The best Happy New Year greetings to a girl. Happy New Year to my beloved girlfriend and wife. Happy New Year greetings for your beloved girl

New Year is a fabulous time when you want to spend every second with your loved ones. This is a great reason to please your girlfriend, and an original New Year's greeting is one of the best ways.

Of course, the simplest thing is to give a material gift, flowers and sweets. Without a doubt, the girl will be pleased with such a sign of attention. However, it is worth remembering that every lady dreams of romantic and original congratulations - this is much more valuable than the most expensive fur coat or an amazing necklace with diamonds. That is why today we will tell you about 16 interesting ways in which you can congratulate your beloved girl in an unusual way.

Romance on the roof

Snow, city lights at night, hugs and kisses - what could be more romantic? You need to choose a suitable place in advance - not every roof is suitable for such a date. Stock up on a thermos and hot mulled wine, tea or coffee. You can also prepare some goodies, for example, ginger cookies - they will remind you of the winter holidays. Don't forget about warm blankets and pillows.

On New Year's Eve, invite your beloved to take a walk around the city at night and, as if by chance, take her to the roof. Congratulate her on the New Year and give her a material gift. Night city, magical New Year's Eve, hot mulled wine and passionate kisses - any girl will simply melt from such congratulations.

Heart in the snow

Love inscriptions under the window of your beloved are already an established technique. However, we offer you a more interesting winter option.

Find a snowy place that the girl can definitely see from the window. Make a small heart-shaped ditch in the snow and place a cloth soaked in alcohol in it. Call your beloved and tell her that you have come and are waiting for her under the window, let her look out. While she walks to the window, light the heart. When she sees such a sign of attention, she will be touched and come down to you, where you can give her your gift.

This congratulation looks most impressive in the evening and at night.

Serenades under the window

Serenades are a very ancient, but, nevertheless, very effective technique with which you can defeat almost any girl on the spot. This type of congratulation is especially suitable for a singer or musician.

Find the text and music of the serenade on the Internet, gather a team of musicians (you can use your friends or hired professionals), and then go under your beloved’s window on New Year’s Eve. Even if you don’t know how to sing or play a musical instrument, just stand in the center of the group with a gift and a bouquet of flowers for the girl and look at the window. Your beloved or one of your friends (if the New Year is celebrated in a group) will definitely look out.

Arrange a “reverse day” for your beloved - today you will do her duties, and she will do yours (of course, when you have a day off). This option is suitable for couples who live together.

Get up early, prepare a light breakfast and wake up your loved one with a kiss and delicious food. After that, give her the pre-purchased certificate to the spa. Important point: When purchasing a certificate, do not choose procedures, since you do not know what your loved one needs. Otherwise, the entire gift will be ruined.

While your girlfriend or wife is enjoying her vacation, you can start cleaning and preparing a romantic dinner. You shouldn’t cook any overly refined and complex dishes - any woman will appreciate simple but tasty food prepared by her beloved man. Set the table beautifully, light candles - in general, create a romantic atmosphere. When your loved one returns, give her a gift and invite her to dinner. Any woman will be touched by such efforts.

Romantic winter trip

If for you New Year is a family holiday that you are used to celebrating together, then this idea is just for you.

Book your tickets in advance to the capital of romance - Paris. Imagine how surprised and happy your girlfriend will be when you say that you will celebrate this New Year near the Eiffel Tower! Just don’t make a surprise before the flight itself - give her time to pack her suitcase.

Congratulations on the road

Do you want to stun your beloved? Then prepare a large poster with some romantic inscription, for example, “I love you”, “Happy New Year, my love!” etc. Find out about your girlfriend's plans for this day: when, where and what route she will take today. Choose a place that she will definitely pass through. Only preference should be given to a place where the girl can calmly stop the car.

On the day of congratulations, stand in the chosen place and wait for your love. Imagine her delight when she sees you with a large, colorful poster dedicated specifically to her. And if she also goes with her friends, then success is more than guaranteed for you!

Gift in the bushes

Usually people know when they will be given a gift, and this often happens in a trivial way: they met, presented the gift, said a few congratulatory words, and that’s it. And we invite you to break stereotypes and give a New Year's gift in an original way. Hide the prepared gift... in the bushes. But be sure to follow the route you will take with the girl.

While walking, when you reach the place with the gift, stop, saying that your shoelace has come undone. At this moment, take out the treasured box and hand it to your beloved with a calm look. You will see shock and pride in her eyes that you are capable of original actions.

From the ship to the ball

From an early age, girls read fairy tales about kings and queens, princes and princesses and dream of being in their place. So why not make this dream come true at such a magical time as New Year?

Talk to a few mutual friends. First you need to find the appropriate premises: there should be no problems with this, since if you wish, you can find themed apartments in any style. Rent vintage costumes or sew them yourself (if any of your friends are interested). Don't forget about the attire for your chosen one. Create the atmosphere of a real ball: put on beautiful music like in films about princes and princesses, prepare delicious treats.

Leave your friends to start the feast, and go after your chosen one. You can put on the suit right away, but you need to hide it securely under your outerwear so that the girl doesn’t expose you ahead of time. If she was at some meeting, then take her from there and take her straight to the ball! Imagine her delight when she gets to the ball in her honor. Invite her to wear a festive costume and congratulate her in front of everyone by presenting her with a material gift.

Flowers from a mysterious stranger

Buy a beautiful bouquet and put a note in it with best wishes for the New Year, but under no circumstances sign it. Place flowers under the door, ring the bell, and quickly go downstairs to avoid detection. Every girl dreams of receiving such a congratulation.

This congratulation option is suitable even if you are celebrating the New Year with friends or family. Just say that you want to go out to wish a friend a Happy New Year or you need to make an important call, and that you will be gone for an hour and a half. And after that, get down to business!

“There’s a package for you!”

Letters and parcels are so romantic, so girls simply love it when the postman knocks on the door of their apartment or house. In your case, the role of the postman will be played by one of your friends, whom the girl does not know.

Prepare a letter or parcel in advance, or you can combine them. Pack your gift beautifully and include a touching message handwritten by you. Pack it all in a box purchased in advance from the post office. Write the address and name of the recipient (i.e. your girlfriend), and where the sender should be indicated, leave the inscription “Your secret admirer” or something like that. Give the package to your friend, who will deliver it to your beloved's door on New Year's Eve.


This congratulation is suitable for a girl who loves to be the center of attention. To begin, you will need to make several copies of the colorful poster. It is done this way: stick a photo of a girl (preferably a portrait one) and write next to it “Attention! Attention! The most beloved girl in the world is wanted! Signs: attractiveness, kindness, golden hands and a sharp mind! We ask the finder to smile at her and wish her happiness in the New Year!” Such posters should be hung in places where the girl most often visits.

Congratulations from Santa Claus

To implement this idea, you will have to dress up as a kind Santa Claus. Today, you can easily rent a holiday costume from special services, or if you have a friend who knows how to sew, you can ask her to make a New Year’s outfit for you. This greeting will look especially good and fun if you are celebrating the New Year with friends.

When you have already reincarnated as Santa Claus, put gifts for your friends and your girlfriend in the bag. Make sure that your loved one does not know about this idea, but you can persuade your friends to play along with you. Ring the doorbell of your apartment and act like a real Santa Claus: give all your friends small gifts for a poem, song or dance. Congratulate your girlfriend last. After she “earns” her gift, take off your beard and red hat, tell her how much you love her, kiss her and give her a New Year's gift.

P.S. If you were planning to propose to your girlfriend, then this is just the perfect time. She will never forget how her “Santa Claus” proposed his hand and heart to her in front of all her friends.

Surprise in a box

Remember the phrase “My best gift is you”? So we will be guided by this rule.

Take a large box, for example, from a refrigerator, wrap it in New Year's gift paper and decorate it with a large bow and a note to whom the gift is intended. Cut out the bottom of the box. On New Year's Eve, take a box and a gift and go to your girlfriend. Ring the doorbell, and while someone goes to open it, quickly hide in the box. Imagine your loved one's eyes when she sees such a huge surprise. She'll probably start opening the box right in the hall, and then you'll jump out of it and congratulate your girlfriend.

New Year's quest

Arrange for your girlfriend an exciting trip around... your apartment. To implement this idea, both of you must be at home. Buy small winter gifts in advance, for example, mittens, a mug, warm socks, etc. Make bright signs and cheerful inscriptions that will lead to hidden gifts. And the most important gift is that you, of course, will not be empty-handed. Make the last sign especially festive. Take a New Year's surprise in advance, so that when the girl comes to you according to the sign, you can congratulate her on the New Year, say warm words and give her a surprise. This congratulation is ideal if you have been living together for a long time and want to “refresh” your feelings.

Video congratulations

If you are planning to give your girlfriend some modern gadget for the New Year, for example, a phone, camera or tablet, then there is a great idea on how to surprise and please her.

Record your New Year's greetings on this device in advance - tell her the kindest and most tender words. If you are planning to ask her to marry you, then why not do it in a video greeting like this? After that, find a beautiful New Year’s card on the Internet, on which, using any graphics processing program, write “Go to “My video files” (the place where the recorded video is located) - a surprise awaits you there!” and place it on the desktop of your phone, tablet, etc. Believe me, even the strictest girl will feel emotional from such a congratulation.

Gift in the cake

If your girlfriend has a real sweet tooth, then why not give her a cake? But not simple, but with a gift inside. True, such a congratulation is only suitable if the gift is small. Bake a cake or order one if you are not such a good pastry chef. If you make the treat yourself, then before decorating it, hide a gift box in the cake. First, it should be well packaged and tightly wrapped with several layers of tape so as not to get dirty. If you order, discuss this idea with the confectioners. Your girlfriend will be incredibly happy when she sees another gift inside, especially if it is a long-awaited ring.

Prince on a white horse

You've probably seen children riding beautiful white horses in the park. Talk to the owner about renting one of his pets for an hour and a half.

After that, saddle your horse and go to your girlfriend’s window. For more ambience, you can rent knight armor to definitely defeat your beloved on the spot. Of course, don't forget to bring a present with you. First you need to make sure that the girl is at home so that your gift is a success.

Love, be loved and make original New Year's gifts :)

Happy New Year today, I congratulate you,
And, of course, I wish for a lot of things:
So that the bad weather remains in the past year,
So that the iron horse is always on the move,
So that your beloved man is next to you,
So that parcels from Ali get home,
So that all the best dresses are yours,
So that the heart knows the sea of ​​love,
But most importantly, be you always happy,
And everything else is nonsense!

Today at midnight everything will be fine:
Chimes, clinking glasses, a full table.
After all, we have gathered here, and not in vain:
Let's light up the whole dance floor with you, beauty!
I wish you with great tenderness,
Always be as sweet and gentle,
In your eyes I'm just flying away
I want to give you love all my life!
So, Happy New Year, with new happiness, dear,
Be the light in the darkness for me.
We will find a piece of heaven with you -
I will give you the whole world!

Darling, today I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish that every day is like in a fairy tale, and that you feel like a beautiful princess. Be the same as today all next year: beautiful, happy, joyful and wonderful.

Today happiness is knocking on your home,
This is the Year of the Dog wagging its tail!
Let her bring with her
Everything everyone is waiting for:
Luck, smiles, career success,
So that all doors open before you,
Pleasant surprises and good news,
Always welcome and invited guests,
Health, good luck, immense love,
And so that there would be a multiple award.
Friends, and those who are faithful,
And always have a mug of tea poured.
I congratulate you on the New Year,
And hereby I announce a night of fun!

Happy New Year greetings to a girl in prose

Happy New Year, my girl! Congratulations are sincere and tender. Wishes of happiness for you, may your life be joyful and boundless! In the New Year - good luck and dreams. Love pure, like white snow. And may the one you want to see next to you be with you forever! Forever!

Be happy, loved and in love! Let everyone's beautiful dreams come true, to the sound of champagne in the glass! May your New Year's wish suddenly come true for you! In your eyes, hope and faith are friends. Well, luck is circling around you! May the round dance of happy years give you a holiday. And our Santa Claus, the prankster, will save you from troubles!

The New Year is coming to visit us. There's already a knock on the door! Fill the cups with champagne - let's have fun! Let this whole night pass: bright, loud, delicious! So that no one around suddenly becomes sad. I wish you all the best and happiness! May the old year take away all your bad weather!

I will lay all the wishes in the world at your feet. I’ll put everything in a box for New Year’s confessions! I will wrap you with love, happiness, joy, goodness! I will put in a mountain of success so that life is full! The New Year of love will measure out, without end and edge. And of course, let a smile drive away sadness forever!

To you, my beloved, I want to wish: in the lottery of life, hit the Jackpot! Let love and luck be the winner! Immense health will be in addition. Accompanied by daily success. And you will be the happiest in life! I sincerely wish you all this for the New Year! And Happy New Year, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

My dear girl! On this New Year's Eve, with the chimes ringing! I want to wish you harmony in life. Warmth and light! Beauty, let it surround you in everything! And let the starfall of desires fall upon you. And everything you wish for will instantly come true, whirling you around in a whirlwind of happiness!

Let the New Year's fairy tale bring happiness into your life! Live in joy and enjoy what you have. And always believe in the best. Let the kindest events in your life flash like lights on a New Year's garland! And there will always be sincere and faithful people next to you. And of course - me!

I wish you in the new year that all your sorrows will be covered with snow! So that love sparkles as brightly as New Year's fireworks! May luck smile on you and your eyes shine with happiness! You just mean a lot to me. On New Year's Eve and always! Smile, my beloved, brightly! Never know trouble in anything! May you feel hot from love! Be happy, just one piece of advice!

On this fabulous holiday, may all your dreams come true! The most desired gifts will be under the tree. I want you to always be the most beautiful and brightest! So that your dear eyes don’t know tears. And so that life, like a fairy tale, is magical. Happy new happiness, dear, loving congratulations!

May you never have boring days a year! Night fairy tale magic - will avert trouble. Let the snowflakes bring: joy, miracles. So that you know what awaits you in the New Year - a dream! Open your heart, drive away the melancholy! I give you New Year's love! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Sincerely - I love it!

Happy New Year to a charming and sensitive girl. I wish you to find such an interesting hobby that this year will fly by and leave you with a lot of unforgettable impressions! May all the goals you set be achieved 100 percent, and even more.

Happy New Year, my dear! I wish that next year all your dreams, even the most secret ones, come true and bring many bright impressions and positive moments into your life. May your working time bring you only positive emotions, and may your wallet always be full, even when you are resting. Be unique, like a snowflake, and illuminate everyone around with your light!

May the New Year come quickly,
The rooster will give way to the dog,
And she will bring with her
A bag of happiness for you and me,
A box of joy, success,
A bottle of pure laughter,
A plate of luck and good luck,
And many more years to boot.

Beautiful, charming, attentive and sensitive - this is all about you, my love. I know that no matter what happens, I can always rely on you. May the coming New Year bring you a huge number of magnificent and legendary moments, and may all the bad and unpleasant things remain in the outgoing year.

My dear, I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year! You are bright, like a star in the night sky, and magical, like New Year's Eve itself. Love, be loved, give the world your smile and inspire. You are a miracle!

I wish you tenderness, love,
Flowers as beautiful as your eyes,
A sea of ​​smiles, a lot of happiness,
So that all bad weather can be avoided.
May the New Year come soon,
Will bring success in everything,
A new chapter will begin
In which you are always right!

Happy New Year greetings to a girl, poems and prose

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A girl like you
You can wish for a lot:
To make your dreams come true,
Do everything in the world!

Just become more beautiful
May you always be lucky!
Let life become happier
This New Year!

May the New Year give you a fairy tale
And life will shine with lights,
And tenderness, and love, and affection
They will become your companions!

What else do you need for happiness?
What could a girl want?
Just to look with admiration
Men could accompany!

My dear --NAME--!
Happy New Year, dear, to you!
Let him whisper into your beautiful ear
Angel, only kind words!

Let the crunch of New Year's snow
All good things will come into your home,
Always smile from success
Which will certainly come to you tomorrow!

Happy New Year to you, --NAME--,
Celebrate merrily, have fun!
Let this picture please you,
Don't be shy, go to success!

On a quiet morning you will wake up.
Open your eyes a little.
You just smile in response to me,
After all, these are not necessary words.

Snow flies quietly
There is a Christmas tree in the corner
Wake up, darling!
Happy New Year, my baby!

Let love caress you
New Year will give light
So that you, my dear
Been around for many years!

Every day with you is like a fairy tale!
Every evening is magic!
I wish you a sea of ​​affection
Let happiness enter the soul.

Let your wish come true
In a fairy tale, at New Year's hour!
Let this moment last
Not for a day - for life for us!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to a girl

May this New Year's Eve
You will be more beautiful than everyone around you!
In winter I wish summer in my heart,
Spring love - real!

There is no need to be sad on New Year's Day,
What I didn't want to do...
Those who are faithful are nearby,
I want to fuse the rest!

Appreciate and remember everything in yourself,
That I was born for happiness.
Let it be cozy in the house,
And there is always spring in my soul!

Happy New Year greetings to your beloved girlfriend

Darling, on New Year's Day
I wish you everything, everything
How can you amaze and conquer,
But in general, I wish you a better life!

God sent you to me on my way,
So that one day I realize -
Kindred souls exist
After all, I met one such...

May the New Year come,
It won't bring you any worries
Buy outfits, gifts,
Be a nymph, not a cook!

Happy New Year greetings to a girl in prose

Wish yourself something unreal this New Year and expect miracles! They happen in the life of everyone who believes in them, childishly naive and trusting! Santa Claus lives in many of us, which means there are a million chances to make your dream come true!

In the New Year, I wish you constant updates for the better in your relationship with your loved one, increased income and wasteful chic without consequences for your wallet! You are worth the best, don't keep your desires within limits!

Such a beautiful girl
I want to wish:
May everything come true in the New Year!
Seriously, I'm not kidding.

Your eyes are beautiful
Let them shine with happiness
And your cheeks are cute
They are burning with joy.

Let Santa Claus give you gifts
will bring more
Under the beautiful Christmas tree
Happy New Year for you.

In this endless world
Be cheerful and carefree
Amazing and sweet
Interesting and happy.

Like the Snow Maiden - funny,
Like a snowflake - fragile, glorious.
That's what you are, I know.
Happy New Year!

Never stop being as sweet, wise, beautiful and incredibly patient. Let what you want become yours, and let everything you achieve multiply. And even if something goes wrong, remember, you have me. Don’t be discouraged, and let all adversity fade in the radiance of your magical smile. Happy New Year, my love!

Let it happen in the New Year
Everything I've always dreamed of.
May you be lucky all year long
Luck may not change.

So that life is full of love
And just girlish happiness,
And the stars helped with this,
And everything happened overnight.

And you will remember this year,
Like the best year of your entire life,
And moving on to next year
It will be completely flawless.

Happy new year, dear,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let it be in the gift that is under the tree,
You will find not a brooch, not a hairpin,
And three most cherished dreams,
Let them become real.
Kindness, warmth, love and affection!
Let life be like a fairy tale!

Be healthy and rich
And happy, and very glad.
And be as before, so always
Smart, beautiful and sweet!

I wish you to be cheerful forever.
Love, endless luck,
Beautiful life, magic
And in the New Year, and forever!

When the New Year comes,
All the people are walking noisily.
I congratulate you too,
I wish you fun and joy!

I wish you to always be beautiful
And of course, be happy.
Love, dream and have fun
And achieve a lot in life!

For a beautiful girl like you
On New Year's Day I wish you a good fairy tale,
Miracles, charm, beauty,
Huge love, tenderness and affection!

Flickering toys, lights
Let them quietly open the door in happiness,
Freed from everyday shackles,
And let it feel warm and joyful to your heart!

I wish you many gifts
And happy, bright, bright days!
May the New Year fulfill your dreams
And your heart will be filled with joy.

Live without troubles and don’t be sad,
Let your soul sing with happiness.
May the year bring you luck,
Love, hope, inspiration!

May it be a beautiful year like you,
Spectacular, joyful, happy.
Let him also be generous, bright,
Rich in friends, gifts.
I wish you to be inspired
Find a handsome guy, fall in love,
So that the heart sings and chirps,
And the body flew merrily.
You are young, smart, lovely,
May this year be wonderful!

You are as beautiful as a snowflake.
May love come to you
And a piece of ice will melt in your heart
On this wonderful New Year.

Let them spin around in a round dance
Full days of happiness
Let him rush towards his dreams at full speed
Life despite adversity.

Let it bring a snowy holiday
A lot of joyful troubles
May everyone's hopes come true,
And you are lucky in everything.

- the same ordinary day as everyone else, but it is our special attitude and attention to detail, joy for loved ones, the desire to brighten up gray everyday life and open a new clean page in the book of our life that turns it into something magical and joyful. And it is in our power to make this day unforgettable by congratulating family and friends from the bottom of our hearts.

Congratulations are a mandatory New Year ritual. We have already compiled a selection of New Year's greetings addressed to, in this article we give tips to those who are racking their brains on how to congratulate your wife or beloved girl in a unique and warm way on the New Year.

Happy New Year wishes to wife

To wish my beloved wife
I want good luck in the New Year,
Kiss your husband more often
And be in a good mood.

Don't know problems, don't know worries -
Let your wishes come true!
Have a Happy New Year!
Accept my declaration of love!
The happily married man pulled out a ticket -
No one has a more beautiful wife.
You, my dear, are simply the best -
Success accompanies you in everything.

May the coming New Year
It will bring you more success in life.
Stay the same with me
And smile at me more often, dear.

I wish Happy New Year to my dear and beloved life partner! You were and will always be the most beautiful, caring and gentle wife in the world for me! I love you and wish you to always feel happy!
Candles are lit and glasses are filled,
And now the clock is striking twelve,
And you and I are among earthly happiness,
There is peace, patience, comfort in my soul.

I wish you happiness in the New Year.
My wife. You are no relative to me,
Let adversity and bad weather go away,
Don’t let the blizzard howl in your soul.

This night I will give it as a gift,
My congratulations to you with all my heart,
It is very soft and a little sweet.
It will shake off the accumulation of worries from your soul.

My dear and beloved wife, I congratulate you on the New Year! I promise to come home on time for the next year, enjoy your friends and spoil you with gifts! I love you and I promise to love all the many years that we will meet together!

Happy New Year, my wife!
Happy New Year, dear, dear!
I walked around the forests and seas,
I dived into the lake, into the river to the bottom,
Jumped into the abyss
From the pointed rocks,
Been to such “extremes”, God -
I’ve been looking for “half” for a long time!..
And he found it - the most beautiful of all, the youngest!
Let's forget sadness, sadness, misfortune,
Let's be friends forever with laughter.
May there be goodness, warmth and light in the year
Happiness will be brought with great success!

New Year's greetings to your beloved girlfriend

Beautiful girl, kind, sweet,
I want to make you the happiest!
I want to wish you good luck,
There are no problems and worries in this life.

Let the New Year give you whatever you want -
Wonderful days and gorgeous nights,
Just hug me more often
And everything will be the way you want - you know.
New Year's wishes for my beloved -
Everything is from the heart, simple and sincere.
Let your expectations come true
And your love will be true.

Magic spells
The blizzard will swirl and sweep away,
Life will be generous to you with kindness,
And all the bad things will fade away.

They say New Year means a new life. And I want to wish you that you take all the good things from last year with you and only increase it. I am glad that you and I have such a warm, tender relationship. I want to say that you are very dear to me. I hope the New Year will be as wonderful as the last one, in which I met you, my love. May the coming 2020 bring us happiness, smiles, joy and love!

The most beautiful girl in the world!
You are slim and beautiful! And you know it!
How sometimes the eyes sparkle with joy,
Today I wish you a Happy New Year.

I wish you passion, joy, goodness,
Golden guy, tenderness, warmth,
Find your meaning in life and follow it,
May you not encounter any obstacles on your way.

I also wish you fun and love,
And don't forget about feminine pride,
Let tender words caress you,
Happy New Year, dear, congratulations!
You and I are often at the edge of the Universe,
We go to the metropolis, to the mountains and to the sea,
You are the only one, in good times and in bad times,
I can’t find anyone better in the world!

And even if we don’t live with you for many years,
Dear girl, there is no one more beautiful than you,
You're positive! Always be like this!
Stay modest for many years to come!

It’s easy for me to go through life with you,
Happy New Year, honey, now you're far away,
But I believe that soon you will come and we will come again,
Let's go hand in hand to the ends of the earth with you!

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