The busiest MCC stations. New metro scheme - MKZD

What is known about one of the largest transport projects in Russia

On September 10, City Day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin launched traffic on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). More than 100 billion rubles have been invested in one of the most ambitious Russian transport projects, but much has not yet been completed. RBC presents a dossier on MCC

High-speed electric train "Lastochka" at a test run along the MCC, September 2, 2016 (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

1. What we launched

On City Day, the Moscow Central Circle, a 54 km long urban railway, accepted passengers for the first time. There will be a total of 31 stations on the MCC (the exact name is transport hub, TPU). 17 of them will be connected to metro stations, including at 11 stations covered galleries will be built from the MCC to the metro; The mayor's office calls such crossings “dry feet.” There will be nine transfer points from the MCC to commuter trains (without integration with the ring, only the Kiev commuter line will remain). During rush hour, trains will appear at stations every six minutes, usual time- once every 11-15 minutes; The train will make a full circle in an hour and a half. The boards on the platforms will show the arrival time of the next train. They promise to install ports for charging gadgets at the stations.

After the launch of the Russian Railways project, the entire railway infrastructure will be transferred, and the city will delegate the ownership of platforms and transport hubs (TPU) to the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro". In the first month of operation of the MCC, travel on it will be free, then it will be possible to enter the MCC station using cards common to Moscow public transport.

Construction of an indoor gallery from the MCC to the Vladykino metro station; at the mayor’s office such crossings are called “dry feet”, July 2016 (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

2. Who invented it

The Moscow Circular Railway, connecting industrial zones on the outskirts of Moscow, began to be built in 1902. It was launched in 1908, later than planned, because due to Russo-Japanese War there were interruptions in funding. Freight transport was mainly carried out along the Moscow Railway. There were also passenger trains, but in 1934, with the development of tram traffic in the city and the start of construction of the metro, the ring was closed to people.

With the removal of most factories outside of Moscow, this freight route became unnecessary. At the end of 2007, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin signed an agreement to work on a project to repurpose the freight ring into a passenger line. It was planned that all work would be completed in 2010-2011. The deadlines were postponed several times. Construction actually began in 2012.

3. What will the trains be like?

About 30 trains will run along the MCC. The “city trains” used are “Swallows”, developed by Siemens at the request of Russian Railways to transport passengers during the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. The current head of the Moscow Metro, Dmitry Pegov, led the project to launch “Swallows” in Sochi when he worked for Russian Railways.

The train has five carriages (with the possibility of expanding to ten). All “Swallows” for the capital’s ring will be equipped with Wi-Fi and air conditioning; there will be special places for bicycles, which, unlike the metro along the MCC, can be transported unassembled. Each “Swallow” will have two toilets.

High-speed electric train "Lastochka" in the operational depot, November 2015 (Photo: Sergey Gusev)

4. How much did you spend?

By the time the MCC was launched, more than 100 billion rubles had been spent on the project. The main investor was JSC Russian Railways: the state-owned company invested 74 billion rubles in the construction of railway infrastructure. (they planned to spend 54 billion rubles, but the demolition of facilities and the transfer of communications was unexpectedly expensive, a source well familiar with the construction of the MCC told RBC).

The Moscow government spent 19 billion rubles. for the construction of 31 ring stations and their integration with metro stations. Another 10.6 billion rubles. spent on the reconstruction of overpasses (the most expensive was the Volokolamsk overpass, it cost 5 billion rubles - the authorities had to, among other things, replace the windows in the residential buildings closest to the overpass with noise-proof ones).

The city will annually pay Russian Railways 3.8 billion rubles. for transport services for passengers on the new ring. The parties have already entered into a 15-year contract.

Luzhniki station, July 2016 (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

In the approved project, commercial facilities - shopping and business centers, hotels - were to be built near 11 transport hubs using investors' funds. The management company OJSC Moscow Ring Railway, owned by the Moscow government, must register property rights for its own subsidiaries land under commercial construction and then auction them off to investors.

By the time traffic around the ring was launched, only one such section went under the hammer: for 1.14 billion rubles. GC "Pioneer" received a 100 percent stake in LLC "Botanical Garden" and the right to develop the territory near the transport hub "Botanical Garden". The company that is implementing the residential project “LIFE - Botanical Garden” nearby is planning to build a shopping and office center and an apart-hotel there.

“All other sites for the construction of transport hubs will be implemented during 2016-2017. We expect to earn at these auctions a minimum of 14 billion rubles, a maximum of 19 billion rubles, depending on the market situation. That is, we will return almost all the funds that the city invested in the construction of the technological part of the stations,” says RBC’s interlocutor at the Moscow City Hall, adding that the construction of the transport hub will give impetus to the development of the territories around the MCC by developers. According to RBC's interlocutor, by the end of 2016 it is planned to put up for auction four or five objects, the rest - next year.

Construction of the Botanical Garden station, July 2016 (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

6. What will a new ring give?

“By 2020, when all projects for integration with the metro and trains are completed, projects for shopping and office centers are implemented, we plan that passenger traffic will amount to 300 million people a year,” a source told RBC in the Moscow mayor’s office, adding that the same number of passengers per year carried by the existing Circle Line of the metro. In the meantime, the new ring will transport about 75 million people a year, the mayor’s office calculated.

The launch of the MCC will relieve congestion on the metro, especially in the center, and will increase accessibility to a number of areas where there were no metro stations until now, the mayor’s office is confident. The head of the capital's Construction Complex, Marat Khusnullin, shared estimates that the busy Circle metro line will become 15% freer - people will not have to travel from the outskirts to the center to change to the Circle line. The MCC website provides calculations: the trip for the average metro passenger will be 20 minutes shorter.

Researcher at the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Egor Muleyev emphasizes the ambiguity of such calculations: according to him, the benefits of launching the MCC are like bicycle paths in Moscow: for some it will really make it easier to travel, but for many it will not change anything.

“The ring is inserted without full-fledged transfer nodes. I seriously doubt that even coming years it will be in demand by passengers to the extent that the authorities are counting on,” believes Pavel Zyuzin, senior researcher at the Center for Research on Transport Problems in Megacities at the Higher School of Economics. — There are questions regarding transfers on many radii. They are located at a distance of 500-700 m from MCC stations.”

Ride-and-ride parking will appear near four MCC stations this year (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

However, according to the expert, the new ring will be very useful for residents of certain areas of Moscow. “On the Yaroslavskoe highway in the direction of Bogorodskoye and Lefortovo, it will ease the situation. It will relieve some of the northwestern sectors, Koptevo and other areas,” the expert lists. “But as for the south, the MCC is very close to the Circle Line of the metro, and the difference between them is small.” Also, the launch of the MCC, in his opinion, will make routes easier for residents of certain cities in the Moscow region, especially for passengers traveling from Mytishchi and Korolev.

What we didn't have time to do

By the day of the official launch of the MCC, the builders did not have time to prepare seven stations for operation. Their list was published by TASS, citing a source in the Moscow government. The first trains of the ring will pass without stopping “Koptevo”, “Panfilovskaya”, “Sorge”, “Khoroshevo”, “Izmailovo”, “Andronovka” and “Dubrovka”. RBC confirmed this information own source in the project management company OJSC Moscow Ring Railway.

A month and a half before City Day, a high-ranking RBC source in the Moscow government claimed that “at launch, all infrastructure will be ready, all platforms at 31 stopping points.” “This is a must-have, and there is no doubt that it will be ready for launch,” RBC’s interlocutor assured. However, on September 2, First Deputy Head of the Department of Transport Gamid Bulatov told reporters that the opening of seven MCC stations on the day of the start of traffic on the ring “is in question,” promising that a week before grand opening will be announced full list stations that will begin operating immediately.

But the official list of ready stations was not announced on Thursday, when solemn ceremony There were less than two days left. RBC's source at the Moscow Ring Railway OJSC reported that the final decision on the number of stations that will be available to passengers on the first day of operation of the MCC will be made only a day before the opening of the ring. At the same time, the interlocutor said that seven out of 31 stations “definitely won’t open,” and about two more “there are doubts.” “We didn’t have time, not everything has been installed yet.” necessary equipment. Maybe we’ll open 24 stations at once, and then close two for a while for finishing touches,” a RBC source at the Moscow Circle Railway told RBC, adding that by the end of the year, “all MCC stations will definitely be accessible to passengers.”

Most of the indoor galleries are not ready for transition to platforms for metro trains and three transfer points from the MCC to the metro. But these facilities, unlike the stations themselves, were initially planned to be built after the launch of traffic on the MCC.

Which trains won't go?

Initially, other trains with a bird's name - "Orioles" - were supposed to run on the MCC. Tender for organizing the movement of electric trains along the Moscow Circle for 15 years for 57 billion rubles. won by TsPPK - operator commuter trains, co-owned by the vice-mayor of Moscow, head of the transport department Maxim Liksutov. In an interview with RBC, Liksutov stated that CPPC won the tender due to a more favorable offer for Moscow, and insisted that he himself, after moving to the civil service, did not monitor the business of his former companies. “Three companies took part in the competition, including Russian Railways themselves, which offered less favorable conditions for the city and therefore lost,” Liksutov explained to RBC in February 2015.

The TsPPK company planned to conclude a contract with Transmashholding (the company’s co-owners are Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev; until 2011, Liksutov was also a co-owner of this company) for the production of Ivolga electric trains. The trains were positioned as competitors to the “Swallows”, while being entirely made from domestic materials and 40-50% cheaper.

But Ivolga was unable to pass certification, and without it it was impossible to deliver trains of this model to the MCC. A representative of JSC VNIIZhT, which is testing the prototype Ivolga, refused to tell RBC why the train was not certified.

In January 2016 - a few months after Oleg Belozerov became the head of Russian Railways instead of Vladimir Yakunin - it turned out that the rights to service passengers and the 56 billion contract would also go to Russian Railways. As a source in Russian Railways explains, Oleg Belozerov considered the situation unfair for Russian Railways: “It turned out that the state built with its own money the entire infrastructure on which Liksutov’s business partners would earn money, who would supply trains and receive money for transportation. In mid-January 2016, TsPPK unexpectedly decided to assign the contract for transport services to Russian Railways.”

City electric train EG2TV "Ivolga" (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

General Director of CPPC Mikhail Khromov said that the initiators of the assignment of the agreement were Russian Railways and city authorities - “they were convincing enough for us to agree.” Officially, Russian Railways also admit that they received the contract after “multilateral consultations with the participation of the Moscow government.” Now Russian Railways will transport MCC passengers on their Lastochkas.

RBC's source in the Moscow government, however, claims that the Orioles can still return to the project. “If the Ivolga passes certification, then Russian Railways will be able to replace the Lastochka with it,” says RBC’s interlocutor. — It is not stated in our contract that for all 15 years there will be only “Swallow”. In my opinion, this is a question of the efficiency of rolling stock, cost of maintenance, etc.”

In the end, TsPPK only received a contract for 2.1 billion rubles. to organize the sale of tickets and the work of controllers for a period of four years. However ticket system The new ring will also be fully integrated into the system of urban, rather than suburban, transport, which is the specialty of the Center for Transport.


It is a railway ring laid along the outskirts of Moscow. In the diagram, the small ring of the Moscow Circle railway looks like a closed line. Construction of the ring was completed in 1908. Before 1934, the railway was used for freight and passenger transportation, and after 1934 - only for freight. It is a connecting link between ten federal railways departing from the city in all directions. Since September 2016, it has also been used for intracity passenger transportation related to the functioning of the Moscow Metro, which was reflected in the layout of the Moscow Ring Railway stations.

Modern reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Railway

From 2012 to 2016, the Moscow Ring Railway was adapted for domestic passenger transportation, which led to significant change Moscow Ring Road schemes. The work was carried out on federal funds, as well as with funds from JSC Russian Railways, private companies and the Moscow government. During the reconstruction process, the railway tracks were replaced with new ones, major renovation bridges, stopping points for electric trains were built, and another track was laid for freight transportation. At the end of 2016, the work was almost completed.

A total of 31 stopping stations were reconstructed (the diagram of the Moscow Ring Railway with stations under construction is presented above). Each station had its own individual project and platforms were built.

Launch of the first electric trains

The first launch of an electric train in order to check the readiness of the railway was carried out in May 2016 on one of the sections of the Moscow Ring Railway, and in July 2016, after completion of construction, along the entire length of the railway. The main electric train running along the route was the ES2G Lastochka. Conventional Russian-made electric trains were also used. With their use, some problems arose related to the discrepancy between the width of cars and electric locomotives of classical models with the distance between the tracks and the platform on the Moscow Circle. As a result, the platform at Streshneva station even had to be shifted a little to the side.

The first passenger electric train passed along the line on September 10, 2016, after which passenger trains began to operate regularly. The movement of freight trains was reduced, especially during the daytime, when electric trains are actively running. The line is also used for the movement of individual long-distance trains that bypass Moscow. The movement of steam-powered excursion trains was stopped.

Infrastructure and layout of the Moscow Ring Railway

The railway ring of the Moscow Circle includes 2 main railway lines classified as electrified. There is another third railway track running along the north of the ring, which is used for freight transport. The total length of the railway ring is 54 km. Some sections of other tracks are still not electrified.

The Moscow Ring Railway scheme is designed in such a way that it has connecting branches that allow trains to be moved between the ring railway and the radial branches of the federal railway routes. They consist of either one or two tracks (see the MKR transfer diagram). Not all of them are equipped with feeding power lines. There are branches from the freight tracks of the railway ring to the objects industrial production. There is also one branch for communication with the tram depot.

In total, the MKR scheme has 31 operating platforms for domestic passenger transportation and 12 stations for freight purposes. There is 1 tunnel 900 m long.

Stations and platforms on the Moscow Ring Road map

The stations were founded in 1908 and were originally used to handle freight traffic. Between them there were separate stops.

In the inner part of the railway ring there are now unused classic stations with station-type buildings built at the beginning of the 20th century. Previously passing along them railway track used for passenger transport. Modern stations can be seen on the map of the Moscow Ring Railway with stations under construction.

On the outside of the Moscow Ring Railway, entrances for parking freight trains and buildings intended for railway work were built. All this is used to form freight trains.

In 2017, the total number of stations in use (see the map of Moscow Ring Railway stations) was 12 units. Of these, 4 are located on sections of branches from the Moscow Ring Road. These include: Novoproletarskaya, Northern Post.

There are 31 stopping points for city electric trains on the railway ring. These stations are passenger platforms that were built between 2012 and 2016 during the modern reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Railway. Unlike stops belonging to the radial main lines of the railway, these have the status of intracity and are equipped accordingly. They operate as public transport stops with single tickets for them.

Bridges on the Moscow Ring Road

There are a total of 6 operating bridges, 4 of which cross the Moscow Circle. The Moscow Ring Railway also crosses 32 highways and railways.

Traffic along the Moscow Ring Road

On this moment traffic on the Moscow Ring Railway is carried out by electric trains ES2G “Lastochka”. It consists of 5 passenger carriages modern style, and with the coupled version - from 10 cars. In the future, the use of other locomotives (domestic production) is not excluded.

Diesel locomotives are still mainly used for freight transportation. However, the main railway lines are now electrified and allow the use of electric locomotives for transit movement. Thanks to this, it is possible to move passenger and freight trains from one transit radial railway line to another.

The Moscow Central Ring MCC is a global and largest last years a project related to urban planning in Moscow. The Moscow Central Ring MCC is another type of public transport in Moscow. The MCC is called the road of the future, capable of inhaling new life to industrial areas of Moscow.

The Moscow Central Ring is an urban ring railway that will connect the capital's subway, railway and ground transport in Moscow into a single transport system. An important function of the MCC will be to relieve the burden on public transport, in particular the metro. There is a version that the construction of the MCC is an alternative to the construction of another ring line metro. It has already been calculated that with the full implementation of the MCC system, the average Muscovite will reduce the average travel time to work by twenty minutes. Some routes will become highly optimized. For example, from the Vladykino metro station to the Botanical Garden station you now need to travel ten stations and make two transfers. new system- it will be one stop and the travel time will be three minutes. There are many such examples.

Moscow Central Circle photo:

Over time, at seventeen stations it will be possible to change to the metro, at thirty-one stations - to ground transport (bus), and transitions at ten stations will also allow you to change to commuter trains. Moreover, by 2018, all transitions will be classified as “dry feet”, that is, you will not need to go outside to transfer. Even numbers are given: the average time for a transfer will be twelve minutes, and the minimum will be only thirty seconds.

History of the Moscow Central Circle

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the orders of the Tsar (Nicholas II), the Circular Railway was built around Moscow. The task at that time was to establish uninterrupted and timely movement of cargo flows, because the main burden of transporting goods throughout the city districts at that time fell on ordinary cab drivers who ran from stations throughout Moscow. Radial railway lines did not solve the problem of constantly increasing freight traffic, and on the railways of that time, freight trains were forced to stand in line for several hours. During the design and construction, a unified design format for the buildings of the Circular Railway stations was even developed; everything looked very decent and fit into the general style of the city. The construction was personally supervised by the Moscow Governor General. The circular railway was used to transport goods; the passengers were mainly workers from adjacent factories. Since 1934, the Circular Railway began to be used only for the transportation of goods. Gradually, entire industrial zones formed around the railway, some of them in Lately used as warehouses or rented out for a variety of purposes. The general condition of Moscow industrial zones was also not satisfactory. The launch of traffic along the Moscow Central Circle will also stimulate the development of many former industrial zones; they will be integrated into the overall architectural and economic system cities.

Where is the Moscow Central Circle?

Moscow is becoming closer to remote areas. The MCC passes through twenty-six districts of Moscow. In some areas where there is no metro, new MCC stations will appear - Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Kotlovka, Beskudnikovsky, Koptevo, Nizhegorodsky, Metrogorodok. In addition, the Moscow Central Ring covers the so-called academic ring on which famous universities of the capital are located.

Moscow Central Circle diagram

On September 10, 2016, Moscow City Day, the first stage of the launch of the Moscow Central Circle took place. Our President was the first passenger. The first stage of the MCC has opened - twenty-six stations, at ten of them you can change to the metro. By the end of the year, the plan is to launch the second stage and seven more stations. There will be thirty-one stations in total. Commercial real estate, shops, cafes, and shopping complexes will appear in the nearest industrial zones. The MCC will be designated on the Moscow metro map as the 14th metro line.

Among the unusual things, passengers will see trees, phone chargers, and benches. Entrance is through the turnstiles, it is possible to enter with a bank card.

High-speed Lastochka trains will run on the MCC. Each train has five cars. The average wait time is six minutes. For comfortable travel, all trains will have toilets, sockets, Wi-Fi, an air conditioning system, video cameras, and ramps for passengers with limited mobility. Special mounts for bicycles are also provided. To open the carriage door for entry and exit, passengers will need to press a button that is active after the movement has completely stopped.

About financing of the Moscow Central Circle MCC project

Half of the funds for the construction and reorganization of the Moscow Railway were allocated from the federal budget, the second half from the Moscow treasury.

To attract Muscovites and city guests to use the new type of public transport, the Moscow authorities made free travel on the Moscow Central Circle for one month from September 10, 2016. This action is intended to show and prove the convenience and efficiency of the new road system.

Moscow Central Circle tolls

Travel along the Moscow Central Circle should be economical, namely: without transfers to other types of transport - there is a one-time payment. If the journey is combined with the metro, then, suppose, the passenger pays for the passage when entering the metro, then pays nothing - transfers to one of the MCC stations, then again pays nothing, returns to the metro and goes out into the city. There is some clarification. When entering the metro for the second time, you just need to attach the ticket used at the first entry to the turnstile; if less than ninety minutes have passed since the first entry, you do not need to pay; if more, sorry, but here you will have to pay for entry again.

Moscow Central Circle, what are the rates and what about tickets? Tariff system The MCC will be identical to the metro. Metro tickets, which can be used according to the above scheme, must be purchased no earlier than September 1, 2016. If the travel ticket was purchased earlier, it must be reprogrammed at the metro ticket office. People on the subway talk about this all the time now. The most hassle-free way is to use the “TROIKA” card; there is no need to restart or reconfigure anything. Possibility of use bank card They promise by the end of 2016 with the launch of the second stage.

About pleasant things

During the first free month - for sure, then - it is still unknown, but MCC passengers, sitting in comfortable chairs, will be able to listen to the story of the electronic guide about the history of the MCC and the sights of the city that flash outside the window.

The unification of all types of public urban transport into a single system in Moscow is so far the only example in Russia. But it is far from the only one in the world. In particular, many cite as an example a similar system in Berlin, Barcelona and other European cities. The unified and coordinated public transport scheme "MCC Scheme" is already included in the new Moscow metro scheme.

You have probably already noticed the new scheme that appeared in the Moscow metro on December 21, 2015. The diagram now has a new ring with an abbreviation that is not quite usual for the metro. MKR - Moscow Circle Railway- another ring in Moscow, which is designed to relieve the ever-growing passenger traffic of the capital.

Why is the railway line diagram present on the metro diagram?

This is explained simply. The Moscow Ring Railway, scheduled to be launched in the fall of 2016, will form a single transport hub with the Moscow Metro. Another type of ground transport will appear in Moscow - city ​​train, closely linked to the metro infrastructure and existing railway stations. This type of public transport is widely used in major cities Worldwide.

Of the 31 MKR stations, at 17 it will be possible to transfer to the metro, practically without going outside, since the passages connecting the railway stations and metro stations will be covered and form a single transport terminal - Transport Interchange Hubs (TPU). At 10 stations there will be transfers to other railway stations.

The fare will be the same as on the metro. You won't have to pay anything extra when transferring.

Trains of a new type from 5 to 10 cars with a convenient vestibuleless design will run on the Moscow Ring Railway. The estimated capacity will be at least 1,250 people. The head carriages will be equipped with seats for persons with disabilities disabilities and a system for boarding and disembarking people in wheelchairs.

The trains will also have WI-FI with free internet, tinted windows, information boards on different languages, climate control system. The head car will have a toilet for passengers and the locomotive crew.

Parking lots will be created at the stations for motorists transferring to electric trains.

Well, in conclusion the best part - planned traffic interval is 6 minutes!

January 2016

The Moscow Central Circle MCC will be the official name of the new transport system opening today. Adjustments have been made to train intervals - 15 minutes, and during peak hours - 6 minutes. Of the 31 stations, 26 are opening today - Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Rostokino, Belokamennaya, Rokossovsky Boulevard, Lokomotiv, Izmailovo, Shosse Entuziastov, Andronovka, Nizhegorodskaya, Novokhokhlovskaya, Ugreshskaya, Avtozavodskaya, ZIL, Verkhniye Kotly, Krymskaya, Gagarin Square, Luzhniki, Kutuzovskaya, Business center, Shelepikha, Khoroshevo, Streshnevo, Baltiyskaya, Likhobory, Okruzhnaya. The remaining 5 - Dubrovka, Zorge, Sokolinaya Gora, Koptevo and Panfilovskaya - will open at the end of the year.

MCC is the Moscow Central Circle, new round in the development of the capital's transport infrastructure. Convenient and fast transport for moving, especially to those microdistricts where there are no metro lines. You can deal with complex transport interchanges on a special website that has all the necessary information.

Metro and MCC map

It's a little lower on the page. Before this, you can read the text part where you can find out about the fare, stations and operating hours. The diagram itself is very detailed and convenient to work with. To zoom in, click on the map.

MCC and metro map

Here you can see the metro map with all the interchange nodes, as well as the MCC map with stops and transfers. Below is a readable legend of all symbols, thanks to which working with the circuit becomes even easier.

Symbols on the diagram

The map shows:

  • branches and stations of the Moscow metro;
  • MCC stops;
  • railway and bus stations, airports;
  • intercept parking.

Scheme of the MCC with interchange hubs for suburban transport

This is the following diagram of the MCC, which shows the places of transfers and the route of suburban electric trains. The map indicates current and planned transfer points between the MCC and suburban trains.

Transfer scheme for the MCC and suburban electric trains

The signage and interchange stations are divided into three commissioning phases:

  • Stage 1 – September 2016;
  • Stage 2 – end of 2016
  • Stage 3 – 2018.

Information on transfer actions is reflected in great detail, from the distance and approximate time for transfer to the indication additional information by station type.

Information about transfer stations

Plans for the development of this transport and the location of new transfer stations are also indicated.

Diagram of interchange hubs between the MCC and NGT

This diagram shows connections with ground urban transport. Everything is very informative and detailed here you can see for each transfer station:

  • type of ground transport;
  • transport route;
  • movement interval.

Fragment of a map diagram of interchange hubs of the MCC and ground urban transport

The average time to a particular station or route is written near each station. The main transport facilities (stations, airports) are indicated. Working with the map is simple, but lacks more interactivity.

This information will be very useful for both city guests and residents of the capital. Convenient schemes are worth keeping them on mobile phone and use it to move around the city. This will significantly reduce travel time and find calmer and more convenient travel options. This is especially important during rush hour and Friday crowds.

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