Script for the propaganda team competitions I am Russian. Scenario for the speech of the propaganda teams “Russia is our home.” But we are from the future

Viktor Vladimirovich Lysenko
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team “I raise the flag of my state”

I I raise the flag of my State

/Scenario of the propaganda team's speech"Donbassovets"/

Call signs sound. “My native country is wide”. On stage screen, on which a presentation of Lugansk is projected.

Speaker. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment,

Worthy sons are growing up.

Us price Andrienko Mark with the song “Where the Motherland Begins. Presentation of Lugansk on the screen

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

Andrienko Mark leaves stage. Participants at a stretched white screen

Valchuk Ilya. I glorify our Donbass!

That land is wonderful and I won’t hide it,

For many of us, that region has become

A huge house and destiny!

Shishkin Dmitry. Glory to my mining land...

May you prosper Lugansk my city...

In my soul you are the island of Paradise...

You are, as always, beautiful and young...

A girl with a violin comes in and starts playing 20 second pieces of music on the projection screen.

Shadow sketch (Projection on screen)

Valchuk Ilya. Seventy-four years ago

The houses were boiling with fire and noise.

And the soldiers walked through this hell,

Irresistible - to a higher goal.

Shishkin Dmitry. And suddenly, above the fury of attacks,

The last, frenzied delirium -

Not red over the Reichstag flag,

And the red sun of Victory!

Valchuk Ilya. Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

The centuries have tested your strength!

You have shown your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic shine of steel!

Shishkin Dmitry. Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Workers' Honor, Courage and Glory!

Readers with the screen leave stage

Soldier's dance

1st. Time influences days and events,

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

2nd. We are on the verge of a big discovery

Strong, free, rich Donbass.

3rd. Time to change obstinate promises,

But it was done here and now.

4th. People are free, ambitious,

Tomorrow of Donbass depends on us.

5th. Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

6th. Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

7th. Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, is science propaganda,

8th. Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,

Who, if not us, is free Donbass!

9th. This is our land, we were born on it,

To increase her wealth,

10th. We are responsible for the well-being of the country,

Children of the good, peaceful kingdom!

My country, my destiny, my dream, my war,

My love, my spring, and I am the wall.

The son of the fatherland, the country of soldiers, so it was a hundred centuries ago,

For a friend, a friend, for a brother, a brother, the world is holy for this.

And each one lights his own hearth,

And each one is his own raises the flag,

And our souls and hearts are bonfires

Like a beacon in the darkness.

I'm taking a step again, I'm I raise my flag,

Through the evil winds of anxiety and unbelief of the kingdom,

In this battle I am in the ranks, I believe in my truth

I I raise my flag of my state.

Propaganda brigade"Donbassovets" leaves stage

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for a speech by a school environmental propaganda team 1. Good day to the sun and birds! Good afternoon To all of you smiling faces! 2. The propaganda team of the Bashkir gymnasium No. 102 welcomes you. 3. This one.

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Summary of the speech of the environmental propaganda team “Meeting the Birds” for senior preschool age Goal: formation of an ecological worldview and an active life position of preschool children on bird protection. Tasks: reveal.

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Scenario of an educational conversation with students of the cadet corps “Symbols of the State” State educational institution of the Voronezh region "City Cossack Cadet Corps" Symbols of the state: Coat of arms, Flag.

Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Svetoforchik” (senior group) Scenario of the speech of the propaganda brigade “Svetoforchik” senior group Children march into the hall to the cheerful music. stand in front of the audience.

Scenario of the propaganda team “New Generation”

1. Hello!

All. Be healthy!

2 . The Agitation Brigade welcomes you

-All. New Generation!

3. Listen to those who can listen

Open your eyes, open your souls

We'll show you with our performance

How to be healthy


4. We are the future of our great country!

5 . We are the youth of the 21st century

1. The fate of a person is in our hands.

2 . We are for the health and happiness of the country

ALL: The best girls and boys.

3. We are for health, we are for happiness,

4 . We are against pain and misfortune!

5 . For a sober mind, for clarity of thought,

1 . For childhood, youth, for the joy of life!

- 2 . Peer, same age

Let's say boldly

Making the world a better place

- ALL.Our business!

-3. We set ourselves a goal

Promote a healthy lifestyle everywhere

ALL.This is our contribution to the flourishing of our native Fatherland.


Our youth team."

We gathered in this village

For everyone who wants to live, answer

We want to live with dignity in the 21st century

And we will answer “no” to everyone who comes to us with a needle.

Chorus. Decide your own destiny -

Russia - to serve mother

We would like to assure you that indeed

We cannot live with bad habits.

We will not part with sports soon,

But time cannot be appeased or contained,

When will our children appear on stage?

So that you don't have to solve such problems.

In the depths of the scene there is a flower, a heart begins to beat within it. The flower opens and a girl comes out of it.

Music is playing (slow, beautiful). (Voice behind the scene )

Every time I was born

Then you step on the road,

On your way of life

And you walk little by little. And it won't stop

You walk along it, winding,

Then soaring straight towards the sun,

Along the ravine, or straight But you know, it happens

Unexpectedly, suddenly,

And on this road,

There a fork appears...

(Good and evil run up to the girl. Dance)

Girl. What to do? How to be?

How should I live my life?

What should I choose, prefer?

Black: Well, can we help...

/the girl tries to drive them away/

White (good): Don't drive us away right away!

Do you want health these days?

Stock up on beets and carrots.

Black (evil): What's happened? Nevermind.

We don't need it one bit.

Here! I know - this is necessary. / takes out a Cigarette /

White: Breathe more air

Black: Don't listen, light a cigarette.

White: You eat more vegetables.

H: Better yet, pour some vodka.

White: What are you teaching your child?

Black: Why are you torturing him like that?

White: Let's ask him

Black: What is most important to him?

White: I think he will come with me.

Black: And I’m sure that he will prefer me!

Girl: Hush, hush, calm down,

I’d prefer one, don’t be afraid, /thinks/

Well, you won (addresses black)

And she persuaded me.

Black. Do you want to achieve happiness the easy way? You can rely on me for everything. Listen to me! Give me your soul into my arms! I will save you from problems, I will help you and everyone! And my names are countless: high and dope, drugs and glitches. And for happiness I and for boredom!

Take this magic potion. It cannot be compared with anything in the world! Take it, well, quickly take happiness! You will see a world that is more beautiful than the dawn! (holds out the potion).

White. Stop, girl! Wait! Think about it! This moment may be the last breath of freedom in your life!

And then only ruthless despots will control your thoughts, soul and body - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes!

Did you know... (addresses the audience)

1 ...that a person’s health depends 50% on his lifestyle;

2 ...that after the first time, 82% of girls and 54% of boys get used to smoking;

3 ...that tobacco contains substances that lead to the development of 25 serious diseases, premature aging, and disability;

4 ...that the average life expectancy of a drug addict is only 10 years;

5 ...that each cigarette shortens life by 5-6 minutes. A person who smokes nine cigarettes a day passes away 5 years earlier, 40 cigarettes a day - 9 years earlier;

6 ...that a burning cigarette is a chemical factory producing 3000 compounds, including more than 40 carcinogens that cause cancer and 12 cocarcinogens that enhance the effects of carcinogens;

7 ...that at the end of the 16th century in England people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouth were displayed in the square.

White.(To a girl): And you, do you really want to die young?

(The girl waves her head)

1.: Not out of curiosity...

2 : Not out of a sense of camaraderie...

3.: Never try or even touch cigarettes, wine or drugs.

4.: And if you’re still planning to try them...


5. We will say that there is nothing more important than health in the world.

People in the world know about this

So let the undying light burn

Health on our planet.

6. Our life is never without problems.

Be stronger than circumstances
After all, you are a person!

7: You have nothing to do?

1: Doesn't anyone pay attention to you?

2: Go to the sports ground! Find yourself a friend!

3: Turn on the music and listen at your leisure!

4: Swim, sunbathe, play sports!

5: Read books! Get into dancing!

6: Go study! Find your calling!

7: Fly like crazy to your date!

1: After all, you are a person! You are the crown of evolution! You are the bearer of reason!

2. So don't act like you're a destructive devil.

3. There is good and evil inside you,
And the word is yours. And this word is only one:

All: Yes or no!

A quiet, calm melody sounds, everyone moves away. Participants come out pretending to be scales.

4: Imagine - scales. On this side of the scale is the health of your loved ones, your future children, your health. And here?

Hamlet comes forward.


Well, there was a question. Well, what's the answer?
Let the room become quiet for a minute.
Think: what do you want?
Listen: what the heart says
And what advice will your mind give you?
Are you strong or weak? Free or slave?


Solemn music sounds).

5: Remember: man is not weak! Born free! He is not a slave!

Salvation is in you, earthlings.

Let's say NO to bad habits

(removes the INDIFFERENCE sign - the scales rise slightly)

1. Let's quit this crap

And we will become the best of the planets.

(removes the EVIL sign - the scales are still rising)

2. We were born to live in this world for a long time

Play and sing laugh and love

And so that all dreams become possible

We must take care of our health

(removes the sign VICES and the scales are leveled)

Libra removes the bandage:

Look around - beautiful nature

calls us to live in peace with her

give me your hand friend. Let's help you

1 . Help, man, man,

To be doubly human!

-2. Let the one who stumbles be saved tomorrow.

Let hope shine on every destiny.

All. The heart of the planet is still beating.

The heart of the planet is in me and you.

3. Life goes on

And we ourselves make the choice between light and darkness!

4. We choose life!

5. We choose light!

6. We choose the path

Where there are no bad habits!

7. Let’s say “NO” to bad habits

Be a healthy and beautiful person.



3. Look, life is beautiful

Start with good, good day

4. Your habits are only beneficial

Use it for yourself.

5. And how many good things you will find around:

6. Sports sections will occupy your leisure time

7 . Let's be friends with sports!

And drink only healthy juices!

1 . Let's always practice hygiene

Then any problems will bypass us!

2. Let's think together, friends.

Who chooses such a life? –

All. I!


The world is not easy
Not at all easy.
It is impossible to hide from storms and thunderstorms in it,
It is impossible to hide from the winter blizzards in it,
And from separations, from bitter separations.

But besides troubles, unwelcome troubles,
There are stars and sunlight in the world,
There is a dear home and the warmth of fire,
And I, I have a life.

Everything you have in life

Everything about worries and dreams,
This is all, this is all - life!

Everything you have in life
All that is the joy of every day,
All your hopes and dreams
Only you fulfill and preserve them!

game script

Preparing the game: 3 Whatman paper and 3 felt-tip pens must be prepared on the tables for 3 teams.

Leading : Good afternoon, girls and boys. We are pleased to welcome you to the competition program “I am a citizen”!
You all know that on December 2, all adult citizens of our country will go to the polling stations, where they will have to make their choice.
Question to the audience: “Which government body will have elections on December 2?”
Since October, schoolchildren of our city have been actively involved in the city action “Your choice will be successful, and it cannot be otherwise.” It is within the framework of this action that students of our school are preparing sketches of invitation cards for their parents for the elections these days.
The best sketches will participate in the city competition and the sketch that is recognized as the best will be printed in the printing house and every voter in the city of Nizhnevartovsk will receive it as an invitation card.
Today we will present you with a propaganda program that your parents will see, and which will take part in the city competition of propaganda teams.

Performance by the school propaganda team "Luch"

Music is playing.

My friends, just look at how many people, how many
billions of light are looking at us.
- Yeah! It won't take long to go blind! Comrade illuminator, dim the lights.
- No, on the contrary, it is necessary to illuminate it in such a way that all townspeople see the reflections of the action of young citizens “Your choice will be successful - it cannot be otherwise.”

Hey people sitting in the hall
We know that you were waiting for us.
We'll show you now
The propaganda team is top class.

We will tell you without embellishment,
About what worries us so much.
Don't yawn, don't be bored,
Meet the "LUCH" propaganda team.

If I don't burn,
- If you don't burn,
- If we don't burn,
In chorus: Who will dispel the darkness then?

Composition with fabrics (white, blue, red). A group of speakers appears.

Who is who?
Who are you?
Should we be or should we not be?
And what should we be like, if we do exist?
If you still live!
If you have a head on your shoulders -
We address you to talk about serious things.

You and I all live in a huge country whose name is Russia.
- On December 2, 2007, concerned citizens of Russia will come to the polls.
- We want your choice to be correct.
- The right choice determines what kind of Russia we all live in.
- We appeal to the true citizens of Russia:
- And we say: “No to political apathy!”
- "No! Loud slogans and cheap promises"
- We believe that our parents are wise voters,
- We are confident that you are the pillar of true democracy.

Conscious participation in elections is the first duty of a citizen who is concerned about the future of his children and the future of his Motherland.
- “Everyman,” you can close your ears, but we ask concerned citizens to listen.

TRACK No. 4 (background)

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.
Take care of her peace and quiet,
This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table
And a dear little window in a forgotten village...
Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.
Take care of her so that she can be forever
With our truth and strength,
With all our destiny.
Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

We all strive for a happy and prosperous life.
“That’s why we need to go to the polls.”
- Only your right choice will determine those people who will receive power.
(first graders)
- Childhood is a fresh wind,
The smell of the sun and the cheerful sound of dreams.
- Childhood means children,
Children - that means us!
- All children on the big planet
Should always be friends.
- Children should always laugh
And live in a peaceful world.
In chorus: And live in a peaceful world.
- A person should live in peace, without the risk of dying in war, without fear of losing loved ones.
In chorus: The authorities must ensure peace!
- A person should feel safe.
In chorus: The authorities must ensure security!
- A person must live in an environmentally friendly environment.
In chorus: The authorities must provide an environmentally friendly environment!
- Dear voters,
Vote for those you trust.
- Vote for those candidates and the party that sets real goals, offers real means and ways to achieve them.
- And at the end of our speech,
The propaganda team “LUCH” will express one more opinion.


- Ask yourself, ask others -
What have you done to make the city richer?
And what is the scale of the application of forces,
And what is the specific return?
Ask yourself!

Ask now, immediately, right away!
- Don't look at others, let others look at you!
- You made a firm decision to go to the polls. So go. Stay ahead.
- Don’t wait for everyone, or maybe everyone is waiting for you!
In chorus: Ask yourself!

TRACK No. 7 Music (rebuild)

So as not to waste unnecessary words
Our call today is:
In chorus: “The choice must be successful
And it can’t be otherwise.”

Inviting teams to the stage.

Team 8 "A" class (7 "A" class) and team captain ____________
Team 8 "B" class (7 "B" class) and team captain ______________
Team 8 "B" class (7 "B" class) and team captain _______________
The composition of the jury is announced.

All competitions are assessed on a 5-point system.

Competition 1. “BUSINESS CARD”
The business card includes: team name, motto, emblem protection.

Competition 2. “Intelligence-BOOM”.
Appendix 1 (questions) Appendix 2 (answers)
Each team must answer questions. In this competition, each team can earn 100 points.

Competition 3. “Anagrams” Appendix 3
Teams receive sheets of anagrams (words with letters mixed up).
V.: Assignment to the teams: it is necessary to rearrange the letters in the shortest possible time so as to form a word. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task earns 10 points if they guess all 10 words, respectively, for each word solved - 1 point.

Competition 4. “Bad advice” Appendix 4
V.: All the guys, of course, are familiar with “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster. And today teams have the opportunity to come up with harmful advice themselves. Thereby earning 5 points for each completed tip.

Competition 5. “Guess the melody”

In this competition, teams have to guess the melody; whoever does it faster earns 5 points for the melody. If the team knows the song, then all team players need to perform it loudly.
(duration of one recording - 7-15 seconds)
1. A song about the joy experienced by like-minded people gathered together (“It’s great that we are all gathered here today”)
2. A song about representatives of evil spirits who do not want to go to elections and spend their lives in idleness and fun (“Ditties Babok-Yozhek”)
3. A song about what can brighten up any of our days and election day too, even if it’s cloudy and gloomy outside (“Smile”)

Competition 6. “Useful tips”
Appendix 5
Q: Teams are asked to complete the sentences on the cards. It is desirable for the teams to voice a common reasoned opinion. For each correct and reasoned proposal, teams receive 5 points.

Competition 7. “Symbols”

Elections Democracy
Ballot Candidate
State Duma Security
Draw a symbol for the word you hear. (teams are read the words from the table, they draw each word so as to remember it; then the teams are given 1 minute, you need to write the word that you drew under each drawing.

Competition 8. “Crossword” Appendix 6 (questions). Appendix 7 (answers)
Create a score sheet yourself at your own discretion

All points scored by teams are summed up, the winner is announced and certificates are awarded.

Annex 1
for the competition "Intelligence-BOOM"
1. Which famous Russian poet wrote the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”?
2. Biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was looking for a means to combat a deadly disease - cholera. And I found him. But it was necessary to test the drug on a living person. What action of a scientist in this regard can be called a manifestation of high civic duty?
3. A citizen is...
4. Who is a layman?

6. What has always been considered the sacred duty of any Citizen?
7. What is law?
8. What quality of a person did Vladimir Dal mean when he described it in his famous dictionary as follows: the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience?
9. Which of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s work receives the following parting words: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age”?
10. Why does state power exist?
11. Why does the State Duma exist?
12. Who reviews the Laws and makes amendments after the Law is created by the State Duma?
13. Who approves the Law after consideration and approval by the Federation Council?
14. Who is the President of our country?
15. What is the fundamental law of the country?
16. Participation in what event of an ordinary citizen will help ensure that those people who will make life in our country better will get into the State Duma?
17. At what age will you have the right to participate in the elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma, and representatives of local authorities?
18. At what age can you try to become President yourself?
19. What is the ultimate goal of any government?
20. What awaits a government that has failed to fulfill its tasks?

Appendix 2
for the competition “I am a citizen”
1. Which famous Russian poet wrote the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”? (To Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekrasov)
2. Biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was looking for a means to combat a deadly disease - cholera. And I found him. But it was necessary to test the drug on a living person. What action of a scientist in this regard can be called a manifestation of high civic duty? (The scientist inoculated himself with cholera in order to observe the effect of the new vaccine on the human body, so as not to put other people at risk)
3. A citizen is... (a person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland, for the good of his people)
4. Who is a layman? (A person who, by law, is a citizen, but in fact cares only about himself, he is indifferent to everything that happens in the country, he will not go to the polls, because he doesn’t care who gets power in his city or country, as long as they don’t bother him , for the average person, the main thing in life is his own peace and well-being, in a word, the average person is a person who lives by petty, personal interests)
5. Which of the people - a citizen or an ordinary person - could commit the following actions:
- mocked the kitten; took part in the elections; did not help an elderly person cross the street; reported an impending crime; I was only interested in entertaining TV shows; broke a tree branch; watches indifferently as his friend tries drugs; explains to friends that it is harmful to use drugs and alcohol, tries to distract them from bad company, involving them in useful activities (sports, creativity).
6. What has always been considered the sacred duty of any Citizen? (Defense of one's fatherland)
7. What is law? (These are mandatory rules for everyone, which are established in writing by the state and for failure to comply with which legal liability arises)
8. What quality of a person did Vladimir Dal mean when he described it in his famous dictionary as follows: the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience? (honor)
9. Which of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s work receives the following parting words: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age”? (Peter Grinev)
10. Why does state power exist? (To organize the life of people in the state, to protect citizens from criminals, to collect taxes and so that these taxes pay for the work of schools, hospitals, police, army, etc.)
11. Why does the State Duma exist? (Creates laws)
12. Who reviews the Laws and makes amendments after the Law is created by the State Duma? (Council of the Federation)
13. Who approves the Law after consideration and approval by the Federation Council? (The president)
14. Who is the President of our country? (D.A.Medvedev)
15. What is the fundamental law of the country? (Constitution)
16. Participation in what event of an ordinary citizen will help ensure that those people who will make life in our country better will get into the State Duma? (In elections)
17. At what age will you have the right to participate in the elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma, and representatives of local authorities? (from 18 years old)
18. At what age can you try to become President yourself? (At 35 years old, if you have been permanently residing in Russia for at least 10 years)
19. What is the ultimate goal of any government? (Improving the lives of citizens)
20. What awaits a government that has failed to fulfill its tasks? (Resignation)

Appendix 3
Anagrams card
Rearrange the letters to form a word. For each guessed word - 1 point
1. Ranggidan
2. Draiyaemokt
3. Pvdraa
4. Weight
5. Bpasszoteno
6. Genuvaie
7. Zoakn
8. Mortar
9. Scum
10. Onsstveostven

Appendix 4
Card "Bad advice"
1.“If suddenly you are decided
Deprive of any rights..."
2.“If you are so good
And You don’t need the law..."
3. “If a friend or acquaintance
It turned out to be a common man..."

Appendix 5

Card "Useful tips"
1. “In order for our parents to go to the polls, we propose...”
2. “In order for a person to be respected, it is necessary...”
3. “In order for people to respect and comply with the laws, we offer...”

Appendix 6
Crossword competition (draw the grid yourself)

1. Human action
2. A group of people connected by common living and working conditions.
3. A person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland and the people.
4. Having the same rights for all people.
5. Mutual affection, affection for each other, based on mutual trust and devotion.
1. Civil feelings of a person.
2. A mandatory rule established by the highest government body.
3. Head of city government.
4. A system of generally binding norms of behavior.
5. A person who lives by petty, personal interests.
6. Unwritten norms of behavior in society, approved by the majority of citizens.

Appendix 7
Crossword competition (answers)
1. Human action. (action)
2. A group of people connected by common living and working conditions. (society)
3. A person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland and the people. (citizen)
4. Having the same rights for all people. (equality)
5. Mutual affection, affection for each other, based on mutual trust and devotion. (friendship)
1. Civil feelings of a person. (citizenship)
2. A mandatory rule established by the highest government body. (law)
3. Head of city government. (mayor)
4. A system of generally binding norms of behavior. (right)
5. A person who lives by petty, personal interests. (common man)
6. Unwritten norms of behavior in society, approved by the majority of citizens. (morality)

Please: when copying the script " I am a citizen"from this site, make a link to our site or to the author (if available)

KOU VO "Bobrovskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities."

Scenario of the propaganda team “We are Patriots of Russia.”


Head of the "Patriot" circle

Kochegarova V. S.

Bobrov, 2016.

Purpose of the event - formation of historical memory among the younger generation, instilling a sense of patriotism, pride in their Motherland, and developing the creative abilities of students.

Tasks: - help the younger generation find their place in life, give them the opportunity to express themselves and realize their potential;

Instill love for the Motherland, people, Fatherland;

Form an active life position.

Progress of the event:

Team performance to Lyube’s song “Russia”

Team captain: Welcomes you

All : Team "Patriots"

Team captain: What unites us?

All: Love for the Motherland, the Fatherland!

Team captain: What helps us live?

All : Dream and fantasy,

Game and song!

Team captain. Our motto

All : Serve the Motherland, Goodness and Justice!

We invite you to join us!

1 reader: Our native land, you are part of Russia.

And infinitely dear to her!

We gain strength in life

Under the flag of your homeland.

2 reader. In it is the purity of our hope

Flight of dreams and blue seas,

And the blood of soldiers who once fell

In the name of your Motherland.

3 reader. Fathers, generation of heroes

Our region has been glorified forever.

And we? And we are their continuation

Let's step into the 21st century!

Reader 4: We live in the twenty-first century!

Let's treasure

We all that is sacred in life!

Reader 5: We are all as different as the colors of the rainbow

We are all so different, but we have the same goal.

Reader 6: Greetings to you, On a bright and clean day

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun!

Presenter 1: We present the oral journal “Live with Pleasure”

Presenter 2: - Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.

Presenter 1: - Life is a value in itself.

Presenter 2: - How we think is how we live.

Presenter 1: - Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,

Presenter 2: - complete and necessary.

Presenter 1: - Life values ​​are what a person should value in life,

Presenter 2: -what should he value?

Presenter 1: - something to which he must treat responsibly.

Presenter 2: Presenter 1:- This is: labor.
Presenter 2:- family.
Presenter 1:- Love.
Presenter 2:- health.
Presenter 1:- creation. Presenter 2:- good.

Presenter 1: Page No. 1 GOOD (raises a poster with the inscription “Good”)

Presenter 1: It's easy to find a rhyme,
Write poems about goodness.
Try it for real
The kindness of the heart captivates.

Reader 1. Hurry up to do good deeds,

The dawn flashed... and the first ray

Look, in your palm there is a ray of light,

Let us carry its warmth,

Presenter 2: Page No. 2 LOVE (raises a poster with the inscription “Love”)

Reader 2: When a person is in pain, someone should caress him,
to hug and kiss.
When a person is lost... and doesn't know what to do,
When a person is scared... he has his head under the pillow,
When a person is upset... and doesn’t know how to continue living,
Someone just needs to be there
Someone has to LOVE him!

Presenter 1: Page No. 3 HEALTH (raises a poster with the inscription “Health”)

Strengthen your health with sports,

Go hiking and watch the sunrises,

The secret of success in life, know for sure -

Your health, remember this.

Reader 3: We chose health and, we think, for good reason:

Not for a minute are we all together,

We don't sit still

Stadium, gym, nature,

Strive to the top of unidentified pages,

Open your readings

Presenter 2: Page No. 4 Family and love for others. (raises a poster with the inscription “Family”) Reader 4: Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!

Presenter 1: Page No. 5 Creativity. (raises a poster with the inscription “Creativity”)

Life is me, it’s you and me.

To give people happiness and joy

Reader 5 :If I don't burn,

If you don't burn,

If we don't burn,

Who will dispel the darkness then?

Live and give joy to people

And don't waste a single minute...

Reader 6: The earth is surrounded by rays,

The earth is surrounded by flowers,

Walk on clear roads

Fly high routes

Orbit of love and greetings

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone.


1. Our Motherland is big,

And, like good messengers,

The roads diverge

From Moscow to all ends.

2. Hello, my Motherland,

Hello dear.

There is no one more wonderful than you:

You are my dear!

3. Between the fir trees, between the pines

A fast river is running!

Our Motherland is Russia,

And she is strong like steel.

4 .The beauty of our native land

We will take care of you.

The President will hear about us,

We will look forward to meeting Volodya.

Leading 1 : We often think about our future...But can we really think about the future without knowing our past? No, it should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious. You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors; it was they who bequeathed to me love for You.

Leading 2: This is our past. And we are his heirs! And it depends on us what the future of our Fatherland will be! Yes, the future of the country is being made today, now. By me. By you. Us. We are citizens of a great state.

Leading 1 : We are already learning democracy so that the future of our country will be wonderful. It depends on you and me whether it will be bright and great. It is up to us to ensure that your enormous, but not immeasurable, wealth, Motherland, is spent carefully.

Leading 2 : So that everyone who lives in our country is happy!So that the wars stop. To make mothers cry with joy and pride for their sons.

Leading 1 : So that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases. So that my generation does not die in terrible agony from a drug overdose.

Leading 2 : So that children do not stretch out their dirty little hands for alms, and old people travel around the world, and notO to the world...

Leading 1 : And we will strive to ensure that the future of our country is worthy.

Leading 2 : The Patriots of Russia team wishes all participants new ideas and new achievements for the benefit of our Motherland!

(Members of the propaganda team perform the final song)

Song based on "Light Up"

1 verse.
As if born again

at least still young.
And the soul did not rust,

the heart beats in the chest.
So, do your thing

everything is still ahead.
It's not fun

this is not a game.
Do you want to be happy

And always love


Choose, it will immediately become clear.

Verse 2 Give yourself luck

you are a star today

and it can't be otherwise

no way ever.

You carry it around the world

this song with me,

everything that was not finished,

finish your drink today!

It's not fun

this is not a game,

you have the right

and it's time for you -


Choose, it will immediately become clear.

Look at the stars in the blue sky

Know and believe, Russia needs you!

16.05.2015 10139 0 Shayakhmetova Raikhan Satkanovna

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a person’s life values.
Objectives: Reveal positive and negative factors influencing lifestyle
person; contribute to the development of the ability to speak in front of an audience and
interact with other participants in the performance.
The song “Anthem of Youth” plays, to which members appear on stage
propaganda teams (first verse and chorus).
- Good afternoon! - We are glad to see you in the hall. - Hello, nice to see you!
- How many beautiful words have been said to you - How many more we want to say
- Hello!!! - Healthy - Kind - Joyful - Active
- Cheerful - Cute - Creative - Polite - Respected
- Good afternoon! Welcomes you
ALL: School No. 1 propaganda team “Jolly Guys”!
- We present the oral magazine “Live with Pleasure”
- Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.
- Life is a value in itself.
- How we think is how we live.
- Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,
complete and necessary.
- Life values ​​are what a person should value in life,
what he should value
- something to which he must treat responsibly.
- Do you know what the most important values ​​are for us?
-This is: labor. - family. -Love. - health. - creation. - happiness, - goodness.
Participants of the propaganda team are reorganized, their speech is accompanied by a presentation.
- Page No. 1 GOOD (raises a balloon with the inscription “Good”)
- It’s easy to find a rhyme,
Write poems about goodness.
Try it for real
The kindness of the heart captivates.
- It’s not in vain that they say when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
- And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
- Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration.
- As always, there are not enough good people...
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
- Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
- Kind - they generously help the sick,
Kind ones give warmth and comfort,
- The good ones walk in step with the weak
And no thanks are expected.
- All people need kindness
Let there be more good deeds.
(A candle appears in the hands of one of the speakers)
Reader 1. Hurry to do good deeds,
Hurry to extend your hand to those who have fallen,
So that for those who are in the wilds at night
Now he's wandering, losing direction
The dawn flashed... and the first ray
He gave them hope and salvation!
Reader 2. Look, in your palm there is a ray of light,
Let us carry its warmth,
We are the youth of Russia, remember this,
And bring your goodness into her life.
Page No. 2 LOVE (raises a balloon with the inscription “Love”)
- When a person is in pain, someone should caress him,
- Someone just needs to be there to hug and kiss.
- When a person feels bad... and the whole world is divided in half,
There must be someone other than God to give one’s soul.
- When a person is lost... and doesn’t know what to do,
Someone should be wiser, advise, but not teach.
- When a person is scared... he has his head under the pillow,
Someone must say quietly: “Don’t be afraid, because I am with you.”
- When a person is upset... and doesn’t know how to continue to live,
Someone just needs to be there
EVERYONE: Someone has to LOVE him!
Members of the propaganda team are reorganizing.
Page No. 3 HEALTH (raises a balloon with the inscription “Health”)
- We chose health and, we think, not in vain:
Any healthy beggar is happier than a sick king
- Not for a minute are we all together,
We don't sit still
Stadium, gym, nature,
Everything for us, at any time of the year.
- Our health is a gift of nature
So stay healthy man
In the era of technology and fashion
Dedicate your life to health.
- We swim in pools, run in stadiums,
A healthy lifestyle beats in the hearts of millions!
- Sport is good for health!
Stadium, pool and court,
The hall, the skating rink - we are welcome everywhere.
- Reward for effort
Our muscles will become hard,
There will be cups and records.
- Strengthen your health with sports,
Go hiking and watch the sunrises,
The secret of success in life, know for sure -
Your health, remember this.
- Strive to the top of unidentified pages,
Open your readings
Know, man, your health is life!
Life without illness, grief and sadness.
READER One, two!
Breathe deeper (in chorus)
Three four!
Stand up straighter (in unison)
Let it become in our school
Happy health day every day.
ALL: Do with us! Do as we do! Do better than us!
Page No. 4 Family and love for parents. (raises a balloon with the inscription “Family”)
- Family, home is a place where we spend a lot of time, there are no trifles here.
- The family must be preserved reverently, with love!
- Family is happiness, love and luck,
- Family means trips to the country in the summer.
- Family is a holiday, family dates,
- Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
- Family is work, caring for each other,
- Family means a lot of homework.
- Family is important!
- Family is difficult!
- But it’s impossible to live happily alone!
- Always be together, take care of love,
- Drive away grievances and quarrels,
- I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!
(A propaganda team member reads poetry to music)
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!
Page No. 5 Creativity (raises a balloon with the inscription “Creativity”)
- If I don't burn,
- If you don't burn,
- If we don't burn,
CHORUS: Who will dispel the darkness then?
- Ask yourself, ask others,
- What did you do to make the city richer?
- And what is the scale of the application of forces,
- And what is the specific return?
- Ask yourself!
- Ask now, immediately and immediately!
In chorus: Ask yourself!
Don’t wait for change, but try to change everything yourself!
- Live and give joy to people
Not tomorrow, not today, but now.
- And don’t waste a single minute...
After all, youth is given only once.
(Members of the propaganda team perform a dance)
- You can live in different ways in life,
It is possible in sorrow and in joy.
Eat on time, drink on time,
Do nasty things on time.
- Or you can do this: get up at dawn
And, thinking about a miracle,
With a burnt hand, reach for the sun
And give it to people!
- Life is me, it’s you and me.
Live and be proud of your destiny.
- To give people both happiness and joy
You need to live in such a way that you shine brightly.
(Participants of the propaganda team collect a heart from balloons)
- The earth is surrounded by rays,
The earth is surrounded by flowers,
- Walk on clear roads,
Fly high routes
- Orbit of love and greetings
Let our entire planet rush.
- Strive to open at least once
The star of humanity in everyone.
ALL: Love life! And live with pleasure!
(Members of the propaganda team perform the final song)
Song based on "Light Up"
It lit up, sparkled, like the brightest star.
As if born again
at least still young.
And the soul did not rust,
the heart beats in the chest.
So, do your thing
everything is still ahead.
This is not fun, this is not a game.
Do you want to be happy
And always love
Choose! Live so that it’s not in vain
Choose, it will immediately become clear.
Look at the stars in the blue sky
Know and believe that your Motherland needs you!

Propaganda team scenario

“When we are together, life is more interesting!”

Realization of creative abilities of schoolchildren;

Formation of a sense of patriotism, a stable life position and professional orientation in the context of a positive attitude towards life and others.

Development of leadership qualities and culture of communication in the team.

Hey girls and boys!

We are all a friendly family

At our school number 9

Good deeds await us!

We represent a children's organization - SHKID

School team

Initiative children







All: Equal

To be ahead, to say and to do,

Serve ideas, think boldly,

Be able to take full responsibility,

Help the younger guys.

Become more interesting for everyone.

Be a leader in your constellation!

Every year, more and more active children, full of ideas and creativity, join the ranks of our children's organization.

1st: The children of our school have a wide variety of hobbies and interests.

2nd: They love mathematics and physics, history and literature.

3rd: Some play sports, others draw.

4th: Still others dance, and others dream of a vocal career.

5th: The school lives an amazing, diverse, interesting and creative life.

6th: How many traditions have developed at school!

7th: We prepare all school events and holidays together.

8th: There is not a single one left idle!

9th: In a kaleidoscope of bright events,

10th: Good actions, bold discoveries...

11th: It’s enough for all of us to unite,

12th: And you can safely be proud of everyone!

(performance of school athletes: karatekas, wrestlers, gymnasts)

1st: We are together today

To burn ourselves

And light up others!

2nd: So that our childhood sings,

Like a song

For youth to develop

Like a poem!

3rd: Drawing on years of experience

From wise books.

And in friendship we are looking for self-expression.

4th: We are a young and seeking people!

Together: We are a new generation for school

We will paint this world with colors

And deeds will give us inspiration.

5th: Our youth strives forward

Together: We are a new generation for the school!

6th: We live according to the laws of school self-government:

7th: Law of Honor

Good fame gives birth to a good name.

8th: The Law of the Word

Don't waste your words.

9th: Law of Caring

A good person takes someone else's misfortune to heart.

10th: Law of Friendship

Stand for each other and you will win the battle.

11th: Law of knowledge

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

12th: New things are growing

All: The glue generation.

(a dancing group "Danzfolife”)

We, young citizens of Kazakhstan, make up more than a third of the population and therefore want to be heard and understood by society.

We are not indifferent to the future of Kazakhstan and our region, where there is a children's country, where creativity knows no boundaries.

Our Kazakhstan is a rich country!

She has a great culture!

Our city is the best!

The most wonderful people live here!

My native Petropavlovsk is my favorite city!

The alleys turn green, houses grow...

He has not yet achieved worldwide fame,

But for us this region is a dear land.

Here we go to school and live happily.

Here youth merges with gray centuries,

Prosper Petropavlovsk, have a good day after day!

So live and be healthy, our beautiful city,

Let the country be proud of your deeds,

May everything always be “excellent” in everything

And today, and tomorrow, at all times!

Song of the vocal group “New Day”

Propaganda brigade “I am a citizen of Russia”

Tolmacheva Lyubov Vladimirovna,

MKOU "Bubchikovskaya Secondary School"

1.Hey, people sitting in the hall
We know that you were waiting for us.
We'll show you now
The propaganda team is top class.

2.We will tell you without embellishment,
About what worries us so much.
Don't yawn, don't be bored,
Meet the propaganda team of the Bubchikovskaya Secondary School.

3.Where does the Motherland begin?
From the Kuril Islands? From Kamchatka? Or with the Commander?
What are her steppe eyes sad about?
Over the reeds of all its lakes?

4.It starts with Russian history,
What did Nestor the monk describe?
Blagovesta with steppe expanses,
The hats that Monomakh wore.

5. The Motherland begins with Pushkin,
Wonderful fairy tales, what a charm,
Villages with their crooked huts,
Where the old days are still alive.

6. The Motherland begins from childhood,
With mother's and father's love,
School desk, flowery bouquets,
What did we bring to the teacher?

1The Motherland begins with memory,
From honoring our origins,
From the coat of arms, anthem, Russian banner,
With respect for the covenants of the saints.

2.An important rule given to us
Know the anthem of the Motherland,
And, hearing the sounds of the anthem,
Stand up with pride in your soul.
3.And we’ll also tell you, children -
You should all respect
And take care of these basics:
all: The coat of arms and flag of the native country.

4. Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west and east
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.

5.Russian flag - tricolor,
Three stripes catch the eye.
In every Russian village
You will see your native flag.

6. Our Russian flag is painted
In white, blue, red.
He trembles in the clear sky,
And he is no more beautiful.

1.White is a symbol of peace, truth
And spiritual purity.
Blue - loyalty and faith,
Selfless kindness.

2. The pain of the people, the blood of the dead
Reflects red color.
We will love our Motherland
And keep it from harm.

3. In any part of any country
The guys DO NOT want war!

4.We will have to enter into life soon,
We need PEACE, not war,

5. Green noise of native forest,
We all need school
6.And the garden is at the peaceful threshold,
Father and mother and father house .

1. There is a lot of space in this world
For those who are used to living by hard work.
Our people raised an imperious voice
For all children, for peace, for work!

2. Majestic and simple words
Single Law of the entire Fatherland,
Grantor of the main rights:
Work, enjoy life.

3.We were born in a great State, in a mighty, legendary side! 4. That she was the first in the world to conquer space. 5.That she survived the fiery war.

6. We wish that by joining the glory of the Great, heroic country, you will increase it and support it, and convey it to future generations. 1. Having become a full-fledged part of this force, we rightfully proudly uttered the Words: All: “ I am a citizen of Russia “A great, heroic country!”

Ved.2 What things await us in the future?
We should think about this more and more often.
And if you are a real citizen,
ALL: The country expects great returns from us..

    Formation of communicative qualities of students’ personality through collective creativity;

    Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren

    awaken a sense of pride in our Fatherland

    popularize the official symbols of the Russian Federation - the flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Scene 1. The bell rings. Teacher starts the lesson.

The bell rang, let's start our lesson. Today we will talk about who a Russian is.

Let's check your homework.

Question 1.– How big is our Motherland?

Reader 1. From the North Pole to Mount Ragdan
And from Chukotka to Kaliningrad
Russia lies - the largest of countries,
And we don’t need another land forever!
Far East, Siberia, Ural, Caucasus,
Karelia, Kuban, Crimea, Black Earth Region –
All this is in the heart of each of us,
All these are our ancestral lands.

And no matter how far you live from Moscow. You know that you are a citizen of a great country.

Because Together: YOU are Russian.

Teacher:- You are right, our country differs from other states in its geographical location, historical past, language, traditions

Question 2: What symbols does our state have?

Reader 2: Flag

Vesya, brave
And wonderful
Flag of native Russia:
Top - white
Bottom - red
In the middle is blue
Guaranteeing the people
Truth, strength and freedom!

Our athletes are given strength and invincible spirit when they see fans in the stands with waving flags. I have no right to lose, I only need victory. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Question 3: What other symbol distinguishes Russia from other countries?

Reader 3:Coat of arms

Russia has a beautiful coat of arms,
Full of pride and strength -
Double headed golden eagle
Holds the scepter and orb.
From West to East
He spread his wings wide.
Three crowns flutter above him,
And pierces the snake with a spear
Rider on his chest:
Evil will come - we will not spare!
Help us in this matter -
Truth, honor and faith in God!

I recently received a passport, it has a coat of arms on the first page. This image is always with me. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Teacher: - Not a single event of national importance is complete without state symbols: military parades, sports competitions, ceremonial meetings. By paying respects to the symbols of the state, we thereby show respect for our Motherland .

Question 4: Well, what does the Motherland mean to you?

Reader 4: What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.
What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Teacher: It is clear to everyone in this room that our team is true patriots and we can safely say

TOGETHER: “Russia is our beloved country.”

We are proud of Russia, we are loyal to Russia, and there is no better country in the world.”

Teacher, addressing the audience and his students:

If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, clap your hands (one, two)

If you care about the fate of our country, stamp your feet (one, two)

If you consider yourself patriotic, raise both hands up

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

Together they sing the song “My Russia”

I draw clouds with white chalk
I dream there will be a day for sure
This happiness will smile at me again
And my country
My Russia, my country
You are so beautiful in all years and times
My Russia, my friends
May God give us strength
We are one family together

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Speech by the propaganda team "Patriots of Russia"

Progress of the event:

(guys in military uniforms with a Russian flag in their hands stand around the stage)

  • 1. Video “Russia”


Russia - I am your dewdrop,

Your little grain of sand.

When there's a snowstorm, I'm a snowflake.

In the stream - I am a droplet of the stream.

From these dewdrops

Big rivers flowed.

And if there were no grains of sand

Then there would be no land.

  • 2. Video “Anthem of Russia”
  • 3. Song “Raseya”

The team’s entrance to the song “Raseya”

Team captain:Welcomes you

All : Team "Patriots of Russia"

Team captain:What unites us?

All: Love for the Motherland, the Fatherland!

Team captain:What helps us live?

All : Dream and fantasy,

Game and song!

Team captain. Our motto

All : Serve the Motherland, Goodness and Justice!

We invite you to join us!

(music 4 sounds,

everyone runs backstage. A CURTAIN.)

Scene 1. The bell rings. The teacher starts the lesson.

The bell rang, let's start our lesson. Today we will talk about who a Russian is.

Let's check your homework.

Question 1. – How big is our Motherland?

Reader 1. From the North Pole to Mount Ragdan
And from Chukotka to Kaliningrad
Russia lies - the largest of countries,
And we don’t need another land forever!

Reader 2. Far East, Siberia, Ural, Caucasus,
Karelia, Kuban, Crimea, Black Earth Region –
All this is in the heart of each of us,
All these are our ancestral lands!

Reader 3. And no matter how far you lived from Moscow.

You know that you are a citizen of a great country!

Captain: Because

Together: YOU are Russian!

Teacher: - You are right, our country differs from other states in its geographical location, historical past, language, and traditions.

Question 2: What symbols does our state have?

Reader 4: Flag

Vesya, brave
And wonderful
Flag of native Russia:
Top - white
Bottom - red
In the middle is blue
Guaranteeing the people
Truth, strength and freedom!

Reader 5. Our athletes are given strength and invincible spirit when they see fans in the stands with waving flags. I have no right to lose, I only need victory!

Captain: Because

Together: I am Russian!

Question 3: What other symbol distinguishes Russia from other countries?

Reader 1: Coat of Arms

Russia has a beautiful coat of arms,
Full of pride and strength -
Double headed golden eagle
Holds the scepter and orb.

Reader 2. I recently received a passport, it has a coat of arms on the first page. This image is always with me.

Captain: Because

Together: I am Russian!

Teacher: - Not a single event of national importance is complete without state symbols: military parades, sports competitions, ceremonial meetings. By paying respects to the symbols of the state, we thereby show respect for our Motherland!

Question 4: Well, what does the Motherland mean to you?

Reader 2: What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

Reader 3 : What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin!

Captain: It is clear to everyone in this room that our team are true patriots and we can safely say

TOGETHER: Russia is our beloved country!

We are proud of Russia, we are loyal to Russia,

And there is no better country in the world!

(Music 5+)

Everyone sings a song together

"I raise my flag of my state")

(music 6 sounds,

Everyone runs backstage, the guys with flags stand still)

(children come out from different scenes)

Where does Russia begin?

From the Kuril Islands? From Kamchatka? Or with the Commander?

What are her steppe eyes sad about?

Over the reeds of all its lakes?

Russia begins with passion

To work, to patience, to truth, to kindness.

That's where her star lies. She's beautiful!

It burns and shines in the dark.

This is where all her big things come from.

Her unique destiny.

And if you are involved in it - Russia

It doesn’t start from the mountains, but from you!

(music 6 sounds,

children come out into general formation)

1.: We often think about our future...But can we really think about the future without knowing our past? No, it should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious.

2.: You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors, they bequeathed to me love for You!

3: This is our past. And we are his heirs! And it depends on us what the future of our Fatherland will be!

4.: Yes, the future of the country is being made today, now. By me. By you. Us. We are citizens of a great state!

5.: We are already learning democracy so that the future of our country will be wonderful. It depends on you and me whether it will be bright and great. It is up to us to ensure that your enormous, but not immeasurable, wealth, Motherland, is spent carefully.

6.: So that everyone who lives in our country is happy! So that the wars stop. To make mothers cry with joy and pride for their sons.

7.: So that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases. So that my generation does not die in terrible agony from a drug overdose.

8.: So that children do not stretch out their dirty little hands for alms, and old people travel around the world, and not about the world...

9.: And we will strive to ensure that the future of our country is worthy.

Captain: The Patriots of Russia team wishes all participants new ideas and new achievements for the benefit of our Motherland!

Teacher, addressing the audience and his students:

If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social background, clap your hands (one, two)

If you care about the fate of our country, stamp your feet (one, two)

If you consider yourself patriotic, raise both hands up

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

All: Choose! Live so that it’s not in vain

Choose, it will become clear right away!

Look - the stars in the blue sky!

Know and believe - Russia needs you!

(music 4 sounds,

everyone runs backstage)

  • 3 Roller

(Music 8,

(dance composition “Russia” is performed)


Me, you, he, she – together the whole country!

Everyone is important to Russia!

(music 8 sounds,

everyone runs backstage)

Presenter 2: The years rush by in a whirlwind,
Just don’t forget the war worries.
May '45, he's forever
It will live on in our memory!

scene "Motherland and Soldier" Tyrone Valeria and Mishchansky Vlad

Soldier. Dear Motherland! How many gray hairs do you have?
Homeland. My children, count the feather grasses in the steppes.
Soldier. Dear Motherland! What in the world are you proud of?
Homeland. By your strength and glory, my children.
Soldier. Motherland! Will you survive all adversity?
Homeland. Yes!
Soldier. How are you unshakable?
Homeland. The friendship of your family.
Soldier. Motherland! How many enemies have you known over thousands of years?
Homeland. My son, my people, ask the swords and bayonets.
Soldier. How wide are you?
Homeland. My shores are not visible.
Soldier. How long do you have to stand?
Homeland. Long, forever and ever.

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