Saltykov Shchedrin show when it goes on. NTV opens the “Saltykov-Shchedrin show. How do we live? This and the SHOW

I just couldn’t watch this show in full, although I heard different opinions about it. In essence, it is also a satirical show, but based on facts from everyday life. Moreover, based on the most reliable facts - photos and video material to help. They called Zadornov - he is our specialist in this area. Although, I like Zadornov. Previously, however, he was somehow more original, now everything is repeated - the Americans are stupid, we are also not very ... smart. But we’re definitely not looking for easy ways.

Essentially in creation Saltykov-Shchedrin show The people themselves take part. He sends various crazy moments to the studio. It's really funny to watch sometimes. But besides being funny, sometimes it’s sad. I felt this way when they showed five children’s playgrounds around the country. One was remarkable compared to the rest, but I felt sad that such a wretched sight was associated with the playground. One was behind barbed wire, the other was simply dismantled.

Sometimes it's scary. The moment with the nickel plant emissions would be relatable if it weren’t so creepy. The water is red from the release. This, of course, is reminiscent of “Crimson Rivers,” but all this horror will ultimately come back to haunt one way or another, first of all, to nature, and then to man.

It was embarrassing and creepy during the moments of the show, how people got hold of the “Freebie”. Free ice cream, for which they almost got torn apart, Greek salad in a “dump truck” - how did people even decide to eat it? Charlotte being rowed...with a shovel. The most harmless video, by the way.

I have mixed feelings about watching it. It’s one thing when they simply tell you about various funny situations, it’s another thing when they are clearly confirmed. While you’re listening, it’s like you can’t believe your ears, but you’ll see. Well, exactly, this can happen to us.

Saltykov-Shchedrin Show I still like it, although I would remove some points. What caught their attention was the singer, who performs a verse from old famous songs in a jazz style. Sometimes it gets a bit boring. Especially when Zadornov stood up and started reading what I had already heard 100 times when I came across him on RenTV. Well, at least it would be something completely fresh, mixed in with what we’ve already heard.

"Don't know,
How it will work
It's a sad sight
On you,
But it had an effect on me
It's a depressing experience."

Saltykov-Shchedrin, 1880

On the last day of April, a new humorous show started on NTV. Saltykov-Shchedrin show", which was hosted by Nikolai Fomenko, Alexey Kortnev, KVN players Dmitry Kolchin, Sergey Netievsky and Ekaterina Skulkina.

The genre of the program is social satire, the purpose of which is to identify and ridicule the shortcomings of our life, examples of which we see at every step.

Actually, the transmission itself "Saltykov-Shchedrin show" compiled from videos sent to it by stringers - people's correspondents.

In short, each of you can participate in this program by sending your video to its editor, the video from which may even end up on the city map Stupid How did the three-meter monument end up this time? Zhirinovsky and some other "exhibits".

Program "Saltykov-Shchedrin show" consists of three sections:

- "Fools and roads"- which shows the hit parade of the “best” Russian pits. There are tons of these in all cities and towns; we can’t be surprised by this anymore.

- "An auditor is coming to visit us"- how different cities are preparing for the arrival of high government leaders. Also, to be honest, this is no secret to anyone, just like preparation for the meeting of inspectors by heads of enterprises of any rank.

- "Fact or Fiction"- the presenters try to guess which photo is real and which one was made using Photoshop, and other interesting things.

At the end of the program, the most liked shots take their place on the city map Foolov from the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Story of a City".

Well, what would I like to say...

The hosts of the show were having a lot of fun, although some of the footage was not conducive to this - the same footage of the path for the visually impaired.

And in general, from the whole program I was pierced by the video with the opening of the monument Zhirinovsky, which remained on its pedestal for only a few days. The singing of the anthem “God Save the Tsar...” did not help))

One of the goals of the program "Saltykov-Shchedrin show" It is believed that with the help of humor it will be possible to correct all those mistakes in our lives that we see every day, as soon as we step outside the threshold.

I would like to believe it, but... I highly doubt it.

Yes, perhaps it will work in isolated cases, but not on a national scale.

A little boring and drawn out

I rarely watch the NTV television channel. I watched the Saltykov-Shchedrin show program on the Internet online. I tried to watch several episodes, but in the end I didn’t watch any of them to the end. And all because this show seemed to me long (more than 40 minutes) and boring.

The very idea of ​​the Saltykov-Shchedrin show is certainly interesting, and perhaps if this program continues to be aired, it will be promoted and the unnecessary stuff will be removed from it. I like the hosts of the Saltykov-Shchedrin show; they are Alexey Kortnev and Nikolai Fomenko, who played the main role, as well as famous players in KVN, Ekaterina Skulkina, Dmitry Kolchin and Sergey Netievsky.

The Saltykov-Shchedrin show program was based on reality. In some ways she reminded me a little of Spotlight Paris Hilton. If the funny Spotlight discussed publications, but in this program they discuss photographs and video reports that ordinary people send and post on the Internet. Absolutely anyone can send their video.

The Saltykov-Shchedrin show program has several sections. The rating of Russian pits is presented in the section Fools and Roads. In the section An Inspector is Coming to Us, you can see the preparations for the visits of the country's top leadership. There is also a section, Fact or Fiction, its very name says what it is about.

Nothing new

The Saltykov-Shchedrin show is a new humorous television program on NTV. The premiere of the program took place today, April 30, and it is dedicated to our funny life, dear Russians.

The program is hosted by Alexey Kortnev, who jumped out again on TV like a jack-in-the-box Nikolai Fomenko, KVN-schika Dmitry Kolchin, TNT-schnitsa Ekaterina Skulkina, Ural dumpling Sergey Netievsky. The last one is the most boring, practically non-existent. Dmitry Kolchin seemed the most interesting.

Five presenters are engaged in commenting on videos showing our life and existence.

A significant part of the Saltykov-Shchedrin show was taken up by a discussion of Omsk roads and roads in general. The hit parade was boring, most of all I cried through laughter at the tactile track for the blind.

The part “The auditor is coming to see us” about how cities are preparing for the arrival of Putin and Medvedev was funny.

By and large, there is nothing new in the Saltykov-Shchedrin show. I go out into the street - the same picture as in other cities. Orenburg roads in some places were not inferior to Omsk ones before repairs; just remember the piece of Victory near Comet opposite the Metro. Before a recent visit to some high-ranking official, Chkalov Street was washed. A certain feeling of hackwork is created - the videos are sent by dear Russians. Why not try to analyze the finished “core” material with fantasies in the direction of humor?!

How do we live? This is the SHOW.

Yesterday I accidentally watched this show. Our theme...Roads. Communal apartment..For everyone
cities of Russia. They also accept material from people. Sufferers. The guest was
Zadornov. The main sufferer of the country. In one house on the ground floor they opened
hairdressing salon People had two rooms. From different sides of the front door. They
they were privatized from the front door. Now the whole high-rise building. He walks into the house through the basement.
Or a house in the suburbs of Moscow. 21-storey. Elderly people and pregnant women do not leave it. The elevators don't work... They promised to look into it. To solve a problem..Or a hole in the road. With the exit. A car door sticks out of it... They also showed the street. They dug a huge trench, but the cars were left standing near the houses... They couldn’t leave. Here it is in my house. Mayhem. First they made repairs in the front door, and now they are tearing everything apart and changing the wiring. Pieces of the walls are falling. They cover them with stainless steel sheets. The old house of beauties and a stainless steel sheet. On it is a box with corks. Fear of watching... You can make a movie. About us.. The right SHOW. About that. How do we live?? Call it. At least Zoshchenko, at least Saltykov-Shchedrin. ,at least Krylov. You can do a lot of SHOW. From our lives.. The communal apartment feeds the television.. What would they show?

Russophobe show

Although NTV is trying to look pro-Russian, this Russophobia in its most vile and unsightly form simply shines through. Throughout the 90s, we unanimously scolded Russia, yes, there was a reason, but this scolding made it better?! Remember the saying about a pig, where “the 101st time he grunts.” And then, this all reminds me of demotivators, there are plenty of them on the Internet, I can also pull them up and show them, with a show-off, “this is how bad it is to live in this filthy Russia.” And what will be the result?! There will be more of these insanities. Because when there are a lot of shameful things around, they cease to be shameful. And television, as we know, is the fourth estate. People will understand - why try, we are nonentities, we are like this, we cannot be corrected! This means that such a show was clearly not made by patriots, and their goal was clearly not to make life better in Russia. Overall, a terrible show. Stupid and mediocre. It won't last long. There is no real help for those who really need it. One observer of the country. Is this acceptable?

Show rejected (1)

Rejected reviews (1)

Who is Saltykov-Shchedrin

(Rejected. Reason: Copied from another site)

Actually, who is Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, after whom the show is named?

Are there any Russophobes among Flap readers? Then listen here. I guarantee you will find it interesting.

In Russian literature
Saltykov-Shchedrin stands apart. His work from first to last
the lines are satire. Naturally, therefore, on its pages we do not
Let's meet not only positive, but at least somewhat nice
character. Saltykov-Shchedrin could not write except by hating. Story
Russia, its modernity, rulers of the past and present, people,
intelligentsia, bourgeoisie, nobility, Slavophilism - all this
became the object of brutal ridicule. Even Dmitry Pisarev,
the greatest literary-critical viper of the 19th century, counted sarcasms
Shchedrin were excessive and wrote an article “Flowers of Innocent Humor”, where
declared the writer’s work a mockery for the sake of mockery.

But that's how it is
specificity of satire. As soon as a satirist begins to talk about something with
sympathy, he ceases to be such. "Russian Laughter" by Saltykov-Shchedrin
destroys, hates and leaves no hope. Read it large
in portions - a painful and even dangerous task, it can turn into
a misanthrope who suffers from a bile spill and a stomach ulcer. Will we take it
diary entries, letters - they are also filled with anathemas and
teeth grinding. It's simply amazing how this man could constantly
poison your mood, make yourself unhappy, find a fly in the ointment in any ointment.

This twilight, negative perception of Russian reality was largely facilitated by his biography.

he began his independent life as an official in the military office
minister. For his first story, “A Confused Affair,” he was expelled from the capital,
and for seven whole years he vegetated in the provincial office
Vyatka. Then again the bureaucratic burden in St. Petersburg - and unexpected
career success. The fact is that while in Vyatka, Saltykov-Shchedrin managed
so captivate the daughter there
vice-governor that the matter ended in marriage, and an influential father-in-law
arranged for him the position of Ryazan and then Tver vice-governor.

It must be admitted that not only for the Russian, but also
of any literature this is a unique case: a writer, and even a satirist - in
Vice-Governor's uniform! Based on materials from his Vyatka exile
Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote the book "Provincial Sketches", where he subjected
satirical castigation of the provincial bureaucracy. And here he is
ends up at the head of the provincial bureaucratic apparatus, and
has been there for six whole years! Reader, can you imagine
a boss who writes vicious pamphlets about his subordinates and himself
myself? But that’s exactly what Saltykov-Shchedrin is like. When he left administrative
field and switched to literary bread, he gave his satirical
passions full freedom.

Saltykov-Shchedrin was extremely prolific. More
Perhaps no one wrote it in Russian literature. Entering
editorial board of the opposition Sovremennik, he became from an issue to
number to publish the chronicle "Our Social Life", a satirical
encyclopedia of social vices and defilements. The magazine after all
was closed, Saltykov-Shchedrin again found himself in public service, neither
more or less the chairman of the Treasury Chamber of the mentioned Vyatka. Then
the quarrelsome administrator was transferred to Tula, from Tula again to Ryazan and,
Finally, the authorities got rid of him once and for all. According to the highest
order, he was dismissed without the right to admission to
government service.

From its next provincial-administrative
odyssey Saltykov-Shchedrin brought the cycle “Letters from the Province”. Published
he published them, of course, in the next opposition magazine "Domestic
notes", after some time he became a co-editor, and then
the only head of the magazine and thus received ideal
conditions for ridicule of everyone and everything.

“Pompadours and pompadours” - here’s another one of his
work. Taking advantage of the vice-governor's own realities
biographies, Saltykov-Shchedrin created a portrait gallery of Russians
governors, their wives and concubines. For those who have not read this work,
can judge it by its name. Already in it lies the author's
attitude towards your characters. Before us are opportunists, tyrants,
bribe takers, careerists - in short, all the vices that can be
be inherent not only in Russian, but also in any government.

Having ridiculed bureaucratic behavior in “Letters from the Province”
Russia, and in “Pompadours and Pompadours” its highest dignitaries,
Saltykov-Shchedrin turned to Russian history and also did not find in it
nothing reassuring:

in ancient times, a people called bunglers, and they lived far in the north,
where Greek and Roman historians suspected the existence
Hyperborean Sea. These people were called bunglers because
had the habit of “banging” their heads against everything they encountered along the way.
If they come across a wall, they will hit the wall; They will begin to pray to God - on the floor
nipping. Many independent tribes lived in the neighborhood of the bunglers,
but only the most remarkable of them are named by the chronicler, namely:
walrus eaters, bow eaters, thicket eaters, cranberries, curales, spinning beans,
frogs, bast shoes, black palates, gouges, broken heads,
blind-borns, lip-slappers, lop-eared, cross-bellied, vendaces, anglers,
shredders and rukosui. Neither religion nor mode of government are these
the tribes did not have, replacing all this with the fact that they were constantly at enmity between
myself. They made alliances, declared wars, made peace, swore to each other
friendship and loyalty. When they lied, they added “let me be ashamed,” and
We were sure in advance that “shame won’t eat your eyes away.”

Following this, the writer creates the cycle “Gentlemen
Tashkentians" about the colonization of Central Asia, Ukraine by the Russian Empire,
Baltic states, Ukraine, Caucasus. This colonization is presented by the satirist as
shameless violence and robbery: “Tashkent is a country that lies everywhere,
where they hit you in the teeth."

In 1876, another work appeared
Saltykov-Shchedrin. It bears the Aesopian title "Well-Intentioned Speeches" and
contains a look at the bourgeois prospects of Russia. The author finds it
bourgeois-capitalist future even more bleak than
patriarchal "Foolish" times. The hero of "Speeches" is a certain Derunov,
starting with speculation in village produce, and ending
millions of supplies to the Russian army and inviting to their invited
evenings of Turgenev himself (!). The author of "Speeches" has no misconceptions
regarding the Russian entrepreneur. This is a barbarian, a thief, a predator; market
economics "in Slavic style" - robbery of everything and everyone without any
patriotic sentiments; Russian capitalism is a parody and absurdity; And
etc. etc.

Having dealt with the past, present and even future of Russia, the writer turns his attention to the West. What does he discover there?

Such a disgrace! His are born
notes "Abroad", in which Germany and France turn out to be the same
hopeless countries, like Russia. The West is mercantile, that's it
bourgeois, its presidents and politicians are stupid, the Germans are mediocre, the French
insignificant - these are the satirist’s impressions of the “advanced line” in quotation marks

The next object of writer's attention
becomes a Russian noble family. On this topic Saltykov-Shchedrin
creates the famous novel "Messrs. Golovlevs".

The family novel genre is one of the most
popular genres in world literature. These are Emil's family chronicles
Zola, and "Madame Bovary" by Flaubert, and "The Forsyte Saga" by Galsworthy, and "Family
Lautensack" by Feuchtwanger, and "The Enchanted Soul" by Romain Rolland, and "Anna
Karenin" by Tolstoy, and "The Artamonov Case" by Gorky, etc.

Connecting to this tradition, Saltykov-Shchedrin
painted a picture of the gradual degeneration of the Russian nobility. His
the first generation is represented by the domineering and cruel hoarder Arina
Petrovna and her weak-willed, drunken husband. Despite their nobles
titles and wealth, the entire Golovlev family is gradually dying out. U
the reader does not feel any pity about this, because it
the author himself does not have it. Opening "The Golovlev Lords", we plunge into
some damned world populated by complete moral monsters. IN
Saltykov-Shchedrin doesn’t even laugh in this novel. He's choking on
disgust. Truly, the history of Russian history does not know more hopeless pages.
and, probably, world literature.

The final stage of literary and satirical
biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin - his "Fairy Tales". Author of "Fairy Tales"
took advantage of the folklore form to once again brand
vices of fellow Russians. "Bear in the Voivodeship"
"Eagle-Patron", "Crucian-Idealist", "Sane Hare", "Wise
gudgeon" - the entire arsenal of Russian fairy tale characters is used by the satirist
in order to present the Russian past, present and future as

Why the new NTV show “Saltykov-Shchedrin” failed to repeat the success of “ProjectorParisHilton”, the site was looking into.

Nikolai Fomenko, Alexey Kortnev and three former Kaveen players (Skulkina, Netievsky, Kolchin) became the hosts of NTV’s new satirical project “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”.

They threatened with a verb to burn out the vices of Russian society... It didn’t work out, not only to burn them out, but also to simply ignite them. What the channel itself calls “a completely new format” - jokes about our reality - has already been on TV. Both in the recent past (“ProjectorParisHilton”), and, as it now seems, a long time ago (“Dolls,” not to mention “The Wick”). Zhvanetsky (“Country Duty”) is still on the air on Rossiya 1. But it happens only once a month. On Monday night.

“Saltykovo-Shchedrintsy”, although there are five of them, although they were awarded a much more favorable time (Saturday evening), but cannot do even a hundredth part of what their predecessors managed. The presenters diligently pretend that they want to bite the officials harder for one place. But how can you bite someone if you feel an invisible bridle with your skin? Only what is possible is possible. Make fun of the mayor of Omsk, who already suffered during the direct line with the president. Make a hit parade of bad roads (this is generally a nice thing - the lower you take, the more likely it is not to get dangerously close to the top). Kick Tsereteli and Zhirinovsky, who he cast... And this is all, NTV believes, and these are the main vices that make up the acute problems of society.

And the “costs” of the crisis, theft and corrupt patriots are, apparently, such little things that are not worth talking about. Although Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote about them. And about the ruble: “It’s not scary if they give fifty dollars for a Russian ruble in Europe. You’ll be scared when you get punched in the teeth for it.” And about thieves: “Railroads all over the world are used for transportation. And with us it’s also for theft.” And about pseudo-patriots: “There are “tomboys” who say: the state, but think: free pie,” “They started talking about patriotism. They probably stole again.” As they say, feel the difference - where is Saltykov-Shchedrin and where are the showmen performing under his name.

And if only the topics mattered. Urgant and Tsekalo are no more stupid than Fomenko and Kortnev. They didn't bother either. But what sparks were struck from what was permitted? You'll rock! And the jokes of the hosts of “Saltykov-Shchedrin” amuse only themselves. They are shaking with laughter for an hour (or are they pretending to laugh?) in silent bewilderment on the other side of the TV. And if the frontmen of the show sometimes succeed in something (Fomenko and Kortnev worked together in “Both-on!”), then why the other three are sitting in the studio is a mystery. Is it really just to giggle?

On modern Russian TV there has been only one relatively successful attempt to revive satire in prime time - “Cartoon Personality” (aired on Channel One). But this project eventually reached the mice, that is, the pop stars: Pugacheva-Galkin-Baskov-Volochkova. For this, the author of “Dolls” Viktor Shenderovich called “Cartoon” “an imitation of satire.” So, “Saltykov-Shchedrin” does not even reach the level of imitation. Maslyakov would not have accepted a team with such a level of humor into HSE even for their beautiful eyes.

The idea of ​​a satirical show in itself is excellent. But, so to speak, untimely. “Spotlight” proved: even when nothing is possible, something is still possible if you act subtly. And if it doesn’t work out subtly, then it’s better not to start. So as not to discredit either ourselves, or the genre, or Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The premiere of the entertaining and humorous program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”, filmed in the genre of social satire, will take place on NTV on April 30, 2016. According to the channel's press service, the program will be hosted by Nikolai Fomenko, Alexey Kortnev, Dmitry Kolchin, Sergei Netievsky and Ekaterina Skulkina.

The presenters will draw program topics from videos sent by viewers - NTV stringers from all over Russia. The headings of the premiere edition of the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” will be “Fools and Roads”, in which a hit parade of the “best” Russian pits will be presented, “An Inspector is Coming to Us”, where we will see footage showing how in some cities they prepared for the arrival high government leaders. In the “Fact or Fiction” section, the presenters will try to guess which of the pictures is reality and which is photoshopped. And, of course, a map of the modern city of Glupov, which Saltykov-Shchedrin described almost 150 years ago in his work “The History of a City,” will occupy an important place in the program.

“The Saltykov-Shchedrin Show is a completely new program format for modern Russian television,” notes Timur Weinstein, general producer of the NTV channel. - It contains smart satire, speaking truthfully and bitingly about the things that surround us. This is a very NTV story, we will continue to strive to occupy a niche of programs and shows for viewers who care.

“The program is really sharp, satirical, otherwise we would not have taken the proud name of Saltykov-Shchedrin as the title,” Alexey Kortnev is sure. - I have no doubt that the idea of ​​creating this television project was inspired by “Direct Lines with Putin”, where hundreds of people ask their questions and turn to the president with complaints. It so happens that this is almost the only effective remedy in our country. So we decided that between these lines someone would disturb officials, governors and their local deputies! This is why our program was created. Her calling, as people say: “Pike in the sea so that the crucian does not sleep.” So we will be such a pike.

“I will try to be bolder in our project, because I am sure that such shows should either be bold, or they should not exist at all,” says Nikolai Fomenko. - Why start it if you modestly say: “In one place, in one city there is a leader, and there is another street. And on it... And it would, of course, be nice if it were removed...” In my life I have already seen all types of television, from Soviet to today, so in the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” I will try to talk about it, albeit cheerfully, but at the same time frankly!

Broadcast weekly on Saturdays at 22.00.

, Sergey Netievsky and Ekaterina Skulkina.

Saltykov-Shchedrin skillfully exposed the vices and shortcomings of society, which do not lose relevance from century to century. The hosts of the entertaining and humorous show will adopt its techniques - biting humor, irony and sarcasm. “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” is a completely new program format for modern Russian television. It contains smart satire, speaking truthfully and bitingly about the things that surround us. This is a very entertaining story, we will continue to strive to occupy a niche of programs and shows for viewers who care,” notes Timur Weinstein, general producer of the NTV channel.

The presenters will draw topics for the programs from videos sent by viewers - NTV stringers from all over Russia. The headings of the premiere edition of the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” will be: “Fools and Roads”, in which a hit parade of the “best” Russian pits will be presented, “An Inspector is Coming to Us”, where we will see footage showing how in some cities they prepared for the arrival of high government leaders. In the “Fact or Fiction” section, the presenters will try to guess which of the pictures is reality and which is photoshopped. And, of course, a map of the modern city of Glupov, which Saltykov-Shchedrin described almost 150 years ago in his work “The History of a City,” will occupy an important place in the program.

Alexey Kortnev, host of the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show

Presenters about the program

Alexey Kortnev: “The program is really sharp, satirical, otherwise we would not have taken the proud name of Saltykov-Shchedrin as the title. I have no doubt that the idea of ​​creating this television project was inspired by “Direct Lines with Putin,” where hundreds of people ask their questions and appeal to the president with complaints. It so happens that this is almost the only effective remedy in our country. So we decided that between these lines someone would disturb officials, governors and their local deputies! This is what our program was created for.”

Nikolay Fomenko: “I will try to be bold in our project, because I believe that such shows should either be bold or they should not exist at all. Why start this if you modestly say: “In one place, in one city there is a leader, and there is another street there. And on it... And it would, of course, be nice if it were removed...” In my life I have already seen all types of television, from Soviet to today, so in the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” I will try to talk about this, albeit cheerfully, but at the same time frankly!”

Ekaterina Skulkina: “I have been in this industry for 15 years and have long realized that a unique trait of a Russian person is to laugh in difficult situations. Solving some problems with the help of humor and satire is, it seems to me, the only way out. Therefore, I am very interested to take part in such a show, which will definitely be useful for the population.”

Sergey Netievsky: “Humor is an opportunity to improvise on topics that are important to the people of our country. We will joke about what is happening in large cities and regions, as Saltykov-Shchedrin did in his time. By the way, if I met him in person, I would say that in Russia they still drink and steal!”

Nikolai Fomenko, Ekaterina Skulkina and Sergei Netievsky, hosts of the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show program

Dmitry Kolchin: “When I found out about this program, I started leafing through the works of Mikhail Evgrafovich. I was surprised that in our time his satire could be relevant. Our program is not even a show, but rather a meeting of interesting people who talk about what really “soars” for them, like other residents of our Russia. It should be at least fun, and at most smart!”

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