Scenario of the festive program "autumn cafe". Scenario of an autumn holiday for children of the preparatory group. “Baba Yaga’s Autumn Cafe Competition “Cocktail of Comic Questions”

Integration of educational areas: "Music" , "Communication" , "Cognition" , "Physical Culture" Health".

Goal: expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

Objectives: to consolidate singing and dancing skills, ideas about vegetables, the characteristics of the autumn period, to create the atmosphere of a family cafe in the hall.

Planned results: masters basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally sensitively feels the experiences of close adults and children; feels the rhythm and melody of a poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech corresponding both in content and intonation to the role taken; the child has developed skills and abilities,

necessary for various types of children's activities.

Preliminary work: learning songs, dances, poems with children; conversation about competition tasks with parents.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Boy: What a pity that summer flew by so quickly,
That winter will come soon.
And they will put on a snow coat at home,
And snow-capped sunrises.

Girl: But, to be honest, somehow not very
I feel sad for the joyful summer time.
And all because autumn is beautiful
Today in our yard.

Host: Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the cafe "Autumn" . Today is our harvest festival. And the hostess at this holiday will, of course, be the Queen of Autumn.

Autumn enters to the music, accompanied by vegetables.

Autumn: Hello guys! We are very glad to attend your harvest festival. I didn't arrive alone. I am accompanied by my faithful subjects - vegetables. Now they will introduce themselves to you.

Vegetables make riddles:

1. Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.
They just hang out in the garden
Green heels (carrot).

2. There is a green hook on the fence,
There is a chest hanging on a hook.
There are five guys in the chest
They sit quietly next to each other.

Suddenly the chest crumbled -

Everything fell apart around (peas).

3. The fruit was green -
Didn't want to be put in my mouth.
They put him in a bed -
He changed his clothes.

Put on the red one
Ripe for food (tomato).

4. Red, not viburnum,
Bitter, not aspen.
Round, not a basket,
There is a tail, not a cat (radish).

Child: We have prepared gifts
As befits guests.
Bouquet of bright autumn leaves
Accept it, Autumn, from the guys!

Dance with leaves. ("Leaves are yellow" music R. Paulsa Sr. I. Shaferan) movements at the discretion of the muses. leader.

The children sit down.

Autumn: Everyone knows - without difficulty
You can't take the fish out of the pond.
In the garden and in the garden, in the swamp and in the forest
My gifts are waiting for you,

Stock up!
Don't be lazy, but in winter
My gift will be useful to you!

Presenter: We invite you to the competition "Flower Garden" . I’ll ask ten people to come out and divide into two teams. Remember what flowers you know. The team that names the most color names will win.

Presenter: We invite teams for a game - an attraction.

A game "Gruzdev called himself get in the body"

The hoop is "body" , you, guys - "milk mushrooms" . Now let's see what "milk mushrooms" they will get into their body faster. When the music starts, the first

"milk" runs up to the hoop, climbs through it, puts the hoop back in place and runs after the next one "we'll load" , with whom they run together, also climb through the hoop, then run after the third "we'll load" etc.

The winning team receives Golden Kingdom prizes (apples).

Round dance “Autumn is a dear guest” (magazine “Music director. 2004 No. 4).

Presenter: Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you name a dish that can be prepared from it. Who will have the last

name of the dish, he takes the vegetable or fruit for himself.

Auction "Recipes" .

Autumn: The auction is over, you can dance.

Round dance of vegetables (description in Sat. "Mornings at the school" N. Lukonina, L. Chadova "Iris-press" 2003)

Host: Now let's play a game "Ten Words" . 2 people are invited. On command, the players take turns taking ten steps, for each step they pronounce the name of a vegetable or fruit.

A game "Ten Words" .

Autumn: Today in our cafe we ​​are treating everyone who solves the riddles:

1. Ermoshka stands on one leg,
He has a hundred clothes on.
Not sewn, not red,
Everything is scarred. (Cabbage)

2. At first he grew up in freedom in the field,
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when I threshed
He suddenly turned into grain

From grain to flour and dough,
I took a place in the store. (bread)

Host: Now we will find out the name of the best cook in our cafe. To do this you need to choose two pairs. There are vegetables on the tables, from which you must prepare any dish and come up with a name for it.

Contest "Gusto" .

Host: While our cooks are working, I announce a musical break.

"Quadrille" music E. Shalamonova

(magazine "Muz. supervisor" 2007 № 4)

Host: Now I suggest everyone warm up and play. Be careful! If I name a vegetable that grows on the surface of the earth, for example, pepper, you stand up to your full height. If I name a vegetable that grows in the ground, like potatoes, you have to squat down.

A game "Garden" .

Autumn: We celebrated nicely today. I can be different: cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. But, I am very glad that you love me for my generosity and beauty.

Presenter: Autumn was spreading paint at the edges,
I quietly moved my brush along the leaves.
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples turned red
The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.

Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,
Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

Song “Who said that autumn is a sad time?” music O. Devochkina

sl. G. Yakunina

(magazine "Muz. supervisor" 2005 №5)

In the current academic year, this program was prepared for the first time in the conditions of autonomy of the school; the form was of interest to the participation of most of the children in the preparation of homework for classes, vocal performances, and the design of the class in which the event was planned. The thematic correspondence of the entire scenario development, interspersed between the texts of the leading competitions and vocal numbers of the corresponding “autumn” content, made it possible to create a friendly, creatively rich atmosphere of a real autumn holiday, a pleasant time for a “cool” company in a cozy school cafe filled with autumn colors and mood.

The hall is festively decorated with artistic and decorative decoration, stylized in the colors of autumn: bright yellow, orange, red and maple leaves, bows, balloons, decorative elements “rowanberry clusters”. The office windows are decorated with sections of yellow organza, on which autumn decorative maple flowers are attached leaves. The center of the board of one of the cabinets is decorated with a stylish inscription “Autumn Cafe”. (Annex 1)

A collection of holiday music is playing.

The beginning of the event is marked by fanfare.

2 presenters come out: a guy and a girl, high school students.

1st presenter: Good evening, good autumn evening, dear guests of our entertainment event!

2nd presenter: Hello friends! We are glad to welcome you to our musical “Autumn Cafe”.

1st presenter: Dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate Lady Autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments.

2nd presenter: The enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright tempting beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood in autumn.

1st presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around and everyone is looking forward to seeing the most fun time of the year - winter.

2nd presenter: And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this November day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

All presenters: So, we are opening our festive “Autumn Cafe”! (Appendix 2)

1st presenter: The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our “Autumn Cafe” is given to our guest Elena Valentinovna Yashina (the ribbon is cut, music sounds, everyone lines up). Today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, sing, and enjoy her last moments. An autumn evening is a holiday of friends, and friends try to give each other joy.

2nd presenter: And in our cafe we ​​have prepared for you - first - a completely unique entertainment program and original treats, second - fun competition tasks, third - unexpected musical numbers - surprises.

1st presenter: And if so, let's not waste time, but start our holiday program with the presentation of our fair and very competent jury in the person of Elena Valentinovna Yashina, Lyudmila Alekseevna Zaitseva, Ada Vasilievna Polyakova.

2nd presenter: Today they have a lot of work to do, since they will have to evaluate both homework and the activity of the participants, and the culmination of the evening will be the choice of Miss and Mister Autumn.

1st presenter: And the first creative competition for teams-classes will be the design of “Autumn Bouquets”. The teams are preparing their materials to decorate the already beautiful tables.

2nd presenter: In the meantime, the teams are trying, we will give you our musical gift.

Competition “Autumn Bouquet”.

Song “Becoming the Wind” Duet Kovalchuk P., Tarakanovskaya L.

1st presenter: So, thanks to the girls performers, and we, together with the jury members, are ready to join our guests - the teams and the tables - for a short dialogue to ask a few questions about our competition.

2nd presenter: (possible options for questions to the classes). (Appendix 3)

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results of the creative competition, and we are pleased to offer you our treat in the style of the “Autumn Cafe” - our signature cocktail of comic questions. So, please bring out the treat!

A musical beat sounds.

A tray is brought out on which glasses with cocktail straws are placed, and inside there are funny questions written on multi-colored pieces of construction paper. (10 pieces.)

Competition “Cocktail of comic questions”. (Appendix 4)

Props for the competition: distribution, 10 tall half-liter cups + 10 colored notes made of colored paper, laid on the sides.
(Appendix 5)

Presenter 1: So, are there any ready-made answers? Or those who want to answer the question early?

Each participant from the team can receive an additional point to the team’s total. Question one (reads out the question and waits for an answer from the participant).

2nd presenter: A little mental stress won’t hurt, but we won’t let you sit too long today, so we invite 3 couples to our “Autumn Dance Floor.”

1st presenter: While willing couples come out to our island platform, so that you don’t get bored, we are ready to hand you a newspaper. Each time the couple, when changing the music, folds the newspaper in half until the smallest island appears under your feet, on which you will continue your body movements. Is the task clear? Get ready, let's dance!

Competition “Autumn dance floor on the island”. (Appendix 6)

Props for the competition: editing of dance tracks, 3 newspapers.

2nd presenter: Applause to the participants and winners of the competition, and our program

will continue the competition “Solve the mysteries of autumn”. To do this, we will give each class a riddle. Early responses are welcome.

Competition “Mysteries of Autumn”.

Props for the competition: 5 riddles on maple leaves, 5 pens.

1st presenter: The “Literary” competition will continue the lyrical page of our table pastime, for this we will give you a piece of paper with options for the names of poets and their quatrains. You need to accurately determine which poet wrote which poem, and write the correct version opposite each of them.

Competition “Literary”.

Props for the competition: sheets of paper with versions of poems and the names of poets printed on them, pens.

Song “Autumn” Alsou Spanish. Tarakanovskaya L.

2nd presenter: Autumn is a time of wonderful transformations of nature, a time of rich decoration of forests and fields, an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Poets glorify autumn and artists paint canvases, and in the next competition we will draw a whole still life of vegetables and fruits, but the participants will do this without seeing their masterpiece, since we will simply turn a blind eye to all of this.

1st presenter: We invite 3 pairs of artistically gifted participants and their assistants to participate in the competition. And your task is that with your eyes closed you will draw on whatman paper, which your assistants will hold for you, with a marker those vegetables and fruits that we will name. Whose work turns out better is the winner.

2nd presenter: We blindfold, open the markers and, assistants - easels, are you ready?

Competition “Autumn Palette”. (Appendix 7)

Props for the competition : 3 halves of a sheet of whatman paper, 3 markers, 3 scarves.

1st presenter: So, I’ll try to convey what inspires me: I see a beautiful wicker basket with a handle, in which round barrels of peach simply shine, next to it lies a cut-out melon, next to it are 3 cucumbers with “pimples” and a couple of tomatoes, next to There are a handful of cherries with tails, and higher up there is a bunch of grapes - such a big bunch of 1.5 kilograms. and its leaves are large and carved, and near the basket there are 3 apples and a half-opened banana and a couple of plums. What a delicious dream it was, and now we’ll see how you were able to convey it to the canvas.

2nd presenter: Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso are “relaxing”, and we continue to have fun and delight you with treats.

1st presenter: This time we will treat you to ice cream from the filming of a movie.

Delivery to the “studio”! Those who want to taste our next competition are welcome to help themselves.

2nd presenter: Here are original fake portions, in each of which the role you will now play.

1st presenter: Now, right here, without leaving the spot, a film will be shot in which you are assigned to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have leaves on your hands. They indicate what your role is. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role indicated on the postcard - welcome to the stage! So: camera, motor, let's start! “A movie is being made! ”

Treat: “Ice cream from filming.” (Appendix 8).

Competition “A movie is being made!”

Props for the competition: disposable glasses, napkins, sheets of paper with roles, text. (Appendix 20)

1st presenter: That’s the end of the shooting, and well done to those who participated!

2nd presenter: And again we invite you to relax at the table task. We present to your attention “Vegetable crossword”. In it you should write down the names of vegetables and fruits as quickly as possible. Whichever team does it faster and more correctly receives a certain number of points.

“Vegetable crossword” competition.

Props for the competition: 5 sheets with a crossword puzzle, 5 pens for the teams.

Guitar. Song “Burgundy Sunset”.

1st presenter: The tasks can be submitted to the jury, and we have the following competition:

“Dress up for the garden.” We all know with what (with irony in the voice) “willingness” we have to help our parents in the garden; apparently, this is why they work so hard to equip us for this collective task.

2nd presenter: We are sure that there are many who want to show how this happens, so we ask you to come out in 3 pairs to demonstrate this plot.

1st presenter: The conditions are clear and simple - one dresses the other in a garden outfit, but both perform the task blindfolded.

Competition “Dress up for the garden”.

Props for the competition: plastic baskets - 3 pieces, 3 sundresses or skirts, 3 blouses, 3 scarves, 3 sweaters, 3 sports trousers, 3 aprons.

2nd presenter: Here is a basket with outfits for each of you. Here are two scarves each, with which you will blindfold yourself and your opponent. And as soon as the music starts, you will begin to dress your assistants. Let's start!

1st presenter: And the pair of the fastest and most dexterous gardeners wins!

Continuing our garden theme, the next competition “Collect potatoes” awaits you. In this competition, the main thing is to get ahead of your opponent and quickly collect as many potato fruits as possible from our symbolic field; the task is made more difficult by blindfolding.

Competition “Collect potatoes”. (Appendix 9)

Props for the competition: polyethylene 1.5 x 1.5 m and 30 washed potato tubers, 2 buckets, 2 scarves.

2nd presenter: The harvest has all been harvested, which means you can take a break. Even more to say - arrange a small snack, with the help of our next competition, which is called “Skilled Chefs”.

1st presenter: We bring out our signature cake, and there are tasks in it. We distribute. And the tasks are as follows: let’s cook our favorite dishes, and in order for them to turn out, we need to determine which products are unnecessary on the list.

2 presenter: Our jury will evaluate who is faster and more correct.

Treat “Cake”. Competition “Skilled Chefs”.

Song “Autumn Rains” Spanish. Kovalchuk P. (Guitar).

1st presenter: And again a gift from our cafe, but, as you understand, it’s not easy. Opening the box, you will find the next task, this time it is a pantomime. We give you time to discuss, select participants and invite each class in turn to demonstrate the plot to our site. The condition of pantomime, we hope you know, is that without words you need to depict the situation that is prescribed in the task. Whoever can more accurately name the content of the plot will be awarded the highest points to that class.

Treat – “Box of chocolates”. Competition “Pantomime”.

Props for the competition: empty boxes of chocolates, a sling, notes with tasks.

2nd presenter: The teams tried their best, thank you all, and we suggest you practice with the next task. Receive envelopes in which you will find autumn photos cut into pieces - scenes. It is necessary, on command, to assemble them into a whole picture as quickly as possible. So, the teams are ready - let's get started.

Competition “Autumn Mosaic”.

Props for the competition: 5 envelopes, 5 autumn photo scenes cut into pieces.

Song “Autumn” Spanish. Tyuzhakaev D., Pivnenko P.

1st presenter: Autumn is a generous time. There are more than enough fruits and vegetables. And how can we not treat you with juicy and ripe apples today? But first you have to work hard. The apples hang high, and your hands are so tangled that you can’t reach them - we ask you to fold them behind your back.

2nd presenter: The conditions of the competition, as you already understood, are as follows: with your hands folded behind your back, try to eat an apple. Whoever is faster is the winner. Attention, let's start.

Props for the competition: 5 apples hung on short bars, held by two assistants each.

The jury begins to sum up the preliminary results of competitions for classes.

A musical beat sounds.

1st presenter: Today, as we promised, we have as many treats for you as you never dreamed of, and the next one is already on the way to the hall. These are delicious cabbage and carrots, without which no autumn table would be complete. But not easy, but with tasks that you can pull out with your own hand. Ready, choose.

2nd presenter: Read the task and come out to us!

Competition “Vegetable surprise”. (Appendix 11).

Props for the competition: a fake decorative model of cabbage, with leaves inserted into it - notes with tasks, delivery, napkins.

1st presenter: There are so many talents in our hall, aren’t you tired yet?

We offer you a festive fashion show “Autumn Fashion Show”, as a result of which we will be able to choose “Miss and Mister Autumn”.

We invite our participants to get ready.

Defile “Autumn Fashion Show”.

Song “Bright Light” Spanish Tarakanovskaya L.

2nd presenter: And now it’s time to choose Miss and Mister Autumn for our holiday. To do this, we will all vote together. On each table there are pieces of paper - tokens - that you need to put in the box of the fashion show participant you liked the most. So, please!

A musical beat sounds.

Jury members sum up preliminary results of competitions for classes. Participants count the number of votes in their piggy banks.

2nd presenter: The largest number of votes were given for a participant from ... class. And, we announce that Miss Autumn at our festival becomes ____________. Your applause, and we present her with our stylized ribbon. Congratulations! (Appendix 12)

1st presenter: And since “Miss Autumn” cannot be alone, we give her the opportunity to choose “Mr. Autumn” for our festive evening. The choice is yours!

Song “Turn Around”.

2nd presenter: The jury members are ready to announce the results of the competition, they have the floor.

The jury announces the winning classes in the nominations and awards design diplomas.

1st presenter: Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we celebrated its arrival. We thank autumn for bringing us all together in our festive autumn cafe.

2nd presenter: Winter, spring, summer are ahead. And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the cozy lights of the “Autumn Cafe” will be lit for all of us in our school more than once.

1st presenter: Our festive evening is coming to an end, we hope that it has become a joyful and pleasant event for you!

2nd presenter: And we, in turn, were glad to make the cloudy autumn evening filled with friendly communication and your smiles! See you again, dear friends!

The track by V. Brezhnev “Real Life” is playing.

Children invite mothers to the tables and stand in a semicircle

Teacher 1: Hello, dear guests! Welcome to our small, cozy cafe.
Dear mothers, dear grandmothers!
This autumn evening is dedicated to you!
Teacher 2: Happy Mother's Day, dears!
May this holiday be bright,
Let the blue winds carry joy,
Let sorrows go away and dreams come true,
Let people all over the world give you smiles and flowers!
1st child: Live, mommy, for a hundred years 2nd child. We wish all women
And know that there is no one better than you! Live without old age
So that you are next to me, work without fatigue,
Today, tomorrow and always! All: Health - no treatment!
Happiness - without grief!
"Song about Mom"
(children sit next to their mothers)

Educator 1: It’s not for nothing that people say “Autumn is a supply, winter is a pick-me-up.” You have worked very hard on your plots, grown a lot of fruits and vegetables, and now you can relax a little, relax and play.
But today we will treat only those who can solve my riddles.
Sundress on a sundress, 2. Our piglets
A dress on a dress. Grew up in the garden
And when you begin to undress, sideways towards the sun,
You'll cry your fill. (Bow) Crochet tails. (Cucumbers)

Burgundy, pot-bellied, like barrels.
Sit alone in the ground (beets)

Name the “mustachioed” vegetables. (peas, beans)
Which vegetables have a “red nose”? (radish, beets)
What parsley is not put in soup? (toy)
Which vegetable has “eyes”? (potato)
What vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (peas)

Presenter 2: Dear mothers!
For your kindness, for your golden hands
For your maternal advice
Children and grandchildren wish you:
Children (in chorus) Live, dear ones, for a thousand years!

1 child: There is no more precious word in the world than the word “mother”,
Kindergarten children send
My dancing greetings to you!


Presenter 1: To make it more fun, let's play. Let's split into two teams. Signor Lemon's team (wear a half mask), and Signor Tomato's team (wear a half mask).

Presenter 2 (Signor Lemon): Welcoming the vegetable team,
We say together
That vegetables are needed
ALL IN CHORUS (inscription on the poster) And fruits are the most important of all!

Presenter 1 (Signor Tomato) No time to go for a walk today,
We are busy with other things.
We came to the autumn festival,
Which means
ALL IN CHORUS (inscription on the poster) LET'S WIN!
Presenter 1: And we will start our competition with Waltz - dating.
"Waltz - introduction"
Presenter 2: I’m announcing the first competition. You need to identify a vegetable or fruit by touch (for mothers)
Game “Wonderful bag” (with mothers)
Presenter 1: And the guys must guess, blindfolded, what they ate.
Game “Define the taste” (with children)
Presenter 2: I’m announcing an auction. What can be prepared from this vegetable (fruit)?
(whoever names the dish last takes the vegetable)
Presenter 1: The next competition is sweet. Guess the riddle
Flew over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey. (Bee)
Game "Who is faster"
(lick honey from the saucer)
Presenter 2: We've worked hard, it's time to relax. Do you know how to dance?
All Yes!
Presenter 1: And while sitting?
"Dance while sitting"
Presenter 2: Are you tired? Are you thirsty? And here is the next competition: you need to drink juice from a glass, whoever is faster (through a straw).
Game "Who can drink the juice faster"
Presenter 1: The New Year is approaching, how much joy it will bring to everyone. Let's remember the most famous New Year's song (answers from children and parents). Well, of course it is.
Let's practice and sing this song.
Game "Singing Animals"
(a toy animal is placed on each table and with a wave of the conductor, everyone sitting at this table sings in the “language” of their animal)

Presenter 2: You, Mr. Tomatoes, and you, Mr. Lemons, had a lot of fun. Meanwhile, our tea boiled. Let's drink tea. Help yourself!


Create a joyful atmosphere. To develop interpersonal communication skills between children and adults, through the perception of the beauty and richness of Russian nature.


    expand children's knowledge about work in the field, about bread, its value

    involve in active participation in creative games

    develop creative activity, expressiveness of speech

The hall is decorated in the form of a cafe, pleasant orchestral music sounds, the hall is decorated with children's drawings on the theme of autumn, colorful paintings. There are autumn bouquets on the tables. Parents and guests sit at tables.

HOST: Hello, dear guests, we are glad to see you in our autumn cafe. It’s wonderful that you came to us on this cloudy day, and the program of our cafe includes jokes, laughter, smiles, slight autumn sadness, games and practical jokes, as well as literary and musical compositions.

Children from the preparatory group enter the hall in pairs to the music and stand in front of the audience.

It's autumn time, it's your turn!
Everywhere in autumn we feel the breath.
And leaf fall and bird flight,
Both the forest and the garden are full of charm.

Children read poems:

1. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

2. Let's assemble a fan from the leaves.

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

3. And obediently follow the leaves

The birds are flying away.

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming.

4. Cranes are flying south.

Come to our holiday,

We really, really ask you!!

5. Autumn begins

leaves fall off.

And an autumn round dance

The wind twists and carries.

Everything is covered with leaves

Yellow, red, gold.

Song performed: “Dear autumn rustling”

/children pass through the center in pairs, sit down at the tables with their parents /

Presenter: Our cafe is represented by several creative groups that will try today to earn more of these prizes (spikelets), please note: 1. “Rowan berries”.

2. “Mushrooms”.

3. “Bumps.”

4. "Leaves".

5. “Blinks of Grass.”

Let's welcome our creative teams for today. For winning competitions, teams receive a spikelet.

The sound of rain sounds, Autumn enters with a basket to the sound of magical music and spins.

Autumn: The autumn day is so good, -

How many leaves can you collect?

Golden large bouquet-

Hello autumn to you!

Presenter: Hello Autumn, dear! You are always full of mysteries. What did you bring us? Guys, let's find out from Autumn what our autumn cafe is dedicated to.

Autumn brought us an autumn basket,

And what is stored in it, we will ask Autumn.

Autumn: (takes out) There is a golden ear in it

May our bread be fragrant.

He is mustache and rich

He is both a pretzel and a kalach.

It is both delicious and simple -

What a loaf of bread he is!

Presenter: And the first competition of our groups is LITERARY. An adult reads a poem from each table.

    Summer has thrown off the green caftan.

The larks whistled to their heart's content.

Autumn, dressed in a yellow fur coat,

I walked through the forests with a broom.

2. The branches have darkened

Fog from the water.

The wind is driving the clouds

From cold countries.

Summer is on its way out,

The forest was soaked through.

Searching in the swamp

Cranberry old moose.

3. Walking along forest paths - autumn is wandering.

How many fresh cones the green pine trees have!

And a leaf from a birch tree by a golden bee

It curls and flies over the prickly tree.

4. Rain is falling from the sky

The Autumn carousel is spinning.

Along the paths, along the paths

A motley blizzard of leaves!

But we have gathered in this hall,

We all called our guys,

On an autumn day, so as not to get bored,

To have fun, sing, play!

Children: 6.Grains of our days, glow

Gilded carved.

We say: take care

Take care of your native bread.

7. Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields,

Loud homeland!

8. We don’t dream of a miracle,

Our fields are living speech.

“Take care of your bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!”

Presenter: The second competition of our teams is CREATIVE. From each table, children ask riddles to the rest of the teams (about bread, work in the field, read proverbs and sayings)

Autumn: Who knows why people say “Bread is the head of everything”?

(Children's answers are listened to)

Autumn: Do you know what bread smells like?

A hunk of rye labor bread?

- It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky,

And most importantly, the bread smells of work.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that's on the table

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

Everyone stands in a circle.

A pantomime game is being played: “What am I doing in the field”

(To the music, the participant shows any work in the field, everyone guesses, then all the children in the circle repeat)

Autumn: The bread is ripe, but on our table

I didn’t go straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

It’s too early for the bread to arrive,

He got on the car

And he hurries to the Elevator.

Autumn: Let's see who can take our bread to the elevator faster.

The game is played: “Who will deliver the bag faster?” . (Competitions on skateboards while sitting (pour a small bag out of a can, sit on the skateboard, go to the “elevator”, empty the bag, return to the team, 3-4 participants).

Presenter: The people have words

The bread of life is the head.

He will be famous on earth!

It will be celebrated on the table!

Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned

Gold-plated bread with crust

I came to you from afar.

In every home, on every table

He came, he came

In it is health, our strength,

There is wonderful warmth in it.

How many hands raised him,

Preserved, protected.

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Grab both cheeks

Grow up to be a hero!

Presenter: The third competition of our groups is MUSICAL.

The song is sung: “The landlady once came from the market”

Dance performed: “Pair dance”

/everyone sits down on chairs/

First, a loud yawn is heard, then slow music sounds, a pot-bellied “lazy guy” waddles in with a loaf of bread in his hand, yawns, scratches the back of his head, sniffs the loaf, and grimaces.

Lazy guy: Mommy, I don’t want a loaf, give me some rolls.

Mom runs in.

Mom: I’m running, running, son, carrying, carrying, dear.

he fusses, carries rolls or bagels, he grimaces again.

Lazy guy: I don’t want rolls, give me some pies.

Mamanya runs away .

Presenter: Who is this guy who came to our cafe...

Lazy: It's me Lazy Lazy. And you have a cafe here, let’s have some delicious food.

Presenter: Our café is autumn, fruitful,

but whoever does not work in the field does not sit down at the table.

Autumn: Have you collected the harvest and stored supplies for the winter?

Lazy guy: Why do I need this?

Mamanya runs in.

Mamanya: There is nothing else, neither tasty nor edible. But in the field the potatoes are not harvested, and autumn has long been ripe in the yard.

Presenter: Oh, how lazy you are, the harvest will completely disappear.

Lazy guy: Oh, oh. I’m hungry, I can’t, what should I do, I don’t know how to do anything.

Autumn: And we will teach you. Just don’t be lazy in the field, that’s no good.

Lazy guy: I'll try.

Presenter: And we have just the fourth competition of our teams - COMPETITIVE.

Games are played:

Children : “Collect potatoes in buckets”, “Hit the onion in the bucket.”

Adult participants : “Sift the flour through a sieve” (relay race without flour), “Make a roll of plasticine.”

The lazy man and Mamanya thank everyone, say goodbye, and go to harvest, taking the potatoes with them.

Presenter: It’s a blessed Autumn outside. And today we celebrate it. We have worked creatively and are ready to open the literary, musical and artistic Autumn. And pay attention to how many ears of corn our creative groups collected at each table - this is a fruitful greeting from our Autumn.

Autumn: Well, your mothers and grandmothers did their best and prepared a wonderful treat, pies and buns for our autumn cafe, we meet our magicians.

Music sounds, mothers carry out treats, walk around the hall, put them on tables, and at the end of the holiday everyone drinks tea in groups.

Moms with treats:

If we want someone

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A round, lush loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

As we worship, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

Presentation showing: “Bread is the head of everything”

To the music. "Harvest", "Harvest" .

1. Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through bushes and maples.

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

2. Let's assemble a fan from the leaves.

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves

Light and playful.

3. And obediently follow the leaves

The birds are flying away.

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming.

4. Cranes are flying south.

Hello, hello, Autumn!

Come to our holiday,

We really, really ask you!!

5. Autumn begins

leaves fall off.

And an autumn round dance

The wind twists and carries.

Everything is covered with leaves

Yellow, red, gold.

If you sow at the right time, you will reap a mountain of grains.

    Without labor, bread will never be born.

    The field is good with a friendly team.

    Whoever plows and is not lazy will produce bread.

    People live not by heaven, but by labor bread.

    Rye bread - grandpa rolls it.

    It's not a big piece of the pie, but it costs a lot of work.

    Flour is in the bins, pies are on the tables.

    If you stopped appreciating bread, you stopped being a person.

    Bread on the table - and the table is a throne.

    And not a piece of bread - and the table is bare.

6.Grains of our days, shine

Gilded carved.

We say: take care

Take care of your native bread.

7. Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields,

Loud homeland!

8. We don’t dream of a miracle,

Our fields are living speech.

“Take care of your bread, you people,

Learn to save bread!”

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A round, lush loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,

As we worship, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

Venus Yanchurina
Scenario of autumn entertainment in the preparatory group “Autumn Cafe”


(entertainment scenario for the preparatory group)

Target: Create a joyful holiday atmosphere with the help of musical, motor, cognitive activities, expanding children’s ideas about the time of year « Autumn» , nurturing a sense of beauty, harmony and love for the world around us through music, poetry, and musical rhythmic games.


Develop musical perception (memory, attention, thinking).

To form the musical and motor abilities of children ( development of rhythm, improving coordination of movements, orientation in space).

Activate children's speech through different types of musical activities.

Develop emotional responsiveness in children, to form a sense of beauty in children.

Develop communication skills as well as moral quality: kindness, sensitivity, compassion, ability to empathize.


tables decorated like cafe;

autumn leaves;

cards with images of vegetables and fruits;

fruit basket;

mushrooms for playing 4 varieties;

envelope with prescription;




Dance "Colorful leaves"

A game "Put the puzzle together"

Ditties about vegetables and fruits

A game "Gather the Harvest"

A game "Fun Kitchen"

Dance "Naughty girls"


Song "Oh, what autumn»

General Dance “This dance is easy”

The progress of the holiday

The hall is decorated according to - autumn. The tables are beautifully arranged as in cafe,

and on the tables there is a vase with bouquets of leaves (different: aspen, birch, maple, rowan, oak….).

Children and parents are in group. Teachers give them pre-prepared badges - leaves of different trees, and ask them to pin them on their clothes.

IN Autumn enters the group.

Autumn: Hello dear guests. I came to you to invite you all to « Autumn cafe» . And to find the way there, we will collect autumn leaves who will show us the way. You are ready? (answers)

Children and parents follow in autumn and collect leaves along the way.

They reach the music hall. There is an inscription on the door « Autumn cafe» . They come in.

Autumn: That's « Autumn cafe» . Look how beautiful it is here. I invite you to dance with the leaves we collected along the way.


(according to the show, at the end of the dance they collect leaves)

Autumn: Guys, what table do you think each of you will sit at? (answers, autumn draws attention to the bouquets decorating the tables). Look at the tables there are vases with autumn leaves. Each bouquet of leaves from different trees. Name them (children take turns calling which tree the leaf is from). Now look, you have a piece of paper attached to your chest, what do you think it’s for? (answers). It's right to find your place at the table.

Presenter: Today is this autumn cafe we were invited by a mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone your unforgettable, wonderful moments and joyful mood. Yes, yes, yes, indeed autumn- this is not only a time of sadness and sadness - it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn beautiful and elegant all around. And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom reads: « Autumn is sad, but life is fun". So let wonderful music sound for you on this October day, and may your fun never end! And to plunge into this cheerful atmosphere, I suggest reading poems about autumn.


Autumn: Thank you for the wonderful poems. Rich autumn harvest. Now we’ll find out what vegetables and fruits parents and children grew. Please note that there are bright envelopes on the tables in front of you. Open them and see what's there (look). There are puzzles there, and now on command you will begin to collect them. Let's see what happens?


Autumn: Well done everyone. The puzzles depict vegetables and fruits. What a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits you have grown. I suggest singing funny ditties about them.


Autumn: And now we need to harvest. And dads and boys will help. Fruits and vegetables mixed. You need to separate them. Your team collects vegetables, and yours collects fruits.


(Boys and dads form teams. They take toy trucks and drag vegetables and fruits)

Autumn: Vegetables and fruits are collected. And now it’s the turn of the girls and mothers.


(Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle there is a driver with a ball. He throws the ball to any child and the mother tells the dish that he wants to prepare. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names the vegetable, berry or fruit that is familiar to him, which is needed for this dish)

Autumn: We remembered the composition of the dishes. It's time to cook. There are 4 mothers and all girls left. Our mothers will be the pot makers, and the girls will be the vegetables and fruit makers. Girls, take apart the medallions and see what kind of vegetable or fruit you will turn into. Compote is cooked in 1 pan, borscht in 2, jam in 3, salad in 4.


(Everyone moves to the music, when the music ends, all the products run to their pans)

Presenter: Tired? Dads and boys collected the harvest, girls and mothers prepared delicious dishes.

Autumn: I suggest everyone take a break. Watch the cheerful dance of our playful children.

DANCE "Naughty Girls"

Autumn: I suggest you guess the riddles and fill out the crossword puzzle. And the riddles will be about migratory birds.


(on the slide presentation scanword)

Presenter: There is a palace on the pole,

There's a singer at the door,

And his name is. (Starling)

Autumn: Flies to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window,

Made from grass and clay. (Martin)

Presenter: Lives in forest areas,

And flies away for the winter,

And the neck of that bird is always

Reminds me of the number two! (Swan)

Autumn: If he wants, he will fly straight,

He wants - he hangs in the air,

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark)

Presenter: On a thin neck the head

He always swims in the pond.

The wing is covered with feathers.

He has been able to fly for a long time.

He might pinch you.

And we can't touch him.

I'm not afraid of him at all.

It's simple after all. (Wild goose).

Presenter: What great fellows you are. Look, the entire scanword was solved, but the keyword turned out to be - autumn. Of course, we talk all evening about this wonderful time of year. In our cafe has karaoke. I suggest we sing a funny song to you all together.


(song lyrics on screen)

Autumn: Thank you, dear guests. With you in mine cafe it became much more fun and comfortable. I have prepared some treats for you (they take out the pie and fruit drink). In the meantime, my assistants are setting the table, I invite everyone to dance.


Autumn: Take a seat at the tables. My treat is ready (sit down, try the treats)

After the meal

Autumn: Thank you very much for coming to my cafe. I want to say goodbye to you until the next one autumn. I suggest you take a photo as a souvenir.

take pictures, go to group

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