Scenario for the New Year's performance for children "How the Barboskins saved the New Year." New Year! Scenario for the New Year's holiday "Modern and traditional characters Main character New Year's script

Modern New Year's fairy tale

Leading: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. His name was Santa Claus. And he had three grandsons: the eldest Alexei Tsarevich, not the eldest Kirill Tsarevich, and not at all the eldest Sergei Tsarevich. Their parents went to the Far Far Away Kingdom - the Thirtieth State to work, so the princes lived with their grandfather.

D.M. - Oh, you are heavy, Santa Claus hat.

Leading: Once Santa Claus convened his grandchildren for a family council:

D.M. - My dear grandchildren, my dear grandchildren! New Year is coming soon, but we don’t have Snow Maiden. Go out into an open field and shoot an arrow. Wherever your arrow falls, look for the Snow Maiden.

Kirill: - Listen, Grandfather, why do we need some kind of Snow Maiden? Let me better dress up as the Snow Maiden now and give you such a concert!

Habitual sleep
The roads will fall asleep until spring,
And the snow will cover them,
And the blizzard and blizzard will sing a lullaby to them,
But don't wait!

Forget about me
And go on your own
a road no one understands,
Which white snow will show you!
White snow...
Go, don't think about me!

D.M. - What are you talking about, Kirill Tsarevich? And how will Santa Claus find out that my own grandson is dressing up as the Snow Maiden, he’ll laugh, the damned foreigner, he’ll disgrace him all over the world. When you go to your theater school, dress up as whoever you want. Here, my dear grandchildren, is my last tale: we did not invent this tradition, and it is not for us to break it. There is no New Year without a Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Just try, my dears, and get the Snow Maiden.

Alexei: (To Kirill) - Paragraph one: Santa Claus is always right. Paragraph two: if Santa Claus is wrong, see paragraph one. Yeah I understood?

Leading: There was nothing to do - the princes went into an open field, pulled their tight bows and shot a red-hot arrow. The arrow of the elder Tsarevich Alexei fell into the office of the company “Holiday for Everyone.” There they gave him and Snegurochka. The arrow of the elder Tsarevich Kirill fell on the organizers of the “New Year with the Stars” project. He received his Snow Maiden there. And the arrow of the not at all senior Sergei Tsarevich hit the very control center of the Sith ship, which was flying past the Earth, damaged the computer software, and the ship was forced to make a temporary landing.

(They shoot arrows. They took the Snow Maiden. Sergei’s arrow hits the ship. The ship falls)

Sergey: - Darth Vader, give me my arrow.

Snow Maiden (in Darth Vader costume):- I won’t give it up, Sergei Tsarevich! Take me along with your arrow.

Sergey: - How can I show you to grandpa, you’re Darth Vader.

Snow Maiden: - You know this is your fate. Let's go together to your grandfather.

(They are coming. They have arrived. Everyone has gathered at Santa Claus)

D.M.: - Let your Snow Maidens prepare New Year's entertainment for my guests tomorrow. Then we'll see which one is real.

Leading: - Sergei Tsarevich became more saddened than ever. And Darth Vader calms him down:

Snow Maiden: - Don’t worry, Sergei Tsarevich! Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. There will be some New Year's entertainment for your grandfather.

(Everyone has gathered at the Christmas tree. The eldest Snow Maiden is holding a competition with horses.)

D.M.: - Well, it's good fun! But such entertainment is only carried out on Maslenitsa. And the New Year is just around the corner. Come out the second Snow Maiden!

(The second Snow Maiden plays the game “Stream”)

D.M.: - It was a good game, fun. But such a game is only for fun on Trinity Sunday, and not on New Year. Let's see what the third Snow Maiden can do.

Leading: And Darth Vader came out in front of the guests, only it was now impossible to recognize him. He took off his black spacesuit and turned into a red maiden of indescribable beauty. Sergei Tsarevich and all the guests were frozen in surprise. While the guests were surprised, the Snow Maiden showed psychic abilities and learned all the information about the New Year. Now she knew exactly what to do.

(Snow Maiden looks at Father Frost with concentration)

Snow Maiden: - Dear guests, we all get up in a round dance and sing Santa Claus’s favorite song, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

(Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

D.M.: - That's what I understand! This is truly New Year's entertainment! Thank you, Sergei Tsarevich, for finding the real Snow Maiden.

Leading: - And there is no trace of Sergei Tsarevich. Having seized the right moment, he sold Darth Vader's spacesuit for scrap.

(Sergei Tsarevich hands over the spacesuit to Kavadin D. Receives the money. They disperse)

Snow Maiden: - What have you done, Sergei Tsarevich! It was only before the New Year that Voldemort bewitched me and ordered me to wear a spacesuit. And after the chimes, I would be yours forever. And now goodbye! Look for me in the Forbidden Forest in Voldemort's domain.

(2 Dementors run out, grab the Snow Maiden and take her away)

Leading: - Sergei Tsarevich was saddened, but there was nothing to do. We need to get ready for the journey and help out the Snow Maiden. After all, you can’t celebrate the New Year without the Snow Maiden. Grandpa will be upset. He's old, he shouldn't worry.

(melody sounds)

Leading: - Sergei Tsarevich dressed himself in protective chain mail, new jeans, white sneakers, took his phone with him, headphones, three bags of chips and went to the Forbidden Forest in the possession of Voldemort.

Whether he walked for a long time or for a short time, he listened to all the downloaded songs three times, trampled the soles of his sneakers, ate two bags of chips, put pieces of paper in his pocket, but Voldemort’s possessions were still not visible. Suddenly Pavlik comes out to meet him.

Pavlik: - Great, brother!

Sergey: - How did you end up in the Forbidden Forest?

Pavlik: - I'm running away from bandits. Give me a chocolate and I’ll tell you where the swan geese flew off to.

Sergey: - What kind of geese-swans? You got into the wrong glitch. Here we have the Snow Maiden, Father Frost... New Year, in a word. Let's go home before you get lost.

Pavlik: - Brother, give me some chocolate!

Sergey: - Fuck off, I don’t have it.

Pavlik: - Valera, it's your time!

(Pavlik takes out a pistol. Sergei Tsarevich runs away from Pavlik, then turns around. Pavlik laughs.)

Sergey: - Kirill Tsarevich, what are you? Waugh disguised himself! Go, enroll in your drama school!

(There is a hut on stage)

Sergey: - Hut, all around! One-two!

(The hut creaks, pulls chicken legs one after another, turns around.)

Baba Yaga gets out and dances.

(Dance of Baba Yaga)

Sergey: - Who are you?

B.Ya.: - Well, I waited! These modern youth no longer even recognize Baba Yaga! I am Baba Yaga, and this is my apartment.

Sergey: - Baba Yaga, you say? Why is it so scary then? Now in all modern fairy tales, Baba Yaga is beautiful.

B.Ya.: - Not made up like that.

Sergey: - Well then, take the AVON catalog, the Snow Maiden left it at home, choose something there for yourself, now there are discounts for the New Year, there are various gifts there.

B.Ya.: - Thank you, dear Sergei Tsarevich! I will help you save the Snow Maiden. Here is a magic ball for you, it will take you to the possessions of the one who must not be named.

Sergey: - Why do I need your ball? I have a navigator.

B.Ya.: - Wi-Fi does not work in the Fairytale Forest. The trees are tall here. Only in the domain of the Dark Lord, it is located on the mountain.

Sergey: - Well, thank you, Baba Yaga.

Leading: -And Sergei Tsarevich went further. Whether he walked long or short, he just looked: in the distance three green maidens were either dancing or sweeping. It’s no different that the Kikimoras went for a walk. I crept closer - no, not Kikimora. The T-shirts the girls are wearing are green, with something written on them in foreign letters. T-shirt badges are green. The bandanas on the head are also green. Each of them has a broom in their hands, and there is a lot of trash on the ground. Sergei Tsarevich was surprised; he had never seen anything like this in any fairy tale.

Sergey: - Who are you?

Sisters: - We are the sisters of Greenpeace, sweeping the Forbidden Forest.

Sergey: - Why sweep it? You better go sweep the city.

Sisters: - In the city, the housing and communal services sisters clean up, but we have our own territory. And Baba Yaga is the head of the “Green Weekend in the Forbidden Forest” project. We have no life from the Sith and Jedi of all kinds. You see how much garbage they leave behind. Well done! I didn’t throw out a single piece of paper.

(Greenpeace sisters are holding a competition “Separate waste collection with eyes closed”)

(Baba Yaga appears, beautiful and made up)

Sergey: - You look good, grandma.

B.Ya.: - Oh thank you! I forgot to warn you: there was a moth in the ball I gave you.

Sergey: - Who-who?

B.Ya.: - Moth, such a butterfly. Well, a virus, in your opinion. Therefore, so that you do not disappear in the Forbidden Forest, allow my sisters and I, on behalf of the Nature Conservation Society, to present you with a certificate.

(Baba Yaga presents a certificate)

B.Ya.: “Thank you very much for your initiative and consciousness, because it was you who helped us prove that separate waste collection in our country is possible! A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Only with the help of people like you can we change this world." As soon as the thread in the ball breaks, the letter will do for you.

Leading: - And Sergei Tsarevich went further. Whether it was long or short, only, as Baba Yaga predicted, the thread in the ball broke.

Sergey: - Well, the damned moth ruined such a ball. Where to go? How should literacy help?

Leading: - Tsarevich Sergei sat down under the tree and began to think.


(Hedgehog appears)

Hedgehog: - Think and think, Sergei Tsarevich.

Sergey: - Who is there? ABOUT! Hedgehog! Hedgehog, tell me how to get to Voldemort's domain.

Hedgehog: - I don’t talk to unfamiliar princes.

Sergey: - And so?

(shows certificate)

Hedgehog: - Oh, why didn’t you say so right away? So, now you go straight, through three trees - to the right, then to the left, then you go back, go around the tree three times and go straight again, after three trees you turn north, and after ten steps you turn south, then you go there, and then you turn there - do you understand where to go?

Sergey: - How can you not understand? Of course I understand.

Hedgehog: - Otherwise, if you don’t understand, let me explain it again.

Sergey: - Noooooo!

Hedgehog: - And if you want, I’ll go with you. I know the way, and it will be more fun together.

Sergey: - Well, let's go, it will really be more fun together.

Hedgehog: -Are you a real prince or not? How did you get into the Forbidden Forest? Be careful, don't throw trash in the forest! Why are you going to Voldemort? Have you seen Baba Yaga? Scary!!! Do you want an apple? If you don’t want it, whatever you want...

Sergey: - Hey, Hedgehog, who are you talking to now?

Hedgehog: - How about with whom? With you, of course. We're going together. Otherwise I’m all alone, and alone. I collect apples, mushrooms, snowdrops.

Sergey: - Snowdrops? So you are not from this dimension either! Listen to me, Prickly Head, now you are going to Baba Yaga, right and left, in short, you know it yourself. You tell her about snowdrops, and let her send you where you need to go. Understood?

Hedgehog: - No, I don’t understand. I'll go with you. I like it better here.

Sergey: - And if so...

(Sergei Tsarevich again showed the Hedgehog the green certificate).

Hedgehog: - Yes, I understand, I understand, why threaten? Well, goodbye, Sergei Tsarevich! Don't remember it badly! I'm gone. To Baba Yaga. For snowdrops.

Sergey: - Goodbye, Hedgehog, and forgive me. I can't expose you to danger. I have a battle with Voldemort ahead of me.

(Sergei Tsarevich and the Hedgehog hugged, then bowed to each other at the waist and went in different directions).

Leading: - Where to go? The glomerulus does not show the way. There is not a single living soul around - there is no one to ask. Meanwhile, night begins in the Forbidden Forest. Sergei Tsarevich was overcome by fatigue, he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. And he had a dream that he was sitting on the jury at Eurovision.

(Buranovsky grandmothers come out and sing a song)

Am I to blame, am I to blame

What I like is Voldemort.

Am I to blame for being a villain and a freak?

Muggle faces have become dearer to me.

Creates obscenities, burns the city with fire

And “Avada Kedavra” screams.

He has no nose, and no conscience either,

Only evil magic lives in him.

What will happen to him now, my dear,

After all, Seryoga is no longer a kid.

Here they come together, just like in the old days,

And the mile will come.

(Buranovsky grandmothers are holding a competition)

Leading: - The first rays of the sun woke up the good fellow. He stood up, stretched, and looked around. And the trees seemed to open up before his eyes. And Tsarevich Sergei saw a high mountain, and on the mountain an apartment. No other than Voldemort's hut. Now we must act extremely carefully so as not to give ourselves away ahead of time. Sergei Tsarevich crept up and looked through the window.

Voldemort walks around the apartment with a broom and screams at the top of his lungs.

V.M.: - Avada kedavra!

Snow Maiden: - Hey, what's your name, I brought tea.

V.M.: - Be dumbfounded!

Snow Maiden: - Drink your tea. While you drink, keep quiet for a little while.

V. M: - Crucio!

(Snow Maiden snatches a broom and threatens V.M.)

Snow Maiden: - I’ll give him tea here! And he is crucio to me! Ungrateful!

Leading: - This is where Sergei Tsarevich realized where Voldemort’s death was located. In a broom. Just to understand which one. Tsarevich Sergei found a broom from the technicians, entered the Throne Room, bowed at the waist to Voldemort and gave him amnesia.

(V.M. faints, then gets up looking stupid)

V.M.: - Who are you? I didn't call you! Go to hell!

Sergey: - Okay!

Snow Maiden: - Bye, Volanchik!

V.M .: - Hey, where? And who did they leave me with?

(Buranovsky grandmothers run up and sing New Year’s ditties.

Then everyone leaves together.)

Leading: - And they went with the whole cheerful gang to Santa Claus. On the way we met Hedgehog, Baba Yaga and the Greenpeace sisters. They all came together, like a gypsy camp, to the palace of Father Frost. And now the chimes are striking. Hooray! New Year!

In chorus (girls): - Happy New Year!

In chorus (boys): - Happy new happiness!

(Kirill sings a song. Chorus all together.)

The ringing of bells floats over the country,

An old and good holiday - New Year, New Year.

New Year, New Year.

New Year's candles were lit in every house,

And the evening will be filled with the expectation of love.

New Year, New Year,

It will be a new New Year.

Happy New Year with a new happiness,

Hope and harmony to everyone,

Happy New Year


The dashing troika rushes, accelerating its run,

And Russia is crowned with the New Year, the new century,

New year, new century.

In honor of a great power and its Christmas

Congratulations again - Happy New Year, country!
New Year, New Year,
It will be a new New Year.

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Hope and harmony to everyone,
Happy New Year

We offer an option for a children's New Year's party with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden; the program includes riddles, active competitions, songs and dance entertainment.

New Year's holiday scenario for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very fun, it is easy to organize and conduct in any group, especially since musical accompaniment is included (thanks to the author!)

New Year's holiday scenario

To the soundtrack, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, examines the beautiful Christmas tree, the bright hall and draws attention to the children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy holiday, my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am?

Children (in unison): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And once I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone is celebrating the New Year,

They lead a round dance together,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles.

Well, today it will be so!

Children's New Year's noise maker "So as not to freeze..."

Let's plunge into a New Year's fairy tale now,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we don’t freeze in the bitter frost -

Let's quickly hold our noses with our hands! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no hassle with doctors -

Rub your frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

To keep your hands from freezing, clap! (claps his hands)

Now let's warm our feet and stomp (shows)

And let's tickle the neighbor a little (Snow Maiden affectionately tickles several guys)

And, of course, we’ll laugh together together! (ha ha ha)

Now that you've warmed up, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, in unison: “Grandfather Frost!”

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

(to download - click file)

Father Frost himself comes out to the song “Well, of course, Father Frost.” He greets everyone, examines the tree, throws snow, throws streamers, claps a cracker, etc. (Then the Snow Maiden and Father Frost conduct the program together)

Father Frost: I’m glad to see my grandchildren again,

After all, this is not the first time we are celebrating the New Year,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

A nice, simple word “hello”!

Guys, where is my fidget Snow Maiden? Here she was, guess what!?

(Snow Maiden hides behind Santa Claus and says now from the left, now from the right: “I’m here”).

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischief-maker, has she been naughty? Enough!

All the guys in the hall are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

Although, probably, the girls and boys here

The same as you, pranksters and naughty girls?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, is this how they start the holiday? The guys haven’t seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you tell them from the door that they, most likely, are behaving somehow wrong..

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, okay, I’ll ask them themselves. The kids are wonderful, you must be terrible naughty girls?

(to download - click file)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, everyone knows that you are a good wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I’ll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and performing all sorts of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so complicated - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how about it, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. Only the guys need to be more careful. I will say the magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, following the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magical movements. And so you will turn into an animal or a bird. It's clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(the youngest children are selected. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements after D.M. and Snegurka to the tune of the song “about the grasshopper”)

(to download - click file)

Here in the snowy winter, through the thicket of the forest, through the thicket of the forest, a gray ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf sneaking

In Australia, far away, on a low hill, on a low hill, he jumps like that... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo gallops

Under the gray foam, under the blue water, under the blue water, so he floats ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch, and from the lantern to the branch it flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from the lantern to the branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow is flying

Dancing by the den and not sparing his feet And without sparing his feet he stomps ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and without sparing your legs

Imagine, imagine - this is how a bear stomps

Father Frost: Now we can do some more complicated magic.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and the Snow Maiden, pretend to play musical instruments - trumpet, violin and drum).

(to download - click file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to perform all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they still start teasing - “I imagined I had my tail between my legs”?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, i.e. imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. But first we need to choose our assistants - 7 people. and additionally 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult spectators are selected for the roles of: Bee, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile, Leopold the Cat and snowflakes. All characters wear masked hats and each comes out to their own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey there is a balloon ).

Children's New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "Imagining"

Once upon a time there lived a Snow Maiden. And she went to celebrate the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes swirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzzing sound. “It’s probably someone flying,” thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, this is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in her paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: “Treat your friends, Snow Maiden.” And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden heard someone waddle and stomp and grunt: “Uh, uh, uh.” And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh approached the Snow Maiden and said: “Treat me with honey, Snow Maiden.” As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare runs, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouts: “Well, hare, wait!” A hare and a wolf ran up, they also wanted honey. And then the sound of wheels - thumping. A blue carriage rolls along, and on it... Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, and they say: “Leave us some honey too.” Then there was a noise and uproar, everyone was shouting: “Me, me, me.” The Snow Maiden was so confused that she almost dropped the barrel of honey from her hands. It’s good that at that time a kind cat came up in slippers and with a bow around his neck and said: “Guys, let’s live together!” And then divide the honey equally among everyone. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands with joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, I thought you were noble, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys come out) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to walk back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually fall lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants for the dance competition or everyone, as well as adult assistants who will hold the sash, are selected. The originality of the dance is assessed).

Father Frost: What a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately obvious that they were preparing for the New Year. Did you decorate the Christmas tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up with? I'll check it now. I will offer different decorations, and you use your imagination, but be careful, tell me back, if they decorate the Christmas tree with this, then “yes”, and if they don’t, then “no”

We all know exactly how we should decorate the Christmas tree.

And what is possible and what is not - we’ll immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and sushi? (No)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and a game? (No)

A multi-colored garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about a Christmas tree, but I need your help. You need to sing the following words in the chorus: “I like, I like the Christmas tree - it’s beautiful!” Let's rehearse.

(everyone sings at the given tempo)

Song "Christmas tree - beauty"

(recorded version with Santa Claus's vocals and a playback for the chorus with the children)


In the center of the hall a beauty just grew amazingly

Well, tell me guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like the Christmas tree - beautiful - 2 times

There is so much colorful tinsel on its shaggy branches

Carved bell, multi-colored balls - 2 times

Chorus .

Snow doesn’t melt in a warm room, this happens on New Year’s Day

And the guys in the hall near the Christmas tree lead a round dance - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - the team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden team of 10 people each. in each and two adults in each team for backup.

I really liked this original and very interesting New Year's scenario for children of primary school students, with the participation of fairy-tale characters and heroes of modern films - Harry Potter and Jack Sparrow, which was written by the modern author Elena Zhenilenko. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author!

New Year's scenario for primary school (with the participation of heroes of modern films - Harry Potter and Jack Sparrow)


(Music from the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” sounds).

Enter the stage: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Bunny, Bear, Matryoshka and Snowflakes. They look at the Christmas tree in admiration and throw up their hands.

The music is muted.

SANTA CLAUS: The Christmas tree is the most beautiful in the world!

The children worked on it.

SNOW Maiden: The hall sparkles so wonderfully!

MATRYOSHKA: How wonderful! How lovely!

BEAR: We tried our best!..

SNOWMAN: Well done, kids!

SANTA CLAUS: How lucky we were to enter this school hall,

We finally found where to throw the ball!

SNOW Maiden: New Year's school ball

It will be great here!

BUNNY: It was not in vain that Santa Claus searched

The best of the best hall -

It turned out he was right.

SANTA CLAUS: This school is the most beautiful!

Holiday success awaits us!

Music from a holiday song sounds, snowflakes come on stage and dance their dance, they are helped in free style by Mishka, Bunny, Snowman and Matryoshka. While the dance is being performed, the Snow Maiden is preparing to perform a festive song.

The dancers part and the Snow Maiden sings a festive song. Behind the Snow Maiden, the participants continue to dance, taking Father Frost into the round dance, Father Frost clapping and stamping his feet. Having performed the song, the Snow Maiden joins the dancing participants. A joyful mood is created.

Scene 2

SANTA CLAUS: I want to say something important,

Therefore, I ask everyone to be silent for a while!

Everyone falls silent and Grandfather Frost continues in a mysterious voice: (muffled music sounds appropriate to the moment)

I decided to open a portal

In time, so without prompting

Could we invite you to a ball?

Guests from different fairy tales

Santa Claus looks questioningly at his surroundings, watching their reactions. Participants nod their heads approvingly, smiling joyfully in anticipation of something extraordinary. The words are heard: “Wow! Great! Great idea!" etc.

SNOW MAIDEN: Wait a minute, grandfather, this is not easy!..

After all, Santa Claus invited them to visit him?!..

SANTA CLAUS: I held negotiations with Santa

Together we signed an agreement with him

(shows others the sealed agreement)

My friends, cast aside all doubts

Everything will be settled - contractual relations!

(They clap their hands for Santa Claus)

And so that it doesn’t turn out to be a ball of delays -

You will need a competent assistant!..

I know a boy like that!

From any position

We'll go out with him

Everything will be the way we want!

Santa Claus addresses all participants of the holiday:

Guess the riddle, kids,

Which one will I tell the boy about?

Who can guess everyone the fastest?

He will receive a prize from my granddaughter!

This fabulous child

I was smart from the cradle,

Lives in a flowery town,

He is a master of exact science

It's called mathematics.

Only he doesn’t wonder

He is not rude and not arrogant,

And it’s simply called... Znayka.

The Snow Maiden presents the prize to the person who guessed it to the applause of the audience.

SANTA CLAUS: Well, it’s time for us to get ready for the journey.

(addresses the New Year tree)

You'll have to stay here alone

But soon we will come again

So that you don’t get bored, we’ll sing a song.

They sing the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter.” At the end of the song they walk from the hall to the stage. The bunny admired the Christmas tree and hesitated.

SANTA CLAUS: Let's go, let's go faster, bunny!

Already tired of waiting, apparently, Znayka.

SNOW MAIDEN: Clever Znayka is waiting for us all - at the Morozov Gate.

(Everyone goes backstage)


Baba Yaga appears. He examines the tree with displeasure.

BABA YAGA: Who needs New Year, every year?

Everyone is praising this day?!..

No, it’s the other way around – an endless Old Year!

With him you know everything in advance: what comes to anyone’s mind,

And then again delve into all the subtleties...

Technology just leaps forward every year!

A witch writes on the Internet that she can fly on a rocket.

I’m hobbling through forest clearings in a decrepit mortar! (he pronounces these words tearfully and grabs his rheumatic back)

And all the nasty Santa Claus! (shakes his fist somewhere in the distance)

Sticks his red nose everywhere!

And the granddaughter harnesses up:

It suits him, he tries!

Suddenly he raises his head high and says with pathos:

I will achieve the eternal Old Year

And my mortar will never go out of style!

Song of Baba Yaga. Swamp kikimoras and mermaids dance and sing along with her.


Someone's crying can be heard from behind the scenes. Leshy comes out.

YAGA: Hello, Leshy, old bastard!

What's not fun? Well!.. Don't whine!

Tell grandma

What happened, grandpa?!

Leshy: Well, what kind of grandfather am I to you?

You're a hundred years older!

And my sadness, the reason is clear:

Only midnight will strike

And the New Year will come -

I'll have to again

Until spring, sleep well!

I wish I could turn back time

To take a walk in the winter

With dear friends -

Gnarled stumps!

YAGA: Wait, Leshok, don’t be afraid!

I'll deal with Frost!

He will receive from Yaga!…

Only you help me.

Leshy: Is there really a way for Moroz to tell us lime?

YAGA: Well, you, Leshy, give it!.. (laughs)

What century are you living in?

You don't need a lot of intelligence here,

To find out who we need!

Here we need to think more broadly and deeply, but quickly!

Leshy: No, I’m not used to thinking.

I'm the most ordinary goblin:

I strictly protect the forest,

Yes, I scare forest guests!

YAGA: I don’t need your little mind too much!

For me, please, get information!

What is Frost up to there with his granddaughter?

Every year he invents new things.

Who should I ask?

At this time, behind the scenes, you can hear the cheerful laughter of snowflakes.

YAGA: Look, there are five snowflakes!..

Go to them... (gets ready to leave, then, remembering something, returns)

About Frost - the old man

Ask the Snowman.

He already knows what's what,

He serves him faithfully! (She sat down in the mortar, took a broom and flew away)

Cheerful snowflakes run out onto the stage to cheerful music and dance around the devil. They push him lightly, tickle him. The goblin tries to get angry, stamps his feet on them, tries to catch them, but they don’t let up. The music sounds and the snowflakes have even more fun. Then Leshy tries to get by with affection. The music is muted.

Leshy: Dear snowflakes,

Light fluffs,

Forest news

Do you know which ones?

The snowflakes have even more fun and they begin to spin the devil (the music is louder at this time), they spin and he falls. Snowflakes run away. The goblin gasps and groans!

Goblin: Oh, minx, oh, minx,

Real witches!

Spun from the heart!

Incredibly good!

A snowman comes onto the stage.

SNOWMAN: Hello, Leshy, old rogue!

Why are you sitting here?

I came to tell you

What Frost decided to call

Happy New Year to you and Yaga!

Meeting at his gate.

Leshy: (talks to the side)

Has it ever happened that he called evil spirits there?!..

(Getting up says to the Snowman)

I need to sit down again (sits down)

Well, this is good news!

I just don't understand

And why do we have this honor?

SNOWMAN: You live in the wilderness,

You'll be the last to know!

Well, listen, moss grandfather,

Amazing answer... (The snowman whispers something in Leshy’s ear and they go backstage.)


Yaga with kikimoras and mermaids are dancing and a out of breath Leshy runs out onto the stage. Leshy: The snowman just said,

That we too are invited to the ball!.. (comes closer to Yaga and begins to whisper in her ear)

YAGA: What a cunning fellow!

Sweetened the pill!

But we must be smarter!

Let's go there quickly (they leave)


Dunno appears. Sings the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

Dunno: I am cheerful, mischievous,

I love to play pranks!

Children have fun with me

I will surprise them!

Yaga runs out and laments.

YAGA: They deceived you, dear,

They've got their finger wrapped around it!

Everyone was invited to the celebration -

They just didn’t come for you!

Dunno: How can this be? - After all, I tried...

Haven't found one for a whole year

On pranks and jokes...

YAGA: (with irritation)

Shut up for a minute!

Frost Znayka ordered

Open the portal for an hour

Time. You understand?

Do you know anything about this?

Dunno: Yes, I helped him.

I know how to open a portal.

YAGA: Well, then run after me

And help Yaguse!

The two of them run away from the stage.


On stage, Znayka is fiddling with the portal. The final preparations for its opening are underway. Znayka is tightening something with a screwdriver. The music from the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds again and Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Matryoshka, Snowman, Bunny, Bear, Snowflakes appear on the stage.

ZNAYKA: Here you are! I was worried,

I thought we were lost.

SANTA CLAUS: You really tried!

Snow Maiden: We were all amazed!

SANTA CLAUS: Well, is it ready?

ZNAIKA: Everything is ready! I'm launching...

I open the door to space!

Magical music is playing, perhaps from the band Space.

The Musketeer emerges from the portal and looks at those present in amazement.

MUSKETEER: Here I am - a musketeer, voila!

I defend the life of the king!

I consider it an honor to be here

And I’m ready to protect you as well!

SANTA CLAUS: We salute you, brave warrior!

SNOWMAN: He deserves to be at our ball!

Magical cosmic music plays again and everyone looks at the portal, waiting for the next guest.

Harry Potter comes out, careful as always.

HARRY: A powerful and evil lord

I am the overthrower without a doubt

I study at the magical school Hogwarts

I came by invitation!

Baba Yaga is watching what is happening from behind the scenes. In between the appearances of the characters, she grimaces and grimaces. When Potter begins to conjure, Yaga pushes Dunno into the portal. Dunno disappears in him.

SANTA CLAUS: I remember the fairy-tale drama.

Everyone will recognize you by your scar!

Harry Potter shows off his scar.

Snow Maiden: We have heard a lot about you

Finally saw it!

Snowman: I wanted to ask you -

Can you apply

Elderberry stick?

We ourselves are not sorcerers!

Very interesting

Let's see, honestly!

Harry Potter takes out a bag and opens it.

HARRY: Hurry up, kids.

Put your candies in my bag

I'll wave my wand here

And the candies will grow up

Participants put jelly beans into Harry's bag. Harry waves his wand and says a spell.

HARRY: Transformar in candy!

The participants approach Harry and look into his bag. Disappointment is visible in the eyes. Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the scenes.

Yaga: The sorcerer was found as a stranger

Such a stupid one!

I can do such miracles in half an hour!

HARRY: I need help here.

Who knows about plants?

Who is strong in sprouts, buds?

Well, of course - Hermione

Hermione Granger emerges from the portal.

HERMIONE: Hello guys!

Hello, animals!

It's not difficult for me -

There will be candies for you!

Together with Harry, they point their wands at the bag and cast the spell: Transformar in Kandi!

Bear and Bunny come up to the bag and look inside.

Bear: Bunny, look,

They have really grown up!

Harry and Hermione hand out candy from a bag to the children.

HERMIONE: Very happy Old Year

We will spend it with you!

HARRY: Let's celebrate the New Year together

Let's become friends!

Song or dance.

SNOW Maiden: The portal is open, and the guests

Are you stuck somewhere?..

SANTA CLAUS: I hear the clatter of hooves,

The carriage arrived.

An elegant Cinderella emerges from the portal. She is beautiful and modest. The audience admires this combination.

HARRY: Even at our school

I have never seen anything more beautiful! (Hermione nudges Harry in the side)

CINDERELLA: Came from abroad,

To make friends with you!

My name is Cinderella.

How beautiful it is here!

Cinderella's song "Good Beetle". At the end of the song, the Musketeer approaches Cinderella.

MUSKETEER: I will be glad to accompany you

You, mademoiselle.

I want to discuss with you

This citadel. (The Musketeer extends his hand and takes Cinderella to the rest of the participants)

Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the scenes again

YAGA: The holiday is heating up.

I do not like it!

Where did the goblin go?

How he fell through the ground!

The portal suddenly started working on its own without Znayka’s participation and everyone hurried to it. An interesting boy came out of the aisle.

SANTA CLAUS: What kind of foreigner is this?-

In royal attire,

Is there a backpack at the back?..

VOVKA: Finally I’m home

My name is Vovka.

How much evil and deceit there is

In this distant kingdom,

But I am my own casket

I exchanged it for a backpack!

MATRYOSHKA: Not a backpack, but a backpack.

VOVKA: I’m a foreigner! (indignantly)

Santa Claus escorts Vovka to the rest of the guests. A knock is heard.

SNOW MAIDEN: Wait, wait

Someone is knocking there.. Come in!

Snow White and the Dwarf enter.

SNOW WHITE: Good afternoon, gentlemen!

We were invited here.

SANTA CLAUS: Well, well, come on in!

Who? Where? Tell us!

SNOW WHITE: I am from a fairy tale, where is good

Evil has bravely conquered!

Snow White is my name

I am with the gnomes to this day

I'm having a great time

It’s true that I’m friends with them!

Here is one of them, lucky one,

And his name is Sloth!

The gnome bows.

SLOTH: Hello everyone from Chikhun

Merry and Grumpy!

SNOW MAIDEN: Come on, guests, you should go there! (Everyone escorts Snow White and the dwarf to the rest of the guests and goes backstage)

At this time, Yaga, Dunno and Leshy appear.

Dunno: I slipped into that portal,

He advised the astrologer

That night is called to the ball!

YAGA: The night casts shadows

With her, evil will come to us in the hallway!

We'll delay the New Year

We are so supportive!

Dunno: You deceived me!

How naive I was!

I'll run before it's too late

I'll tell Santa Claus! (Runs off stage.)

Leshy: What to do? These are the times!

He's going to sell us now!

YAGA: See, I wove for him

About good things! (laughs)

Now we can't be reached

Let's go look for the New Year. (They leave.)

The New Year appears on stage to musical accompaniment.

NEW YEAR: I was born from your wishes,

What did not come true in that old year!

I was born from your dreams

To fulfill them, I’m coming to your house!

Yaga and Leshiy run out and grab the New Year and drag him backstage.

Father Frost, Snegurochka, Snowman, Znayka come onto the stage and see Dunno crying near the portal, but he does not have time to say anything since the portal started working again and Astrologer came out.

STARGATHER: I barely got to you

I thought: “I’m late”!

The stargazers are there (points to the other side of the portal)


How are you stargazers?

SANTA CLAUS: The astrologer is held in high esteem everywhere,

There is work for him everywhere!

While Father Frost and the Stargazer are talking, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman are comforting Dunno.

STARGATHER: Well, then I’ll call my daughter -

Come out soon Night!

Night comes out.

ZNAYKA AND NON-KNOW together: Get out of here! Away! We don't need Night!

But it's too late. With her, along with loud screams and hoots, burst out: the Evil Witch, the Robber, the pirate Jack Sparrow. While the uninvited guests are rowdy, Dunno tells in the ear of Santa Claus the story of Yaga’s deception.

SANTA CLAUS: What is it?! What a disaster!

How did you get here?

THE WICKED WIZARD: In the Dark Night

We stood before your eyes! (Laughs.)

Night: In the folds of my dress

You won't see anything!

Evil and good hover nearby,

I don’t know where anyone is!

Robber: The night favors the fierce,

Because she's blind!

JACK SPARROW: Don't want to let us in

Should I stay in your world? (laugh together)

Yaga and Leshy run out, the New Year is associated with them!

The following people come out to see Santa Claus: Musketeer, Vovka, Harry and Hermione, Cinderella and Snow White with the Dwarf.

SANTA CLAUS: It’s a shame, how could I

Are you fooling a child?! (Points to Dunno.)

SNOW Maiden: Ah, dishonorable Yaga

I've taken the evil path again!

SANTA CLAUS: So that's what you are like!

Addresses fabulous guests:

Dear guests!

For the holiday to take place,

Don't upset the children

So that the New Year remains

We need to fight evil quickly!

Evil forces are hooting and making faces!

MUSKETEER: Selyavi! I'll take the fight!

I stand up for the children!

I will never disgrace my honor,

I will only take out my sword!

Jack Sparrow comes towards the musketeer with his sword.

JACK: I'm Jack Sparrow

Lord of the seas!

I've been to the bottom

But the sword is with me! (Father Frost goes backstage with the Snow Maiden, Astrologer and Night.)

The Musketeer and Jack cross their swords to the music of the guards. The sound of swords can be heard. The Robber and Matryoshka are fighting next to them. They are joined in the background by Znayka and Dunno, since the Robber is very strong. Fighting, they go backstage.

Harry and Hermione come to the fore.

HERMIONE: We will defeat the enemy!

Come on, come on, Yaga!

Harry: This isn't the first time for us-

Sticks are always with us!

Harry and Hermione point their wands at Yaga and the Wicked Witch. They respond by pointing their brooms. Yaga and the Sorceress retreat backstage and Harry and Hermione follow them. The goblin pushes Snow White on stage. GNOME: Get out while you're still alive

Although I am small in stature, I am brave!

Jack and the Musketeer return to the stage fighting. The goblin, frightened by the gnome, retreats, but accidentally hits Cinderella.

Musketeer: You deigned to upset the lady

I must teach you a lesson immediately! (Points his sword at Leshy. Sparrow takes the side of the Musketeer.)

Jack: I usually save them

Even though they are harmful.

I promise to fight for them

Until the end victorious!

BIGGER (to the goblin): They crushed us a little,

The naval fleet was taken away from us (nods towards Sparrow)

Leshy: But aviation is worth it!

Look, Yaga is flying to the rescue!

Yaga jumps out on a broom, followed by Harry and Hermione with brooms in their hands.

Hermione: Our aviation is no worse! (shows a broom)

Harry: Get ready, you bastards, for restoration!

Finally evil is defeated. Everyone is tired and powerless. At this time, Father Frost and his granddaughter and the Astrologer appear on the stage again.

Stargazer (addressing evil forces):

I sent the night back.

He left no hope for you.

Santa Claus: Without Night you have no strength

Daylight will take her away.

Evil Witch: Have you decided to outsmart us?

Without night there is no midnight!!!

Santa Claus: Are you shaming Ezhka on the Internet?

Why doesn't she have a rocket broom?

Evil Witch: Yeah! Yeah!

Harry: Well, here's to you, Yaga! (Takes out a broom and hands it to Yaga.)

Evil Witch: She will last a hundred and twenty years -

“Nimbus” two thousand twelve! (speaks with admiration)

YAGA: Here are the gifts - so are the gifts!

It wouldn't be a shame to bring back the New Year.

Here he is. Take it!

Celebrate the holiday with him.

SANTA CLAUS: The word remains valid -

We invited you too!

NEW YEAR: Although we are completely different,

But the holiday goes to everyone!

SANTA CLAUS (to the goblin): And you keep fighting with me,

And I just gave you peace

So that you can rest

From all forest worries.

Leshy: Sorry, Morozko, it’s my fault

Everything went wrong somehow...

SANTA CLAUS: Here's a gift for you, here you go! (Gives a freshener.)

Freshen up your den.

There is the smell of pine needles and oregano,

May you sleep peacefully.

Leshy: Thank you! I'll sleep peacefully

And I won’t forget this holiday!

Bunny: What a pity that all our dancing has ended.

SANTA CLAUS: Always waiting for the ending of a fairy tale!

SNOW Maiden: But you, our beloved children:

Animals, guests, girls, boys

You will never leave this fairy tale

And the holiday will be yours forever!

SANTA CLAUS: Let's end the good old year

Beloved New Year wishes only happiness to all his guests! May this New Year 2020 bring peace, kindness and love to your homes!

Tovbo Nina
New Year! Scenario for the New Year's holiday “Modern and traditional characters”


Malvina, Jester, Father Frost, he is also a Showman, Administrator under Father Frost.

Jester: Op-la-la! To the most respected public, ours with a bell! Hey, funny people! Who will dance and sing here? This New Year's holiday comes to us every year! (Stops) So, what is this sourness on our faces? (Pushes Malvina) Hey, are you asleep? What's going on here?

Malvina: Why did you shout? Do you think you're cool?

Jester (frightened): Didn't understand.

Malvina: What is unclear here? You and I are outdated characters, we do not fit into reality. .

Jester: Divides what?.

Malvina: You see, you don’t even know that. Delete - this means clicking a button, and you are first in the trash, and then completely removed from the operating system (collective) memory.

Jester: How is it deleted?

Malvina: Yes. Do you think anyone today believes in fairy tales about New Year's miracles and Santa Claus? Do you think anyone is happy to see you here? They don't even know your name anymore.

Jester (sits on the floor): No, I do not believe. it is not true. No. No.

Malvina: Breathe, breathe deeply. Welcome to the real world.

Jester: But they want something, they believe in something, they are interested in something?

Malvina: Certainly! They want their parents to get rich, they want computers, mobile phones, DVD players, they dream of going to "Star Factory" or at least in "National artist", find a million, become cool and advanced. What of this can you offer them?

Jester: But New Year.

Malvina: So what? New no one canceled the year. Just him celebrate differently, other gifts, others characters. By the way, they will appear here soon. Modern Heroes. Therefore, it’s time for us to get out of the chest.

Jester (shows off): What more! Let them clean up themselves! We were the first to arrive. (Sad) What do we do?

Malvina: We need, to put it .

Phonogram. Others appear in the hall characters.

Father Frost (I'll estimate according to modern, businesslike, energetic): So. Everything is already assembled, well done! Eagles! Today I'm rocking it - me! Let's have a blast, brothers! (Gets to the podium, sits on a chair. To the Secretary) So what do we have today?

Administrator (takes out an electronic notebook): Oh, well, why ask the same thing every time, the same thing. Today we have New Year's celebration for 5th grade students Number of 21 people, duration - 1 hour.

Father Frost: Great! Prepare more kilowatts of sound, dance team, props No. 5, outfits series up to 16, make up is super-duper! (Addressing the hall) Hey, fun company! Do you understand me? It's me - (snaps fingers) as there. A. Father Frost! What do you think of my outfit? Cool, really! Let's party!

Jester: Hey, could you repeat everything you said again, otherwise I didn’t move in?

(Everyone looked at them as if they were terminally ill)

Father Frost: What kind of clowns are these?

Malvina: We are not clowns, we just don’t understand what language you speak?

Father Frost (taken aback): Like which one? In Russian. advanced Everyone here understands us! Right? (Children answer)

Administrator: Yes, they need to reformat their brains, create a new directory and upload everything they need there!

Pierrot: Something doesn’t feel right to me.

Administrator: A reboot alone won’t do the trick; you’ll have to reinstall the entire system.

Jester (coming): Or maybe it’s better for you to re-format your brains, otherwise you talk somehow strangely.

Pierrot: Yes, and Santa Claus, not at all Santa Claus.

Father Frost: What?.

Administrator (comes between them): Calmly! You guys will fight again, hot Finnish guys! I offer honest New Year's competition, and then it will be clear who needs to be rebooted. Yes, the children will have fun, and they will judge. An agreement? (Parties shake hands)

New and old characters They sit down in different teams and the competition program begins.

1 competition - riddles.

1. He goes first in the count,

It will start with him New Year.

Open your calendar soon

Read! Written -...

January -

2. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking. When does this happen?

3. Bel, but not sugar.

There are no legs, but he walks.

4. Sits on everyone

Not afraid of anyone.

5. In winter - a star,

In spring - water.

Snowflake -

6. I lived in the middle of the yard,

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream.


7. Ride in the snow -

I'll grow up.

Warm up on the fire -

I'll be lost.

Snowball -

8. Not snow, not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees.

9. Fish live in winter warm:

The roof is thick glass.

10. It’s winter time -

There's a crackling sound in the yard...

Not heat, but frost -

11. I live under the very roof,

It's scary to even look down.

I could live higher

If only there were roofs there.


12. Run along the track

Boards and legs.

2nd competition Mummy.

Four volunteers are called, of which two teams are made up, and more can be called. One of the players on each team is "mummy", and second - "mumiator". A game: "mumiator" must wrap it up as quickly as possible "mummy" "bandages". Toilet paper is usually used as bandages. Crowd fun guaranteed! After winding, you can perform the reverse operation by winding the paper back into the roll.

3 competition Christmas tree decorations.

The guys and I will play an interesting game game: I’ll tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with. Listen carefully and be sure to answer,

If we tell you right, say "Yes" in reply.

Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, speak boldly "No!"

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

4 competition Catch a snowball. The game involves two teams. One child from each team has an empty bag in his hands, which he holds wide open. Each team has several paper snowballs. At the signal, everyone begins to throw snowballs into the bag, and partners also help, trying to catch them. The team with the most snowballs in the bag wins.

5 competition "Baba Yaga". Players are divided into several teams, depending on the number. The first player is given a mop in his hand, he stands in the bucket with one foot (he holds the bucket with one hand and the mop with the other). In this position, the player must run a certain distance and pass the equipment to the next one. Fun guaranteed-).

Contest "Let's sing on new way»

6th competition new way.

Let's sing New Year's song, but on- new. Song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", we need it

1-bark, 2-grunt, 3-moo, 4-cackle.

7 competition Game yes - no.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes)

Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes)

Knows songs and riddles? (Yes)

Will he eat all your chocolates? (No)

Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes)

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No)

Doesn't his soul age? (Yes)

Will it warm us up outside? (No)

Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes)

Is our birch good? (No)

New Year is getting closer? (Yes)

Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No)

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes)

Does he drive a foreign car? (No)

Wears a cane and a hat? (No)

Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes)

8 The appearance of the wizard magician. A cassette with individual lines from the songs is prepared in advance.

Presenter - And now guys, a magician will come to us who can read our thoughts. So we'll find out what you're thinking about right now.

(When the magician approaches the next guest and begins to move his hands over the person’s head, the sound engineer turns on the cassette and everyone hears the guest’s thoughts. The presenter’s comments on the thought heard are required.)

1. Oh, if only the dream would come true.

2. Where are you summer (Potap and Nastya).

3. My clear light (Bulanova).

4. Not a couple (Potap and Nastya).

5. I'm happy (Grigory Leps).

6. Tell me, mom (Glory).

7. I'm walking like this (Verka Serdiuchka).

8. No Wi-Fi.

9. And he is like that (Alena Apina)

10. I will go to live in London.

11. On a big hot air balloon (Christmas tree)

12. Let me go to the Himalayas (Rasputin)

Success Prediction

Everyone is pleased to know that only success awaits in the future. Therefore, we put the names of everyone present, written on pieces of paper, into a hat and voice questions like this:

Who in new will be the best year to study? (pull out the piece of paper)

What do you think this is? Tanya, but not in new will be an excellent student this year.

Who will make the great discovery?

Who will win all the sports competitions in our school?

Who will find the treasure next year?

Who will win the lottery?

Who will receive the most gifts? New Year?

Who has new there will be more good things in the year news?

Who will travel a lot?

Who's in for the biggest surprise in 2014?

Who will be the most successful in school?

Who will be the most athletic in new year?

Who will find a true friend in new year?

Who will be the healthiest?

Who will become famous?

Who will have the biggest dream come true?

Who's in for an unexpected adventure? New Year?

Who will find their soulmate?

Who will buy a big live dog?

Who is waiting to move to New Year?

Who will fall head over heels in love with New Year?

Whose parents will be called to school?

Who's looking forward to a trip around the world?

9th competition Chimes.

Children are divided into 2 teams. We give everyone decorations for the Christmas tree and clothespins. Toys, snowflakes and garlands need to be hung on one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like Christmas tree!

The recording of the chimes starts! Whoever comes up with the funniest Christmas tree in 1 minute while the recording is going on wins!

10th competition Centipede.

While you and I were having fun, they handed us a bag of balloons, apparently Grandfather Frost wants us to play with them, which means

Divide the children into teams (a team can have from 2 to infinity). Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take "strawberry"(the first player takes the small red ball, go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that does not crumble along the road wins!

11 Baba Yaga competition.

You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

12th Penguin competition.

the ball needs to be clamped between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we take small steps towards the goal, trying not to lose the ball.

13 Greedy competition.

There are a lot of balls without strings lying on the floor. You need to keep as many balls as possible to myself: under a T-shirt, pin with hairpins, hold "tail" teeth, squeeze the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny, by the way. Don't forget to take a photo of the winner.

14 competition Music competition.

We put on a recording of the song 3 White Horses performed by Larisa Dolina, and ask for commands dramatize a song in roles. Let them show with gestures how “We got a little shaggy at home”, "warm and damp", “Winter has opened its snowy arms”, “Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses, Everyone is running, running, running towards me,” and, naturally, everyone wants to see how "three white horses" will be taken to "snowy distance". Roles can be distributed in advance: Homes, Winter, Christmas trees, Horses and the main character, let's call her "Gone with Horses".

Presenter Guys, now it's time to sum up. What kind characters we leave with you.

Our traditional santa claus. Let's call him.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Snow Maiden. Just before New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Grandfather Frost

I’m in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone's on me the holiday is waiting,

Everyone calls her Snegurochka.

Father Frost. Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

WITH new happiness!

WITH New Year!

WITH new joy for everyone!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

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