Let's draw a forget-me-not. Drawing with cotton swabs in the preparatory group. Flowers

Master class on drawing “Bouquet of forget-me-nots for mom. Drawing with cotton swabs"

The drawing can be done with children 6 - 9 years old.

The master class will also be useful for art teachers and primary classes, teachers additional education, creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: a framed drawing can be used for a gift or interior decoration, the lesson can be included in a course for beginners in gouache painting,

Target: learn to draw small flowers using a cotton swab


Learn to paint with gouache using a cotton swab

Learn to mix paints and get different shades of color

Develop a sense of beauty


Forget-me-not blue eyes

They look trustingly from the grass:

Kind, naive, lively -

Like the little kids.

By the stream, in the lowlands and in the cool,

In the middle of a sunny day

It’s as if they are asking, looking straight into your soul:

“Don’t break it, but don’t forget me!”

E. Krasnova

Materials and equipment

· Sheet of A4 paper

· Simple pencil

· Container with water

· Squirrel brushes No. 4 and No. 1

· Cotton buds

· Palette

Sequence of work:

We start drawing from the basket. We make a sketch with a pencil: with barely visible lines we draw an oval - the top of the basket, then we draw its lower part and bottom. It is difficult for children to immediately determine right size subject, so it is necessary to ensure that they draw without pressure, with thin lines, so that the drawing can be easily corrected. When the basket is ready, draw flower stems in it.

Then we take ocher and apply strokes between brown paint to create a wicker basket effect.

Using green paint, using a thin brush, we outline the stems of the flowers and draw the leaves.

Next we work with a cotton swab. We dip its tip in yellow paint and put dots between the stems where we want to draw flowers. These are the centers of the flowers. To make the prints even and round, the cotton swab must be held strictly vertically and pressed against the sheet with sufficient pressure.

Now let's draw forget-me-nots. Take another cotton swab and dip it in blue paint. Place 5 petal imprints around the yellow center dot and the flower is ready! It's simple!

Now between blue flowers Let's add more yellow centers and draw blue flowers. To get blue, we mix blue and white paint on the palette. The bouquet will be voluminous.

Add a frame and the drawing for mom is ready!

And so much has been written, but they forgot about this flower. Not good. I must fill the information vacuum and move the scales in the other direction. I take responsibility for showing instructions on how to draw a forget-me-not flower step by step. Just not the forget-me-not fairy from Disney, but a real flower. We will copy from this picture: Forget-me-nots are worldwide famous flower, a symbol of Freemasonry, and simply beautiful plant. In principle, he doesn’t care where he grows up, that’s why he’s loved. They are also pleasant to the touch. I felt it myself. It is interesting that there is no logic in its name. Moreover, considering that in Latin it is called a mouse ear. Yes, it looks like an ear, but what does memory have to do with it? Russia in mind.. Oh well. I just found out that in Poland they are called unforgettable. It's even more fun. That's all, I think we can get down to business:

How to draw Forget-me-not with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's outline the outlines of the flowers, it's easy.
Step two. Let's sketch out the petals and cores.
Step three. Let's outline the contours and add details.
Step four. Let's add some finishing touches.
Step five. All that remains is to add shadows and outline the contours more clearly. You can also color it:
And after that I recommend drawing some more.

According to the author. I bring to your attention a master class on painting a delicate bouquet of forget-me-nots in a simple round vase. Technique used - oil painting alla prima. Alla-prima is painting in one layer, in one session, without intermediate drying of paint layers. Paintings using the alla prima technique preserve the freshness and spontaneity of the feeling that possessed the artist at the time of painting. As a rule, such paintings are difficult to repeat or copy exactly, because the spontaneity of applying strokes is controlled not by the brain, but by emotion and mood. With alla prima, as with impressionistic painting, there is a direct mixing of colors on the canvas, which allows you to create unique color combinations, momentary, unpredictable shades. Which often turns out to be a successful, difficult to predict, picturesque find.

We will need:

1. Synthetic brushes for fine detail work; they are soft, flexible, hold their shape well, and have a “predictable” stroke.

2. Inexpensive rectangular bristle brushes.

3. Shading brushes. The light ones are from goat, the dark ones are from pony hair. Serve to create a smooth transition between color spots of applied paint.

4. Simple brushes from the hardware store. They are needed for shading large areas of paint.

Palette knives are good for drawing thin lines.

Paints: titanium white, cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow medium, Neapolitan yellow, cadmium orange, natural sienna, grass green, chromium oxide, sky blue, dark ultramarine, light violet, transparent mars orange, burnt bone.

Makeup sticks - they are convenient for picking out small areas of poorly placed paint from the canvas.

And also - a palette made of pear veneer, a rag for wiping off paint, paper napkins for the same.

So let's begin.

First, lightly grease the canvas with linseed oil, and then collect the excess oil with a napkin or rag. Paints are easier to spread on an oiled canvas.
We don't do drawings. We open the canvas with colored spots, approximately corresponding to the spots of flowers in the bouquet.
We outline the circumference of the vase with diluted paint - approximately. As you work, the color spots will be refined many times, so at the first stage, great accuracy and scrupulous drawing are not needed.
We designate the middle of the bouquet - grassy green, mars orange, transparent, light purple. We create a picturesque colored porridge according to the principle additional colors. Any colors that tend towards red are complementary to green, so Mars and violet are in in this case- just what the doctor ordered. They will create a warm depth to the bouquet.

We outline groups of forget-me-nots on the stems and continue to paint the middle of the bouquet with glaze (transparent) paints.

We outline the background with noble natural sienna. Small splashes of Neapolitan yellow from the master class will add warmth and variety to the background. Why Neapolitan from Master Class? Because it is not similar in pigment to all other Neapolitans, even from expensive imported manufacturers. Usually Neapolitan yellow is a mixture of some yellow paints with white. But not a master class!
It has a noble golden pigment and not a drop of white. It does not look as simple as banal ocher; it is vibrant in color, opaque and dense. Favorite color, in general.
We treat the table with a mixture of ultramarine and burnt bone with whitewash, imitating a neutral light surface.
The space inside the vase - the space of water - is designated by background colors, table colors and their mixture.
We make the forget-me-not inflorescences blue in the light (ultramarine with white) and slightly violet in the shadows (ultramarine with violet), since general color The paintings are planned to be warm - as opposed to the cold main color of the forget-me-nots.

We work with simple bristle brushes, applying large amounts of paint at once.
In the shadows of the background and table we go through a mixture of mars orange and purple. This will add mysterious depth to the flat background of the painting.

We remove paint strokes that are too greasy with a palette knife, otherwise they will turn out rough. Sometimes this is not bad and even plays out well in texture, but in the case of forget-me-nots we need tenderness and airiness of the stroke.

The canvas is “opened” completely. In the shadow of the bouquet we will add pure ultramarine, there will be barely visible flowers that fall into the shadow parts of the bouquet and are devoid of light and brightness.
Let's diversify the background with spots of whitened cadmium orange and cadmium yellow medium mixed with lemon - according to the law of opposite colors Blue colour becomes brighter in the presence of orange, and violet - in the presence of yellow.

Use a flat brush to blend the background until the color transitions are soft. Our task is to create a mysterious atmosphere in the bouquet, tender and slightly foggy. Still, these are amazing forget-me-nots, quickly blooming and attractive with their elusive beauty.

Thin layers of paint are best handled with small goat or pony shading brushes. The fluting leaves stripes from which the soil shows through, so after fluting it is worth additionally going over the “striped” areas with fluffy brushes with finer goat or pony hair.
Then we add a mixture of ultramarine with sky blue and white to the light parts of the flowers.
And then we begin to finely detail the details of the bouquet with synthetic brushes.

The light leaves of the bouquet can be made with a mixture of sky blue and lemon cadmium.

The main average color of forget-me-nots is ultramarine with a drop of violet.

We draw groups of colors, not forgetting where the light areas of the flowers are and where the shadow areas are. There is no point in drawing out every petal of a flower; this makes the work dry and boring, unnecessarily fractional and uninteresting in the end. Do not forget that the unopened buds of forget-me-nots on the branches are violet-pink in color and only in the process of growth become pale blue.

To work on round five-petal flowers, it is good to use a small oval synthetic brush; it almost exactly matches the size of the petal.

About a week ago I was walking through the park and through the trees I saw what looked like a small lake - forget-me-nots, a whole clearing of forget-me-nots. It even looks kind of alien - such a milky blue glow. I looked at this wonder and promised myself to draw a forget-me-not for you. Well, I forgot about the days in the carousel, today I’m walking through the park again - oh! - where is my head! I look, yes, many of the flowers have already faded, the stems with seed pods are spreading along the ground. But okay, I found a few more flowers and am keeping my promise to myself. So, let’s draw forget-me-not flowers from life step by step. A pencil, and a colored one at that. Why this choice? - but, whim, that’s what I wanted.

First, of course, let's outline with a simple pencil length and direction of stems.

When their relative position became clear to us, we look at the leaves. They are small and elongated.

We outline the central veins of the leaves, and then the contours of the edges. If the sheet is bent, then this is fate, draw a bent sheet. Well, there is a panicle of stems with leaves, now there are flowers. This is how we methodically arrange all these small wilted flowers on thin peduncles.

Let me note that the inflorescence of a forget-me-not is called a “curl” - the stem is curled towards the end with a snail, and there are just a few open blue flowers left there.

True, right in the process of drawing from life, the flowers faded, faded and drooped, I felt so sorry for them, I had to hurry.

When the flowers are drawn we move on to the shadow. Yes, on the leaf where the flowers lie, the shadow of the branches is clearly visible, and we will honestly draw this shadow, keeping track of which particular branch gives this shadow. You know, comrades, in its own way it’s even exciting - to figure out which flower belongs to which shadow. Here you will definitely learn to concentrate. And in general, Castaneda describes magicians who meditated while contemplating the shadows of flowers. A very poetic activity, I tell you.

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