is no jealousy or possessiveness.

Rule five: Never change your opinion depending on the opinions of other people.

“You can share food among people, but each person must digest it himself,” said Howard Roark from the movie “The Fountainhead.”

Managing your life means being the master of your views. This means never agreeing with something without thinking and deciding for yourself that it really is true. Think critically about everything in life. There are so many thoughtless thoughts around you that are trying to plant them right into your head and, most likely, sometimes they succeed.

Rule six: Everything you lack can be learned.

Never think that anything in this life is beyond your capabilities. Have people ever said that you lack the intelligence, willpower, physical strength or charisma to do something worthwhile? Don't pay any attention to them. Have you told yourself that you have no talent? Don't draw attention to yourself.

Let your initial rule be that any quality can be developed and you will find almost no exceptions to this rule. For example, as a child I was a shy and introverted child. My friends now describe me as an extremely outgoing person who is not afraid to meet new people, and they are proud of my ability to speak in front of large numbers of people. Start with this idea: you can't know what you're talented at until you learn something.

Rule seven: The goal is developed based on your creative abilities.

Do you want to know what is the purpose of your life? Everything is very simple. Extend your hands in front of you and clasp them. Then look at them. Here is your goal and the means to move towards it.

The goal is your ability to develop creative powers and transmit them to the world. You and I can choose different methods of implementation, but our goal is the same. You can be a manager creating the art of communicating with people, a programmer creating knowledge about algorithms, as well as an entrepreneur creating the art of running a business.

Don't worry if you haven't found the right implementation for you yet. One day you will feel this great purpose of your life and it will become clear to you that this is it. By believing this, you have become the master of your own life.

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We are often prevented from living by psychological barriers, false beliefs and a general narrowness of consciousness. To get out of the vicious circle, many read classics, popular science and religious publications. The famous psychologist Mikhail Efimovich Litvak published a book in which he briefly reveals the main, in his opinion, psychological obstacles to a happy and healthy life.

We are in website We chose 10 of them that you can think about on the road or just in your free time, returning your thoughts to these postulates again and again.

10. Happiness is just a side effect of a well-organized life.

Happiness, joy and success, as psychiatrist Viktor Frankl once argued, are just secondary product of well-organized activity. The activity that brings you all these emotions.

Anyone who sets his goal to achieve the above-mentioned “by-products” moves towards them as to the horizon line: the closer he becomes to his cherished dreams, the more they move away from him.

9. When communicating with a person, remember that he also has a good opinion of himself. Like you about yourself

You should never forget that the person you are communicating with is an individual, just like you. He has his own formed views on things, and there are reasons for this.

Everyone you meet along the way is fighting a battle that you may know nothing about. You should always remember a person’s personal self-respect and not violate his boundaries.

8. If you don’t do anything yourself, how can you help? You can only drive a moving vehicle

Words are always something ephemeral. There is even such an expression in the Russian language - “to carry on empty talk.” A person is primarily determined by his actions. No one will help you if you just go around telling everyone how much you want to write a book. And really, how can I help you?

When you make up your mind and take your copy to the publishing house, there will always be friends and acquaintances ready to support you. If your work appears in a material form, others will have the opportunity to help you not only in words.

7. Become successful and all insults will magically disappear

Many insults are formed internally due to one’s own feelings of unfulfillment. Sometimes we hold a grudge and believe that only the person who caused it can fix the situation. However, the mechanism works differently. A student of Mikhail Litvak once said: “My successes overshadowed my grievances,” and this is fundamentally true. Start doing what you like and become great at it. You won’t even notice how all the insults will dissolve by themselves.

Many people fight other people's enemies when they need to fight their own. Our only and main enemy is within us. It is impossible to get out of the endless circle of troubles without removing the internal barriers that hinder our growth and development.

In fact, we are within the strict framework that society, education and upbringing have created for us. We accept them as our essence and give them a significant part of our internal energy. All modern psychology is aimed at combating them. Sometimes they speak on their own behalf - then this is called psychosis. However, as a rule, they speak on our behalf, and we do not even notice it.

When you are ready to face them and defeat them, you will have no more enemies in this world.

5. Look for the right path, not the straight one, because the right path is not always the straight one.

Let's say you're on the 30th floor and you need to go down. The most direct way is through the window. However, this is likely where your journey will end. A more far-sighted and correct decision would be to look for an elevator or, at worst, stairs, even if it’s dark inside the building and you can’t really find anything.

In addition, one can imagine that a person who chooses the straight path instead of the right one is like a fly that hits the glass and never realizes that it would be much faster to fly out the next door.

4. When a person has no goal, he sees nothing. The opposite is also true: the goal sharpens vision

Have you ever noticed that if at some point you needed, say, seedling boxes that your beloved grandmother asked you to find, then you begin to notice them everywhere: in hardware stores, in the hands of sellers at markets? And even when you no longer need them, you find yourself eyeing the warehouse of excellent wooden boxes at the vegetable stall.

This is how everything works with global goals. Your attention is a limited thing, you notice around only what you need. A goal is like a magic trick: set it wrong and you won’t see what you really need.

3. If you want to prove something to someone, it means that you live for that person.

A person is often torn in these three directions: I should, but I don’t want, I want, but I can’t, etc. The famous toast that the main thing is that our desires coincide with our capabilities, actually has a powerful psychological justification. The only thing a person should do is develop himself, the rest is optional. What you want must necessarily be regulated by what you must (development). And what you can do is the power with which you add to this system, its engine. Mikhail Litvak strongly recommends make a list in all three areas and thus restore order in your value system.

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