Santa Dimopoulos - biography of the new Viagra soloist. Santa Dimopoulos - biography, information, personal life Personal life of the Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulos

Santa Dimopoulos is a Ukrainian model, world champion in fitness, Miss Ukraine Universe 2006, singer, participant in the Ukrainian project “Star Factory-3”, ex-soloist of the group.

Santa Yanisovna Dimopoulos was born in May 1987 in Kyiv. Ukrainian, Greek and Assyrian blood were mixed in her veins. Hence the exotic name and striking appearance. Father Yanis Dimopoulos and mother Lyudmila Ivanova divorced early, but dad continued to participate in raising the girl. In 2004, Santa experienced a personal loss - Yanis Dimopoulos died of cancer.

From an early age, the girl showed amazing flexibility and danced beautifully. In this regard, Santa began attending a choreographic school and managed to achieve the title of “Master of Sports” in this field.

Santa's ideal parameters and bright model appearance did not escape the attention of modeling agencies. Dimopoulos signed a contract with the capital's Karin agency. In 2006, a 19-year-old girl participated in the Miss Ukraine Universe project, where she took 3rd place.

In 2011, when Santa Dimopoulos turned 24, the girl managed to win the championship title in fitness and bodybuilding. This event took place in Bangkok, where the World Cup was held. The girl was awarded 1st place in the “Female Model Physique” category.

Glossy magazines gladly published Santa Dimopoulos's photo shoots. In 2014, by that time she had already become popular, the artist received an invitation from the publication MAXIM, for which she starred in a candid photo shoot and gave an extensive interview.

At the same time, Santa did not abandon education. In 2011, at the insistence of her mother, she received a diploma from Kyiv University and became a lawyer.


In addition to excellent plasticity, the girl also had good vocal abilities. The first stage of Dimopoulos’s singing biography began with participation in a little-known Ukrainian group, which was called “Seventh Heaven”. With members of the musical group, Santa appeared in the videos for the hits “About Love” and “Stranger”. But soon Dimopoulos left the team.

The second step up was the popular TV project “Star Factory”. The Kiev resident appeared in the 3rd season of the Ukrainian show in 2009. Here, the bright performer was noticed by the acting producer of the project. The seriousness of the project was given by the presence of influential people on the jury - producer of Russian Radio in Ukraine Sergei Kuzin, choreographer Dmitry Kolyadenko, television producer Valentin Koval, producer of the New Channel.

Dimopoulos did not last long on the TV show and left long before the finale. Konstantin Meladze had to remember Santa in December 2011, when she left VIA Gra. The Kiev resident replaced the soloist who left the band. Together with Santa, another participant of “Star Factory-3”, a finalist of the competition, appeared in the team. As part of the trio, the girl went on tours and participated in photo shoots.

But already in October of the following year, Dimopoulos left VIA Gra. In its composition, she managed to sing only one hit called “Hello, Mom!” The director shot a video for this composition that will be remembered by many.

Another song that appeared in the singer’s repertoire during this period is the duet “I Don’t Know Why,” performed together with Vasily Bondarchuk. In 2012, Santa released a video for the hit “In Joy and Sorrow,” where footage appeared in which the singer appeared together with Vladimir Samsonenko.

Santa Dimopoulos announced plans to start a solo career. And indeed, in the spring of 2013, the artist presented her debut song, called “When We Move.” The recording of the next musical composition was not long in coming - soon the hit “Running Away” appeared. To date, the singer has recorded 4 singles.

It soon became known that the former VIA Gra participant was seriously thinking about an acting career. In addition to participating in the filming of commercials for UkrSibbank and the EnerGo drink of the Biola brand, the girl decided to receive specialized acting education. In 2014, Santa announced the successful completion of the New York Film Academy.

Santa Dimopoulos, while remaining a singer, actress, and model, manages to build a business career. In 2013, the girl tried herself as an organizer of the Gold Vintage brand boutique, which she opened together with her colleague Yulia Kovaleva.

In November 2016, the artist undertook a reboot of her singing career. Together with the ex-soloists of VIA Gra, the girl became a member of a new musical group organized by producer Sergei Kovalev.

The team received the loud name “Queens”. Soon, the girls’ first single, “Why,” was released, which immediately ended up in the concert program of the Golden Gramophone award ceremony of the year and in the rotation of leading radio channels in Ukraine and Russia. The group did not last long in this composition; already in April 2017, the girls were replaced by successors.

Personal life

It is not the career, but the personal life of Santa Dimopoulos that attracts much more attention. The beauty regularly “throws brushwood” into this unquenchable fire. The first husband of the dark-skinned singer was Ukrainian showman and TV presenter Andrei Dzhedzhula. This couple was considered one of the most beautiful in the country's show business. The couple had a son, Daniel, in October 2008. As the singer noted, she dreamed of a son with that name since childhood. But soon the marriage cracked. Santa and Andrey were at odds with scandals and mutual accusations, in which fans took one side or the other.

In the fall of 2012, it became known that Dimopoulos had arranged a personal life with Kyiv businessman Vladimir Samsonenko. There was a rumor that the wedding ceremony took place in a luxurious ancient castle in Italy. Photos from the wedding were looked at and commented on by everyone for a long time. But the very next year, Santa Dimopoulos surprised with a statement that the wedding with Samsonenko was not real.

The fall of 2015 again brought fresh news about Santa. As it turned out, the girl married a wealthy Kyiv businessman Igor Kucherenko, owner of a network of sports clubs and co-owner of a large construction company. Kucherenko is also spoken of as a gold miner.

Santa Dimopoulos now

The singer maintains her physical shape at the same level. With a height of 173 cm, Santa's weight does not exceed 52 kg, and his figure parameters (89-60-90) are as close as possible to ideal. But the desire to look better did not escape the beauty. Over time, Santa became interested in lip surgery, as can be seen from the photo from “ Instagram» singers. Now the girl regularly receives hyaluronic acid injections.

At the end of January 2018, Santa Dimopoulos was in Miami in the company of his children, as reported from her own Instagram page. The artists had already communicated before - in 2009, Philip Kirkorov, Santa Dimopoulos and Tatyana Vorzheva performed the hit “Just Give” at the Star Factory concert.


  • “Hello, mom!”
  • "Touch"
  • "I Don't Know Why"
  • "When we move"
  • "In joy and in sorrow"
  • "I'm running away"
  • "Everything is OK"
  • "For what"

Santa Yanisovna Dimopoulos (Greek: Σάντα Γιάννικόρις Δημόπουλος). Real name - Chrysanthia. Born on May 21, 1987 in Kyiv. Ukrainian and Russian singer. Ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra”, lead singer of the pop group “Queens”. World Fitness Champion (2011).

Has Greek, Assyrian and Ukrainian roots.

Father - Iannis (Iannis) Dimopulos (Iannis Dimopulos).

Mother - Lyudmila Ivanovna.

Has an older sister on her mother’s side (from Lyudmila Ivanovna’s first marriage).

Her parents separated when she was very young. However, the mother and father raised the girl together. For Santa, she says, her father has always been the ideal of a real man. He took care of her and raised her. “My father never raised his voice, was gentle and at the same time had enormous authority. His incredible energy and kindness attracted people like a magnet!” she recalled. For Santa, his death from cancer in 2004 was a big blow.

From an early age she was a very artistic and active girl. She was engaged in ballroom and sports dancing, and repeatedly became a winner at various city, republican and international competitions. He has the title of Master of Sports in sports dancing.

After graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of Law of Kyiv National University, from which she graduated in 2011.

In 2006, she took third place in the Miss Universe Ukraine beauty contest.

She was professionally involved in bodybuilding and fitness, and in 2011 she won the title of world champion in Thailand.

At the same time, she improved her vocal skills. For some time she was the lead singer of the Ukrainian group “Seventh Heaven”, which she later left of her own free will.

In 2009, she became a participant in the Ukrainian project “Star Factory-3”, the music producer of which was the famous composer. Obviously, it was there that he paid attention to the talented singer and in December 2011 she became the lead singer of the popular female pop group “VIA Gra” - she came to replace the one who left the group. As part of the VIA Gra group, Dimopoulos starred in the video for the song “Hello, Mom!”

However, she did not stay long at VIA Gre - at the beginning of October 2012, she left the group to pursue a solo career.

She recorded the singles “Touch”, “When we move”, “I’m running away”, “Everything is OK” solo. The 2013 composition “When We Move,” for which a video was shot, was rotated on radio and TV, and also remained relatively high in the charts of the CIS countries.

Santa Dimopoulos - When We Move

On November 8, 2016, it was announced the formation of a new pop group produced by Sergei Kovalev, which, in addition to Santa, included two more ex-soloists of VIA Gra - and. The team was given a pretentious name - “Queens” (i.e. “Queens”).

Olga Romanovskaya, Tatiana Kotova and Santa Dimopoulos

On November 19, 2016, the premiere of the debut song “Why” took place on the “Golden Gramophone” at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. But in April 2017, it became known that all three girls left the group, and new members, led by ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Christina Kots-Gottlieb, were singing instead.

She was photographed for men's magazines, but always set the condition that she would be naked only to a certain extent.

She has experience working in the theater and played in a play. She was repeatedly offered roles in films and television series. She does not rule out a career as an actress. On this occasion, Santa said: “I like roles where I can somehow express myself. I have already been offered roles in TV series, but I refused, this is a cliché. I don’t want to play just a girl, myself or a role that is not interesting for myself.”

He realizes himself in business: in 2014, with his friend Yulia Kovaleva, they opened the “Gold Vintage” boutique in Kyiv - something between a store and a gallery. Some of the clothes in the store are vintage with their own unique history.

He is engaged in charity work - participates in the program for the social adaptation of orphans.

After the events in Crimea and Donbass, she received reproaches in Ukraine because of her performances in Russia. She replied that she stays out of politics: “I separate show business, creativity and politics. I do not perform in occupied and annexed territories, for certain people, on Russian public holidays. And in other cases: I cannot not perform in Russia at all ", of course. Now everyone performs there, but there are those who refuse. This is everyone’s choice and right, I don’t judge anyone and I ask you not to judge me for this, because creative people look at it all a little differently."

Santa Dimopoulos's height: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Santa Dimopoulos:

From 2007 to 2010, she was in a de facto marriage with Ukrainian showman Andrei Dzhedzhula. On October 29, 2008, the couple had a son, Daniel.

After breaking up, they were in a strained relationship for a long time, Dzhedzhula even accused his ex of organizing his beating. However, later, for the sake of their son, the former lovers established a relationship and on September 1, 2015, together they took the boy to the first grade of school.

On September 18, 2012, Santa got married to businessman Vladimir Samsonenko. The ceremony took place in the Italian castle of Orsini-Odescalchi. The couple divorced in 2013, and Dimopoulos later stated that their wedding was fake.

In October 2015, the singer married businessman Igor Kucherenko. The latter is a co-owner of the SportLife network of sports clubs, the construction company Novapolbc, one of the managers of the VEK Capital Partners fund, and the founder and head of the international company MPG Global, which specializes in gold mining.

Although her husband is much older than her, Santa stated that she does not feel the age difference: “My husband is 18 years older than me. This is a lot, but I don’t feel this difference because I have never been interested in being with my peers. My social circle is These are people older than me, so I feel very comfortable in this relationship. Moreover, Igor is one of those people who take great care of themselves, engage in sports and self-education every day. In this case, we complement each other, and, of course, he invests more into me. I think that with him I grew by at least ten years."

Filmography of Santa Dimopoulos:

Space Pirate Captain Harlock 3D - Emeraldas (Russian dub)

Singles by Santa Dimopoulos:

When we move
I'm running away
Everything is OK

Video clips of Santa Dimopoulos:

2012 - “Hello, Mom!” (as part of the VIA Gra group)
2013 - “When We Move”

Santa Dimopoulos – Ukrainian singer and former lead singer of the female pop group “Via Gra” in which the girl spent almost a year. Previously she was part of the group “Seventh Heaven”. Graduate of the Ukrainian project “Star Factory” (third season). In October 2011, she won the title of fitness and bodybuilding champion. At the Asian World Championships in Bodybuilding and Fitness, held in Bangkok, she received first place in the category of female model physique over 165 centimeters.

The singer was born on May 21, 1987 in Kyiv. In a Greek-Assyrian-Ukrainian family. The singer's full name is Santa Yanisovna Dimopoulos. Since childhood, she danced professionally and became a master of sports.

Personal life of Ukrainian singer Santa Dimopoulos.

Former husband of Ukrainian showman Andrey Dzhedzhuly. In marriage with whom a son, Daniel, was born on October 29, 2008. The couple separated and after several years of romance with Vladimir Samsonenko, the couple got married. The wedding ceremony took place on September 18, 2012 in the Italian castle of Orsini-Odescalchi.

Rumor has it that the reluctance of former colleagues from Via Gra to perform at wedding of Santa Dimopoulos and Vladimir Samsonenko was also one of the reasons for the girl’s departure from the team.

We wish success and love to the newlyweds. And we will wait for news and new projects.

Options Santa Dimopoulos

  • Height – 1.73 m
  • Weight – 52 kg
  • Chest volume – 88 cm
  • Waist size – 60 cm
  • Hip volume – 91 cm
  • Shoe size – 38.5


in the photo with former colleagues and members of the female pop group “Via Gra”

Anyone who loves and values ​​himself cannot help but read the following entries:

Santa Dimopoulos is a successful lady in all endeavors. She is a wonderful singer, wife and mother. A former member of the groups “Seventh Heaven” and “VIA Gra”, she is currently the lead singer of the pop group Queens. World champion in fitness and bodybuilding (2011).

Childhood and youth

Santa Dimopoulos was born into a Ukrainian and Greek family, so from childhood she absorbed the culture of both nations equally well. In addition to secondary school, the girl attended music (pop vocals) and dance (she studied professionally, received the title of Master of Sports) clubs. At school she actively participated in all events and loved the stage.

I never felt a particular craving for science and exact knowledge, but at the guidance of my parents I entered the Faculty of Law of the Kyiv National University and in 2011 received a diploma of higher education. But the work of a lawyer seemed incredibly boring to Santa, so soon after graduating from university she firmly decided to connect her life with the stage.

By the way, during her student years the girl made her debut on the podium; Moreover, in 2006 she took third place in the Miss Universe Ukraine beauty contest. And in 2011, she won a competition in Thailand and became the absolute world champion in bodybuilding and fitness.

Music career

The singer’s first group was the famous pop group “Seventh Heaven” - over several years of performances, Santa managed to give a huge number of concerts and show herself at her best. The singer herself has admitted more than once that these years are still very dear to her and she remembers them with some trepidation and sadness, despite all the disagreements that arose in the team. The girl still maintains warm relations with former members of the team. Santa left the group of her own free will and doesn’t hold grudges against anyone: “Just at one moment, I realized that I was capable of more.”

Video of the group “Seventh Heaven” (2007)

Indeed, the singer’s potential turned out to be much higher, and she was able to prove it. In 2009, she took part in the project “Star Factory-3” (Ukrainian version) under the mentorship of Konstantin Meladze. Santa was a finalist on the show; largely thanks to a memorable demonstration of talent, in December 2011 she became one of the three members of the VIA Gra trio, taking the place of the “brunette of the group” Nadezhda Granovskaya.

With each day of working in the team together with Eva Bushmina and Albina Dzhanabaeva, with each concert, the girl felt more and more confident and less than a year later, at the beginning of October 2012, she left the group to devote herself entirely to a solo career. The singer's first single was the song "When We Move".

Santa Dimopoulos – When We Move (2013)

After leaving VIA Gra, the singer tried herself as an actress, starring in a number of commercials, for example in an advertisement for Ukrsibbank (2010) and the EnerGo drink (2011).

In 2014, together with her childhood friend Yulia Kovaleva, the girl began entrepreneurial activity. The ladies opened a prestigious boutique “Gold Vintage” in Kyiv. In a relatively short period of time, the store gained great popularity among the Ukrainian elite. As the star herself noted: “The stage is, of course, very good, but I constantly want something new, bigger and unknown.”

Personal life of Santa Dimopoulos

The beauty of the rising star captivated many men. On October 29, 2008, Dimopoulos made the favorite of the Ukrainian public Andrei Dzhedzhulu a happy father, giving him a son, Daniel.

On September 18, 2012, Santa became the legal wife of successful entrepreneur Vladimir Samsonenko. The wedding ceremony took place in Italy, in a castle with the romantic name Orsini-Odescalchi. According to eyewitnesses, everything was like a fairy tale. Alas, in 2013 the marriage also broke up. No one ever found out the reasons for this - some sources indicated that the husband turned out to be unfaithful and was caught by his wife in the hot seat, and with her best friend.

Participant's name: Dimopoulos Santa Yanisovna

Age (birthday): 21.05.1987

City: Kyiv (Ukraine)

Family: married, has a son

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Read with this article:

Santa grew up in a wealthy, wealthy family of a purebred Greek and Ukrainian. Since childhood, parents have considered their daughter’s passion for the art of impersonation and vocals. Therefore, they did not wait for her to grow up; they enrolled her in music, acting, and choreography schools, which she attended with pleasure. Despite all her talents, Dimopoulos went to the capital’s university to receive higher education.

While studying in the first year of law school, Santa decided to try herself as a model. So she became one of the contenders for the title “Miss Ukraine Universe”.

All the girls who participated in the competition were very beautiful, strong, and worthy of victory. As a result, Dimopoulos took an honorable third place.

In 2011, the girl received a diploma from the Kyiv National University. In the same year, Santa took part in a world-class sports competition - “Bikini Fitness and Bodybuilding”, where she became the owner of a gold medal and the title of world-class fitness girl.

The beginning of a musical career

While studying at the institute, Santa managed to take part not only in sports, but also in creative competitions. So in 2007 she joined the popular group “Seventh Heaven”. The girl worked in the group for about two years, during which time the girl managed to become a popular singer and acquire fans. Leaving the project was very difficult for Dimopoulos, despite the fact that it was her personal decision.

In 2009, Santa was selected for the Ukrainian version of “Star Factory”, which was led by the famous producer Konstantin Meladze. Staying on the project was quite difficult, because the girl’s loved one turned out to be very jealous. He constantly monitored her and pestered her with accusing phone calls. Dimopoulos managed to reach the finals, but she did not become the winner.

In 2011, Santa already shone in the most popular, famous pop group “Via-Gra”. She quickly found a common language with, and met Dimopoulos during her “factory” life. Literally a year later, the singer left the project and went on a solo voyage. In the same year, the girl starred in two commercials: Ukrsibbank and the energy drink EnerGo.

In 2016, Santa, in the company of two ex-members of the legendary group “Via-Gra”, created their own group under the loud name “Queens”. Dimopoulos is also successfully developing his own business - a fashion boutique in the center of Kyiv.

Ukrainian novels with Greek roots

Santa's first husband was the famous Ukrainian presenter Andrey Dzhedzhula. Their relationship was followed by many media outlets, as emotional young people loved to attract attention to themselves. In 2008, their first son, Daniel, was born. Soon after his birth, Dimopoulos and Dzhedzhula broke up.

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In 2012, Santa again put on a wedding dress and walked down the aisle with capital businessman Vladimir Samsonenko. The wedding ceremony took place in a luxurious, ancient Spanish castle. However, in 2013, Dimopoulos stunned everyone with her frank admission that her marriage to Vladimir was fictitious, so the divorce became only a formality for her.

After 3 years, Santa got married again, Her chosen one was a fairly wealthy man, the owner of a network of gyms in Kyiv - Igor Kucherenko. The couple is still together, according to the singer, she is now 100% happy.

Photo of Santa

The girl has more than 450 thousand subscribers on Instagram; you can often see photos from vacations or events. Santa also posts pictures with his son and friends.

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