New Year's skit for 6 people. “Once Upon a New Year” - a class sketch for the New Year. Funny New Year's scene for a corporate party “Don't do as we do”

New Year's holiday scenario for high school "New Year's Adventure"

Arouse interest in the upcoming holiday.
Create a festive New Year's mood.
Teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, and poetic numbers on stage.
Develop creativity and communication skills.
Improve your ability to play roles and confidently hold yourself on stage.
Cultivate love for native nature.

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga

The progress of the holiday

1. Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
We invited all our friends to visit today.

2. The time has come for everyone to have fun.
Everyone is in joyful excitement.
Our Christmas tree is here, the show is about to begin.
(2 buffoons jump onto the stage)
- Hello, kids,
Girls and boys!
- And also their parents
Greetings now.
- For the New Year's holiday
we invited you.
- The frost is crackling outside the window
Stick your nose out - your nose will freeze.
- We don’t want to go for a walk now.
Better to sing and dance.
- Guys, stand in a circle.
Hold your hands tighter.
Presenters. Come on, guys, dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song ____________________

- You, of course, are great.
They sang straight from the heart.
And at the Christmas tree, as always,
There is no trace of boredom.
Who's the most fun here?
- Well, of course, boys.
Naughty little girls.
- And the girls are good -
Everyone laughs heartily.
- Boys are better anyway!
- No, girls.
Don't argue, friends, let's check it out.
Shall we play a game?
Yes/No Game"
Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes!)
Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes!)
Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)
Will he eat all your chocolates? (No!)
Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes!)
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No!)
Doesn't his soul age? (Yes!)
Will it warm us up outside? (No!)
Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)
Is our birch good? (No!)
Is the New Year getting closer? (Yes!)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)
Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes!)
Does he drive a foreign car? (No!)
Wears a cane and a hat? (No!)
Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes!)
Well done, we played well.
Phonogram “The Departure of Baba Yaga”
Who are you? Were you invited?
Baba Yaga
Hey there, you brats!
I'm not waiting for an invitation.
I'm definitely on holiday
I'll come without an invitation.
Hey, there you are, kids.
Don't you miss me?
By nose and fangs,
To the beautiful grandmother Yaga.
How are you not bored?
(goes down to the tree, looks at it)
That's what I knew. This is my Christmas tree. I looked it up for myself last year. And this tree was brought here. Here I will show you, I will put a spell on you. Look, everyone has gathered here. I don't want to listen to anything. Either it’s my Christmas tree, or I’ll put a spell on it and that’s it.
What are we going to do, guys, give away the Christmas tree? (children's answers)
We will now call Santa Claus and tell him everything. (addresses Baba Yaga)
Baba Yaga

Oh, no need. Oh oh oh. I've already gone home.
(pretends to go backstage)
Let's go and see if Grandfather Frost is coming, otherwise he's delayed...
(they go to see if Santa Claus is coming and at this time Baba Yaga appears on the stage)
Baba Yaga
I'll ruin the holiday anyway.
Well, hold on, gentlemen, (shakes his fist)
I'm calling a friend here.
From afar there is noise and shouts: “Ah-ah!” Leshy runs into the hall, falls, and skis fall on him. He lies there for several seconds without moving. Then he slowly lifts one leg, then the other, rubs his sides, groans, and sits down.
Goblin: Well, what is this? I, the goblin, Baba Yaga’s best assistant, the smartest, the most dexterous, I know and can do everything, I wanted to go skiing and fell. And how come I couldn’t move down the mountain? (Scratching head). Well, I can do this! And it's all Santa Claus's fault! I covered everything with snow, let in the frost, covered all the trees with fog, and because of it I got a big bump! (Shows forehead). I’ll complain to Baba Yaga, she’ll come up with some kind of dirty trick, she’ll take revenge on this old grandfather and his granddaughter Snow Maiden. (Shakes his fist). Brrr, it's a little cold. (He shudders).
Leshy. Did you call me, Yaga? What's happened?
Baba Yaga. They offend! And they threaten and insult!
Leshy (turning to the children).
Who threatens you, Yaga? Or is life not precious?
Baba Yaga. We need to play pranks again, we need to stop the holiday!
Oh, and you're boring, you old devil.
Goblin: Look at yourself, old lady, all the animals have fled from your unearthly beauty. It’s boring because we haven’t been among people for a long time.
Baba Yaga: Will you get out with you, have you looked at yourself in the lake for a long time? All dried up, terrible.
Goblin: This is an athletic build, a muscular me.
Baba Yaga: But I can return my beauty, I’ll put on makeup, put on makeup, and I’ll be as beautiful as in my youth.
Goblin: So are we going to celebrate the New Year?
Are you here again?
Baba Yaga
You gathered at the Christmas tree in vain.
Your Santa Claus is not coming.
There are so many snowdrifts.
How will he, the old grandfather, get there?
1. Let's wait a little longer.
A very long road.
2. In the meantime, so as not to get bored,
We will sing and dance.
Guys, let's sing a song. Hurry up and stand around the Christmas tree, hold hands.”
Baba Yaga
What kind of holiday is this? No one fights, no one quarrels. The songs are all about the Christmas tree and about winter. At least they sang one about me, a written beauty. You won't see a holiday for this, just know that. You will have neither Santa Claus nor Snow Maiden.
1.Ah, again you are on your own. Admire her. You are an older woman, but all the dirty tricks are in your brain.
2. How can we stop her? We need to tie her up. Here, quickly take the rope. And we'll tie the hell up.
(Baba Yaga runs away screaming) Oh, what a pity - she ran away.
2. Take care of your hands and feet.
Cover your ears and nose.
Walks and wanders along the road
Old Grandfather Frost.
1. Let's call him. He will hear our voices and find a way.
(children call Santa Claus.)
(Santa Claus walks around the tree to the music and gets up on stage)
Father Frost
Hello my friends.
It took me a long time to get there
From their dense forests.
There are snowdrifts - clouds.
My path is covered..
I came to you anyway.
I'm not late? Got it right? Is this Komsomol school? (children's answers)
Get up in a round dance. Let's sing a song to Santa Claus.__________________________
Father Frost
Why aren’t the lights on your Christmas tree?
Repeat after me the magic words:
Come on, Christmas tree, perk up.
Come on, Christmas tree, smile.
Come on, tree, one, two, three.
Shine with the light of joy.
1. We shouted to no avail.
Our tree did not wake up.

2. Apparently someone didn’t shout.
Someone apparently remained silent.
Father Frost
Let's shout together again:
One two Three. Shine Christmas tree.
Father Frost
Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? For some reason I don’t see her.
No Snow Maiden. Did not come. Apparently Baba Yaga tried hard.
Father Frost
We must go look for the Snow Maiden.
Guys, let's look for the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus? Aren't you afraid? Stand around the Christmas tree. __________

Baba Yaga enters the hall, dressed as the Snow Maiden.
Presenter. But she has already returned. Oh guys, something is wrong here.
Baba Yaga(hums).
I am the Snow Maiden, granddaughter of my grandfather,
That's how fidgety he is.
Baba Yaga walks around the Christmas tree
Presenter. Something about you, Snow Maiden, doesn’t look like yourself today.
Baba Yaga. How is it “not similar”? Look: Snegurkin’s fur coat, and that braid with that bow...
Presenter (for children). And we will check this now.
D.M.: Something tells me that the Snow Maiden is not real, what the hell, my granddaughter can guess any riddles. I will make a guess, and you guys, if the wolf guesses incorrectly, you stomp, if he answers correctly, you clap.
D.M. : It’s snowing outside, a holiday is coming….
Baba Yaga: Birthday!
(children stomp,
D.M. : The needles glow softly, the pine spirit comes from.....
Baba Yaga: Hedgehog!
D.M. : The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright......
Baba Yaga: They whistle!
(children stomp, the wolf backs away)
D.M. : And the toys swing: beads, stars....
Baba Yaga: Pillows!
(children stomp, back away)
Baba Yaga: I give up, I give up... (runs away)
Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters.
D.M: Well, hello, my granddaughter! We've been waiting for you
Snow Maiden:
It was not in vain that I hurried to you...
To congratulate you, friends!
To your holiday tree
I came from afar.
I walked alone for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
I walked all the days without knowing laziness,
I didn't go astray.
Then she sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.
This is where my journey ends,
And we are together
This Glorious New Year
Let's meet with honor.
Competitions. Poetry. Present.
Snow Maiden:
Our holiday will be wonderful,
We brought you again
Lots of dancing, lots of songs -
You can’t sing and dance everyone!
Father Frost:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children.
Happy New Year to all guests.
I'm ready to dance
Together with you even now.
_________________________song __________________
Father Frost: In every city, town
People have a lot of troubles
Because it's coming
Long awaited...!
all together: NEW YEAR
Snow Maiden: Time rushes, speeding up
All clocks are running normally,
Hastily approaching
Good holiday...
all together: NEW YEAR
Baba Yaga: People have many desires
Everyone is waiting for their achievements,
It's not for nothing that they call it magical
And wonderful...
all together: NEW YEAR
Goblin: We believe in good moments,
That which will not let us down
Blessed and beautiful
together: NEW YEAR
Snow Maiden: Everything that will happen is unknown
But let's anticipate:
Become peaceful, fruitful
And happy...
together: NEW YEAR
Leading: The table is set, there is fun all around,
Christmas tree, jokes, round dance...
How will you and I celebrate the holiday?
So you will have to...
together: NEW YEAR
Baba Yaga Let the children laugh loudly
And people fall in love!
May he give you all the best
all together: NEW YEAR!
The evening is over
The meeting ended.
The hour of parting has come.
Father Frost
It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let both adults and children celebrate the New Year together.
Snow Maiden
I wish you success in the new year.
More cheerful, loud laughter.
More good friends and girlfriends.
Excellent marks and knowledge chest..
Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I have a sketch “Once Upon a New Year” - an excellent class sketch for the New Year that has just now reached publication.

One class and their class teacher already liked it, I hope you do too.

The scene is funny, but with an unobtrusive moral embedded in it. Modern, but also slightly magical – it’s the end of December after all...

I wrote it for ninth-graders, but there is no strict connection, so it is suitable for production for almost all schoolchildren - just replace “War and Peace” with Pushkin’s fairy tales, for example, etc.

And we are starting))

Sketch from the class “Once Upon a New Year”

Intonations are important - you need to choose them and maintain the image.

Roles and characters

1. The presenter is a boy
2. Student X (x) - boy
3. Student U (Greek) - boy
4. Student - girl
5. Teacher-1 - girl
6. Teacher 2 – girl

This is how it is for me, but you can change it. You can also add students and teachers, if interested, and scatter dialogue lines on them. If you need to reduce the number of “actors,” then remove one student or the Leader - then let his voice sound from behind the scenes in any performance.

“Teachers” should be dressed in a business style, have grown-up hairstyles, and perhaps add glasses. The rest of the characters are in their usual form.


Table and 2-3 chairs around the table

Magic book - a large book or thick folder made of hard cardboard (red, blue or green with snowflakes or stars glued on)

Sheets with texts inside the folder - you can legally peek at them, accompanied by the words “let me look”, “what’s inside?”, “let me have a look too”

Bag with a boy's hat inside

Large bag - big enough to fit a book


8-10 minutes.

You can reduce/increase the action time very easily by removing/adding several wishes of students and/or teachers - I wrote them so that they could be changed without loss to the plot.




The stage is covered with a curtain - all or partly. The presenter comes out:

One day on New Year's Eve, the following story happened in a school in a certain city.

He points to the curtain, it opens, and the presenter leaves. We see a table with chairs and students at the table or around the table in free poses (that is, not in class). Flipping through smartphones.

Student X runs in with a magic book in both hands:

People, look what I have! This is a magical book that makes any wish come true!

Student U:

Where do the firewood come from?

Student X:

From the forest, obviously... I mean, from the teachers' lounge.


Did you steal a book??????????

Student X:

I didn't steal it, I took it for temporary use. By the way, the teacher did the same thing - she took the book away from the girls during class and said that she would give it back later. Well, we'll give it back later.

Student U:

How do you know?

Student X:

That's what my younger brother told me, it happened in their class.

And he continues, and the rest of the words are broken down phrase by phrase into him and the rest of the students present at the table.

Opens the book and reads:

They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true! The truth is coming true!

Oh, okay - these are nursery rhymes, only kids believe in them.

Don't tell me! The bro says that they just wished for some chocolates, and immediately the mothers from the parent committee enter the classroom and hand out gifts with chocolates. The little one, of course, was indescribably delighted at first, and then they realized that they had sold on the cheap - they should have ordered iPhones!

Well, yes! And just for nothing, a little guy took such precious information and leaked it to you?

First of all, he is my brother after all. Secondly, not for nothing, but for 3 pies, so you still owe me a pie. And thirdly, the book had already been confiscated from them anyway.

Okay, storyteller, open your valuable book, let's check it out.

Open and read:

Rules for making wishes... And here are the rules! Well, there's no escape from them. There are rules in the lessons, rules in the book of wishes!

Will we be indignant or will we make wishes?

I want my hat to be found right now, which I lost a year ago. (Walks around, looks under the table, in the corners) The hat is not there, your magic book is not working!

Don’t rush to draw conclusions, it’s better to read the rules.

Reads from the book:

Wishes will come true only in the New Year. You can make one small wish for each person or one big wish for everyone. For your wish to come true, you must first think very carefully.

What can you think! Let all the teachers get sick and cancel classes!

You can’t wish illness on anyone, it will come back like a boomerang!

Okay, let the teachers all go on vacation during the holidays, travel, visit, and stay there for a little while. Is it possible to make such a wish? Isn’t it good if people talk to their families a little more and get some impressions?

Can you imagine what impressions we will get when they return and our desires come out?

Okay, I agree - it’s a weird idea to think about teachers, we still have to finish our studies before graduation! Let's not talk about teachers then.

And about whom?




End of quote.

Further on in the course of the scene, the children have amazing ideas of desires regarding other classes, the periodic table, the gym, the foundation of the school, foreign language lessons, literature and something else. But all ideas are rejected by the students themselves with a sigh, since the consequences will affect loved ones, world culture and, most importantly, themselves))

Puzzled children take a break to think carefully (and the best thing to think about is over pies)), and leave with their things and a book, as if to the dining room.

The children are gone, but the action continues.




The curtain covers the part of the stage with the table where the children left, and the Presenter appears:

And at the same time, on the same New Year’s Eve, in that same school unknown to us in an unknown city, on another floor, in a room with a sign “Teachers’ Room,” the following happened.

The presenter leaves. The curtain opens and Teacher 1 is now sitting at the table, and Teacher 2 is looking under the table and chairs. Conversation between them...




  • What kind of conversation is this?
  • what actually happens in the staff room
  • desires of students and reasons for their deviation
  • teachers’ wishes and what they actually wished for
  • how did this New Year's Eve end?
  • and even whether the hat was found...
  • that is, the full text of the class skit for the New Year

You can come up with it yourself or receive from me within 24 hours after payment , cost and details are indicated on the page ""

Or you can choose another fun one - “New Year with Sherlock Holmes” (an article about it has already been published).

There will be mutual benefits in any case))

With wishes for New Year's miracles,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

To have a fun holiday event, you need to think in advance, which will help ensure fun and good mood.

Funny and cool skits that do not take much time are especially well received at the New Year's holiday, so they can be staged several in a row, involving as many people as possible.

New Year's skits that are funny and cool for high school students can include both famous and fictional characters, as long as it is fun and interesting.

New Year's skit about grandmas Yozhek

Characters: 5 grandmas hedgehogs

Grandma 1: Hedgehogs, have you noticed that we haven’t hung out for a long time! Oh look, what's here
Is everyone here?
Grandmother 2: Yes, they’re probably celebrating something again! send it! We have to go to bro Kascheich's party! By the way, I need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So, let's dial the number! Hello, Kashcheich! Hey, how's everything ready? oh, well then we’ll be there! Well, the kashcheich said, everything is ready! Send it?!
Grandma 3: Wait, we still don’t know what’s going on here? Let's ask the guys?
Grandma 4: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me, what's going on here?
Guys: We are celebrating the New Year!
Grandma 5: Wow, does that mean there’s going to be a party here too? Cool, let's stay here, otherwise I won't get to the kashcheyushka! My back hurts terribly!
All grandmothers except 2 grandmothers: We agree! Eh, hedgehog, how are you?
Grandmother 2: what?
1st grandmother: Well, you're damn deaf, you need to go to the ENT!
Grandma 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
Grandma 1: I’ve been driving a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for the party?
Grandma 2: Of course! Well, grannies, let's have a blast!?

The phone is ringing at the 4th grandma

Grandma 4: Hello, hello! Oh, well, I already signed up for tomorrow! Okay, I don’t have time now! Dosvidos!
Grandma 5: Where did you sign up?
Grandma 4: Hey, go to the makeup artist! I decided to preen myself before my date with the merman!
Grandma 3: Okay, that's enough, let's finally hang out!
Grandma 1: Well, DJ, play us a song! Yes, better!

include for example: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

3 Grandma: Hey, you’re a DJ, what did you play for us? Give us ours, my beloved!

The song of hedgehog grandmothers is playing

Cool New Year's scene about blondes

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern fashionistas

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, Why are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I couldn’t leave everything as it was - he looks like a loser... no one walks like that now...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: At the hairdresser... at Zverev’s
1 Blonde: Is this the famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake... he’s also a stylist, he’ll do a little image work...
1 Blonde: Oh
2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Pull it out faster!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking..
2 Blonde: Fuck you... By the way, here’s Leshy.

Leshy comes out in super new clothes, to the music

1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him both to the feast and to the world..
Leshy: Well, I changed my image a little... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great...
2 Blonde: Now I’d like to teach you how to dance...
Leshy: I can do tectonics...
1 Blonde: Something already, show me...

You can end the performance with the dance of Leshy and the blondes.

The blondes and Leshy leave on stage, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson appear, holding Leshy's sock in their hands, approach the microphone and twirl it in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think this is a man's sock...
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: Do you think it can't belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman who was walking in the second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are simply a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, it seems to me that someone else is going there too...
Watson: Shall we go too?
Holmes: For those over a hundred years old? Although, let's go... It doesn't hurt us to have fun.

New Year's skit about the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Call Zlyuchka and Thorn to me...

Zlyuchka and Thorn come running

Snow Queen: My faithful maids, how long have we done nasty things?
Zlyuchka: A long time ago...
Thorn: A long time ago...
Snow Queen: Do you want to ruin people's holiday?
Zlyuchka: I want...
Thorn: It’s already pricking...
Snow Queen: Here, keep a catalog of cosmetics, whoever rubs it and smells it will get sick, get sick
Sneaky: Will he get sick?
Thorn: Will he get sick?
Zlyuchka: And he’ll miss the holiday?
Thorn: And a holiday!!! Will he miss...?
Snow Queen: And she’ll get sick and miss it. You need to offer this catalog to everyone and make people sneeze.
Zlyuchka: What if people take vitamins?
Thorn: What if you were involved in sports?
Snow Queen: And they will celebrate alone without friends... Go quickly, fulfill my will.

They leave. Ivanushka comes on stage

Ivanushka: Alyonushka? Has anyone seen my sister?
Zlyuchka: Is this Ivanushka?
Thorn: Open the page with goat flu quickly?
Zlyuchka: Young man, look at some cosmetics, just for your sister.
Thorn: Here, take a sniff.
Ivanushka: Oh, but you really need to buy a gift for your sister! (sniffs)
Zlyuchka: Well, how?
Thorn: Good cosmetics?
Ivanushka: Oh, I have a fever, probably an acute respiratory infection.

Alyonushka comes

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what’s wrong with you? Oh... temperature!
Zlyuchka: They got infected, will your brother get sick now?
Thorn: And your holiday is ruined?

Ivanushka coughs

Alyonushka: We'll see about that. (Takes the phone) Urgent orderlies.

Orderlies run in in the form of snowmen

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?
Alyonushka: Yes, there are two people here who are tearing apart.
Ivanushka: I was infected with goat flu.
Orderlies: I see, disinfect the infection!

Zlyuchka and Thorn run away screaming, followed by orderlies with large syringes.

Alyonushka: I told you, Ivanushka, go in for sports, and take your vitamins - you didn’t listen to me, but nothing...

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: I’ll help your problem, but just don’t get sick anymore... I’ll wave my magic wand, and the illness will go away by the evening, but for now the milk is warm, and the stove...
Who arranged all this... Surely either Baba Yaga or the Snow Queen, you will need to tell Santa Claus...

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