The easiest way to draw a rose. How to draw a rose step by step with a pencil for children, in a vase, with gouache for beginners, etc.: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

Rose is the most famous flower in the world. He managed to gain such popularity with his aroma and his appearance. A combination of tenderness and menacing thorns. A gift in the form of cut flowers does not long remind one of its giver and quickly loses its valuable properties of kindling feelings and not allowing one to get lost in the everyday routine.

Therefore, it is worth trying to depict one or several copies. But how to draw a rose step by step to get a beautiful bouquet? Then you can purchase beautiful frame- and the gift will please the thief of your heart much longer.

Materials for successful drawing

To draw well and calmly, you need to prepare in advance necessary materials. It would be good to try several drawing methods. For example, pencil and watercolor, pastel and gouache. Perhaps, using some technique, you will be able to create real miracles on paper, and your bunny will have a certain reason for pride and envy of her girlfriends or acquaintances.

Method for testing strength

We take passionate feelings, a pencil and a sheet of paper. Now look how easy it is to draw a rose:

  1. Draw a vertical curved line, this will be the stem. To it add a ball at the top and an oval along the diameter of the ball a few centimeters from the bud.
  2. Connect the oval and the ball with smooth curved lines so that your drawing looks like a champagne glass.
  3. Add two curved lines on the sides of our glass, they will become separate petals.
  4. In the oval, draw a curl approximately like that of a snail, only half as long. This will give you the appearance of many petals in your bud.
  5. Now draw the outer petals, starting from two curved lines. All that remains is to draw a couple of leaves on the stem and make hints of thorns.

The last stage is to free the main drawing from the side lines. Your rose is ready.

Here is another example showing how to draw a rose step by step.

  • Draw a vertical line, preferably along a ruler. This is needed to support the drawing.
  • Now we begin to draw leaves and thorns, starting from the line.
  • At the top we draw a receptacle of small leaves. Your bud will start from there. To do this, draw 3 teardrop-shaped petals, with a wide part in the receptacle, and add hints of the core to them.

All that remains is to remove the extra touches - and the flower is ready.

Two rose buds

Try drawing two buds, see how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step or two flowers. This method is also extremely easy to understand. Perseverance and ardent feelings are the best helpers in this matter.

This pattern is more delicate and closed. It seems to symbolize you as a single whole, and your feelings have not yet opened, like the buds of these roses.

  • Sketch a couple of circles, one intersecting the other, about a quarter of the way across.
  • In one, make an artistic curl, as in the first method, but more elongated. And in the second, cut off the quarter with a line with a smooth bend, and also a curl.
  • Draw the centers of our buds. This can be done by eye, however you like. Petals of beautiful flowers will depart from them. They are pointed and look in opposite directions.
  • Now draw the beginning of the stems and a couple of leaves at the base and erase the auxiliary lines.

The drawing is ready.

Rosebud ready to bloom

Roses come in many shapes and colors. One of the most attractive forms of a flower is the moment it is ready to open. See how to draw a rose with a pencil and enjoy the process.

Start by marking the stem and bud. Now add leaves and petals. Then draw more carefully the significant details of the flower, such as the large outer petals.
Move on to drawing the core of the bud and detail the parts of the stem, leaves and thorns. Don't forget about the sharp tips of the leaves.

That's all. Your rose is ready and can be painted in bright colors.

The most famous and sought after flower at all times is the rose. It is not surprising that there is often interest in how to draw a rose. After all, it is given as a gift for various holidays, depicted in illustrations on greeting cards etc. This can be easily explained, because despite the sharp thorns, the rose has an incredibly pleasant smell and exquisite appearance. Count a large number of types and forms of petals of this flower, but today in my step by step lesson, we will learn to draw a standard rose. No matter what the drawing will be depicted with a simple pencil, the sight of a beautiful flower does not lose its power.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First of all, we create the shape of the future flower, namely, we draw a circle:

Photo 2. Let's draw another shape in the middle of the circle. In its shape it will resemble a grain:

Photo 3. We begin to draw the middle of the rose. In the center, the petals fit very tightly to each other, so let’s outline their peeking tips:

Photo 4. On the right we add a petal. Its upper part will have a sharp end. Don't forget this considering all the petals. Please note that the growth of the petal begins from the central round shape:

Photo 5. On the left we will draw another petal, and also outline a shadow on it. It is located at the base:

Photo 6. Now let's draw the petal on top. It is located between the two petals and will resemble a slightly square shape:

Photo 7. We continue to add the petals of our rose. This time we will draw small curved petals on the left and bottom:

Photo 8. The outermost petals will be the largest of the entire flower. We make the ends sharp and the shape a little square:

Photo 9. We complete the construction of the rose. It’s not scary if the ends of the petals slightly extend beyond the previously outlined circle. After all, this flower does not have strictly defined boundaries:

Photo 10. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines:

Photo 11. We begin to apply a shadow to the middle of the rose. We make strokes from the place of petal growth to the top:

Photo 12. Let's draw the edges of the petals and the center, outline their clear shape:

Photo 13. From the middle we continue to cast a shadow on the nearby petals. The place where the petals grow will always be darker than the edges:

Photo 14. We will draw a shadow where the petals grow, and also add a little along the edge. This technique allows you to make the drawing more voluminous:

Photo 15. We continue to add shadow to the remaining petals, mainly to the right side of the rose:

Photo 16. We finish working on the shadow on the flower. Left side make the petals darker than the rest, because the light falls in to a greater extent on right:

Drawing is not only an art, but also great way relaxation. Drawing is useful for people at any age. With its help, you pour out your emotions onto a sheet or canvas, thereby gaining peace of mind. Quite often the desire to draw arises spontaneously, and we will give you ideas of what you can draw and how to do it. Now we’ll show you several ways to draw a rose step by step.

Let's look at the first method of drawing a beautiful rosebud.

To do this, you only need a sheet of paper and a pencil with a hardness of B to 4B (whichever you can find).

To begin, draw the center of the bud.

After that, we arrange different petals around it. Try to copy as much as possible from the examples.

Now our rose is becoming more magnificent.

At this stage, it is time to draw the leaves for the rose. They should not be straight, try to draw them slightly bent, as in the example.

Now draw the veins on the rose leaves.

And so, we looked at the first example of how to draw a rose with a pencil. Now let's look at the second option. Now our rose will have a stem.

Let's start again by drawing the center of the rose bud, from which the different petals will extend. Try to follow the example of the shape and curve of the petals.

Now we finish drawing the bud.

And now we have a bud ready and we need to draw small leaves under it, which are located at the base of its connection with the stem.

After that, draw the stem itself with thorns.

At the end we add leaves with veins and the drawing is ready!

If the two previous options turned out to be difficult for you or you want to teach your child how to draw, then it’s worth considering another example of how to draw a rose step by step for beginners.

As you already understood, three options for drawing a rose for beginners will be shown here. Let's start with the fact that in two of them you need to draw the silhouette of a bud, and in one (which is in the middle) an already twisted bud.

Then on the first one draw two petals, on the others - draw the lines shown in the example.

Try to follow the example and then you will succeed!

We complete the buds and draw the stems.

We finish drawing with leaves on the stems. Roses are ready!

We showed you several options on how to beautifully draw a rose. Don't forget that you can always show your own imagination and add something of your own to the options we offer. Do not forget that the pencil should always be sharpened; do not press hard on it when applying the first strokes. Try to draw the approximate outlines of any objects that you draw in such a way that they can be easily erased in case of an error. Strongly draw outlines and lines soft pencil recommended at the final stage.

To learn how to draw a rose, we recommend watching a 2-minute video. Real time drawing two roses – up to 20 minutes. We wish you creative success!

Rose is the recognized queen of flowers, loved by millions of people. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of love, sung by poets, artists and great composers.

At first glance, draw beautiful rose It’s not difficult at all, although, of course, it depends on your level of preparation. However, almost everyone faces difficulties when drawing, some at the stage of creating an outline with a pencil, others at the stage of drawing shadows with paints.

How to draw a rose step by step for beginning artists will be discussed below.

Drawing a rose - step-by-step instructions for children and their parents

Stage 1. Drawing contours. To begin, draw the outlines of the future flower with thin interrupted lines. Externally, these outlines resemble a polygon. On the sides, draw 2 or 3 broken triangles - they will later become rose petals. In the center of the polygon, draw a circle without bringing its ends together (see image 1.1).

Stage 2. Draw the petals. The creative part of creating a drawing. The petals inside the outline are drawn in a chaotic order and of any size. We also advise you to depict them with thin interrupted lines, so that in the future, if necessary, you can correct the sketch without leaving marks (see image 1.2).

Having finished with the petals inside the outline, add splendor to the sketch by drawing similar petals, but outside it.

Petals can be depicted with smooth curves, curls, or rounding - as you like. Don't be afraid to experiment by periodically comparing your sketch to the template.

After the petals, move on to decorating the leaves. Give the outlined triangular contours smooth shapes, not forgetting to draw the leaves inside (see image 1.3).

Stage 3. Creating shadows with a pencil. To look natural, the painted flower does not have enough shadows. Select small areas of the drawing, which must include the side petals, the core and leaves, and create shadows on them with light dashed lines (see sketch 1.4).

The picture is ready.

How to draw a bouquet of roses in a vase

Have you learned to draw a rose using the method described above? Then you won’t find it difficult to draw a bouquet of these flowers.

Usually bouquets are depicted in vases, so we will give just such an example. To create a sketch, let's take a bouquet of three roses as a basis (see image 2.1).

Let's start drawing from the bottom flower. To create a blossoming bud, use the steps described in the "How to draw a rose" section.

In the same way, draw the remaining two buds, one slightly higher and to the right, draw the other above them (see image 2.2).

After creating the blossoming buds, move on to depicting the stems and leaves. Fill the space between the flowers with them, giving the picture volume. Pay special attention to the leaves of the lower rose, as they will hang down the vase (see image 2.3).

Now let's start drawing the vase itself. To do this, visually determine the middle of the lower bud and draw a small straight line from this point down. Draw a straight line on the right in the same way, maintaining the proportions so that the vase looks natural. Two straight lines define the neck of the vase. After drawing two arcs, create its shape. The straight line connecting the arcs will serve as the bottom of the vase (see image 2.4).

The sketch is ready. The last step is to create shadows with light shading. Try to vary the pressure on the pencil to create a natural shadow. The leaves should be shaded more dark shade, petals – light. Don't forget to shade the vase to give the image volume (see image 2.5).

The picture is ready.

How to paint a rose with watercolors

The first step to painting a flower in watercolor is creating a sketch. You can either draw it yourself or purchase a ready-made one.

Determine a palette of colors for yourself, and for painting the petals, choose two or three shades that are in harmony with each other. As you paint, apply one color first, then another. This is done to ensure a smooth transition and create a realistic picture.

Before starting work, lightly moisten the drawing with water and then begin to apply the first layer of paint to the petals, carefully painting them over. Before starting a new petal, wait until the previous one is completely dry, so as not to accidentally spoil the design (see image 3.1).

The most popular shades of flowers are pink, orange, purple, blue and cherry, mixed with each other.

When the first layer is dry, start creating shadows. To do this, identify the darkened areas (most often these are the bends of the petals and the core) and carefully add darker colors there. Then choose two or three petals for yourself and add saturation to them. Finally, don’t forget about the leaves and stem, which should also stand out in color (see image 3.2).

If desired, add a background while painting the details using a similar color palette. In this case, paints should also be applied to paper damp from water (see image 3.3.).

The picture is ready.

Having learned to draw roses on paper, many continue to improve and are eventually able to depict them even on their nails, which, of course, requires exceptional skill. If the described methods seem complicated, first try to draw the flower you like cell by cell with a pencil, pen or felt-tip pens. To do this, you will need a notebook and a drawing example, which you can either create yourself or purchase in a store.

Rose. How beautiful is this flower, personifying love and devotion! The floral symbolism of the rose goes deep into history. After all, even in ancient times, people made different ones and gave them to each other as a sign of love and respect. Thus, one given rose was equivalent to heartfelt recognition. While twelve roses, according to biblical traditions, symbolized a strong life.

This tendency to express feelings and emotions with the help of flower arrangements has survived to this day: in Paris and Rome, in Moscow and Amsterdam, instead of a thousand words, people give each other these incredibly beautiful flowers.

There are many varieties of roses, and all of them, without exception, are liked by our children. Without being imbued with the symbolic meaning, kids draw roses on postcards, while older kids make crafts and appliqués. And all because even the smallest artists are convinced that a flower of such unearthly beauty simply cannot fail to please a mother, grandmother or beloved teacher. Of course, children's first masterpieces touch with their simplicity and spontaneity, but we can help the child improve his skills and teach him how to draw roses correctly and beautifully.

Actually, this is what we will do. So, we present to your attention a master class on how to beautifully draw a rose step by step.

Option 1

First, let's look at how to easily and correctly draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil step by step.

First of all, let's prepare everything you need: Blank sheet paper, eraser, pencil.

So we figured out how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step, all that remains is to decorate it with paints or colored pencils.

Option 2

Painted flowers may be less beautiful than real ones, but not if they were drawn by children's hands. Such gifts are priceless and will never compare with even the most luxurious bouquet. So let's show the child how to draw such a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Let's prepare everything you need and get started.

Here, in fact, the sketch of our rose is ready, all that remains is to decorate it. As you can see, it turned out to be quite easy. And if you practice a little, you can easily and without any problems draw the same graceful rose step by step, both with a pencil and with paints.

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