Happy birthday what to wish. Positive wishes for every day. Materials for production

We all lack warmth; in the bustle of weekdays, we forget about those who are dear to us and who love and miss us. We say kind words only when some event occurs, but if you think about it, you can give pleasant wishes to people every day. No need to wait for a holiday event. It’s not for nothing that they were invented. Remind your loved ones and family about yourself, show them that you love them, think about them and miss them.

Send pleasant wishes and they will answer you and appreciate your action. May the world become a little kinder and brighter thanks to you.

We have collected the best pleasant wishes for people on our website. Krasivo Pozdrav.ru, on this page.

Best nice wishes for people

Let every minute of life be bright,
rich, extraordinary,
full of unforgettable impressions
and pleasant surprises!

Let a beautiful and bright dream,
Like an airy moth, it strives upward,
Inspiration and happiness always await!
Like today, your whole life will be joyful!

I wish you to live in happiness
No matter what happens.
See only the positive
No matter how life hits you.

Never be discouraged
Smile, believe.
Good happiness
Don't measure it with money.

Let your heart melt in bright love,
May good luck come often
Life showers you with gifts!
Let happiness bloom like a flower!

May happiness always be in your heart,
And the look glows with tenderness,
The house will be warmed with family comfort,
Where affection and sensitivity reign!

Smiles, joy every day
Your whole life will be full,
May all your dreams come true,
Good luck, love and warmth!

Let life become brighter with happiness
And gives joyful days,
And the sunny flower of good luck,
And the quivering flower of love!

Let every moment become
Even more beautiful and kinder!
Good luck, smiles, inspiration!
Let everything come true soon!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!

May there be no evil on your path,
Let there be no envy and jealousy,
I want to wish you well
May your life be happy!

I will only wish you good things
So that you can reach happiness with your hands,
So that grief does not touch you,
So that joy smiles on you
True and eternal love -
These are my wishes!

Sincere pleasant wishes

Let there be everything you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And an ever kind soul.

I wish you a good, wonderful day,
Let every moment be successful!
Safe traffic on the road,
And I was waiting for a compliment at work!

Let your plans come true today,
And even in small things you are lucky!
Let pleasant things happen to you,
And let happiness come to you on its own!

The sun is splashed across the streets,
The blue sky calls you up.
My cat, don’t you dare frown today,
Better lose count of the smiles.

Let the merry devils be company
Jumps all day in your eyes,
Everything will work out, as if by magic.
I'll take care of the prizes.

We wish you with great love
Success, joy, warmth,
Health and health again,
So that life is happy.
May all good things come true
And the new Day gave goodness,
So that it never decreases
You have invisible forces in your soul.

If wishes mean something,
Then I wish you good luck,
So that the sun shines on you,
So that your heart loves,
So that all the sorrows and troubles
Turned into your victories.

With all my heart without verbosity
Wish You happiness and health.
I wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue.
I wish you earthly blessings -
I know. You are worthy of them.

7I wish you all the most beautiful things,
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless,
Youth is eternal,
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.

What wishes do we most often hear on our birthday? Most likely, these are wishes for health, good luck, love and happiness. This, of course, is the most necessary thing for every person, but I really want to hear or say something different.

What more could you wish for your birthday?

If you are going to congratulate a person with a postcard, messages on social networks, or personally need to say a few words, then these options for wishes will come in handy:

  • About fulfilling your dreams and achieving your goals.
  • About the realization of creative potentials.
  • About bright colors in life, a sea of ​​positivity.
  • Personal growth and development.
  • About unusual, mysterious and magical phenomena in life.
  • Overcoming steep climbs and self-confidence.
  • True friends nearby and strong, great love.
  • Unearthly blessings, joy and smiles.
  • Prosperity, career growth and a stable, beloved job.
  • Comfort and happiness in the home.

What to wish for your birthday - funny wishes

When jokes are appropriate at a holiday, here are a few wishes that will amuse the birthday person:

  • Excellent health and poor memory, as Uncle Hemingway said! And he knew a lot about real happiness!
  • Become the perfect warrior in the army of... lovers!
  • So that the demand for the birthday boy always exceeds the supply!
  • Let no one forget about her birthday, but they never remembered how old she was!
  • Even if a streak of bad luck turns out to be a good one!
  • To remember everything the next morning!

What can you wish for your birthday - an original greeting

In addition to the usual wishes, compose them in such a way that they become original and different from others. Here are a few examples of how you can diversify your wishes and bring a smile to the birthday person’s face:

  • Come up with a congratulation - a toast, it can be either short or long, with some kind of conclusion at the end.
  • Compose a quatrain or write a poem. The birthday boy will not remain indifferent to such attention to his person.
  • If poetry is not given, then you can find something on the Internet and learn it by heart. Depending on the age, gender and hobbies of the hero of the occasion, choose the appropriate piece. A funny poem with appropriate humor will be well received.
  • For the bravest and most talented people, a suitable option is to learn a song with wishes and sing it. Or just find a suitable song and perform it at the holiday.

Your ingenuity and unusual approach will help surprise a person and remember your congratulations on this wonderful day!


This kind of chamomile can be made to decorate a gift. It's nice to receive 100 warm wishes!

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and warmth!
4. Bright smile!
5. Have a bright destiny!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Fame and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. Kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Self-confidence!
12. Have a great mood!
13. Warm attitude of others!
14. Great success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attention and care!
17. Have an exciting life!
18. Pleasant discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Desires come true!
21. Eternal youth!
22. Sensitivity!
23. More free time!
24. Magical sunrises!
25. Have a wonderful meeting!
26. Believe in good things!
27. Comfort and coziness!
28. Shining sun!
29. Maximum positive!
30. Fun everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Feelings of flight!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Have a rainbow dream!
35. Gifts+ and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Vivid sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Nice people nearby!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all your endeavors!
42. Have an easy attitude towards life! 43. Amazing surprises!
44. Amazing sunsets!
45. Excellent news!
46. ​​Travel around the world!
47. Prosperity!
48. Homes where they love and wait!
49. Senses of humor!
50. Beautiful minutes!
51. Kind words!
52. Prosperity!
53. Selfless friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheerfulness!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Lots of reasons to have great fun!
59. Important and desirable events!
60. Love of life!
61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Fulfillment of all desires!
64. Have a good mood!
65. Peace of mind!
66. Prosperity in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Good luck in your work!
69. Joys of life!
70. True friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Achievements!
73. Opportunities to relax more often!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Bold plans!
76. Great shape!
77. Active and eventful days!
78. Blooming gardens and singing birds!
79. Only happy occasions!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Soulful beauty!
82. As much money as you want!
83. Clear skies!
84. Smiles of Fortune!
85. Fire and enthusiasm!
86. Have fun communicating!
87. Good films and books!
88. Feel great!
89. Persistence and perseverance!
90. Desire to go forward!
91. Sweet song of the surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and in the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Happy and delicious feasts!
96. Priceless taste of life!
97. Caress and care!
98. Lots of possibilities!
99. Longevity!
100. Have a wonderful holiday!!!

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you know how to congratulate your loved ones and friends beautifully and meaningfully?

For many this is a big problem! This was the case for me until I found simple rules for drawing up.

Yes, yes, to prepare a good congratulatory text you need to prepare.

After all, as Mark Twain said, it takes about two weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.
So, let's find out how to compose a happy birthday greeting in your own words.

Remember that sincere wishes will bring joy to every birthday person.

So, let's look at how to make beautiful and sincere wishes.

Here are the steps that will help you with this:

  1. First, come up with a message. This could be a name or touching epithets - dear, dear, respected.
  2. Now imagine this person and on a piece of paper write down all the emotions and associations that he evokes. Select a group with inanimate objects, such as a flower, a painting, or the sun. And in the other with animated ones: a bird, a butterfly, a cat.
  3. Select diminutive suffixes for the selected associations.
  4. Think of different beautiful adjectives. You can use cool or youth ones.
  5. Highlight one characteristic feature of the object of congratulations. Congratulations to a girl should contain compliments on her appearance.

Here's what you can tell your mom:

The dearest person in the world is my dear and always young and beautiful mother! Happy birthday, my dear!

I wish you to always feel how much I love you! I wish you Siberian health for a hundred years to come.

Let lilac bloom in your heart all year round and spring smell fragrant. Stay as young and beautiful as you are now!

And here are the words for dad:

Dear daddy, on your birthday, I sincerely wish you many years, success in business and family happiness!

May joy never leave you, and may you encounter many joyful moments along your path. You are the best and our support and support.

I wish that your health does not fail you, but becomes stronger every day.

Let life bring you new victories and conquered peaks.

Wishes for children

There are special wishes that can be said to a 1-year-old girl or boy, or more precisely to their parents.
Here are some examples:

Happy parents! This is exactly how you need to address people who have a small child in their family. Congratulations on your baby's first year! Let him grow up to be a healthy, happy and inquisitive baby!

Here's another option:

I want to congratulate your beautiful and little miracle on the first year of your life. I wish your little one a happy childhood, strong character, good health and wonderful friendship!

Or here:

Happy first birthday to your adorable baby! I would like to wish him always a good guardian angel behind him, a happy fate and prosperity! May God lead him only along smooth paths, may there be many wonderful and interesting things in life, and may he always be accompanied by the love of his family and friends!

If you want to add something, write in the comments. Subscribe to my blog updates and share useful information with your friends!

See you again, dear dear guests!

What do we usually wish for our birthday? As a rule, the list of basic wishes is very similar and after several congratulations the birthday person begins to think that everyone wants the same thing. “Happy birthday, I wish...” What? Happiness, health and success? Don't you think you've heard this somewhere before?

Every person is pleased when something special is done for him, when he is singled out. A separately thought-out wish is another way to please the person who is important to you. How can you wish a happy birthday?

Instead of the standard wish for happiness, you can always come up with something more original. For example, instead of: “happy birthday, I wish you happiness,” say something special.

What is the person you are congratulating interested in? What does he love, what does he strive for? Wish him something special regarding these things. For example, if a person cares about homeless animals, promise him to see fewer unfortunate animals on the streets. For the bike lover, wish him a pleasant ride without injuries, and for the online game lover, a good drop and fewer noobs in the team.

Such a wish, empty and non-standard, will make it clear to the person that he is important to you, and you really wish him such a small, but happiness.

Health is very important for every person, so it is not strange that it is always desired. This wish is already so hackneyed that they don’t even pay attention to it.

Be original: wish the birthday person vigor, good athletic shape, resistance to disease and a blooming appearance. Think about what else is usually characteristic of a healthy person: activity, good mood. Wish exactly this, and not just trivially - health.

Happy Birthday, I wish you love - here is another example of a boring and familiar congratulation that will not bring the birthday person a drop of joy.

Before you wish love, think about what exactly will be the most striking manifestation of love for the person you are congratulating? Perhaps for him love is a reliable partner and the comfort of home. For some, passion and romantic relationships are much more important. There are people for whom love is, first of all, active and regular sex. And there are those who are more interested in a lot of fans than in a long-term relationship. Wish the person exactly what he needs.

Remember also that love can be not only for a specific person, but also for friends, children or life, and for some, even for a favorite activity.

What can you say instead of “happy birthday, I wish you success”? Again, think about what exactly is the epitome of success for your birthday person.

Perhaps for him success is material well-being? Wish the birthday person to find a treasure or win the lottery, receive an inheritance or a large fee, non-cash happiness or a salary increase. Moreover, you can be as specific as possible about what your birthday boy should have: furs in his wardrobe, a car in the garage, a roof over his head, a full refrigerator and much more.

It is important to wish success in the area that is important to a given person. Wish you success in creativity, sports, studies, business, and career. If you have the opportunity, make your wish even more specific: successful completion of a renovation or completion of a session, harvesting a crop, or concluding a deal.

If you have already decided what to wish for your birthday, but you want to add to your wish, think about what else the birthday person might want.

Perhaps he lacks inspiration in his work to be completely happy? Maybe he has been looking for the perfect office for himself for a long time? Or maybe he would like to diversify his leisure time? Just remember what else your birthday boy wants and wish him exactly that. It is not necessary to compose a long, very beautiful or rhyming congratulation; it is much more important that it is sincere and directly concerns the birthday person, so that he can feel special.

What to wish for your birthday?
Many people want to stand out and congratulate the birthday person in an original way so that he remembers it for a long time. The article explains what to wish your relatives, friends or significant other for their birthday.

What can you wish for your birthday?

Hello, this is the author of the blog “With a Gift,” Maria Zazvonova. I want to tell you my secrets about what you can wish, for example, on your birthday! Many people hear birthday wishes: health, happiness, love... But since you came to visit “With a Gift”, it means you want to surprise the birthday person with more interesting and elegant wishes, albeit in our favorite and familiar words, but otherwise not in a very familiar form, say, without a postcard, right?

A cool option to cheer up the birthday boy is a congratulation sketch, read HERE and HERE. Moreover, you need to involve guests, let everyone have fun.

Good question: what do you want? After all, the day is special, unique, and therefore let the congratulations, if possible, be special.

Idea I. We wish the birthday boy and the guests all the best in everything.

“So that our ________ (name of the hero of the holiday) has good luck in all areas of your life, we will now set you up for a great life! Dear guests, we don’t get bored, but let’s get involved in the process together; together it’s more fun and useful.”

1. Ask everyone present to close one eye.

2. Include an excerpt from the song “Tired toys are sleeping...”

3. Comment on the actions of the birthday boy and the guests: if the birthday boy closed his left eye, it means that his wish will be fulfilled in the near future, if his right eye is closed, then the guests should fulfill the birthday boy’s wish. (In the second case, the hero of the occasion comes up with a task that any of the guests will complete)

5. Play an excerpt from the song “Where are the hands…”

6. Decipher the actions of the guests: when the right hand is at the top, then the guest turns out to be right. The left hand is for the wrong, but with a unique opportunity to send the right to hell.

7. Insist that guests cross their legs.

8. Play Accident’s song “Legs,...”.

9. Say: no matter which leg is on top, in honor of the birthday, we simply must sing “Loaf”. (guests stand in a circle, a loaf is performed)

10. We need to summarize: “I see your eyes are “lighting”, positivity has come to us. Congratulations to the birthday boy on a cool new life on his birthday!” (Play the song “Cool, I live cool”) Download the cuts HERE!

Idea II. We shout wishes together.

We read out congratulations that end with a wish. Intuitively, the guests, listening to the congratulatory speaker, guess the missing word and pronounce it in unison.

Today I want to wish you:

Live a long, long time and not know grief!

Forget why pharmacies exist,

Be joyful, cheerful, and most importantly... Guests: HEALTHY!

Let your wallet be full,

Salaries are paid on time.

Loan repaid, tax paid

And the money is piling up for future use!

I would like to wish you on this day and always:

Financial order and great... Guests: PROSPERITY!

So that we can go on vacation and fulfill our dreams,

So that you can ride carefree in your new car,

So that the store accurately gives change

You'll have to catch it by the tail... Guests: LUCK!

To be surrounded by care and affection

Wish others great... Guests: HAPPINESS!

Idea III. Give wishes with a piece of NOT.

“Dear Birthday Boy, today you received a lot of pleasant words addressed to you and that’s great, but today we decided to tell you about what we wouldn’t wish for you:

No need, our friend, dear,

Work hard.

But also to lie there, “playing the fool,”

It's definitely not good for you!

Don't take things

Don't wait for "heavenly manna."

Let your years go by

Strive where the Soul calls!

Avoid excesses in food

And don’t look at the future news!

Let the series of unwanted desires not be for you!

After all, you have WE: family and friends!

You can also ask riddles to the birthday boy, this article is about a birthday gift for your husband. And another idea on how to cheerfully present congratulations and gifts to the hero of the holiday - a song!

I answered the question: what can you wish for your birthday? Tell us in the comments which idea did you like best? Or maybe you have your own unique wishes that give an explosion of bright emotions, write!

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