Arm extension with the handle of the upper block. Let's learn how to do arm extensions on a block. What muscles work

My respect, dear readers, admirers and all those who came to see us! It’s Wednesday on the calendar, which means it’s time for a technical note on And today we’ll talk about arm extensions on a block. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of execution; the second part will be devoted to the practical aspects of training and assessing the effectiveness of the exercise.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Extension of arms on a block. What, why and why?

It is one of the most popular women's manual exercises and many ladies use it to get rid of the “jelly” at hand. As we all know, young ladies are not very fond of such equipment as barbells and dumbbells, but various blocks and exercise machines cause wild delight in them, which is why extension of the arms on a block is so popular among the female audience of gyms. However, you often see how each beauty tries to bring something of her own to the exercise, so to speak, to add a special twist, to add her own unique charm. Whether this should be done and how, in general, to perform block extensions correctly, we will discuss in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of isolating, single-joint exercises. The target muscle group is the triceps, which makes up 2/3 manual volume and responsible for cosmetic, i.e. “chatty-cold” :) look of the hand.

Muscle ensemble exercise includes:

  • target muscle - triceps brachii;
  • stabilizers – latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear deltoid, pectoralis major (sternal head), pectoralis minor, lower trapezius, rectus abdominis/obliques, wrist flexors;
  • antagonist-stabilizers – spinal extensor muscles.


By performing arm extensions on a block, you will receive the following benefits:

  • development of triceps strength;
  • targeted and isolated training of the triceps brachii muscle;
  • more toned arms/more sculpted arm muscles (reducing “jelly”);
  • greater arm volume;
  • increasing bench press characteristics in basic exercises.

Execution technique

The arm extension exercise on a block is not technically difficult, but it is not without its subtleties. The step-by-step execution technique is:

Step #0

Go to the top block and install the corresponding handle (straight or inclined bar), then equip the machine with a certain weight of weights. Place your hands, with a grip shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, on the handle from top to bottom. Standing straight with your body slightly tilted forward on slightly bent knees, lower the handle until your forearms form a right angle with your shoulder. Keep your elbows close to your body. This is your starting position.

Step #1

Using only the strength of your triceps, in an isolated movement, bring the plank down until it touches your front thigh and your arms are fully extended, exhaling through this part of the movement. Linger on 1-2 counts in a shortened position, additionally squeezing the triceps. From the compressed position, slowly and under control, return the bar to the IP position while inhaling. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this...


In addition to the classic version of arm extensions on a block, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • with rope handle;
  • reverse grip;
  • with different types of handle (straight, EZ, V).

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • squeeze the projectile down exclusively due to the isolated work of the triceps;
  • at the lowest point, fully straighten your arms and hold the contraction 1-2 sec;
  • do not throw the weight back up, but slowly and under control accompany it throughout the entire trajectory of movement;
  • keep your elbows tightly pressed to your body;
  • do not stand on straight legs, but slightly bend your knees and lean your body forward;
  • use the exercise last in the PT arms as a finisher;
  • at the initial stage, do not use too heavy weights;
  • if your shoulders hurt (anterior delta), then do not use this exercise;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , reps 10-15 .

Actually, this is all theoretical information, now let’s look at some practical points.

Is the cable curl an effective exercise for the triceps?

A team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin, led by Dr. Porcari, decided to identify the best women's triceps exercises in terms of electrical muscle activity. During the experiment, it was revealed that of the 8 most popular exercises, arm extension on a block takes 5 (with rope) and 6 (with straight handle) places with EMG values 74+-22.64 And 67+-20.48 . The best exercise was considered to be push-ups with a close grip in a triangle position.

Thus, we can conclude that arm extensions are quite effective, but they are best used at the end of manual training.

Handle VS rope. What to choose?

In fact, it all depends on the athlete’s goals and different handles have different effects on the triceps. In particular, the rope allows you to “reach” the deepest muscle fibers of the triceps and has a fuller range of motion.

Different handles target the triceps from different angles, for example the v-bar is more focused on the outer triceps while the straight bar is more focused on the long head. Conclusion - choose a handle based on your hand goals (pulling up lagging areas).

Well, that’s probably all, now let’s sum it up and say goodbye.


Another technical note has come to an end.

Today we dealt with arm extensions on a block and there is one more exercise in your hand toolkit. Of course, theory is nothing without practice, so let’s finish reading the article and head into the hall for a run-in, let’s get going!

PS. do you use block exercise machines in your arm training - yes, no?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Principles and technique of performing the exercise

Arm extension in the simulator is a fairly popular exercise that is equally suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. It can be performed with various lever designs, which allows you to change the level of difficulty, work the muscles from different angles and use the exercise in almost any gym.

Benefits of exercise and muscles involved

Arm extension is an isolated exercise aimed at working only one muscle group. The main part of the load goes to the triceps.

The exercise also indirectly involves the deltoid muscle, wrist flexor muscles, and pectoralis major muscle, but if performed incorrectly, part of the load may shift to the biceps.

The exercise helps to effectively work the triceps brachii muscle and increase its volume. Girls also should not be afraid of this exercise: with regular practice, their arms will acquire a toned and athletic appearance.

It is most convenient to perform arm extensions in a crossover, using an upper or lower block. There is also a special exercise machine for arm extension, but, unfortunately, it is not available in all gyms. The general rules for performing triceps extension down or up include:

In the gym, they are often concerned not only with the correct technique, but also with the plan for constructing the workout:

  1. It is enough to perform triceps exercises 1-2 times a week. Don't forget that muscles need recovery.
  2. The number of repetitions depends on your goal: for mass, 8-10 repetitions with maximum weight are enough, for relief - from 12 to 15 repetitions, if your goal is fat burning, perform the exercise at least 20 times in each approach.
  3. For greater effectiveness, block arm extensions can be combined in a set with another triceps exercise.

Working out the triceps in a crossover usually occurs in the middle or end of a workout, after performing basic exercises. If the triceps is your lagging muscle, you can move the extension to the beginning of the workout.


It is worth separately analyzing the execution of extensions from the upper and lower blocks.

When extending from the lower block The long head of the triceps brachii muscle is more involved in the work. This subtype of exercise is more complex and traumatic.

To perform it, you need to stand with your back to the machine. With your palms facing upward, bend your elbows and grasp the handle of the block. Turn your arms so that the shoulder axis and forearm are parallel. Try to keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. From the starting position, begin to straighten your arms completely, without moving your elbows to the side, but fixing them. Then return to the original position.

Attention: for greater convenience, extension of the arms from the lower block can be performed while sitting, leaning on the back of the bench.

- an easier version of the exercise, which is great for beginner athletes.

To perform it, stand facing the machine, take a balanced position, straighten your back. Grasp the handle with an overhand grip with your palms facing down. Press your elbows towards your body and lock them. Bend your arms at an angle of more than 90 degrees, and then, using the force of the muscle group being worked, lower the weight down. Overhead triceps pulldowns engage the lateral head of the triceps more.

The easiest option is to work the triceps in a crossover using a straight handle. You can make the exercise more difficult by using a rope handle or straps. In this case, you will additionally have to move the ropes to the sides at the point of greatest extension of the arms - this will help ensure greater contraction of all triceps heads.

It is also possible to alternately extend the right and left arms by using a special handle for this. The exercise technique remains the same. This option isolates the work of the arms, which allows you to work the muscles equally effectively, since when doing extensions with both hands, the stronger arm takes on most of the load. In this case, you need to start performing alternate extensions in the block with the weaker hand.


Since the exercise is isolated and involves only one muscle group, it has almost no contraindications. There is only one main contraindication - injury to the elbow or shoulder joints. In this case, it is better to wait until the body recovers and only then begin full training.

Arm extensions on a block can be easily replaced with analogues: French press, dips, arm extensions with a dumbbell.

By performing extensions and other triceps exercises 1-2 times a week, you will soon notice positive results.

To work out all types of muscles and create the necessary volume, it is important to know what types of exercises exist and how to perform them correctly. And today we will talk about working on the triceps and biceps, which can be pumped up using a fairly simple but effective exercise called “arm extension on a block.”

Often, to give definition to the arm muscles, beginners prefer physical actions that focus only on. However, in order for the muscle groups of this part of the body to develop harmoniously, it is worth training the elbow flexors equally with the extensors, for which special training is designed on a block, as well as extensions with a dumbbell or barbell in various positions (resting on a bench, bending over, sitting or lying on a bench ).

It is worth noting that arm extension in a crossover is one of those exercises that is in demand among representatives of the fair half of humanity. While professional athletes prefer to lift barbells and dumbbells in an inclined position or resting on a bench, gym goers are happy to start doing the arm extension exercise on a block, because they believe that with its help they can get rid of the annoying problem area under hands - “jellied meat”. However, for this it is worth knowing what the correct technique is for performing them in different variations (standing at the crossover, lying on a bench).

This exercise is quite popular, as it is universal and very effective when performed correctly. And they, in turn, can be made in different versions.

Option 1

Standing at the top block, adjust the weight by setting the scales appropriate to your level of training, and attach the most suitable handle (straight or inclined bar, rope). Then clasp the handle with your palms from top to bottom at a distance equal to shoulder width or narrower. Next, slightly tilt your body forward, lean your elbows tightly against your body, and also bend your knees slightly. Now proceed directly to the training.

To evenly pump the bi- and triceps muscles, you need to bring your arms to the starting position - bend your elbows until they form an angle of 90⁰. Then, as you exhale, extend your arms, lowering the handle down until it touches the front of your thigh. After a 2-second delay, while inhaling, slowly bend your arms to the starting position.

Particular attention is required to flexion and extension of the arms when performing this crossover exercise. These movements should be leisurely and performed under control with the participation of the triceps.

Option 2

The second option for performing the same exercise while standing at the top block is to perform the movements with a different position of the hands. In this case, when performing flexion and extension of the arms, not only the triceps and biceps will be involved, but also the muscles:

  • extensors of the fingers and wrist
  • ulna.

Since the movements in this version of the exercise must be performed with a palm-up grip, it is worth installing a special handle on the block. The very technique of reproducing the movements remains the same as with the first option - slow extensions as you exhale and flexions as you inhale.

Alternative exercises

As a compromise to this exercise, another, no less technically complex exercise can be used - extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head in a standing position. It is more effective than training with dumbbells while lying on a bench and is performed as follows:

As in previous cases, flexion is performed while inhaling, and extension is performed while exhaling. When performing this exercise, it is important to keep your core still. When lowering your wrist with the dumbbell down (bringing it behind your head), you need to keep your back straight to avoid arching your lower back. A similar exercise can be performed lying down or sitting on a bench with a short back. In this case, it can be done with both hands, simultaneously holding a dumbbell, barbell or W-shaped bar.

Since this training is technically and physically difficult, it is better to conduct it together with an assistant who could control the reproduction technique and provide backup.

Another alternative to block training is an exercise to work the same muscle groups, performed while bending over or resting on a bench. Unlike bench barbell extensions (French press), these variations allow more use of the long head of the triceps. To train your arm muscles from a bent-over position, it is enough to sit in a stable position with your knees slightly bent and your torso slightly bent forward. At the same time, you should keep your back straight and tilted, and you can lean on your leg with your non-working hand. We bend our working arm at the elbow, holding the dumbbell at an angle of 90⁰. As you inhale, perform extension and as you exhale, perform flexion.

To do the same, but not in an inclined position, but with support on the bench, it is enough to lean on it with your non-working hand and place one knee on the bench. Then also do the exercise, performing extension while inhaling and flexion while exhaling.

When starting to work out the arm muscles on the block, you need to first determine your final goals. This will help you correctly calculate the weight and choose the most optimal handle option. For example, extensions with a rope will help to work the triceps as deeply as possible, and when using other handles, you can pump the triceps brachii muscle from different angles.

It is the most common for women, as it effectively tightens the area under the arm. As everyone knows, representatives of the fairer sex prefer exercising on exercise machines rather than lifting dumbbells and barbells while in the gym. But you can often see arm extensions on a block performed by men. The main detail, like all exercises, is the correct execution technique, without which it simply will not make sense.

What muscles are involved?

Arm extension on a block is an isolated exercise. It is focused on the triceps, which takes up more than half the volume of the arm. An exercise like the cable curl will increase your triceps strength. It will also help you work the triceps muscle and create relief on your arms, eliminating the so-called jellied meat. If you have some difficulty doing others, then extending your arms on a block will increase your pressing ability and make them easier to perform. Another quite important advantage is that this exercise is safe, since one muscle is involved, there is no tension on the lower back, and at the same time there is no load on it and no risk of injury.


An important role is played by the position you take during the exercise. You must find a position for yourself in which your shoulders and the area up to the elbow are motionless; all work must be done through the strength of your forearm. To do this, you must try different positions and find the most comfortable one for yourself. In search of the best position, you can come closer to the machine or, conversely, move away and try to lean forward a little. But the main thing is not to allow work in the shoulder area, in which case the work will be done by a different muscle group.

Initial position

The first step is to choose the most optimal weight. You shouldn't take on the big ones right away. Choose one in which you will perform the last repetition of the set with more effort. Next, place your hands on the handle with an overhand grip. It is important that your hands are no wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward slightly. In the starting position, your arms should be bent at a right angle. Elbows should be pressed to the body.


Since the extension of the arms from the upper block is an isolated exercise, during its execution you should try as much as possible to carry out movements exclusively through the triceps. Slowly move the bar down until your arms are straight. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, trying to tighten your triceps as much as possible. It is also important to monitor your breathing. At this stage you should exhale. Then slowly return to the starting position. At this time, take a breath. It is best to perform 10-15 repetitions in one approach.

You can also see various variations of this exercise. For example, the handle may be made of rope or another shape. It turns out that the handle matters too. The choice depends mainly on the goal you want to achieve. The rope handle has a greater amplitude, which has a deeper effect on the muscle fibers. The straight handle more thoroughly works the straight head of the triceps, and the V-shaped handle works the outer part. In addition, some athletes prefer to perform pulley extensions with a reverse grip. This way you can achieve the clearest definition of the muscle. But this is a slightly more difficult version of the classic exercise, as more stress is placed on the thumbs, so your hands need to be ready.

  1. Control your triceps and try to use other muscles as little as possible.
  2. When you reach the lowest point, hold for a couple of seconds. In this case, the arms should be in a straight position.
  3. Return to the starting position smoothly, do not throw the weight up.
  4. Remember to keep your elbows close to your torso.
  5. During the exercise, it is also important what position your legs are in. They should be slightly bent, and the body should be slightly tilted forward.
  6. Standing arm extensions on a block are best added to your training program as the final exercise, as it will well “squeeze out” the last remaining strength, which will make the exercises most effective.
  7. If you have just recently started doing arm exercises, do not immediately lift heavy weights.
  8. Extension of the arms from the upper block is not recommended for shoulder pain.
  9. The optimal number of approaches is from 3 to 5 with 10-15 repetitions.

These were all the main subtleties of this exercise. The main thing is not to rush while performing, try to feel the muscles.

The standing cable extension is an isolated exercise for the triceps that engages the lateral and medial heads of this muscle. This exercise can be performed both at the beginning of training to warm up and warm up the triceps, and at the end of the session to finish off the muscle or get a pumping effect. Arm extensions on a block can be performed with different grips and with different handles. When performing the movement, it is very important to follow the technique so as not to get injured.

Extension of arms from the upper block with a straight grip

Execution technique

  • Approach the machine, grab the handle with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and bend your knees slightly, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward a little. The arms are pressed tightly to the body.
  • Inhale and as you exhale, fully straighten your arms; at the end point of the amplitude, pause for a second to feel the peak muscle contraction.
  • Smoothly and under control return to the starting position. Make sure that the movement occurs only in the elbow joint. When lifting, do not raise your arms all the way, but only to the middle, when a right angle is formed between the forearms and the shoulder.

This exercise is best performed at the end of the session in order to finish off the triceps.

The reverse grip allows you to focus the load on the lateral head of the triceps. There is also a static load on the forearms. It is recommended to perform the exercise immediately after extension of the arms on a block with a direct grip.

Execution technique

  • Approach the machine, grab the handle with a reverse grip, elbows pressed to the body.
  • As you exhale, your arms extend, and as you inhale, they bend.
  • The movements occur smoothly, without jerking, so as not to get injured in the elbow joint.
  • The weight on the apparatus is selected so that the athlete can perform about 10-12 repetitions.
  • The movement occurs at maximum amplitude.

Arm extensions on a block with a rope handle

This type of standing arm extension is considered the most effective by many professional athletes, since the cable handle provides ideal isolated work and maximum contraction of the triceps. The lateral head is loaded the most.

Execution technique

  • Walk up to the machine and grab the rope handle with an overhand grip. Press your elbows towards your body and begin to straighten your arms. At the lowest point of the amplitude, you need to separate the ends of the rope and pause for a second to obtain a peak muscle contraction.
  • Smoothly return to the starting position. Exhale as you lower the handle and inhale as you rise.
  • Make sure that your arms are pressed tightly to your body and that movement occurs only at the elbow joint.

Triceps training with pulley arm extensions

To get the best stimulation for the growth of a muscle group, we must first warm up the muscle, then perform several heavy basic exercises, and after them several isolated ones. This approach is considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding. Let's look at what this would look like using the example of triceps training:

  • Arm extensions on a warm-up block with a straight handle (2 X 15-20);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Arm extensions from the upper block with a rope handle (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension on the block with a reverse grip (3-4 X 8-12).

Now you know everything you need about triceps extensions and can use this exercise in your workouts. If you have any questions or want to watch how to perform extensions live, we recommend that you watch the video below.

Video with the technique of performing arm extensions on a block while standing

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