Runes for good luck and luck in life. Runic bets for good luck and luck. “Shimmering in the Night” by Semiramis


Do you want to attract good luck and success into your life in all areas of your life? In this article we will tell you about the correct compilation of a runic formula for good luck in everything, the main characteristics of runes for good luck and will highlight other, no less interesting aspects. Enjoy reading!

What runes bring good luck?

Any runic symbol is a strong sign with a wide spectrum of action, capable of awakening natural, sacred forces. For several centuries now, runes have been helping to fulfill desires and attract good luck, because the main thing is to believe in the power of these signs. You can learn more about Scandinavian symbols using the free newsletter from specialists of the Russian Tarot School.

Most often, runic formulas for all occasions are compiled using the signs below.

  • Fehu: Symbolizes wealth, good luck, attracts prosperity to the material sphere of life. Allows you to preserve existing benefits
  • Kenaz: Rune that gives good luck. Provides an opportunity to unleash existing creative potential
  • Vunyo: A Scandinavian symbol that promotes the achievement of plans and the safety of the results obtained. The result is a good mood, pleasure, joy from the result

This is interesting! Repeating Fehu three times can be used as an amulet - it will help you achieve your goals in record time.

In what situations can runes help?

Each rune has a targeted spectrum of action. Correct use of certain symbols will help create runic formulas for all occasions. Here are the most popular combinations (applied sequentially, in a linear form, on any type of media).

Success at work, wealth, luck

Use a combination of Vunyo, Kenaz, Fehu runes. The combination allows you to find the necessary ways to achieve your goals and achieve your plans in all areas of life.

Luck, money

Fehu, Inguz, Odal (Otala) is one of the runic formulas for different purposes. Allows you to achieve financial well-being, peace of mind, and tranquility.

Wealth, luck

The best combination is Gebo, Perth, Fehu, Odal. These will allow you to stabilize the financial position of the operator and make a profit from any idea.

Happiness, luck

The implementation of plans always brings joy, inspiration, and self-confidence. To achieve these goals, use a combination of Ansuz, Yaro, Uruz, Ansuz. The formula will help you set your life priorities correctly, determine the significance of existing goals, and choose the best ways to achieve them.

Universal runic formulas for all occasions

To achieve success in all spheres of life, we will give examples of common runic formulas for different purposes.

Runic becoming "Banker"

The essence of stav is to attract wealth, prosperity, and open new opportunities for self-realization. A detailed interpretation of the runes used is given below.

  • Perth: Symbolizes the wallet and its desired contents
  • Fehu: Represents financial resources, their abundance. The result is wealth and prosperity for the operator
  • Uruz: Concentrated energy that works to attract finance. The main goal is to give the above stav the right direction
  • Nautiz: Acts as a guarantor that the money will reach the operator
  • Kenaz (2 pcs.): Open up new ways to receive funds
  • Inguz: Maintains the integrity of finances, protects the operator from unplanned expenses
  • Yera: The rune symbolizes fertility, productivity

During the reservation process, indicate the meaning of each symbol used. You can compose a verse in any way, saying the desired goal of the above stave. Apply on a piece of paper and whatever you like. To get the desired effect, place it between two large bills - this will help the money feel the monetary energy. If the above conditions are correctly observed, the results will appear the next day.

Becoming a “Golden Dragon” - monetary well-being

The essence of the stav is to change the life of the operator, directing events towards increasing financial well-being. This runic placement is for good luck in everything (tested).

  • Teyvaz: Opening a financial path with the removal of all obstacles
  • Algiz: Ensuring safety, protection
  • Evaz: Directing the operator to the financial flow
  • Dagaz: Transforming the operator’s life in the right direction, enrichment, improvement of financial situation
  • Mannaz: Represents the performer
  • Inguz (4 pcs.): The rune symbolizes cash flow
  • Laguz (2 pcs.): Strengthen the concentration of the financial stream, making it constant

Visualization of the stave occurs as follows - imagine a living dragon soaring upward. After achieving the goal, the paper media should be burned. The first results of the work done appear within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Runic becoming the protection of personality and home

The purpose of the formula is to protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles and negative magical influences. To compile the stav, the following runic symbols were used: Isa - Kennaz - Hagalaz, Kennaz - Isa. Make a reservation for each sign, with a detailed concentration of the desired end result.

Becoming "Happiness"

The essence of the runic combination is the operator, filling life with happiness, prosperity, joy. The formula attracts luck, promotes energy growth, creating a field for pleasant gifts of fate. Can be used as an amulet.

The combination is as follows:

  • Gebo (3 pcs.): Attracting good luck, establishing good, partnership relationships with people around you. Provides the basis for useful acquaintances, stimulates positive communication
  • Soulu (2 pcs.): Give vital energy, strength, insight in setting new goals
  • (2 pcs.): Symbolize positive emotions, joy from the final result
  • (2 pcs.): Represent luck and fulfillment of desires. Speed ​​up the process of receiving gifts from fate
  • Otala: Operator symbol, personality independence, works like a magnet
  • Dagaz: Elimination of possible internal contradictions, resistance, preparation for further changes
  • : Protection of the created runic formula, guarantees the correct operation of other runes

Runic formula for attracting money

One of the simple, accessible formulas even for beginners. Symbolizes financial well-being, success in the financial sector. Enables the operator to move to a fundamentally new level of development. Allows you to attract luck and money, expanding existing opportunities. By constantly using this position, you can increase your income by protecting it from the possibility of squandering.

This is interesting! In order for money to flow to you like a river, you need to regularly monitor the state of your own energy field, as well as the performance of all its channels responsible for success in the financial sphere. - a sure way to increase cash flow

Brief characteristics of the runes of this combination:

  • Othala: Symbol of accumulated wealth
  • Fehu: Property, fertility, prosperity
  • Yera: Quick achievement of realistically set goals. The rune constantly activates the formula

Runic formulas for winning the lottery

Correctly composed runic formulas for winning the lottery allow you to receive large sums or choose the right lottery ticket. The main thing is to set the goal correctly, everything else will follow. Let's give an example of the most popular bets.

Formula "Lottery"

The purpose of betting is to get money in an easy way (winning from gambling, lottery).

The formula consists of the following runes:

  • Mannaz: Personifies the operator, his attitude to the situation
  • Fehu: Achieving what you want in the financial sphere of life
  • Kenaz: Opens the door to getting the desired winnings by correctly arranging the desired events. Highlights the probability of profit
  • Dagaz: The essence of the rune is to provide a strong push “in the ass”, changing losing conditions to winning ones
  • Soulu: Light, illumination. You will be able to “feel” the numbers leading to a big win. The rune gives good luck, chance, simultaneously charging it with necessary energy
  • Raido: Brings the operator closer to luck
  • : The purpose of the rune is the fulfillment of desires
  • Evaz: “The donkey that brings a cart of treasures”
  • Nautiz: Makes the process of receiving winnings forced
  • Hagalaz: Destruction of blocks, barriers that prevent you from getting what you want
  • Otala: Acquisitions, winnings necessary for a person

Don't trust formulas? Then create your own amulet! Ideal for gamblers. We present to your attention the combination Kenaz - Dagaz - Soulu.

The decoding of the symbols is as follows:

  • Kenaz: Increases the likelihood of possible winnings in gambling. The symbol allows you to simulate the flow of necessary events in your favor
  • Dagaz: Eliminates the possibility of defeat. Works as a safety net
  • Soulu: Allows you to discover the intuition required to independently guess the winning combination of numbers

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This is originally an ancient Germanic script. They were used not only as an alphabet, but also as a fortune-telling system.

But this is not all the functions of runes. They can attract good luck, wealth, help in business and even heal. But for this you need to clearly know the meaning of each sign and their combination with each other.

Fehu - rune of luck

This symbol is considered capable of attracting not only good luck, but also money. Its original meaning is the acquisition of something, material assets, capital and finance. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to attract wealth, the Germans painted a triple Fehu on the amulet.

As a rune of luck, wealth and love, it was supposed to attract all of the above to the owner. The only point is that it itself does not bring material benefits. If you use Fekha, be prepared to have to work hard, but the income will be good and stable. If you don’t want to wear an amulet with strange symbols, draw a triple Fehu and hang it in the southeast corner. In combination with Mannaz, it will bring the right people to your home.

According to Feng Shui, this is the wealth sector.

Soulu - rune of happiness and good luck

Another extremely positive rune is Soulu or Sovul. She personifies the heavenly body itself, which gives life to everything on Earth. Therefore, it is believed that if you draw Soulu at the entrance to your house, you will not know any troubles in life. Its action is similar to Kanaz, whose name translates as “flame”. This is a rune of luck, as it reveals creative potential, allows you to see hidden opportunities and use them. In addition, she personifies, like Soula, irrepressible energy and vitality.


This is the rune of luck and joy. It helps you achieve your plans and gives you joy from the very process of achieving your goal. But you have to be extremely careful with her. Vunyo is a very strong rune, and thoughtless use can have the opposite effect. The fact is that if triple Fehu brings only good things, three Vunyo, in fact, is already one of the most powerful curses.

Algiz - rune of god's help

This sign, similar to a chicken foot, is considered not only the most ancient, but also the most multifunctional. This is the rune of happiness and good luck. The fact is that, according to the beliefs of the Germans and Scandinavians, it opens a channel of communication with the Divine for a person. This means that the use of Algiz automatically implies the protection and patronage of Higher powers. At the same time, it helps to strengthen intuition, which also doesn’t hurt if you need to attract luck into your life.


In addition to using single runes, you can and should resort to the help of so-called “stavs” or, as the name suggests, these are several symbols written in a strictly defined order. Being in relationship with each other, they activate processes that attract joy, happiness, luck and wealth into a person’s life. Dagaz is considered one of the best and most positive runes. She helps to cope with difficulties.

One of the most ancient is the formula, which consists of the runes Ansuz, Yer, Uruz and Ansuz. It is mentioned in the Prose Edda as a means of attracting good luck. In this formula, each rune has a clear function. Thus, Ansuz opens up new possibilities and allows a person to see them. Uruz, in turn, gives strength so that he can take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. In parallel with this, Uruz increases endurance, both moral and physical. Yer, which comes third, in itself means the fruitful completion of a business or enterprise. In this combination, it helps not only to see the chance, but also to bring the plan to the end. The mirror closing Ansuz is needed to enhance the effect of the first rune.

If you are looking for runes for luck and money, then the Fehu-Inguz-Odal formula will help you. Fehu, being itself a rune of money and property, interacts with Inguz, which personifies the supremacy of chance. In this formula, initially symbolizing the house and family ties, directly the household of the person who writes the formula. If you also want to strengthen family relationships, use Gebo, although in itself it is not a rune of wealth and good luck. At the same time, it attracts the necessary contacts.

Thus, as a result of using stav, a person, as if by chance, receives financial assistance from higher powers.

Gebo-Fehu-Perth-Odal. This is a combination of runes for good luck and for luck. But here the main emphasis is on the fact that finances will begin to flow as a result of cooperation and mutually beneficial transactions.

Gebo is responsible for cooperation in any form. Fehu, as mentioned above, is directly the material side of the issue. Perth opens up new possibilities, and Odal, in turn, directs the flow precisely to the person who uses the formula.

Laguz: is it so simple?

On the one hand, this is a highly feminine rune, and on the other, its power can crush almost anything. This is truly a rune of good luck. Why? The thing is that Laguz, in addition to revealing intuitive abilities, controls an array of probabilities. That is, using it, you can even turn the event flow in the other direction. Yes, it will not be easy, but it is possible. Therefore, to attract money or good luck, sometimes it is enough to visualize Laguz above you, clearly see how the probability of the desired event increases and... forget about the manipulations done. It's always like this in magic: if you want something to work, forget about it for a while.

The Slavs also have runes!

One can argue for a long time about whether Slavic runes of luck work or not. Now too many copies have already been broken about whether they are a remake that was invented only to pump out money. We won't do that here.

Let's just say that when you need luck, there is no time to think, you have to act. Therefore, if Slavic paganism is close to you, use the Dazhdbog rune to attract haste. This is the progenitor of all Slavs, so his help will follow immediately.


Represents the Mouth of Creation. The rune of magicians, since it gives a person the opportunity to transmit information, i.e. conjure.

This is an energy rune, as you remember from previous issues, energy runes, when working with them, add energy, strength, and power to us.

By working with it, you can receive information from the subtle world, although at first not everyone will be able to understand it. But it doesn’t matter, as we move forward, everything will work out for you, and you will learn to easily read all the signs and apply them in practice.

Ansuz will help you in learning, in acquiring new knowledge, including hidden knowledge, and will provide a connection with the Divine Power.

But this rune must be used with caution, because... it is dedicated to the god Loki, who performs both good and evil deeds. Therefore, you should approach it only with pure thoughts and an open heart. (We agreed on this earlier). When turning to her, one must ask for mercy and admonition. It will help you accept and love yourself, and will also cause sensitivity and attentiveness towards other people. It will facilitate the process of cognition and activate consciousness.

SPELL: for liberation from addictions, pressure, other people's influence. And also from your inner temptations: the desire for power, the desire to please and the desire to manipulate other people.

I know the fourth

When I'm shackled and tied

By your enemies:

I'll tell him

And the shackles will fall from your feet,

The ropes will slip from your hands.

Ansuz acts as a link with the wisdom of ancestors and allows you to restore lost knowledge. Gives an understanding of what is beyond the obvious. Adds a new dimension to any situation and introduces an element of Luck, helps to see a completely new opportunity in the current reality.

Ansuz (ASS) is the great Rune of knowledge, inspiration and positive cooperation.

The rune is simply necessary for people taking exams and tests, going through all sorts of interviews and tests, and gaining a reputation as a business person. The God of Wisdom Odin is the direct curator of this rune, also behind it are the great Dwarf Quasir, and the wisest of the giants Mimir. The one who wears this rune as an amulet receives their admonition and guardianship. Study and creativity, especially literary, are the sphere of influence of this talisman. Its power is also worth resorting to for those people who have problems with communication, including communication with the opposite sex. Speakers who ask Runa Ansuz for patronage will easily win the attention of the audience, and poets will receive the necessary inspiration. Actors derive from it an ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and the Almighty are the brief quintessence of this rune.

The ability to think strategically, get pleasure and excellent results from mental work are obtained by those who resort to the patronage of Ansuz. Intuition develops amazingly, clairvoyance opens. A person wearing the Ansuz rune cannot be deceived. Of course, provided that he learns to trust his inner voice. It is very useful to have this talisman for those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation related to justice and are forced to defend themselves. His speech and arguments will win the trust of his listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will be a wonderful gift for lawyers and judges. In addition, it is worth turning to her wisdom and those who are still looking for their own path, their highest goal in life. Many runologists have noticed that if you carry the Ansuz rune with you, funny and pleasant stories begin to happen in life, about which you can only say this: “Luck has come to you, man.”

Yes, the Ansuz rune is the rune of active LUCK!!!

ANSUZ or Knowledge

The night in the cave passed peacefully. To set out at sunrise, Orsana and Wulf woke up while the Earth was still shrouded in darkness. Before leaving the cave, Orsana asked:

Can we ask the runes for advice?

If it calms you down,” Wolf smiled.

The young man took out a rune, put it on his palm and showed it to the girl.

Do you know this rune? - he asked.

All I know is that it's called Anzus, — Orsana answered. If you can, tell me about this sign.

This is an amazing rune,” Wulf began his story.

It was born from the element of Water, which gives inspiration to artists and painters. She is patronized by Loki - the god of Good and Evil at the same time, two-faced and dexterous. But the entire clan of Ases also takes care of this rune. Old people say that Odin's song created it. Be that as it may, this rune comes from strong and powerful deities, and now it warns that today will require wisdom and dexterity from us.


In just two hours we will reach the lands that are being capturedthey were people from the West. We need to be very clever in order to get past this part of the path unnoticed.

Is there no other way? - Orsana asked with fear.

Yes, but, unfortunately, it will lengthen our journey bya few days. Then, when we find a place for our new village, and our entire tribe follows us north, then we will choose a bypass road. But now we have little time, and we will have to go straight, although it is dangerous.

“I’m afraid,” the girl whispered.

Calm down, the rune will help us Anzus and the knowledge of how to take refuge in the forest, how to use the protection of Mother Nature and the ancient Song of our tribe.

I don't understand.

You will see and hear.

They walked in silence for the next two hours. Finally, Wulf made a sign with his hand that it was time to stop. The travelers took cover behind a large oak tree on a hill and began to observe the village located in a small valley. From their hiding place, its inhabitants were clearly visible.

“This is the most dangerous place, if you can get around it, it will be easier further,” said Wulf.

But how to do that? Maybe it's better to wait until night?

It will be even worse at night, people from the West have strong night stressWell, we need to do this now. We use the Anzus rune hint. Remember, no matter what happens, you must remain silent and follow me.

Wulf sat down under a large oak tree, took a pipe from his pocket and began to play. At first the sound was quiet, then it began to increase and became louder and louder.

Orsana was amazed. She closed her eyes out of fear, as she was sure that in a minute they would be captured by the soldiers. Suddenly, she felt a touch on herself, opened her eyes and saw Wulf, who put a finger to his lips and pointed to the village with his other hand.

Imagine her surprise when Orsana saw that everyone was aliveThe villagers fell into a deep sleep. Even dogs and other pets fell asleep. Wulf moved forward, urging the girl with gestures.

They walked calmly through the village. No one even raised their heads. The silence was broken only by the singing of birds. The travelers quickly moved away from the dangerous place. Only a few hours later, the girl dared to ask in a whisper:

Will we be in dangerous territory for a long time?

We've already passed it a long time ago. Now we can finally rest.

Tell me how did you do it?

This is knowledge, Orsana, knowledge of the rune Anzus.


ansus, ansuz, os, oss, as


as - the highest deity, the genus of gods - aces, mouth (mouth)


Treats throat diseases, stuttering, oral ailments. Improves the condition of the sensory organs, useful in eliminating migraines.

Rune potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Basic properties:

Creative thought, artistic inspiration, cognitive abilities, practical application of knowledge, social relations.

Message of the rune:

Learn to connect with nature to broaden your horizons.

Predictive value:

Science, learning, obtaining information. Successfully passing the exam, reason. The gift of speech, public speaking, conversation. Negotiations, conclusion of agreements and contracts. Social activity, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magical uses:

Helps to understand what is beyond the obvious; helps to make contact and receive support from the inner self. Facilitates passing exams, concluding agreements and contracts. Activates magical energy, favors the acquisition and wise use of knowledge.

Rune Anzus can help you:

— find inspiration and new ideas;

- reveal hidden creativity and new talents;

— strengthen intellectual potential;

- eliminate timidity and shyness;

- strengthen personal and friendly relationships;

- remove obstacles that impede the correct use of the energy of the body and mind.

The Anzus rune should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

- What is knowledge for me?

— how do I feel about learning?

- Am I a creative person?

— what do my contacts with people look like?

- How fully do I use my abilities?

- What does the word “truth” mean to me?

— how do I expand my horizons?

Luck is necessary in any business. Runes for luck attract luck, success, winning the lottery and help you get an easy ticket in the exam. Let's figure out what runes are needed to attract good luck.

Popular runes for good luck

Among the twenty-four symbols of the Elder Futhark, the runes of happiness and success are used in runic staves for good luck:

  1. Fehuattracts wealth and good luck in financial matters, expands the money channel and its capacity, which directly depends on the person, his internal readiness to work on himself and energy reserves. The rune personifies material well-being, restores and enhances a person’s innate potential, reveals “dormant” talents, and is used in talismans of wealth. Fehu does not help improve your financial situation through “dirty” methods that harm other people.
  2. Vunyoincreases self-esteem, improves relationships with others, attracts prosperity and good mood. This symbol is called the rune of good luck and good fortune, which fulfills one’s cherished desires and allows one’s inner child to be heard and pleased.
  3. Ansuz– the rune of happiness and good luck, which opens up internal reserves and gives energy. With the help of the energy of the symbol, a person is able to let go of the mistakes of the past and stop leading a passive lifestyle. Ansuz opens the way to new goals, forces you to be organized and determined.
  4. Soulusymbolizes the energy of the Sun, it is the rune of luck and success. With its help, desires come true at incredible speed, and obstacles disappear by themselves. The rune develops talents and helps to enjoy life in all its manifestations.
  5. Dagazmakes a person strong-willed, develops the potential hidden in him and pushes him towards spiritual growth. The symbol increases material well-being and turns circumstances around a person in his favor. The use of Dagaz speeds up the completion of events and guarantees a successful outcome.
  6. Kano– rune of luck – provides a chance to develop talents and use internal resources one hundred percent. The fiery energy of the rune “ignites” a thirst for life in a person, giving insights and inspiration to change the course of events.

Slavic runes for good luck

The Slavs correlated every phenomenon of life with natural forces. The runes served as guides that conveyed the desires of mortals to higher powers. Ancestors applied runes for good luck and luck in life on objects with which they came into contact every day. Runic staves for good luck were embroidered on clothes, painted on dishes, walls of the house and made amulets.

  1. Dazhdbog- Slavic rune of luck. The sign symbolizes abundance and bestows the wearer with health and material well-being. The rune denotes connection with higher powers, the protection of the gods and wealth.
  2. Bereginya– the rune of happiness of motherhood, family life, protects children and pregnant women.
  3. Lelyasharpens the owner’s intuition, reveals creative potential and gives inspiration to realize his plans. With the help of this rune, a person gains access to a new level of development.
  4. Wind– the rune of victory, patronizes people of creativity, plunges into the depths of the subconscious. Gives the wearer wisdom and the will to win.

Bet on luck and luck in all matters

Here are proven runic formulas for good luck in everything.

"Lady Luck" by Runava

Becoming - “Lady Luck”.

This combination has been tested by a significant number of practicing magicians, and everyone claims that “Lady Luck” attracted a bright streak into their lives. There is no doubt that the runescript works. The operator applies symbols to his own body, paper, photo or amulet, which he keeps with him. A reservation is drawn up for the pillar spell, activation is carried out in the usual way.

  • Chain Teyvaz – Nautiz – Ansuzgives a person determination, sets him up for victory;
  • Laguzsharpens the “sixth sense”;
  • Yera – mirror Uruz – Laguz – Ansuzopens a person's eyes to non-standard and creative solutions, makes him forget about the opinions and possible reactions of others, and also turns on the imagination and teaches him to see the future;
  • Mannaz - Souluattract money and good luck to the wearer;
  • Fehuexpands cash flow;
  • Vunyo, which surrounds the runescript on both sides, teaches a person to enjoy life.

“Shimmering in the Night” by Semiramis

Becoming - “Shimmering in the Night”.

The operator applies the runes of good luck and the execution of the plan on the left side of the body with a blue marker or ballpoint pen. The reservation is drawn up for the full spell or only for the four symbols that are drawn in the foreground, the runescript is activated in the usual way.

  • Kanosymbolizes the “Shimmering in the Night”, which becomes a helper deity and shows the right path;
  • Laguzsharpens intuition and makes it work for a person;
  • Raidoopens safe roads to achieve your plans;
  • Fehuattracts the necessary circumstances for success;
  • Soulu, Vunyo, Turisaz, Berkana and Geboin the background they accompany a person and increase his luck.

"Horseshoe" from Natalie

Becoming - “Horseshoe”.

It is believed that a horseshoe brings good luck and increases the chance of possibly winning in gambling. The formula from practitioner-runologist Natalie attracts luck and transforms the consciousness of the wearer, teaches him to see the good.

  • Perthcalms the mind and improves the functioning of intuition, a person learns to better understand the reasons for what is happening;
  • Raidogives confidence in actions and helps to make the right choice;
  • Laguzmakes a person flexible and adaptable, brings good luck;
  • Dagazchanges consciousness and surrounding circumstances;
  • Combination Perth - Raidocreates new opportunities;
  • Fehu straight and mirrorhelp a person achieve his plans and achieve his goals.

Runes for success in studies

Runes help in studying: with the help of simple formulas, the student gets a chance to protect himself in the exam, clarify his train of thought and successfully pull out a ticket.

  1. Ansuz– the main symbol of learning – is responsible for the area of ​​cognition, teaches a person to absorb new information and correctly apply the experience gained;
  2. Dagaztransforms consciousness and turns a lazy student into a person greedy for knowledge;
  3. Fehuis responsible for the accumulation of information and its correct application;
  4. Berkanamakes the wearer diligent in his studies, awakens a serious attitude towards learning;
  5. Algizprotects against possible errors in writing tests and exams;
  6. Laguzsymbolizes the flow of information, improves memory and sharpens intuition;
  7. Nautizforces the mind to work to its fullest;
  8. Vunyoattracts success and gives joy from gaining knowledge;
  9. Kanosymbolizes fire, the light of knowledge;
  10. Turisazdestroys the interference that prevents you from getting a high mark for the answer. Interferences include nervousness, forgetfulness, bad mood of the examiner, even traffic jams due to which the student is late for the exam;
  11. Algiz – Raido – Nautizhelps a person answer the exam without errors;
  12. Ansuz – Nautizmaintain concentration of mind and make answers accurate and eloquent;
  13. Universal formulaAUJA, which includes Ansuz, Uruz, Yera and Algiz, also attracts success in studies.

The word "rune" originates from the Old Norse word "run", which means secret, secret. In ancient times, runes were used in writing among the Slavic peoples and inhabitants of northern Europe. Each rune represents the greatest magical symbol, capable of awakening the natural, cosmic energies of the universe. This ancient form of writing is a thing of the past, but the runic symbols themselves are still widely used in metaphysical practice.


Runes are used in fortune telling, various amulets and talismans are made: for money and wealth, protection, love amulets. You can buy it for a wide variety of purposes; you can order a runic talisman from a modern magician, a specialist in runes - Eril.

But the most powerful and effective are talismans and amulets made by yourself, into which you have invested part of your energy. And since many are interested in the issue of improving their financial well-being, first of all we will talk about how you can use runes to attract money and wealth into your life.

The most suitable materials for runic talismans and amulets are natural materials. Their choice is quite wide: wood, clay, leather, paper, bone, copper, gold, silver. Having decided on the material, you need to apply runic signs or formulas of your choice to it. Methods of application can also be different: inscriptions can be cut out, drawn, engraved, they can be applied with essential oils. To attract money and wealth, runes can be applied to banknotes, bank cards, candles, clothes, and even to your own body.

The most money rune

Fehu is the main rune for improving material well-being, the rune of money, wealth, property, life energy. It can be used either independently or as part of various runic formulas. The main meaning of this rune is wealth, which is based on the energy and individual abilities of an individual, a person.

At the metaphysical level, Fehu symbolizes the transition from Non-existence to Existence, the manifestation of the implicit through the explicit. This is a creative creative Force that forms the visible world from subtle matter according to the Creator’s plan. At the level of an individual person, these are his personal desires and intentions, any plans that he is ready to implement himself. Therefore, the strongest influence of the runes will be noticed by precisely those people who are ready to act for the sake of.

The main essence of the action of this rune is the attraction, concentration and transformation of energy flows into material benefits (financial, property and even intellectual). This rune is also used to protect and preserve existing material wealth.

Other money runes

Yer is a rune that symbolizes harvesting, receiving rewards for your efforts. Be sure that everything you have planned and put effort into will definitely be implemented in the best possible way.

Runogram for receiving and increasing profit or property


Otal means property, and in combination with Fehu means receiving monetary profit.

Fehu – rune of property, property and material wealth

Yer - the rune of harvest and receiving rewards, is used if the desired result is actually achievable.

A combination of runes for a stable increase in funds and improvement of material status.


Fehu – material wealth, property, property.

Otal - symbolizes property, and in combination with Fehu - receiving monetary profit.

Berkana - in the runic inscription it is used for fertility (rune of the Great Mother), for the implementation of plans on the material plane, for protection.

Soulorune, personifying willpower, victory and success.

You can put it on a bank card, a deposit agreement, or place it in your wallet with the clear intention of a constant increase in everything that is on the card, in your wallet, or in your bank account.

Runic becoming to attract customers for your business


Berkana - fertility, embodiment of plans, protection.

Otal means property, property, and in conjunction with Fehu means receiving monetary benefits.

Fehu – rune of property and material wealth

Promotes business growth, an increase in the number of clients, and a tangible increase in material profits.

Some runic tricks

Since runes are a symbolic representation of certain natural forces, they must be handled with respect and extreme caution. Using runic symbols, as well as the power of your mind, you can “program” certain events in your life, much in the same way as you give a computer a program, “telling” higher forces the direction of movement.

In order for the rune to gain true power, you need to mentally concentrate on your monetary desire, visualize it clearly and in all details. You can try these rituals, choose what suits you best:

  • mentally imagine money runes in water, thereby charging you to attract money, then you need to slowly drink this water;
  • carry the desired set of signs with you all the time, for example in the form of a pendant or keychain; ()
  • depict a rune or a combination of several runes on a large banknote, carry it with you and do not spend it; very soon a banknote with runic symbols will begin to attract additional funds to its owner; You can also use a bank card for the same purposes.
  • apply the necessary runes directly to your body, using money essential oils: cinnamon, patchouli, orange;

The life force and energy that fuels our planet is a gift from our Creator to all that exists. It is from this primary source that the subtle energies of the runes emanate. This is where they return, aimed at realizing human goals. The more you meditate and practice with runes, the easier it will be for you to see in this energy real power that you can use to realize your deepest desires.

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