Scenario for an evening meeting of classmates in memory of school years. Competitions for Homecoming Evening. Ideas for the holiday script “An Evening of Memories”

Scenario for the alumni meeting evening

Exit of the presenters. Fanfare sounds

1 presenter. The river of time carries you!
It's no secret to anyone here
What's from the last call
A whole 20 years have passed!

2 presenter. Now everyone has their own worries,
Your own business, your own way of life.
Maybe you love your job
And there is no time to rest...

1 presenter.. It’s a pity it’s very rare, - throwing off the burden
Do you understand "It's time"
Get together, remember the time
With the title “School Time!”

2 presenter. And remember how you all were friends
We fell in love, sometimes quarreled,
How we never lived a day without each other,
We stood up for our friends!

No. 1 Song “School time”

1. Every year in February there comes a Saturday,

When you, even if you are not on the way,

Taking time off from home, from school, from work,

Hurry up to meet us

2 presenter.. We are waiting for you here as welcome guests,

We remember you very often.

We speak from the heart - come quickly!

Together: Let's start the evening of meeting friends!

1 presenter. But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss the right moment!

Shouting game “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”
(………class takes roll call)
1.Who does not change his roots
glorifies the hometown,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2..Greetings for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now?
And admires you:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?

5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner?
Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

6.We are experienced parents,
Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 15 years old?

8. Who is still single
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness
To start a family faster.

9.Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?

10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
Adorable classmates
Is everyone trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11.Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I’m very happy
20 years back?

2 We are glad to see all of you within the walls of our native school!

1 presenter: School... How simple and easy everything was there.

Ved.: Our dear veterans, we wish you good health, family well-being, good spirits and good mood. And as a sign of appreciation, respect and gratitude, these modest flowers are for you.

1 presenter: School and favorite teachers. These words resonate with a bright feeling in everyone’s soul...

2nd presenter: School in our memory is bright classes,

1 presenter. School is a blackboard covered with chalk

2 presenter. Strict teachers

1 presenter. A diary lost somewhere

2 presenter. Parent notations,

1 presenter. First love...

2 presenter. And how wonderful the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books

flew into the briefcase like birds!

1 presenter. The locker room is crowded. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! School

the yard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!....

(background music)

For you, dear graduates, classes ended a long time ago, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were a friendly class, let's remember that time.


- What bright events of school life remain in your memory?

- What did you dream about at school and did your dream come true?

- Tell me something about your favorite teacher.

- What would you like to wish to the current students and teachers of the school?

2 presenter.

You will appreciate the school only then

When years flash by like moments.

She will often dream about her at night.

No one will forget their school years!

1 presenter: You know, many things have an amazing means - to return to people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time.

Presenter 2: And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.

1 presenter: It stores episodes of your school life - amazing events, unique stories.

Presentation showing (photos from different years)

1 presenter. When the heart is lonely, sad,
And sometimes I want to cry -
Sit quietly at the computer
And open the forum in Odnoklassniki.

2 presenter.. Leafing through page after page,
Having read the poems and wishes,
You will suddenly understand that the “sadness” in your soul has melted.
And the melancholy slipped out the door.

1 presenter... It’s so good that there is this page:
Where can you open your soul to a friend,
He will silently listen to everything and quietly say:
“Well, you know, everything happens, you need to move on with your life!”
1 presenter..And despite the difficulties -
Be grateful to fate.
It's good that there is a page on the Internet,
Where there is no place for sadness and longing!

No. 8 Song “Classmate. RU"________________________________________

Presenters: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The teleconference is on air.

1 presenter: Participants of the teleconference are eleventh graders and graduates of 1982. (invited to the stage)

Sample questions for a teleconference
1**. What is the difference between, and is there any difference between, a graduate of _______ year and a graduate of 2011?
2*. For whom do you think it was easier to study for graduates of __________ or 2011?
3***. When would you like to study: 20 years ago, now, or in 20 years?
4.* Is it better to have a “red” certificate and a blue face or vice versa?
5.*** If you were switched places with your parents, would you force them to study?
6.* What did you think about when our class passed their final exams?

7.*** What do you think about when preparing for exams?
8.* If you had the opportunity to go back to ________, how would you change your life, where would you go? How did you pass the exams?
9.** Is pedagogy a science, an art or a talent?

2 presenter... Thank you for participating in the teleconference

№9 Amateur performance number___________________________

Presenter: School... When you leave it, you will dream about it for a long time.

We have nowhere to go

But I will always dream about you -

Country of childhood!

1st presenter.

Where are you, school books?

And homework?

2nd presenter.

Who is sitting at the desk now?

Behind the fourth by the window?

1st presenter.

Your girls got married

2nd presenter.

Your boys got married.

1st presenter.

And for you, for classmates,

The whole country became a class.

2nd presenter.

You are already called by your patronymic

Our generation is the youngest.

1st presenter.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,

Just like in the old days.

2nd presenter.

To each other you are still -

The same girls and boys.

1st presenter.

For whom, simply,

The whole country became a class.

Presenter: We wish you, friends, success in your studies and work! Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit.

Host: Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy. Don’t forget your home school and come here more often, here they remember you, love you and are waiting for you.

The evening of meetings does not end there.

It continues in your former classes!

Good teachers are waiting for you.

And old school friends.

See you soon!

No. 10. Final song


A N K E T A is distributed before the start of the evening to each graduate who comes

Participants in the alumni meeting of school N ___

1. What is this alumni reunion evening like for you?

2. Which of them do you remember more than others /if this is not the first/?

3. How many years ago did you graduate from school?

4. What is your greatest achievement since leaving school?

6. What profession did you dream of for yourself while studying at school?

7. Who have you become?

8. Do you remember your first teacher?

9. What would you wish for current students?

10. Your wish to yourself.

Thank you for your concise, sincere answers!

Scenario for an evening meeting with school graduates

School songs are playing and presenters are speaking in the background.

Presenter 1 On this February evening, you could be at home, relaxing with a book in your hands, chatting with a friend on the phone, turning nuts in the garage, watching TV series...

Presenter 2 However, you preferred an evening of school friends to all this.

Presenter 1 Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Presenter 2 And now those who are in a good mood applaud!

Presenter 1 Those who are happy to meet friends!

Presenter 2 Those who were teachers' pets!

Presenter 1 Who considers himself lucky and talented!

Presenter 2 And now stormy, prolonged applause for our teachers!

Presenter 1 In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

Presenter 2 Welcome to the evening meeting

All graduates and teachers.

IN 1 To our comrades and friends:

AT 2 To our teachers and students:

IN 1 To yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

AT 2 To everyone who shares with us the worries, anxieties and joys of school life:

IN 1 Dedicated to our festive evening, the alumni reunion evening!

AT 2 Hello, dear friends!

IN 1 Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.

AT 2 The school in your memory is bright classrooms,

IN 1 School is a blackboard covered with chalk,

AT 2 Strict teachers

IN 1 A diary lost somewhere

AT 2 Parent notations,

IN 1 First love:

AT 2 How wonderfully the bell rang for you from your last school lesson! "Hooray!" - You shouted. Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

IN 1 The locker room is crowded. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

Presenter 1.

Winters and springs have flown by.
You have already become adults,
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again,
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Presenter 2. School... When you leave it, you will dream about it for a long time.

A string of days flew by -
We have nowhere to go
But I will always dream about you -
Country of childhood!

(The song “WHERE DOES CHILDHOOD GO” is performed)

Presenter 1.

Where are you, school books?
And homework?

Presenter 2.

Who is sitting at the desk now?
Behind the fourth by the window?

Presenter 1. Your girls got married

Presenter 2. Your boys got married.

Presenter 1. And for you, for classmates,
The whole country became a class.

Presenter 2.

You are already called by your patronymic
Our generation is the youngest.

Presenter 1.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,
Just like in the old days.

Presenter 2.

To each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.

Presenter 1.

For whom, simply,
The whole country became a class.

Presenter 2.

It's so good that there is such a date,
It's good that there is a place too,
Where can we all gather?
Where can everyone meet together?
And it’s like going back to childhood

Presenter 1.

Today maybe two friends will meet,
Who haven't seen each other for a long time...

Presenter 2.

Your teacher will meet someone first,
And someone – first love...

Presenter 1.

And someone won’t know right away
In a respectable strict uncle
A ring from his classmate...

Presenter 2.

The teacher will tell you with pride,
That he has matured and that he has grown...

Presenter 1.

Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter,
And these wonderful moments
Unite everyone at school today

Presenter 2.

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss your graduation year!


Presenter1: We welcome the 30th anniversary edition of our evening - the 1985 edition

Presenter1: We welcome the 20th anniversary edition of our evening - the 1995 edition
Presenter2: The class teacher was: ................

Presenter1: We welcome the 10th anniversary edition of our evening - 2005 edition
Presenter2: The class teacher was: ................

Presenter 1

You were all good!

Everyone screamed their hearts out!

And as a reward from us

The number will be performed now!

Performance of the song "Let's it be…»

Presenter 2.

Now we invite you to the stage
The one who every day in the morning
He meets us all at the doorstep,
Who looks after us all at school?
Of course, our director.

Ved.1 Word to the school director Vera Vasilievna Dubinina

(Speech by the school principal)

AT 2: Each of you spent ten, eleven, eight or nine years in our school. And all this time the teachers were nearby.

IN 1 We welcome you teachers who are now on well-deserved retirement. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you devoted so many years to your native school raising students.

AT 2 You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

IN.1 Today, teachers - veterans of teaching work - have come to meet you, graduates, and they have the floor...

Ved.2: - Do you remember all your students?

Ved.1 - How many graduations did you have and how many guys did you graduate?

Ved.2 - Did you have any favorites, who were they?

Ved.1 - What can you wish for teachers who are currently working at school?

Speech by veterans of teaching work.

Ved.2: Please accept our congratulations. We wish you good health, family well-being, good spirits and good mood.

Presenter 1 Now we will begin the phrases, you continue, where necessary say - girls, and where necessary - boys. Listen carefully.

Presenter 2 Only... are interested in the motorcycle racing draw. (boys)

Presenter 1 They play with bows and bears, of course, just... (girls)

Presenter 2 Any repair will be done subtly, of course, only... (boys)

Presenter 1 You will find bolts, screws, gears in the pocket of ... (boys)

Presenter 2 They tie bows for themselves from different ribbons, of course... (girls)

Presenter 1 Skates drew arrows on the ice, played hockey all day....!

Presenter 2 Well done! We got a boost of energy!

Ved.1: Let at least one evening a year let the inexorable time recede, and memory take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here .

Ved.2: Let’s remember the beginning of the school year, when all of you stood on the school line. Let's remember the first bell and the first lesson. For us today it will be an evening of memories. What about the first call? Let the current first-graders give it. Perhaps someone will recognize themselves in them.

First graders come out

1:We were told today
Who is gathered in this room?

2:On a February Saturday
People came to school:
Agronomists, officers, musicians, engineers
And doctors, one poet - and whoever is here.

3: There are workers, students,
Future correspondents,
Nurse and seamstress
And my sister is here.

4: Here is a scientist and a builder,
Doctor, driver and our teacher.
Turner, warrior, journalist
And an aspiring artist.

5: Those who build, sow, plow
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Protects our Fatherland
Everyone we honor.

6: We figured out the secret -
This is a release from different years.

7: Why is there so much light,
And smiles and people?
There is, of course, no secret here:
It's a reunion at our school!

8: From the kids of our entire school,
From those who are a little old
Graduates of your favorite school
We send warm greetings.

9:And to you, teachers,
We also send greetings,
We wish you a long, long life
After all, we all come to you for advice.
Share both joys and sorrows.

There's a melody playingsongs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” " The children are singing.

    Hello to all of you, graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    It's so good that you came!

    After all, it’s our holiday too!

  1. Now you have become adults.

    And we are still growing.

    But just like you once did

    We live happily.

  2. We hold many competitions

    Sportlandia and zatey.

    Even though we are first-graders,

    But there are many friends here.

  3. Of course you all remember

    Your very first class.

    And the first teacher,

    What is teaching us now?

  4. But wherever you are now,

    In Izhevsk or in Moscow

    Don't forget school.

    Your teachers.

  5. 6. Hello to all of you, graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    It's so good that you came!

    After all, it’s our holiday too!

  1. Presenter1:
    Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,
    A sunbeam wanders across the map.
    White verses have not been erased from the boards
    And old desks are painted...
    The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,
    Time flies by quickly without school -
    School childhood becomes dearer over the years,
    How I would like to return to him...

    Ved.2 You have left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. LESSONS

  2. We meet primary school teacher Kalmykova A.N………………………...

    We meet the teacher of Russian language and literature Kozlova O.B………………..

    We meet the mathematics teacher Bezusova L.V………………………………...

    We meet music teacher E. E. Dubinina………………………………………

    Against the background of music


    Wit and ingenuity

    They have helped you in your life more than once.

    If you don't mind the time -

    Prove it to us now.


    Let's play a little more

    It's very boring to live without a game,

    After all, the game helps many

    Remember your childhood and love life!

    A game of "Guess" is being played. There are 5-7 participants on stage. Everyone takes turns taking a balloon out of a box or vase. Inflates him. The ball bursts. Inside the ball is a note with a task. You need to quickly answer a question or complete a task.

    Ball No. 1 . Remember fairy tales whose titles contain numbers. (“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Three Bears”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, etc.)

    Ball No. 2. Remember the cities whose names contain notes. (Ufa, Cherepovets, Usolsk, Novosibirsk, Donetsk, Minsk, etc.)

    Ball No. 3. Name five words (more is possible) that begin with the letter A and end with the letter Z. (Acacia, army, astronomy, academy, astrology.)

    Ball No. 4 . Name the TV shows correctly:

    1. “Good morning, old people.” ("GOOG night kids")

    2. “Mannequin and mayhem.” ("Person and law")

    3. "Village". ("Town")

    4. "Cave of Nightmares." ("Field of Dreams")

    Ball No. 5. Name as many words as possible that rhyme with the word “candy.” (Newspaper, cigarette, planet, rocket, comet.)

    Ball No. 6. Read the poem correctly: “The goat lies, not moving, Does not breathe, but lies.” (“The bull walks, sways, Sighs as he goes...”)

    Ball No. 7. To name the song correctly, you can sing: “What a pity that none of them scattered yesterday...” (“It’s great that we all gathered here today...”)

    All participants in the game are awarded prizes.

  3. Presenter.1 4 boys and 4 girls are invited to the stage
    (optional or will we call?)
    The situation is this: there are things in your briefcase that are not related to the educational process, and your task is to convince everyone of the need for these items during school hours. Take out one item at a time, showing it, you say “I need this for...” or “I need this for...”
    lies in the girls' briefcaselies in the boys' briefcase
    ScrewdriverOne slate
    Sunglassesshoe covers


    Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

    We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout out loud:

    « It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

    1.Who does not change his roots
    glorifies the native VILLAGE,
    Praise, honor and honor to you
    Who settled here?

    2. Let's say hello for now,
    those who are here from afar,
    Who are our birds?
    From near and far abroad?

  4. 4. He who built himself a house,
    celebrated a housewarming party in the house
    and now he lives in it,
    survived this fun?

    5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
    live in your own apartment
    Who is the owner?
    Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

    6. You are experienced parents,
    Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
    Who became mom and dad a little early,
    Whose children are older than 5 years old?

    7. Let's continue about children,
    heroic families
    From whom, mind you,
    The large family?

    8. Who is still single,
    Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
    to whom I wish happiness,
    To start a family faster?

    9.Live and learn
    who has a life like this?
    Are there any students among you?
    Who is it, stand up now?

    10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
    Adorable classmates
    Still trying to find it?
    Who hangs up on the network?

    11.Who, despite the burden of life,
    I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
    And today I’m very happy
    Take many years back?
    Ved. 1:
    Today we all remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called “Peeping Talkers”.


    Have you ever heard of this game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers as much as you like.

    Ved 1:
    The evening of the meeting does not end there.
    It continues in your former classes!
    Ved 2:
    Good teachers are waiting for you there
    And old school friends.

    Presenters together:
    And we say goodbye to all of you:
    "See you again, friends,
    And goodbye!"

    (The song "School, school, I miss you" is performed. Concert participants throw balloons into the hall. Former graduates go to their classes to meet with friends and teachers.)

Scenario for Homecoming Evening "Fun lessons 20 years later" written for classmates who graduated from school twenty years ago, but easilyo can be redone for any other date. The theme is "Fun Lessons".

The script is designed for cheerful, friendly communication between old friends and classmates; it is not particularly rich in various formalities and solemn moments, but games, entertainment and memories of carefree youth occupy a central place in it. The following will most likely help make this program more rich and varied:

The ceremonial part of the evening of alumni reunions.


Where to start your active recreation,
So that it doesn't look like a mess?...
And we will begin without a doubt
From a small announcement.
It's forbidden to be sad here
Here you need to smile
There's a lot to eat and drink here
And even get drunk!

Here you can dance and sing,
Play like kids
You can become an artist in time,
Or maybe a naughty girl.
Listen to songs and poems,
Marvel at the dancers.
Don't be like quiet fish
And sing, of course, in chorus.
I wish you to spend time
Unforgettable and that's it!
And a year later come again,
Not so often!

concert number


I'm starting the entertainment program
And I firmly assure you:
I'll try not to let you down,
Let me start?..
Let's get to know you first,
Have we met you somewhere before?

Table chant "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!"

(Game in progress)

A toast is a chant for an evening meeting: “We don’t mind.”

Presenter: And now for a toast. And we will say it together, each time I say the first two lines, the men present the third: “We must drink to this!” and immediately the ladies: “We don’t mind”

Today classmates

We welcome you with joy!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

The years go by quickly
But we don't count them!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

We haven't seen each other for a long time,
But we remember everyone, we know everyone!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Many heights have been reached,
But don't forget the class!

Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Favorite teachers
We often remember.
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

For our strong friendship
Let's pour it quickly!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

(Short banquet break)

The bell is ringing

Lesson three- Geometry.

Presenter. Let's not relax, we have our next lesson. And the topic of the lesson is building pyramids. They'll go to the board ……(ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the two best in geometry)
(2 applicants are given an A3 sheet each, they must place as many of their friends on it as possible, but so as not to go over the edges.)

(In this selection you can choose - )

Twenty years have passed now
From the prom
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life was shaking.

Who is immersed in a career?
Someone writes books
Someone is happily in love
Who has children?

I'll raise a glass to you,
Let everything be top class!


Presenter: And now recess is the coolest time in the school schedule. Let's make it fun. I suggest you play and dance.
(dances and competitions)

The bell is ringing


Presenter: And now you will do independent work. . I need four people (m and f). Sit down. Picture yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can relax and just answer my questions. The game Sincere Interview is being played (link to the article Prank Games for a Friendly Company)

(game being played)

Presenter: Now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located. It’s clear that they didn’t skip classes and did an excellent job with their independent work!

The bell is ringing

Fifth lesson- Story

Presenter: In this lesson we will look at the most famous sculptures of Europe.

The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in his arms,” etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.

(a competition is being held)


Let's happily drink a glass for the meeting,
Let it happen again and again
For a wonderful, most beautiful evening,
What fun gives us now!

The bell is ringing

Sixth lesson- Literature.

Presenter: We will read by role. They'll go to the board ...(if there is a literature teacher in the room, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a poll about who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)

Impromptu fairy tale “About Ivan Tsarevich”




Vasilisa the Beautiful,

Maid Ramona,



Trees - 2,

Birds - 2,




Ivan Tsarevich,



Distribute the roles between the participants, for example, using a card with the names of the characters, then the presenter reads, and everyone plays out their role impromptu; if the hero has words, you can repeat them after the presenter.

Presenter's text and comments

In the Far Far Away Kingdom, a beautiful state, they lived - there were a Tsar and a Queen, who is our Tsar and Queen? (leave)

The Tsar and Queen loved their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful very much ( Who is Vasilisa the Beautiful? Show me how they loved their daughter!)
Vasilisa had a maid Ramona ( Who is Ramona's maid?)
And Ramona loved Vasilisa (Show, how she loved her!)
One day Vasilisa the Beautiful and her maid Ramona went for a walk, they walked, and the Sun was shining ( Who is our Sun, how does it shine?)
The grass is turning green ( who is Grass and how does it turn green?)
The trees rustle (rustle, shake the branches.)
Birds are singing ( How do our birds sing?)
And Vasilisa and her maid Ramona are walking (how are they walking?),
Then in the clearing they saw Stump ( who is Penyok?), next to which a cheerful stream was babbling (who is the trickle and how does he scold?)
Vasilisa felt that she was tired and sat down on the Stump, and the Sun was shining, the grass was turning green, the trees were rustling, the birds were singing.

And Ramona sat down next to her, in the shade under the crown of the Trees. The trees rustled together.

Here, out of nowhere, Koschey, (who is Koschey?)
He grabbed Vasilisa the Beautiful and took her with him.
The maid Ramona bursts into tears, runs to the Tsar and the Queen, falls to her knees and says: “Forgive the Tsar, father, I didn’t finish watching!” (repeats the words after the presenter)
The Tsar and Queen were sad, they loved their daughter so much,
The Tsar thought, thought and said: “Whoever frees the beautiful Vasilisa will receive half a kingdom, half a tractor and half a liter!” (repeats the words after the presenter)
Ivan Tsarevich was just passing by ( Who...), on your horse (Who...) heard and challenged Koshchei to a fight.
Koschey flew at him, and Ivan Tsarevich attacked him with his Saber ( Who...)
Ivan Tsarevich Koshchei defeated,
The Tsar and Tsarina had fun, hugged their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful, they drank half a liter with Ivan Tsarevich, drank half the kingdom and began to ride on the tractor.
That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!
(fairy tale passes)


You graduated from school a long time ago,
So they counted - twenty years...
The people are still cheerful
At least some are bald, and some are gray.
Still laughing loudly
Still full of hope
And the “girls” are charming,
And the “boys” are ready for battle.
We drink to victories, to accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
Let's drink to the fulfillment of desires,
For friendship - there is nothing more important!

(games, dancing)

During recess you can spend an extracurricular geography lesson- to do this, you need to prepare clips of incendiary dances from different countries and conduct a dance marathon or re-dance.

Class hour

Presenter: and today we also have a class hour on the schedule on the topic: “Relationships between boys and girls” (you can use something about where love begins or about precautions and play any spicy game (look ).

(Then dancing and free communication).

How to hold an alumni meeting? If this question bothers you, then you have come to the right place. 🙂 Today, friends, I want to talk about how we, a friendly group of classmates, recently held our meeting. I hope this information will be useful to you, as I will say without false modesty - our meeting was very fun and sincere. 🙂

I'll start from the very beginning. The first thing that needs to be done is to inform the team in advance, a month and a half to two months in advance. Now, in the age of the Internet, this should not be a problem. Our guys created a group on Facebook and at the same time on Viber, where we very quickly decided on the participants, time and place of the meeting. Immediately, people began to actively share various jokes, recalled previous meetings, posted photographs, and closer to the holiday they discussed the menu and drinks. Well, in general, everyone was already mentally preparing for the upcoming meeting and it was great. 🙂

I set to work preparing the entertainment part of the event.

My opinion is this: people come to the alumni meeting to relax, so the scenario for such a holiday should be fun, but absolutely stress-free and not very extended in time. The taboo for alumni meetings, in my clear conviction, are various competitions and quizzes that require participants to talk about their lives, family, what they have achieved, where they work, etc. Surprisingly, you can find a lot of similar scenarios on the Internet... I declare right away that there will be nothing like this below. 🙂

We planned to celebrate the alumni meeting in mid-May at a recreation center near Kyiv with 17 people.

Previously, I agreed with one of my classmates so that he would take on the role of presenter. Sasha agreed very quickly and, looking ahead, I will say that he did an excellent job in playing this role, for which we all bow to him and thank him. 🙂

The long-awaited day greeted us with “excellent” rainy weather. But this is not an obstacle to a fun company! 😉

After everyone met, got to their destination, unloaded, set the table, had a drink, a snack and exhaled, the entertainment program began.

Student quest

Presenter: Dear gentlemen, classmates, we invite you to take a student quest, at the end of which a valuable prize awaits you. I also draw your attention to the fact that for active participation and victory in competitions you will receive a scholarship. You are all adults and serious, so we will pay you a stipend in dollars. No objections?

Of course, everyone was FOR it. 🙂 I was appointed treasurer and gave souvenir 100 dollar bills to everyone who won or was simply active.

1. Test “Initiation as a student”

Host: First question: who can tell me how a student differs from an ordinary person? (we give you the opportunity to philosophize... 😉

Host: That's right - the ability to drink alcohol in large quantities! I suggest you fill your glasses and drink to us and to the fact that we have gathered here today!

Now you have become real students and therefore you can move on to the next tests.

2. Music competition

Host: You all probably remember our first party in the dorm? Do you remember what music was playing? Now let’s check... You need to name the performer and the name of the musical composition that will now be played.

The secret was that before the competition we recorded these songs in reverse and therefore they changed almost beyond recognition. For these purposes, you can use any audio editor. Sasha used the Audacity program.

List of musical compositions:

  1. Linda "We"
  2. Mumiy Troll "Girl"
  3. Ivanushki “Poplar fluff”
  4. Maxim Fadeev “Dancing on Glass”
  5. Hands Top “Ay, yay girl”
  6. Professor Lebedinsky “I will kill you boatman”
  7. Zemfira "Daisies"

The task was not easy, but all the songs were named. After guessing, a fragment of the original song was included and the most active guys still had time to dance fieryly, for which they were rewarded with a scholarship. 🙂

Dorm Challenge

A grandmother-comenda (preferably a boy) is selected from the participants. We tie a scarf over our heads and give them 50 grams to drink. When the music is playing, the team is sleeping, and the students are walking around the “dorm”. The music ends - the team wakes up and catches the students. Whoever she catches becomes a commando. We play several times (3-4 commands)

4. Test “Shara come!”

Host: Who can tell me the most effective way to prepare for the exam? ….

We fill the glasses. On my command, you need to drink all the contents, and then loudly and unanimously shout “Shara come!”

You can repeat it 2-3 times, referring to the fact that the shouting was not loud enough or not in unison (depending on the situation). 🙂

5. Test “Remember everything!”

Host: I suggest you remember a little about our student life. I will read out the questions, and you must name the correct answer.

Examples of questions:

  1. Name the curator of the group?
  2. Where was the hill celebrated?
  3. Who left the slide in someone else's shoes?
  4. Math teacher analysis?
  5. Name all the teachers with “animal” surnames
  6. The number of the building in which most of the classes took place?
  7. Deputy group leader?
  8. What department did we graduate from?
  9. Name of the loudest teacher?
  10. What did you drink at your first drinking session in the dorm?

Of course, you can and even should come up with your own questions. Remember something unique, nicknames of your teachers, jokes and interesting events of your student life.

After the quiz, we continued with the “Remember Everything!” test. watching 2 films that I had previously edited from photos using the PhotoSHOW PRO program (read about how to create such a film in). The first film was about our student time and was accompanied by the songs of the Chaif ​​group “Orange Mood” and BB “Dance”. The second film was edited from photos of the previous party and was accompanied by the song “Instance” by the Leningrad group.

Such films are a very good idea for such events. This is what makes me happy relaxes and encourages communication. 🙂

6. Encryption Challenge

Host: You passed all the tests perfectly, and now it’s time to look for the prize. But only one person knows where the prize is. So, pay attention to the screen.

One of our classmates was unable to come to the party, but he recorded his video greeting, which we showed on the screen at that moment. It was a very pleasant surprise for everyone present. 🙂

Host: So, Roma encrypted the clue using a binary system, it’s not for nothing that he works in an IT company.

We issue the cipher and the “key” to it.

01111 10000 01000 00111 00010 10001 01000 01101 00101 01001

10001 01111 01110 10000 10010 01000 00010 01101 01110 01001

10001 10011 01100 01010 00101

Key (issued on a separate sheet):

This was perhaps the most difficult competition at our holiday. Vigorous mental activity began. But, of course, it was not difficult for people with higher education to pass this test. 🙂

The answer was: “The prize is in the blue sports bag.”

An active search for the blue sports bag, a speed competition with the bag, and a struggle for its contents began immediately.

The prize was a plastic bag (“Student De-Luxe Package”) with a can of beer and a pack of seeds. 🙂

At the end of the entertainment program we had dancing, karaoke, playing table tennis, fishing, etc.

The party lasted until the night and ended with a climax - the celebration of Jamala's victory at Eurovision. 🙂

The next day we were greeted with delicious fish soup that the children had caught the day before.

Of course, the script is only one small component of the holiday. How much other work was done: it was necessary to negotiate with the administration of the recreation center, purchase food, organize transport, marinate and fry shish kebab (Zhenya and Valya - respect 😉). Other participants The table was set amicably and quickly.No one was trifling and no one was afraid to take on more responsibilities than others.

It’s great that all our classmates are very active and easy-going guys. Two classmates specially came from Germany for the holiday, six more covered a distance of 500 km.

I was sincerely very happy about this meeting and I hope that we will have many more fun holidays together!

And many interesting scenarios await you ahead. Subscribe for free to announcements of new articles () so as not to miss anything.

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This is an opportunity not only to see old school friends, but also to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood. And therefore, at such a holiday, in addition to nostalgic memories and stories about who, where and how, you can “shake the old days” and have a lot of fun, play various games and competitions. At the same time, it is desirable that they have a “school” filling and remind of the “golden days” spent together.

We offer our collection competitions and games to meet classmates, which can be carried out as an integral entertainment program under the general title "Let's remember..."

1. Competitions for meeting classmates “Let’s remember mathematics.”

We ask classmates to name any numbers that come to their mind. Then we enter them in a row into the free spaces of the printed blank. And we get, as it were, funny statistics on various aspects of former school life, which we read to our classmates.

Collective portrait of a classmate.

According to our statistical bureau for the graduation party:

The total amount of cosmetics applied to our girls’ faces was…. (kg.).

The amount of cologne poured on oneself (and sometimes drunk) by boys... (liters).

The weight of the girls' school bags was... (kg.), whereas for boys... (gram).

The speed of movement of thought along the convolutions of the brain was approaching a record permissible... (mm/hour)

The height of raising a hand when asked by a teacher for girls... (cm.), in boys (mm.).

But the speed of movement to the school canteen for boys was... (km/sec), and for girls... (m/min).

Total number of hours spent together......

The number of warm words that I want to say.....

The friction force of the palms during handshakes and applause in honor of the meeting reaches... (newton).

Digital poems.

Presenter: " As they say, “Pushkin, this is our everything,” and now, when all the achievements of culture, one way or another, are digitized. Let’s try to set his brilliant lines to the music of numbers.”

Conditions of the game: divide classmates into teams and for each expressively read a digital version of Pushkin’s lines (one example from the lyrics and one from the fairy tales). They have to guess which lines they are talking about.

(I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty)

1, 16, 7, 3 ,2..

(The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
He'll cry like a child)

(Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.
“If only I were a queen,”
One girl says, -)

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years).

2. An outdoor game for the evening meeting "Let's remember the Russian language."

To remember the Russian language a little, and at the same time give your guests a good workout, you can conduct a wonderful exercise.

Rebuilding. "Classmates"

Props: two sets of letters that appear in a word Classmates.

The essence of the game: The organizer divides the guests into two teams of 11 people, each of them receives one of the letters. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must line up with letters in their hands so that they can read the answer to it. Game of speed, which team is ahead. If there are few guests, then this game can be played just for fun (without competition).

1. We have dreamed about this for many years,
And for so many years this has been imagined,
We have a large-scale event:
A friendly and beloved CLASS has gathered.

2. And two decades is a long time,
And we often missed each other.
And then the hearts beat in unison,
And here we are together, as if it were a DREAM.

3. Remember how good it was
But time flew by quickly, everything passed,
We were together, we were at one.
We ran to the KINO to the Kolos cinema.

4. Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,
Shooting range, skiing, physical education, basketball.
Sitting for 45 minutes is boring.
And the unwashed...BOARD is waiting for you

5. And first love cannot be forgotten,
At times I even wanted to howl.
And nothing came to mind:
I sat, dreamed, was sad, looked out the WINDOW

6. Let there not be then what is now,
And we didn’t know what sausage was.
Let us not eat Snickers, Mars and Twix,
But they tried to find ICS in the equations.

7. And now everyone has their own life
Work, home and new friends.
But the start was a general, collective takeoff.
And they whispered a good luck code to everyone.

8. And we all had to solve it,
Let there be no losses, no problems.
Let those who have money, those who are rich in soul,
But each of them found a priceless TREASURE.

9. And looking at each other, we are glad,
Not everyone is here today, alas,
But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.
Hurray, everyone! Dear CLASSMATES!

(you can see ideas for congratulations and table jokes)

3. Musical entertainment "Let's remember the music."

Guess and sing. Take the verses of your favorite songs of those years, print them out in large letters, and cut the text into words. Each team member (half the table) is given a word, they must guess what the song is, putting their words into lines, and sing it.

"Magic bell" The game follows the rules of a musical hat that is well known to many, but if you add a nostalgic note to it and select funny cuts from songs, and even specially distribute in advance to whom exactly what to include, so that it is more accurate and funnier, then you will get very funny entertainment.

Props: bell and clips from different songs, computer or stereo system

The summary for the presenter is something like this: “Dear classmates, we have not seen each other for many years, and although now many of us behave as in previous years, in fact, we have changed a lot. I suggest checking how much! Now, with the help of this “school bell”, which, as we know, is completely objective and impartial, we will find out how each of us will behave... for example, after drinking 15 glasses " (He approaches a man, rings a “magic” bell over him, and the DJ or one of his classmates plays a cut from a song, for example, “I’m dancing drunk on the table...” or for a woman - “I’ll build a harem out of...”).

(A ready-made version of the musical design for such a game you can see it in this)

4. Artistic competition "Remember the theater club"

For this instant performance, costumes and words are not required, the main thing is a good mood and a desire to have fun yourself and to please the audience - your classmates. One reads the text, and four “artists” simply play out what they heard.
Characters: Grandfather, Woman, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

5. Dance competitions "Let's remember physics and rhythm."

Relay 1 September. If you want to arrange a truly active game, then the best option would be any relay race; for greater interest, it is better to give it a “school flavor”

Props: 2 backpacks or 2 briefcases, 2 bows on the headband, school supplies (all in duplicate): pencils, pens, notebooks, textbooks, any stationery.

Conditions of the game: Divide everyone into two teams (stand up like a train), place two tables or chairs at some distance on which to place all this school paraphernalia for each team. On command, the first team members (no matter M. or J.) put on a bow, take the briefcase and quickly run to the chair, run up, take one of the objects, put it in the briefcase and run back. They pass the bow and briefcase to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the “train”. The second one does the same, and so, which team finishes faster - all participants must run once (the number, of course, is the same)

Dance entertainment. Good music and fiery dancing always brighten up any party. To meet classmates, you should prepare your favorite songs from your school youth, as well as arrange modern dance entertainment, for example, an animation (can be selected on YouTube) or re-dance.

It is best suited for such a holiday - between the male and female half of the guests. The essence of the competition is simple: teams (male and female) stand opposite each other, the first cut from a song for girls sounds, they dance beautifully in front of their classmates, moving towards them, then turn and, also dancing beautifully, return to their place. After this, a fragment of a dance tune is played for the male half of the guests, the men show their “defile”. Who is better?!.

6. Additional entertainment:

"Who is who?"

In order to arrange this entertainment, you need to take care of children's photographs of all guests in advance. From them you need to make a kind of photo gallery, numbering each portrait.

During the celebration, guests are invited to guess which of those present is in which portrait. To do this, you need to prepare sheets of paper and pens and pencils. After some time, the presenter offers to sum up, and the one who guessed the most and the one who guessed the least or didn’t guess at all are awarded.


You need to select two or three graduates (men) from the audience, take them to another room and tell them that now the audience will ask them questions regarding their hobbies, so let them think about and agree on who and what hobby will be in mind. But the main condition of the game is not to “declassify” your hobby. So young people should not be given direct and monosyllabic answers to all the questions asked.

At this time, the assistant presenter “processes” the audience: he tells the guests that the main hobby of the guys is kissing, the guests are given pre-prepared questions, “tailored” specifically for this most enjoyable activity.

The questions should be something like this:

Who can you call your teacher in this matter?

Does it take up a lot of your time?

Do you do this often enough?

Do you need special conditions for this?

Do you make any sounds when doing this?

Do you need special training for this?

How old were you when you tried this for the first time?

Do I need special training for this?

What time of day is best to do this?

What clothes do you recommend for pursuing your hobby?

Hence the comic effect, because the players will begin to give answers in all seriousness about their specific hobbies, and everyone else will know that they are not asking them about anything, namely about “kissing.” Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether those in the audience guess what the players really mean, it’s just entertainment.

(Songs about classmates can be downloaded by clicking on the folders below)

Well-chosen games and competitions for an evening meeting of classmates will allow you to spend the evening not only soulfully, but also fun, and, perhaps, will turn an ordinary friendly feast into a bright and bright holiday, as the holiday of our childhood should be.

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