Valentine's Day script competition for seniors. How to have a fun Valentine's Day at school? Games, competitions, entertainment. Game "Love Songs"

Explanatory note

Game “First Date” for a festive class hour dedicated to the holiday of March 8 or Valentine's Day. Recommended for students in grades 8 - 11.

Purpose of the game:

Create a festive mood with fun competitions.


Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Foster a sense of teamwork.


Beans or peas;

Three scarves;

Computer or tape recorder to play music;

Chalk and board:


Cards with the names of boys and girls in the class.

(Phonogram 1)

1. In order to play the “First Date” game, you need to recruit 3 teams of 2 people (a boy and a girl). Who will play will be decided by lot: in one hat are the names of all the boys who are present here; in the other - the names of all the girls. An independent expert (a junior school student) draws out 3 male names and 3 female ones. Whose names have been announced are invited to the presenter. The boys are invited to make an airplane each and give them to the presenter.

2. And now pairs will be formed. Each of the girls receives an airplane and will try to get it to her chosen one. But she will compete in tandem with whoever the nose of the plane points at.

3. Pairs for the game take their places near the board, the rest are invited to act as a jury. (For each competing team, there are several jury members to count points).

4. First competition “How well do you know your classmate”

Boys sit on chairs with their backs to the board, girls sit at the board behind their playing partner. First, the girls answer the question, they write the answer on the board. After they put down the chalk, the boys answer verbally. For each matching answer, the team receives one point.

Give her date of birth.

What time does she wake up if she has to go to school?

-...and if it’s not necessary?

Her favorite toothpaste.

Her pet (favorite).

Her favorite movie.

Favorite actor.

Her mother's middle name.

5. And now the boys looked carefully at their girls. The girls blindfolded their playing partners.

Second competition “Shoe Cinderella”. I take off each girl’s shoe; the boys must find the right shoe by touch and put it on their partner. (Phonogram 2)

6. Third competition “The Princess and the Pea”. I ask the participants to move to the back of the class. Now the girls will lift their right heel and I will put a few peas (or beans) there. With the help of their gentlemen, the participants return to their place... How many peas are in a shoe? (Phonogram 3)

7. Fourth competition “Depict a couple”. The jury guesses. Each team receives a task card. In the allotted time, they must, without words, depict what is written on the card. (puppy and kitten; bull and red scarf; cockroach and chalk “Mashenka”). While the couples are thinking and the jury is summing up the interim results, lyrical music is playing. (Phonogram 4)

8. Fifth competition “Complete the poem”. Each team receives a piece of paper on which A. Barto’s poems are written; you need to complete the missing parts of the text. Meanwhile, the jury is cutting sandwiches. (Phonogram 4)

9. Sixth competition “Who can get dressed faster”. All boys participate. We divide into 2 teams. In turn, everyone runs up, puts on a scarf, jacket, hat, and bag. He claps his hands, takes everything off and comes back. All members of the winning team will receive 2 points, the losers will receive 1. (Phonogram 5)

10. Seventh competition “Dance”. Each pair receives an orange. Supporting it with your foreheads, you must move to the rhythm of the music. (Phonogram 6)

11. Let's summarize. Certificates are awarded. (Phonogram 7)


School years should be remembered not only for academic everyday life, but for fun events. Therefore, the guys will be pleased if you plan to organize a holiday for them. And for everything to go well, a script for high school students is a must on Valentine's Day.

Decorating a school classroom for Valentine's Day

Decorating the office of an educational institution is not only a creative task for the soul, but also a great responsibility. God forbid that something falls off, crumbles, or looks clumsy or vulgar. Therefore, when entrusting this “special task” to students, at least sometimes look at how things are going. Although the guys are quite old, they may not have much experience in terms of design and it wouldn’t hurt you to carefully give them a little advice or share your ideas. So, what can you do to create a beautiful decoration?

Garland of hearts

We make hearts from colored paper or colored cardboard. The colors can be whatever your heart desires, but the classic options are red (and all shades), white, gold and, oddly enough, blue. Glue the hearts onto a thick thread and - voila - the garland is ready! This cute banner can be used to decorate a school board, walls, or ceiling.

Valentine box

Undoubtedly, one of the necessary attributes of Valentine's Day is a mailbox, with which you can anonymously send a message to your school crush. Decorating such a box is a whole object for your creative imagination.

Stylized hearts on the windows

Large hearts and cupids made of papier-mâché or colored corrugated paper and cardboard will look very impressive. And this, by the way, is another reason to spend time doing a joint activity for the whole class.

School table decoration for February 14

Of course, the festive table will also be the center of attention. Balloons - both in the shape of hearts and just the usual version of round balloons. They can be tied to the backs of chairs or along the edges and center of the table. It is better to lay a tablecloth or oilcloth that is inexpensive (after the event, you will most likely have to throw it away) and of a neutral color - white, gray or beige. The dishes, like the tablecloth, should be disposable - plastic or paper, with characteristic patterns and designs for Valentine's Day. The ideal table decoration will be fresh flowers, which with their aroma will remind you of the imminent approach of spring.

A little about gifts and rewards for February 14

Another important point that should be taken into account when organizing a school holiday is souvenirs and gifts. Teenagers, by their nature, are impressionable and easily wounded creatures, although they look like adults. Therefore, if contests, quizzes or competitions are planned at your event, then make sure that everyone without exception receives gifts, even small ones. Gifts can include any sweets, themed keychains, pens, toys and all sorts of nice little things (candles, lanterns, magnets, etc.).

The main thing is to present these gifts beautifully and originally. Bright packaging and funny inscriptions are perfect for their design. For example, a pen “for love letters”, a magnet in the shape of a heart or an angel, or chocolates in a themed package. Also, of course, you should not deprive your class teacher of attention who is present at the holiday. If the teacher is a woman, you can present her with a small, beautifully decorated bouquet of fresh flowers and a Valentine card. If the teacher is a man, then a postcard with a cool signature and good wishes from the whole class will be very useful.

Don’t forget to prepare a scenario for the event in advance so that there are no incidents at the holiday that can significantly spoil the children’s mood. And then the school party dedicated to February 14th will go off with a bang.

Valentine's Day. Interesting scenario for high school students

The program is designed for the participation of high school students. It contains competitions and games that will interest all students without exception. It is best to hold the event in the assembly hall. And be sure to provide prizes for victories and participation in competitions.


Hello friends! Happy Valentine's Day to those present! Well, let's start our program?

Game "On the same wavelength"

Every guy who wants can take part in the game. Cards with gifts are prepared in advance. Examples:

  • fruits;
  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • movie tickets.

This is later given to girls. The lot is drawn and a random card is drawn. Next, you will need to explain with gestures what kind of gift awaits the lady of your heart. It is prohibited to make any sound. After the girl guesses correctly, she receives her gift.


You are so great! Both guys are artistic and girls are smart. But don’t relax, this was just a warm-up! And now the task is more difficult!

Competition "Sweet Minutes"

This competition is open to couples only. The competition is divided into three stages. To play the game you will need:

  • tangerines;
  • sweets in wrappers;
  • water in glasses.

First, the couples are given the first task - they need to peel and eat tangerines. However, this is not done in a standard way. A girl and a guy each place a tangerine in one hand. Cover the partner’s hand with the other hand and peel the fruit in this way.

After this, it’s time for the second task. Take regular candy. It needs to be unwrapped and eaten. You cannot use your hands.

At the end, participants take a glass of water and drink it at speed. It is prohibited to touch with hands.

The winner is the couple who was able to complete each stage the fastest. After this, the host announces that the players should dance.


Friends! We have a creative competition ahead! Who's ready to show off their talent? I ask everyone to raise their hand!

Competition “Make a Valentine”

Several people are selected. They are given white and colored paper, magazines and newspapers, scissors, glue sticks, pens, and markers. At the leader’s command, they must begin making a heart (Valentine) for their significant other. A certain time is allotted to complete the task. The winner is chosen by the audience by applauding for each valentine they make and is shown to them. And he receives a legitimate prize.


Do you know who Cupid is? That's right - this is the god of love! He flies over people and chooses couples who are destined for each other! Then he strikes their heart with an arrow of love and brings the couples together! Admit it, have you ever dreamed of taking on the role of such a god?! Well, one of you will have this opportunity today!

Game "Clever Cupid"

From the total number of those present at the holiday, one is chosen to play the role of Cupid. He turns his back to everyone. A couple quietly approaches him from behind and hands him a note with the question written: “Couple or not?” It is very important, therefore, to hand “Cupid” a piece of paper with a question so that he does not see who is doing it. The task is to determine whether these two are a pair of lovers, or whether two of different couples approached him. He must give an appropriate answer. The winner will be the participant in the role of Cupid who gives the most correct answers.


Do you agree that we have a very cute little Cupid? But let’s not stop there, because new tasks lie ahead! Is there anyone else who wants to earn a prize?

Competition "Statue of Love"

2-3 guys and the same number of girls take part. They leave the room and enter one by one. Among the remaining students, a couple more are chosen. The one who entered the room first is told that the couple are sitters, and this person is an artist. His task is to depict a love statue.

He places the girl and the guy the way the sculpture will look in the future. After completing the composition, the artist is told that he must now take his place in the statue. Next, another participant is called. They tell him that the love statue didn’t work out and needs to be redone. This process occurs until the last person.


Our program is coming to an end! But that is not all! We still have a prize waiting for its winner! I suggest you take another test!

Game "Love Songs"

Players in this competition will be required to know various songs. Mostly these will be compositions about love. You need to prepare the appropriate songs in advance. Participants stand in one row, after which the melody is turned on. If someone recognizes her, then he should raise his valentine up. The melody stops at this moment. The player takes the microphone and asks to turn on the music. The participant is required to sing the guessed song. If he fails to do this, then the points are not counted towards him.

Inspired by a high feeling once upon a time,
Someone came up with Valentine's Day, without knowing it at the time,
That this day will become your favorite, desired holiday of the year.
That they will respectfully call it Valentine's Day.
Smiles and flowers everywhere, declarations of love again and again...
So let a miracle happen for everyone - let only love rule the world!

Good evening, dear participants and fans! You, of course, guessed that today we dedicate our program to a wonderful holiday - ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.

Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Celebrated for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the 3rd century AD. Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel prohibition, secretly sanctified the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest's name was Valentin.

Having discovered these “anti-state” marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed. While in prison, Valentin saw the jailer's daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a short farewell note with the signature: “From Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome.

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day has come to our country, to our city. This is not the first year that the Lovers' Ball has been held here, and we hope that it will become a good tradition. So, dear participants and fans, today you will have to go through a series of tests, at the end of which a winning pair will be selected from all worthy participants. And the interesting thing is that the participants in the pairs will be selected by drawing lots. Now we invite all participants to draw a card with symbols from the hat. Those who chose tokens with the same symbols will form a pair.

A draw is held.
Presentation of participating couples.

Andrey Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sofia)
Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)
Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Anzhelika Varum)

While our esteemed jury checks your answers, we invite viewers to help their teams earn extra points.

Several participants are asked to keep a balloon in the air by blowing on it from below. The winner is the one whose ball falls last.

Now we ask the jury to announce the results of your answers.

The apple is passed around the circle in a special way. The couple that dropped the apple leaves the circle. The remaining pair wins.

As a true gentleman, you should definitely give your lady a gift. But the beauty of your friend leaves you speechless, and so you have to explain to her what you want to give, using only gestures. And what exactly you will give will be decided by lot.

Participants draw lots from a hat. During their preparation, a COMPETITION FOR SPECTATORS is held.

Interested fans are invited. They need to drink a glass of drink through a straw while listening to cheerful music. The first one wins, he brings the team 1 point.


The couple stands opposite each other. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the girl and the young man. The participant covers the partner’s hand with his free hand. The contestants' task is to peel the tangerine without changing the position of their hands and eat it. The first couple to complete this task wins.

All participants are asked “women’s” and “men’s” questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First the girls answer the questions, then the young men.

Questions for girls:
1. What is a carburetor a component of? (Motor)
2. Is the hood of the car located at the front or rear? (Front)
3. When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company’s products have a “tick” shaped emblem? (Nike)

Questions for young people:
1. When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of the small bag that holds items needed for makeup? (Beauty bag)

All interested fans come out (2 people per team). Their task is to make a “mummy” out of their assistant by wrapping him in a roll of toilet paper.

So, let's listen to our esteemed jury...

And now we offer all the guys to become culinary specialists for a while. I will tell the pairs one by one the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what type they belong to (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.).

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (cereal)
20. Kumis (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird)

A cross is pasted on the back of the chair, and the person sitting on that chair receives a prize.

There are so many dances in the world!
Just know how to choose them!
There are also new items in sight.
So let's dance!
You must perform a slow dance with an apple, holding it between your foreheads. Your hands should be clasped behind your back. Whoever does not drop the apple within a minute while dancing will earn 3 points.

Three clothespins are attached to the clothes of the boy and girl. Their task is to find and remove them from each other's clothes while slow dancing blindfolded.

For a guessed item, the team receives 1 point.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman against the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. A means for saving rubles (kopeck)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package of "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Remedy for “sugreva” (mustard plaster)

Excerpts from the following classics are offered:
- Shakespeare "Othello"
- Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"
- Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
- Tolstoy "War and Peace"
- Goncharov "Oblomov"
- Kuprin "Olesya"
- Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Dear competitors, you have carefully studied the list of songs. Now we invite you to sing them. You can do it as a duet, or you can involve a support group.

We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood. Our program is coming to an end. And while the jury does its hard work to determine the winning couple, participants are offered the most fun competition that will not be judged and in which there will be no losers.

There are balloons hanging from the ceiling, each containing a note with the name of the prize. The male competitors take turns throwing darts at them and receive the prize that comes out for their pair.

I would like to end our evening with these words:

I want to proclaim love as a country,
So that everyone there lives in peace and warmth,
So that the anthem begins with her line:
"Love is above all else on earth!"
May love be your great sky,
Living water, daily bread,
The call of spring, the warm wind,
All the best, the brightest!

Barabinsky district, Novosibirsk region

It all starts with love...

Scenario of extracurricular activities for high school students

for Valentine's Day

Compiled by: Dyatlova Olga Stanislavovna,

teacher I qualification category

MKOU Novoyarkovskaya Secondary School


Target: formation of spiritual values.
1. Give students information about history Valentine's Day.

2. Develop students’ creative abilities and cognitive activity.

3. Foster a culture of relationships, an understanding of the importance of love in a person’s life.

Inventory and equipment(designed for 5 playing pairs):

1. multimedia projector;

2. ribbons (pieces of rope) of the same color and the same length - 5 pcs.;

3. tangerines (preferably seedless) - 5 pcs.;

4. scarves - 5 pcs.;

5. diplomas - 10 pcs. - two in each nomination (1-2 - “The most erudite couple”, 3-4 - “The most charming couple”, 5-6 - “The most friendly couple”, 7-8 - “The most resourceful couple”, 9-10 - "People's Choice Award".

Text of the Diploma:




And ____________________________________,

students of ______ classes

MKOU Novoyarkovskaya and Novochanovskaya secondary schools,

became the best in the interschool game

"It all starts with love"

in the category “Most _______ couple”

Date Director

Preliminary preparation
5 boys and 5 girls are given a task in advance: to prepare a story about themselves.

Choose music to create a pleasant mood during competitions.

Choose a film about the history of the holiday “Valentine’s Day”.

Assign the participating classes to prepare a number of amateur performances.

Girls participants are asked to come to the competition program in shoes and with handbags.

Progress of the event:

Gentle, quiet music sounds, and a poem is read against its background:

Everything starts with love...
They say:
"At first
And I declare again:
It all begins
with love!..

It all starts with love:
and insight,
and work,
flower eyes,
child's eyes -
everything starts with love.

Spring whispers to you:
And the whisper will make you sway.
And you will straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts with love!
(Robert Rozhdestvensky)

They go on stage presenters.

HE. Hello, dear children and dear adults! We are with you today, your presenters: Lena, welcome!...

SHE. ... and Dima! Applause! Dima and I We welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

HE. Today we celebrate Valentine's Day, a holiday that did not originate in Russia, but has successfully taken root.

SHE. Dima, do you know the history of this holiday?

HE. Of course, Lena. Let's introduce the guys to her too. Attention to the screen!

(Showing a presentation about the history of Valentine's Day)

HE. We hasten to tell you: “Grace!” -

To wish you new happiness.

We hasten to tell you: “Joy!

Good luck, success and good luck!”

To wish everyone in the hall

Have the most wonderful mood.

SHE. Let songs, dances, games, jokes

We'll be welcomed here in no time.

So here we go!

We are all glad to see you, friends!

HE. Boys and girls, participants in today's game, are invited to enter the hall.

SHE. We ask all viewers to provide sincere friendly support to all today's participants in the form of loud applause!

(We seat boys and girls opposite each other)

HE. We ask the distinguished jury to show attentiveness, tact, understanding and, with all seriousness, distribute the resulting pairs according to prize nominations.

SHE. Dear PARTICIPANTS, please tell us about yourself. (Each boy (and then girl) tells about himself according to plan:

    My name is.... (Last name, first name).

    I study in... class.

    My zodiac sign …

    My favorite dish …

    My favorite animal …

    My motto in life:...

    Most of all I love to do...

    My most striking qualities: ... (The same stage of the presentation can be asked to be prepared in advance for the children in the form of presentations-stories about the boys’ team and the girls’ team.)

Let's support our participants with thunderous applause!

HE. Well, now it’s the turn of our lovely PARTICIPANTS to introduce themselves.

SHE. We thank the participants for sharing their stories. But we would like to get to know you a little better, so we suggest answering some questions. The first priority is young men.

Which of the following qualities of girls do you like most:



    appearance (face, figure, fashionable appearance);


HE. It's the girls' turn to answer. Which of the following qualities of young men do you put in first place:

    appearance (height, weight, face, hairstyle);



    the ability to look after beautifully;

    availability of money?

SHE. Boys, imagine the situation: a girl comes up to you and says that she has liked you for a long time, in general, she confesses her love. You:

    tell her that you are not against a new relationship;

    ask her to prove her love;

    tell her that she is a complete fool;

    offer to communicate to better understand each other;

    another answer.

HE. Girls, imagine: you are walking down the street and carrying in your hand the most delicious cake you just bought. Suddenly a guy you like comes towards you. You:

    quickly stuff the cake into your mouth;

    you give the cake to the guy - take it, I don’t mind!;

    divide the cake between two;

    hide it in your pocket;

    another answer.

SHE. Thank you for your sincere answers! And we bring to your attention a dance that the 5th grade children will perform.


SHE. Let's thank our dancers with applause! And now, after we've gotten to know each other a little, it's time to determine the couples for tonight. I ask all participants to come up to me and stand, boys on one side of me, and girls on the other. (The presenter holds in her hands as many ribbons (ropes) as there are participating pairs.) Please take a ribbon each. (Unlocks his hand. Thus, pairs are determined.)

HE. Let's meet the participating couples. Participants are asked to join hands with their significant other, and when we call your names, raise your hands up. So, the first pair: ______ and _______. We greet them with thunderous applause!

SHE. Couple #2: ______ and _______! (The presenters represent all couples.)

HE. So, let's start the fun competition! Contest No. 1 "ERUDITES". Each couple is asked to answer two questions: first the girl answers, and then the boy answers. If you find it difficult to answer, ask your significant other for help.

1 pair. _______, what does a carburetor include in a car? (Included in the motor.) ________, what is highlighting? (Dyeing individual strands.)

SHE. 2 pair.

Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear? (Front.) _______, who is Robert Pattison? (British actor who played Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga.)

HE. 3 pair.

Who is Sergey Kovalev? (Russian professional boxer, performing in the light heavyweight category.)

What is the name of the small purse-like bag that women take with them when going to a special event? (Clutch.)

SHE. 4 pair.

Does Ronaldinho play football or hockey? (To football.)

Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No.)

HE. ______, in which direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push.)

Do I need to wash off hair dye after coloring it? (Yes need.)

SHE. The participants brilliantly demonstrated their intelligence to everyone. And now the guys from grade 11 bring to your attention the sketch “An Incident at the Passport Office.”


HE.Talk to your loved ones about love more often

And you catch their every glance with joy,

Let the words flutter like nightingales,

But only speak sincerely, from the heart. (Vladimir Mishchenko)

SHE. As you know, in the relationship between a boy and a girl it is very important to understand each other perfectly. That's why we called the second competition “I LOOK AT YOU AS IN A MIRROR”. The boys of each pair receive tasks with actions on cards. Then they will have to go to the “mirror” and, looking into it, repeat everything given. The role of the mirror is played by the girl from the couple: she must exactly repeat everything that her boy does. The main requirement of this competition: stand face to face with each other, look into the eyes. Young men, do not rush to perform the next action until the “mirror” behind you repeats the previous one. Very, Dima, I wonder whose mirror will be the most accurate?

Card 1. Straighten your hair.

Blow yourself a kiss.

Touch your nose.

Card 2. Scratch first one ear and then the other.

“Play” with eyebrows.

Smile widely.

Card 3. Frown. Smile. Frown.

Twist a strand of hair around your finger.

Card 4. Give yourself a slap on the forehead.

Wipe “tears” from your cheeks.

Make a face.

Card 5. Pat yourself on the cheek: “Oh, you’re my good one!”

Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left.

“Pluck” hairs from the nose.

HE. We managed to understand each other perfectly. And now we invite you to listen to the song “Take Care,” which Anastasia Savchits will gladly perform for you!


SHE. When love dies

Open all windows and doors,

Call your friends,

So that everyone can support you.

When love dies

Think about what you wanted

But you never did

In the name of saving love...(Natalia Chub)

HE. When you have a loved one, you try to be around him as often as possible. Contest № 3 called "ROAD OF LOVE". Each pair must build a “path” from any things and objects from the drawn line on the floor towards the audience. Any things will do: combs, phones, ties, shoes, boots, lipstick, phones - whatever! You can attract spectators and fans to the game. The winner of this competition is the couple whose path to love turns out to be longer.

(The “Road of Love” competition is being held)

SHE. Thanks to the participants for their work. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. There is something in this saying! For example, my friend told me: “Everyone says: How important it is to choose the right perfume! All this is nonsense! One day I baked pancakes myself (my mother was not at home) and took them to my father at work. Do you know with what interest all the guys on the bus looked at me! They were just going crazy from the smells from my bag!”

HE. Yes, Lena, guys really love to eat delicious food - that’s the honest truth.

SHE. You know, Dima, I don’t quite agree with the fact that only boys love tasty things. For example, I also love to eat. And the girls present here, I think, will agree with me. Therefore the competition № 4 called “FEED YOUR OTHER HALF”.

HE. Each pair is given a tangerine. You must peel it and eat it, but according to special rules. The boy and girl hold hands and peel the fruit with both free hands. Joined hands cannot be separated!

HE. Well, we had a little snack! And now we bring to your attention a sketch called “Who is stronger?”, which Andrey German and Oleg Kiselev will show for you. Since childhood, we have been tormented by three main questions: who is stronger - a karateka or a boxer? your father or Bruce Lee? Jean-Claude Van Damme or Lev Durov from the film “Don't be afraid, I'm with you”? But today we will try to answer the main question, perhaps the most important children's question. So, who is stronger: Arno-o-o-old Schwarznegeeer..... or..... Silve-e-estr Staaallonne!!!

(Scene from the show “Ural Dumplings”)

HE. The important thing is to wait at night,

Late in the evening or during the day...

If you quarrel by the way,

Then burn it all with fire...

And it doesn’t matter what the reason was,

And even more so - who was right.

It’s important to make peace again,

Hide your hand in his sleeve,

Warm up together - and freeze again,

Indifference is worse.

Stars - lyrics. I'm serious .

There is nothing more important in the world.(Gleb Debolsky)

SHE. Yes, Dima, I completely agree that it is very important in life to find your soulmate. We bring to your attention a competition No. 5 “FIND YOUR MATTER”. We offer each couple a name, and you must name his life partner. If the pair does not answer, the right to answer passes to another pair at will. So let's begin!

Leonid Agutin - Angelica Varum

Romeo - Juliet

Andrey Bolkonsky - Natasha Rostova

Pierrot - Malvina

Chatsky - Sophia

HE. Let's continue:

Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie

Master - Margarita

A little prince - Rose

Kai - Gerda

Alexey Chumakov - Yulia Kovalchuk

SHE. Dear jury, pay attention to how smart, resourceful, and erudite our participants are!

HE. Yes Yes! In addition, they learned to find a common language, understand each other perfectly and work harmoniously in a team.

SHE. Dima, wait, weren’t you too hasty with your conclusions?

HE. I think, Lena, that I was in no hurry. And the guys will now prove it to you. We offer a competition No. 6 “LIGHT THE FIRE”.

SHE. Crazy? What kind of fire is there in the school?

HE. Well, Lena, this is such a figurative name. But in reality, the guys will have to do this. Each pair is given the top piece from a matchbox. Boys and girls stand in a line, and as soon as the music starts, they must pass a matchbox, put on their nose, from boy to girl and vice versa, without using their hands. The winner is the couple that reaches the audience faster without dropping the boxes.

SHE. Yes, Dima, I agree with you: the guys are really on fire now!

HE. Here! Do you agree that every girl at heart is a little Cinderella, who is waiting for her prince?

SHE. Well, I agree with this statement one hundred percent!

Waking up in the morning to the sound of the phone,
You will remember your dream that you saw again.
Favorite fairy tale. But I didn't expect it
So that the glass slipper... stands next to...

SHE. Contest № 7 called "SHOES FOR CINDERELLA." Boys must look carefully at their companions and at the shoes of their companions in order to remember them in detail. Each girl must take off one shoe. Dima will take the shoes off to the center of the hall. The blindfolded boys must find their girl's shoe, find their girl (still blindfolded) and put the shoe back on her foot. The main intrigue of this competition is that we will ask the girls to move to other chairs, and they will not be located where you remember them.

(Competition “Shoe for Cinderella”)

HE. Well, that was the last competition. While the respected jury sums up the results of today's game, we bring to your attention the song “Take My Soul,” performed by Andrei German. Let's welcome him!!!

SHE. Thank you Andrey for the wonderful song!

HE. And now the jury gives the floor!

(The jury sums up the results. Awarding the participants.)

SHE. Summing up this evening, you involuntarily recall a line from the famous song: “How beautiful this world is!” But the world becomes even more beautiful if love lives in our hearts. And it’s not so important who you love: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather - the main thing is that when we love, we become kinder, cleaner and brighter!

HE. And we once again congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, wish you all love, joy and invite everyone to a festive disco!


(Cards for the competition “I look at you like in a mirror”)

Card 1. Straighten your hair.

Blow yourself a kiss.

Touch your nose.

Card 2. Scratch one ear first and then the other.

“Play” with eyebrows.

Smile widely.

Card 3. Frown. Smile. Frown.

Twist a strand of hair around your finger.

Card 4. Give yourself a slap on the forehead.

Wipe “tears” from your cheeks.

Make a face.

Card 5. Pat yourself on the cheek: “Oh, you’re mine.”


Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left.

“Pluck” hairs from the nose.

history of the holiday

One of the legends says that many centuries ago in ancient Rome, soldiers (the service lasted 25 years) were forbidden to get married, and priests were forbidden to consecrate it in the church. But, despite the ban, the church minister Valentin secretly blessed loving hearts and sanctified marriages. The priest was extradited. Saint Valentine was executed on February 14, and this day was called “Lovers' Day.”

According to another legend, Christian Valentine was a doctor. He was sentenced to death. At that time, according to the Roman calendar, the New Year was celebrated in mid-February, and the children threw him notes with congratulations and wishes. The prison guard shooed the children away. His only beloved daughter was blind. The jailer brought his daughter to the imprisoned doctor. A miracle happened: the girl began to see, and she fell in love with Valentin. He was soon executed. All that was left of their love was a small letter, which the young man wrote for the warden’s daughter, signing at the end: “Your Valentine.”

In the 14th century, Valentine cards became popular. They were decorated colorfully and decoratively.

Nowadays, Valentines are one of the main attributes of the holiday.

"Romance: from tragedy to madness"

Leading. Hello, dear friends! Today we celebrate the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day. Few people know the history of this holiday, but everyone knows what is customary to give on this day. Today we will learn many interesting details about the history and traditions of this holiday.

Presenter. First, let's move to the Roman Empire under the reign of Claudius II, where this holiday appeared. So, it was 269...

Herald. By order of Emperor Claudius II, all marriages on the territory of the Roman Empire are prohibited. All those who disobey will be sentenced to death.

Author. Yes, this is exactly the order issued by the Great Claudius. And he did this because he thought that marriage was the main enemy of his military conquests. His army was in dire need of legionary heroes. According to Claudius, married legionnaires think only about how to quickly return to their family, and not how to kill more enemies. So, to raise military spirit, Claudius the Second issued this order. But the soldiers did not stop falling in love and continued to dream of their own families. A priest from the Roman city of Terni, Valentin, came to the aid of the lovers. Having learned about the criminal activities of the daring young man, the emperor ordered the arrest of Valentine.

There is a man sitting behind bars on stage.

Jailer. Hey priest, I heard that you are also a healer. My daughter Asteria is blind. Please heal her.

The jailer brings the girl to Valentin. He touches her eyes and she is healed.

Asteria. I am eternally grateful to you. What is your name?

Valentin. My name is Valentin, I am a priest.

Asteria. And my name is Asteria, although my father already told you this. He works here as a guard.

Valentin. I am very glad to meet you, dear Asteria!

Asteria. I'm glad too, Valentin. But how did you end up in prison? Did you do something bad?

Valentin. By order of the emperor, my actions were indeed against the law. I united the hearts of people in love, reconciled those who had quarreled.

Asteria. You were doing a noble cause. Bringing loving people together in marriage is very important, especially in wartime. My God, I feel so sorry for you! You are the best person I have ever met. You're probably hungry? I made rice cakes today. Help yourself.

Valentin. Baked? But you didn’t see anything, did you?

Asteria. Previously, yes, but now you have cured me.

Valentin. You are so kind, dear Asteria. Thank you, very tasty.

Asteria. Sorry, I have to go, otherwise my father will be angry.

Asteria (reads the letter). Dear Asteria! If you are reading this letter, then I have already been sent to execution. I ask you not to blame the executioners for my death. You are the kindest girl I have ever met. From the moment I saw you, I was completely captivated by your beauty. You are the most beautiful thing in my life. Your Valentine.

Presenter. Valentine's Day was not always celebrated. It was not until 496 that the Christian martyr was canonized by the Catholic Church, and Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as St. Valentine's Day.

Leading. In Western Europe it began to be celebrated only in the 13th century, in the USA since 1777. Rus' had its own Valentine's Day. It was associated with the love story of Peter and Fevronia and was dedicated to Kupala.

Presenter. So, we figured out the origin of the holiday. Now let's remember its main attributes. These are sweets, flowers and, of course, valentines with a declaration of love.

Leading. Did you know that we also owe fancy-shaped chocolates to Valentine, albeit to someone else? If it weren't for him, we would still only be drinking hot chocolate. But thanks to his discovery, our imagination knows no bounds.

Presenter. A chocolate heart is one of the most common Valentine's Day gifts.

Competition "Romantic Poet"

Participants in the competition are given sheets of paper on which there are pairs of words: flowers - dreams, heart - door, ice - honey, she - alone, flame - banner, blood - love. The challenge is to compose a love note in three minutes.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and begins to write a poetic declaration of love.

Presenter. Our participants did an excellent job and deserve loud applause. The poems written by the newly-minted authors are simply beautiful. And they were dedicated, of course, to our beautiful ladies.

Competition "First Knight"

Participants in the competition are blindfolded and given a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. They must draw a knight with their eyes closed.

Leading. Every lady needs a courageous knight. Let's see how our contestants see him. Only they will have to portray him blindfolded.

Presenter. Of course, everyone has their own taste, but our ladies portrayed simply ideal knights. Even through the drawn features, such knightly qualities as courage and nobility can be traced.

Leading. As Archimedes said: “Love is a theorem that must be proven every day.” Declaring love is a very personal matter. Each person puts something individual into it. This is how others admit it. Mathematician: “Without you I am zero.” Officer: "You hurt my heart."

Presenter. Doctor: “Heal my heart wounds.” Sailor: “You boarded me.”

Leading. Pilot: “You are my heaven, be with me forever.” Archaeologist: “You are my most valuable find.”

Presenter. Chemist: “A reaction is taking place between us. I dissolve in your eyes.”

Leading. How beautiful their confessions are. But, of course, the most romantic confessions were composed by poets.

Competition “They wrote about love”

Participants in the competition take turns naming poems where the authors mention this bright and wonderful feeling. They take turns reading lines from poems.

Presenter. Flowers of love are red roses. These are the ones that are customary to give on Valentine's Day. Do you know why exactly they became a symbol of this feeling? It all started in great antiquity, when people worshiped pagan gods. According to legend, the goddess of love Aphrodite stepped on a white rose as she hurried to her lover. She stained the flowers with her blood, and since then they have become a symbol of love and passion. Here's another romantic story.

Competition "Failed Love"

To participate in the competition you need: 2 boys and 2 girls. They must portray the most romantic couples in the history of literature, but who never became happy (Romeo and Juliet; Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin).

Presenter. The guys had to try to get you to guess, and they coped with the task perfectly. Let's applaud them again.

Leading. We have already figured out the history of the holiday and the main traditions, we have learned how the holiday is celebrated in our country. Now let's listen to what the features are in other countries.

Presenter. In Canada, for example, it is customary to give valentines not only to people, but also to animals. So, if a child under twelve years old brings at least one Valentine card to the zoo, he can enter for free.

Leading. As we know, valentines cannot be signed, but everyone really wants to know from whom they received a message with a declaration of love. In this case, there are special search offices in England, which receive thousands of requests to identify the sender every year after February 14th. This service, of course, is expensive, but generous British people are willing to shell out thousands of pounds just to find the person who sent the postcard.

Presenter. But in Japan, Valentine's Day is truly a men's holiday. Representatives of the stronger sex receive many more gifts from their lovers than they give themselves.

Leading. But there are also countries where the holiday is officially prohibited. This is Saudi Arabia. Here, breaking the law can result in a huge fine.

Presenter. For the next competition we will need five volunteers. Let's remember the first lessons of labor. The competition is called "Do It Yourself". You already guessed that the task will be to make a postcard yourself. You will have paper, scissors, glue and bright markers at your disposal. But the matter is further complicated by the fact that your time is limited. Just half a minute. So, let's start, attention, march!

Leading. What wonderful cards! You can even open your own shop and sell them. They'll probably be sorted out in no time. Hand-made is now in vogue.

Presenter. And now we will tell you about the records on Valentine's Day.

Leading. In the town of Pasay, six thousand couples kissed each other within ten seconds.

Presenter. In 1988, 16 million Valentine cards were sent in Britain.

Leading. In the same year, 24 thousand roses were bought per minute in the United States.

Presenter. In Japan, people compete in terms of the number of sweets sent. One Japanese woman bought several thousand dollars worth of chocolate.

Leading. What crazy things people do for the sake of love!

Presenter. Love and be loved!

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