Salad “Daffodils. Salad with daikon "Daffodils" Salad daffodil with crab sticks

  1. If all the ingredients are ready, we can start cooking. If you want the salad to be taller, each layer is laid twice and more products are used. Place the chicken eggs in a pan with water and set to boil. When the water boils, cook the eggs for another 7 minutes; if the eggs are overcooked, the yolk may darken. Place the finished eggs under running cold water. Then peel the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the whites and yolks separately. Three whites on a coarse grater, and yolks on a fine grater.
  2. It is better to freeze the processed cheese first so that it is not too soft and does not stick together when we chop it. We will grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  3. The butter must be well frozen. We will also grate it on a coarse grater.
  4. We take out the crab sticks from the packaging. We will chop them finely or divide them into thin fibers, in this form the sticks will resemble crab meat.
  5. Wash the apples and cut them into two parts. Then we cut out the seeds from them. Then grate the apples on a coarse grater.
  6. It is better to use homemade mayonnaise for salad, this will improve the taste of the salad. You can also use sour cream as a dressing.
  7. We wash the fresh greens under water and finely chop them; the greens will serve as a decoration for our salad.
  8. All the components of the salad are prepared, now we can lay out the salad in layers. We'll need a convenient dish for this. It's good if it's flat. It is better to lay out layered salads using a lettuce ring. This way the salad turns out to be round, like a cake. The first layer of salad will be crushed egg whites, grease them with mayonnaise and salt. Then add processed cheese in a second layer, grease with mayonnaise and salt. The third tier of the salad will be butter; it does not need to be greased with mayonnaise; there is also no need to add salt. The fourth layer will be chopped crab sticks, also coated with mayonnaise. Next comes a layer of sour apples, grease the apples with mayonnaise. Egg yolks will complete our salad. Sprinkle the salad with fresh herbs. After cooking, be sure to put the salad in the refrigerator so that it is well infused and soaked.

The beautiful “Daffodils” salad will transform any holiday table. Daffodils are cut from white daikon radishes, and the salad is prepared from ordinary ingredients - potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, mushrooms and onions. The salad according to this recipe will be an unexpected and elegant decoration that can amaze those gathered.


How to prepare “Daffodils” salad

  1. Place half of the boiled potatoes in a special salad dish, lightly tamp with a fork, salt and brush with mayonnaise. If there is no such form for salads, you can cut it out of a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or 2.0 liters and a height of about 10 centimeters.
  2. Place pickled cucumbers cut into thin slices on top.
  3. The next layer is chopped eggs. Salt them and brush the eggs with mayonnaise.
  4. Next, lay out the fried champignons with onions and level them over the entire surface of the pan.
  5. Place the remaining potatoes on the mushrooms, add salt and coat the layer with mayonnaise.
  6. The last layer of salad is chopped green onions.
  7. Carefully remove the mold and place the salad in the refrigerator.
  8. To make daffodils, peel any variety of daikon or radish.
  9. Cut the daikon into thin oblong strips with a vegetable slicer.
  10. Cut out petals for the narcissus from the strips, calculating that you will need 5-6 petals for one flower.
  11. For the center, cut out small rectangular pieces with a zigzag cut on one side.
  12. Paint the strips with a solution of water and turmeric.
  13. Lightly coat the zigzag tip with beet juice.
  14. We begin to collect the flower: roll the middle into a tube, secure with a toothpick.
  15. Place the petals in the middle and secure them with toothpicks.
  16. As a result, you will get this tender radish daffodil. If you prepare this decoration in advance, the flower must be lightly greased with vegetable oil so that it does not dry out.
  17. Make the next daffodils in a similar way.
  18. To further decorate the salad you will need wide green onion feathers. Cut them into strips of equal length - they should be slightly higher than the height of your salad (about 1-1.5 cm).
  19. Start placing onion feathers on the sides of the salad (they hold well due to the presence of mayonnaise in the salad), and decorate the salad in this way along the entire circumference.
  20. Wrap the longest feather of the green onion around the lettuce and tie a knot.
  21. Prick the daffodils onto toothpicks, insert into the salad, and additionally garnish with the remaining green onions. Bon appetit and happy holidays!

Thank you for stopping by! I try to please you with simple and healthy recipes!

Today - Narcissus salad recipe! The simple and affordable ingredients of this salad make it popular!

Judge for yourself, all you need is:

6 boiled eggs
2 processed cheeses
1 pack of crab sticks
1 sour apple
mayonnaise, better your own
70 g butter from the freezer.

Sequence of salad preparation.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks, finely chop or grate.

Cut the crab sticks as finely as possible. Ideal with Japanese knives Supra.

Grate the apple and hard butter separately on a coarse grater.

Next, we assemble our salad:

1st layer of protein
2nd - grated cheese
3rd - oil
4th - the sticks themselves
5th - apple
6th - yolk

Spread each layer with mayonnaise, it’s better to make it homemade! It's called Narcissus because the last layer is yellow. I know a lot of people add a layer of onions. Or instead of an apple, add kiwi, sprinkle with green onions, corn…. a bunch of. But this recipe is a classic. Don't forget to put the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Delicious, verified!

It turned out so beautiful, just like in the photo!

How to make homemade mayonnaise.

I’ll share our recipe for mayonnaise; homemade eggs will make it especially delicious!

Here are its ingredients:

1 egg
200 g olive oil
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 tsp ready mustard
salt, sugar, black pepper to taste

You will need a deep bowl and a blender. You need to start with the egg, beat, gradually pouring in the oil and adding other ingredients. Store prepared mayonnaise in a glass jar in the refrigerator. You can add your favorite spices to this sauce. It is universal, suitable for salads and meat dishes.
Quick salad with crab sticks.

It happens that you come home from work and want to cook something quickly and tasty. We always have a pack of crab sticks in stock at home. I quickly boil 4 eggs, chop the sticks finely, add a can of corn 300-400 g, an apple and season with mayonnaise. It’s great if you have greens, it will be even tastier. Just stir in a bowl and dinner is ready!

Try it! And if the knife is also good, then this is done instantly! The success of preparing salads lies not only in the ingredients, but also in the quality of the knife. A bad knife can ruin not only the appearance of a dish, but also its taste.

For example, Japanese Supra knives are reliable helpers in the household. Made from zirconium ceramics using new technologies, they will never let you down. No sharpening required, safe and lightweight! Look


  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 250 grams.
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Green sour apple - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 1/2 pack.
  • Mayonnaise.

Light, tender, with a barely noticeable sourness - the Narcissus salad, like a flower, is immediately associated with spring, and its fresh taste will delight everyone without exception.

This salad is perfect for a holiday menu, for example, for a birthday or New Year, and it is very easy to prepare from the most affordable ingredients that can be found in almost every kitchen.

The “Narcissus” salad got its name because of its design; if you look at the photo, it immediately becomes clear that in color it resembles this spring light yellow flower. Most often, this similarity is provided by the top layer of crushed boiled eggs, but you can show your imagination and additionally decorate the dish with sprigs of greenery, flowers made from fresh or boiled products of suitable shades.

But not only the appearance, even the taste of the salad is associated with narcissus - just as light, tender, slightly piquant, with a slight sourness and airy consistency. The “Narcissus” salad recipe will especially appeal to lovely ladies who, even during a feast, try not to overeat.

Usually the Narcissus salad is prepared with crab sticks, but there are other recipe options: with ham and pineapples, seaweed, but the simplicity of preparation and amazing taste will remain unchanged.

By the way, even the classic recipe for Narcissus salad with crab sticks can be changed at your discretion. So, for example, the sour apple included in the composition can be replaced with kiwi, instead of processed cheese, take any hard cheese, add a layer of onion, and when decorating, use corn, egg whites, herbs, etc.

A recipe with a photo will help you prepare the original Narcissus salad, and then you can use your imagination and experiment with ingredients and decoration to suit your taste.


The classic recipe for “Narcissus” salad (this recipe can be used as a base for further culinary experiments) belongs to the category of simple ones, but the finished dish turns out beyond all praise, so you should definitely prepare it at least once.

  1. First you need to hard-boil the eggs, then cool them under running cold water so that the shells are easier to separate, peel and separate the whites from the yolks. Then chop them individually with a fork or grater.
  2. Cut the defrosted crab sticks into small cubes, the smaller the better. You can even grate them on a coarse grater without defrosting them completely.
  3. Peel the sour apple from the core and, if desired, from the skin, then chop on a coarse grater.
  4. Also grate the butter. Before preparing the Narcissus salad, you need to keep the butter in the freezer so that it is easily crushed into shavings and does not melt too quickly.
  5. Grind the processed cheese in the same way, also keeping them in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes to make it easier to grate.

Narcissus salad is laid out in layers on a flat dish. There is no need to salt the layers during the cooking process, since mayonnaise and processed cheese are already quite salty.

  1. First, distribute the egg whites evenly on a plate in the shape of a circle and make a mayonnaise mesh on them.
  2. At the next stage, lay out a layer of processed cheese, also greasing it with mayonnaise.
  3. Then carefully spread shavings of butter over the surface of the cheese (it’s better to grate it just before adding it to the salad so that it doesn’t melt). You don’t have to grease this layer with mayonnaise or add just a little bit of it.
  4. The next layer is crab sticks, smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. Spread the grated apple evenly on top of them, make a mayonnaise mesh and sprinkle everything generously with egg yolks.
  6. Place the prepared Narcissus salad with crab sticks in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is well soaked, after which it can be served.

By the way, to make the salad soak faster and make it easier to lay the layers on top of each other, all ingredients (except oil) can be immediately mixed with mayonnaise, without adding it during the cooking process.

If you do not follow the recipe with the photo, the Narcissus salad with apples can be laid out in a different order (whites, apples, cheese, butter, crab sticks, yolks). A layer of onions marinated in vinegar and sugar, which can be added on top of the butter, will add piquancy.

Also, the classic Narcissus salad can be modified by preparing it not with apples, but with kiwi.


Another interesting version of the Narcissus salad can be prepared with seaweed. This dish will delight you with its rich and juicy taste with spicy notes. To make such a salad, you need to cut crab sticks into cubes, grate boiled eggs, apples and cheese, drain the liquid from canned seaweed and corn, and crush the garlic through a press.

Combine all ingredients, except cheese, season with mayonnaise, salt or pepper if desired. Place the finished mixture in a deep salad bowl, sprinkle generously with shavings of cheese, garnish with herbs and leftover corn.

In addition to crab sticks, you can use ham to prepare the Narcissus salad, which will also make the dish incredibly tasty. The salad itself, as in the classic recipe, is laid out in layers: diced ham, corn, grated cheese, chopped canned pineapples, mashed yolks with a fork, and whites on top.

Coat all layers well with mayonnaise, possibly with the addition of garlic. Lightly crush the layer of whites so that the salad holds its shape, after which you can place “daffodils” on top, cutting out the petals from yellow sweet peppers or eggs, the centers from boiled carrots, and the stems from green onions. Cool the salad well before serving.

Narcissus salad combines all the most delicious and favorite products that are harmoniously combined. It is given a special piquancy by sour apple and processed cheese. Although some recipes suggest hard cheese instead of processed cheese, which is also very good.

There is simply no other salad so tender. Having prepared it at least once, you will cook it for all holidays, because your family constantly orders it.


  • canned sardine in oil – 1 can
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • rice – 100 g
  • radish – 1 pc.
  • beet juice – 1 tbsp.
  • ground turmeric – 1 tsp.
  • green onions – 1 bunch
  • salt, black pepper - as needed

First you need to boil the rice. To do this, you need to fill it with 1 glass of cold water, add turmeric, a little salt and put on fire. When the rice boils, turn the heat to low and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

Open the can of canned sardines and drain the oil into a small bowl. This oil will serve as a salad dressing. You can add a little salt, pepper and turmeric before seasoning. The fish itself should be placed in a bowl and mashed into small pieces with a fork.

Rinse fresh cucumbers thoroughly under running water and cut into strips. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes.

To decorate this salad, you need to use a special cylinder-shaped form. If there is none, then you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle and cut it off on both sides.

Take this shape and place it in the center of the plate. Inside the cylinder you need to place rice as the first layer and season it with the prepared sauce. Place a layer of sardines on top of the rice. The fish can also be greased with a small amount of oil. The next layer will be finely chopped onion and cucumber. You should not add a large amount of oil, as it can only spoil the taste and appearance of the salad.

To decorate the salad, you need to cut the green onions into small strips. Decorate the sides of the salad with these strips, and to keep everything in place, tie it across with long feathers. Make a narcissus flower from the radishes and decorate the salad with it in the center. Color with a little beet juice and make leaves from green onion feathers.

Salad with crab sticks


  • Russian cheese – 100 g
  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
  • butter – 80 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • crab sticks – 200 g
  • sweet and sour apple – 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - to taste

This salad should be decorated in layers. First, boil the chicken eggs, peel them and separate the whites from the yolks. The first layer of the salad will be grated egg whites. Grease this layer with a small amount of mayonnaise. Grate Russian cheese or any other hard cheese and place as a second layer of salad. Then also grease with mayonnaise. The oil must be frozen a little before use, and then grated onto the next layer of salad.

Peel the onion and chop into small cubes. Place the onion in the oil. Next add a layer of chopped crab sticks. Peel and grate the apple. Place the apple on the next layer. Lubricate everything on top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated yolk. The salad turns out very tender and tasty.

Salad with melted cheese


  • boiled chicken eggs – 6 pcs.
  • frozen butter – 100 g
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.
  • crab sticks – 220 g
  • sour apple – 1 pc.
  • homemade mayonnaise – 100 g

First you need to boil chicken eggs, peel them and separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites on a medium grater and place as the first layer of salad. Processed cheese can also be placed in the freezer for a few minutes. After that, grate them and place them on the whites. Next comes frozen butter, which is also placed as the next layer of salad. Cut the crab sticks into small pieces and place in butter. Peel and grate the apple. Place the grated apples on the next layer and cover with the finely grated yolks. Each layer of salad must be coated with mayonnaise and left to steep for a while.


  • large carrot – 1 pc.
  • pickled corn – 5 tbsp.
  • hard cheese – 80 g
  • green onion feathers - 1 bunch
  • fresh dill – 1 bunch
  • boiled chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise – 150 g

The eggs for this salad must first be hard-boiled, cooled and shelled. Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater. Also grate the cheese. Mix these two components. Carrots in this salad are used raw, as they will add juiciness to the salad.

Wash the green onions, dry them and finely chop them. A few feathers should be left intact. Finely chop fresh dill. Open the jar of corn, drain the liquid, and add the required amount of corn to the salad. Finely chop the egg yolks and also add to the previous salad ingredients.

Leave some of the egg whites for decoration, from which cut out narcissus petals. Cut the remaining whites into a salad and season with mayonnaise. Mix the prepared salad and place in a salad bowl. Smooth everything out carefully and decorate with egg white flowers. You also need to make leaves from green onion feathers. Boil a piece of carrot, peel it and cut circles out of it to make the center of a flower and sprinkle them with egg yolk.

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