Verb parsing. Morphological analysis of the verb

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Enter any word, then click "parse". After this, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because Since the parsing is carried out out of context, several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. The parsing is performed automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful, online analysis is intended to be a help, not a mindless rewrite. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

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In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically remember the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on identifying the general features of parts of speech, and then move on to the specific features of this form. At the same time, the general parsing logic must be preserved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples of morphological parsing will help you understand the pattern of parsing words in a sentence in the Russian language. However, it should be remembered that the presence of text is a prerequisite for correct parsing of parts of speech, because morphological parsing is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Let's consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. proper or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the sentence.

Noun(sample parsing):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk – noun, initial form – milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, accusative case, singular (no plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. initial form – infinitive (nominative case, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about qualitative);
  4. degree of comparison (qualitative only);
  5. gender (singular only);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the sentence.

Adjective(sample parsing):
Text: Alyonushka collected a basket full of mushrooms.
Full – adjective, initial form – complete; qualitative: complete; in the positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an object.

Numeral(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case for quantitative, nominative case, singular, masculine for ordinal);
  2. rank by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative ones);
  6. role in the sentence.

Numeral (sample parsing):
Text: Four days have flown by.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if modified by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the sentence.

Pronoun (sample parsing):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from her.
She – pronoun, initial form – she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive case, singular, adverbial place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. tense (for the indicative mood);
  7. person (for present, future and imperative);
  8. gender (for the past tense and conditional mood in the singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Verb (parsing example):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - verb, initial form - say, irrevocative, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Participle(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or non-returnable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for active);
  6. full or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample parsing):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb to fall, imperfect form, present tense, irreversible, intransitive, feminine, accusative, singular, agreed definition.

Participle(order of parsing):

  1. verb from which it is derived;
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample of parsing):

Text: When you go abroad, you feel sad about home.
Leaving – gerund, from the verb “to leave”, imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, adverbial manner of action.

Adverb(order of parsing):

  1. category by meaning (attributive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing example):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds cleared.
Above is an adverb, adverbial of place, is an adverb of place, comparative degree.


Something is not clear? Eat good video on topic for adjectives:

The order of analysis in your class may differ from the proposed one, so we advise you to check with your teacher about the requirements for analysis.

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is an analysis of a part of speech from the point of view of its categories and use in writing and conversation. Words denoting actions are one of the most difficult parts of speech, which has a number of characteristics. They need to be studied in detail before analyzing the verbs.

The morphological analysis of the verb will help you avoid getting confused in the criteria and grammatical features of this part of speech.

The analysis is done in the following order:

  1. Indicate the part of speech and information about what it means.
  2. Write down the initial form (infinitive).
  3. Determine morphological characteristics. They are divided into two groups.


  • type – definitions of type based on the criteria of completion of an action. There are two groups: perfective (words answer the question “what to do?”) and imperfect (“what to do?” and all forms of this question). There are also two species, to which both questions apply;
  • transitivity - type of compatibility with a dependent noun or pronoun;
  • reflexivity is determined by the presence in the word of a postfix -sya or -sya, which indicates the direction of action on the one who speaks. If there are such suffixes, then the presence of reflexivity is determined; if there is no suffix, then this type is non-reflexive;
  • words that denote action have conjugated and inconjugated forms.

Important! The inconjugates are the infinitive, participle and gerund. Conjugates are personal and impersonal.

Variable characteristics (change in context):

  • mood. There are 3 options for this criterion. Indicative is an ordinary action. Subjunctive - words that express assumption, doubt, condition (used with the particle b (would)). The imperative contains a call to action, a request, an order;
  • time: past (what did I do? what did I do?), present (what am I doing?) or future (what am I doing? what will I do?). In the future tense, you can determine the form: simple or compound;
  • number – singular or plural;
  • : first – me and us; second – you and you; third – he, she, it and they;
  • gender is determined in all tenses except the present;
  • the role played by the word being analyzed in a sentence.

This scheme takes into account all grammatical categories of the verb and characterizes it taking into account all the characteristics.
Proper adherence to the order of description of categories helps not to miss a single important aspect.

There are several exceptional features that need to be taken into account when analyzing a verb:

  • Impersonal forms have no face or number;
  • All reflexive verbs belong to intransitive;
  • the conjugation helps determine the suffix before – ь;
  • It is worth considering the context: sometimes the word is used in an indirect meaning. For example, in the sentence “I went!” action refers to the past tense, which is used to mean the future.

Important! These features must be taken into account so as not to make a mistake when parsing a verb as a part of speech.

Sample morphological analysis of a verb

Let us give an example of a morphological analysis of the verb “wrote”. Context – sentence: “Marina yesterday wrote a sad and long letter to her friend, whom she had not seen for a very long time due to a sudden separation.”

Wrote – part of speech: verb. Grammatical meaning - the word denotes an action, answers the question “what did you do?”

Initial – write (question – what to do?).

Permanent morphological characteristics:

  1. view – imperfect, completed action (what did you do?);
  2. type – irrevocable (no suffix);
  3. transition. Wrote (what?) a letter;
  4. belongs to the 1st conjugation.

Variable morphological characteristics:

  • indicative form (ordinary action);
  • past tense (event happened in the past);
  • singular (Marina – one);
  • third person (she);
  • feminine gender.

In a sentence, the verb is the predicate. It must be emphasized accordingly - with two straight lines.

We already know how to parse a verb. A similar analysis is carried out by specialized online services. They work on the principle of automated analysis. The user enters the required word, and the system automatically determines its grammatical characteristics.

Such analysis is carried out quickly and provides correct information in 90% of cases. The advantage of such an analysis is that it recognizes word forms and offers several options for morphological analysis.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

The disadvantage of this method of analysis grammatical features– isolation from context. The system does not determine the role in the sentence and does not take into account the possibility of figurative meaning. The best way to use this method is to use online analysis to check the analysis you have done yourself.

Verb parsing plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form (infinitive). Morphological characteristics:
A Constant morphological characteristics:
1 view(perfect, imperfect);
2 repayment(non-refundable, returnable);
3 transitivity(transitive, intransitive);
4 conjugation;
B Variable morphological characteristics:
1 mood;
2 time(in the indicative mood);
3 number;
4 face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);
5 genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).
III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Verb parsing examples

If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds(proverb).

Do you love

  1. What are you doing?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.

    2) present tense;
    3) singular;
    4) 2nd person.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the infinitive form (unchangeable form).
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) imperative mood;
    2) singular;
    3) 2nd person.
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.

Plowing has begun(Prishvin).


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - start. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) perfect form;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) indicative mood;
    2) past tense;
    3) singular;
    4) feminine.
  3. It is a predicate in a sentence.

Textbook: « Russian language » R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina Publisher: BALASS LLC.

Target: teach how to parse a verb as a part of speech.


  • Educational:
    • familiarize yourself with the algorithm for parsing a verb as a part of speech and a sample parsing record
    • repeat knowledge about the verb
    • teach planning educational activities
  • Developmental:
    • develop oral and written speech
    • develop the ability to work in pairs
    • develop the ability to work using an algorithm
    • develop spelling awareness
  • Educational:
    • foster learning activity
    • develop skills of self-control and self-esteem


1. Organizing time

– Hello dear guests and dear guys! I welcome you to the Russian language lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, I would like to know in what mood you came to class today. On the tables you have cards with mood symbols. Choose the one that suits you and show (show). I'm glad that most of the guys are in a cheerful mood.

2. Language warm-up with elements of updating what has been learned

– Read the words: R.KETA PL.NETA COSM.S

– What task can you complete? (Insert missing letters, copy, underline dangerous places, put emphasis)

Choral speaking, checking at the board.

– What words did you write down? (With unverified spellings)
– What does the word R.KETA mean? (Aircraft, fireworks and signaling projectile, military projectile)
– Make up sentences with these words. (compiled orally)
- Write down the sentence from dictation.

A bright rocket lit up the sky.

– Highlight dangerous areas. Let's check it orally.
– Name the nouns from the sentence. (Rocket, sky)
- Let's analyze them as part of speech. (Comments from the seat)
– Find adjectives. (Bright) Let's look at it as a part of speech. (Student works at the blackboard)

3. Creating a problem situation, formulating the topic of the lesson

– Which part of the speech still needs to be parsed? (Verb)
- Take it apart. (We don't know how)
– What is the topic of our lesson? (Analysis of a verb as a part of speech)

4. Joint planning of educational activities with writing the plan on the board

-Where should we start working? (Let’s remember what a verb is and what questions it answers)
– What else can we add? (How to determine verb tense)
– What should we do with verbs? (Change by numbers, determine gender)
– We’ll also get acquainted with the parsing algorithm and a sample recording of parsing a verb as a part of speech.

Plan on the board:


- There is a theme. The tasks have been set.

5. Finding a solution

Exercise 1

- Read the words. Write down only the verbs.

flight pilot fly airplane flies away departure flying flying took off will fly

- Prove it.
(The verb denotes the action of an object and answers the questions: what does it do? what did it do? what will it do?)
– Among these verbs there is a special one. Which? (Fly)
- Why? (Time and date cannot be determined)
– What question does it answer? (What to do?)

Conclusion: infinitive verbs answer questions what to do? And what to do?

– What is another name for the infinitive form of a verb? (Initial form, infinitive)

Task 2

Working with a card.

Put the verbs in the indefinite form, highlight the suffixes. Check in pairs. Checking on a computer. Evaluate yourself.

Was friends -
Carried -
Peck –
Drew -

- Draw a conclusion. (Infinitive verbs have suffixes t, you, O, A, And, I, e, at and end with whose)

Task 3

– If the verb fly it is impossible to determine the tense, then the remaining verbs flies away. took off, will fly Can.
– Name the verb of the present, past, future tense. Prove it.
– Form verbs of the present, past and future tenses from indefinite verbs


Conclusion: verbs change tenses.

– What question does the initial form of the verb answer when all three tenses of the verb are formed? (What to do?)

Task 4

Determine the number of verbs flies away. took off, will fly. (Singular)

– How many more verbs can you put in? Deliver orally.

Conclusion: verbs change according to numbers.

– What else can you define in a verb? (Genus)
- All verbs? (Past tense only)
– What conclusion can be drawn? (Only past tense verbs change gender)


Task 5

Getting acquainted with the verb parsing algorithm from the textbook from 111.
– Read the parsing order (Aloud). Look at the board and compare what we know about the verb.
– Is the recording the same?
– Will we be able to indicate all the features of a verb as a part of speech? (Yes)

Conclusion: This means we can work according to the algorithm for parsing the verb as a part of speech.

– What problem remains to be solved? (How to write correctly in a letter)
– Look at a sample entry in the textbook.

6. Development of skills - application of new knowledge

There is a note on the board.

N.stepped sleep.
The bright light shines tenderly.
Speed The shower smells like stale kidneys.

- Read the sentences. Insert the missing letters. Explain. (1 student at the board)
– Find the verbs. Parse it as part of speech. (One verb with commentary is written down by the teacher, another is the student works at the blackboard, the third is done independently)
– What will help you understand a verb as a part of speech?

Conclusion: knowledge of the algorithm helps to parse the verb as a part of speech.

Working with the textbook. Exercise 381

– What will we do in the exercise?
– Underline the verbs. Choose any two verbs and parse them as parts of speech.

Checking on a computer.

7. Lesson summary

– Have we completed the tasks we set? (Yes)

Conclusion: we learned to parse a verb as a part of speech.

9. Homework: p.115 exercise 1 (oral) exercise 6.

In the process of solving any linguistic problems, we may need to parse a verb as a part of speech. Such an analysis, also called morphological analysis, is usually carried out according to a template plan of several points, implementing which we can create quite full description parsed verb. In this material I will talk about the definition of a verb as a part of speech, and what is the sequence of actions when implementing this task.

Analysis of a verb as a part of speech is studied at school, in Russian language lessons. Where students can form an understanding of the structure of a sentence, analysis of a word by composition and other forms and its structural elements.

In this case, the analysis of the speech verb that interests us is usually carried out in accordance with the following plan:

  1. We determine What part of speech does the word we are analyzing belong to?(that is, what does it mean, what question does it answer). In our case it is a verb;
  2. We define the initial (indefinite) form of our verb. Verbs in the initial form usually answer the question “what to do?”, “what to do?”. For example, the initial form of the verb “play” would be “play”;
  3. We list constant (unchanging) features of our verb - aspect(completed or incomplete, depending on the completion or incompleteness of the action). Reflexivity (depending on the use of the suffixes -sya and -sya), transitivity (if a verb expresses an action that passes to an object, then it is transitive, otherwise it is intransitive), as well as verb conjugations.

To determine the conjugation of a verb, we look at its ending (in some cases, at the suffix of the verb in the indefinite form), and then compare it with the specified table.

4. We list the constant (unchangeable) features of our verb - its time, person, and number.

At the same time, for verbs in the past tense we list only gender and number.

For verbs in the present and future tenses, we list only the person and number .

  • Time divided into past, present, and future;
  • Persons– on 1-2-3 (to find out what person our verb is, it is necessary to agree the verb with the pronoun of the first, second, or third person);
  • Genus there are male, female, and average (as well as general, the existence of which is still debated);
  • Number– singular and plural.

5. Determine the syntactic role of the verb in a sentence. In our case, the verb usually acts as a predicate (underlined below with two horizontal lines).

Examples of parsing a verb as part of a sentence

Let's look at a few examples of morphological analysis of verbs in a number of sentences:

Example No. 1

Let's carry out the analysis in accordance with the above points of the plan:

  1. Since we are interested in the verb in the sentence, it is the word “leaving”
  2. The initial form of our verb is to leave;
  3. The verb belongs to the incomplete form, non-reflexive form, intransitive, II conjugation (endings “-ite”, “-it” - see the table);
  4. Since the verb is in the present tense (the action takes place in this moment- we are leaving), we list only his face and number. This verb has 1 person (we), and plural(We are leaving):
  5. Our verb has the syntactic form of a predicate and, when parsing the sentence in writing, will be underlined by two horizontal lines.

Example No. 2

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

We carry out our analysis according to the standard plan described above:


For execution parsing verb in a sentence, you must be guided by the standard plan for such analysis, given above. Please note that with this analysis, for past tense verbs we indicate only their gender and number, and for present and future tense verbs - person and number. Otherwise, such an analysis does not pose any extreme difficulties, and can be completed in a fairly short time.

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