Drawing of a route for children. How to draw a road sign: step-by-step description and recommendations. Making a road sign at home

A child’s knowledge of the rules of the road is one of the main conditions for his safety on the street. Many pedestrians, including adults, take these rules rather lightly, which often becomes the cause of traffic accidents of varying severity. Children must clearly understand that when they are on the street in a populated area, they are full participants in the road traffic, therefore compliance with traffic rules is their responsibility.

Coloring pages Traffic rules for children.

Teaching a child the rules of behavior on the street (roads, sidewalks, city transport) should begin at a very early age, before he learns to walk and run on his own. And here the example of parents and other adults with whom the child is on the street is very important. You must not only tell and explain the rules of the road to your child, but also strictly observe them yourself. The traffic rules coloring pages presented on this page are primarily intended for preschoolers and will help children learn the basic points of behavior on the road, as well as near it.

1. Coloring page Traffic light.

The best place to safely cross the road is a pedestrian crossing equipped with a traffic light. Coloring pages with images of traffic lights also contain small rhymes that help kids more easily remember the rules for using them.

  • Always start driving only when the traffic light is green.
  • Never cross the road when traffic signals are red or yellow, even if there are no vehicles nearby.
  • When turning to a green light, additionally make sure of your safety - look to the left, then to the right.

2. Coloring page pedestrian crossing.

Teach your child to cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossing. Coloring pages of pedestrian crossings will teach children how to cross the road correctly. A crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light is called unregulated.

  • The pedestrian crossing is marked on the road surface with a zebra crossing.
  • Before crossing the road, carefully inspect it and make sure that there is no traffic nearby.
  • Cross the road, don't run across it.
  • Don't cross the street diagonally.
  • Pay special attention to stationary vehicles that block your view.
  • When moving through a pedestrian crossing, stop talking on the phone.
  • If there are underground or overpasses nearby, be sure to use them; traffic is especially intense in such places.

3. Sidewalks.

The sidewalk is intended for pedestrian traffic. Teach children to behave correctly on sidewalks, especially those located in areas with heavy traffic flow.

  • When driving on the sidewalk along the road, do not get too close to it.
  • Carefully monitor possible vehicles leaving courtyards and alleys.
  • Don't play ball on the sidewalk or run.

4. Coloring pages with rules of behavior for children in city public transport and at bus stops.

These coloring pages will teach children how to safely use public transport.

  • A public transport stop is a dangerous place due to a possible poor view of the road and a large crowd of people who can accidentally push a child off the sidewalk onto the roadway. Here you need to be especially careful.
  • Approach the doors of the vehicle only after it has completely stopped.
  • After getting out of the vehicle, proceed to cross the road only after it has left the stop.

In addition to these basic traffic rules, children will be interested in coloring road signs. The presented traffic rules coloring pages are suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and primary school students, as well as for use in kindergartens and primary school lessons. All pictures with Traffic Rules are completely free - you can download and print them.

Landscape is not necessarily an image of natural beauty with forests, fields and lakes. The landscape can be urban, or it can depict other creations of human hands. Today I will tell you how to draw a road going into the distance, framed by green meadows.

Step #1

To begin, divide the sheet of paper into four parts, thereby marking the horizon line and the vertical axis of the drawing. These are construction lines, so at this stage use a simple pencil and eraser.

Step #2

Focusing on the vertical and horizontal axes, outline the boundaries of the highway, clouds, bushes, and the edge of the forest on the horizon. The road drawn in pencil will serve as the basis for the future painting.

On a note: Drawings with a road are distinguished by a pronounced perspective of the image. Don't forget about this, otherwise your work will not look realistic.

Step #3

Let's move on to color. Paint the sky with a restrained blue tint, and the asphalt surface with gray. Do not try to make the color uniform; on the contrary, add light and dark inclusions to it.

Step #4

And now the greens. Use different shades, from light green to rich emerald, so your road won’t look like a child’s drawing.

Step #5

I want to draw the road in stages, so I layer the image step by step. The grass is followed by bushes, then we move on to the markings.

Step #6

What can you draw on the road? Of course, markings! To make the highway look realistic, apply it with thinned white paint, leaving gaps here and there in the solid color. Do the same with the pedestrian crossing. Then color the traffic sign and add dividers.

Step #7

In the drawing of a road going into the distance, you need to show some kind of movement. I'll add a car approaching the horizon, but you can come up with something of your own.

Another time we'll look at drawing a road in a city, but right now, using this guide, you can try to create a picture of a road in a concrete jungle. Drawn pictures and photos of houses will help you with this.

All roads lead to Rome. Even roads from Rome lead to Rome. And when they tell you that there is no turning back, don’t believe it! Lies and provocation, you can always go to Rome. It turns out that there is one road for everyone?! Let's find out how to draw a road with a pencil. The road is the fruit of diligently pressing the grass to the ground with your feet. As a result, paths appeared in places where bodies of various consistencies often passed. Our ancestors did not sparkle with a pure and bright mind, and the paths helped them find the right paths.

But then a grand discovery happened - people developed a wheel. And, as it turned out, it interacts very well with paths of various types. It rolls around, makes various turns and doesn’t look bad at all. Since then, people have used the wheel and paths together. And the wheel lived happily ever after. But the path has fallen on hard times.

With the development of infrastructure in the industrial and civil sector, the paths, due to frequent use, became inconvenient, sandy, the ground cracked and collapsed. Then the roads began to be covered with various semblances of today's asphalt.

History says that the first real roads appeared in Rome, so they all lead to Rome. Men with olive branches on their heads loved to ride, but did not like to carry sleds. The chariots developed at that time were less a means of transportation and more a luxury. And the road must correspond to the transport. So the slaves riveted thousands of slabs with which the whole of Rome was littered. And now briefly about interesting roads:

  • The longest highway in the world is the Pan-American Highway, which is only 47,958 km long. Just count how much time it will take you to cover such a track at a speed of 100 km/h.
  • From the realm of fantasy. Russian roads are considered the most expensive in the world. This is not a joke; the price of building a kilometer of road in our country costs many times more than in the USA or Europe. So that's why Napoleon was so afraid of our roads.
  • In developed countries, traffic jams are caused by poor organization of traffic infrastructure. And in India, traffic jams are caused by cows. It often happens that artiodactyls simply come and lie down on the asphalt, and since they are very holy, no one risks driving them away.
  • And the biggest traffic jam occurred in China (and why am I not surprised?). In 2010, such a traffic jam was created that its unwitting participants drove 100 kilometers in approximately 5 days. And the traffic jam lasted from August 14 to August 25.

Let your road be bright and straight, and let the turns, even sharp ones, take you to new, pleasant horizons. Let's get started with the drawing lesson.

How to draw a road with a pencil step by step

Step one. Step two. Step three. Step four. Step five. If the road is too simple and boring for you, try drawing one of these.

The birth of a child begins with a stage in life when everything around becomes interesting. As soon as children grow up, they begin to walk and increasingly go outside the playground area, where you can certainly see road signs. Therefore, it is advisable from an early age to teach the child not only responsibility, but also caution, as well as to promote his development and teach him how to draw traffic signs in order to be able to distinguish them.

The basis of child safety on the roads: applying knowledge in practice

As a rule, teaching everything to young children is quite difficult. One might even say that it is impossible to do this. Due to their age, children cannot understand much. But you can still teach them the basics. Road signs in pictures, drawn with your own hands, are an effective way. Thanks to the drawing, the child remembers faster, since several memory zones work simultaneously. Thus, at the moment of drawing, the child considers how to draw a road sign.

Of course, a child will not be able to learn all the rules, but together with the drawing, the actions of drawing will be imprinted in the child’s memory and will help to understand the meaning of a particular symbol and its application. This means that through action, children will quickly remember and understand how to behave on the road when they see a familiar sign. But how to draw a road sign without outside help? This is another problem that should not be put on the back burner.

Required accessories

Before drawing road signs step by step, first of all you need to properly organize your workplace. To do this you need to prepare:

  • paper;
  • colour pencils;
  • paints;
  • eraser;
  • ruler.

Supplies must be prepared in advance and during drawing, try to get the child to independently try to depict a road sign.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing road signs

You need a blank sheet of paper to draw. This could be a piece of notebook paper. For small children, it is better to use checkered paper sheets. The presence of cells on the sheet will simplify drawing a road sign. If such paper is not found, then a regular landscape sheet is quite suitable for drawing. True, it is more difficult to draw on a landscape sheet than on a checkered sheet, so it would be a good idea to take care of a ruler in advance.

Theoretically, in order to draw a road sign and not make noise in the classroom looking for a pencil, eraser or ruler, you need to make sure they are available at the drawing lesson in advance. You need to start drawing with the simplest techniques for depicting road signs.

Let's take a pedestrian crossing as an example. The technique of drawing it is considered the simplest:

  • To do this, you need to draw a square with a simple pencil on a blank sheet of paper using a ruler, a square slightly smaller than the size of the entire sheet.
  • Then, using the same simple pencil, you need to place an isosceles triangle in the drawn square on the sheet. The drawing technique is simple. You need to find the middle on one of the sides, put a point, and then use a ruler to connect it to the two corners of the square, drawing straight lines.
  • As a result, an equilateral triangle will appear in the square. The remaining free space between the square and the triangle must be painted blue.
  • The next step is to work on the triangle. Inside it you need to draw a zebra and a person in the right direction, from left to right and from right to left. This means that the drawing can be drawn in two copies, where in one drawing in a triangle the pedestrian moves from left to right, and in the second drawing in the triangle, accordingly, the pedestrian’s movement is in the direction from right to left.

The little secret of creating a drawing depicting road signs of two meanings

It is necessary to duplicate the drawing when colored pencils are used to draw a traffic sign. But there is one little secret, using which children, remembering the action, remember the meaning of the sign. But how can you draw a road sign once and get two drawings, two directions, two signs?

To do this, you need to use a little secret that you can demonstrate to the kids. Only for this you need paints. And a simple pencil. It is with this that the shape, the outline of a person, the zebra itself is drawn, then all the lines are decorated with paint. After applying the paint, we begin copying the drawing with the road sign.

The secret that will allow you to create two from one drawing is quite simple. Immediately after applying the paint, you need to carefully take another similar sheet of paper and carefully attach it to the sheet with the painted road sign. Having attached a clean Whatman paper to the drawing, you need to press both sheets tightly against each other, and then carefully separate them. The result will be one road sign in two drawings with different directions of travel.

If the outlines are poorly visible, they can be painted with paints of the same color, that is, create a blue background for the square, cover the lines of the sides of the triangle with red, in which, on a white background, depict a zebra and a pedestrian moving in the right direction using black paints. The drawn picture gradually turns into a real road sign.

Making a road sign at home

It is possible to make a road sign only if you have the necessary material and appropriate equipment. At the first stage, you need to find a suitable support on which the sign will be attached: a pipe, a wooden beam. Then you should take a piece of galvanized steel and cut out the sign shape to the desired size. For accuracy and stability, it is recommended to do two layers. Be sure to make a fastening on the reverse side. Otherwise, this will have to be done in a ready-made version, which can lead to damage to the product. As you can see, little tricks on how to draw traffic signs are one of the ways to interest your children.

Let's move on. The next step in solving the problem of how to draw road signs for children is the most difficult stage. A child cannot cope with this on his own. The drawn drawing of the sign should turn into a mock-up of the sign, that is, visually become similar to the real one. To do this you will need a reflective film. You can buy it in the store.

Cardboard or metal - the essence of the blank for making a road sign with your own hands

After all these steps, the drawing must be pasted onto a clean, thick, dry surface of cardboard. If you use a metal plate as a base, then in this case you first need to treat the metal surface with alcohol. They should degrease the surface, wait until the alcohol evaporates, and only then stick on the finished design, leaving the mock-up of the road sign while the glue dries completely.

The next step is gluing the reflective film. It can be applied both to an uneven rough surface and to a perfectly flat base with a pattern. Reflective film will turn the mock-up of a road sign into a semblance of a real one, which can be installed on a playground, where a road with intersections and pedestrian crossings is being built as a visual aid.

Modern children need a lot of knowledge about the modern world. However, this knowledge must be instilled in the child from childhood, without forgetting the concepts of safety. Visual memory, action and practice are the basis of children's safety. Examples of drawing and making a road sign, as well as its installation, will allow children to learn a good lesson in learning the rules of behavior on the road. And every inquisitive child can answer the question of how to draw road signs with a pencil.

Natalia Frolova

Safe by paths

Everyone is heading to kindergarten

And all the traffic rules

We know how to comply.

We don't run when red lights appear

And we stand on yellow

But what if it’s suddenly green?

Will light up on the way -

Then, of course, all at once

We can go to kindergarten.

All people know the rule

Even the kids know them,

And all the rules of movement

Observed from the heart

Today's problem road- great attention is paid to transport injuries, and the process of training the rules road movement begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. When visiting preschool educational institutions in the city or gathering their students for mass events dedicated to knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know what traffic light signal and at what place they need to cross the roadway.

Passed in kindergarten traffic rules drawing competition« Child and road. He is called to convert road illiteracy in respect and responsibility. Anyone from 2 to 7 years old could take part in this competition.

And today, summing up the results of the children's competition« Child and road looking at children's drawings, you are convinced that many drawings- the realities of our life with you, this drawings about drivers and pedestrians. with their own drawings by competition participants tried to draw attention to compliance with the Rules traffic, prevent accidents on road.

The works were evaluated by a jury with the participation of an inspector from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and some works also decorated a stand for an exhibition within the walls of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Tulunsky".

All participants Diplomas await the competition.

Thank you for your active participation!

Prepared the article by Kirilova N.N.

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