Development of the child's creative personality. Creative development of students as a factor in the successful socialization of the personality of students


T.B. Luzhankova,

Saratov, GAPOU SO "SOPK"

Email: [email protected]

"A child who has experienced the joy of creativity, even to the smallest degree, becomes different than a child imitating the acts of others."

B. Asafiev.

The ability to create is perhaps the most important human ability, without which a person cannot be what our modern society needs and this ability must be developed from early childhood.

In all developed countries of the world, scientific and practical searches are underway in this direction. Biologists believe that of the 15 billion brain cells, only 3-5% are actively working. Psychologists also acknowledge that the human brain carries in itself a huge, as yet far from being exploited, redundancy of natural possibilities and that genius is not a deviation, not an anomaly of the human mind, but the highest completeness of its manifestation, the exposure of natural possibilities. Nature has generously endowed every healthy child with opportunities to develop. And every healthy baby can rise to the greatest heights of creative activity.

The creative principle gives birth to a vivid fantasy, vivid imagination in a child. Creativity by its nature is based on the desire to do something that no one has done before you, or at least do something that existed before you in a new way, in your own way, better. It is such a creative principle that art fosters in a person, and in this function it cannot be replaced by anything. By its amazing ability to evoke creative imagination in a person, it takes first place among all the diverse elements that make up a complex system of human upbringing.

Often from parents and even from teachers - educators, one can hear the following words: “Well, why does he spend precious time writing poetry - he has no poetic gift! Why does he paint - he still won't make an artist! And why is he trying to compose some kind of music, it turns out nonsense! "

What a huge pedagogical error in all these words! In a child, it is imperative to support any of his aspirations for creativity, no matter how naive and imperfect the results of these aspirations are. Today he writes awkward melodies, not knowing how to accompany them with the simplest accompaniment, composes poems in which clumsy rhymes correspond to the clumsy rhythms and meter, draws pictures depicting some fantastic creatures.

Behind all these naivety, awkwardness and sloppiness lie the child's sincere and therefore the most true creative aspirations, the most genuine manifestations of his fragile feelings and still unformed thoughts.

He may not become an artist, musician or poet, but perhaps he will become an excellent mathematician, doctor, teacher or worker, and then his childhood creative hobbies will make themselves felt in the most beneficial way.

The conversation about the upbringing of creativity in a person leads us to a very important and urgent problem in our conditions: the difference between a specialist - a craftsman and a specialist - a creator.

A true specialist - a creator differs from an ordinary specialist - an artisan in that he strives to create something in excess of what “according to instructions” is not supposed to create. The craftsman is satisfied with the fact that he creates only what is supposed to - serves as a brake, because in relation to life it is impossible to stand still: you can only either move forward, or lag behind.

There is no such area, no such profession where it would be impossible to show creativity. From the first grade of school, it is necessary to instill in students the idea that there are no bad professions, just like there are no non-creative professions, that, working in any profession, each of them can open a new, even small world. Therefore, the most important task of upbringing in school is the development of creativity in students, no matter where it manifests itself - in mathematics or music, physics or sports, in social work or in the patronage of first graders.

Many scientists and leading teachers not only solved the riddle of creativity, but also looked for ways to develop, form and improve the abilities of students.

The first to draw attention to the problem of timely identification and development of abilities Yang Amos Comenius: "... it is early to reveal a person's abilities, since throughout his life he will have to learn, experience and fulfill a lot."

The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky also paid special attention to the development of students' creative abilities. He believed that the school is a hotbed where children develop their cognitive powers and creativity. “Everything in a child requires development” - these words became central in the theory of developmental education, which was based on Russian folk art: fairy tales, proverbs, nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles.

JI.H. Tolstoy based the work of the Yasnaya Polyana school on the freedom and fruitful creativity of children. Together with the children, he built, composed, combined, infected them with excitement, gave them a theme, that is, he guided basically the entire process of their creativity and showed the techniques of this creativity. The children were fascinated by the very process of writing, and this was the first impetus to creative, animated work.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, one of the outstanding teachers, considered it wrong to learn from ready-made samples, standards. "... No, this should not be so ... - You cannot deprive a child of the joys of spiritual life ... Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity."

The following conditions for the development of creative abilities are determined. First the condition for the successful development of creative abilities is their early identification. The first impulses to the development of abilities begin with early swimming, gymnastics, walking and crawling, that is, from a very early, according to modern concepts of physical development. Early reading, early counting, early exposure and working with various tools and materials also give impetus to the development of abilities.

Second an important condition is a developing environment; surround the child in advance with such an environment and a system of relationships that would stimulate his most diverse creative activities.

Third condition - the improvement of abilities, abilities develop the more successfully, the more often in his activity a person gets to the "ceiling" of his capabilities and gradually raises this "ceiling" higher and higher.

Fourth an important condition: the child must be given more freedom in choosing an activity. Here, the child's desire, interest, and emotional upsurge serve as a reliable guarantee that even a great strain of the mind will benefit the baby.

Fifth condition, the child must make a discovery. “At first I discovered the truths known to many, then I began to discover the truths known to some, and, finally, I began to discover the truths unknown to anyone” (K. Tsiolkovsky).

Thus, the creative principle in a person is always a striving forward, for the better, for progress, for perfection, for the beautiful.

Sources of information

  1. Chukhman EK The role of art in the development of creative abilities. M., ed. "Pedagogy", 1995. S. 77;
  2. Gadamer G.G. The relevance of the beautiful. / Lane. from German / - M., "Art", 2001;
  3. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art. 2nd ed. M., Art, 1986;
  4. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M. 1999.

Creation- a condition for the development of personality, since in the process of creativity the functions of self-realization, self-actualization, and self-development are carried out.

Self-actualization- a person's awareness of the importance of his abilities, of what he is endowed with.

· Creativity as a method and condition of personality activity

The problem of personality and creativity has attracted the attention of thinkers since ancient times. In the philosophical teachings of China, Japan, India, the role of the unconscious, the ability to identify with the subject under study, was noted.

Creativity is an essential characteristic of a person, a condition for the development of personality and culture, the fundamental basis of human life. Creativity is considered as an activity, as a process, as a person's relationship to the world, as a special state of consciousness. L.P. Grimak, A.G. Spirkin, H.E. Trick and define creativity through the result of the activity, focusing on the creative product.

· Personality self-fulfilling only in creativity through the realization of their essential forces, developing, transforming, thus, oneself, society, which presupposes the activity of the individual. Creativity is always conscious and purposeful, because its subject - a person - begins as a person with an awareness of the surrounding world, its assessment and determination of one's attitude to this world, with an awareness of the need for self-realization and self-development.

· The process of personality self-realization is carried out, as you know, in the unity of conditions and its internal features, capabilities. Conditions are factors external to a person that do not depend or almost do not depend on him at a certain specific moment, although the person begins to play a certain role in changing real conditions.

Activity- the basic form of human being, but not every activity contributes to the actualization of the essential qualities of a person. The general characteristic of life is activity - the active state of living organisms as a condition for their existence in the world, the desire to change it, create the world and thereby express their essence. The more a person has the ability to change things and tools, thus to realize his essential, that is, creative inclinations, the more he can express himself, cognize and improve himself, and creativity in this context is the most adequate way of showing activity and self-expression of a person ...

Consequently, only creative activity provides self-realization of the personality, and the degree of realization of its essential properties depends on the level of personality activity.

* Creativity has long been understood as the creation of a new product. However, many of its well-known phenomena did not fit into the interpretation of creativity, such as "problematization of one's own world" (G.S. Batishchev), struggle, flight to infinity "(N.A. Berdyaev)," non-adaptability "(A.G. Asmolov), “Going beyond the borders, overcoming” (Abagnalo), “rebellion” (J.-P Sartre).

D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya for the first time proposed an understanding of creativity as going beyond what is required. However, now the concept of creativity practically coincided with the concept of “non-adaptive activity” (VA Petrovsky). In any independent human act, one can find at least some grain of creativity, and along with them manifestations of non-creativity. Creative moments are original actions that bring something new, productive into reality. Non-creative elements include reproductive - repetitive, sustainable operations aimed at preserving and recreating past experiences, and routine - reinforcing outdated stereotypes, inert repetition of what is associated with formulaic thinking, formalism and leads to fakes and imitations.

* Creativity characterizes the personal level of activity, while the environment only mediates it.

L.S. Vygotsky understood creation as a necessary condition for a person's existence, as everything that goes beyond the limits of routine and in which there is something new.

S. Stepanov believes that creation- the mental process of creating new values, as a continuation and replacement of children's play. Activity is always aimed at a material or spiritual result. Creativity, being, in its essence, a cultural and historical phenomenon, has a psychological aspect - personal and procedural. It assumes that the subject has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.

* Creativity has an individual character of the manifestation of purposeful activity, where the key role is played by the activity of the individual, the so-called "free spirit" by Berdyaev. Activity as a search for the meaning of human existence. Personality creates itself throughout human life. Personality activity - proactive impact on the environment, on other people and on oneself. The activity of a person depends on the motives of her behavior, worldview, value orientations, character and temperament.

* Creativity is based on the one hand inability from which needs, desires arise, on the other hand, the desire to change the environment... The presence of needs or aspirations, thus, sets in motion the process of imagination, the revival of traces of nervous excitations, provides material for its work. A need is a state of a living being that expresses its dependence on specific conditions of existence and acts as a source of its activity.

* Human activity is a unity of internal and external manifestations of his activity.

The problems of creativity are closely related to the problems of the foundations of the psychology of the subject. The outstanding Russian psychologist A.V. Brushlinsky presented an original point of view on a person - as a subject - the creator of his own formation. Accordingly, the subject is defined as a person at the highest level of activity, communication, integrity, autonomy for him, as a person who has freedom of choice and makes decisions about actions on the basis of moral consciousness. It is shown that a person is not born a subject, but becomes a subject in the process of the formation of the psyche.

Personality is, first of all, a qualitatively unique spiritual energy and spiritual activity - the center of creative energy. Spirit is an integral creative act of man. Spirit is creativity, spirit creates new being. Creative activity, creative freedom of the subject is primary. Creativity is inseparable from freedom. Only the free one creates.

"A free person is independent and active" asserts N. Berdyaev. Freedom of the individual is expressed in the adoption of a certain worldview position, following it. A person who defends the ideology he has adopted and who follows it in his behavior is a socially active person.

In recent decades, the fundamental study of creative activity has been taking place in the mainstream of educational psychology and psychophysiology. In educational psychology, the problem of creative activity was considered in connection with the development of problems of assimilation of knowledge. Creative activity is identified with the activity itself, its success.

There are two tendencies in understanding creative activity. In one case, intellectual activity is interpreted as a synonym for any mental activity in general. Another point of view is that activity is "a measure of the interaction of a subject with an object."

· Intellectual activity- a purely personal property, the unity of cognitive and motivational factors.

Two levels of personality action can be distinguished:

1) the actions of the individual at the level of the social individual, when the activity is determined by the goal and the desired result;

2) the actions of a creative person, when the result is always wider than the goal.

Some important points for the formation of a person's creative activity:

1. the manifestation of creative abilities in a person is personally mediated, i.e. his psychological and pedagogical "history" of development is a kind of key that opens the manifestation of creative activity, covering all aspects of existing knowledge, skills and existing life experience, i.e. personality manifests itself in creative activity. This determines the relationship and interdependence of personality traits and creative processes;

2. the most important component of the creative process is the intellectual activity of a person, manifested in a creative initiative. Naturally, the level of creative activity is associated with the personality traits of a person, and often the nature of the course of mental processes in a person determines the level of manifestation of activity.

What is the ability to create - a personality trait with which we are born, or a skill that can be developed? Geneticists studying this question argue that we are all born with creativity - the ability to solve problems by combining complex and sometimes unrelated ideas. You probably know people like that who go around with crazy ideas and seem crazy to everyone. In terms of creativity, these people have only a slight advantage. But that's all. An advantage can also become a disadvantage if they fail to adapt their extravagance to the professional environment or the world at large. A study by the Center for the Exploration of Creativity and the Foundation for Creative Education in Buffalo, NY, found that most people can learn to develop their skills and creativity. To do this, you need to find out what makes a person creative, and then develop these skills.

Creative personality traits

Each of us has the ability to solve problems, but people who are creative in solving problems have certain personality traits. First, they absorb the experience of others like a sponge. They have a huge personal inventory of things they have read, seen or heard, places they have been or work, and people they know. The study found that creative people strive for independence, self-sufficiency, self-discipline, perseverance, self-affirmation, and are highly tolerant of uncertainty. They take risks and have powerful egos. In other words, they are guided by an inner impulse. They don't care about standards and opinions, they have little interest in interpersonal relationships. Creative people usually have an innate skepticism and a very sharp mind. They are active, observant and executive, draw conclusions using intuition rather than logic. They have an ease that allows them to find new associations. They draw inspiration from everyday dreams and fantasies and have a good sense of humor. In general, creative people perform difficult tasks as if there was nothing difficult about them, and they are unhappy and depressed when they fail to create. Possessing many positive character traits, they, however, are not without drawbacks: they are difficult to deal with, they are harsh and withdrawn. What character traits are not inherent in creative people? They are not dogmatists (although they can be stubborn) and lose patience when dealing with people of a domineering nature. These people do not follow the crowd, they like to be alone. They are not shy, and they do not care what others think of them.

Development and formation of a creative personality

Creativity is an activity that leads to the creation of new unique material and spiritual values. The uniqueness of creative activity lies in the fact that a person reflects his personality in it. Therefore, people capable of creative activity are called creative individuals. The thinking of a person in the state of creating original products has always interested psychologists. Consider the sequence of thinking of a creative person at the time of creating original images, developed by the English psychologist Gray Wallace. He considered the first stage of creative thinking to be preparation for activity, which consists in setting a goal and modeling a method for achieving it. So, the artist, standing in front of an easel with paints in his hands, presents the general features of his future painting and prepares for its depiction. The second stage is incubation. It is characterized by the flight of thought, detachment from the goal of creative activity. Thus, as Wallace argued, the author is attuned to creative work. The third stage is insight. It happens inside - unexpectedly, as if some kind of impulse comes to a person, and he understands how the result of his work should look and how to achieve it. Illumination is a complex mental process that is not unique to creative individuals. Every person in his life experienced an enlightenment when he suddenly found a way to solve a certain problem. Creative insight is the emergence of an original thought, which becomes the basis for further work. Verification is the last, fourth stage of creative thinking, highlighted by Gray Wallace. During the check, a person tests his creation for suitability and quality. This can be an assessment of him, a look from a new angle, or a completely practical use of a creative product. These stages were highlighted in the writings of other psychologists, which confirmed the model of creative thinking proposed by Wallace. It is worth adding that in 1908 another psychologist, Henri Poincaré, described in more detail the process of thinking of a creative person. He insisted that during the incubation period, a person is distracted from the object of creativity only consciously, but his subconscious continues to work and look for options for implementing the conceived project, so the insight comes so unexpectedly. It seems to a person that an ingenious creative thought suddenly visited him, and this signal was not generated by him himself, but, in fact, this is really the idea of ​​the author himself, it just arose from the subconscious and appeared to be judged by the conscious sphere of the individual. How does the subconscious mind produce creative thoughts? Poincare believed that it selects a valuable idea from several constructed by combining. He described this phenomenon by the example of solving mathematical problems that became his own discoveries. At a congress in France, Poincaré told his colleagues about how he independently engaged in creative work in mathematics .. Indeed, at first the psychologist set himself the task of highlighting the new and unusual from the proposed digital combinations. Then he imagined how many manipulations he needed to carry out and stepped aside for a while from the task. During that period, while he was not consciously engaged in mathematics, an interesting variant suddenly appeared in his thoughts. The psychologist checked it, and it turned out that the open method of solving problems is effective. Having carried out this act of creativity, Poincaré came to the conclusion that his subconscious mind threw out the most harmonious and original version of all those analyzed, which indicates the presence of a creative moment in solving the problem. Thus, we can say that a creative person is a person whose unconscious sphere of the I is capable of analyzing material and selecting original, unique and universal information, which is then processed and verified by consciousness. Psychologists argue that a certain filter is at work here, which distinguishes suitable options from unpromising ones, is engaged in combining versions and offers one specific option to the conscious sphere of the personality. In some cases, the creative process takes place without the participation of the subconscious. In this case, the desired option for implementation is quickly found by the consciousness itself. But there is a common feature for both types of creative thinking: this thinking is always original. Another person, assigned to the same task in identical conditions, cannot repeat exactly the same version of performance.

The formation of a person's personality is a consistent change and complication of the system of relations to the world around, nature, work, other people and to oneself. It happens throughout his life. In this case, children and adolescents are especially important.

What is a creative person? First of all, this is a person with broad views, encyclopedic knowledge, flexible live mind. Such a person is able to quickly adapt in his work to a dramatically changing situation, to quickly find non-standard solutions to standard problems. Three factors influence the formation of personality: upbringing, social environment and hereditary inclinations.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influencing the growing person to transfer the accumulated social experience.

The social environment is of primary importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of activities and the outlook of people.

The inclinations are special anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the ability to different types of activity. But the inclinations themselves do not yet ensure the abilities and high performance results. Only in the process of education and training, social life and activities, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person on the basis of inclinations are formed abilities. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment.

A creative person can be defined as a person who sees tasks around him, sets himself the goal of solving them and is engaged in their solution. You can also define it through the result obtained as a result of creativity. Then a creative person is a person who finds non-standard solutions to the tasks facing him.

The main requirement for a creative life is having a worthy goal. Achieving this goal is not overnight. Preparation for a solution takes years, including numerous intermediate stages, attempts at solution, retreats and periods of searching for new tactics.

A creative person is an individual who possesses a high level of knowledge, an attraction to the new, the original, who can reject the usual, stereotyped. The need for creativity is a vital necessity.

Most authors agree with this definition of "creative personality". For a creative person, creative activity is a vital need, and a creative style of behavior is the most characteristic. The main indicator of a creative personality, its most important feature is considered the presence of creative abilities, which are considered as individual psychological abilities of a person that meet the requirements of creative activity and are a condition for its successful implementation. Creativity is associated with the creation of a new, original product, with the search for new means of activity.

N.V. Kichuk defines a creative person through her intellectual activity, creative thinking and creativity. It should be noted that in the psychological and pedagogical literature next to the term "creative personality" there is the term "creative personality". The most successful approach to this definition was proposed by S.O. Sysoeva.

A creative person is a person who has internal conditions that ensure his creative activity, that is, not externally stimulated research activity.

A creative person is a creative person who, as a result of the influence of external factors, has acquired additional motives, personal formations, and abilities necessary to actualize a person's creative potential, which contribute to the achievement of creative results in one or several types of creative activity. Each person must develop and manage their creative thinking skills in order to fully utilize the possibilities of the creative process.

Creative thinking is learning something new. It is part of human intelligence.

Creativity is the ability, as well as the ability to creatively perform some work, perform some actions aimed at a specific result to improve something or someone.

Creative opportunities - qualities and abilities, skills and characteristics of the motivational sphere of students, which develop and lead to the formation of a creative personality, the disclosure of the potential of each child.

Then what is creativity?

Creativity is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before.

Creativity as a creative activity is characterized by uniqueness in the nature of implementation on the one hand and in the result obtained on the other hand. The result of creative activity is always original.

Creativity is a human activity that generates something new, is distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness.

Creative interest is attention caused by something significant, interesting, such that prompts for independent creative activity, the result of which is the discovery of something new, the solution of some problem.

In the creative activity of a person, three levels of consciousness are distinguished: subconsciousness, consciousness and superconsciousness.

Consciousness operates with knowledge that can potentially be transferred to another, can become the property of other members of the community. In the sphere of creativity, it is consciousness that formulates the question to be resolved and poses it to the one who knows the reality.

Everything that was previously realized is referred to the sphere of the subconscious. These are highly automated skills, deeply internalized social norms and motivational conflicts that are painful for the subjects. The subconscious mind protects the mind from unnecessary work and mental overload.

The activity of superconsciousness (creative intuition) is revealed in the form of the initial stages of creativity, which are not controlled by consciousness and will. The unconsciousness of these stages represents the protection of the emerging hypotheses from the conservatism of consciousness, from the excessive pressure of previously accumulated experience. Consciousness is left with the function of selecting these hypotheses by means of their logical analysis.

The three-level structure of consciousness can be considered as the main parameter of a person's individuality. In different people, the activity of these levels is not equally expressed.

All levels of consciousness develop, enrich and train from early childhood. The superconscious is trained by play, then by art. It often functions in a zone of conflict between social and ideal needs, between existing norms and the need to change them. Consciousness is enriched in the learning process, then education and thinking. The subconscious is filled by imitation, and later - by practical experience, which is controlled by the consciousness. As they grow older, both the consciousness (a completely conscious experience) and the subconscious are enriched, i.e. a set of secondary unconscious, automated skills and abilities. At a certain stage, the superconscious (creative intuition) has the opportunity to directly use the experience stored in the subconscious.

“A creative person,” says the American psychologist L.S. A Kyuubi is someone who, to some extent, still randomly retains the ability to use their subconscious functions more freely than other people who, perhaps, are potentially equally gifted. "

Creativity is the process of creating something new. Creative activity is usually a diverse activity. Each element of the artificial environment that surrounds a person is the result of creativity. This is a built environment. The class-forming sign of the creative nature of activity is the creation of something new. The key to a person's creative activity is the selection of the necessary (valuable) information. Moreover, its value is understood as the degree of probability of achieving the goal (satisfying the need) based on the message received.

Creativity presupposes that a person has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. The study of these personality traits has revealed the important role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the personality's need for self-actualization, in the disclosure and expansion of their creative capabilities. Creativity as a process was considered initially, proceeding from the self-reports of artists and scientists, where a special role was assigned to "illumination", inspiration and similar states, replacing the preliminary work of thought.

Technical creativity. There are two forms of obtaining a creative result (solution):



An invention is a new, significantly different technical solution to a problem in any area of ​​economic activity, social and cultural development or defense of the country. As a rule, the result of the invention should have a positive effect.

Only such activity can be classified as creative, the result of which can be the creation of things of high social significance. The result of creative activity does not always coincide with the result of its practical applicability and significance.

The result of the activity can be characterized from different points of view. Distinguish:

Fundamentally new (qualitatively);

New in time.

Fundamentally new is the result of creative activity, which is created or arises for the first time. This new thing has no analogues in the previous one.

New in time is the result of creative activity, the creation or emergence of which was preceded by the existence of a similar object. A feature is the presence of such a quality in an object, due to which this object represents another, another copy of the original.

Novelty is a concept that links subjective and objective moments and ultimately expresses the attitude of a person (society) to the result (product of activity).

In relation to the "creator", novelty is classified:

1. Individual novelty. The result of the “creator's” activity is not new for society. This new is subjective, individual, psychologically new;

2. Locally new (group) novelty. The result of creative activity is new to a group or group of people;

3. Regionally new. The novelty is distributed or limited by the framework of a particular country, state or a specific region;

4. Objectively new (worldwide) novelty. The novelty is defined for the entire community, humanity, the whole world.

Creative potential as a socially significant quality of a person is one of the most important characteristics of a person's personality as a member of a society of people, a creative person.

For the development of such a quality in a person's personality, a flexible methodology of the educational process is needed, based on the laws of the psychology of education and creativity, a historical approach to the development of science, technology and technology. This requires changes and corrections in the concept of higher education, in its content components, a transition to the principles of fundamentalization and humanization of education. It follows from what has been said that teaching creativity as a special discipline should be carried out by highly qualified specialists, creatively active teachers, distinguished by the prevailing need for creativity in their scientific, educational and educational activities.

creative creativity imagination child

The development (upbringing) of a child's creative personality is a process, an organized interaction of an authoritative personality (educator, parents, teachers, and in general adults who enter into sufficiently long contact with the child) and the child. The ultimate goal of this process is the formation of a creative personality.

From the characteristics of a creative personality, the ways of forming a creative personality follow. The main way is to include the child in a variety of creative activities.

In creativity, a creative person is always faced with the problem of choosing from several possibilities. The most important condition for the choice, and therefore the condition for the development of the creative potential of the child, is the freedom of the individual. Having the freedom to choose goals, means and methods of activity, a person gets the opportunity to interact in a variety of ways with objects of the external world, which entails the creation of many images and their combinations. The child should be given the opportunity to choose, teach a conscious choice, help, but not impose, teach him, listening, go from himself. And very important here is the imagination of the child, who needs a free exit.

Imagination is a mental process that is expressed in the construction of an image of the means and the end result of the subject's objective activity, in the creation of images that correspond to the description of the object. The most important task of the imagination is to present the result of labor before it begins, thereby orienting a person in the process of activity. For the upbringing of imagination, artistic, scientific and inventive, technical creativity, as well as sports, which develops the imagination in the process of presenting the result of single combat, play an important role; self-education and socially useful work are also important. All types of creativity are realized in the process of activity.

Also very important for the upbringing of a creative personality is the upbringing of thinking. Thinking is a process of cognitive activity of an individual, characterized by a generalized and mediated reflection of reality.

Achieving a goal implies anticipating it, and finding a way to achieve a goal involves thinking. Therefore, for the mechanism of the shift of the motive to act on the goal, it is necessary to imagine the goal, to comprehend the ways to achieve it, to have a certain emotional stress. That is, to educate the motives of creativity, it is necessary to use teaching tools aimed at fostering imagination, thinking, emotions.

In the activity of both thinking and imagination, the emotional sphere of the psyche plays a huge role. Emotions play an important role in motivating creativity. They represent a mechanism for the transformation of external stimuli into motives that direct cognition into the transformation of the surrounding reality. It follows from this that in order to educate a person capable of creating not only the external, but also his inner world, it is necessary to purposefully educate the ability to feel, experience, manage emotions and direct them to the benefit of himself and people.

The main factor in the upbringing of a creative personality is the upbringing of motivation. Better is what you want to do, what is interesting to do. It is necessary to highlight the motive, that is, for the sake of what the activity is being performed. A teacher who does not know how to penetrate into the motives of the child's activity is essentially working blindly. Motive is the basis for the formation of the necessary personality traits.

One of the main motivators is play. In the motives of the game, a person's need to transform the world is manifested. The game develops imagination, thinking, since the participant is in imaginary situations before choosing options for action, he is forced to calculate his own and others' moves. The experiences that accompany the processes of thinking and imagination in play situations are also essential, i.e. the senses. Therefore, play is an irreplaceable means of educating thinking, imagination, feelings.

It has been proved that collective creative activity has a significant impact on the development of the child's creative abilities, enhancing the motive of activity and disciplining.

The main factor in upbringing is the example, the environment. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the child's environment, the role of significant others. This is, first of all, a teacher (kindergarten teacher, class teacher at school), as the organizer and leader of the pedagogical process. There is no doubt that the creative potential of the teacher and the conditions for organizing his work play a huge role in the upbringing of the child's creative personality. The upbringing of a creative personality also presupposes the presence of pedagogical creativity. A creative person can only be raised by a creative teacher. That is, it is necessary to create special conditions that would contribute to the full development of the child's creative personality. To do this, it is necessary in pedagogical practice to apply methods and techniques that motivate students to be creative, develop their thinking, imagination, emotions.

A special role in the formation of the creative personality of the child in the family, as well as in the environment in which the family itself is. Children and parents are in constant search, the modern family has enormous intellectual potential, and the teacher's task is to attract and skillfully use it when organizing children's free time, filling their leisure time with activities that are beneficial both for health and for the mind. Whichever side of the child's development we take, the family always plays a decisive role. The family is responsible for the physical and emotional development of the child, plays a leading role in the mental development of the child, affects the attitude of children towards learning and largely determines its success. The educational level of the family, the interests of its members affect the intellectual development of a person, on which layers of culture he assimilates. The family is of great importance in a person's mastery of social norms, the fundamental value orientations of a person are formed in the family, which determine his style of life, spheres and level of aspirations, life aspirations, plans and ways of achieving them. The family plays an important role in the development of a person due to the fact that its approval, support, indifference or condemnation affects a person's social aspirations, helps or hinders him from looking for ways out in difficult life situations, adapting to the changed circumstances of his life, and resisting changing social conditions ... Therefore, the emotional situation in the family, the level of its cohesion and the quality of intrafamily ties play the most important role. An important place in the upbringing of a child's creative personality is played by favorable conditions for self-development.

Thus, it is obvious that the main conditions for the upbringing of a creative personality are:

· Orientation of the educational process to the upbringing of a creative personality;

· Early identification of creative abilities and their orientation;

· Formation of motivation for creative activity;

· Moral and creative purposefulness of the educational process;

· The presence of a democratic relationship between a teacher and a child;

· Taking into account individual psychological characteristics;

· Orientation of the educational process towards self-education of students (self-knowledge, self-organization, self-realization);

· Creation of a favorable creative microclimate in the family, school;

Organization of various forms of stimulating the creative activity of students (holding Olympiads, organizing research), etc.

It is also obvious that the effective formation of a creative personality is impossible without:

· Inclusion of the child in a variety of creative activities and its "living", which is achieved by specially selected types of creative work. This is due to the fact that a creative personality manifests itself, first of all, in activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values;

· Work on improving skills that allow students to quickly assimilate and assign new types of activities that are distinguished by personal value;

· The organization of creative associations, allowing to educate the necessary personal qualities, contribute to the formation of moral values, teach communication and cooperation.

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