Results of lottery drawing 6 out of 49. Soviet Sportloto. History and archive of circulations. Where to buy a ticket - lottery sales places

In 2016, there were 1,078 drawings of the Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery. During this period, the amount of fees amounted to (on average) 452,683 rubles per draw. Considering that the bets in “6 out of 49” cost only 20 rubles, it turns out that a little more than 20 thousand combinations are involved in each draw, which is ridiculously small for a lottery with such a numerical formula. Since the probability of guessing 6 out of 49 is 1 in 13,983,816, then with the current number of bets it is hardly worth expecting that the main prize will be guessed more than 1-2 times a year.

Why, it’s a six, with such a “mass”, not even a five is guessed in every draw (chance 1 in 54,201)

Anti-record 2016, circulation No. 24236 - only 6200 combinations are involved

The lottery is saved only by the small cost of the bet compared to other games. Still, 20 rubles, this is five times less than in the flagship Stoloto lotteries. But there is also a significant drawback - the payment for the top five is small, 30-45 thousand rubles. In the same Gosloto lottery “6 out of 45” the chance of guessing a five is even higher - 1 in 34,808, and the payout for it is higher. Sometimes ten or more times...

Nevertheless, the Sportloto 6 out of 49 lottery works, the turnover is growing year by year - in 2015 it was 202 million, in 2016 it more than doubled and became 487 million rubles. This is due to the effect of a low base in the past and the small cost of the bet compared to other lotteries. The average turnover per circulation is also growing, this is clearly visible in the 2016 figures.

lottery 6 out of 49 for 2016, turnover for 2016, from draw No. 24231 to No. 25308 (with the exception of two)

But, in the diagram above, I deliberately excluded data from two circulations. Because they greatly change the overall picture. Here's what it looks like taking into account all the circulations.

lottery 6 out of 49 for 2016, turnover for 2016, from draw No. 24231 to No. 25308

Against the backdrop of average values, when the turnover of one draw is plus/minus 500 thousand rubles, the figures for these draws are impressive - No. 24996, the fees amounted to 28,267,400 rubles, No. 25216 - 21,743,760 rubles. This is 40-50 times more than usual! Two circulations brought the operator 50 million rubles, almost 10% of annual turnover! What's the secret? It's simple - these are distribution circulations

Distribution of accumulated

According to the law, if no one has guessed the main prize during the year, the operator is obliged to conduct a distribution draw in which the accumulated amount will be forcibly divided into other prize categories. This is an interesting option for players, as the payouts are larger than usual. If no one guesses the main prize.

circulation no., November 30, 2016
Players placed 1,087,188 bets (366,833 receipts). The winning combination is 33, 39, 30, 23, 31, 10 and bonus ball 45. No one matched 6 numbers or 5 + 1

  • 3 numbers - 300 rubles
  • 4 numbers - 7,225 rubles
  • 5 numbers - RUB 1,101,123.

5 numbers matched in 9 lottery tickets. The owners of eight of them received a winnings of 1,101,123 rubles each, and one - thanks to an expanded bet - won 4,633,242 rubles.

In 2017, the distribution circulation took place quite recently, on July 19, circulation No. 25900
By this time, more than 30 million had already accumulated, which were planned to be played out. The distribution was supposed to be according to the old scheme - 150 additional rubles for 3 guessed numbers. The remaining amount was distributed in the following percentage

  • 4 correct numbers - 35%
  • 5 correct numbers - 30%
  • 5 correct numbers + bonus ball - 35%.

Players, excited by the opportunity to once again take part in the pie, placed a record number of bets - 2,229,714 (778,658 receipts). But the distribution circulation did not take place. There was nothing left to distribute. Because one of the participants guessed 6 numbers and, single-handedly, won a record prize - 39 827 827 rub.

It is known that the ticket was issued in Moscow, on There is no further information about the winner. As well as other details or news - whether the winner visited Stoloto’s office or picked up his prize - we don’t know all this yet. And we are unlikely to find out at all; most likely the winner will join the ranks of whom no one has ever heard of. And he won't hear.

Results of lottery draws LOTTO 6 out of 49. The page contains an archive of the latest 100 results. Draw results are updated every Wednesday from 19:00 to 19:30 (Astana time). The winning numbers are shown in the order they were drawn in the lottery machine. The circulation is held every Wednesday at 18:50 live on Channel 7. Conducts a lottery. Check your LOTO 6/49 ticket by checking the table below.

Check LOTTO ticket 6 out of 49 – Kazakhstan

To automatically check a ticket with bets, enter the numbers and click the “CHECK” button. If the numbers in the bet match the winning numbers, they will be highlighted in green. Orange - if there are no matches. The bonus ball is highlighted in blue.

Archive of the results of the last 100 draws

Information with the results of today's (last) draw is at the very top of the table. The numbers that appear are most often counted under the table.

Draw numberDraw dateRatesWinning numbers + bonus ball
91 11.12.2019
latest LOTTO draw 6 of 49
103162 25 36 13 49 33 10 + 26
90 04.12.2019 86505 37 32 44 28 41 26 + 7
89 27.11.2019 82931 14 18 1 7 43 42 + 24
88 20.11.2019 84248 32 38 10 36 33 2 + 21
87 13.11.2019 84126 13 45 36 42 18 12 + 30
86 06.11.2019 81288 44 24 45 36 35 31 + 30
85 30.10.2019 79528 37 28 11 43 26 30 + 15
84 23.10.2019 78207 17 2 38 43 3 32 + 24
83 16.10.2019 82314 10 16 7 14 5 28 + 43
82 09.10.2019 79721 26 23 25 12 32 27 + 8
81 02.10.2019 75448 32 10 6 24 2 5 + 8
80 25.09.2019 70718 39 35 43 7 10 42 + 25
79 18.09.2019 98589 36 29 10 14 17 12 + 31
78 11.09.2019 100527 39 43 42 7 25 28 + 14
77 04.09.2019 94103 28 45 35 36 30 14 + 15
76 28.08.2019 92203 25 20 22 9 24 48 + 44
75 21.08.2019 92774 1 29 33 22 34 39 + 43
74 14.08.2019 88266 42 35 36 41 1 28 + 48
73 07.08.2019 82989 9 3 37 25 41 38 + 14
72 31.07.2019 65353 33 20 1 42 29 40 + 34
71 24.07.2019 52336 32 15 20 17 44 28 + 3
70 17.07.2019 54417 25 10 47 33 28 12 + 7
69 10.07.2019 54284 9 43 45 37 3 16 + 23
68 03.07.2019 52327 13 39 21 31 33 9 + 42
67 26.06.2019 51099 26 18 25 23 3 10 + 40
66 19.06.2019 54261 7 19 29 42 11 46 + 12
65 12.06.2019 56453 17 8 45 21 24 6 + 27
64 05.06.2019 54450 47 44 41 20 16 21 + 22
63 29.05.2019 51698 24 39 4 25 5 30 + 11
62 22.05.2019 55332 27 30 42 25 29 2 + 48
61 15.05.2019 55329 5 13 3 32 21 35 + 26
60 08.05.2019 56133 5 17 11 18 30 16 + 49
59 01.05.2019 51988 7 33 26 45 25 10 + 35
58 24.04.2019 54537 7 48 2 41 8 10 + 9
57 17.04.2019 56321 17 1 36 34 22 28 + 11
56 10.04.2019 62311 45 3 47 4 23 2 + 36
55 03.04.2019 58428 4 34 49 36 8 46 + 2
54 27.03.2019 103942 41 35 9 42 23 17 + 45
53 20.03.2019 86099 15 30 16 19 41 39 + 26
52 13.03.2019 63177 12 20 35 17 49 24 + 43
51 06.03.2019 54321 14 21 36 47 7 24 + 5
50 27.02.2019 49236 49 32 13 35 38 23 + 14
49 20.02.2019 47816 40 20 21 16 31 43 + 1
48 13.02.2019 51647 36 35 27 18 1 15 + 28
47 06.02.2019 47805 32 49 39 30 29 4 + 40
46 30.01.2019 45946 27 28 43 14 23 29 + 41
45 23.01.2019 50695 42 46 15 2 18 29 + 48
44 16.01.2019 53242 35 39 6 31 21 8 + 37
43 09.01.2019 50155 23 6 42 39 8 47 + 43
42 02.01.2019 43124 46 9 21 49 48 42 + 16
41 26.12.2018 59655 25 40 43 46 6 17 + 1
40 19.12.2018 57958 24 7 6 47 27 20 + 41
39 12.12.2018 60283 25 40 32 37 22 24 + 11
38 05.12.2018 54268 10 16 39 38 20 8 + 1
37 28.11.2018 55824 15 35 19 14 26 17 + 40
36 21.11.2018 79999 43 37 3 33 46 12 + 21
35 14.11.2018 44255 19 35 22 49 42 47 + 11
34 07.11.2018 39058 8 25 32 20 26 11 + 33
33 31.10.2018 33223 38 12 47 1 34 32 + 43
32 24.10.2018 31508 31 42 13 10 8 17 + 26
31 17.10.2018 30125 5 16 13 14 40 44 + 29
30 10.10.2018 30741 13 40 3 34 4 45 + 30
29 03.10.2018 29759 27 5 23 16 1 17 + 29
28 26.09.2018 29182 32 17 43 9 6 28 + 30
27 19.09.2018 28288 43 41 35 8 16 15 + 29
26 12.09.2018 28409 6 48 30 36 5 18 + 35
25 05.09.2018 26440 38 32 18 33 27 3 + 36
24 29.08.2018 25357 9 42 29 2 23 10 + 18
23 22.08.2018 25750 15 11 4 43 26 22 + 44
22 15.08.2018 27382 48 17 20 26 11 32 + 43
21 08.08.2018 25724 23 43 3 19 37 34 + 9
20 01.08.2018 25600 17 35 19 21 42 36 + 2
19 25.07.2018 24554 7 10 26 14 8 19 + 1
18 18.07.2018 26263 18 28 49 42 16 14 + 30
17 11.07.2018 27775 8 42 49 24 28 18 + 16
16 04.07.2018 26551 30 37 18 23 36 8 + 32
15 27.06.2018 24879 13 25 34 10 44 45 + 48
14 20.06.2018 25330 22 18 9 33 48 13 + 11
13 13.06.2018 26659 8 23 25 18 47 10 + 5
12 06.06.2018 24526 42 1 5 7 18 37 + 12
11 30.05.2018 22040 23 35 12 47 18 16 + 5
10 23.05.2018 22095 39 15 22 3 16 32 + 7
9 16.05.2018 22761 37 7 45 28 47 19 + 38
8 09.05.2018 22532 48 15 9 42 46 14 + 32
7 02.05.2018 20926 35 45 47 6 10 48 + 43
6 25.04.2018 21317 26 28 33 16 22 27 + 34
5 18.04.2018 21055 22 13 10 24 1 9 + 38
4 11.04.2018 0 35 44 7 13 25 5 + 41
3 04.04.2018 0 26 40 30 5 2 42 + 25
2 28.03.2018 0 10 43 44 39 28 30 + 6
1 21.03.2018 0 4 25 1 2 41 27 + 39

Frequently drawn numbers in LOTO 6/49 (last 100 draws, including bonus ball): 43; 42; 25; 10; 35; 32; 28; 16; 7; 26;

Winning table

You can find out the specific winning amount by checking the table.

*UP (%)– established fixed percentage

PF - prize fund, not less than 20,000,000 tenge

The prize fund in each “Winning Category” is distributed among all winners (winning bets) in this category in equal proportions, with the exception of “Category 5” and “Category 6”, which provide fixed winning amounts.

Video of the latest LOTTO draw 6 of 49

Archive of video drawings of LOTTO 6 of 49

This Friday, the jackpot of the game “Sportloto 6 out of 49” exceeded 1 million rubles, and this is one of the largest amounts in the history of Belarusian lotteries. the site spoke with the organizers from the Sport-Pari company and Minsk residents who are laying claim to a substantial win.

“I saw the circulation number and terminal address in a dream. Won"

- Better say: a jackpot of 500 thousand dollars! Otherwise, a million rubles are somehow not perceived, - he complains about the consequences of the denomination Sergey, a middle-aged Minsk resident.

Today - as well as on other days of the week - he went to the Sports Pari sales point at the railway station. He placed a bet in “Sportloto 6 out of 49” and hopes in exchange for 2 rubles to become the owner of a larger amount.

“My most significant jackpot until this day was 5 million rubles in old ones,” says Sergei. — I keep statistics in a separate notebook. According to my observations, the numbers that appear least often are 41 and 42, 31 and 32.

When filling out a coupon, someone chooses to “auto-bid,” meaning they allow the computer to determine a set of random numbers. Someone writes dates of birth: their own and those of loved ones.

— And one of the winners admitted to us that he saw the circulation number and the address of the terminal where he needed to fill out the coupon (in the Prostor store on Dzerzhinsky) in a dream. “I decided to check my dream and won,” says the head of the information support department at Sport-Pari CJSC, surprised. Irina Urbanovich.

Or another story: in Lida, a man made ten bets. In nine coupons he indicated the same numbers, and in the last one he decided to replace one. With “old” money he won 902 million: one hundred million for nine coupons, and two for the one with a different number.

Photo: Winners of “Sportloto 5 out of 36”
Photo: Winners of “Sportloto 5 out of 36”

Although Sportloto 6 of 49 draws take place three times a week, no one has won the jackpot for the last three years. That's why it grew to such size. For example, in another “Sports betting” game - “Sportloto 5 out of 36” - the main prize has already been taken away several times. So the jackpot there is more modest - 176,300 rubles.

To become a winner in Sportloto 6 out of 49, you need to guess 3 to 6 numbers. If 3 numbers match, the winnings will be fixed: today it is 2 rubles 50 kopecks. In the drawing of September 23, there were 251 matches of 3 numbers (winning for each bet 2 rubles 50 kopecks) and 9 matches of 4 numbers (winning for each bet 1150 rubles 83 kopecks).

“I know players who don’t go to certain girls at sales points”

The orange door of the Sports Betting kiosk opens approximately every five minutes to admit a new jackpot candidate.

“I made a bet on tomorrow, I think there’s no need for more for now,” he says cautiously Inalina Gassieva. She used to teach Russian as a foreign language, but has now retired. - See how the jackpot is accumulating, people want to win! The figure is huge for our country, and if only I could have a small piece.

In this case, the pensioner would give part of the money to an orphanage and an animal shelter.

“I would also buy a car for my brother, he lives far outside Minsk, but works here.” I would help my friend, she also helped me at one time. The rest is just trifles,” the woman estimates.

Bet on Inalina Gassieva Victor Pchelka:

“I’m a builder, Vasya the hard worker,” the man introduces himself. — How often do I come in? Tuesday Thursday Saturday. I don’t take lottery tickets out of principle, it’s not serious. But coupons or sporting events are another matter: here I mark the numbers myself.

Victor Pchelka once won 200 rubles - “in those days when the dollar was two thousand”. He loves to win, but the game itself is also fascinating: “I’m pumping up adrenaline!”- speaks. He categorically does not believe in omens:

- What difference does it make whether I stood up on my left foot or on my right? I know players who don’t go to certain girls at sales points: they say, she has a bad hand. I answer: wait, and if I arrange numbers on the computer, should I then change the monitor? - the player throws up his hands.

“We used to win more often in Brest”

Yes, every salesperson is considered “happy” by some clients, agrees Maria Krechko-Mukhamedzhanova. She takes bets at a kiosk at the station. The girl cannot test her own luck in the Sports Betting games: employees are prohibited from playing. But at least she was lucky with tickets during the exams: she drew the one she wished for. So Maria gives others the opportunity to make their dreams come true.

— Many players go every day, some at the same time, like clockwork. For example, on the way from work. But the principle of “beginners are lucky” also works in our business: for example, I often see how in “Blitz” (a game that takes place online right at the point of sale once every five minutes. - Ed.) people who simply We came to wait five minutes for the train.

Played Blitz with us Olga Kuprienko, Sales Manager. I made an “auto bet” and won 20 rubles. But she’s not a newbie—she’s one of those who comes in regularly.

— This summer, for example, I received 100 rubles for hockey at Sportprognoz. How did you spend it? I made my bet again,” the girl laughs. — I would have won more, I would have known where to send it: repairs, cars...

Sports-betting says that recently winnings have begun to be distributed evenly across the country. Previously, luck was concentrated in the Brest region. They cannot help with lucky numbers: the process of removing prize balls from the lottery machine occurs automatically without human intervention, so no one has the opportunity to influence the results of the drawing.

— All we know is that the jackpot is really big, someone will definitely be lucky.

Good afternoon everyone again! I am very glad to see all of you on the pages of my blog. Surely you have begun to be interested in the possibilities of making money on the lottery and you are interested in learning more about this matter.

I will tell you how to play the lottery and what strategy can ensure the optimal outcome of the draw.

I hope the information will be useful both to those who already regularly take part in lotteries, and to those who are new to this and are just looking at the possibility of earning money in this way.

How often do draws take place?

Let me remind everyone who is interested in the 6 out of 49 lottery and the rules of playing it that the 6 out of 49 draws take place every day. Draws are held three times a day at 9-30, 15-30 and 21-30 Moscow time. Bets on the next draw are accepted until the start of the next draw.

Therefore, you can take part in the lottery around the clock on weekends and holidays. The possibilities for participation are limited only by your desire to spend money on tickets.

How much can you win?

Now it’s worth mentioning how much you can win in the lottery. Gosloto 6 out of 49 offers a minimum win of 150 rubles.

To achieve this result, you need to guess 3 numbers. After the winnings for the three guessed numbers are distributed, it will be possible to calculate the output in the main categories as a percentage. The super prize of the 6 out of 49 lottery is awarded for all 6 numbers guessed and ranges from one million to several million rubles.

In order to always monitor the results of those who play the 6 out of 49 lottery, draw archives are stored on the website for up to six months. Those who missed the deadline for claiming their winnings can apply for their well-deserved prize within six months.

What are the rules of the game

I have already talked about how you can win the 6 out of 49 lottery and now, perhaps, I’ll remind you of the rules again. Let's start with the fact that the 6 out of 49 lottery is the most common digital lottery.

To win you need to guess the maximum number of numbers. The main difference between “Sportloto 6 of 49” and other lotteries on the Stoloto website, in which participants have the opportunity to choose a combination of numbers on their own, is the bonus ball, which is issued by lottery equipment after forming a winning combination of 6 numbers.

If its number matches one of the numbers in your bet, in which 5 numbers have already been guessed, the amount of winnings awarded to you for 5 numbers will increase. The bonus ball belongs to the same set of balls as the main game combination, therefore only in “Sportloto 6 of 49” there are cases when 6 numbers on one ticket can be guessed 2 times (more precisely, 6 numbers of the winning combination + a combination of “5 numbers” + bonus ball")!

After the bet is placed, all participants 6 out of 49 will be able to check the ticket online at almost any time of the day. The results of the draw become known almost immediately after its end and you can check them on the website. I talked more about how this is done in the video below.

Where can I buy a ticket?

Video instructions: “How to play Gosloto 6 of 49 online”:

There are many possibilities for purchasing a ticket. You can buy a ticket at sales points, which are located in various places. You can also purchase a ticket online on special websites that sell lottery tickets.

This method is convenient for many reasons. Among other things, it is beneficial in that for participants of the 6 out of 49 lottery the online broadcast is carried out directly on the website and it becomes possible to track the results of the draws. Winnings are issued within 30 days from the end of the next draw.

Small winnings up to 2,000 rubles are issued at the point of sale after the end of the lottery; winnings above this amount are issued at the company's head office upon a preliminary application, which must be completed at least a week before the expected date of winning.

How to collect your winnings?

Those for whom the results of draws 6 out of 49 announced a win must contact the prize distribution center and claim the amount due to you.

Winners must also remember that they will have to pay a tax of 13% of the winnings on the winning amount and they should not expect to be able to hide their income. For trying to hide winnings, you can earn a very serious fine; its size can completely neutralize all your efforts to participate in the lottery.

How is the lottery conducted?

The “Sportloto 6 out of 49” lottery takes place in real time. This means that information about each purchased ticket is instantly sent to the gaming combination database, where the parameters of each bet made are stored - from its cost to the place and time of placing.

As soon as the next draw 6 out of 49 ends, the results of the draw are instantly determined using a special system that allows us to instantly determine the number of winning bets and the size of the winnings in each category.

Prizes will be distributed depending on the number of numbers you guessed. It will also be possible to win a super prize, which is awarded for 100% of the numbers guessed and goes from draw to draw if there is no person in the current draw who guessed all the numbers.

The size of the super prize can reach tens of millions of rubles, since the probability of guessing all the lottery numbers is quite low. But the lucky one who succeeds will be able to provide himself and his family with a comfortable life for several years to come and, perhaps, will fulfill his deepest dreams.

All information is duplicated on a special server of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, which guarantees the reliability and transparency of the lottery.

You can be sure that the last draw of 6 out of 49 will be fair and the results will be encouraging.

February 22

Place your bets and win the Jackpot!

Do you believe in your luck? Many winners of the Sport-Pari games are convinced that it was their confidence in victory and their own strengths that helped them win big cash prizes! Some people have been betting for many years, while others manage to hit a big jackpot on their very first attempts.

The game "Sportloto 6 out of 49" attracts players with a large Jackpot and in almost every draw there are players who are just one step away from victory, guessing 5 balls out of 49. For example, in one of the last draws such players turned out to be Alexander Alexandrovich from Vitebsk, who guessed 5 numbers and won more than 3,836 rubles! The winner admitted that he places bets relying on intuition or “Auto bets”, and in total he has been playing the games of the company “Sport-betting” for more than 3 years.

When are the drawings for the game "Sportloto 6 out of 49"?

Draws for the game "Sportloto 6 out of 49" take place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the Belarus 2 TV channel at 22.00.

What is the price of 1 bet?

The cost of 1 bet is 2 bel. rub.

Where to place your bet?

You can place a bet at any point of sale of the Sport-Pari company. Look for the orange owl logo! We wish the winner good luck and further winnings!

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