Raymond Bolshoi Theater. Raymond's performance. Performances in various theaters

This is not a premiere or a debut. It’s just that the Bolshoi gives its biggest ballets in series: several performances in a row, after which there is such a long break that everyone gets bored madly and everything happens again, as if for the first time.

"Raymonda" is a ballet for balletomanes. It’s just that it’s probably a little boring for the audience: three hours of classical dances with virtually no explanation of who, whom and why. For ballerinas, this is also a real murder. Choreographer Marius Petipa composed here the most difficult, grueling and beautiful ballerina part of all times - barely having time to catch her breath from one solo, the ballerina takes on the next. It was 1898, and fashion in the ballet world was set by Italian dancers from Milan, from the dance school at La Scala - tiny, muscular and incredibly virtuosic, to match their operatic compatriots. Since then, ballet girls have grown up a lot. And this greatly added to their difficulties in “Raymond”: long arms, long legs and a tall body have to be compressed and arranged into a very compact, patterned, compressed, dexterous - not to say fidgety - coloratura choreography. There are quite a few good performers of Swan Lake in modern Russian ballet, but almost none for Raymonda. Actually, this is why balletomanes love “Raymonda”: ​​if a ballerina has mastered “Raymonda,” then, without a doubt, she is a super ballerina.

The point is also that Petipa was at one time heavily criticized by critics for “Raymonda”: ​​translated into today’s language, they accused the choreographer of “pornography” (having, however, approved of the beautiful dances). This was the first ballet about sex - you feel that the beginning of the twentieth century and all sorts of decadent things are already very close. Countess Raymonda does nothing but sleep and dream endlessly. She dreams of men. In ordinary life, she has a fiancé - a knight named Jean de Brienne (Petipa opened a history book at random and named the hero the first name he came across - and this name belonged to one of the last kings of the Kingdom of Jerusalem). But he went to war. And the unquenched Raymonda keeps dreaming that an oriental-looking stranger greedily grabs her with his hands, and then drags her away, throwing her over his shoulder. In life, she is also confused about her desires - it’s difficult to retell it: answering a simple question of what women want, the choreographer was too clever with the libretto. But in the end, the groom returns from the war, like Odysseus, and resolves the rivals who have flocked to Raymonda’s scent - at the same time cutting with a sword the libretto that has become tangled in a knot. At the end, everyone dances with obvious relief... So. The main difficulty of “Raymonda” is that the ballerina needs to manage to convey sexuality and make her eyes wet, constantly bringing her plane out of choreographic spins and dives. Not every woman is capable of this.

For the current series of performances, the Bolshoi has nominated three contenders. The first performance will be danced by Maria Allash, a colorful but unstable brunette. The second is Nadezhda Gracheva: she will most likely be, although not the standard Raymonda, but the best of the three proposed - an experienced ballerina, very technical, somewhat rude, but biting. The third performance is danced by Anna Antonicheva - a girl with a cartoon face, incredibly beautiful legs and a room temperature temperament - in “Swan Lake” this still works like “lyrical silence”, but “Raymonda” will not light up. But Anna Antonicheva got the best partner - Dmitry Belogolovtsev will appear in the role of that same Saracen Abderakhman, who opens his arms and dances fiery oriental dances. Dmitry Belogolovtsev is a dancer of true Moscow scope and a strong gloomy temperament. Another beauty is that he looks like a Nordic blond.

The ballet “Raymonda” is one of the most famous Russian ballets; audiences always like it, thanks to the harmonious combination of complex and beautiful choreography, a romantic plot and beautiful music. At the Bolshoi Theater, this ballet was staged by Yuri Grigorovich, partially using elements of Petipa and Gorsky.

About the ballet "Raymonda"

Composer A.K. Glazunov and libretto authors M. Petipa and I. Vsevolozhsky, the ballet “Raymonda” was created according to Pashkova’s script. The script was not very successful, but Marius Ivanovich was a great choreographer, he introduced such complex elements into the performance that as a result this musical work, combined with excellent music, went down in the history of ballet art.

At the beginning of 1898, the public saw the ballet for the first time at the Mariinsky Theater. The success was simply stunning; Glazunov was even solemnly presented with a laurel wreath. It must be said that Glazunov created his first ballet when Petipa was already almost at the end of his career.

The ballet “Raymonda” is an example of the best classics of the world art of ballet; it has been and is being staged by the best theaters in the world, and is invariably popular with the public. The music of “Raymonda” is beautiful: it is melodic and dramatic, with small “oriental” intonations, folk scenes and lyrical episodes.

About the ballet “Raymonda” at the Bolshoi Theater

This piece of music is considered not only one of the most beautiful, but one of the most difficult ballets. Not all theaters decide to stage it, however, at the Bolshoi there has never been such a problem. Al was the first to stage “Raymonda” on the capital’s stage. Gorsky in 1908, in 1945 this ballet was updated by Leonid Lavrovsky.

Today the ballet “Raymonda” at the Bolshoi Theater can be seen in a wonderful production by Yu. Grigorovich; he first staged it in 1984, and updated it in 2003, working together with the artist S. Virsaladze. The choreographer retained the main fragments from the choreography created by Petipa, but added variations from Gorsky's later production, as well as his own elements. As a result, the action turned out to be brighter, more dramatic and acquired an oriental picturesque character.

All the scenery, as well as the costumes for the ballet “Raymonda” in Moscow, were made according to sketches from Italy. The costumes are truly magnificent: they simply shine with whiteness, they are airy, shimmer with a golden sheen, and this creates a special mood - very light, completely relaxed and sparkling.

How to buy tickets for the ballet "Raymonda"

A perfect combination of unforgettable music and impeccable choreography, masterfully performed, this is ample reason to buy tickets to the Raymonda ballet. Qualified managers of our agency will help you choose the most convenient seats in the auditorium. In addition, having extensive experience (the agency has existed since 2006), we offer:

  • free delivery of any tickets not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg;
  • receiving any information support regarding the sale of tickets for the ballet “Raymonda” in 2018;
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  • discount if tickets are purchased for groups of ten people or more.

So, an endlessly temperamental, very bright, emotional and dynamic ballet is “Raymonda,” which can be seen at the Bolshoi. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to spend a wonderful evening in the world of high musical art.

At the end of the 19th century, composer A. Glazunov wrote “Raymonda” (ballet). The content is borrowed from the knightly legend. It was first staged at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

History of creation

"Raymonda" is a spectacular performance with a romantic plot, beautiful music and bright choreography. It is one of the most famous and beloved Russian ballets. The author of the music is Alexander Glazunov. He wrote it by order of I. Vsevolzhsky, who at that time was the director of the Imperial Theaters. The composer was given very little time to write music for this ballet. “Raymonda” was the first ballet written by A. Glazunov. The composer worked with enthusiasm and pleasure, he liked the plot, the theme of the Middle Ages and chivalry had been of keen interest to him since childhood.

As mentioned above, the libretto of the ballet “Raymonda” was based on the knightly legend. A brief summary of it will be presented in this article. The authors of the libretto were I. Vsevolzhsky and M. Petipa. The script was written by L. Pashkova. The choreography of the performance was created by the brilliant M. Petipa. This was his last major production. The part of the main character is one of the most difficult to perform. Raymond was danced by such great ballerinas as M. Plisetskaya, G. Ulanova, N. Dudinskaya, N. Bessmertnova, L. Semenyaka and others.

Plot and characters

Ballet characters:

  • Raymonda.
  • White lady.
  • Countess Sibylla.
  • Knight Jean de Brienne.
  • Abderakhman.

And also the castle manager, Raymonda's friends, pages, troubadours, retinue, knights, vassals, ladies, servants, soldiers, Moors, heralds.

Brief summary of the ballet "Raymonda". The main character is a young beautiful girl. She has a fiance - the crusader Jean, whom she is waiting for from the campaign. Abderakhman arrives at the celebration of Raymonda's name day and asks for the girl's hand in marriage. But she refuses the Saracen. Then he tries to kidnap her. But the groom, who returns in time, saves the girl and kills Abderakhman in a duel. The action begins with a wedding feast.

First act

We begin to describe the content of the ballet “Raymonda”: ​​Act I. The scene is a medieval castle. Its owner is Countess de Doris. It’s her niece Raymonda’s name day, and on this occasion, celebrations are held at the castle. Young people dance and have fun. The Countess is dissatisfied with the general idleness. She scares young people with the White Lady. The girls just laugh at the fact that the countess is so superstitious. The White Lady is the patroness of the House of Doris, and she appears when one of the family members is in danger. A messenger arrives at the castle with the news that Raymonda's fiancé will arrive tomorrow. Soon a Saracen appears, who had heard a lot about the girl’s beauty and decided to pay her a visit. Abderakhman is delighted with Raymonda.

After the holiday, the guests leave, only Raymonda’s close friends remain in the castle. At night the White Lady appears to her. She calls Raymonda into the garden. There the White Lady first shows her her groom. Raymonda rushes into his arms, but at that moment the vision disappears, and Abderakhman appears in his place. The girl falls unconscious.

Second act

Contents of the ballet “Raymonda” (Act II). Once again the scene is the Countess's castle. Knights, vassals, neighbors, and troubadours come to the holiday. Raymonda is waiting for her groom to return. Soon the Saracen appears. The girl does not want to accept him, but her aunt persuades her to be hospitable. Abderakhman invites Raymond to become his wife, but is refused. Then the Saracen tries to kidnap the beauty. At this moment, Jean, Raymonda’s fiancé, appears at the castle. He saves his beloved and challenges the Saracen to a duel. During the fight, the White Lady appears and blinds Abderakhman with light. Jean kills the Saracen.

Third act

Performances in various theaters

The audience of the Mariinsky Theater was the first to discover the content of the ballet “Raymonda” in 1898. The play was first performed at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in 1900. In 1973 the ballet was filmed. In 2003, choreographer Yu. Grigorovich created his own choreography and his own libretto for the performance. Thanks to J. Balanchine and R. Nuriev, the ballet gained fame abroad. Now “Raymonda” is known and loved all over the world.

Act I
Young Raymonda, niece of Countess Sibylla de Doris, is betrothed to knight Jean de Brienne. The knight comes to the castle to say goodbye to his bride. He must go on a campaign against the infidels, led by the Hungarian King Andrew II.
Raymonda says goodbye to her groom, and he leaves her.
Night. A magical garden of dreams appears in front of Raymonda. In the girl's dreams - Jean de Brien. Happy lovers are together again. Suddenly Jean de Brienne disappears. Instead, Raymonda sees an unknown eastern knight who turns to her with a passionate declaration of love. Raymonda is confused. She falls unconscious. The mirage disappears.
Dawn is coming. Raymonda realizes that her night vision is prophetic, it was sent to her from above as a sign of fate.

Action II
There is a celebration at Doris's castle. Among the other guests is the Saracen knight Abderakhman, accompanied by a magnificent retinue. Raymonda fearfully recognizes him as the mysterious hero of her nightly dreams.
Abderakhman offers Raymond power, wealth and power in exchange for her hand in marriage. Raymonda rejects her uninvited suitor. Enraged, he tries to kidnap her.
Suddenly, knights returning from a campaign appear. Jean de Brien is with them.
King Andrew II invites Jean de Brien and Abderakhman to try their luck in a fair fight. Jean de Brien defeats Abderakhman. And the lovers are reunited.

Action III
King Andrew II blesses Raymonda and Jean de Brienne. In honor of the King of Hungary, the wedding celebration ends with a large Hungarian dance.


We present to your attention the libretto of the ballet "Raymonda". Ballet "Raymonda" in three acts with apothesis. Composer A.K. Glazunov. Libretto by L. Pashkova, M. Petipa, the plot is borrowed from a medieval knightly legend. Staged by M. Petipa. Artists O. Allegri, K. Ivanov, P. Lambin.

Characters: Raymonda, Countess de Doris. Countess Sibylla, Raymonda's aunt, White Lady, patroness of the House of Doris. Clémence and Henrietta, friends of Raymonde. Knight Jean de Brienne, Raymonda's fiancé. Andrey Vengersky. Abderakhman, Saracen knight. Bernard de Vantadour, Provençal troubadour. Beranger, Aquitaine troubadour. Seneschal, governor of Doris's castle. Cavalier from de Brienne's retinue. Hungarian and Saracen knights. Ladies, vassals, knights, heralds, Moors, Provencals. Royal soldiers and servants.

In the medieval castle of Countess de Doris, it is the name day of Raymonda, the countess's niece. Bernard de Vantadour, Beranger and several young pages are fencing, others are playing lutes, viols, and dancing. Countess Sibylla and the ladies of the court appear. The Countess is dissatisfied with how the young people are having fun and reproaches them for lethargy.

The white lady standing in a niche on a pedestal is the patroness of the house of Doris. She does not like idleness and laziness and punishes for disobedience. The White Lady appears when she needs to warn the de Doris house from impending danger.

Young girls laugh at the countess's superstition. The Seneschal announces the arrival of a messenger with a letter from the knight Pan de Brienne, Raymonda's fiancé. No later than tomorrow he will be at Doris's castle.

The seneschal comes again and reports the arrival of the Saracen knight Abderakhman, who heard about Raymonda's amazing beauty and came to congratulate her on her name day.

Vassals appear to greet Raymonda.

Abderakhman is captivated by Raymonda's beauty and decides to kidnap her.

The holiday is over. Everyone leaves. It's getting dark. Only her close friends and troubadours remain with Raymonda. She plays a romanesque on the lute, which is danced by two couples. Now it's Raymonda's turn. She picks up a light white scarf and dances with it.

Night. Raymonda falls asleep and sees in her dream how the White Lady appears, illuminated by moonlight. She invites Raymond to follow her into the garden. At the sign of the White Lady, the garden is covered in fog. The trees were covered with a ghostly veil. Gradually the fog clears, and Raymond sees the slender figure of de Brienne. Raymonda is happy. She throws herself into the arms of her fiancé. But suddenly he disappears, and Raymond comes face to face with Abderakhman. He passionately declares his love to her, but Raymonda indignantly rejects him. Visions surround her on all sides. Raymonda falls unconscious. Abderakhman disappears.

It's dawn. Raymonda's servants and pages run onto the castle terrace and try to bring her to her senses.

Courtyard at Doris Castle. Knights, gentlemen, owners of neighboring castles, troubadours invited to the celebration gather.

Raymonda is looking forward to the arrival of Jean de Brienne. But instead of the knight, Abderakhman enters with his retinue. Raymonda does not want to see the uninvited guest, but Countess Sibylla persuades her not to refuse hospitality. Abderakhman cannot take his eyes off Raymonda. He tells her of his love and invites her to become his wife. Raymonda can hardly contain herself.

Meanwhile, Abderakhman orders his retinue to entertain Raymonda and her guests. The cupbearer fills the guests' cups with wine. In the midst of the feast and dancing, Abderakhman, with the help of his slaves, attempts to kidnap Raymonda, but Jean de Brienne and King Andrew, under whose banner the knight fought, appear. De Brienne frees Raymonda and rushes at Abderahman. The king orders the dispute to be resolved by combat. The squires bring weapons. Jean attacks first. The ghost of the White Lady appears at the top of the tower and blinds Abderakhman with its bright light. With a blow of his sword, Jean inflicts a mortal wound on Abderakhman. His slaves take flight, but at a sign from the king, his squires surround them in a tight ring.

King Andrew joins the hands of the happy young people - Raymonda and Jean de Brienne.

Garden at the castle of the Knight of Brienne. Wedding feast. The king is present. A large divertissement of Hungarian and Polish dances is given in his honor.

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