Scenario for the extracurricular activity “Play, my button accordion!” Scenario for an extracurricular event “my distant shore of childhood, where the accordion sounds” “Slovak polka” Spanish. duet Zvyagolskaya Ekaterina

Scenario of the festive concert "Play, my accordion!"

Music is playing.

Leading: Hello, dear guys!

Today we have gathered with you in this bright and cozy room to talk about two wonderful instruments.

Each musical instrument has its own voice, its own bright timbre “individuality,” that is, its own special coloring of sound. In fact, is it possible to confuse the sound of a violin and a piano, a flute and an organ? Of course not.

However, in the diverse world of musical instruments, there is one that seems to have absorbed the “voices” of many instruments into its sound palette. He is the only one of the many musical “brothers” who is figuratively and lovingly called by people “the soul of the Russian people.” What kind of instrument do you think we are talking about?

Yes! This is a button accordion - a national Russian folk instrument.
Let's get to know him.

- Kuklin “Train”,

- Sandley "Little Boy"

The birthplace of the accordion and button accordion is the city of Tula. An accordion appeared here in the 30-40s of the 19th century. Later, improved by Tula masters, it gained exceptional popularity.

True, not everyone welcomed the spread of the harmonica. Many spoke of it not too flatteringly, calling it “a terrible instrument of torture.” It must be said that there were reasons for such an opinion. Most amateurs were so inept with the harmonica that musicians with sophisticated hearing could only cover their ears.

One July day in 1830, Tula gunsmith Ivan Sizov, while at a Nizhny Novgorod fair, heard the sounds of an unprecedented instrument (it was a harmonica). The delighted master bargained for a “Wonderful Thing” from an overseas merchant, not sparing forty rubles for it. Having brought home - to Chulkova Sloboda on the outskirts of Tula - a precious purchase, Sizov decided to try to make the same one. Making all the parts of a simple toy, such as the harmonica was then, was not particularly difficult for the craftsman. This is how the first Tula harmonica arose.

In Tula there were people who immediately made similar instruments, first for themselves and then for their friends. The demand for harmonica was increasing. The first harmonica performers appear in front of the public. But the primitive design did not allow the harmonica to become an instrument for musical performance, but rather an instrument for mass entertainment. The harmonica becomes indispensable at folk festivals and holidays.

But it was the harmonica master Nikolai Ivanovich Beloborodov who in 1870 created a two-row accordion, which was the prototype of subsequent, more advanced instruments, in particular the button accordion. And foreign guests often visited the master with an offer to sell the secret of making the instrument. To which the master replied: “He was born on Russian soil and let him serve Russia.” And she went, ever since then, to walk like an accordion across the Russian expanses! It still pleases and surprises us with the beauty and soulfulness of its sound.

He was born from an accordion,

I became friends with the piano.

He looks like a button accordion,

What will you call him? (Accordion)

We have a tradition of calling only an instrument with a piano keyboard for the right hand an accordion. Here’s an interesting detail: such an instrument was first made not in the West, as many believe, but in the city of Yelets. The Yelets harmonica was called a piano, because its right keyboard was similar to the keys of a piano. It turns out that the Russian accordion came to us from afar, and the accordion was first born in Russia.

True, the instrument with a piano keyboard acquired its modern form much later and not here. But gradually the instrument improved, acquired euphony, and found its outstanding performers.

The voices of the opponents were few - little by little they died down and completely fell silent when the button accordion appeared. In 1905, Yakov Fedorovich Orlansky - Titarenko, shared with the harmonica master Pyotr Egorovich Sterligov the idea of ​​a new instrument. The idea inspired the master, and the instrument was built in 1907. In honor of the legendary ancient Russian singer and storyteller, he was named Bayan. In Rus', the storyteller was called Bayan (from the word bayat - to speak). From then on, it was forever attached to the instrument and became familiar to it.

The laurels of the inventor of the button accordion belong equally to the musician and the master. Together they created an instrument so perfect from the very beginning that, in principle, it has not changed to this day. In 2017, the accordion will turn 110 years old!

The accordion (accordion) is an unprepossessing thing,

Furs and a waist belt,

But a world of amazing sounds

Hidden under a carved plank.

Musical instruments have different fates! We cannot determine the age of the guitar even within a century, but here we can immediately name the year of birth and the name of the master who created the wonderful accordion instrument - this is Friedrich Buschmann.

Friedrich's father was a musician and music maker. Therefore, it is not surprising that Friedrich himself began playing some instruments at the age of eight, and at eleven he was already touring with his father and helping him in the music workshop.

In 1822, Friedrich lived in Berlin and worked as an organ and piano tuner. To make it easier for himself to tune organ pipes, he designed a special device - a small box into which a metal reed was inserted. A little later, Friedrich realized that the design he had invented could be turned into an independent musical instrument. At that time, Friedrich was only seventeen years old... so in the end he ended up with something like a children's toy.

One of the children's toys fell into the hands of the Viennese organ master Kirill Demian. He improved it and on May 6, 1829, submitted an application for an instrument, which he called an accordion. And soon, even in the year of its birth, Demian’s accordion became a famous instrument.

The sincerity, melodiousness, and breadth of breathing of the instrument have become a kind of ideal of Russian national culture. Thanks to its portability, simple arrangement of keys, multi-timbre and other musical and technical qualities, the accordion has become one of the favorite and most common instruments in everyday life.

In the 30s of the last century, the art of playing the button accordion and accordion took the path of professional development. Performing musicians brought their skills to the professional stage, concerts, competitions, festivals - all this helps to identify talented artistic youth and serves as propaganda for instrumental folk art.

The accordion player plays songs

Songs of my homeland

Oh, there is nothing more wonderful in the world

Russian songs, more fun.

Buttons, buttons,
I won't get tired of listening.
All Russia loves you -
Accordion buttons!

Contemporary accordion performing art is in its heyday. His authority is also high abroad. Russian musicians occupy leading positions at the most prestigious international competitions and festivals. The names of Soviet and Russian performers are known in the music world for their inspired, unfading performing art. The Russian school of button accordion is known throughout the world: our button accordion players, including children, are winners of International competitions.

12. ArrivedO

Undoubtedly, the button accordion and the accordion are lovingly called by people - “the soul of the Russian people.” They enjoy great interest and recognition among lovers of Russian music, and in terms of their popularity they have no “competitors” among other folk instruments. The beauty and variety of sound is what attracts performers and listeners so much to the bayan and accordion.

Right here in this very place

The performances are over.

As a poet once said

“And whoever listened, well done!”

We wish you guys

Always be friends with music!

Thank you all for your attention.

The concert is over. Goodbye!

Music is playing.

Concert program"Play, my bayan.".

1. On stage - an orchestra of Russian folk instruments students

- Kuklin “Train”,

- Sandley "Little Boy"

2. Oginski. Polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland”, Spanish. Savenkova Sofia

3. Arrangement of Rizol “Karelo-Finnish polka”, Spanish. Accordion ensemble Ensemble Kuzminov Yuri and Zhigaltsov Vladislav

4. Palmer - Hages. Polish "Emilia", Spanish. Kondratyev Oleg

5. V. Vlasov “Mood”, Spanish. Pechersky Sergey

6. sl. Averkin, music. V. Nazimova “Washes the scythe in the willow river”, Spanish. Zadadonova Marina, accompanist – Baranovsky E. A.

7. Brooks "Once Upon a Time", Spanish. Barabashov Alexander and Manaenko Nikita.

8. Korchevoy “Little Virtuoso”, Spanish. Zhigaltsov Vlad.

9. “Libertango”, Spanish. Limansky Jean

10. RNP “When I go outside”, Spanish. Milen Lisa, accompanist – Baranovsky E. A.

11. RNP “There is more than one path in the field”, Spanish. Vocal ensemble “Zadorinki”, accompanist – Baranovsky E. A.

12. ArrivedO in “Sonata No. 4”, Spanish. Cheglakov Daniil.

13. Orchestra of Russian folk instruments teachers

- Molchanov “Waltz” from the film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”

- Barybin “Semyonovna”, soloist Marina Uglova

- Derevyagin “Paraphrase” on the theme of the RNP “Kalinka”

Sections: Music

Presenter : Good evening, dear children, dear parents, guests! We are starting a class concert that we called “Musical Kaleidoscope.” Our concert will feature works by different composers, genres, folk songs, polyphonic works, dances, and ensembles.

Opens our concert "Prelude". This is not accidental, because the prelude is an introductory part, an introductory section, its purpose is to prepare the listener for what is important, the main thing that will follow next.

The sound is “Prelude” by D. Samoilov, performed by Ilya Zhukov and Ivan Govorukhin.

Timofey Bessonov :

The bunny jumped onto the window -
Bright, nimble, mischievous.
He sat there for a while
And come play with me.

Presenter : Probably the listeners have already guessed that the play “Sunny Bunny” will now be performed.

The play is playing Roman Bazhilina “Sunny Bunny” performed by T. Bessonov and teacher.

Presenter : Folk songs, they reveal the spiritual wealth of the people, their whole life: the historical past, everyday life, the dream of a better life.

Now performed by Diana Zdobnyakova you will hear Russian folk song “Don't fly, nightingale.”

Presenter : The Russian folk song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” can be classified as a classic example of the song genre. It has stood the test of time. After all, not all songs are destined to have a long life.

Vanya Govorukhin will perform “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” in arr. G. Boitsova.

Timofey Bessonov: And in distant Africa lived the terrible robber Barmaley.

Performs “Barmaley's March” by A. Latyshev.

Presenter: And now there is a new type of music playing - playing to a soundtrack. Nikita Kiselev will fulfill “Humorescu” by A. Novoselov, composer and arranger from Omsk. Humoresque is a short play of a humorous nature.

Presenter: Jazz is a musical genre that formed in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century, the basis of which is African-American folklore. Unlike academic musical art, improvisation is of fundamental importance in jazz. The types and means of improvisational technique in jazz are extremely diverse, which is due to the characteristics of various stylistic directions. One of them is the blues. Blues (English – melancholy, sadness). Solo lyrical song of American blacks, which arose in the second half of the 19th century. At first, the blues was performed with the accompaniment of a banjo, guitar, and later a piano or instrumental ensemble. Along with the vocal form of blues, there is also an instrumental form, which also became extremely widespread in the 20s of the 20th century. It is this song that is widely represented in modern jazz, forming the basis of the repertoire of most performers.

Ilya Zhukov:

I understood the blues algorithm -
soul and rhythm, soul and rhythm...
It's very simple, really:
swing slowly at first
I'm carried up and down -
I'm stuck at the top point
and flew and swam smoothly,
without moving, without wasting energy.

Sounds Blues by A. Dorensky.

Presenter: Dancing. They accompany a person throughout his life. Everyone knows the waltz, the cheerful polka, the Hungarian csardas, the solemn polonaise, and the Russian round dance. We will now hear some dances.

Waltz . This was probably the first “epidemic” of dance in the history of world culture that swept the world for such a long time. The modest Austro-German waltz dance in a matter of years turned from peasant to urban and swirled first Vienna and then the whole of Europe in its whirlwind.

Lively, light, flighty, sparkling, languid, poetic, flexible, tender, he was and remains an eternal symbol of romanticism, intoxication with the noble beauty of high love.

There are no eternal dances. Sooner or later, their rhythms lag behind the rapid pace of life. The time for the waltz has passed. It is danced very little, and then not in everyday life, but as a ballroom dance. And yet he is alive. Classical music preserved it for humanity. Having captured her era with the help of the waltz - the golden century for music - the 19th century, she raised its common, everyday intonations to the level of high art, for which the change of eras is not only not scary, but helps to see the value of its creations.

Piano waltzes by F. Chopin, F. Schubert, F. Liszt, K. M. Weber; symphonic Waltz-Fantasy by M. Glinka, waltzes by J. Sibelius, M. Ravel, ballet and symphonic waltzes by P. Tchaikovsky, finally, dances of the “waltz king” Johann Strauss - all this belongs to the treasury of musical classics, happily trying on with their beauty the competing genres of popular and serious music.

In performance Diana Zdobnyakova will perform Waltz I. Cola.

Presenter: Tango. One of the most popular dances of the 20th century, intricately combining energy and languor, tango is an example of the rich and complex interaction of cultures of different peoples.

Tango originated in the mid-19th century in Seville, the center of the Spanish province of Andalusia. These were songs of a humorous nature in a two-beat meter. Andalusian tango was very similar in rhythm to the Cuban habanera, which was also popular in Spain. A quarter of a century later, tango “traveled” to Argentina, where it became extremely fashionable and was enriched with the intonations of the Argentine song and dance - the milonga. A decade later, the so-called Creole tango arose, reworking in its own way all the same Spanish, Cuban and Argentine elements. And finally, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the famous Argentine tango appeared, a pair dance in which partners dance with their arms around each other's shoulders.

Grandma's tango

It was a great evening
The singer is cute
Roared into the microphone
And next to him on the chair
Granny was dozing
She smiled
And I had a dream.

Ah, grandmother's youth -
Completely different songs
Completely different dances -
This is all funny to us.
Ah, grandmother's youth,
But still interesting
Yesterday it was and it seems
And it seems like a long time ago.

Gleb Belorussov will perform “Grandma’s Tango” by E. Konnova.

And at the end of our concert Ilya Zhukov will play a fun country-style piece. Country is a style of music based on song and dance melodies brought to America from Europe and influenced by black musical culture. This is evident in the rhythm and relaxed manner of performing and using the banjo and harmonica instruments.

The play is playing A. Dorensky “Red Cowboy” performed by Ilya Zhukov.

This concludes our concert. Thank you for your attention! See you again!


Our grandparents

Glorious Vyatka master!

Didn't know how to live without doing anything

Not a minute, not half a day!

Lace was woven in Kukarka,

The bodies were woven in Gontbe,

Even a bathhouse on a cart

They could have made it too!

Well, if it touches the dance,

Then everyone, beware

Seen dancing, as if in a fairy tale,

The whole character is fiery!

Who composed ditties for us,

Who actually composed them?

Now go and find out

Where was he and how did he live?

So live, ditty, whatever,

With a guitar and a string,

We need, friends, however,

Sing more than one ditty!

Come out into the circle more boldly,

So that there is a huge circle,

Come out in Russian dance,

Leading your friends!

Songs don't seem to get old,

We recognize songs everywhere!

So let's all the people

Let's sing about "Korobushka"!

This is how we always do things

It's been like this since ancient times,

We invite all people

Let's have a fun round dance!

Ah, accordion, a miracle shake!

Thumbs up and thumbs down.

Where there is an accordion, there is dancing,

What is life without dancing?

The spectator will approach the stage,

Come out, artists!

We are starting a competition

The best harmonists!

(There is a harmonica competition going on.)

I believe in Rus' and that Rus' will get stronger,

Is it possible to abort the flight?

If songs are sung to the accordion,

So the bird will flap its wings!

Storms and blizzards will not break us,

No matter how scared or stranded!

This is why we started singing here today,

So that you can sing with us!

Our songs are amazing

Cheerful and beautiful

Our dances are fire,

Just touch it, just touch it!

Here the accordions began to play,

The accordion players came out

We won't sing quietly

It will be heard everywhere!

The guest is happy - that means everything is in order,

I couldn't wish for greater happiness!

And now folk riddles

We invite you to guess.


Although not a cunning tool,

But it will cheer you up at the moment,

A little familiar to you,

Our Vyatka (accordion)

There are four in each line,

You won't find more fun in the world,

Put your ears on top of your heads

Here's a riddle about (ditties)

There's a belt hanging on my shoulder,

And under my arm is an instrument,

Our village artist,

This guy (harmonica player)

The presenter thanks everyone who took part in the competition of harmonica players and ditty players, rewarding them with souvenirs and prizes.

(Text at the end of the block).

Who invented it in Rus'

These round dances?

At least go around half the world,

There is nothing more beautiful in the world!

Who wove this pattern? –

That is the soul of the people,

Who decorated the canvas? –

Russian nature.

This is my lace

Sunny Russia,

Wonderful songs have been woven

In threads of gold!

The host and the ensemble “Zavalinka” lead all guests to the auditorium with songs and ditties for a concert-meeting.


(The melody of the song “Zavalinka” sounds. The presenter exits).


Traveled a lot around the world,

But today I will say, without hiding,

There is no sweeter land in the world,

What is my dear side!

Forest and field, path near the house,

Our songs have a magical motive!

I am proud of my fellow countrymen.

That they live next door to me

For people who are beautiful in deeds,

Sing, accordion, sing, accordion!

Texts for announcing numbers.

The harmonica player takes the harmonica,

He leads the music quietly,

Slowly, little by little,

People are gathering.

Although the melodies are not tricky,

And they captivate everyone at once,

And to a local artist

It's not a sin to envy!

He doesn't need anything:

Neither praise nor blame,

He doesn't need awards

He plays from the heart!

So that the joy does not subside,

So that the ditties give laughter,

We invite a harmonica player,

We haven't forgotten about this!

The sun caressed our songs,

And the magic hand of rain

I tied the lines with a thread,

I multiplied words bit by bit!

Flying by, fast wind

The accordion woke up its frets,

We wove the patterns of our songs -

Springs as bright as the sky!

A song floats in a round dance,

Round and round and round and round,

It is no coincidence that people say,

How cheerfully they sing in Vyatka!

You play, play, accordion -

Golden planks!

Harmonist, take it quickly

Sounding little Talyanochka!

Today they will convince you that

That our accordion is alive,

Not metropolitan artists,

Among the people are harmonica players,

The guys are dashing,

According to registration - Vyatka!

We declare to you, girlfriends,

Although you are clever in choruses,

But the first ditties,

Made by men!

Our talent is rightfully appreciated,

Make sure now

We'll sing on this stage

Well, no worse than you!

Oh, ditty, oh, ditty - talk!

Oh, accordion, oh, accordion - overkill!

Without an accordion, our Rus' -

Take away the sadness quickly

In three drags!

And we have a lot of songs;

About winter and frost,

About spring, and about summer,

Listen to this one!

The evening will cast stars from its basket,

He will come out of the plank gates,

The accordion will play cheerfully,

He will immediately invite everyone to the meeting!

And in the land that they call Vyatka

Our people are not a year, but many years,

There are no songs without an accordion,

And there is no dancing without an accordion!

0 love suffers on a moonlit night,

Instantly engulfed in a dance of fire,

Accept the ringing warbler

Vyatka Talyanochka, accordion!

Ah, accordion, accordion, accordion,

Cheerful basses,

And ditties without an accordion

It can’t be in Rus'!

Where, in what places was you born?

From what lands did you come?

Did you make it up, did you dream it,

And what was it like then...

Who is first in the day or in the evening

He sang it to the beat of the drums,

Whether at an evening meeting,

Among friends or among girlfriends!

And the joke ditty lives on,

Calls to dance in a circle,

Listen for a minute,

How the Vyatka people sing them!

He saved us more than once

Fast Russian dance

It’s not in vain that people say:

The dance is still in fashion today!

Because at this hour he

It will sound for you now!

We sang to you as best we could,

They danced as best they could,

The guests dance themselves,

If you're not tired!

Invitation to dinner:

It’s not for nothing that Rus' is called hospitable Russia,

And everyone has known this for a long time!

That's how it's always been with us.

So also from great-grandfathers and grandfathers

It happened until our glorious days,

We invite you to a dinner party

The closest, sincere friends!

The house will be a wonderful full cup

For anyone who comes to us!

Our sensitivity and attention

Long-awaited, dear guests!

Scenario for the themed concert “Visiting the Accordion”

Hello dear friends.

Hello dear parents, guys.

Today we invited you to a concert called “Visiting the Accordion.” I think that true lovers and connoisseurs of folk and pop music performed on the accordion gathered in the hall.

The accordion is a very interesting instrument. The right keyboard is similar to a piano keyboard, the left keyboard resembles a button accordion, and according to its technical structure, the accordion is related to the harmonica.

There are switches on the instrument - these are registers. With their help we can depict on the accordion: a violin, an oboe, a bassoon, a button accordion and even an organ.

It seems that the accordion has always existed. Not a single holiday in a rural club, or a big concert broadcast on television, can do without it.

But the accordion appeared relatively recently in 1907. And it is considered the youngest musical instrument. Many nationalities consider it their national instrument - these are the Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, and Crimeans. Tatars, Germans, French, Czechs, Finns. It features very bright and expressive folk melodies, songs and dances.

Concert numbers

Rnp "Kamarinskaya" - Spanish Ponomarenko S.

Crimean Tatar folk melody “Khalabalyk”

Crimean Tatar folk comic song “Khalayly Kazan” - Spanish. duet Emurlaev Akhmet and his dad Enver Serverovich

R.n.t. "Cardil" - Spanish. Moskalenko A.

Ukr.n.p. “And it makes noise and buzzes” - Spanish. Zhdanov Zh.

R.n.p. “There was a birch tree in the field” - Spanish. duet of accordionists Emurlaev A. and Uskova K.

The accordion is also called the personification of victory. It was brought from Europe to the Soviet Union as one of the trophies.

During the Great Patriotic War, the command of the Red Army awarded soldiers and junior officers with captured German instruments.

The accordion sounded both in the trenches before the battle, and around the fire after the battle, in dugouts.

Front-line propaganda brigades came to the front line and always had an accordion with them.

Evgeniy Vinokur, a brilliant poet of the war years, has wonderful poems about this:

All gold-coffee

purple around the edges

trophy accordion

came to us one day.

The straps are delicate and narrow

He's all in mother of pearl,

How he cried “in Russian”

Alien accordion

Concert numbers

Ed. Kalmanovsky "Alyosha" - Spanish. Emurlaev A.

V. Basner “At a Nameless Height” - Spanish. Uskova K.

Time passes - captured German accordions wear out, because... the bellows are torn (they were made of cardboard), and new domestic instruments were more expensive (cost 3-4 salaries). Therefore, the accordion remains mainly in the city, and the cheerful accordion, button accordion, and balalaika return to small villages.

“The accordion plays us its melody in silence,

and the magical tone of the music captivated us with its sound"

Concert numbers

Beethoven "Romance" - Spanish. Kuzmishchev R.

Afanasyev “I look into the blue lakes” - Spanish. Balalaika ensemble

R.n.p. “The moon is shining” - Spanish. Gimaev T.

Shurovsky “Kozak” - Spanish. Gimaev T.

How many poems, songs, both humorous and lyrical, are dedicated to the accordion.

The 50-60 years are coming - various international competitions are held in the world. Our musicians - accordionists began to take the highest Olympus at all competitions. And this tradition continues to this day. The accordion becomes a vibrant concert instrument. It can be used to perform not only folk music, but also serious polyphonic works. It is interesting to note the fact that the accordion instrument is invited to organ music concerts and church services. Both preludes and minuets, fugues, gigues, toccatas, and polonaises sound good on the accordion.

Concert numbers

I.S. Bach "Aria" - Spanish. Moskalenko A.

Zipoli "Fugetta" - Spanish. Tomilin G.

Nowadays, interest in the accordion has grown greatly. There are many modern young composers who write pop works and include elements of jazz harmony in them.

Concert numbers

Dorensky “March of Power Acrobats” - Spanish. Uskova K.

Dorensky “Riding a Pony” - Spanish. Pivovarov M.

The accordion has a beautiful and powerful sound and gives listeners a lot of pleasure.

More and more often we see excellent accordionists on television. These are the well-known Yan Tabachnik, Evgeny Zavadsky, Anatoly Belyaev, Valery Kovtun, and the Zavalny brothers.

And there are so many modern young performers - Alexander Potseluev, Yuri Shishkin, Vitaly Advakhov - they occupy all the tops of music competitions. And their instruments already cost more than 20 thousand euros.

So our school is named after G. G. Shenderev, who himself participated in competitions and wrote a lot of works for such young talented performers.

Concert numbers

G. Shenderev “Russian dance” - Spanish. Tomilin G.

And a little more information about the accordion.

The Baltic states played a major positive role in the development of education. It was there that not only the first playing schools were created, but also the first conservatories where accordionists studied. After all, there was no conservatory education in Russia for accordionists until 1970. In 1975 in Germany, one of the winners of the competition was the keyboard accordion player J. Drang. His son P. Dranga continues to conquer high Olympus at accordion competitions in our time.

In Russia (Moscow) there is the world's best and most extensive Harmonica Museum. There is a slightly smaller museum of national accordions in Germany, Italy, and an accordion museum in America. The most famous leading Western companies that produce accordions are German and Italian.

Our instruments fall a little short of Western standards. But who knows, maybe one of our guys will become a famous musician, composer, and maybe the creator of new accordion models.

Concert numbers

R.n.p. “Ah, the street is wide” arr. Surkova

Zavalny "Lyrical Dance"

N. Bazhilin “Summer Rain” - Spanish. Accordion Ensemble

Emurlaev A., Tomilin G., Ponomarenko S., Moskalenko A., Uskova K.

From the open windows

Everybody plays and sings the accordion

Sounds of amazing beauty flow

The hoarse bass sings along.

Triumphant and lives through the centuries,

I will unfold his furs like a soul

Purity flows from the black and white keys

And kindness sounds in its chords

Fingers scurry across the bass buttons

They fly up and run down

And the old belts creak tiredly

It’s like they’re asking a musician to take a rest.

Our concert has now come to an end. We will be glad to see you again in our concert hall at the next meeting “Visiting the Accordion”

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