Who are Roninov? Master of the tea ceremony and ronin (masterless samurai). SEO promotion is an indispensable tool for online business

A terrible man, a ghost who haunts the dreams of official officials and makes the most cowardly of them wake up in a cold sweat; a warrior released into free swimming, aimlessly wandering here and there like a wave of the sea - all this is a ronin, which literally means “wave man”.

There were a great many Ronins, some authors estimate about 400 thousand, but all of them can be divided into three large groups:
1. rich vassals who voluntarily left their posts;
2. “fired” for some “minor act” by their employers. The ronin who belonged to this group usually tried to earn forgiveness and atone for their guilt so that they would be allowed to return to their former positions;
3. This group included ronins, located at the very bottom and expelled from the clan for offenses and misdeeds or greed. Such ronins did not advertise the names of their former masters.

Ronin were left to their own devices and did not have a stable and visible means of livelihood, so many of them taught martial arts for a fee - those who could afford it. They often entered service as bodyguards ( yojimbo) to rich merchants; many others lived by plunder - that is, they joined bands of brigands (or founded their own) whose presence cast a terrible shadow over the countryside. The underworld of every major city was overrun by such people, whom some authors call "knights-errant of ill repute." Their only profession was to carry weapons and therefore carry out violence from time to time.

Throughout the historical period under Tokugawa rule, the ronin formed an active and numerous warrior class, whose ranks were replenished by the destruction of many clans that the Tokugawa considered unreliable. The ronin wandered through the countryside, hid in large cities and eventually had to develop a certain independence of thought, which was facilitated by the possession of weapons, which was for them both law and custom, and a means of subsistence.

Ronin still despised commoners, some even began to behave with defiant insolence towards their former comrades in arms, but most still wanted to find a new master. However, this desire of theirs was difficult to fulfill; its fulfillment was hampered by their own position, and few people wanted to accept such a vassal into the service, thereby creating a precedent for subsequent relations.

). Initially ronin they called servants who fled from the lands of their master, and in rare cases - wanderers and free warriors.
According to Bushido (" way of the warrior") the samurai had to commit seppuku(Japanese: 切腹 or " hara-kiri" - ritual suicide) upon the loss of his master. Those who did not want to follow the code "on their own" had to suffer from shame. They were often discriminated against by other samurai and daimyo (feudal lords).
Just like regular samurai ronin carried two swords and also used other types of weapons. Some ronin, if they did not have money, they usually wore Bo(Japanese 棒:ぼう - staff from 5 to 6 feet) or Dze(Japanese 杖:じょう - smaller staff or cane about 3 or 5 feet) or used Yumi(Japanese 弓 - onion).
There were a great variety, but they can all be divided into three large groups:
1. Rich vassals who voluntarily left their posts;
2. “Fired” for some “minor act” by their employers. those belonging to this group usually tried to earn forgiveness and atone for their guilt so that they would be allowed to return to their previous positions;
3., located at the very bottom and expelled from the clan for offenses and misdeeds or greed. Such ronin did not advertise the names of their former owners.

During the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and the Muromachi period (1336-1573), when warriors ruled the lands they conquered, ronin became a warrior who lost his lands. During these periods, due to frequent small wars throughout the territory Japan, the daimyo needed to increase their armies, so they provided the opportunity ronin serve new masters. During the Sengoku period, the daimyo especially needed new fighters, and even if someone’s master died, ronin got the opportunity to serve the new master. Unlike the later Edo period, the bond between master and samurai was loose, and some samurai who were dissatisfied with their treatment would leave their masters and go in search of new ones. Many warriors inherited the property of their masters, and some even became daimyo.
During Edo(or as it is also called - the Tokugawa period) with the existence of a rigid system and laws of the shogunate, the number Ronin increased significantly. The confiscation of feudal estates during the reign of the third Tokugawa Iemitsu shogunate led to a particularly high increase in the number Ronin. Over the previous centuries, samurai easily moved from one master to another and could engage in various activities. They could also marry from other classes. However, during Edo samurai Japan were limited in their actions, and they were forbidden to move to another owner without the permission of the previous one. In addition, low-ranking samurai, often poor and deprived of the right to choose, were forced to abandon their masters and flee.
Once Toyotomi Hideyoshi had united most of the country, the daimyo considered it unnecessary to continue recruiting new soldiers. Then the Battle of Sekigahara (1600) led to the confiscation and reduction of fiefs from more daimyo on the losing side, causing many Japanese samurai to become ronin. As many as one hundred thousand Ronin joined forces with Toyotomi Hideeri and fought during the siege of the city of Osaka. In the subsequent years of peace there was no need to maintain expensive armies, and many of the survivors Ronin returned to farming or became city dwellers. Some like Yamada Nagamasa, sought adventure abroad as mercenaries. However, the majority Ronin lived in poverty.
Initially the shogunate considered Ronin as a danger, and they were driven out of the cities or given limited plots of land where they could live. They were also forbidden to serve their new masters. So how are u Ronin With fewer and fewer options left, they joined the uprising Kayan(1651). This forced the shogunate to reconsider its policies. He loosened the restrictions on daimyo inheritance, resulting in fewer confiscations of fiefs, and allowed ronin serve new masters.

The Story of the 47 Ronin of Ako
The story tells how 47 ronin prepared and carried out a plan for revenge. Kire Kozuke no Suke (Kira Yoshihisa), an official at the shogun's court Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, for the death of his master, daimyo Asano Takumi no Kami Naganori) from Ako. In 1701 Asano was sentenced to seppuk for attacking an official in response to insults and bullying from the latter.

Having lost their master, 47 ronin led by the chief adviser Oishi Kuranosuke, swore an oath to avenge death with death, despite the fact that they faced a death sentence for this.
In order not to arouse suspicion, the conspirators disappeared into the crowd, becoming merchants and monks, Oishi He moved to Kyoto and began to lead a riotous lifestyle, divorced his wife and took a young concubine. Over time, having learned that the ronins had scattered in all directions, and Oishi gets drunk, Kira lowered his guard and became more carefree.
Meanwhile, the ronin were secretly collected and transported to Edo weapons, gaining the trust of household members Kira(one of the former servants Asano even married the daughter of the official estate builder in order to get plans for the building). When everything was ready for the execution of the plan, Oishi secretly moved to Edo, where all the conspirators met and re-swore an oath of vengeance.

47 ronin attack Kira's estate, engraving by Katsushika Hokusai

On January 30, 1703, two detachments of ronins, at the signal of a drum, attacked the estate Kira V Edo, killing 16 and wounding more than 20 people. Kira he managed to hide in the house with women and children in a large closet, and they could not find him for a long time. However Oishi, checking the bed Kira and making sure that it was still warm, overcame the despair of the seemingly inevitable failure and continued the search. A secret passage was soon discovered behind a wall scroll, leading to a hidden courtyard with a small storage building for storing coal, protected by two armed guards. There he was discovered Kira. Oishi respectfully told him that they were ronin - former servants Asano, came to avenge their master. Like a samurai Kira was respectfully offered to commit ritual suicide, but he refused or simply could not do it. Then Oishi I killed myself Kira, cutting off his head. The head of the defeated enemy was taken to the monastery by the ronins Sengaku-ji to the grave of his master, thereby fulfilling his oath.

Ronin at Asano Naganori's grave

The authorities found themselves in a difficult position: on the one hand, the ronin acted in accordance with the letter and spirit of bushido, avenging their overlord; on the other hand, they disobeyed the shogun's order and entered Edo with weapons and attacked a court official. Due to the growing popularity of the 47 Ronin among the people, the shogun received many petitions, but, as expected, sentenced the conspirators to death. However, they were allowed to carry out the noble rite of ritual suicide, as befitted true samurai, instead of being executed as criminals.

Seppuku Oishi Kuranosuke

Seppuku took place on March 20, 1703. The youngest was sent home to Ako messenger Forty six remaining in Edo The ronins were buried in the same monastery as their lord. Their graves have since become objects of worship, and their clothes and weapons are said to still be kept by the monks Sengaku-ji. Good family name Asano was restored, his family was even returned to part of their former possessions. The last of this group of ronin returned to Edo, was pardoned by the shogun and lived for 78 years. He was buried next to his comrades.

), who lost the protection of his overlord, or who failed to protect his master from death. Etymology of the term ronin dates back to the Nara and Heian periods, when it meant servants who had fled their lord's lands. In rare cases - a wanderer who does not have someone else's power over him, a free warrior.


In accordance with Japanese cultural traditions, ronin was often a shameful figure, subjected to ridicule and humiliation. The status of the ronin was unenviable, since they did not receive a constant salary from their masters, which, in turn, was a necessary condition for every real samurai. There was even a saying “Seven falls, eight rises,” which meant the right of a samurai to go on wanderings for a period of a year seven times during his service, each time returning to serve his patron. Unattractiveness of the situation ronin, obviously, was fueled by the samurai, who, being severely burdened with their responsibilities, resented personal freedom Ronin. There were many legends about a simple ronin who protected poor villagers from an arrogant samurai who was capable of killing anyone who dared to object to him. On the other hand, there are stories of lost masters, untrained, unemployed would-be samurai who existed as a class until the Meiji Restoration. In fact they were ronin, although they differed little from the city daredevils who were desperately looking for “adventure”.

As an illustration of the humiliating position of the samurai who became ronin, Lord Redesdale (British attache to Japan) described an incident that occurred during his stay in Japan, where he lived a few hundred meters from the grave of the “Forty-seven Ronin”. Then, at the cemetery, one ronin committed suicide, leaving a note saying that he, without the means to earn a decent living, turned to the daimyo Chosu, but was refused. Because of this, not wanting to serve anyone else and remain in the hated position of a ronin, he decided to kill himself. There was no better place for this. Redesdale noted that he visited the scene 1-2 hours later and saw traces of blood on the ground.

There were a great many Ronins, some authors estimate about 400 thousand, but all of them can be divided into three large groups:

  1. rich vassals who voluntarily left their posts;
  2. “dismissed” for some “minor offense” by their employers. The ronin who belonged to this group usually tried to earn forgiveness and atone for their guilt so that they would be allowed to return to their former positions;
  3. ronins, located at the very bottom and expelled from the clan for offenses and misdeeds or greed. Such ronins did not advertise the names of their former masters.

see also

  • Ronin (applicant) - in modern Japan, a metaphorical designation for a person who has failed the entrance exams to higher education institutions.

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Excerpt characterizing Ronin

Pierre looked like he was drunk. His ecstatic state intensified even more at the sight of the girl he had saved.
“Ce qu"elle dit?” he said. “Elle m”apporte ma fille que je viens de sauver des flammes,” he said. - Adieu! [What does she want? She is carrying my daughter, whom I saved from the fire. Farewell!] - and he, not knowing how this aimless lie escaped him, walked with a decisive, solemn step among the French.
The French patrol was one of those that were sent by order of Duronel to various streets of Moscow to suppress looting and especially to capture the arsonists, who, according to the general opinion that emerged that day among the French of the highest ranks, were the cause of the fires. Having traveled around several streets, the patrol picked up five more suspicious Russians, one shopkeeper, two seminarians, a peasant and a servant, and several looters. But of all the suspicious people, Pierre seemed the most suspicious of all. When they were all brought to spend the night in a large house on Zubovsky Val, in which a guardhouse was established, Pierre was placed separately under strict guard.

In St. Petersburg at this time, in the highest circles, with greater fervor than ever, there was a complex struggle between the parties of Rumyantsev, the French, Maria Feodorovna, the Tsarevich and others, drowned out, as always, by the trumpeting of the court drones. But calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles were efforts made to recall the difficulty of the present situation. It was told in whispers how the two empresses acted opposite to each other in such difficult circumstances. Empress Maria Feodorovna, concerned about the welfare of the charitable and educational institutions under her jurisdiction, made an order to send all institutions to Kazan, and the things of these institutions were already packed. Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, when asked what orders she wanted to make, with her characteristic Russian patriotism, deigned to answer that she could not make orders about state institutions, since this concerned the sovereign; about the same thing that personally depends on her, she deigned to say that she will be the last to leave St. Petersburg.
Anna Pavlovna had an evening on August 26, the very day of the Battle of Borodino, the flower of which was to be the reading of the letter from the Eminence, written when sending the image of the venerable saint Sergius to the sovereign. This letter was revered as an example of patriotic spiritual eloquence. It was to be read by Prince Vasily himself, famous for his art of reading. (He also read for the Empress.) The art of reading was considered to consist in pouring out words loudly, melodiously, between a desperate howl and a gentle murmur, completely regardless of their meaning, so that, quite by chance, a howl would fall on one word, and a murmur on others. This reading, like all Anna Pavlovna’s evenings, had political significance. At this evening there were to be several important persons who had to be shamed for their trips to the French theater and encouraged into a patriotic mood. Quite a lot of people had already gathered, but Anna Pavlovna had not yet seen all the people she needed in the living room, and therefore, without starting to read yet, she started general conversations.
The news of the day that day in St. Petersburg was the illness of Countess Bezukhova. A few days ago the Countess unexpectedly fell ill, missed several meetings of which she was an adornment, and it was heard that she did not see anyone and that instead of the famous St. Petersburg doctors who usually treated her, she entrusted herself to some Italian doctor who treated her with some new and in an extraordinary way.

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The story of the 47 Ronin, or "Ako's Revenge" is one of the most famous folk tales of Japan, which has now become popular throughout the world.

“Ronin” in Japan was the name given to samurai warriors who either lost the protection of their overlord or were unable to protect him from death.

According to Japanese tradition, the ronin was a shameful figure, subject to ridicule and humiliation. The status of the ronin was unenviable, since they did not receive a constant salary from their masters, which, in turn, was a necessary condition for every real samurai. The Ronins sought to re-enter the service, having found themselves a new patron. This did not always work out, and many remained in the status of ronin, often earning their living by robbery. On the other hand, in Japanese legends there are stories about ronin by conviction - free warriors who stood up for the protection of the poor. Such stories echo the English legend of Robin Hood.

The plot of the 47 Ronin is different. It is dedicated to the loyalty of warriors to their master, as well as to the samurai Code of Bushido.

Quarrel in the palace of the “Dog Shogun”

This story took place during the reign Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the 5th shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty, also known as the "Dog Shogun".

He received his nickname for the decree “On the Prohibition of Taking the Life of Living Creatures,” which prohibited killing stray dogs, cats and driven horses on pain of death.

In 1701, daimyo (major feudal lord, ruling prince of medieval Japan) Asano Takumi no Kami Naganori, or Asano Naganori, of the city of Ako, was appointed to receive two imperial envoys to the shogun's palace.

Before the ceremony, Asano Naganori was to receive instructions from Kira Yoshinaka, an official who was a hereditary expert in rituals of the highest rank.

Kira Yoshinaka had a reputation as a bribe-taker, and expected offerings from the daimyo. However, Asano Naganori did not give any gifts to the official.

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. Source: Public Domain

Seppuku with confiscation of property

Yoshinaka, who was about 60 years old, was extremely dissatisfied with the prince's behavior. Without giving him any instructions, he also made derogatory remarks about the preparations that Naganori himself was leading.

The offended daimyo pulled out his sword and dealt the offender several blows. The wounds of the ritual expert turned out to be non-fatal, and Asano Naganori was placed under arrest.

Drawing a sword in the ruler's palace was prohibited under penalty of death. The shogun sentenced the prince to death. True, given his title and position, he received an order to commit seppuku - ritual suicide by cutting open the abdomen. In Europe, this ritual is better known as hara-kiri.

On the evening of the day when the verdict was pronounced, Asano Naganori committed seppuku.

Ambassadors were sent to the residence of the clan to which the prince belonged, who reported that the clan was disbanded, its possessions were confiscated, and all samurai were declared ronin.

Asano Naganori attacks Kira Yoshinaka. Source: Public Domain

Oath of Vengeance

The newly minted ronin gathered for a council to decide what to do. Some suggested looking for a new master, others were ready to commit seppuku, and others were in favor of taking revenge on Kira Yoshinaka.

Kira, however, was an experienced courtier and knew that the avengers might emerge. He moved into a fortified mansion, surrounding himself with warriors.

47 ronin led by Oishi Kuranosuke, advisor Asano Naganori, vowing revenge, went in different directions. Some became a merchant, some a wandering doctor, some a fencing teacher. Oishi himself moved to Kyoto, where he indulged in drunkenness.

All this should have convinced Kira Yoshinaka that he had nothing to fear. But the Avengers kept a vigilant eye on his house, waiting for the right moment.

I had to wait more than a year and a half. The hour came on the 14th day of the 12th month of the 15th year of the Genroku era. The ronins who gathered in Edo (now Tokyo) posed as firefighters - the fireman's cloak hid their weapons well. Fires happened often at that time, and the appearance of such a detachment did not arouse suspicion.


At dawn on the 15th day, the Avengers, divided into two groups, attacked their enemy's mansion. One stormed the main gate, the second entered from the rear. The plan was thought out to the smallest detail.

During the assault, 17 guards were killed and more than 20 more were wounded. The Ronins escaped with minor injuries.

Ronin attack on Kira's estate. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Kira Yoshinaka took refuge in a coal storage room. His head was cut off and taken to Sengakuji Monastery, where Asano Naganori was buried. The ronins placed the head of the slain enemy on the owner's grave, showing that he had been avenged.

The youngest ronin, 16 years old Kitiemon Terasaka, by order Oishi Kuranosuke went to Asano Naganori's widow to tell her what had happened.

The remaining ronin surrendered to the authorities.

The whole country learned about what had happened, which was divided into those who considered the ronin heroes and those who called them criminals. The shogun was also puzzled. The fact is that, according to the Bushido Code, revenge for a murdered overlord for a samurai was “giri” - a sacred duty that had to be fulfilled even at the cost of his own life.

Many in Japan believed that the ronin should be pardoned. On the other hand, it was a conspiracy, as a result of which a distinguished court official and his servants were killed.

The shogun decreed that all ronin must commit seppuku.

On the evening of the 4th day of the 2nd month of the 16th year of the Genroku era, 46 warriors fulfilled their last samurai duty.

They were buried in the same monastery as their master.

Graves of 46 ronins.

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