Russian hut: interior decoration. A people who have forgotten their past has no future Elements of a Russian hut and a peasant estate: a dictionary

Literature is not cooking, so recipes are inappropriate here. It doesn’t matter so much what a person has to write: an essay, an essay, an essay or a story - there is no universal, good and effective method that will help create a verbal masterpiece. It all depends on the thoughts, emotions and soul that each author puts into his work. But, nevertheless, there are universal “seasonings”, without which even a simple description of a house will turn into hellish torture.

What's the catch?

A description of a house is an essay that should fully reveal the appearance of the property not only inside, but also outside. That is, to answer the question “which”. Essays of this kind can be found more than once in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools. The essence of such a task is to teach the student:

  • Operate with the acquired vocabulary.
  • Structure your thoughts.
  • Express your own opinion regarding anything.

Describing real estate is a little more difficult than describing nature, since there are many little things that distract the attention. In this case, it is difficult to determine what is important and what is secondary. Therefore, we will try to figure out what can be served as a main course and what will be a good seasoning.

What I see?

In essence, describing a house involves writing about what a person sees in front of him. However, this task can be interpreted in different ways. If you take it as it is, then the essay will turn into a sad count of cracks and chips that can be seen on the external walls of the building, the foundation and under the roof.

A good solution would be to describe architectural features or interesting handmade decorations (for example, carved porch railings). If chips and cracks are the only “points of interest” on the exterior façade, then you can write not just about their existence, but tell the story behind the damage. This technique is especially popular when you need to come up with a description of an old house, because such real estate is rich in stories.

Windows and doors

Don't neglect windows and doors. It is considered bad form to write about how many windows or doors there are in a house. It's best to mention the features. For example, “The doors of the house were large and heavy. They were decorated with a beautiful carved handle, which had already worn out a little with time” or “The dark glass of the windows glared unwelcomingly at travelers. This old house was definitely not welcoming to new occupants.”

In the first case, the features of entrance doors are simply described. In the second case, the author attributed human characteristics to the windows. However, this did not stop them from being part of the descriptive essay, because they still answer the question “which” (which windows are uninviting). Describing a house using a similar technique is often found in fiction, when the author wants to convey to the reader not only a visual idea of ​​what is happening, but also an emotional background.

Roof or rooms?

A description of a house is an essay that raises many questions. Especially when it comes to the roof of the room. If everything is clear with the porch, windows, doors and facade as a whole, then the roof is a separate point, because very often you can find works in which not a word is written about it. This is perhaps one of the most common mistakes - after all, there is no house without a roof. Even if there are no special features of the roof, you can say, for example: “Under an ordinary tiled roof is the house of my youth. Its walls..."

You can often find a description of a residential building without mentioning the roof, and often rooms are described instead. In principle, this is an excellent solution, especially if you end your essay with the words: “And then all this beauty was flooded with rain, because the house was without a roof.” In the description of the building, it is necessary to mention its roof. Moreover, there is no need to “jump” from the facade and windows to the kitchen with carved furniture, and then return to the porch. First you need to describe the appearance of the house, then its rooms (if this is suggested by the task).

Description of the house: example

“More than 15 years have passed since I was here. And I still remember the house where I grew up. It was small, a little rickety, but had a new roof. Every spring, my mother and I whitewashed the walls and painted the windows blue so that our abode would take on a fresher look. In summer, the front door to the house was always wide open, and in winter, soft light flowed from all the windows, as if welcomingly inviting for a cup of hot tea. We didn’t have a porch, just one step leading into the house, but it was so nice to sit on it on long summer evenings and think about everything in the world.

15 years have passed, and all that remains of my house is a crumbled foundation. If you look closely, you can discern where and what room was before, but nothing more. One day the house simply collapsed, and its description became part of my memories.”

An essay on a similar topic is good because you can add a little history, a little emotion, a little memory to the description. It doesn’t matter whether they are real or fictional, the main thing is that everything fits harmoniously. After all, without these “seasonings” you cannot get a good essay. Literature, of course, is not cooking, but even here it is difficult to do without spices.

If we need to creep readers out, the surest way is to tap into the fear of the unknown.

When people encounter an inexplicable phenomenon, even a fictional one, they automatically have the reaction we need.

Method 1. “Wrong” color

Imagine a hospital room painted blood red. What about a children's room in a muddy swamp color? Tiles in the kitchen - with cheerful scarlet peas, suspiciously reminiscent of drops of blood... A sweet girl with white pupils - like those of boiled fish...

All this looks “wrong” and therefore disturbs the reader’s subconscious.

Method 2. Inappropriate to the place or situation

Let's say the main character enters a room - an ordinary room, looks around and suddenly discovers... something. For example, a small piece of meat stuck to the wall or a door handle screwed not to the door, but to the wall.

A suspicious object simultaneously evokes curiosity and anxiety, and the reader finds it difficult to tear himself away from the book - he wants to know what will happen next.

Method 3. Suspicious actions

Actions and sounds that clearly do not correspond to the usual order of things affect our subconscious in a similar way, but only to an even greater extent. If something moves “wrong,” a “danger signal” instantly lights up in our brain.

Imagine that the surface of the table you are sitting at suddenly begins to bubble and crack. All this is scary only because it is inexplicable (well, and the table, of course, is a pity - after all, it costs money).

Dig into your nightmares: what scared you most? I once dreamed that my dog ​​lost all his teeth at once.

Method 4. Sinister object

There are a number of objects that, by definition, look suspicious to our subconscious:

  • Mirrors (as a portal to another reality)
  • Thick curtains (who knows what's hidden behind them)
  • Locked doors
  • Dirty, disheveled dolls (our subconscious generally does not like childhood to be associated with decline, death and decay).
  • Sink or basin with suspicious liquid
  • Broken railings at high altitude

Things related to death and pain

  • Attributes of funeral and mourning
  • Syringes
  • Dirty bandages
  • Bones
  • Blood stains
  • Dead plants
  • Artificial flowers (a small thing, but quite symbolic)

Everything related to sinister superstitions

  • Crows
  • Black Cats
  • Number 13
  • Ugly old men and women who look like evil sorcerers

Everything related to abandoned housing

  • Ruins
  • Abandoned houses
  • Thick layer of dust
  • Cracked glass
  • Boarded up doors

Method 5. Associations and metaphors

You can focus readers' attention on objects that serve as a warning to the hero. This could be, for example, a dead butterfly stuck in a web, or a flashing bright red sign above a locked door - “No Exit”.

Method 6. Key words

Many words in the Russian language carry a “dark charge”. By themselves, such words will not scare anyone, but in combination with the right images they can have a very powerful effect. For example:

  • Slimy
  • Gloomy
  • Uterine
  • Mogilny
  • Moldy
  • Creepy, etc.

Make a list of adjectives and adverbs associated with menace, suspense, death and decay and you'll have a “horror vocabulary” that can be adapted to suit your story.

Method 7. Playing on ancient human instincts

Darkness, night forest, cemeteries, eyes of a predator glowing in the darkness, dim lighting, smells of decay, etc. by definition, cause fear in a person.

It may sound banal, but it works, because we cannot escape instincts that are many thousands of years old. Everything that frightened our distant ancestors, huddled around a fire in the darkness of a cave, still frightens us.

If you want to show readers a creepy place, describe it from the point of view of a character who already perceives the world in a certain way. He does not notice everything, but only what has a special, ominous meaning for him.

It’s one thing if your reader looks at what’s happening from the point of view of an outside observer, and quite another thing if he gets used to the image of the hero and worries about him as about himself.

What does home mean to each of us? A place to sleep and shower? Or maybe the smell of vanilla buns is associated with a warm homely atmosphere? We all have a place where we grew up and a dream of an ideal home. Therefore, if you are asked to tell a few words about your home, then you should become familiar with the vocabulary on this topic.

Before talking about furniture, you can start nicely with distant or introductory phrases. This will help you construct a logical statement while still intriguing your listener. All the vocabulary on this topic is quite extensive, but not complicated. Let's start with the big, general stuff, and finish with the small details.

Types of houses

Some people like high-rise buildings, while others prefer private country houses. This is a matter of taste and personal preference. And now we’ll tell you what all this is called in English.

The English call an apartment building or multi-storey building apartment building / block of flats. Each apartment (flat or apartment) is on a certain floor (floor) in a separate entrance ( porch). Some of them have balcony , some are under the most roof . A required element is a window ( windows ), looking into which you can see a drainpipe ( gutter) . Well, no home can do without doors ( doors), what can you say about the basement ( basement) and stairs ( staircase/stairs ).

Unlike our country, the British and Americans are a little more picky about the names of houses. IN Detached house one family lives, this is private property. A similar style, but slightly different in purpose, has duplex (semi-detached house). This two-story building consists of two apartments and different entrances. They have one common wall. Cottage this is a more luxurious country house with a garden. Well, very wealthy people live in mansion- mansions. Many families have vacation house, which we used to call dacha, American version bungalow or ranch (ranch). A room with not just many floors and apartments, but a lot, is today called a skyscraper (skyscrapers or multi-story buildings ). If the houses are located in a row and connected to each other (very popular in America), then in English we will call them terraced house or row house. Although many cannot afford to live in the listed types, so they live in barracks (hut).

Favorite room

Each of us has places in the house that we love more, in which we feel more comfortable and calm. Food is usually prepared in the kitchen (kitchen), although some have a dining room (dining room), where do they like to eat? . In the evening the family gathers in the living room (living room), where he discusses pressing issues. It's better to relax in the bedroom (bedroom). Opening the front door, you find yourself in the hallway (entrance hall), then into the corridor (corridor). Today it is rare to find modern amenities: baths (bathroom) and toilet (lavatory). But not everyone has a storage room (closet) where they store supplies for the winter or other non-essential items.

Everyone strives to make their home convenient and comfortable ( comfortable - about the atmosphere\ convenient - about amenities). That is why houses are equipped with amenities (modern conveniences) such as garbage chute (chute) heating (central heating), water pipes (cold and hot running water), electricity (electricity), telephone (telephone). Some of them have air conditioning (air conditioning).

Create comfort

Furniture items that make our existence easier help make our lives comfortable. What do you have in your bedroom, kitchen or living room? Find all the expressions in the table.

TV set TV carpet carpet
computer computer chandelier chandelier
freezer freezer coffee table coffee table
plug socket plug cupboard kitchen cabinet
DVD player video player curtain curtains
refrigerator/fridge fridge desk desk
stereo system stereo system desk lamp desk lamp
socket socket dining table dinner table
armchair armchair drawer dresser
sofa/coach sofa dressing table dressing table
wall unit wall dishwasher Dishwasher
built-in furniture Built in furniture gas cooker gas stove
bookshelf shelf mirror mirror
sofa-bed sofa bed puff ottoman
bookcase bookshelf plant pot a flower pot
piano piano microwave microwave
cushion small pillow sink/basin sink
bedside table bedside table wardrobe wardrobe
put-out sofa pull-out sofa hall-stand hanger

Some useful expressions

To describe that something is somewhere, the phrase used in English is . If we want to show the position relative to the sides, then use the expression to be located on the right/ on smb’s right/ to the right of smth. We place some items on hand (to be at hand). If you are attracted to life in a metropolis or the very center of the city, then say it like this: to live in the town centre/ downtown. And if you like fresh air, then move to the suburbs (in the suburbs) or to the outskirts (on the outskirts).

Home, sweet home. - -Home Sweet Home.

An Englishman's home is castle. - My home is my castle.

Make yourself at home. - Make yourself at home.

It's home from home. “It’s as good here as at home.”

It's not in my backyard. - My hut is on the edge.

Men make houses, women make homes. - Men build walls, and women create comfort.

There is no place like home. “There’s no place like home.”

East or West home is best. - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Have you figured out what your house is called in English? Have you chosen your favorite room and furnished it with beautiful and cozy furniture? Then all this should be seasoned with a proverb, which will add brightness and richness. By connecting individual words and expressions, you get a logical text. You will find examples of such topics in the articles “Description of a house in English”, “Description of an apartment”, “Description of a room”. You will definitely need them.

Carving is the most ancient way of decorating wood products. Carvings were used to decorate wooden ships and photo of a carved house, houses, furniture and utensils, looms and spinning wheels. If you want to buy or order carved platbands for your home or cottage, please carved cornices and platbands, carved wooden platbands photo, carved platbands to order.

Old carved buildings are the cultural heritage of our country, passed down from Ancient Rus'. Russian architecture has roots that came to us from Byzantium and became the basis of Russian architecture for many years to come. Hut - “Teremok”.

A beautiful Russian carved house, which was built according to the plans of Sergei Malyutin, a famous Russian architect and artist, is part of the historical complex “Teremok” and is located in the village. Flenovo, Smolensk region. This work of art was created in 1902.

In the past it was the property of philanthropist M.K Tenisheva. The carved elements of the building reflect the culture of Russia and the fabulousness of ancient epics.

The log house is supported by fabulous “gorynych snakes”. Just below the roof arch are the moon and several months. Various patterns give an unforgettable look and a fabulous look to this house. Beauty!

Estate of Shastin A.I..

The heritage of Irkutsk, built at the beginning of the 19th century, became lace only in 1907. Beautiful patterns of the facade and windows radically changed the appearance of the house, and relief carvings and figured pillars added a special “zest” and made the house a work of art.

All this work is completely manual.

House of the blacksmith Kirillov.

The fabulous “gingerbread” building was recognized as the best in Russia in 1999. Sergei Kirillov is an outstanding blacksmith who created this house by hand and independently, without any help. This difficult work took more than 13 years and was completed only in 1967.

The wooden and metal decorations of the facade will make you admire the skill of this great man.

Kirillov's hut-tower is a striking example of naive art, and in addition to all this, the image is supported by fairy-tale and Soviet symbols. To this day, the blacksmith’s widow lives in the house, and the gate to the courtyard is not locked. Even an ordinary passerby can admire this house and get an unforgettable experience.

Oshevnev's house.

The attraction is located in Karelia, in the Kizhi Museum of Folk History. The house is a rich and beautifully decorated estate, created according to the cultural canons of the North, taking into account winter weather conditions and the traditions of local residents.

The design, created in the 20th century, is reminiscent of the housing of a 19th century peasant without need for anything and includes a Russian stove, a large bed, and large wooden benches. The dishes are made of clay and wood.

There are many small copper items in the house. In the upper room there is a large painted dining table and other everyday items. The house has three balconies, but they are decorated completely differently. The facade is decorated with voluminous carvings and many interesting patterns.

Sukachev's estate.

The estate of Vladimir Sukachev is a landmark of the city of Irkutsk, created in 1882. More than 130 years have passed, but Sukachev’s house still retains its amazing beauty and the unchanged details of the estate.

Silhouettes of dragons and fabulous floral images are indicators of the rich imagination of Siberian masters.

Pogodinskaya hut.

This relic is located in Moscow, among stone buildings, where only a few historical buildings remain. The hut belonged to the famous Russian historian M.P. Pogodin and was created in 1856.

The work of a skilled craftsman N.V. Nikitina is a tall log house, which is made of large logs. The roof of the hut is decorated with saw-cut carvings. Window shutters and other elements of the hut are decorated with wooden lace.

Photo by anton apostol
In Vladimir there are not simple platbands - they are in treble clef here!

Teremok, Nizhny Novgorod.

29. Old house, Vologda.

Beautiful house Dalnee Konstantinovo, Nizhny Novgorod region

12. A beautiful house somewhere at the entrance to Kstovo already.

fringed platbands from Kostroma and neighboring regions

Yaroslavl region


Rostov Veliky

And Izborsk Pskov region

The village of Anastasino, near Smolensk.

People in Smolensk must remember. A long time ago there stood, opposite the railway hospital, the most carved and colorful house. What a beauty it was. It seems that the new owner, a lover of serf cottages, demolished it.

My grandmother's house (essay describing the house)

How many of you have seen the house where your parents’ grandparents were born? It’s a pity if you didn’t see it, since several generations of our ancestors lived among these walls, and in each of the buildings they put something of their own, treasured, which they probably wanted to leave us as an inheritance. I saw the house where my grandparents live, and I even visit them, in their very old house.

You can get to the village where my grandmother lives by train and bus. The bus takes longer, but my parents and I prefer this type of transport. The highway passes by black forest, and the aroma of pine needles bursts into the bus windows.

Along the route there are wells with artistically decorated cranes. The bus always stops near one of these wells in the heat, and passengers drink cold spring water with pleasure.

Here we are. An ordinary rural street. Grandmother's house, like many others, is built of white brick. It's under a tiled roof. Three windows face the street. The house is just a house, nothing special about it. Nevertheless, everyone who comes to the village to stay and passes by our house involuntarily slows down their pace near it. Why? It is impossible to take your eyes off the house. The miracle windows are amazing. They are ornately carved. The window frames are decorated with wooden ornaments with a complex interweaving of stems, foliage and rosette flowers. Fairy-tale characters, flowers, foliage, and birds are depicted on the eaves under the roof. There are also beautiful wooden carvings on the double-leaf shutters.

And what a miracle the porch is! It is located asymmetrically to the house, on the right side. Asymmetry gives the whole room a special appeal. carved

the columns support the roof of the porch, decorated with openwork carvings. Grandfather explained why these posts were made of oak; oak is not afraid of water.

This house, although built of brick, has a lot of wood. Fir, which is less resistant to moisture than other wood species, was used for internal processing.

Most of the wood decorations outside the house are pine. Pine is the most common tree species in the Kharkov region. Some parts of the house are made of larch, for example, the steps of the porch. All wooden decorations are the work of my grandfather. He is a jack of all trades: carpenter, joiner, wonderful blacksmith. The fence near the house is not high, next to the gate there is a bench; Grandfather built a canopy over it. He is planning to do something else extraordinary, but I will see it next summer, since now my grandfather has a lot of work in the field, and he has no time to take care of the house.

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