Drawing. Notes for drawing classes, GCD. Drawing in the senior group of kindergarten "Cosmeya" step by step with photos Artistic drawing senior group classes

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Artistic and aesthetic development” (drawing, music, reading fiction), “Social and communicative development.”

Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Goals : develop independence and creativity, learn to reflect impressions of the surrounding life; to form ideas about kindergarten employees, about the work processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; improve the ability to navigate the premises of a kindergarten.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting a janitor, cook, nanny, laundress, musician and representatives of other professions in kindergarten; subject pictures depicting objects needed by people of these professions; colored pencils, sheets of paper.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Educator . Guys, let's take a tour of our kindergarten. You will learn a lot of new and interesting things, and visit those corners of the building that you have never seen before. You will understand that

Our kindergarten, like other buildings, is an important part of the big city.

2. Tour of the kindergarten. Conversation.

The teacher shows all the groups and classrooms, the kitchen, laundry room, music and sports halls, the Russian Izba museum and other interesting rooms.

Educator . People from different professions work in the kindergarten:

teacher, psychologist, nurse, physical education teacher, music director, cook, manager. There is also a nanny, a laundress, a janitor, and a watchman. What kind of work do they do?(The teacher names a profession, and the children say what kind of work a person does in this profession. For example, a nanny - cleans in a group, sets the table; a laundress - does laundry, etc.) Why do you think a kindergarten needs a nurse? And the cook? And the janitor? All employees are needed. Their work is important. We must respect their work and help them. How can we help the janitor?(Do not leave trash on the street.) What about the laundress and nanny? (Do not stain the bed linen; set the table.)

3. Game “Whose objects?”

Educator . What items are in this or that room of the kindergarten? (The teacher shows pictures showing dumbbells, balls, a piano, a Russian stove, a washing machine, and a hob. Children try to give the correct answers.)

4. Physical education minute.

On the window in pots

Flowers rose

Reached for the sun

Smiled at the sun.

5. Reading a poem.

Educator. I suggest you listen to a poem about the garden:

Children live in kindergartens, you love him, children,

They play and sing here, The kindest house in the world!

Here they find friends, G. Shalaeva.

They go for walks with them.

Kindergarten is your second home.

The teacher asks the children to tell what the kindergarten is like. Story outline:

    What is the name of our kindergarten?

    How many floors does it have?

    What is the name of the group?

    What floor is it on?

    What facilities does the group have?

5. Listening to a song.

“Our favorite kindergarten” (performer/author G. Azamatova).

6. Drawing.

Educator . What's your mood now? Good? Then in

In a good mood, draw a picture with colored pencils on the theme “Our favorite kindergarten.” To do this, we will divide into three subgroups: the first subgroup will draw the building of our kindergarten covered with snow, surrounded by trees; the second one will draw a gym and all the corresponding attributes: stairs, balls, trampoline, treadmills; the third is to depict our museum “Russian Izba”; try to convey the main features of a Russian house such as wooden walls, a cradle, folk musical instruments, a Russian stove, and nesting dolls. Children diligently draw on given topics. The teacher helps the children, teaches them how to hold a pencil correctly, how to shade in one direction, and advises using more colors to make the drawing more saturated.

6. Conclusion.

Educator. Well done boys! It was a great drawing, everyone tried very hard. Now let's look at all the drawings and try to evaluate them, determine which of you managed to most accurately depict our kindergarten. Children discuss the drawings and try to objectively evaluate their creativity. The teacher and the children organize an exhibition of drawings at the kindergarten stand.

Who invented drawing with charcoal? What can you draw with a charcoal pencil?
Game motivation: Traveling in a time machine
Purpose: Experiment: making a charcoal drawing and determining its visual and expressive capabilities.
  • Learn to create an object or subject image in the style of “rock painting” of primitive people.
  • Strengthen children's ability to draw with charcoal in different ways: with the end of the charcoal and the side; learn to regulate pressure.
  • Expand children's horizons and develop imagination.

Sheets of paper are white and tinted in pastel colors, A4 format, charcoal. The teacher has photos of cave paintings of primitive people, a laptop for showing photos.
1. Organizational part.
Teacher: In the last lesson, we learned what coal is and why it is needed. But tell me, what else can you draw with a charcoal pencil? (Children's assumptions) To answer this question, we will go on a journey on... the Time Machine! Do you agree? Then let's go. Let's sit back, close our eyes, say the magic words that you know. (Children offer options)
The teacher opens the laptop, talks and shows the photo.

Educational story.
It was a long time ago. On our green planet, where various animals and birds already lived, man appeared. Where did he come from? Whether it originated from monkeys or flew from outer space, we don’t know. But he still appeared. And this is how he was, our distant ancestor. (Showing a picture of a primitive man.) The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, but what can I say - he had neither telephones nor televisions. There wasn't even a house or dishes. And clothes! Look what the ancient man was wearing? (Children: in the skin.) Why did the person dress like that? (Children reflect) Yes, then there were no factories or factories, and people had to do everything with their own hands. And who can guess why he needs the skin? What are your clothes for? (Children: protection from the cold.) We guessed how primitive man saved himself from the cold. Maybe you can guess what else a person needed to survive? (Guiding questions from the teacher. Children's answers.) Of course, he needed water, food and shelter. He could drink from a river or stream. What did he eat? (Children: berries, grass, meat).
Game situation.
Well done! Now you and I will turn into primitive people and go to a forest clearing to pick berries. On command, we begin to pick berries; whoever collects the most will become the most dexterous berry picker. Bring your “prey” and put it in a bowl.
Developmental conversation.
Where could primitive man live? (Children: in the cave) But the man ate. I lay down in the cave on a soft skin and slept. What to do then? You can’t listen to music, you can’t watch TV, you can’t read a book. What to do? (Children's thoughts)
- The man began... to draw! On what? On the wall of the cave. With what? There are no pencils or paints. But the ember from a burnt fire leaves a nice black mark! (Showing photos of rock paintings). What and who is not here! What did you see? Children list: trees, people, animals.
Well, the time machine is running out of fuel, it's time to go back!
Guys, let us tell you about our journey the way a primitive man would have done it - let’s draw what we saw. Do you agree?
2. Practical part.
Then get to work! (Children approach the tables). We will make the paper “old” - we will crumple it. Like this (shows) let’s unfold it and smooth it out. Now the paper looked like the walls of a cave. And here comes coal - just like in ancient times. Draw for them everything you saw, if desired.

3. Independent work of children.
Children draw. The teacher guides the children’s activities using advice, directions, and praise.

4. Final part.
Exhibition of children's works. Teacher: What new did you learn while traveling in the time machine? Guys, is it possible, looking at your drawings, to guess where we traveled? Did you enjoy the trip? We will arrange the drawings as the album “Travel in a Time Machine.”

Drawing for children of the senior group of kindergarten for September “Cosmea”.

Author: Kivachitskaya Olga Igorevna MADOU d/s KV No. 8 “Rosinka”
The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age and teachers of child care institutions.
Target: continue to develop children's interest in visual arts.
- to develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of cosmos flowers: the shape of petals and leaves, their color.
- develop children’s aesthetic perception and sense of color;
- continue to introduce watercolor paints and practice ways of working with them.
- cultivate restraint, perseverance, accuracy.
Purpose: this work can be done in a drawing lesson with children of the senior group at the beginning of the school year in the autumn, when cosmos flowers bloom, and you can bring them to the group for examination.
Material: album sheet, watercolor paints, a glass of water, a brush, a napkin, crimson and burgundy cosmos flowers.

Description of the master class:

Bring and examine cosmos flowers with the children, clarify the shape, color of the petals and leaves. Discuss with children the properties of watercolor paints and how to paint with them. Tell us about the time of year when cosmos blooms.

1. Take a piece of paper and place it vertically on the table. Open the paints and wet the brush in water. We put green paint on a brush and draw lines along the sheet from top to bottom that will be the stems, you can make 3 - 4 stems.

2. Using the same brush movements, we draw cameo leaves extending from the stems in random order.

3. Draw green ovals at the tips of the outermost stems; these will be buds, unopened flowers.

4. Then use yellow paint to paint round flower centers over the remaining stems.

5. Now we take burgundy or crimson paint for the petals, draw rhythmic lines from the edge to the center of the flower or vice versa, along the entire circumference, using not only the tip of the brush, but half the bristle.

6. Then we finish painting the buds with a few strokes of half the bristle of the brush.

The watercolor drawing of cosmos flowers is ready, this work is simple and will appeal to children when they first come to the senior group and adapt to more complex activities.

Thank you for your attention! Goals: Continue to introduce children to oral folk art, consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.
  • consolidate knowledge about the fairy-tale genre, features of the image, its purpose;
  • develop imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the ability to translate your idea into a drawing;
  • learn to convey in drawing images of fairy-tale characters with their characteristic features;
  • learn to choose material for an image, build a composition from individual drawings for an episode from a fairy tale.

Materials: white paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes, wax crayons, illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Didactic games: “Find out by profile”, “Match heroes from fairy tales”.
1. Organizational stage.
Educator: At the beginning of the lesson, I want to read you a poem by V.A. Glass
There are many different fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But we cannot live in the world without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tales are ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
The guest will say: “Come in.”
Today we will go on an unusual journey, to the land of fairy tales. A long time ago, people did not yet know how to read or write, but they were already telling fairy tales. And how they loved to listen to them, and not only small children, but also adults. They will gather in the evening for gatherings: logs are crackling in the stove, the hut is crowded, everyone is busy, some are spinning yarn, some are knitting, some are embroidering, and some are just listening to a fairy tale. The fairy tale has survived to this day, because it was told from generation to generation, passed on from mouth to mouth. Your grandmothers told the story to your moms and dads, your moms told you, and you tell it to your children. This is how a fairy tale came to us from ancient times. What fairy tales do you know? Answers: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, “Geese-Swans”, etc. What kind of fairy tales are these? (Russian folk) Why are they called that? Answers: (Created and written by the people).
Didactic games “Find out by profile” and “Match heroes to fairy tales” are held.
- Well done!
- Guys, do you have any favorite fairy tales? Answers. These are the heroes of these fairy tales that we will draw with you. Selected fairy tale characters (illustrations) are placed on a flannelgraph.
2. Practical part.
Look carefully at the heroes of fairy tales and you will see how different they are. The art of portraiture is very ancient. When painting a portrait, artists try to convey the character and inner world of the hero. Fairy-tale heroes can be cunning and gullible, good and evil. But we are all artists in our own way. Let's draw illustrations for our favorite fairy tales. We must try to convey in the portrait the character of the hero, his characteristic features, and moods. Don't forget about your hairstyle, jewelry, and hats. All the little things are important. They also talk about the character of the hero. You have to work very carefully and carefully.
What do you think is the ending of the fairy tale? Answers (Always happy, good conquers evil). Right! Well, now let's get to work.
3. Independent work.
Children draw.
4. Summing up.
After the lesson, the teacher hangs all the drawings in a visible place - the children look at them and tell what fairy-tale character they drew, discuss the characters’ characters, what they are like.

Long-term plan objectives:

- develop the ability to perceive a work of art, a sense of beauty;

- to form a sustainable interest in fine art, a desire to constantly communicate with it;

— deepen children’s understanding of painting (landscape, still life, portrait), sculpture, architecture, design;

— enrich the emotional sphere of children with new types of aesthetic experiences;

- teach the transfer of characteristic features of image objects (girl and Snow Maiden, boy and gnome, cheerful and sad, spring and autumn);

- support children’s aspirations for independence in organizing the workplace, choosing the theme of the drawing, material, methods of depiction, the theme of the drawing, planning activities, and implementing what is planned in the drawing;

- develop the ability to analyze the works of art of great masters, their own drawings and the works of other children.


September(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing "Flowers"

Target: consolidate the concepts of primary and secondary colors; learn to paint with gouache paints, mixing them, use various techniques - strokes, dabbing, circling.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” “Waltz of the Flowers”.

2). Drawing "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: learn to draw oval and round objects (tomato, cucumber, apple, plum, pear, cherry, beet, carrot); paint with round strokes, mix

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about vegetables and fruits.

3). Modeling “Vegetables and fruits”

Target: convey the shape of round and oval objects (carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, plums), add details - holes, notches, using stacks.

Material: plasticine, stacks, samples of vegetables and fruits.

4). Application "Tomatoes"

Target: cutting out round shapes from a square, arranging tomatoes by color: from green, through yellow-pink, to red (a challenging task), and size.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue; image of growing tomatoes.

5). Application “Apple and Pear”

Target: cut a round object from a square, an oval object from a rectangle, stick them on, placing them compositionally in a vase.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue; a bowl of fruit.

6). Drawing "Still Life"

Target: explain the concept of “still life”, teach how to depict a group of vegetables and fruits, convey their shape and color, and place them correctly in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints; reproductions of still life paintings; m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” to poems by A. Kushner)

7). Drawing "Grapes"

Target: depict bunches of grapes in a two-plane pattern, where some berries hide behind each other and lose half of their round or oval (optional) shape; convey highlights on the berries using the technique of mixing paints.

Material: Gouache paints, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”, waltz.

8). Application - riddle “Still Life”

Target: determine by the color and shape of the blanks which vegetable or fruit to cut, consolidate the ability to cut round and oval objects.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; riddles about vegetables and fruits.

October(9 hours)

1). Drawing “Our Aquarium”

Target: consolidate the ability to depict animals from a circle and an oval, convey diversity through mixing colors and additional details, depict a composition of fish swimming in different directions.

Material: Gouache paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Spring”.

2). Application “Hen with chicks”

Target: teach how to work by cutting and pasting chickens, together in different poses, in any relationship with each other.

Form of the lesson: co-creation of the teacher (carving a chicken) and children.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of a poultry farm.

3). Drawing "Firebird"

Target: draw a fairytale bird, combining familiar images, convey its colorfulness and unusualness, its difference from existing ones.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Shepherds” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

4). Drawing "Pets"

Target: summarize children’s ideas in a conversation about animals living in the city and in the countryside; learn to draw 2-3 animals, using a circle and an oval, to convey the habitat (house, grass, apartment).

Material: Gouache paints; poems and riddles about pets

5). Modeling "Pets"

Target: learn to sculpt animals from plasticine using an oval shape and a circle (ball), and together create compositions from individual children's works.

Material: plasticine, stacks; drawings of pets from the previous lesson.

6). Drawing "Zoo"

Target: depict wild animals that were seen in the zoo (bear, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe), convey their features, characteristic details, combining the shape of a circle and a square in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about wild animals, poems by S. Marshak “For the guys about animals”

7). Drawing "At the Circus"

Target: convey the movements of animals performing acrobatic acts (elephant on a ball, dogs with a ball, bunny on a drum, etc.).

Material: Gouache paints; music by G. Verdi “Triumphal March” from the opera “Aida”

8). Modeling "Circus"

Target: learn to work together, create compositions from animals performing in the arena - performing a circus act with additional objects.

Material: plasticine, stacks, children's drawings “At the Circus” from the previous lesson.

9). Drawing “Rope Animals”

Target: learn to draw animals with one smooth, unbroken line (string), with additional details drawn in. Black and white image.

Material: paper, coal.

November(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “Autumn tree”

Target: learn to place trees “closer”, “further”; use the thin end of the brush to draw tree branches; form the concepts: “in front of the tree” (lower on the sheet), “behind the tree” (above).


2). Drawing "Trees and bushes"

Target: teach to convey differences in the structure of a tree and a bush, to consolidate the “closer - farther” arrangement technique.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”.

3). Application "Mushrooms"

Target: learn to convey the composition of their 3 mushrooms - a large one and two small ones; secure paired cuttings of identical parts.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of mushrooms.

4). Application “Guess the animal” (from autumn leaves)

Target: learn to select leaves, laying them out on paper so that you get an animal, finishing the details with a felt-tip pen.

Material: dried autumn leaves, glue, markers.

5). Drawing “Colorful autumn”

Target: learn to paint with watercolors on wet paper, using the technique of spreading paints, develop the ability to see a plot in color and accentuate it.

Material: watercolor paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Symphony No. 40".

6). Drawing “Cloudy autumn day”

Target: through the selection of colors, learn to depict the weather and mood; use the technique of toning the sky and earth, rain.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” part 2 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

7). Drawing “Autumn Landscape”

Target: learn to compose an album of autumn drawings, choosing the plot and mood of the landscape, combining visual materials.

Material: Gouache, Watercolor paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”, part 3 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

December(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing “We are building houses”

Target: create an image of square and rectangular objects - houses, windows, doors; introduce the concept of “architecture”.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal.

2). Drawing "Transport"

Target: learn to depict public and freight transport; conveying their diversity and differences; cut out the outline of the car from folded paper. Color with pencils and crayons.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, scissors.

3). Drawing “Under the Blue Sky”

Target: learn to depict air transport (plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, airship); convey the features of their structure, differences from the ground (streamlined shape, wings).

Material: crayons, watercolors, aircraft models; music by V.-A. Mozart, overture to the opera "The Marriage of Figaro".

4). Application “Such different cars”

Target: consolidate the skills of cutting out car bodies for various purposes (tank, dump truck, truck), cabins, wheels, composing and adding car parts with parts.

Material: colored paper, scissors, images of vehicles.

5). Drawing “A car drove up to the store”

Target: depict a two-plane drawing with perspective (“further - closer”, the car covers part of the building).

Material: pencils, crayons; music by F. Liszt “Chromatic gallop”.

6). Collective application “We are building a new city.”

Target: learn to create a general composition of houses, kindergartens, shops, cars, trees; develop cooperation skills and an elementary action plan.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue.

January(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing "Winter's Tale"

Target: learn to depict trees, bushes and objects under the snow using graphic techniques (drawing on black paper with white “gouache”).

Material: black paper, gouache paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Fantasy"

2). Drawing “Snow Maiden near the New Year tree”

Target: create a plot picture, conveying the holiday, the Snow Maiden’s bright outfit, a beautiful Christmas tree.

Material: Gouache paints, New Year cards; music by A. Borodin “Polovtsian Dances” from the opera “Prince Igor”

3). Modeling “Girl making a snowman”

Target: learn to sculpt the figure of a girl in a fur coat in a simple movement (rolling a ball), placing a snowman next to it.

Material: plasticine, stacks, music by A. Vivaldi “Winter” from the violin concerto “The Seasons”.

4). Modeling “Children on a walk in winter”

Target: creating a collective composition of children’s figures in accordance with the plot (sledding, skiing, playing snowballs, rolling a ball)

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing "Fun in Winter"

Target: depict a winter walk - children in different poses, winter nature, snow; create your own plot and composition of the drawing.

Material: Watercolor paints, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Trepak” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

6).Applique "Snowflakes"

Target: learn to cut out snowflakes with small details and slits from folded paper.

Material: white paper, scissors; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

February(8 ocloc'k)

1). Application “Toy clown”

Target: convey the simple movements of the clown through the positions of the arms, legs, and head; use gaming techniques - show a sketchy clown on the board, and the children look for whose clown performs the same movements.

Material: colored paper, scissors, toy clown.

2). Getting to know the portrait

Target: to form ideas about a portrait, its features and means of depiction; teach verbal and pictorial portraiture. Game "Guess the description".

Material: m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner), portraits.

3). Drawing “Portrait of Mom”

Target: learn to convey in a drawing similarities with the appearance and mood of the mother; correctly position facial features.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by J. Massenet “Meditation”.

4). Drawing "Fun and Sad"

Target: Using various techniques, teach to express a person’s mood (wide and narrow eyes, corners of the mouth up or down, eyebrows raised, lowered), after first examining several doll faces in the drawing.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” (“Spring” and “Autumn”)

5). Drawing “Funny gnomes”

Target: to teach to see the differences between a person and a gnome, to convey in the drawing the comical and fabulous nature of the gnome through shape and color.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “March” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”

6). Drawing “My dad is ... (cook, builder, engineer)”

Target: depict the appearance and posture of a person in accordance with his profession.

Material: colored pencils, crayons.

7). Drawing “Portrait of a Friend”

Target: portray a friend, conveying his character, habits, hobbies; make a plot drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, colored crayons.

8). Drawing “A doctor came to see me”

Target: draw up a plot drawing depicting people and the environment.

Material: colored pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album”.

March(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing-application “Postcard for Mom”

Target: prepare a gift for your mother (grandmother, sister), choose your own means of representation, create a composition from combined visual materials (colored paper, paints, plasticine).

Material: colored paper, paints, plasticine, pencils, crayons; music from the opera “Sylvia” by L. Delibes, “Pizzicato”.

2). Drawing "Dancing men"

Target: learn to convey a person’s pose, his proportions in a schematic image, and compose a small dance composition from them.

Material: pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Chinese Dance” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

3). Drawing "Funny clowns"

Target: learn to portray a clown in motion, with objects (juggles, dances, shows a trick, acrobatic act).

Material: crayons, watercolor, music by J. Strauss “Gallop”

4). Modeling “There are clowns in the arena”

Target: compose a collective composition depicting a clown performance; choose your own number and outfit for your clown.

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing and application “Circus poster”.

Target: learn how to create posters together, choose your own area of ​​work and create an overall composition.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons, colored paper, scissors.

6). Modeling

a) “At Cinderella’s ball”

b) “Flight into space”

Target: girls and boys perform various compositions depicting people (Cinderella, prince, astronaut, aliens).

Material: plasticine, stacks.

April(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “My Favorite Fairy Tale”

Target: independently choose a plot and compose a drawing composition; portray the main characters so that the fairy tale is recognizable.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by K. Debussy “The Puppet Keck-Walk”.

2). Drawing “Spring Thunderstorm”

Target: depict a landscape with a mood: sunny or cloudy day, rain, nature or city, animals or people.

Material: watercolor paints; poems about spring; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Concerto No. 1” for piano and orchestra.

3). Drawing “Forest in the Fog”

Target: depict a landscape using muted colors, pastel colors, mixed with white paint.

Material: watercolor paints; music by J. Offenbach "Barcarolle"

4). Modeling “Plate with a pattern”

Target: learn to sculpt wide, flat dishes, decorate them with a three-dimensional pattern of snakes and dots.

Material: plasticine, sample plates.

5). Modeling “Fruit Vase”

Target: consolidate the ability to sculpt dishes of complex shapes with a stand, decorate with a three-dimensional pattern; add chopped fruit if desired.

Material: plasticine, sample vase with fruit.

6). Modeling “Cookware Exhibition”

Target: learn to independently choose an object for modeling, come up with a pattern, highlight your work with some element (unusual shape, handle, stand) so that it is selected for an exhibition.

Material: plasticine, samples of dishes.

May(8 ocloc'k)

1). Dymkovo painting “Horse in the meadow”

Target: introduce the elements of Dymkovo painting - circles, dots, strokes; learn to paint the figure of a horse with bright patterns, stylized as Dymkovo painting.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Dymkovo painting; music by V.A. Mozart's "Turkish Rondo" from the sonata in A major.

2). Gorodets painting “Mug decorated with a flower garland”

Target: introduce Gorodets painting - buds, leaves, pink and blue flowers, learn how to paint mugs with a Gorodets flower garland.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Gorodets painting; music by S. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”

3). Picture book for kids

Target: learn how to make a folding book with a bright large drawing and simple text, independently choosing the plot and means of image.

Material: cardboard, colored paper, paints, pencils, crayons, scissors, glue.

4). Drawing “Beautiful Summer”

Target: depict summer as a dream, how you would like to spend it in your fantasies, select the means of depiction at your discretion.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons; poems about summer; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

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