Psoriasis treatment of diabetes mellitus. How to draw Cinderella with a pencil step by step

Good afternoon, today we will learn how to draw Cinderella from the Disney cartoon. More precisely, we will draw the face of our Cinderella, her beautiful big eyes, a light smile and golden hair pinned up. This lesson will be useful not only for beginning artists, but also for those who already have skills and knowledge in drawing.

By studying in this lesson, you can practice drawing parts of the human body, or rather the face and head. These skills will be useful to you not only when portraying Cinderella, but also any other girl.

Lesson Let's start by sketching out the oval of the face. At this stage of our drawing, you do not need to press hard on the pencil, apply light strokes for the sketch.

Step 1
To begin, draw an egg-shaped shape in the center of the sheet, pointed downward. Let's draw two lines at the bottom. This way we have sketched out the base for Cinderella's head and neck.

Step 2
Now let’s draw two intersecting lines on the oval of the face: one vertical, the other horizontal. We draw the lines slightly curved so that they follow the contours of Cinderella’s face. Then we draw a small horizontal line intersecting the vertical one at the bottom of the face, and another smaller one above it. These will be auxiliary lines with which we will later depict facial features.

Step 3
Let's draw the eyes of our Cinderella - two small ovals with pointed ends, reminiscent of American football balls. These ovals should be located above the main auxiliary horizontal line. The left edge of the right oval should touch the vertical auxiliary line.

Step 4
Let's draw a small arc above each of Cinderella's eyes - these will be the eyebrows. Let's add another inverted arc under the lowest horizontal line - the mouth.

Step 5
Now let's create a ribbon in Cinderella's hair. To do this, inside the oval of the head, draw a curved line that follows the shape of the head. Then we will mark the location of the bangs by drawing another curved line passing above the eyebrows, as shown in the picture.

Step 6
Let's add two more arched lines to represent Cinderella's hair. The top one will be a sketch of the collected hair, the second arc will be the outline of the bangs.

Step 7
So, we have a sketch of a drawing of Disney's Cinderella. Now we need to outline the contours more clearly. To do this, press on the pencil to make the lines darker.

Step 8
Let's add thick eyelashes to the eyes of our Cinderella. We will also add small arcs above the eyes, indicating the eyelids. The right eyelid should pass along the inner corner of the eye and go to the bridge of the nose, ending at the intersection of the auxiliary lines.

Step 9
Let's complete the eyes, add three circles in each - the iris, the pupil and a highlight on it.

Step 10
Now let's outline the eyebrows of our Cinderella, make them thicker, and give them a beautiful curved shape. On a small auxiliary line at the bottom of the face, draw the nose in the form of two small arcs: one arc will be horizontal, the second vertical.

Step 11
Now let's draw Cinderella's lips. The upper lip will be in the place of the lowest auxiliary horizontal line, circle it and add a curved line above it in the form of a stretched letter M. The lower lip consists of two arcs.

Step 12
Now it's time to give the egg-shaped figure a face shape. We start the contour line from the forehead, slightly going beyond the edge of the sketch, slightly deepen the line at the right eye, outline the protrusion of the cheekbone below, go lower and draw the chin. We stop the line before reaching the left side of the neck.

Step 13
We outline the lines of Cinderella's neck, slightly rounding them down. On the right side we add a small line that marks the beginning of her shoulder. Let's add two arcs on the neck - this will be a ribbon.

Step 14
Cinderella's hair is difficult to draw, so we will divide this step into two parts. Let's draw several arcs on the sketch line above the girl's eyebrows. Draw one curved line from the top right side of the face outline to the line of the headband, then add two more curved lines on both sides of the face, going down to the central horizontal auxiliary line.

Step 15
Let's draw another arc at the ribbon, completing Cinderella's bangs. Using several arcs we will draw the hair gathered into a knot.

Finishing the hairstyle

Step 16
Let's outline the left outline of Cinderella's head, slightly going beyond the sketch line. Then we will draw a ribbon in the hair, which in the lower left part ends with a small circle directly under the horizontal auxiliary line.

Draw a ribbon in Cinderella's hair

Step 17
Here, we have a ready-made sketch of the head of Cinderella from the Disney cartoon. You can stop at this stage or continue and give the portrait a more complete look.

Step 18
In order to give Cinderella a more neat and complete look, carefully outline the contours with a pen or felt-tip pen. We wait a little for the paint to dry, then carefully erase the pencil marks with an eraser. Do you like the result? You can leave it like this, but you can also paint it.

Remove all unnecessary lines

Step 19
In order to completely complete the drawing of How to draw Cinderella, we need to color it. You can use markers, colored pencils, or even crayons for this! For Cinderella's hair we use yellow, for the eyebrows - light brown, for the eyes and ribbon in her hair - blue, for the lips - pink, for the ribbon on the neck - black. Our Cinderella's skin is light peach. If you don't have peach, improvise and try using yellow-orange or pale brown. And finally, our Cinderella is ready!

Each of us has been familiar with the bright and kind fairy tale about Cinderella with pictures since childhood, written at the end of the eighteenth century by the French children's writer Charles Perrault. A fairy tale about a poor girl living in her father's fairly wealthy family with two stepsisters and an evil stepmother. About a girl forced to be a servant in her own home, humbly accepting her difficult fate, but not forgetting how to dream and notice the bright and pure in everything that surrounds her.

The story of a magical fairy, a handsome prince and the embodiment of a girl’s deepest desires is a fairy tale about Cinderella that you want to read again and again. This story has already been published a hundred times in different countries of the world, in more than fifty different languages, and each illustration for the Cinderella fairy tale is a real masterpiece of art, subtly conveying not only the style and spirit of the era, but also elegant images in every stroke.

So, the tale of Cinderella:

Once upon a time there lived one respectable and noble man who worked a lot, traveled for a long time on business and was not at home very often. His first wife died, and he married a second time, and to such a grumpy and arrogant woman as the world had never seen.

She had two daughters, very similar to their mother in face, mind, and character.

My husband also had a daughter, kind, friendly, sweet - just like her late mother. And her mother was the most beautiful and kind woman.

And so the new mistress entered the house. It was then that she showed her temper. Everything was not to her taste, but most of all she disliked her stepdaughter. The girl was so good that her stepmother's daughters seemed even worse next to her.
The poor stepdaughter was forced to do all the dirtiest and hardest work in the house: she cleaned boilers and pots, washed stairs, cleaned the rooms of her stepmother and both young ladies - her sisters.

She slept in the attic, right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed. And both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds decorated in the latest fashion, and with large mirrors in which it was fashionable to see oneself from head to toe.

The poor girl silently endured all the insults and did not dare to complain even to her father. The stepmother took him into such control that he now looked at everything through her eyes and would probably only scold his daughter for her ingratitude and disobedience.

In the evening, having finished work, she climbed into a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ash. Therefore, the sisters, and after them everyone in the house, nicknamed her Cinderella.

And yet, kind Cinderella in her old dress, stained with ash, was a hundred times sweeter than her sisters, dressed in velvet and silk.

And then one day the son of the king of that country threw a big ball and called all the noble people with their wives and daughters to it.

Cinderella's sisters also received an invitation to the ball. They were very happy and immediately began to choose outfits and figure out how to style their hair in order to surprise all the guests and please the prince.

Poor Cinderella has even more work and worries than ever. She had to iron her sisters' dresses, starch their skirts, straighten collars and frills.

All the talk in the house was about outfits.

“I,” said the eldest, “will put on a red velvet dress and a precious headdress that was brought to me from overseas.

And I,” said the youngest, “will wear the most modest dress, but I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers and a diamond belt, which no noble lady has.”

They sent for the most skilful milliner to make them caps with double frills, and bought flies from the best craftswoman in the city.

The sisters kept calling Cinderella over and asking her which comb, ribbon or buckle to choose. They knew that Cinderella had a better understanding of what was beautiful and what was ugly.
No one knew how to pin lace or curl curls as skillfully as she did.

What, Cinderella, would you like to go to the royal ball? - the sisters asked while she combed their hair in front of the mirror.

Oh, what are you doing, sisters! You are laughing at me! Will they let me into the palace in this dress and these shoes!

What's true is true. It would be hilarious if such a dirty little thing showed up at the ball!

Another one in Cinderella’s place would have combed her sisters’ hair as badly as possible. But Cinderella was kind: she combed them as best as possible.

Two days before the ball, the sisters stopped having lunch and dinner out of excitement. They never left the mirror for a minute and tore more than a dozen laces, trying to tighten their waists and make themselves thinner and slimmer.

And now, finally, the long-awaited day has arrived. The stepmother and sisters left.

Cinderella looked after them for a long time, and when their carriage disappeared around the bend, she covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly.

Her godmother, who just at that time came to visit the poor girl, found her in tears.

What's wrong with you, my child? - she asked. But Cinderella cried so bitterly that she could not even answer.

You would like to go to the ball, wouldn't you? - asked the godmother.

She was a fairy - a sorceress - and heard not only what they said, but also what they thought.

True,” said Cinderella, sobbing.

Well, just be smart,” said the fairy, “and I’ll make sure that you can visit the palace today.” Run to the garden and bring me a big pumpkin from there!

Cinderella ran to the garden, chose the largest pumpkin and brought it to her godmother. She really wanted to ask how a simple pumpkin would help her get to the royal ball, but she didn’t dare.

And the fairy, without saying a word, cut the pumpkin and took out all the pulp from it. Then she touched its thick yellow crust with her magic wand, and the empty pumpkin immediately turned into a beautiful carved carriage, gilded from roof to wheels.
Then the fairy sent Cinderella to the pantry to get a mousetrap. There were half a dozen live mice in the mousetrap.

The fairy told Cinderella to open the door slightly and release all the mice in turn, one after another. As soon as the mouse ran out of its prison, the fairy touched it with her wand, and from this touch the ordinary gray mouse immediately turned into a gray, mousey horse.

Not even a minute had passed before a magnificent team of six stately horses in silver harness stood in front of Cinderella.

The only thing missing was the coachman.

Noticing that the fairy was thoughtful, Cinderella timidly asked:

What if you look to see if a rat is caught in a rat trap? Maybe she's fit to be a coachman?

“Your truth,” said the sorceress. - Go and look.

Cinderella brought a rat trap, from which three large rats looked out.

The fairy chose one of them, the largest and most mustachioed, touched it with her wand, and the rat immediately turned into a fat coachman with a lush mustache - even the chief royal coachman would envy such a mustache.

“And now,” said the fairy, “go into the garden.” There, behind the watering can, on a pile of sand, you will find six lizards. Bring them here.

Before Cinderella had time to shake the lizards out of her apron, the fairy turned them into visiting footmen, dressed in green liveries, decorated with gold braid.

All six of them quickly jumped onto the back of the carriage with such an important look, as if they had served as traveling footmen all their lives and had never been lizards...

Well,” said the fairy, “now you have your own exit, and you can go to the palace without wasting time.” What, are you satisfied?

Very! - said Cinderella. - But is it really possible to go to the royal ball in this old dress, stained with ash?

The fairy did not answer. She just lightly touched Cinderella's dress with her magic wand, and the old dress turned into a wonderful outfit of silver and gold brocade, all strewn with precious stones.

The fairy's last gift was shoes made of the purest crystal, the likes of which no girl had ever dreamed of.

When Cinderella was completely ready, the fairy put her in a carriage and strictly ordered her to return home before midnight.

If you are late for even one minute,” she said, “your carriage will again turn into a pumpkin, the horses into mice, the footmen into lizards, and your magnificent outfit will again turn into an old, patched dress.

Don't worry, I won't be late! - Cinderella answered and, not remembering herself with joy, went to the palace.

The prince, who was informed that a beautiful but unknown princess had arrived at the ball, ran out to meet her. He gave her his hand, helped her out of the carriage and led her into the hall, where the king and queen and the courtiers were already present.

Everything immediately became quiet. The violins fell silent. Both the musicians and the guests involuntarily looked at the unfamiliar beauty, who arrived at the ball later than everyone else.

“Oh, how good she is!” - the gentleman said in a whisper to the gentleman and the lady to the lady.

Even the king, who was very old and was dozing more than looking around, opened his eyes, looked at Cinderella and told the queen in a low voice that he had not seen such a charming person for a long time.

The ladies of the court were only busy examining her dress and headdress in order to order something similar for themselves tomorrow, if only they could find the same skillful craftsmen and the same beautiful fabric.

The prince seated his guest in the place of honor, and as soon as the music started playing, he approached her and invited her to dance.

She danced so easily and gracefully that everyone admired her even more than before.

After the dancing, refreshments were served. But the prince could not eat anything - he did not take his eyes off his lady. And at this time Cinderella found her sisters, sat down with them and, having said a few pleasant words to each, treated them to oranges and lemons, which the prince himself brought to her.

They were very flattered by this. They did not expect such attention from the unfamiliar princess.

But while talking with them, Cinderella suddenly heard that the palace clock was striking eleven o’clock and three quarters. She stood up, bowed to everyone and walked towards the exit so quickly that no one had time to catch up with her.

Returning from the palace, she still managed to run to the sorceress before her stepmother and sisters arrived and thank her for the happy evening.

Oh, if only I could go to the palace tomorrow! - she said. - The prince asked me so...

And she told her godmother about everything that happened in the palace.

“Okay,” said the fairy. - I'll help you again.

As soon as Cinderella crossed the threshold and put on her old apron and wooden shoes, there was a knock on the door. It was the stepmother and sisters who returned from the ball.

How long have you, sisters, been staying in the palace today! - said Cinderella, yawning and stretching as if she had just woken up.

Well, if you were with us at the ball, you wouldn’t rush home either,” said one of the sisters. - There was one princess there, such a beauty that you couldn’t see anything better in your dreams! She must have really liked us. She sat down with us and even treated us to oranges and lemons.

What is her name? - asked Cinderella.

Well, no one knows that... - said the elder sister.

And the youngest added:

The prince seems ready to give half his life just to find out who she is.

Cinderella smiled.

Is this princess really that good? - she asked. - How happy you are!.. Is it possible for me to look at her at least with one eye? Ah, sister Javotta, give me for one evening your yellow dress, which you wear at home every day!

This was just not enough! - Javotta said, shrugging her shoulders. Give your dress to a dirty little girl like you! It seems I haven't lost my mind yet.

Cinderella did not expect a different answer and was not at all upset. Indeed, what would she do if Javotte suddenly became generous and decided to lend her her dress!

The next evening, the sisters again went to the palace - and Cinderella, with the help of the good fairy, too...

This time she was even more beautiful and elegant than the day before.

The prince did not leave her side for a minute. He was so friendly, said such pleasant things that Cinderella forgot about everything in the world, even that she had to leave on time, and only realized it when the clock began to strike midnight.

She got up and ran away faster than a doe.

The prince rushed after her, but there was no trace of her. Only on the step of the stairs lay a small glass slipper.
The prince carefully picked up the shoe and ordered the gatekeepers to be asked if any of them had seen where the beautiful princess had gone. But no one saw any princess. True, the gatekeepers noticed that some poorly dressed girl ran past them, but she looked more like a beggar than a princess.

Meanwhile, Cinderella, panting from fatigue, ran home. She no longer had a carriage or footmen. Her ballroom dress turned back into an old, worn dress, and all that was left of all her splendor was a small crystal slipper, exactly the same as the one she lost on the palace stairs.

When both sisters returned home, Cinderella asked them if they had fun at the ball today and if yesterday’s beauty came to the palace again.

The sisters vying with each other began to tell that the princess was at the ball this time too, but ran away as soon as the clock began to strike twelve.

She was in such a hurry that she even lost her glass slipper,” said the elder sister.

“And the prince picked it up and didn’t let it out of his hands until the end of the ball,” said the youngest.

“He must be head over heels in love with this beauty who loses her shoes at balls,” added the stepmother.

And it was true. A few days later, the prince ordered it to be announced publicly, to the sound of trumpets and fanfare, that the girl who would fit the glass slipper would become his wife.

And he sent his general with a team of soldiers to try on the shoe for all the girls in the kingdom.

Of course, first they began to try on the shoe for princesses, then duchesses, then ladies of the court, but it was all in vain: it was too tight for duchesses, princesses, and ladies of the court.

Finally, it was the turn of Cinderella’s sisters.

Oh, how both sisters tried to pull the little shoe onto their big feet! But she didn’t even get to their fingertips. Cinderella, who recognized her shoe at first sight, looked at these futile attempts, smiling.

“But she seems to fit me well,” said Cinderella.

The sisters burst into evil laughter. But the general, who was trying on the shoe, looked carefully at Cinderella and, noticing that she was very beautiful, said:

I received orders from the prince to try on the shoe for all the girls in the city. Let me have your leg, madam!

He sat Cinderella in a chair and, putting the glass slipper on her little foot, immediately saw that he wouldn’t have to try on any more: the shoe was exactly the same as the foot, and the foot was exactly the same as the shoe.
The sisters froze in surprise. But they were even more surprised when Cinderella took a second glass slipper from her pocket - exactly the same as the first, only on the other foot - and put it on without saying a word. At that very moment the door opened and a fairy, Cinderella's godmother, entered the room.

She touched Cinderella's poor dress with her magic wand, and it became even more magnificent and beautiful than it was the day before at the ball.

Only then did both sisters understand who the beauty they saw in the palace was. They rushed to Cinderella’s feet to beg forgiveness for all the insults she suffered from them. Cinderella forgave her sisters with all her heart - after all, she was not only pretty, but also kind.

The general, accompanied by a team of soldiers, took her to the palace to the young prince, who found that she had become even more beautiful than before.
And a few days later they had a fun wedding.

From an early age, pictures for the fairy tale Cinderella help children not only get acquainted with the wonderful traditions of the Middle Ages, but also learn to revive in their imagination the images of literary heroes that they hear about from their parents. Today, paper publications have given way to electronic libraries: it is incredibly convenient and allows you to open your favorite work almost anywhere in the world. Like many other works, the fairy tale about Cinderella is convenient to read online not only for adults, but also for children who have already learned to read and write.

Every day hundreds of people visit our site to introduce their children to their favorite stories. One of the most popular among them is the fairy tale about Cinderella, which you want to read again and again. Every time you and your child have a unique opportunity not only to immerse yourself in the fascinating and enchanting world of magical fantasies, but also to do something useful for the child together. Many parents wonder: how to get a child to read? Dear adults, there is no need to force reading; you need to introduce your child to various books from an early age and instill an interest in new knowledge. After quite a bit of time, you will see how your baby himself takes a new book from the shelf with interest and starts reading with interest.

If you liked our site or found the information on this page useful, share it with your friends and acquaintances - click one of the social network buttons at the bottom of the page or at the top, because among the heaps of unnecessary garbage on the Internet it is quite difficult to find truly interesting materials.

Today we will talk about how to draw Cinderella, the heroine of a wonderful fairy tale, in which after midnight her carriage turns into a pumpkin, and the handsome prince searches for her by the shoe that she lost.

If you already have experience in drawing girls in dresses, then this is very good, it will be much easier for you. Well, if you don’t have such experience, then it doesn’t matter, now is the time to start learning. So, sharpen your pencils and let's get started!


So, let's figure out how to draw Cinderella with a pencil. It is depicted quite simply, so let’s not waste time and get started as soon as possible!

The first step will be drawing a simple sketch. We depict a head, a triangle and a long skirt. Her right hand will wave to us, and her left hand will hold the skirt of the dress.

Great, we have a sketch and now we need to detail it. Let's start at the top and then gradually work our way down.

Let's draw eyes with black eyelashes, thin eyebrows, a nose and smiling lips.

Let's copy the hairstyle from the picture below.

Now we draw the arms and detail the torso. On one of her hands, only one finger will be visible because the rest will be covered by the skirt. Draw a neckline on the chest with a smooth line and draw in the high shoulders of the dress.

We are working on the skirt. To somehow display the folds, we will draw several vertical stripes, their ends will be rounded at the bottom (to understand what we mean, look at the picture below).

The last step is to color the resulting drawing.

Brief example

Let's look at another example that will show us how to draw Cinderella step by step. It's not too different from the previous one, but some artists like it better, so it's worth breaking down as well.

This method of drawing clearly divides the whole process in half. First we work on the top, then on the bottom. We draw the head and torso. We will start detailing right away, so we will draw the hair, shoulders and neckline.

Add hands in long gloves and this will complete the work on the top. We'll get back to the face a little later.

Let's move on to the lower part, some may find it even more difficult, because the skirt has a rather complex shape and complex fold lines. There is no bad without good, the good thing in this case is that it is not necessary to copy exactly from the picture below. Folds in general can have absolutely any line, and even if you make a mistake and draw a strip in the wrong place, it’s not at all scary.

The last step is to take colored pencils and color!

To better understand how certain elements are depicted, we recommend watching the video tutorial.

Black and white Cinderella

This example showing how to draw Cinderella will be done entirely in black and white. That is, we will only draw outlines and will not paint or apply chiaroscuro.

Our first step, as usual, will be to draw a sketch with the contours of the head, arms and dress, which we will detail in subsequent stages.

We're working on our heads. In principle, all the Cinderellas that we discuss in this article are very similar to each other, but they still have differences in style, in poses and in the drawing process itself.

Draw the top. The arms are spread out in different directions and one of them will hold a fluffy skirt, which we will draw a little later. We also work on the chest and shoulders.

We depict the lower part. As we already said in the previous example, it is not very important to repeat all the lines from the picture exactly. Folds are not the most important thing in drawing!


Now let's talk about vehicles and see how to draw Cinderella's carriage. It has a very unusual round shape, since it is made from a pumpkin and after midnight it turns back into it.

First we need to draw four circles. The largest one will be the body, and four more will be the wheels. You can draw circles with a compass or circle some round things, such as a plate or gouache jar.

The easiest step is to detail the wheels.

Let's turn an ordinary circle into a carriage body. To do this we need to draw a window, an open door and a roof on which there will be a crown.

We draw vertical stripes and add small details such as patterns above the wheels and our drawing is complete.


Now let's see how to draw Cinderella's shoe. The one she lost at the ball. If you have ever drawn shoes, then you will not have any difficulties. And if you haven’t drawn, now we will help you solve all possible problems.

Let's draw a simple sketch. Please note that in the picture below there are three plus signs. They definitely need to be drawn because in the future we will make glitter from them.

In place of the crosses we will depict glitter.

Using a felt-tip pen, marker or pen, trace all the contours that were made in the first step. Also, draw a small bow on the front.

To make our shoe shine even more, let's add a few highlights.

The final step will be coloring.

Girls are very loving creatures. They themselves don’t know what they want, but they need it right now. Here's how to understand what they need? Google doesn't even know. And only in fairy tales and cartoons are there female individuals who know exactly what they need: a prince on a white horse and a castle to boot. Now I’ll tell you a clear example, you’ll find out how to draw Cinderella. Everything was fine: wonderful parents, plenty of money, attention. But mom left this world, and, as often happens, dad, out of grief, found himself a kikimora with two harpy daughters. This is where all girls' problems begin. The father, blinded by love, now does not pay attention to her, and the sisters and stepmother mock the poor girl, force her to clean the whole house, wear torn clothes and clean toilets with a toothbrush. Poor Cinderella wants to meet her prince on a white horse. But suddenly a miracle - her aunt, part-time magician of fire and lightning fairy comes to visit and clarifies the situation. In an instant, a pumpkin turns into a luxurious carriage, rats into horses, old slippers into beautiful shoes and buckets into a powerful stereo system. Let's skip the details and end with the fact that the prince liked the stereo system and married Cinderella. So let's see what a girl needs to be happy:

  • Money and prosperity did not help Cinderella. But she always had a dream, which was not taken away even by such nightmare days, full of eternal humiliation from her sisters and stepmother. Who knows, maybe without a dream there would be nothing left to hold on to. Have your dream!
  • Auntie fairy. Having a dream, of course, is cool, but you can’t do without magic, and here the first problems arise: firstly, if your aunt is a fairy, then only a dentist and only with a poor medical education as a dentist, secondly, the fairy needs money for her work. A pumpkin carriage costs no less than the carriage itself.
  • Pompous stereo system. Yes, any man will immediately buy you an engagement ring, a dress, carry you in his arms and love you for the rest of his life. If you are lucky enough to live in a fairy tale. If not, feed them borscht.

Now let's draw.

How to draw Cinderella with a pencil step by step

Step one. First we draw a matchstick man with a big dress. In the old days, as in fairy tales, a woman was beautiful in what she was wearing, and not vice versa, the less clothing she wore. Step two. We select a place on the head for hair, draw a corset on the body, make the arms denser and more noticeable. Using lines we will add some lining to the dress. Step three. Align the face and hairstyle accordingly. We will also do the same with the shoulders, arms and corset. We wipe the bottom of the dress, leaving only the necessary elements. Step four. We decorate the hem of the dress, and give the girl a sweet and good face. I almost forgot – we draw fingers on the hands with lines. Cinderella is quite ready to go to the ball. Leave your orders and wishes regarding what lessons and on what topics you would like to see. You can do this on this page. Have a nice day and always live like in a fairy tale. Other beautiful ladies are walking here, draw them.

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