Slave from our time 14 read. Yuri Ivanovich Slave from our time. Yuri Ivanovich A slave from our time. Book fourteen. Dead Sea

Between us boys, speaking about the beautiful dancers with divine body shapes, I also didn’t say a word. In their place, he dragged in some two of the Lord’s favorite concubines, who allegedly suggested to us the idea of ​​​​improving the health of the supreme ruler. I was not going to admit to copulation, even if it happened against my will, even under torture. Only the memory of Baron Belykh flashed. By this time the old man could have recovered, regained his memory and told the princesses all the details of our cruise along Sodruelli. And from then on Masha will start telling lies.

I just calmed myself with the thought: since the master of history has not yet returned to Morreidi, it means that his “roof” has not returned to its place. It's a pity, of course, but such is fate. Although upon returning to Gercheri I will definitely try to cure the baron, I promise myself!

But in any case, it was now necessary to arrange a showdown in the Sacred Mound. And tomorrow morning, right before the opening, I intended to arrive at the local shrine.

This is where I was stunned: everyone present decided to go with me!

The father argued that he was overworked and had a day off tomorrow in honor of the arrival of his son and daughter-in-law. My mother stated that she is the only one of my relatives who hears breakdowns in the music being played. Well, it was clear with Masha, she just looked at me, and I realized that it was better for me not to inquire about the reason.

– Without my knowledge of local laws, you, Bor, could easily end up in prison.

– But it hasn’t turned up yet! – I answered defiantly.

– Don’t renounce prison or the bag! - Grandpa reminded me of an old Russian proverb. - Well, besides everything, I also have a day off tomorrow. But upon arrival, I was not able to really admire the wonders of the local shrine. So let's all go together.

The Mayak security chief only snorted when they tried to leave him at home:

“I need to protect you, and then Blachi will cope with the Second.”

Fedor Kvartsev surprised me with his desire to take a closer look first, and then go through the Hypna ritual, while gaining skills in trading. To be honest, this was news to me. I thought that Hypna helps artists, especially artists, grow up. It turned out that the gigantic, interworldly artifact also helps the merchants in their strengthening and development.

Feofan Tsvetogor simply reminded that he had already undergone Hypnu, and, for perfection in painting, it would not hurt him to improve his skills by re-initiation.

“Or have you already made me manager until my death?” – added with offense. – As I remember, the agreement was only for the first period of the formation of production.

I didn’t remember this, to be honest, but I didn’t argue. But he stared at Emma silently, not even trying to guess the reason on her part. She turned out to be very respectful.

– It is necessary to obtain a blessing for the child from the Kurgan. All women who have the opportunity to get to Rushatron do this. But I live here and still haven’t done it.

Then I tried to dissuade my fellow travelers in a different way:

“I don’t want to draw attention to our big company.” Can you imagine what will happen around and in the Sacred Mound itself if people recognize us? And if the news spreads that Empress Guercheri has decided to go on a pilgrimage? Yes, they will accidentally trample us! Isn't it better to go separately, each on his own and dressed completely differently?

“You’re right, we’ll go there incognito,” the father agreed. But Emma reminded everyone of the obvious:

– But our Chi is a unique, excellent person who can do everything. So let him cover us with some kind of averting spell, and no one will recognize us. Or he will change everyone’s appearance with false phantoms. I know excels can do everything.

Relatives and friends supported me, unanimously attacking me with similar advice. Because everyone has heard or read about such miracles. And I looked sadly at the princess, trying to suppress my anger: “After all, she’s an ulcer! Now he’ll go to bed, and I’ll have to practice God knows how long to create these spruce phantoms! And you can’t take revenge on her, you’re pregnant... with a bump on her forehead! Little..."

Chapter Seven
Threats - employer privileges

So for half the night I really had to try, experiment and learn. But studying without a mentor is a thankless task, if not stupid. You can get some bumps by hitting the wall of ignorance with your forehead.

And the Second one didn't help me much. Well, he gave me some kind of table in my memory with a bunch of incomprehensible symbols and a graph of a vague configuration. Well, he stated that these are all ideal calculations for creating complex, long-lived ergi’s, thanks to which you can cover up anything and anyone you want. And from the outside, this “whoever you want” will look the way you yourself project from your own memory. In other words, ergi’s is part of my personal energy and is simply obliged to take any peaceful form without exploding or damaging the cover object.

I understood the theory, but how to use combat magic that kills, or at best puts people to sleep, on a person? Who would you like to experiment on? And how to “project” this? Who would have told me?! It's hard without a mentor...

Masha was waiting for me, waiting in bed, but didn’t notice how she fell asleep. And I kept twisting figs under my nose (figuratively speaking) and trying to fit a wolf, a goat and a cabbage into one boat. Or, to put it another way, connect together a turtle and a tremulous doe.

My Ergi's are too mobile. And they rejected everything extraneous from their structures. So I studied for a long time. The first step is for the clot of energy not to fly towards the target, but to slowly approach it and carefully envelop it. The second step is to give the desired image from my memory. I had enough of them for all occasions, but it turned out to be much more interesting, more exciting, to work with “photographs” of monsters from the Bottom. The baybuki and tervels turned out to be too huge and scary. And they didn’t stick well to ergi’s. But the lizard-like zers, just over two meters high, turned out to be ideal in every sense. And with their appearance they invigorate, drive away sleep, increase adrenaline, and are suitable in size.

It was with the reserve that I got my first phantom decoy. A clot of energy spread across the wall, and the monster froze, as if preparing to attack. Then things went easier, and soon all the walls of the bedroom were terrifyingly staring at me with evil eyes and threatening me with sharp fangs.

And then I was inspired to learn a new skill, which was taught to me by Franey the Hawk, the patriarch and abbot of the monastery. But before, I couldn’t achieve full-fledged illusions. So, a pathetic parody that quickly fades and does not fly far. And, having looked closely at her, even an ordinary person could notice the deception. But coupled with ergi’s, the illusion turned out to be a sight for sore eyes! And she could scare, and scream, and swing with a virtual sword.

But the illusion did not want to stick to a living person. It turned out that this was a completely different section of magical transformations. Therefore, I threw the illusions aside as unnecessary and again focused on phantom deceptions.

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Yuri Ivanovich
A slave from our time. Book fourteen. Dead Sea

The series was founded in 2005

Series development S. Shikina

© Ivanovich Yu., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

All rights reserved. The book or any part thereof may not be copied, reproduced in electronic or mechanical form, photocopying, recording, reproduction or any other means, or used in any information system without obtaining permission from the publisher. Copying, reproduction or other use of a book or part thereof without the consent of the publisher is illegal and entails criminal, administrative and civil liability.


A rare event in the world of Connectors, when they gathered five or more, occurred approximately once every century. Bright individuals, and most likely rabid misanthropes, they denied any pressure on themselves, especially pressure from their own kind. They did not take advice from their colleagues; they were extremely reluctant to enter into alliances and partnerships with them. Well, except that in rare cases they tried to coordinate their actions against another similar group or tried to somehow influence those they especially didn’t like.

Even more rarely, such alliances set themselves the goal of destroying one of the Connectors. Oddly enough, the assassination attempts were successful, those caught in the traps died, although by default they could be considered immortal, and in fact - the strongest magicians among the intelligent.

The reasons for such assassination attempts are different, but sometimes so insignificant that the conspirators, after many centuries, completely forgot them. More often than not, the unions themselves fell apart without achieving the goals they had set for themselves. But still! Yet they continued to exist at this time. And some participants gathered to discuss their future plans, discuss strategy, and simply sit among equals, exchange a word or two with a similar immortal entity.

Five of them gathered today. Only five out of ten who once set out to reshape the universes at their own discretion. More precisely, to change the development of numerous civilizations, directing this development in a clearly defined direction. Moreover, initially everything looked like a euphonious experiment, worthy of all moral support and consistent with all ethical standards. All ten members of the union wanted the best for their brothers in mind. As if…

But it soon became clear that any fundamental change in the controlled bunch was met with fierce resistance from the control programs. That is, the artificial intelligences supervising the Mounds of each world are doing everything possible to neutralize the unauthorized interference of the Connectors.

From that moment on, discord began in the union. It came to the point of mutual hatred and desires to destroy the opponent. A minority of four people stated that such interference was prohibited, stopped the experiments and reconsidered their actions. At the same time, we tried as much as possible to follow the new recommendations of the Frontal Stones. Unfortunately, even among them, changes in some places have become irreversible and have taken on the character of catastrophes. But still, four conservatives believed that the unity of the whole bunch would gradually cope with the distortions that had occurred and correct everything.

Most of the six innovators thought they were on the right path. And changes must be continued, no matter what. And in order to once again prove that they were right, they tried to drive the conservatives out of the world. They say that transformations must be carried out in ten universes at once, then the result will be positive. Who doesn't agree with us? So we’ll remove them unnoticed. Then new colleagues will come to fill the empty space, and you can easily win them over to your side.

As a result of vile adventures, poison and open battles, two conservatives and one innovator died. Moreover, the Iskins of the Clusters not only selected unknown candidates for the vacant positions, but it is also not a fact that they acquired Connectors at all. For almost immediately they completely closed access to their worlds to outsiders. And what was going on there now, it was impossible to even guess. This could not have happened at all, but nevertheless...

But the five conservatives gathered at that hour had no time for other people's estates. They had to deal with their sheep immediately.

Mort presided, so to speak. Once this man was highly respected and was considered one of the main leaders of the union. And now he was simply allowed to sum up the results and summarize opinions, because: two of those gathered were frankly too lazy to lead the meeting, another had long since lost all authority, and the last one in the company was an old slack woman. Nobody would have listened to her at all, if not for one mention: it was at the hands of this ancient little woman named Tsortasha that both conservatives died in their time. She didn’t look very good, but she knew how to conjure such structures that... In general, it was better not to anger her.

They didn't make her angry. They simply tolerated it as a necessary evil. And they secretly respected and were afraid of him.

“As we see, an avalanche-like disaster continues in the cluster of our friend Tamihan,” Mort stated. – More than half of the worlds there have already closed access to their internal spaces. Completely closed, tightly. AND…

– And only one freak is to blame for this! – fat man Tamihan could not resist the final chord of his just finished report-cry. - This is Baccartry Petronius! And this apostate must be killed immediately, throwing all our combined forces at him!

He also tapped the table with his fist to reinforce what he said. Then he froze and fell silent. All four of them gave him too eloquent looks, derogatory and contemptuous. Perhaps the old witch expressed the general idea in a few words:

“You said it, we heard it.” Now shut up!

Tamihan fell silent offended, then frowned and even made a demonstrative attempt to get up and leave the high meeting. Still, he was a personality next to whom any emperors, kings and dictators combined paled. After all, despite his current quarrelsomeness, lack of self-control, and extreme undignity, once upon a time, a long time ago, the system still chose him as a Binder. In some way he stood out from the billions of other sentient beings, in some way he was uniquely suited to the role of a living coordinator, litmus and comparative reference point for the majestic ancient structures, which have no analogues in all the universes covered by the portals.

But he stood up, but did not move further, again pretending that he remembered something important. He sat back down, opened the folder he had brought with him and began reading it deeply, muttering:

- And here somewhere I had...

He could have left. But to return back - no. No one would have invited him, and no one would have given admission to the obstinate who had already left the meeting. And he bored his former comrades worse than a bitter radish.

Why ex? And this became clear from further debates. And Tamihan began them with his last word, as if there was no pause in the meeting:

– ...And therefore it is urgently necessary to urgently change our impact on reality. From now on, everything must be done to ensure that the terrogral phases of rhythm and logical choice follow the path of self-restoration. In other words, the time has come to admit the complete failure of our innovative ideas, their disastrous direction for us. Let's face it: the conservatives were right. At this moment, we need to take a closer look at the activities of the same Petronius and do as he does. Or does anyone have other suggestions?

There were no radically different proposals. Thus, small clarifications, advice and coordination of upcoming approvals in the course of the planned changes. A turnover that might seem boring if it did not concern the destinies of entire civilizations.

None of the four Linkers beat their chests to prove they were right in the past. They did not even tear out the hair on their heads, admitting to the mistakes of the present. Got it. Recognized. They changed the policy. We decided to act differently and have already acted.

And only the silent, blushing Tamihan furiously shredded the folder with his hands, showing with all his appearance how dissatisfied he was with the intentions of his colleagues. Knowing his explosive nature, everyone just grinned and waited for him to burst into abuse.

Alas, they didn’t wait. Tamihan only squeezed out of himself at the very end of the meeting, stuttering and blinking his eyes nervously:

- A-ah... w-what about me? W-who will h-help me break into the blocked worlds?

- Don't worry, buddy! – the sorceress Tsortasha consoled him. - We won’t leave you in trouble. Moreover, completely blocking the entire world is nonsense. There are always backup portals through which natives of other worlds can break through. All we have to do is recruit ten of the smartest scoundrels and properly instruct them. And let the kids have fun. Suddenly they will come up with something useful. Hehehe!..

Now Tamihan looked at his colleagues stunned:

– What are you?.. Have you already written off my bunch?.. And me along with it?.. And now you are giving it to adventurers for plunder?..

“There’s nothing else left,” Mort stated with a sour expression on his face. “But it is in your power to put these adventurers under control and direct their destructive activities.” With your experience? Yes with your knowledge? You will succeed.

Without asking anything else, Tamihan stood up and, like a somnambulist, moved towards the failure of the portal, constantly acting on the exit. Looking after him and waiting for him to disappear, presiding Mort only added as a matter of course:

– Surely a new Binder will soon appear in his bunch (if it does not collapse!). Why not continue the experiment? And if our seconded... hmm, let's call them Destroyers, still help?.. It will work out great! Eh?.. And we, as if it had nothing to do with it, will remain on the sidelines.

Judging by how the people remaining at the negotiations grinned meaningfully, they were still comrades-in-arms. But the losers... But there is no time for sentimentality, as they say: “... the detachment did not notice the loss of a soldier, continuing to crawl towards the machine guns!”

Chapter 1

When they kill me, I kill back. And even when I am still sure that I will die, I will try to take revenge on my killer. Moreover, it is not so difficult with my skills and the remaining supply of magical energy.

As soon as they pushed me, and I waved my arms and fell into the abyss, I immediately twisted myself enough to fall backwards. At that moment I was not afraid or offended by the unknown enemy, but almost exploded with rage and anger:

"Creature! You’ll die anyway!” – with these thoughts, I pulled out such a huge ergi’s from my left shoulder, which I had never created before in my life. He spent at least forty percent of his energy on him, leaving himself a pitiful crumb of ten percent. And even those will no longer be useful...

But my fiery explosive ergi’s, which hit the middle window, not only pierced it, it exploded, punishing the reptile hiding somewhere there. The resulting explosion tore apart the entire space of the wall between the side windows and knocked out all the stones from the floor to the top of the floor. And this is a good five, if not six meters.

That is, all three windows collapsed in a cloud of flying fragments. Moreover, from the room itself, which is in the middle, numerous pieces of furniture, some carpets and vague remains of several pieces of bloody flesh were also swept away by the return blast wave. Tight seal? Or are the internal armored doors leading to the corridor and being locked with all the bolts to blame? And that’s what they need! Revenge has taken place!

True, now all these fragments, pieces and fragments were flying down with me. More precisely, they tried to catch up with me, finish me off, finish me off, pierce me in flight.

What else remained to be wondered at: why the light in the right, outer room, which I never had time to look into, did not go out. But I no longer had the opportunity or desire to look closely to see if anyone would look out from there. Because consciousness, after completely successful revenge, went to the other extreme. Namely, it screamed: survive! Survive at any cost!

Only everyone can scream, except the dumb, but only a few survive in such situations... out of billions. If not less! Next we need to act. Or think well, instantly looking for a way out of the current deadly situation. This is where the subconscious, dexterity and experience come into play. And I don’t know which of them famously proposed two options for salvation at once:

“You must have a parachute!” and “Even better – turn into a moth!”

Who are they so smart and quick-witted? You don't have a parachute with you. And somehow I didn’t learn to turn into a moth. I even doubt that having a full set of gruans would have saved me. Maximum protection for Svetozarny also does not always save him from everything.


The clues about the parachute and the moth forced me to act in the only right way. Although I didn’t know how much longer I had to fall and what, I began to act immediately. I didn't know how to fly, But! Just recently, the genius, prophet and messiah of the lizard civilization literally forced me to improve my levitation skills. Magic is beyond my capabilities and extremely difficult, and I never succeeded. But I managed to slightly reduce my physical weight, thanks to which I could jump higher, further and... hmm, better. In other words, I managed to greatly reduce the weight of my pumped up carcass. By the way, the carcass is not naked, but hung with various weapons, artifacts, storage devices, protective amulets and other equipment necessary for our dangerous expedition.

Remembering this, I threw off my belt with weapons and unloading. More than twenty kilograms is a minus. Lepota! Unless you take into account that the fall almost didn’t slow down after that.

Now all that remains is to use the parachute. More precisely, create it from scrap materials. And do it quickly. In the fall. At any moment, expecting every cell of the body to face a deadly collision. Why and how can you do something like this? That's right, from only one item that I had: an artifact scarf. The same trap in which the traitor Vayliada was going to catch Almaz, and then poison me and my friend Lenya Naydenov.

I had information about the scarf. Even if it is partial, it is quite sufficient. Incredibly durable, waterproof magical fabric that is also breathable. Exactly! Air! So I pressed the corners of the scarf to my legs with magical force manipulators. I grabbed the other two corners with my hands and tried to somehow turn my stomach down so that the dome would open behind my back and, as it were, above me.

The very first attempt showed that nothing would work out in trying to achieve just such a position. So I continued to fall down on my back, spreading my legs and arms as far to the sides as possible. And it turned out to create a completely springy dome that inhibits downward movement. Yes, so slow that I began to glide a little to the side, and all the debris from the torn wall, as well as fragments of windows, sharply overtook me in the fall. Moreover, I managed to glide significantly away from the vertical rock surface. In the end, this is what added chances to my salvation.

Intuition (or chance?) also prompted in time: “Look around!” And the second time, already under the makeshift dome, I bent over, trying to look down past my armpit. It’s a difficult action, I admit, even for my advanced body of excellence, Iggeld, the guardian of the mound, the Radiant and... others. But somehow he turned around, managing to see the reflection of water about fifty meters below him. What is fifty meters at a fall speed of seven, eight meters per second? Because it was to this speed of fall that my mortal carcass slowed down.

So after the fifth second I dissipated the power grips connecting my legs to the artifact scarf. Immediately my hands pulled my body into a vertical position and... A blow followed!

I understood that it would hurt. To be honest, I didn’t even have any hope that I would be able to escape. And he built maximum protection around himself with the crumbs of remaining energy. Order in order, as it should be. Grouped up. Inhaled. I tensed up. He pressed his elbows to his body. I managed to close my eyes.

And all the same, it hit the waterooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... The thought flashed: my skin was torn off along with my clothes! In addition, he was hit on the back and a little lower with several sledgehammers, and the back of the head was hit by a speeding dump truck. The elbows were almost torn from the shoulders along with them. The water entered my nose so much that it splashed out of my ears. It’s not worth remembering other painful little things. Or to put it another way: when you are burned at the stake, your toothache is immediately forgotten.

So I forgot for a while about everything... Including: who I am and what my name is. Only bad words rushed around in the skull, trying to force out only one question:

“Why does it hurt so much?!!!”

It probably went on like that for about two minutes. There are no new questions yet:

“What should I breathe? Do I need to surface for this or not?!” The remnants of logic hinted that I had already been torn to pieces, and the pieces smoothly sank to the very bottom of the deepest local ocean.

Sensitivity – zero. Therefore, I moved my broken limbs for another half a minute, trying to understand the position of my body in space. Only then did I realize: I was floundering on the surface of the water, my back up. He immediately thought of raising his head, inhaling the terribly humid air and coughing from the all-encompassing pain. Hmmm! Am I so unlucky to suffer because of someone else’s meanness? Or should I rejoice because of my miraculous, incredible salvation?

Most likely I should have tuned in to the latter, but I couldn’t. And I didn’t want to shout at the top of my lungs, wave my arms and praise the Shuivs. He just somehow turned over on his back, spat out the salt water and stupidly tried to lie down.

The following thoughts concerned the ambient temperature and certain properties of the liquid. It is relatively cold, no more than ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. You can’t lie in such water for a long time without moving, you risk hypothermia and death in about thirty minutes. Well, since the liquid is salty, it means it is from the sea. Or here is the ocean. Why then can’t you hear the sea surf? I can't hear a bit! But does that really happen?

Or did I go deaf after the blow? I listened to what was needed and strengthened it. I made out something: a sort of slap of water, rather its breathing, the touch of stones. Plus a clearly audible knocking sound with a clattering and rustling sound. It’s as if there are a dozen hedgehogs running around on a wooden floor.

A familiar sound from childhood. The village of Lapovka, our family’s big house. Sometimes our beloved grandmother Marfa would throw one or even two hedgehogs into it, feed them milk and pamper them with fried potatoes. In gratitude, the hedgehogs completely exterminated all the mice, moles and rats throughout the immediate vicinity.

Again, we had two hedgehogs, here there are at least a dozen of them. Or hundreds? But at least the knocking, slapping and rustling are coming from one side. That means there is a shore there. Or that very sheer cliff from which I fell. That’s where I began to row, grimacing in pain and groaning like an old rheumatic man.

By the way, the illuminated window, which remained far above, could not be seen through the hazy fog and darkness.

It turned out to be a short swim, a hundred, a hundred and twenty meters. It’s good that he moved like a drifter, a sort of massive, clumsy log. That’s why I touched the sharp stones at the bottom carefully, without causing further damage to myself. Somehow he settled down among the fragments, knelt down and carefully began to examine the edge of the shore. The strip that opened in front of me, about six meters wide, was covered with a moving, glittering carpet!

“Crabs! Thousands! Epic nut! Where are there so many of them! And for what reason? - Taking a closer look, I saw those same few pieces of flesh, bloody and torn. They fell after me. The remains of my vile offender? It was these remains that the crawling hordes of seafood sought most of all. Under the shells and paws it was useless to look for my things at that moment, discarded along with the belt and unloading. And if the improvised parachute had not floated into the open sea, the impact on the rocks would have driven my legs into my own shoulders.

And the poor head could not have split into pieces. And survive, watching for several minutes not only agony. So I would die consciously, watching how the mandibles of crabs eat away my eyelids, eyebrows, eyes... Brrrrr! What a horror! It’s better not to think about it... It’s better to focus on checking your internal organs.

One of the tests was that I tried to stand up. It worked, and now I stood staggering. But my innate sincerity tried to shame me:

"Do not lie! You stood up not to check, but because you were scared of the crabs! And at least excellent boots with high muffs protect your legs almost up to the knees. Who would scare you more? So that you jump onto land?..”

It's easy to say: jumped out. Here every step was given with such difficulty, as if moving on crutches. But still he came out onto bare stones, from which the carpet of crabs rolled away with a dissatisfied rustling sound. Ha! After all, they were the ones who were afraid of me!

Having proved to himself his own coolness, he continued to inspect not only the shore. The worst thing was with the presence of magical energy: zero point zero. In connection with which I belatedly regretted:

“What is the rush for this revenge? Well, an unknown man pushed me, well, he misspoke, mistaking me for his wife’s lover, who doesn’t?.. I should have postponed the conversation with him until later, taking revenge on him with chilling sophistication and a well-thought-out fantasy. But now I would “fix” myself within five minutes, quickly find all my lost property and be fully armed. But no! I smashed a huge piece of the wall and almost died under its rubble... And who am I after that?..”

A rhetorical question, answered with the same impartial sincerity: “Who, who... A rare choleric! First he does something, and only then thinks!”

By the way, she turned out to be right: I didn’t even think about the fact that something else might fall on me! For I had not walked even a dozen steps among the slimy stones when a small piece of masonry fell next to me. And literally immediately after it, a piece of stone with a fragment of a wooden frame. Glory to the Shuivas that it was not me who died, but two dozen flattened crabs.

Well, yes, after such an explosion more than one piece will fall off the wall. And if any rescuers, investigators or other vigilantes arrived at the scene of events, then for the sake of banal clearing the scene of events, they will, without further ado, sweep away the excess garbage into the abyss. And there I am, all so naively weakened, looking for my unloading, belt, intelligence and yesterday.

Of course, I didn’t think better right away. But looking up, he tried to clench his fists threateningly:

- What are you doing, bastards?.. As soon as I throw... something...

While he was indignant, his legs turned out to be smarter than his body and his head, which was still ringing, and began to take the most valuable things to the side, towards several boulders piled on top of each other. And then some smart thoughts appeared:

“Really, we need to wait it out... And in general, when does dawn come here?”

I preferred not to fantasize about the fact that eternal night reigns in this world. Otherwise, you can jinx it.

Part 1.

Any secret is carefully hidden from the uninitiated. But among the secrets there are some that are so dangerous to know that you should think seven times before setting out on a quest for the truth. Boris Ivlaev was lucky. He not only learns about the existence of another world, he ends up in it and at the same time remains alive, despite deadly traps. But here’s the problem: the number of secrets is multiplying here at a crazy speed, however, the number of dangers awaiting Boris is growing at no less speed. And the cannibals into whose clutches our traveler falls are not the worst thing that threatens him in the new world.

Part 2.

The World of Three Shields, the dangers of which Boris Ivlaev managed to avoid with such difficulty during his last visit there, again presents unexpected “gifts” to the discoverer of the road between the worlds. This time, our traveler’s friends, who followed in his footsteps into the other world, are calling for help. And so, taking with him two faithful comrades, Boris hurries to save his girlfriends in trouble. But the laws of transition are unpredictable, friends find themselves far from each other, and in order to fulfill their mission, they are forced not to part with their weapons, making their way among hordes of bloodthirsty monsters.

Part 3.

In order to snatch his girlfriends from the crucible of the war with the cannibals, Boris Ivlaev is forced to make an unprecedented raid through the rear of the Zroaks, while destroying dozens of both the cannibals themselves and the Krechs, their flying minions. Former circus master Leonid Naydenov helps him in this. Friends who have taken new names for themselves are successful, but the only problem is that the dugouts they are looking for do not stay in one place for a long time, but heroically fight with the asps of the human race. Therefore, it is difficult to find them, but it is impossible to give up searching...

Part 8.

Boris Ivlaev returns home to his native world and hurries to hide in the remote village of Lapovka. But he is not destined to sit in peace and security, solving the problems that have arisen. An old house on the outskirts is filled with strangers, and relatives are in captivity. We have to act extremely harshly, clearing all traces, then take our own, and all together go to Rushatron, the capital of the world of Three Shields...

Part 9.

The legendary “Slave from our time” Boris Ivlaev has finally found his girlfriends in the vastness of the world of Three Shields. But how can he appear to them in the form that he acquired as a result of his sad adventures? Could this bald, scarred man be their old friend and lover! So Boris decided to look around first. Moreover, the war with the Zroaks continues, and it cannot be said that the valiant troops of Empress Maria Ivlaeva-Gercheri are winning brilliant victories over them...

Part 11.

New adventures of the legendary “slave from our time” Boris Ivlaev and his friend Leonid Naydenov! Leonid settled down quite well in the world of Alarm Love. Still would! Great artist. Local women are crazy about him. Even if the two main lovers, Echidna and Gorgon, do not take their eyes off him, Leonid always manages to show signs of attention to some sexy beauty. The problem is that he's tired of it all. Leonid is increasingly worried about his friend Boris Ivlaev, who remained in the world of Three Shields. How is he doing? Why didn’t he come back for his friend Naydenov, as he promised? It turned out that Leonid was not in vain to worry. But there was no need to rush headlong into searching for Boris...

Part 12.

Continuation of the adventures of Boris Ivlaev and Leonid Naydenov in Worlds of Delivery!

The Creators of the Worlds have become completely insolent, throwing two bosom friends from one World to another, not allowing them to come to their senses. Now they were thrown to the intelligent tyrannosaurs, who, although they became wiser, did not become less dangerous. Boris would be very happy to find out what is here and why. With his magical skills, this is not difficult to do. The problem is that Boris gave his word to his comrade Boar Swanhu that he would deliver his beloved nephews home safe and sound. He gave his word, but keeping it turned out to be not so easy...

Part 13.

Continuation of the adventures of Boris Ivlaev! Boris and his friends Lenya, Bagdran, Eulesta and Tsilkhi find themselves captured by a tribe of baby dolls. They would have had a very hard time if not for their acquaintance with the mysterious savage, whom they call among themselves the Witch Doctor. Boris immediately falls in love with the beauty, for whom, according to the laws of the healers, he is only one of many men. Involuntarily, you have to look for ways to escape from a hostile world...

You can’t hide it anywhere further than the prince, but at least the very moment of the transition here from another world was desirable to keep secret for some time. Look around first, agree with each other. Suddenly, you’ll be able to come up with something useful. But for this it was desirable to remove the servants from here altogether. And close the outer doors.

Fortunately, the cleanup was almost completed. So the servants can get out of here on time. The main thing is not to stand idle and not engage in vain chatter. Therefore, an arrogant tone and the right threat are the best incentive to accelerate.

The idea turned out to be effective. Less than five minutes had passed before the cleanup was completed, and both candidate peasants left the scene, taking with them two heavy bags of garbage. Maybe somewhere out there they will open their mouths, wondering out loud at a stranger in somewhat strange clothes, but when else will this happen?

In the meantime, Naydenov began to act. He rushed to the doors and closed all three in turn. Then he hurried to the arrival point. During! Torukh appeared on it with his eyes tightly closed from excess emotions.

Leonid grabbed his hand and said:

- There is a wall in front of you. Take a little step forward and to the right... One more... Be careful, there are already fragments of the wall... Open your eyes!

- Wow! – the prince admired, looking around nervously and trying to understand and examine everything at once. -Where are we? And what kind of building is this?.. Where is Excellence Boris?

- Shut up and listen to me! “I even had to tug the baby doll by the sleeve so that he would concentrate on the sounding instructions: “It’s not just a different world here, but they speak a different language.” He is unknown to you, and therefore keep quiet, behave respectably and puff out your cheeks for importance. Let's try to imagine you as a guest from afar, and me as your translator, assistant and ally.

- A-ah... why don’t we step back? - the prince showed his characteristic intelligence. But as soon as the earthling’s finger pointed to the right point, he said understandably: “Wow...

“As I understand it, Borya managed to fight here and seriously destroy these premises,” Leonid continued briskly. “At the same time, a local zouave, a certain Diallo, died. His wife Malanya Diyallo remained a widow. But she herself suffered in the process and is now unconscious. That is, I will tell everyone that we were secretly invited here by her late husband, and we can only report to her.

– When were you invited?

– Yesterday, probably... Look, do you see the sky on one side starting to brighten? So, dawn is just around the corner.

- Understood. I begin to puff out my cheeks.

And so the prince’s round face began to look like a bun that was about to burst in several places. That is, the titled chidi was not at all bothered by the complexity of the situation. Rather, he was glad that his dream had come true and he saw a different world, different from his native one. This is already the second time in the last half hour, if you remember that he briefly looked into Stepnoy.

But there was no time to admonish an unexpected fellow traveler and assistant. It is advisable to leave this place of recent tragic events as quickly as possible. After all, people on duty can drop by here at any moment, and it’s better to meet them for the first time as far away from here as possible.

Without doubting the correctness of his actions, Leonid looked into the corridor, did not see any of the important people there and carried the prince along with him. A few turns and they noticed the slightly open door of an empty room. It looks like a small workshop or studio. We went there and waited until a noisy company of five local aborigines with swords passed by. The later the strangers are examined and noticed in different parts of this confusing labyrinth, the better.

After which Naydenov again went out into the corridor, already in the mood for other actions. And then the opportunity arose when he grabbed by the collar the first tomboy he came across, who was rushing somewhere and who, by all indications, corresponded to the position of “come, give me”:

- Hey, you! What have you heard about the Zouave's well-being? Still unconscious?

- I can’t know, Mr.... uh, good one. She's in the hospital...

- Well, take us there, otherwise we still have trouble finding our way around the castle!

“So, me...” the young servant tried to wriggle out, apparently having another task from his superior colleagues, but he froze with his mouth slightly open and his eyes bulging.

Because after the earthling’s conditional gesture, the chidi came out into the corridor, stepping decorously and puffing out his cheeks. And such an intelligent creature was clearly a novelty here! Or even more precisely: such miracles have never been seen here. This was understood by the reaction of others. Not only did the servant's eyes bulge, but also two female persons carrying a basket of laundry froze in place, mixing up the expressions of their quite cute faces.

Therefore, we had to hurry up, using the scanty information received here:

-Why are you frozen like a statue? Take us to the hospital immediately! – he also shook the servant by the collar for the sake of warning. “Otherwise I’ll complain about you to the Zouave and tomorrow you’ll be working in the fields!”

After which the little one showed such agility and zeal that he had to be stopped at turns with sharp shouts:

- Do not rush! We shouldn't rush.

It was worth mentioning that all the other oncoming people froze in place, staring at the pompously pacing doll. And Leonid mentally lamented such savagery and feverishly tried to come up with:

“How can we legend our appearance? Moreover, if the countess wakes up and denies in every possible way her acquaintance with us? Then there is nothing left to do but blame everything on the late count. They say he called us to uncover the impending assassination attempt on him. Who met us? How did you get to the castle? Where did you live?.. Ha! They didn’t see anything, didn’t remember the room, came out in response to the noise, and learned about the events from snippets of conversations going on around them. I’ll lie the rest as events unfold, I think I’ll get out of it...”

While walking, I was somewhat surprised by the lack of windows to the outside and the very weak, one might say emergency, lighting in the corridors. But in the foyer of the infirmary itself it turned out to be much brighter. And there the guide rushed to the elderly people walking towards them:

- Master healer! These guys want to see the Zouave immediately. Although the second one looks very strange.

While both old men stared at the prince and looked at him in surprise, Naydenov partially introduced himself:

“We arrived late yesterday evening, at the secret invitation of the Zouave Diyall. We didn’t have time to talk to him; he turned out to be very busy. And now... all that remains is to introduce myself to his honorable wife.

- No! – the master, apparently the main one in this monastery of healing, shook his head. - She must not be disturbed. Absolutely impossible! She seems to be conscious, but she is still fast asleep, and waking her is contraindicated.

- Fine. We are ready to wait. Order that we be taken back to the apartments allocated to us and provided with breakfast.

– Who are you, exactly? – the doctor finally decided to ask.

“Only her ladyship Malanya Diallo will have the right to tell you about this secret.”

Judging by the way both old men grimaced, they were in complete misunderstanding of the situation. If only they knew how much more difficult Naydenov felt! The only thing that consoled him was the common saying:

“Lying is not carrying bags!”


I devoured the breakfast provided to me in about six minutes. Perhaps he left the tea for last, and stood still with his bowl near the door, sometimes sipping a cooling, rather decent-tasting drink and listening carefully. What's going on out there? And in honor of what is someone shouting dully at each other?

It turned out that they were shouting not from freedom, but from the same prisons as mine. It would be more correct to say that they do not shout, but scold my new friend, if I can say so about the food delivery man. And both negotiating parties were in even-numbered cells, on the other side of the corridor, numbers eight and four.

As I was able to figure out, a man was screaming from the fourth:

- So what, this nasty crab didn’t even give you breakfast?

- Exactly! - the woman from the eighth, which is opposite, answered him. – I talked to some stub from the seventh and rushed off somewhere! What a bastard! I'll complain again!

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