The psychological nature of the conflict in the story first love

The work “First Love” by Turgenev, reviews of which are given in this article, is a story by the great Russian prose writer, which tells about the emotional experiences of the young protagonist, his love, which is filled with drama and sacrifice. The book was first published in 1860.

History of creation

Reviews of the book "First Love" by Turgenev allow you to get a full impression of this work. The prose writer created it quite quickly. He wrote from January to March 1860. At that time he was in St. Petersburg.

The basis was personal vivid emotional experience, as well as events that occurred in the writer’s family. Turgenev himself later admitted that he portrayed his father in the plot. He described everything practically documented, without any embellishment. Later, many condemned him for this, but the realism of this story was extremely important for the author. This is also emphasized by many readers in reviews of the book “First Love” by Turgenev. The writer was confident that he was right, since he sincerely believed that he had absolutely nothing to hide.

Readers note in reviews of Turgenev’s “First Love” that the action takes place in Moscow. It's 1833. The main character's name is Volodya, he is 16 years old. He spends time at the dacha with his parents. He has an important stage in his life ahead - entering university. Therefore, all his free time is devoted to preparing for exams.

There is a poor outbuilding in their house. The family of Princess Zasekina soon moves in. The main character accidentally catches the eye of a young princess. He is fascinated by the girl and since then he wants only one thing - to meet her.

A successful opportunity will soon turn up. His mother sends him to the princess. The day before, she receives an illiterate letter from her, in which Zasekina asks for her protection. But what it should consist of is not explained in detail. Therefore, mother asks Volodya to go to the princess and convey a verbal invitation to their house.

Volodya at the Zasekins

In the book “First Love” Turgenev (reviews especially note this) pays great attention to Volodya’s first visit to this family. It was then that the main character meets the princess, whose name is Zinaida Alexandrovna. She is young, but still older than Volodya. She is 21.

Having barely met, the princess invites him to her room. There she unravels the wool, begins to flirt with him in every possible way, but soon loses all interest in him.

Her mother, Princess Zasekina, did not postpone her visit. She came to Volodya’s mother that same evening. At the same time, she made an extremely unfavorable impression. In reviews of “First Love,” readers note that Volodya’s mother, like a well-mannered woman, invites her and her daughter to dinner.

During the meal, the princess continues to behave extremely defiantly. For example, she sniffs tobacco, fidgets noisily in her chair, constantly complains about poverty and lack of money, and tells everyone about her numerous bills.

The princess, on the contrary, behaves well-mannered and even stately. She speaks exclusively to Volodya’s father in French. At the same time, for some reason, he looks at him very hostilely. He doesn’t pay any attention to Volodya himself. Just before leaving, she secretly whispers that he should visit her in the evening.

Evening with the princess

Many readers love this work, and based on their impressions we will try to make our short review. Turgenev's "First Love" also contains a description of an evening at the Zasekins'. Volodya meets numerous admirers of the young princess there.

This is Doctor Lushin, Count Malevsky, poet Maidanov, hussar Belovzorov and, finally, Nirmatsky, a retired captain. Despite so many potential rivals, Volodya feels happy. The evening itself is noisy and fun. Guests play fun games. So, Volodya’s lot falls to kiss Zinaida’s hand. The princess herself does not let him go almost the entire evening, distinguishes him from others and shows preference.

Interestingly, the next day his father asks him in detail what the Zasekins had. And in the evening he goes to visit them. After lunch, Volodya wants to visit Zinaida, but the girl does not come down to him. From this moment on, suspicions and doubts begin to torment him.

Love's suffering

In reviews of the story “First Love” by Turgenev, readers note that the author paid increased attention to the experiences of the main character. When Zinaida is not around, he languishes alone. But when she appears nearby, Volodya does not feel any better. He is constantly jealous of everyone around her, takes offense at every little thing and at the same time understands that he cannot live without her.

Zinaida realizes almost from the first day that the young man has fallen madly in love with her. At the same time, in reviews of the story “First Love” by Turgenev, readers always emphasize that the princess herself rarely comes to their house. Volodya's mother categorically does not like her, and her father rarely speaks to her, but always significantly and in a specially intelligent way.

Zinaida has changed

In the book “First Love” by I. S. Turgenev, events begin to develop rapidly when it turns out that Zinaida Alexandrovna’s behavior is changing dramatically. She rarely sees people and walks alone for a long time. And when guests gather at their house in the evenings, it happens that he doesn’t come out to them at all. Instead, he may sit locked in his room for several hours. Volodya begins to suspect, not without reason, that she is unrequitedly in love, but cannot understand with whom exactly.

One day they meet in a secluded place. In any brief review of Turgenev's "First Love" this episode is always given special attention. Volodya spends time on the wall of a dilapidated greenhouse. Suddenly he sees Zinaida walking along the road in the distance.

Noticing the young man, she orders him to jump off immediately if he really loves her. The young man, without hesitation, jumps. Having fallen, he loses consciousness for some time. Having come to his senses, he notices that the princess is fussing around him. Suddenly she begins to kiss him, but, noticing that he has come to his senses, gets up and quickly leaves, strictly forbidding him to pursue her.

Volodya is incredibly happy about this short moment. But when he meets the princess the next day, she acts as if nothing had happened.

Meeting in the garden

The next important episode for the development of the plot takes place in the garden. The princess herself stops the young man. She is sweet and kind to him, offers friendship and even bestows the title of her page.

Soon Volodya discusses this situation with Count Malevsky. The latter notes that pages must know everything about their queens and follow them day and night. It is unclear whether the count was speaking seriously or joking, but Volodya the next night decides to keep watch in the garden under her window. He even takes a knife with him just in case.

Suddenly he notices his father in the garden. Out of surprise, he runs away, losing his knife on the way. During the day, he tries to discuss this situation with the princess, but they are disturbed by her 12-year-old cadet brother, who came to visit. Zinaida instructs Volodya to entertain him.

That same evening, Zinaida asks him why Volodya is so sad. He bursts into tears, accusing her of playing with him. The girl consoles him, after a few minutes, forgetting about everything in the world, he plays with Zinaida and her brother and laughs sincerely.

Anonymous letter

A week later, Volodya learns shocking news. There was a quarrel between his mother and father. The reason is Volodya’s father’s connection with Zinaida. His mother learned about this from an anonymous letter. Mother announces that she is no longer going to stay here and returns to the city.

At parting, Volodya, who goes with her, meets with Zinaida. He vows that he will love and adore her until the end of his days.

The next time the young man meets the princess on a horseback ride. At this time, the father gives him the reins and disappears into the alley. Volodya chases him and sees him secretly talking to Zinaida through the window. The father proves something to her, the girl does not agree. At the end, she reaches out to him, but her father hits her sharply with a whip. Zinaida, shuddering, kisses the scar. Frustrated, Volodya runs away.

Moving to St. Petersburg

At the end of the story, Volodya and his parents move to St. Petersburg. He successfully enters and studies at the university. Six months later, his father dies from a stroke. A few days before, he receives a letter from Moscow, which makes him extremely worried and upset. After his death, the protagonist’s mother sends a large sum of money to Moscow, but the young man does not know to whom or why.

Everything falls into place only after 4 years. An acquaintance tells him that Zinaida got married and is going to go abroad. Although it was not easy, because her reputation was greatly damaged after the incident with his father.

Volodya receives her address, but goes to see her only after a few weeks. It turns out that he was late. The princess died in childbirth the day before.

I. S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” is, in a sense, an autobiographical work. The writer took the real story of his family as the basis for the work, describing his own youthful love experiences and relationships with his father.

The narration is told on behalf of the main character, Vladimir Petrovich, who is already old and remembers his first youthful love. Love overtook him when, as a 16-year-old boy, he came with his parents to a country estate. Here he meets his first love, an extraordinary beauty, 21-year-old Zinaida Alexandrovna.

The girl's beauty, charm and magnetism attract many fans. However, she treats everyone the same - with ridicule and indifference, not taking anyone seriously. He did not escape the ridicule of Zinaida and Volodya. But, despite the whims of his beloved, the young man is ready to fulfill her every desire in order to win her heart.

With the sensitivity of a lover, Volodya guesses any change in the girl’s mood and her love for an unknown person has not become a secret to him. However, having accidentally learned that Zinaida’s lover is his father, the young man experiences severe mental pain. After all, he understands that his father will never leave his family, since he married his mother for convenience and the scandal is not beneficial to him.

Despite the fact that Vladimir feels sorry for his mother, who is tormented by jealousy, he does not condemn Zinaida, realizing that she has deep feelings for her father, which, perhaps, are true love.

Having seduced and abandoned the girl, Pyotr Vasilyevich leaves and soon dies of a stroke. Zinaida's fate is also tragic. After getting married, she dies during childbirth.

Throughout the entire work, one can feel the author’s kind attitude towards the main character. It is clear that the writer sympathizes with Volodya, his mother, Zina. And Volodya’s father, Pyotr Vasilyevich, feels condemned. He is presented in the work as a cruel, selfish, cold and greedy person. The author does not say this directly. But this becomes clear from Vladimir’s memories of his father, in which he mentions that he married his mother for convenience, forcing her to suffer from jealousy all her life and treating her coldly and aloofly.

The central theme of the story is a feeling that every person has experienced at least once in their life - love. The author managed to describe this feeling in all its forms: youthful passion, wife’s fidelity, lover’s lust. And no matter what love is, even if it brings devastation and destruction, it is still beautiful, it is impossible to live without it.

Despite the fact that his first love brought suffering to the main character, memories of the emotions he experienced, which helped him understand the meaning and charm of existence, remained in his memory forever.

Analysis 2

The work of I. S. Turgenev “First Love” is imbued with his own love experiences that the author once experienced. For him, love seems to be a violent force in any of its manifestations, which burns any other feelings along the way, sometimes distorting them.

The narrator recalls a series of events from the past, which he considers impossible to forget. This is evidenced by details clearly stored in memory.

The reader is presented with the most interesting love story of Vladimir, who was several years younger than his beloved. After meeting her, the young man learned what love is with its tender impulses, lack of reciprocity and passion. Zinaida treated her fans with ridicule and indifference. The reason for this behavior became known to Vladimir later. The young man experienced a real emotional tragedy, as the girl had a relationship with his father.

The finale of the work is no less dramatic. The narrator's father dies, and later Zinaida also dies.

The focus of the story by I. S. Turgenev is the gradual formation in a young man of a feeling that every person has known in his life, on which the whole world rests - love. As he approached it, the narrator experienced many other worthy sensations that helped to anticipate the coming changes. From slight excitement after meeting a new neighbor to “stressful well-being” and a tragic outcome.

The author tells of a passionate love that consumed Vladimir, but was not reciprocated. He emphasized the idea that living according to convenience is a sin. Family is a gift from God that must be protected. But the main thing is that it must be built on normal relationships based on sincere love and respect.

Thanks to his characters, the author of the work described love in different forms. This is the attraction of a lover, the devotion of a spouse, the passion of youth, love as passion and intrigue. Everyone who became a participant in an insincere relationship, a supporter of cold calculation in a love triangle, remained unhappy in love and alone. The episode of Pyotr Vasilyevich hitting Zinaida with a whip deserves the most attention. Despite the pain, the girl endures it patiently. This proves mad love on her part towards Vladimir's father. The paradox is that, being indifferent and cold-blooded towards fans, she later learned what love is. However, fate seems to take revenge on her for her coldness towards those to whom she was previously not indifferent, pushing her to the destined place to experience the torment for herself.

Love penetrates the soul of every hero. However, each of them copes differently with the situation, experiences, and emotions. The father's betrayal is punished, youthful love ends with Vladimir becoming wiser, having gained his first experience in a love relationship, but emerging from the situation with dignity.

The story teaches not to play with serious feelings, as this can bring grief to loved ones. Decisions in such cases must be thoughtful, despite the fact that it is difficult to rationally think through issues relating to the future if real, all-consuming, passionate love has settled in the heart, no matter what age.

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Year: 1860 Genre: story

Main characters: Volodya, Princess Zinaida

Princess Zasekina moves into the outbuilding next to the family of sixteen-year-old Vladimir. Volodya falls in love with the princess's daughter, Zinaida. One day he meets his beloved with his own father. Having followed them, Vladimir realizes that Zina is not indifferent to his father. After the scandal with Zasekina, the neighbors return to Moscow. Some time later, the young man entered the university, and six months later his father died of shock. Four years later, Vova returns to St. Petersburg and visits Zinaida Zasekina, where he learns that she died 4 days ago during the birth of her child.

the main idea. The story tells about unrequited first love, about how tragic relationships in a family can be if they are not based in any way on love.


Sixteen-year-old Vova lives with his father and mother at the dacha and is preparing to enter university. Princess Zasekina moves into the neighboring outbuilding for a period of rest. The main character accidentally meets his neighbor's daughter and dreams of meeting her. Volodya's mother sends him to a neighbor with an offer to pay a visit. This is how the young man first meets his neighbor’s daughter, Zinaida Zasekina, who is a little older than him, she is 21 years old.

During the visit, Zasekina creates a not very good image of herself, but Zinaida behaves impeccably, but spends almost the entire evening talking only to Vladimir’s father. She showed no interest in the young man during the conversation, but before leaving he asks to pay her a visit. The young man increasingly comes to Zinaida in the evenings, and eventually realizes that he is in love with her.
One night, Vladimir becomes an unwitting witness to his beloved’s meeting with his father. Volodya realizes that she is not indifferent to his father. The young man does not stop communicating with the princess’s daughter, pretending that nothing is happening. A week later, his mother was sent a letter accusing her husband of having an affair with a neighbor’s daughter. After a scandal in the house, the Zasekins leave for Moscow. Before leaving, the young man in love decides to say goodbye to Zina and promises to love her forever.

A few days later, Volodya again involuntarily watches the scene of the meeting of his beloved girl and his father, he tries to convince her of something, she does not give consent and extends her hand to him. The father swings and hits her hand with the whip, she shudders and raises her hand to her mouth, touching the red mark of the blow with her lips. Vladimir runs away.

After some time, the young man’s family moves to St. Petersburg. Vova goes to college, but six months later his dad died of shock. After graduating from university, Volodya finds Zina’s friend in the theater to pay a visit to his beloved only a couple of weeks later. Arriving at the address, he learns that Zinaida Dolskaya died four days ago during the birth of her child.

Detailed summary of the work First Love

The story “First Love” is one of the most popular and famous. This is a story about the first love of a young man who has just emerged from childhood and is striving for new feelings and sensations. The basis of the plot is the memory of an already adult man about his first experience of communicating with a girl, about youth, and the desire for the unknown.

The main thread of the story is the idea that first love is the awakening of all the best in a person. First love is like the first thunderstorm or a fast flow of water, something spontaneous and not subject to reason.

A young man named Vladimir, who had just completed a home-schooling course, arrived at a country house with his parents. Here he must prepare to enter university and take a break from the bustle of the city. And, as it turned out, another family, consisting of two ladies, settled next door. One was quite young and very beautiful, of course, in the young man’s opinion.

Summer, languid evenings, black nights and early dawns did their job; they awakened unknown feelings in the young man. Vladimir fell in love with Zinaida, that was the name of the young neighbor, who also turned out to be sociable.

The girl was young, although older than Volodya, smart, open to communication, sometimes flighty, sometimes mysterious. no longer allowed the young man to come for visits. And, as a result, the young man became more and more immersed in love. Naturally, all other matters were abandoned, as well as preparation for studies. I felt the need to take long walks through the garden and find a reason to see my beautiful neighbor.

However, although Zina was constantly surrounded by fans, not one of them crossed the line to become closer to the girl. Although Volodya really wanted to see the whole situation. In fact, Zina was in love with the young man’s father, and she also experienced her love, but it was forbidden and not right. The girl secretly, at night, met with an adult man and at the same time suffered no less than her young neighbor. Zina's relationship with Volodya's father continued for quite a long time, even after the family returned to Moscow.

Only once seeing his father with Zina, Volodya realized that the girl was truly in love. And this became a loss for the young man; he learned and defined for himself what unrequited love is.

The story ends tragically. Although Volodya becomes a student and grows up, his father dies an absurd death and this is a huge grief for the family. And one day the young man has the opportunity to see Zinaida, but even here evil fate prevents him. Zinaida dies two days before the meeting.

More than a century has passed since the publication of the story “First Love,” but the description of the feelings of young people, the description of youth, the effervescence of life has not lost any of its authenticity.

Picture or drawing First love

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  • Having a symbolic name - “First Love”, is one of the most unusual lyric-epic works of Russian classical literature in terms of plot and design. It was written in 1860, when the writer was 42 years old and he was comprehending his past from the height of his years.

    Composition of the story

    The work consists of 20 chapters, in which the main character’s memories of his youth are sequentially presented in the first person. The story begins with a prologue - the background of memories. The same main character - Vladimir Petrovich, already aged, is in a company where everyone tells each other about their first love. He refuses to tell his unusual story verbally and promises his friends that he will write it and read it the next time they meet. Which it does. Next comes the story itself.

    The plot and its basis

    Despite the fact that the heroes, as in other works of Turgenev, have fictitious names, the writer’s contemporaries immediately recognized them as real people: Ivan Sergeevich himself, his mother, father and the object of his first passionate and unrequited love. In the story this is Princess Zinaida Aleksandrovna Zasekina, in life it is Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya.

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s father did not marry for love, which subsequently affected his family life with his wife. She was much older than him, stood firmly on her feet, independently taking care of the housework on the estate. The husband lived as he wanted and had little to do with any family issues. He was good-looking, charming and popular in the eyes of the ladies.

    In the story we also meet a married couple, where the wife is older than her husband and lives in constant, difficult to hide irritability due to lack of attention from her husband. In the image of their son Vladimir, we recognize young Turgenev. We find him at the moment when he is preparing for exams to enter the university at his dacha in the Moscow region. The hero’s thoughts are far from his studies, young blood excites the imagination and awakens fantasies about beautiful strangers. Soon he actually meets a stranger - his neighbor at the dacha, Princess Zasekina. This is a real beauty, a girl of rare charm and a unique - magnetic character.

    At the time of meeting the main character, she is already surrounded by many fans, amused by communicating with them and her power over everyone. He also draws Volodya into his circle. He falls passionately in love, forgetting about books, studies and walks around the neighborhood and finds himself completely attached to his beloved.

    Many pages in the story are devoted to depicting the turbulent and constantly changing experiences of the young man. And more often he is happy, despite Zinaida’s capricious and mocking behavior. But behind all this there is a growing anxiety. The hero understands that the girl has her own secret life and love for an unknown person...

    As soon as the reader, together with the main character, begins to guess who Zinaida is in love with, the tone of the story changes. A completely different level of understanding of the word “love” comes to the surface. The girl’s feelings for Volodya’s father, Pyotr Vasilyevich, in comparison with the romantic passion of the young man, turn out to be deeper, more serious and more piercing. And Volodya is struck by the realization that this is true love. Here the author’s position is guessed: first love can be different, and the one that cannot be explained is the real one.

    To understand this problem, the scene towards the end of the story is important: the young man accidentally witnesses a secret conversation between his father and Zinaida, which takes place after their separation. Pyotr Vasilyevich suddenly hits the girl’s hand with a whip, and she, with an expression of humility and devotion, brings the scarlet mark of the blow to her lips. What he sees shocks Volodya. Some time after the incident, the hero's father dies from a blow. Zinaida Zasekina marries another man and dies four years later during childbirth.

    It is amazing that in the hero’s heart there was no resentment towards his father and girlfriend. He realizes how majestic and inexplicably strong the love that was between them is.

    Turgenev's biographers proved that all the events described in the story happened in exactly the same way with its prototypes. Many contemporaries condemned the writer for openly demonstrating family secrets on the pages of the story. But the writer did not think that he was doing anything reprehensible. On the contrary, it seemed extremely important to him to relive and artistically rethink what happened to him in his youth and influenced him as a creative person. Depicting the beauty, complexity and versatility of the feeling of first love is what the writer strived for.

    • “First Love”, a summary of the chapters of Turgenev’s story
    • “Fathers and Sons”, a summary of the chapters of Turgenev’s novel

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s story “First Love” tells about the emotional experiences of a young hero, whose childhood feelings have grown into an almost insoluble problem of adult life and relationships. The work also touches on the theme of the relationship between father and son.

    History of creation

    The story was written and published in 1860, in St. Petersburg. The work is based on the real emotional experience of the writer, so a clear parallel can be drawn between his biography and the events of the story, where Volodya or Vladimir Petrovich is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

    In particular, in his work Turgenev fully described his father. He became the prototype for the character of Pyotr Vasilyevich. As for Zinaida Alexandrovna herself, the prototype for her character was the first love of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who was also his father’s mistress.

    Due to such frankness and the transfer of the lives of real people onto the pages of the story, the public met it rather ambiguously. Many condemned Turgenev for his excessive frankness. Although the writer himself has admitted more than once that he sees nothing wrong with such a description.

    Analysis of the work

    Description of the work

    The composition of the story is structured as Volodya’s memory of his youth, namely, his first almost childish, but serious love. Vladimir Petrovich is a 16-year-old boy, the main character of the work, who comes to a country family estate with his father and other relatives. Here he meets a girl of incredible beauty - Zinaida Alexandrovna, with whom he falls irrevocably in love.

    Zinaida loves to flirt and has a very capricious disposition. Therefore, he allows himself to accept advances from other young people, besides Volodya, without making any choice in favor of any one, specific candidate for the role of his official suitor.

    Volodya’s feelings do not cause her to reciprocate; sometimes the girl allows herself to mock him, ridiculing their age difference. Later, the main character learns that the object of Zinaida Alexandrovna’s desire was his own father. Stealthily spying on the development of their relationship, Vladimir understands that Pyotr Vasilyevich does not have any serious intentions towards Zinaida and plans to leave her soon. Having fulfilled his plan, Peter leaves the country house, after which he suddenly dies for everyone. At this point, Vladimir ends his communication with Zinaida. After a while, however, he learns that she got married and then died suddenly during childbirth.

    Main characters

    Vladimir Petrovich is the main character of the story, a 16-year-old boy who moves to a country estate with his family. The prototype of the character is Ivan Sergeevich himself.

    Pyotr Vasilyevich is the father of the main character, who married Vladimir’s mother because of her rich inheritance, who, among other things, was much older than himself. The character was based on a real person, the father of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

    Zinaida Aleksandrovna is a young 21-year-old girl living next door. He has a very frivolous disposition. He has an arrogant and capricious character. Thanks to her beauty, she is not deprived of the constant attention of suitors, including from Vladimir Petrovich and Pyotr Vasilyevich. The prototype of the character is considered to be Princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya.

    The autobiographical work “First Love” is directly related to the life of Ivan Sergeevich, describes his relationship with his parents, mainly with his father. The simple plot and ease of presentation, for which Turgenev is so famous, helps the reader to quickly immerse himself in the very essence of what is happening around him, and most importantly, to believe in sincerity and experience with the author his entire emotional experience, from peace and delight to real hatred. After all, from love to hate there is only one step. It is this process that the story mainly illustrates.

    The work demonstrates exactly how the relationship between Volodya and Zinaida changes, and also illustrates all the changes between son and father when it comes to love for the same woman.

    The turning point in the protagonist’s growing up emotionally could not be better described by Ivan Sergeevich, because his real life experience is taken as the basis.

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