Psalter. Reading Psalms in various life situations About help in various everyday needs

The author of most of the verses from the Psalter is King David. But there were others - for example, Psalm 45, like the two subsequent ones, belonged to someone from the Korah family. What is this chapter of the Old Testament about?

Text of Psalm 45 in Russian

In the end, about the sons of Korah, about the secret ones, psalm For execution. Through the sons of Korah, about the mysteries. Psalm.
1 God is our Refuge and Strength, our Helper in the sorrows that have come upon us. 1 God is our refuge and strength, our helper in the tribulations that have befallen us so hard.
2 For this reason let us not fear, for the earth is always troubled and the mountains are cut into the hearts of the sea. 2 Therefore we will not be afraid when the earth shakes and the mountains are removed in the heart of the seas.
3 They made a noise and trembled their waters, they trembled the mountains with His strength. 3 Their waters roared and were troubled, and the mountains shook at His might.
4 The river's aspirations rejoice the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village. 4 The river streams make the city of God glad; the Most High has sanctified His abode.
5 God is in his midst, and does not move: God will help him in the morning. 5 God is in his midst, and he will not be shaken; God will help him early in the morning.
6 The nations were in confusion, the kingdom was thrown aside: the Highest gave His voice, the earth moved. 6 The nations were troubled, the kingdoms bowed down, the Most High gave His voice and the earth shook.
7 The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our Advocate. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our protector!
8 Come and see the works of God, even he performed miracles on earth: 8 Come and see the works of God, what wonders He has done on earth,
9 Taking away the battle to the end of the earth, he will break the bow and break the weapons, and burn the shields with fire. 9 Abolishing war to the ends of the earth, the bow will crush and break weapons and shields will be burned with fire.
10 Be ye abolished, and understand that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted upon the earth. 10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.
11 The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our Advocate. 11 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.
Glory: Glory:

Reason for writing Psalm 45

The Jews were a small people forced to constantly defend themselves against numerous enemies. The capital could be attacked from different sides; many different warlike tribes lived around.

It was the enemy attack that is described here, but the Jews emerged victorious from this battle. They attribute the victory to their God. He is capable of not only protecting the holy city, but also sinking enemy ships. According to scholars, Psalm 45 was written during the reign of Jehoshaphat.

There are several translations in Russian, so everyone can choose the one they like best. Reading the Psalter at home is a very beneficial activity, but it is better to study the translation in your native language.

Interpretation of Psalm 45

The meaning of the psalm is divided into several parts:

  1. The author encourages listeners to show faith - he says that there is nothing to be afraid of, because the Lord is always there.
  2. Although enemies are everywhere, the Lord mysteriously continues to reign in the Jerusalem temple.
  3. Universal reconciliation - it will come at the end of time. Then the Lord will reign, and there will be silence on earth. This truth of Christianity should not be forgotten in difficult moments of life.

This chapter consists of only 12 verses, but they are full of sublime and expressive metaphors.

Why do they read

Thousands of believers have found consolation in the text of Psalm 46. For example, the soldiers of Scotland, going to World War II, sang it with their parents. Finding themselves in prison for their religious beliefs, the martyrs repeated these lines, full of greatness. In dungeons, hospital wards, in moments of upheaval - content is universal in any difficult circumstances, at all times.

Many composers, inspired by poetic lines, composed their own beautiful hymns.

According to the opinions of various holy fathers, the psalm can be read in the following cases:

  • when relatives object to the union with the chosen one (helps to marry the beloved);
  • for protection from burglars or thieves;
  • if enemies make slander.

Psalm 45 - text in Russian, interpretation, why read was last modified: September 26th, 2017 by Bogolub

1 To the director of the choir. Sons of Korah. On musical instrument Alamof. Song.

2 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,

3 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth shakes and the mountains move into the heart of the seas.

4 Let their waters make noise, let their waters swell, let the mountains shake with their excitement.

5 The river streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High.

6 God is in the midst of it; he will not hesitate: God will help him early in the morning.

7 The nations made a noise; kingdoms moved: Almighty gave His voice, and the earth melted.

8 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.

9 Come and see the works of the Lord, what devastation he has made on the earth:

10 He stopped fighting to the ends of the earth, smashed the bow and broke the spear, and burned the chariots with fire.

11 Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.

12 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.

Psalm 45: God is with us

During the First World War, many young men were recruited from the mountainous islands of Scotland for military service. Getting ready to sail to the mainland, they, along with their relatives and friends who saw them off, sang:

God is our refuge and our strength,

He helps us in trouble;

So let the whole earth shake,

We won't be afraid.

Let the hills fall into the seas;

Let the waters roar

And they worry; let the hills

They will collapse and be swallowed up by the seas.

There is a river whose flows delight

City of our God;

The sanctuary in which the Lord

The Almighty abides.

God lives in His city;

And nothing will crush him;

The Lord will help him

And soon he will prove His loyalty.

Be calm and know that I am God:

I'm in heaven

I will be exalted; on the ground

I will become famous.

Our God, Lord of hosts,

On our side:

The God of Jacob is our refuge,

He will endure forever.

From the Scottish Psalter.

This is one of thousands of instances where the saints of God have been comforted by the words of this psalm in moments of crisis. Many hearts were inspired by these majestic lines in hospital wards, in moments of grief, in prisons, in suffering and tragedy. It was this psalm that inspired a tired and weary Augustinian monk named Martin Luther to write the famous hymn “Our God is a Mighty Fortress.” Its content is relevant at all times, and the encouragement it brings is endless.

This psalm can be divided into three parts, and J. Campbell Morgan defines them as follows:

1-3: There is nothing to be afraid of. God is with us. Call to Faith.

4-7: The Lord reigned in Jerusalem. The Mystery of Faith.

8-11: Peace on earth and the worldwide reign of God. Confirmation of Faith.

It is generally believed that the historical context for the writing of the psalm is the miraculous deliverance of Jerusalem, besieged by the Assyrian wolf Sennacherib (2 Kings 18:13 - 19:35; Isa. 36:1 - 37:36).

At this time, the people of Judah were very aware of God's presence, which was manifested in a unique way. Therefore, the psalm praises Emmanuel - God with us.

45:2-4 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in troubles. He is “ready to help us in difficult times” (NASB). We are blessed when we understand that our safety and protection does not depend on wealth and armies, but only on Jehovah!

Imagine the worst that could happen! Imagine that the earth itself melted and was filled with lava from a giant volcano. Imagine that an earthquake moved mountains and moved them into the heart of the seas. Imagine that the water stream is noisy and heaving, that the mountains are shaking in terrible convulsions.

Mountains can also be considered the personification of empires or cities, and waters of peoples. The very foundations of society are crumbling; kingdoms perish and disintegrate. The nations of the world are struggling with political, economic and social chaos; the world has never been shrouded in so many problems at once.

But God...! The worst that can happen is not a reason to be afraid. God is still with us!

45:5 He Himself is the river streams that make the city of God glad. In fact, there is no river in the city of Jerusalem. But what a river is to an ordinary city, God is to His holy dwelling. Moreover, He is the source of life and joy, the river of mercy and goodness!

There we will have the great Lord instead of rivers, instead of wide canals; no oared vessel shall enter there, nor a great ship pass through (Isa. 33:21). 45:6 Since the throne of God is in Jerusalem, he will not be shaken: God will help him from early morning. God's people have endured a long dark night, but soon the morning will come and Christ will take the place that is rightfully His. He

will come forward for His people with all His might.

45:7 The nations of the earth will roar in rage; kingdoms will be in turmoil. When God speaks in anger, the earth will melt in submission to Him.

45:8 These words especially refer to the period of great tribulation, when the earth will be shaken by terrible natural disasters, suffer from wars and plagues, and experience incredible torment. Then the Lord will appear from heaven to crush all rebellious rebels and rule in justice and peace. At this time, the believers of Israel will say: “The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our intercessor.”

The confidence expressed in this verse is extremely sweet. The Lord of hosts is with us, that is, the Lord of the heavenly angelic armies. But He is also the God of Jacob. Jacob was a deceiver who took what was not rightfully his. But God calls Himself the God of Jacob. Put these two ideas together and you will see that the God of the angelic armies is also the God of the unworthy sinner. He who is so immeasurably great can also be incredibly humble. He is with us at every step, He is our unshakable intercessor in all life's storms.

45:9 In verse 9 the cataclysms and disturbances are completed. Man's time is over. Now the King sits on His throne in Jerusalem. We are invited to come to Him and view the field of His victory. Wherever we look, we see the destruction of His defeated enemies. Everywhere there is evidence of the terrible judgment that our world underwent during the great tribulation and His glorious appearing.

45:10 Now that the Prince of Peace has reigned, the fighting throughout the world has ceased. What councils, leagues and summits failed to accomplish, the Lord Jesus did with His iron rod. Disarmament has become not a dream, but a reality. Weapons have been destroyed, and funds that were previously spent on weapons are now spent on agriculture and other types of production.

45:11 The voice of God sounds to all the inhabitants of the earth, instilling in them confidence in His supreme authority. “Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.” All fears and anxieties calmed down. His people can rest. He is God. His cause will prevail. He rules among the nations, He rules over all the earth.

Verse 10 of this psalm was inspired by Katharina von Schlegel, author of the hymn “Be still, my soul”:

Calm down, my soul; your God

He will guide you in the future as He did in the past.

Nothing will shake your hope and faith;

Everything that is now secret will become clear.

Be calm, my soul: winds and waves

45:12 No matter what happens and no matter how grim the situation, the believer can say with confidence and without fear: “The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.” If the commander of the heavenly armies is on our side, who can defeat us? The God of Jacob's unworthy worm is a fortress in which we can all take refuge from the storms and uncertainties of this life!

Be calm, the morning will come

The night will end;

Believe in Christ, your Light,

Your faithful friend.

Know that He is God

Whose perfect will

He does everything for your benefit:

Look at the heavens - and be calm.

Everything about religion and faith - “45 psalms prayer” with detailed descriptions and photographs.


Lord, do not reprove me with Your wrath; do not punish me with Your wrath. As Thy arrows have struck me, and Thou hast strengthened Thy hand upon me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath, there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sin. For my iniquities have exceeded my head, for a heavy burden has weighed down upon me. My wounds have grown stale and rotten because of my madness. I suffered and sloshed to the end, walking around complaining all day. For my body is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I would become embittered and humbled to death, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing are not hidden from You. My heart is confused, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes has left me, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones are close to me and stasha, and my neighbor is far away from me, stasha and the needy one who seeks my soul, and who seeks evil to me, a vain verb and the flattering one, I will learn all day long. As if I were deaf and did not hear, and as if I were dumb and did not open my mouth. And as a man he would not hear, nor would he have reproach in his mouth. For in Thee, O Lord, have I trusted; Thou hearest, O Lord my God. As if he said: “Let my enemies never make me happy; and never can my feet move, but you speak against me.” As if I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. For I will proclaim my iniquity and take care of my sin. My enemies live and have become stronger than me, and those who hate me without truth have multiplied. He who rewards me with evil with a cart of good has slandered me, driving away goodness. Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Reh: I will keep my ways, so that I will not sin with my tongue: I have laid it with my mouth, so that the sinner will never arise before me. I became mute and humbled, and kept silent from good things, and my illness was renewed. My heart will warm within me, and a fire will flare up in my teaching. Verbs with my tongue: tell me, Lord, my death and the number of my days, what is it? Yes, I understand that I am losing it? Behold, Thou hast laid down my days, and my composition is as nothing before Thee, but all living man is all vanity. For a man walks like this, but is troubled in vain: he treasures, and I don’t know who will collect it. And now who is my patience, is it not the Lord? And my composition is from You. Deliver me from all my iniquities; you have given me reproach to the fool. I was dumb and did not open my mouth, as You have created. Leave Thy wounds from me; I have disappeared from the strength of Thy hand. In reproaching their iniquity, you punished man and you melted away his soul like a spider; otherwise, every man was in vain. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and inspire my prayer, do not silence my tears: for I am a stranger with You and a stranger, like all my fathers. Let me go, let me rest, I won’t even leave before, and I won’t do anything to anyone.

I endured the Lord, and listened to me, and heard my prayer. And bring me up from the pit of passions, and from the clay of the mire, and set me on the stones of my feet, and straighten my steps, and put into my mouth a new song, singing to our God. Many people will see and fear, and trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man for whom the name of the Lord is his hope, and he will not despise false vanity and confusion. Thou hast done many, O Lord, my God, Thy wonders, and by Thy thought there is no one like Thee: I have declared and spoken, multiplying more than in number. You did not desire sacrifices and offerings, but you fulfilled the body, you did not ask for burnt offerings and sins. Then he said: “Behold, I have come; in the chapter of the book it is written about me: I have willed to do Thy will, O my God, and Thy law is in the midst of my womb.” I will not forbid the gospel of the truth in the great church, behold, to my lips: Lord, you have understood. I have not hidden Your righteousness in my heart, I have not hidden Your truth and Your salvation, I have not hidden Your mercy and Your truth from the multitude. But You, Lord, do not remove Your compassions from me: I will take Your mercy and Your truth away, intercede for me. For the wickedness, which has no number, has taken possession of me, and has overtaken me with my iniquities, and I was not able to see, multiplying more than the hair of my head, and forsake my heart. Deign, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, come to my aid. Let those who seek to take my soul be ashamed and put to shame, and let those who wish me evil turn back and be ashamed. May those who say: better, better, accept their bitterness. Let all who seek You, O Lord, rejoice and be glad in You, and let them say without fail: May the Lord, who loves Your salvation, be magnified. But I am poor and wretched, the Lord will take care of me. Thou art my Helper and my Protector, O my God, do not become stubborn.

Blessed is he who considers the poor and wretched; on the day of cruelty the Lord will deliver him. May the Lord protect him and live him, and make him blessed on earth, and may he not deliver him into the hands of his enemies. May the Lord help him on his sick bed: you have turned his whole bed into his sickness. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, like those who have sinned. Smite my evil decision: when will his name die and perish? And when he came in and saw his heart spoke in vain, he gathered up iniquity for himself, and went out and spoke together. All my enemies whisper against me, all my evil thoughts are against me. You put the word of the lawless upon me: food and sleep will not cause you to rise again? For the man of my peace, who trusts in vain, eater of my bread, magnify my stumbling. But You, Lord, have mercy on me and raise me up and repay them. In this knowledge, because you have desired me, because my enemy will not rejoice over me. You accepted me for my kindness and established me before You forever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: be, be.

In the same way the trees desire the springs of water, so my soul desires Thee, O God. My soul thirsts for the Mighty, Living God: when will I come and appear to the face of God? My tears were my bread day and night, always saying to me every day: Where is your God? I remembered this and poured out my soul on me, as if I would go to the place of the wondrous settlement, even to the house of God, in the voice of joy and confession of the noise of the celebration. Are you sad forever, my soul? And you confuse me forever? Trust in God, for we will confess to Him, the salvation of my face, and my God. For my own sake, my soul was troubled: for this reason I remembered Thee from the land of Jordan and Ermonim, from the small mountain. The abyss calls forth the abyss in the voice of Your abyss, all Your heights and Your waves have come upon me. The Lord commands His mercy in the day, and His song from me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life. A river to God: You are my protector, why have you forgotten me? And I go around lamenting for centuries, and sometimes the enemy insults me? Always crush my bones, smite my reproaches, always say to them to me every day: Where is your God? Are you sad forever, my soul? And you confuse me forever? Trust in God, for we will confess to Him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

Judge me, O God, and judge my judgment from the unholy tongue, deliver me from the unrighteous and flattering man. Are you not, O God, my Fortress, who have you rejected me? And I go around complaining, but sometimes the enemy insults me? Send Thy light and Thy truth, she will guide me and lead me to Thy holy mountain and to Thy villages. And I will go down to the altar of God, to God who rejoices my youth, and let me confess to You on the harp, O God, my God. How sorrowful are you, my soul? And how did you embarrass me? Trust in God, for we will confess to Him, the salvation of my face, and my God.

God, our ears were filled with hearing, and our fathers told us the work that you did in their days, in the days of old. Thy hand has consumed the tongues, and I have planted them, I have embittered people, and I have driven them out. You did not inherit the earth with your sword, nor did your arm save them, but Your right hand, and Your arm, and the illumination of Your face, as You pleased in them. You yourself are my King and my God, commanding the salvation of Jacob. Because of You we will tear our enemies by their horns, and because of Your name we will despise those who rise up against us. For I do not trust in my bow, and my sword will not save me. For thou hast saved us from those who afflict us, and thou hast put to shame those who hate us. Let us boast in God all day long and confess Your name forever. Now you have rejected and put us to shame, and you will not go away, O God, in our power. Thou hast brought us back in the face of our enemies, and he who hates us has plundered himself. You gave us like sheep for food, and you scattered us among the nations. Thou hast given Thy people without price, and there is no multitude in our exclamations. Thou hast ordained that we should be reproached by our neighbors, imitation and desecration by those around us. You have made us a byword among the people, the head of the people. All day long my shame is before me, and the coldness of my face covers me from the voice of reproach and slander, from the face of the enemy and expelling. All this has come upon us, and we have not forgotten You, nor have we failed in Your covenant. And do not turn back our heart, and you have turned our paths away from Your path. As if You have humbled us in the place of bitterness, and covered the shadow of death. If we have forgotten the name of our God and if we have lifted up our hands to a foreign god. Will not God seek these? That is the secret news of the heart. For Your sake we are put to death all day long, counted as sheep of the slaughter. Arise and write off everything, Lord? Resurrect and do not completely deny. Do you turn away Your face? Do you forget our poverty and our sorrow? For our soul, our womb above the earth, has humbled itself into the dust. Arise, Lord, help us and deliver us in Your name.

I will burp, my heart is a good word, I say my deeds to the princess: my tongue is the reed of a scribe and a cursive writer. You are more beautiful in kindness than the sons of men, grace has been poured out on your lips, for this sake God bless you forever. Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One. By Thy beauty and Thy kindness, come and prosper and reign for the sake of truth and meekness and righteousness, and Thy right hand will guide You wonderfully. Your arrows are sharp and powerful; people under You will fall into the hearts of the enemies of the kings. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness, a scepter of Thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity, therefore for the sake of the anointing of Thee, O God, Thy God is the oil of joy, and is more than a partaker of Thy. Myrrh and stakti and cassia from Your garments, from the weights of elephants, from which You made You glad. Daughters of kings, in Your honor, the Queen appears at Your right hand in robes of gilded garments and adorned. Hear, O Daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, and forget Your people and the house of Your father. And the King will desire Your kindness: because of You is Your Lord and worship Him. And the daughters of Tire, with gifts, will pray to Your face for the wealth of people. All glory to the Tsar’s Daughter is inside, robed in gold and speckled. Virgins will be brought to the King in Her footsteps, Her sincere ones will be brought to You. They will be brought in joy and joy, they will be brought into the Temple of the Kings. Instead of your fathers, there were your sons: I made you princes throughout the whole earth. I will remember Your name in every generation and generation. For this reason people will confess to You forever and ever.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and Love, falling before Your honest, miraculous icon, we pray to You: (request), and do not turn Your face away from those who come running to You. Pray, merciful Mother, to Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, to keep His Holy Church unshakable, and to deliver from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, Most Pure Virgin; You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the burning of sins, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death. Grant to Thy servants (names) the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that all who gratefully sing of Thy greatness and Thy mercy revealed here on earth, we will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and there with all the saints we will glorify the most holy and the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The same troparia, voice 3: I bring praise to Thee, O Lord, I declare all my sins to Thee, O God, having mercy on me.

Slava: Save me. My God, as sometimes you saved a publican, and did not despise the tears of a harlot, and accepted my sighing, O my Savior, and save me.

And now: I now slavishly flow to Your protection, Most Immaculate: deliver me, Mother of God, the fusion of passions, as if I gave birth to passionlessness of the Guilty One.

Lord, have mercy (40) and prayer:

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present in us, unworthy, past, known and unknown, manifested and unmanifested, even past deeds and words: having loved us as Thy Only Begotten Please give your son about us. Make us worthy of Your love. Grant with Your word wisdom and with Your fear inhale strength from Your power, and whatever we want or don’t want to sin, forgive, and not impute, and preserve our holy soul, and present it to Your Throne, having a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Your love for mankind. And remember, O Lord, all who call upon Thy name in truth: remember all who desire good or evil against us: for all are men, and every man is in vain. We also pray to You, Lord: grant us Your great mercy.

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Psalm 45

In the end, about the sons of Korah, about the secret ones, psalm

For execution. Through the sons of Korah, about the mysteries. Psalm.

1 God is our Refuge and Strength, our Helper in the sorrows that have come upon us.

1 God is our refuge and strength, our helper in the tribulations that have befallen us so hard.

2 For this reason let us not fear, for the earth is always troubled and the mountains are cut into the hearts of the sea.

2 Therefore we will not be afraid when the earth shakes and the mountains are removed in the heart of the seas.

3 They made a noise and trembled their waters, they trembled the mountains with His strength.

3 Their waters roared and were troubled, and the mountains shook at His might.

4 The river's aspirations rejoice the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village.

4 The river streams make the city of God glad; the Most High has sanctified His abode.

5 God is in his midst, and does not move: God will help him in the morning.

5 God is in his midst, and he will not be shaken; God will help him early in the morning.

6 The nations were in confusion, the kingdom was thrown aside: the Highest gave His voice, the earth moved.

6 The nations were troubled, the kingdoms bowed down, the Most High gave His voice and the earth shook.

7 The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our Advocate.

7 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our protector!

8 Come and see the works of God, even he performed miracles on earth:

8 Come and see the works of God, what wonders He has done on earth,

9 Taking away the battle to the end of the earth, he will break the bow and break the weapons, and burn the shields with fire.

9 Abolishing war to the ends of the earth, the bow will crush and break weapons and shields will be burned with fire.

10 Be ye abolished, and understand that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted upon the earth.

10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.

11 The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our Advocate.

11 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.

God is our Refuge and Strength, our Helper in the sorrows that have come upon us greatly. For this reason let us not be afraid, for the earth is always troubled and the mountains are given into the hearts of the sea. They made noise and trembled their waters, they trembled the mountains with His strength. The river's aspirations rejoice the city of God: the Most High has sanctified His village. God is in his midst, and does not move: God will help him in the morning. The pagans were in turmoil, the kingdom was straying: let the Most High give His voice, and the earth moved. The Lord of hosts is with us, our Advocate is God Jacob. Come and see the works of God, even as He placed miracles on the earth: taking away the battle to the end of the earth, the bow will crush and break the weapons, and the shields will burn with fire. Be abolished and understand that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted to the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, our Advocate is God Jacob.

Interpretation of the meaning for the Orthodox believer of Psalm 45

Christian Psalm 45, as can be seen from the inscription that precedes it, was written by one of the sons of Korah. Just like the previous and several subsequent psalms, it is dedicated to the military failures of the Jewish people, a long series of which crossed out almost all of their significant victories.

The inscription “Alamoth”, preceding the text of Psalm 45, indicates the method of its performance: according to the author’s idea, the song was to be sung in a high male voice, close to a girl’s (Hebrew “alma” - maiden). The performance of the psalm should have been accompanied by musical instruments.

When should you read Psalm 45?

According to the interpretation of the Orthodox Psalm 45, the time of its writing corresponds to the reign of the Israeli king Jehoshaphat, this is confirmed by the text of the song, which mentions the death of the Tarsian ships, which is directly related to the activities of this ruler.

Despite the difficult situation, the text of Psalm 46 is filled with faith in the help of God, who will not turn away from His chosen people. In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to read and listen to Psalm 45 online about young people who are unable to start a family.

Read the text of Holy Psalm 45 in Russian

To the head of the choir. Sons of Korah. On the musical instrument Alamof. Song.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in troubles, therefore we will not fear, even though the earth shakes and the mountains move into the heart of the seas. Let them make noise, let their waters rise, let the mountains shake from their excitement. River flows rejoice the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High. God is in the midst of it; he will not hesitate: God will help him early in the morning. The nations roared; kingdoms moved: the Most High gave His voice, and the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our intercessor. Come and see the deeds of the Lord - what devastation He caused on earth: stopping the battle to the ends of the earth, he crushed the bow and broke the spear, and burned the chariots with fire. Stop and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our protector.

Holy Psalter, text of Psalm 45 in Church Slavonic

God is our refuge and strength, our helper in the sorrows of those who have found us great. For this reason let us not be afraid, for the earth is always troubled, and the mountains are cut into the hearts of the sea. They made noise and trembled their waters, they trembled the mountains with his strength. River aspirations rejoice the city of God; He left his village on high. God is in the midst of him, and does not move; God help him in the morning. The pagans were confused, they strayed from the kingdom; let your voice from above, the earth move. The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our intercessor. Come and see the works of God, even placing miracles on earth; From the ground of battle to the end of the earth, he will crush the bow and break the weapon, and burn the shields with fire. Be silent and understand that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted to the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us, God is our intercessor.

Psalm 45 - text in Russian, interpretation, why read

The author of most of the verses from the Psalter is King David. But there were others - for example, Psalm 45, like the two subsequent ones, belonged to someone from the Korah family. What is this chapter of the Old Testament about?

Text of Psalm 45 in Russian

Reason for writing Psalm 45

The Jews were a small people forced to constantly defend themselves against numerous enemies. The capital could be attacked from different sides; many different warlike tribes lived around.

It was the enemy attack that is described here, but the Jews emerged victorious from this battle. They attribute the victory to their God. He is capable of not only protecting the holy city, but also sinking enemy ships. According to scholars, Psalm 45 was written during the reign of Jehoshaphat.

There are several translations in Russian, so everyone can choose the one they like best. Reading the Psalter at home is a very beneficial activity, but it is better to study the translation in your native language.

Interpretation of Psalm 45

The meaning of the psalm is divided into several parts:

  1. The author encourages listeners to show faith - he says that there is nothing to be afraid of, because the Lord is always there.
  2. Although enemies are everywhere, the Lord mysteriously continues to reign in the Jerusalem temple.
  3. Universal reconciliation - it will come at the end of time. Then the Lord will reign, and there will be silence on earth. This truth of Christianity should not be forgotten in difficult moments of life.

This chapter consists of only 12 verses, but they are full of sublime and expressive metaphors.

  • Text of Psalm 36;
  • Psalm 139 - why they read it;
  • Psalm 26 -

Why do they read

Thousands of believers have found consolation in the text of Psalm 46. For example, the soldiers of Scotland, going to World War II, sang it with their parents. Finding themselves in prison for their religious beliefs, the martyrs repeated these lines, full of greatness. In dungeons, hospital wards, in moments of upheaval - content is universal in any difficult circumstances, at all times.

Many composers, inspired by poetic lines, composed their own beautiful hymns.

According to the opinions of various holy fathers, the psalm can be read in the following cases:

  • when relatives object to the union with the chosen one (helps to marry the beloved);
  • for protection from burglars or thieves;
  • if enemies make slander.

Reading psalms psalm.

118 psalm psalms. . 45

Reading psalms- a very soulful activity. Any priest will confidently say this. Text 67 is also quite famous among Orthodox Christians. psalm.

For Christians of all times, special prayers composed many centuries ago do not lose their relevance.

Many people face hostile attitudes from others. In such a situation there is little pleasant, how should a Christian behave?

118 psalm has a number of unique features: It is the longest of psalms. . 45 And I walked in breadth, because I sought Your commandments.

It is no coincidence that the Psalter enjoys special love among believers. It contains the wisdom of the entire Bible, only in a more abbreviated form.

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Interpretation of Psalm 45

This is a Song of exaltation of the Lord as a reliable protector of believers at all times. When God is in His dwelling in Zion, the enemies are powerless before His people. Jerusalem, although not named here, is at the center of the author's thoughts, therefore Ps. 45 is among the Songs of Zion.

A. God is a refuge for His saints (45:2-4)

Ps. 45:2-4. The psalmist reminds those who listen to him that God is a refuge for those who believe in Him, and the power that stands on their side, in troubles, He comes to their aid. Describing possible disasters, the author resorts to hyperbole (verses 3-4), but whatever they may be, we will not fear, he exclaims, for believers are under reliable protection.

B. God is in His Zion (45:5-8)

Ps. 45:5-6. The peaceful flow of the river ("river streams") washing the city of God, i.e. Jerusalem ("making glad" the holy dwelling of the Most High), symbolizes the presence of God Himself - in contrast to the "heaving, noisy" waters in verse 3. (compare with Isa. 8:6; 33:21, where the Lord is likened to a river that washes His city.) While God is in the midst of Jerusalem, it will not fall under the onslaught of its enemies (it will not be shaken). However, years will pass and the city will fall. Because of idolatry in the temple, God left the temple, left His city; Ezek. 8 and 10. Deprived of His protection, he became a prey to the Babylonians.

Ps. 45:7-8. Here is a picture of a “movement of kingdoms” against the Jews, and, therefore, against the God of Jacob. An image of His power “melting” the earth. compare with Ps. 2:1-4 and with “The Lord will reproach them” - in the same place, in verse 4. The Lord is the intercessor of the Jews while they turn to Him in faith.

C. The Lord will be exalted on earth (45:9-12)

Ps. 45:9-12. In order to secure the life of His people for a long time, God made... devastation among their enemies and thereby “ceased the warfare... on earth,” to the borders of the Jewish state (to the ends of the earth; verse 10). (The historical implication here may be related to events during the reign of Jehoshaphat, when the Jews were attacked by the combined forces of the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites; 2 Chron. 20:1-30.)

In verse 11, the psalmist, through the mouth of God Himself, calls on the people to “stand still and know” that He is God. I... will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.

The thought of God's protection was emphasized in the psalm (verses 8 and 12), and this could not but inspire cheerfulness in the Jews who listened to him.

1 To the director of the choir. Sons of Korah. On the musical instrument Alamof. Song.

2 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,

3 Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth shakes and the mountains move into the heart of the seas.

4 Let their waters make noise, let their waters swell, let the mountains shake with their excitement.

5 The river streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High.

6 God is in the midst of it; he will not hesitate: God will help him early in the morning.

7 The nations made a noise; The kingdoms moved: [the Most High] gave His voice, and the earth melted.

8 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our protector.

9 Come and see the works of the Lord, what devastation he has made on the earth:

10 He stopped fighting to the ends of the earth, smashed the bow and broke the spear, and burned the chariots with fire.

11 Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.

12 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our advocate.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 46 online

2 Clap your hands, all nations, shout to God with a voice of joy;

3 For the Lord Most High is awesome, a great King over all the earth;

4 He brought nations and nations under our feet;

5 He chose for us our inheritance, the beauty of Jacob, whom he loved.

6 God rose up with shouting, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.

7 Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing,

8 For God is the King of all the earth; Sing everything wisely.

9 God reigned over the nations, God sat on His holy throne;

10 The princes of the nations gathered together to the people of the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth are God’s; He is exalted above them.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 47 online

1 Song. Psalm. Sons of Korah.

2 Great is the Lord and highly praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain.

3 Beautiful height, the joy of the whole earth, Mount Zion; on its northern side is the city of the great King.

4 God is known in his dwellings as an intercessor:

5 For behold, the kings came together and all passed by;

6 They saw and were amazed, they were embarrassed and fled;

7 Fear and pain seized them there, like women in childbirth;

8 With the east wind you destroyed the ships of Tarsh.

9 As we have heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it forever.

10 We have meditated, O God, on Your goodness in the midst of Your temple.

11 As is Your name, O God, so is Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness.

12 Let Mount Zion rejoice, [and] let the daughters of Judah rejoice because of Thy judgments, [Lord].

13 Go round about Zion, and compass it, and number its towers;

14 Turn your heart to its fortifications, consider its houses, so that you can tell it to the generation that is to come,

15 For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our guide unto death.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 48 online

1 To the director of the choir. Sons of Korah. Psalm.

2 Hear this, all you nations; take heed to this, all you who live in the universe, -

3 both the common and the noble, the rich as well as the poor.

4 My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditations of my heart shall be knowledge.

5 I will incline my ear to a parable; on the harp I will reveal my riddle:

6 “Why should I fear in the days of trouble, when the iniquity of my ways surrounds me?”

7 Those who trust in their own strength and boast of the abundance of their riches!

8 A man will not redeem his brother in any way and will not give God a ransom for him:

9 The price of the redemption of their souls is dear, and it will never be

10 so that someone will live forever and not see the grave.

11 Everyone sees that the wise die, just as the ignorant and senseless perish and leave their wealth to others.

12 In their minds is that their houses are eternal, and that their dwellings from generation to generation, and their lands they call by their proper names.

13 But man will not remain in honor; he will become like animals that perish.

14 This way of theirs is their foolishness, although those who follow them approve of their opinion.

15 They will be thrown into the pit like sheep; death will rule over them, and in the morning the righteous will rule over them; their strength will be exhausted; the grave is their dwelling.

16 But God will deliver my soul from the power of the grave when He receives me.

17 Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich, when the glory of his house increases:

18 For when he dies he will take nothing; his glory will not follow him;

19 Although he pleases his soul while he lives, and they glorify you because you satisfy yourself,

20 But he will go to the family of his fathers, who will never see the light.

21 A man who is honorable and foolish is like animals that perish.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 49 online

Psalm of Asaph.

1 God of Gods, the Lord spoke and calls the earth, from the rising of the sun to the west.

2 From Zion, which is the height of beauty, God appears,

3 Our God comes, and not in silence: before Him is a consuming fire, and around Him is a mighty storm.

4 He calls on heaven and earth from above to judge His people:

5 “Gather to Me My saints, who have entered into covenant with Me by sacrifice.”

6 And the heavens will proclaim His righteousness, for this judge is God.

7 “Hear, My people, I will speak; Israel! I will testify against you: I am God, your God.

8 It is not because of your sacrifices that I will reproach you; Your burnt offerings are always before Me;

9 I will not accept a bull out of your house, nor a goat out of your folds,

10 For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, and the cattle on a thousand mountains,

11 I know all the birds on the mountains and the animals in the fields before Me.

12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the universe and all that fills it are Mine.

13 Do I eat the flesh of oxen and drink the blood of goats?

14 Sacrifice praise to God and pay your vows to the Most High,

15 And call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.”

16 But God says to the sinner, “Because you preach My statutes and take My covenant in your mouth,

17 Do you yourself hate My instruction and throw My words away for yourself?

18 When you see a thief, you associate with him, and associate with adulterers;

19 You open your mouth to slander, and your tongue weaves deceit;

20 You sit and speak against your brother, you slander your mother’s son;

21 You did this, and I was silent; you thought that I was the same as you. I will expose you and bring [your sins] before your eyes.

22 Understand this, you who forget God, lest I take away, and there will be no deliverer.

23 Whoever sacrifices praise honors Me, and whoever watches his way, to him I will show the salvation of God.”


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 50 online

Psalmist David - repentance. Artist Y. Sh von KAROLSFELD

1 To the director of the choir. Psalm of David,

2 When Nathan the prophet came to him, after David had gone in to Bathsheba.

3 Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your compassions blot out my iniquities.

4 Wash me often from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin,

5 For I acknowledge my iniquities, and my sin is always before me.

6 You, You alone, have I sinned and done evil in Your sight, so that You are righteous in Your judgment and pure in Your judgment.

7 Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother bore me in sin.

8 Behold, You have loved the truth in your heart and have shown me [Your] wisdom within me.

9 Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

10 Let me hear joy and gladness, and the bones broken by You will rejoice.

11 Turn away Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.

12 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

13 Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.

14 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the sovereign Spirit.

15 I will teach the wicked your ways, and the wicked will turn to you.

16 Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation, and my tongue will praise Your righteousness.

17 Lord! Open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise:

18 For You do not desire sacrifice, I would give it; You do not favor burnt offerings.

19 The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; You will not despise a contrite and humble heart, O God.

20 Do good, [Lord], according to Your good pleasure, Zion; build up the walls of Jerusalem:

21 Then the sacrifices of righteousness, the wave offerings, and the burnt offerings will be acceptable to You; Then they will place bullocks on Your altar.

Psalmist David - petition. Artist Y. Sh von KAROLSFELD


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 51 online

1 To the director of the choir. David's teaching

2 After Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul and told him that David had come to the house of Ahimelech.

3 Why do you boast of wickedness, O mighty one? God's mercy is always with me;

4 Your tongue concocts destruction; like a sophisticated razor, you have it, insidious!

5 You love evil more than good, lies more than telling the truth;

6 You love all kinds of destructive speech, a deceitful tongue:

7 Therefore God will utterly crush you, destroy you, and uproot you from [your] habitation, and your root from the land of the living.

8 The righteous will see and fear, they will laugh at him [and say]:

9 “Here is a man who did not trust his strength in God, but hoped in the abundance of his wealth, and was strengthened in his wickedness.”

10 But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God, and I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever,

11 I will praise You forever for what You have done, and I will trust in Your name, for it is good in the sight of Your saints.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 52 online

1 To the director of the choir. On a wind weapon. David's teaching.

2 The fool said in his heart, “There is no God.” They became corrupt and committed heinous crimes; there is no one who does good.

3 God looked down from heaven upon the sons of men, to see if there was one who understood, one who sought God.

4 All have turned aside and become equally indecent; there is no one who does good, not even one.

5 Will not the workers of iniquity, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on God, come to their senses?

6 There they will fear fear, where there is no fear, for God will scatter the bones of those who fight against you. You will put them to shame because God has rejected them.

7 Who will give salvation to Israel from Zion? When God brings back the captivity of His people, then Jacob will rejoice and Israel will rejoice.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 53 online

1 To the director of the choir. On string instruments. David's teaching

2 When Ziph came and said to Saul, “Is David not hiding with us?”

3 God! Save me in Your name, and judge me in Your power.

4 God! hear my prayer, listen to the words of my mouth,

5 For strangers have risen up against me, and the mighty are seeking my life; they do not have God before them.

6 Behold, God is my helper; The Lord strengthens my soul.

7 He will repay the evil of my enemies; By Your truth I will destroy them.

8 I will earnestly sacrifice to You; I will glorify Your name, O Lord, for it is good,

9 For you have delivered me from all troubles, and my eye has looked upon my enemies.


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 54 online

1 To the director of the choir. On string instruments. David's teaching.

2 Hear, O God, my prayer and do not hide from my supplication;

3 Heed me and hear me; I groan in my grief and am embarrassed

5 My heart trembles within me, and mortal terrors have fallen upon me;

6 Fear and trembling came upon me, and horror seized me.

7 And I said, “Who would give me wings like a dove? I would fly away and calm down;

8 I would have gone far away and remained in the wilderness;

9 I would hasten to hide from the whirlwind, from the storm.”

10 Disrupt, O Lord, and divide their tongues, for I see violence and strife in the city;

11 Day and night they walk around its walls; evil deeds and disaster are in the midst of it;

12 in the midst of its destruction; deceit and deceit do not leave its streets:

13 For it is not the enemy who reproaches me; I would have endured this; It is not my hater who magnifies himself over me - I would hide from him;

14 But you, who were as I am to me, my friend and my close one,

15 with whom we shared sincere conversations and went together to the house of God.

16 Let death come upon them; May they go down alive into hell, for wickedness is in their dwellings, in the midst of them.

17 But I will cry to God, and the Lord will save me.

18 Evening and morning and at noon I will plead and cry, and He will hear my voice,

19 He will deliver my soul in peace from those who rebel against me, for I have many of them;

20 God will hear, and He who lives from everlasting will humble them, because there is no change in them; they don't fear God

21 They stretched out their hands against those who were at peace with them, breaking their covenant;

22 Their mouth is softer than butter, but in their heart is enmity; their words are gentler than oil, but they are drawn swords.

23 Cast your worries on the Lord, and He will support you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

24 You, O God, will bring them down into the pit of destruction; the bloodthirsty and treacherous will not live to see half their days. And I trust in You, [Lord,].


Listen to the Psalms Psalm 55 online

1 To the director of the choir. About a dove, silent in the distance. Scripture of David when the Philistines captured him at Gath.

2 Have mercy on me, O God! for man wants to devour me; attacking every day, presses me.

3 My enemies seek every day to devour me, for there are many who rise up against me, O Most High!

4 When I am afraid, I trust in You.

5 In God I will praise His word; I trust in God, I am not afraid; What will the flesh do to me?

6 Every day they twist my words; all their thoughts about me are evil:

7 They gather, they hide, they watch my heels, to catch my soul.

8 Will they escape retribution for their iniquity? In wrath, O God, overthrow the nations.

9 My wanderings are numbered with You; put my tears in a vessel with You; are they not in Your book?

10 My enemies turn back when I cry to You; by this I know that God is for me.

11 I will praise His word in God; I will praise His word in the Lord.

12 I trust in God, I am not afraid; What will a man do to me?

13 I have vows to You, O God; I will give you praise,

14 For You have delivered my soul from death, [my eyes from tears], and my feet from stumbling, that I might walk before the face of God in the light of the living.

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