The role of organic substances in modern life. The role of organic chemistry in human life. The result in calories will reflect your approximate daily energy expenditure

The development of the chemical industry takes human life to a completely new qualitative level. However, most people consider chemistry to be very complex and impractical science doing abstract things that are completely unnecessary in life. Let's try to dispel this myth.

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Why does humanity need chemistry?

The role of chemistry in the modern world is very great. In fact, chemical processes surround us constantly, this applies not only to industrial production or everyday matters.

Chemical reactions in our own body occur every second, decomposing organic substances into simple compounds like carbon dioxide and, as a result of which we receive energy to perform basic actions.

At the same time, we create new substances necessary for the life and functioning of all organs. Processes only stop after a person's death and its complete decomposition.

The source of nutrition for many organisms, including humans, are plants that have the ability to produce organic substances from water and carbon dioxide.

This process includes chain of complex chemical transformations, the result of which is the formation of biopolymers: fiber, starch, cellulose.

Attention! As a fundamental science, chemistry deals with the formation of ideas about the world, the relationships in it, the unity of the discrete and the continuous.

Chemistry in everyday life

Chemistry is present in human life every day; we are faced with a whole chain of chemical transformations during:

  • using soap;
  • making tea with lemon;
  • extinguishing soda;
  • lighting a match or gas burner;
  • preparing sauerkraut;
  • using powders and other detergents.

All these are chemical reactions, during which others are formed from one substance, and a person receives some benefit from this process. Modern powders contain enzymes that decompose at high temperatures, so washing in hot water is impractical. The effect of eating away stains will be minimal.

The effect of soap in hard water is also significantly reduced, but flakes appear on the surface. You can soften water by boiling, but sometimes this is only possible with the help of chemicals, which are added to washing machine products that reduce the process of scale formation.

Chemistry and the human body

The role of chemistry in human life begins with breathing and digestion of food.

All processes occurring in our body are carried out in dissolved form, and water is the universal solvent. Its magical properties once allowed the emergence of life on Earth, and are very important now.

The basis of a person’s chemical structure is the food he consumes. The better and more complete it is, the better the well-coordinated mechanism of life functions.

If there is a deficiency of any substance in the diet, ongoing processes are inhibited, and the body’s functioning is disrupted. Most often, we consider vitamins to be such important substances. But these are the most noticeable substances, the deficiency of which manifests itself quickly. The lack of other components may not be as visible.

For example, vegetarianism has negative aspects associated with the lack of supply of some complete proteins and amino acids contained in them with food. In such a situation, the body cannot synthesize some of its own proteins, which leads to various violations.

Even table salt must be included in the diet, since its ions help to carry out osmotic pressure, are part of the gastric juice, help work.

In case of various deviations in the activity of organs and systems, a person first of all turns to a pharmacy, which acts as the main promoter of human achievements in the field of chemistry.

More than 90 percent of the medications displayed on pharmacy shelves are artificially synthesized, even if they are present in nature, today it is easier to create them in a factory from individual components than to grow them in natural conditions. And although many of them have side effects, the positive value of eliminating the disease is much greater.

Attention! Cosmetology is almost entirely built on the achievements of chemists. It allows you to prolong a person’s youth and beauty, while at the same time bringing substantial income to cosmetic companies.

Chemistry at the service of industry

Initially, the science of chemistry was driven by curious and also greedy people.

The first were interested in learning what everything consists of and how it turns into something new, the second wanted to learn how to create something valuable that would allow them to acquire material wealth.

One of the most valuable substances is gold, followed by others.

Exactly ore mining and processing for the production of metals - the first directions of development of chemistry, they are still very important today. Because they allow get new alloys, use more effective methods of cleaning metals, and so on.

The production of ceramics and porcelain is also very ancient, it is gradually being improved, although it is difficult to surpass some of the ancient masters.

Oil refining today shows huge h the meaning of chemistry, because in addition to gasoline and other types of fuel, several hundred different substances are created from these natural raw materials:

  • rubbers and rubbers;
  • synthetic fabrics such as nylon, lycra, polyester;
  • car parts;
  • plastics;
  • detergents and household chemicals;
  • plumbing;
  • stationery;
  • furniture;
  • toys;
  • and even food.

The paint and varnish industry is completely based on the achievements of chemistry, all its diversity is created by scientists, synthesizing new substances. Even construction today makes full use of new materials that have properties uncharacteristic of natural substances. Their quality is gradually improving, proving that chemistry is necessary in human life.

Two sides of the coin

The role of chemistry in the modern world is enormous, we can no longer live without it, it gives us a lot of useful substances and phenomena, but at the same time it also causes certain harm.

Harmful effects of chemicals

As a negative factor, chemistry constantly appears in a person’s life. Most often we celebrate environmental consequences and public health.

The abundance of materials alien to our planet leads to the fact that they pollute soil and water, without being subject to natural decay processes.

Moreover, during decomposition or combustion they release large amounts of toxic substances, further poisoning the environment.

And yet, this question can be completely resolved with the help of the same chemistry.

A significant portion of substances can be recycle, again turning into the necessary goods. The problem, rather, is associated not with the shortcomings of chemistry as a science, but with the laziness of man, and his unwillingness to spend extra effort for processing waste products.

The same problem is associated with industrial waste, which today is rarely processed efficiently, poisoning the environment and human health.

The second point that says that chemistry and the human body are incompatible is artificial food, which many manufacturers are trying to stuff us with. But here the question is not so much the achievements of chemistry as the greed of people.

Chemical advances make human life easier, and perhaps the role of chemistry in solving the food problem will be invaluable, especially in combination with advances in genetics. The inability to use these achievements and the desire to earn money - that’s the main enemies of human health, and not the chemical industry at all.

Use of a large number of preservatives in food has become a problem in some countries where the inhabitants are so saturated with these substances that after death the processes of decomposition in them are greatly inhibited, as a result the dead just don't rot, and lie in the ground for many years.

Household chemicals often become a source allergic reactions and poisoning body. Mineral fertilizers and means for treating plants against pests are also dangerous for humans, and they also affect nature have a negative impact, gradually destroying it.

The benefits of chemistry

In psychology there is such a concept - which consists in removing internal tension through redistribution, to achieve a result in some accessible area.

In chemistry, this term is used to designate the process of obtaining a gaseous substance from a solid without a liquid stage. However, the psychology approach can also be applied in this industry.

Redirecting energy to advances in various chemical-related industries brings a lot benefits to society.

Speaking about why chemistry is needed in human life or industrial production, we recall many of its achievements that have made our lives comfortable and longer:

  • medicines;
  • modern materials with unique properties;
  • fertilizers;
  • energy sources;
  • food sources and more.

Chemistry in human life

If chemistry didn't exist. Why study chemistry


The role of chemistry in the modern world is undeniable, it took an important place in the system of human knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. Its active development in the 20th century is somewhat frightening and makes people think about the ultimate goal of using their knowledge. But without knowledge, humanity is only a separate group of individuals with not the best characteristics.

The topic “Subject of organic chemistry” is offered for study. The role of organic substances in human life." The teacher covers the question of why there was a need to divide substances into organic and inorganic. Next, he tells students about the carbon cycle in nature, defines organic substances, and explains what hydrocarbon derivatives and organogens are. At the end of the lesson, the teacher will reveal the role of organic chemistry in our lives.

Topic: Introduction to organic chemistry

Lesson: Subject of organic chemistry.The role of organic substances in human life

By the beginning of the 21st century, chemists had isolated millions of substances in their pure form. At the same time, more than 18 million compounds of carbon and less than a million compounds of all other elements are known.

Carbon compounds are mainly classified as organic compounds.

Substances began to be divided into organic and inorganic from the beginning of the 19th century. Organic substances were then called substances isolated from animals and plants, and inorganic were substances extracted from minerals. It is through the organic world that the main part of the carbon cycle in nature passes.

From compounds containing carbon to inorganic traditionally include graphite, diamond, carbon oxides (CO and CO 2), carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3), carbonates (for example, sodium carbonate - soda Na 2 CO 3), carbides (calcium carbide CaC 2), cyanides (potassium cyanide KCN), rhodanide (sodium rhodanide NaSCN).

A more precise modern definition: organic compounds are hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

The simplest hydrocarbon is methane. Carbon atoms can combine with each other to form chains of any length. If in such chains carbon is also bonded to hydrogen, the compounds are called hydrocarbons. Tens of thousands of hydrocarbons are known.

Models of molecules of methane CH 4, ethane C 2 H 6, pentane C 5 H 12

Hydrocarbon derivatives are hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by an atom or group of atoms of other elements. For example, one of the hydrogen atoms in methane can be replaced by chlorine, or an OH group, or an NH 2 group.

Methane CH 4, chloromethane CH 3 Cl, methyl alcohol CH 3 OH, methylamine CH 3 NH 2

Organic compounds, in addition to carbon and hydrogen atoms, may include atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and less commonly halogens.

To appreciate the importance of the organic compounds that surround us, let’s imagine that they suddenly disappeared. No wooden objects, books or notebooks, no book bags or ballpoint pens. The plastic casings of computers, televisions and other household appliances have disappeared; telephones and calculators are gone. Transport is at a standstill without gasoline and diesel fuel, most medicines are missing and there is simply nothing to eat. There are no detergents, clothes, and neither of us...

There are so many organic substances because of the way carbon atoms form chemical bonds. These small atoms are capable of forming strong covalent bonds with each other and with nonmetal organogens.

In the ethane molecule C 2 H 6 there are 2 carbon atoms bonded to each other, in the pentane molecule C 5 H 12 there are 5 atoms, and in the well-known polyethylene molecule there are hundreds of thousands of carbon atoms.

Studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic substances organic chemistry.

Chemistry. Grade 10. Profile level: academic. for general education Institutions / V.V. Eremin, N.E. Kuzmenko, V.V. Lunin. – M.: Bustard, 2008. – 463 p.

ISBN 978-5-358-01584-5

Chemistry. Grade 11. Profile level: academic. for general education Institutions / V.V. Eremin, N.E. Kuzmenko, V.V. Lunin. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 462 p.

Khomchenko G.P., Khomchenko I.G. Collection of problems in chemistry for those entering universities. – 4th ed. – M.: RIA “New Wave”: Publisher Umerenkov, 2012. – 278 p.

Tutorial on the Internet

Samara State University.

Department of Organic, Bioorganic and Medical Chemistry

Organic substances Some organic substances have been known to man for many decades, others are at the stage of study, and others are still waiting in the wings. But one thing is certain: organic chemistry can never exhaust itself. Its diversity is hidden in its nature.

I consider it important to convey the understanding that food, clothing, footwear, medicines, dyes, construction parts, electrical, radio and television equipment, synthetic fibers, plastics and rubber, productivity enhancing products, explosives - this is an incomplete list of what organic chemistry gives to man.

The chemical and petrochemical industries are the most important industries, without which the functioning of the economy is impossible. Among the most important chemical products are acids, alkalis, salts, mineral fertilizers, solvents, oils, plastics, rubbers, synthetic fibers and much more. Currently, the chemical industry produces several tens of thousands of products.

Competing with nature, organic chemists have created a large number of compounds that have properties necessary and beneficial for people. These are organic dyes, which are much superior to natural ones in variety and beauty; a huge arsenal of medicines that help people overcome various diseases; synthetic detergents that regular soap cannot compete with, and much more. All these substances have penetrated our lives so much that people can no longer imagine their existence without them.

Medicine and chemistry Chemistry plays a major role in the development of the pharmaceutical industry: the bulk of all drugs are obtained synthetically. Thanks to chemistry, many revolutions in medicine have been accomplished. Without chemistry, we would not have painkillers, sleeping pills, antibiotics or vitamins. This undoubtedly does chemistry credit. Chemistry also helped to cope with unsanitary conditions, because back in the 18th century. Doctor I. Zimmelweis ordered the medical staff of the hospital to wash their hands in a solution of bleach. The mortality rate of patients has decreased sharply.

Industry and chemistry The development of many industries is associated with chemistry: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, transport, building materials industry, electronics, light industry, food industry - this is an incomplete list of economic sectors that widely use chemical products and processes. Many industries use chemical methods, for example, catalysis (acceleration of processes), chemical processing of metals, protection of metals from corrosion, water purification.

Chemistry and plastics In the automotive industry, the use of plastics for the manufacture of cabins, bodies and their large parts has especially great prospects, because The body accounts for about half the weight of the car and ~40% of its cost. Bodies made of plastic materials are more reliable and durable than metal ones, and their repair is cheaper and easier. However, plastic masses have not yet become widespread in the production of large-sized car parts, mainly due to insufficient rigidity and relatively low weather resistance. Plastics are most widely used for interior decoration of automobiles.

Engine, transmission, and chassis parts are also made from plastics. The enormous importance that plastics play in electrical engineering is determined by the fact that they are the basis or essential component of all insulation elements of electrical machines, apparatus and cable products. Plastics are often used to protect insulation from mechanical stress and aggressive environments, and for the manufacture of structural materials.

The trend towards an increasingly widespread use of plastics (especially film materials) is characteristic of all countries with developed agriculture. They are used in the construction of cultivation facilities, for mulching the soil, pelleting seeds, packaging and storing agricultural products. products, etc. In land reclamation and agriculture. in water supply, polymer films serve as screens that prevent the loss of water through filtration from irrigation canals and reservoirs; Pipes for various purposes are made from plastic materials and used in the construction of water management structures

Unfortunately, organic chemistry is not only a good friend and a magician. Often, by the will of people or by accident, it turns into its opposite - destructive chemistry. This happens if a person treats it carelessly, illiterately or with malicious intent. The growth of environmental problems is a sad retribution for the numerous mistakes and errors of people producing or working with organic substances. In addition, organic chemistry is not only a source of products necessary for humans.

Chemistry finds application in various branches of human activity - medicine, agriculture, production of ceramics, varnishes, paints, automotive, textile, metallurgical and other industries. In everyday human life, chemistry is reflected primarily in various household chemicals (detergents and disinfectants, care products for furniture, glass and mirror surfaces, etc.), medicines, cosmetics, various plastic products, paints, adhesives, insect control agents, fertilizers, etc. This list can be continued almost endlessly; let’s look at just a few of its points.

Household chemicals

Among household chemicals, the first place in terms of scale of production and use is occupied by detergents, among which the most popular are various soaps, washing powders and liquid detergents (shampoos and gels).

Soaps are mixtures of salts (potassium or sodium) of unsaturated fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, etc.), with sodium salts forming solid soaps, and potassium salts forming liquid soaps.

Soaps are produced by the hydrolysis of fats in the presence of alkalis (saponification). Let's consider the production of soap using the example of saponification of tristearin (triglyceride of stearic acid):

where C 17 H 35 COONa is soap - the sodium salt of stearic acid (sodium stearate).

It is also possible to produce soap using alkyl sulfates (salts of esters of higher alcohols and sulfuric acid) as raw materials:

R-CH 2 -OH + H 2 SO 4 = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH (sulfuric acid ester) + H 2 O

R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH + NaOH = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –ONa (soap - sodium alkyl sulfate) + H 2 O

Depending on the scope of application, there are household, cosmetic (liquid and solid) soaps, as well as handmade soap. You can additionally add various flavors, dyes or fragrances to the soap.

Synthetic detergents (washing powders, gels, pastes, shampoos) are chemically complex mixtures of several components, the main component of which is surfactants. Among surfactants, ionic (anionic, cationic, amphoteric) and nonionic surfactants are distinguished. For the production of synthetic detergents, non-genous anionic surfactants are usually used, which are alkyl sulfates, amino sulfates, sulfosuccinates and other compounds that dissociate into ions in an aqueous solution.

Powdered detergents usually contain various additives to remove grease stains. Most often it is soda ash or baking soda, sodium phosphates.

To some powders, chemical bleaches are added - organic and inorganic compounds, the decomposition of which releases active oxygen or chlorine. Sometimes, enzymes are used as bleaching additives, which, due to the rapid process of protein breakdown, effectively remove contaminants of organic origin.

Polymer products

Polymers are high-molecular compounds, the macromolecules of which consist of “monomeric units” - molecules of inorganic or organic substances connected by chemical or coordination bonds.

Products made from polymers are widely used in the everyday life of mankind - these are all kinds of household accessories - kitchen utensils, bathroom items, household and household appliances, containers, storage, packaging materials, etc. Polymer fibers are used to make a variety of fabrics, knitwear, hosiery, artificial fur curtains, carpets, upholstery materials for furniture and cars. Synthetic rubber is used to produce rubber products (boots, galoshes, sneakers, rugs, shoe soles, etc.).

Among the many polymer materials, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, polyacrylate and foam are widely used.

Among polyethylene products, the most popular in everyday life are polyethylene film, all kinds of containers (bottles, cans, boxes, canisters, etc.), pipes for sewerage, drainage, water and gas supply, armor, heat insulators, hot melt adhesive, etc. All these products are made from polyethylene, obtained in two ways - at high (1) and low pressure (2):


Polypropylene is a polymer obtained by polymerization of propylene in the presence of catalysts (for example, a mixture of TiCl 4 and AlR 3):

n CH 2 =CH(CH 3) → [-CH 2 -CH(CH 3)-] n

This material is widely used in the production of packaging materials, household items, non-woven materials, disposable syringes, and in construction for vibration and noise insulation of interfloor ceilings in floating floor systems.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a polymer obtained by suspension or emulsion polymerization of vinyl chloride, as well as bulk polymerization:

It is used for electrical insulation of wires and cables, production of sheets, pipes, films for suspended ceilings, artificial leather, linoleum, profiles for the manufacture of windows and doors.

Polyvinyl chloride is used as a sealant in household refrigerators, instead of relatively complex mechanical seals. PVC is also used to make condoms for people with latex allergies.

Cosmetical tools

The main products of cosmetic chemistry are all kinds of creams, lotions, masks for the face, hair and body, perfumes, eau de toilette, hair dyes, mascaras, hair and nail varnishes, etc. The composition of cosmetic products includes substances that are contained in the tissues for which these products are intended. Thus, cosmetic preparations for the care of nails, skin and hair include amino acids, peptides, fats, oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, i.e. substances necessary for the life of the cells that make up these tissues.

In addition to substances obtained from natural raw materials (for example, all kinds of plant extracts), synthetic types of raw materials, which are obtained by chemical (usually organic) synthesis, are widely used in the production of cosmetics. Substances obtained in this way are characterized by a high degree of purity.

The main types of raw materials for the production of cosmetics are natural and synthetic animal (chicken, mink, pork) and vegetable (cotton, flaxseed, castor oil) fats, oils and waxes, hydrocarbons, surfactants, vitamins and stabilizers.

The role of organic chemistry is so great that it is difficult to imagine humanity today without using the achievements of this science.

As already mentioned, a person comes into contact with organic substances throughout his life. For example, basic food products - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - are organic substances. Organic chemistry also dresses a person. It is worth remembering natural (cotton, linen, wool, silk), artificial (acetate and viscose) and synthetic (nylon, lavsan, anide, etc.) fibers. It is well known that synthetic leatherettes and rubbers are widely used to make footwear. However, the development of the production of synthetic materials is not limited only to meeting the demand for everyday necessities. Today it is difficult to find at least one industry that does without organic raw materials. Thus, the fuel industry uses oil, gas, coal, wood, peat, shale, and the petrochemical industry produces various chemical products from oil and gas (natural and associated) - automobile and aviation fuels (gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil), lubricating oils, various starting substances (monomers) for the production of polymer materials, many solvents, additives, synthetic detergents, etc. The paint and varnish industry produces varnishes, drying oils, organic dyes, paints and pigments, and the textile and leather industry produces clothing and footwear from natural and synthetic organic raw materials. Humanity, unfortunately, cannot do without medicines. They are prepared in a large assortment by the pharmaceutical industry, the basis of which is organic synthesis. Practical medicine cannot exist without polymer materials. Polymers are especially widely used in surgery (vascular prostheses made of lavsan and nylon, artificial heart valves, polymer substitutes in orthopedics and traumatology, etc.). The construction industry is unthinkable without polymer materials. The use of various polymers and products made from them has expanded the possibilities and quality of construction. Organosilicon substances, surfactants and other products are also used in the production of building materials. Organic chemistry has not bypassed agriculture, which is constantly in need of organic fertilizers and means of plant protection and growth. It is known that organic raw materials of animal and plant origin are processed by the food industry.

However, food products can also be obtained synthetically - by direct processing of protein of natural origin (usually plant) into a variety of food products (dairy and meat). But for organic chemistry, another way to obtain food products is also possible. It consists of producing artificial protein food and animal feed from synthetic amino acids.

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine cars, airplanes, sea and railway transport without various types of rubber, polymer materials, fuels and lubricants. The electrical industry and radio electronics, nuclear energy and space research cannot do without organic chemistry.

Rapidly developing and accumulating enormous factual material, organic chemistry is in close contact with biology, medicine, physics and mathematics, as well as other sciences. Even in order to have a good understanding of many biological processes occurring in living organisms, knowledge of organic chemistry is necessary: ​​these processes are chemical and biological transformations of ordinary organic substances.

The modern period in the development of organic chemistry is characterized by successes in the synthesis of natural substances involved in the life of animals and plants. Many enzymes and hormones, vitamins, antibiotics and alkaloids have been synthesized. By synthetic means, chemists obtained such a complex substance as chlorophyll. A successful attack on protein synthesis has begun. After establishing the structure of the insulin protein and its synthesis, a huge amount of work was done to decipher the structure of the molecules of more than 2000 proteins. At the same time, work continues on the targeted synthesis of many protein substances.

Over time, organic chemistry became such a comprehensive science that many of its sections were gradually separated into independent areas. This is how the chemistry of polymers, heterocyclic compounds, dyes, carbohydrates, coal and oil, medicines, etc. was born.

Organic chemistry, which we began to study, is called general organic chemistry, it is also called basics of organic chemistry.

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