Pencil drawings of hearts for Valentine's Day. How to draw a “Valentine” in several versions and a step-by-step master class. Original cards for Valentine's Day

“Valentines” can be given not only on Valentine’s Day, but also on any weekday. After all, the meaning of this miniature postcard is to remind a dear person how sincerely and tenderly you love him. And you shouldn’t constantly buy postcards at retail outlets; it’s better to present those that you made yourself. How to draw a “Valentine” will be discussed in this article.

The simplest drawn “Valentines”

The easiest way is to depict a heart with hearts on a piece of cardboard; even a child can cope with this task. You can even make such a postcard using the appliqué technique.

Since you can draw a “Valentine” in a more complicated version, using, in addition to the heart, butterflies, flowers, a smiling sun or birds flying in the sky.

A smiling sun, whose rays consist of small hearts, will look lovely on a postcard. After all, love is warmth, kindness, delight and joy. And this is exactly how people perceive sunlight.

in the subject of postcards

Very often, in “Valentines” cards, the heroes of postcards are animals who give the chosen one flowers, hearts, and carry gifts and sweets. Therefore, in order to draw a “Valentine” with your own hands, sometimes you may need the skill of depicting, for example, puppies or kittens.

You can simplify the task by “putting” the animal baby in a shoe, bag or hat. Then you won’t have to draw him out completely; one cute face will be enough.

Fantasy - the first assistant of a beginning artist

Well, even if you depict the face of an animal, is it an impossible task? Then the draftsman’s imagination will come to the rescue! And you can use it quite creatively, since you can draw a “Valentine” in a very cool way, using in the plot as heroes the most simple living creatures to depict: octopuses, chickens, bees. Yes, and you can draw them in a child’s style or schematically, from the “dot, dot, comma” or “circle, square, stick” series.

Actually, the figurative meaning of “Valentines” allows for love even between worms! True, even here a creative look at the problem is needed: the “girl” worm needs to “tie” a bow to her head, and it is recommended to dress the “boy” in a bow tie, this is an important moment!

Master class “The bear gives his heart”

If the giver decides to draw a “Valentine” with a pencil, then simple step-by-step instructions will help him do this. You can use a cute little rusher as the main character. Below we will tell you how to draw a “Valentine” in stages.

"Valentine" in color

If desired, the bear toy can be painted yellow or red; the nose, the inside of the ears, the lower part of the tummy and the feet of the hind legs should be made several tones lighter than the rest of the skin of the stomp. The iris and pupils are formed in the eyes. They also make a reflection of light in the eyes with two unfilled circles of different diameters.

The background can be painted over with one color, or you can make it with a gradient or striped. Pink hearts of different sizes scattered across the background field look very beautiful.

Cool "Valentines"

If the artist is still thinking about how to draw a beautiful “Valentine” card creatively, to make it different from all the others, then we can recommend him the option of a postcard with a cute dinosaur in love. The fact that the dinosaur is in love is indicated by the book in his hands, the cover of which is decorated with hearts. Perhaps this is a collection of poems that the ancestor of our modern crocodiles and lizards reads to his beloved, he even opened his mouth, and his eyes glow with love!

To add more creativity, you can even make the pupils of the dinosaur in the shape of a heart, a smiling sun, gentle, fluffy clouds floating across the sky.

And if someone doesn’t like the option with an ancient lizard, then he always has a choice. A cute horse in an apple orchard, to which a bird hurries to declare its love, as evidenced by the heart in its beak. Perhaps the bird just works as a postman in their fairy-tale magical world? It's not that important anymore. The main thing is that the plot composition follows the very style of the “Valentine” card: there are hearts, there is a recipient - the chosen one or the lover.

However, if you can’t draw a horse, you shouldn’t be upset about it at all! Even one bird with a beak fully corresponds to the task assigned to the draftsman.

The last chord will be the inscription on the “Valentine” card: “With love!”, “To you, beloved!”, “With all my heart!”, “The whole world is at your feet!” Actually, every lover knows exactly what words to express their feelings.

I haven't cooked for you for a long time drawing lessons for Valentine's Day. Although no, something happened recently. But this is not enough! Damn little and I will cook more while I have time in anticipation of the upcoming holiday! After all, you need to try to have time and draw your Valentine.

February 4 only once a year, but you can always please with your drawings, and I also know that 83% of girls will always be happy to see a new one. This figure is not out of nowhere, but taken from official sources (I was reading British Scientists Esquire the other day and found this information there). I won't be too verbose and say that we will draw a beautiful bear for valentine's day and absolutely everyone will succeed. A sweetheart with a heart will always delight the recipients of Valentine's cards and holiday cards.

Remember I once said in previous lessons that Valentine's Day is not only a day for lovers. It is also a day where children can show and tell their parents how much they love them and also show how much they care about them. I used to love making my parents happy with my Valentine's Day cards and drawings, using construction paper to create a real card. I was just a tiny boy then. Nowadays, my little nephew does this and draws all new works of art for the holidays, and every drawing comes out beautiful!

The heart that our adorable and chic bear is holding can tell the recipient some message like “Be mine”, “I love you!” or even “Happy Valentine's Day!” I love cute red cheeks and light brown coloring for the characters, but you can paint your bear all white or any color you like. If you've been looking for a newer, newer version of // with a heart for Valentine's Day, then it's here in front of you today! I hope you have fun and be my Valentine because I know I want to see you on the site every day and gather friends on VKontakte and in the comments. Good luck with your drawing, submit your drawings and wait for updates on the site!

Step 1.

First draw a round shape for the head and then add a shape for the body. We draw contour auxiliary lines of the face and move on.

Step 2.

Now you will use the basic circle that you just drew for the bear and draw out the correct shape of his head, and don't forget about his furry cheeks. Draw an ear on each side and move on to the third step.

Step 3.

Using auxiliary lines for the face, we will draw the shape of each eye, and then fill in the pupils on them. You will also add a marking line for the face because this is a toy made and sold in toy stores. Then add a small nose and mouth, draw details on the inside of the ear.

Step 4.

The next thing you will draw for Valentine's bear drawing, this is the heart that our little bear grabbed with both hands and wants to give!

Step 5.

For the last step we will draw the legs, back, and legs of the bear. Don't forget the contour lines of the detailing to show that the bear is sewn and plush. We erase our mistakes to prepare the bear for display and begin coloring in earnest.

Step 6.

Here's your charming “Bear from Valentine”, when you are done and have gone through all the steps of the lesson. You now have a difficult choice of what colors you will use to paint it. Make sure you send me your drawing!

This lesson will show you step by step how to draw cats in love for Valentine's Day. Do everything carefully, according to the step-by-step instructions, and you will definitely not be disappointed with the result.

Of course, as in any step-by-step drawing lesson, in this one we will start with the basics. Since we have two cats, we will draw two small circles at a distance from each other. Focus on this foundation and it will be much easier for you to create your sketch.

A pair of pointed ears should be depicted at the top of each circle. They can be of a different shape, for example, you can draw tassels on the tips - it all depends on your imagination. Postcards with a similar design, like Loginov's tarot cards, will be an excellent gift for Valentine's Day to a loved one or friend.

In the center of each circle of the base you will need to draw funny faces of a cat and a kitten in love. We draw closed eyes, small noses, mouths and long mustaches. By the way, if you want to make it clear that in the picture there is a couple, and not just two cats - bosom friends, then you can show this - for example, draw long eyelashes or a bow on one cat.

The next step is drawing the cats' bodies. We won't make them too complicated, taking into account all the nuances of the anatomy of the cat family, but it's still worth being careful and consistent. Draw the following figures, which are indicated in the picture below with red lines.

Happened? Great. Now we can add a couple of lines that will indicate where our cats' paws are.

So, we are almost finished with our drawing. Now let’s draw neat, slightly curved tails for our cats. If you want, you can draw them fluffy or, on the contrary, make them a little thinner. Let's add a romantic mood to our drawing by drawing a few neat hearts on top. You can also add a congratulatory inscription, but this is up to your taste.

Don't miss the opportunity to please your loved one and please your friends. Make holiday cards for them with themed designs. It's so lovely!

Captivated by love

To be loved is more than to be rich, because to be loved means to be happy. This is exactly the kind of happy couple in love Pustunchik invites you to draw in your Valentine card.

Sweet hugs, a look in the same direction and one umbrella for two (to get closer to each other) - everything that girls and guys dream about will be in your drawing.

Draw with love!

1. First, with a simple pencil, make a schematic drawing of lovers - using lines and dots, draw matchstick men.

2. Enrich the sketch with smooth outlines of the bodies: highlight the girl’s waist, give her boyfriend a strong physique, draw limbs, designate the collar area.

3. Erase the auxiliary lines. “Dress” the heroes in warm sweatshirts or jackets. Draw long hair for the girl, and a stylish scarf for the boy.

4. Great! Now draw an umbrella over the lovers and divide it into sectors.

5. Almost ready. All that remains is to color the drawing with colored pencils, adding hearts and raindrops.

A little secret: be sure to depict in your drawing the splashes bouncing off the umbrella - this will make your work more realistic.

Pugs in love

Can you imagine Valentine's Day without cute animals with hearts on cards? Of course not! Fluffy kittens, bunnies and dogs on a bright red background of valentines will always be symbols of the upcoming holiday. Let's not break tradition: let's draw dogs in love - they are so funny! Valentine's card with cute pugs is more relevant than ever.

Draw with love!

1. Geometric shapes will help you correctly calculate the proportions of pugs’ body parts. Draw three types of ovals: two large ones are the future torsos, two medium ones are the heads of dogs and two very small ones are the faces of animals.

2. Draw the ears and detail the muzzle.

3. Using ovals and small triangles you can easily depict pug paws. Don't forget to draw eyes for the animals.

4. Erase the auxiliary lines - you won't need them anymore. Now draw out the limbs of the dogs, and also draw the tails.

An indispensable attribute of every pet dog is a reliable collar. Picture him. Don’t be afraid to get creative: feel free to add spikes, rhinestones, and pendants in the shape of bones or hearts.

5. Add color to your image! Color the dogs in shades of grey, brown or red. These are the wonderful pugs we got!

Bouquet for your beloved

When you love, the whole world seems pink and beautiful. Just like the luxurious bouquet from the next postcard. A smiling girl in a light fluffy dress and a handsome, broad-shouldered young man (A real superman!) - isn't it an ideal couple? Let's draw a date between two lovers - the joy of the long-awaited meeting shines with might and main on their faces.

Draw with love!

1. Using barely noticeable lines, draw two matchstick men -.

2. Add the outline of the body. Make the girl small and slender, and the boy tall and strong. He will hold a bouquet in his hands.

3. Draw the characters' hairstyles and take care of their outfits: dress the girl in a flirty dress, and her boyfriend in a sweater and jeans. Pay attention to the shoes: if the boy has simple shoes, the girl will have to draw heels - where would she go on a date without them?)

I am glad to see everyone here, hello, my dear guests and friends! Today I will remind you again that a romantic, bright holiday is rapidly approaching - February 14th. It's time to start preparing gifts for your loved ones, family and friends. As you know, the best gifts are those that are made with your own hands and filled with emotions of love and joy. I would like to talk to you about how to draw a Valentine, because fine art does not always have a great relationship, but I would like to give such a gift.

How to draw a Valentine card with a pencil step by step

Before you start drawing a valentine, prepare the necessary materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • paper or thicker cardboard;
  • markers;
  • colour pencils;
  • paints.

Additionally, you can use sparkles and beads for decoration. They are well attached with glue, but before you start planning the decor, practice drawing your favorite valentine several times.

I suggest you make an original postcard with two cats in love looking at the moon. The drawing is actually quite simple to do. Do it, repeating it step by step and the result will not disappoint.

In the process, experiment with colors, change the signature, add personality to the proposed layout.

If you want to practice with a simpler option, where there are not many details, take a closer look at this option.

At first glance, it seems simple and even naive. Such a valentine, drawn on a simple sheet of paper, complemented by warm words addressed to a loved one, will be a good holiday gift.

It can be done not only in the form of a drawing, but also to create a real application. It is enough to first draw a heart, then cut it out, add butterflies, which have long been considered symbols of love. Place the cut out parts on a separate sheet, poster, add bright colors and wishes.

Original cards for Valentine's Day

When planning to give your loved one a Valentine's card, you don't have to draw a heart. Of course, this is a symbol of the holiday to which everyone is accustomed. Get a little creative and make a cute animal card. Most often, such postcards depict kittens and puppies. Many may find it difficult to draw an animal in detail.

Simplify your task by depicting an animal in a hat or vase - this will allow you to cheat a little. A hat or other object is much easier to draw. All that remains is to figure out the features of the image of a cute face.

I have prepared an example for you that fits the theme of the holiday. Apply the drawing to the future postcard, make an applique. Don't forget to add a lot of bright colors and warm wishes. There is no need to be afraid that such a gift will look naive, the main thing is that it makes the person smile, once again making sure of the sincerity of your feelings.

Images of a heart with a daisy are another option suitable for the holiday. There is nothing difficult about drawing such an image. First, draw a heart, then add a chamomile. It can have different sizes and different shapes. Add a few hearts, words of congratulations, a declaration of love and start coloring the image. Play with bright, rich colors to create a festive mood on this February day.

Touching, sometimes funny and even naive hearts, drawn with your own hands, will be the best declaration of feelings. You can put sincerity and warmth into every work - this is something that no amount of money can buy. Get ready for the holiday, share my ideas on social networks and don’t forget to stop by for a visit! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

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