Drawing template for February 23rd in pencil. Options for funny pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day

In schools and kindergartens on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, exhibitions and competitions of children's creativity are held. On them, the guys demonstrate their original works - drawings on the theme of February 23, made with pencil and paints. They usually depict military equipment, battle scenes, soldiers and other subjects directly related to army life. Drawings of the same type are used as gifts on February 23 for fathers, grandfathers, older brothers, uncles and other male relatives, friends and relatives. If you want your child to do something similar, use the advice of our step-by-step master classes. They will tell you how to quickly and effortlessly draw a beautiful, bright image that will decorate a courageous and noble men's holiday.

Pencil drawing step by step for children - a gift for dad on February 23

For dad on February 23, a child can prepare an excellent gift - a pencil drawing on a military theme, created with his own hands. A step-by-step master class will tell you how to make it. There are no particular difficulties in this work and even children who do not have a pronounced artistic talent can cope with it. The finished work will turn out to be very eye-catching and parents will definitely like it, and the child will definitely have a desire to take up drawing more seriously.

Necessary materials for children's step-by-step drawing on the theme of February 23

  • a sheet of white paper, medium soft, A4 size
  • simple pencil HB
  • simple pencil B2
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions for children on how to draw a thematic drawing with a pencil for dad step by step

Drawing for February 23rd in kindergarten - how to draw a tank step by step with colored pencils

A very effective, bright, colorful, but at the same time simple drawing can be drawn with colored pencils for February 23 in kindergarten. Such a cute and attractive image of a tank is suitable as a gift for dad, grandfather, older brother or uncle, or will serve as an excellent exhibit at a thematic exhibition on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day. To make the work more accurate, teachers should help young artists and invite them to use an oval template to sketch the outline of the tank.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step drawing of a tank in kindergarten

  • white sheet of A4 paper
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils
  • eraser

Drawing with paints for a competition for February 23 at school

This master class will tell you step by step how to draw a beautiful drawing with paints on a military-army theme for the competition on February 23rd. The work is not easy and requires time, perseverance and some artistic skills. Young children just attending kindergarten should not be assigned such a task. They simply will not be able to cope with it due to lack of experience. But students in grades 1-4 will be able to make such a drawing, especially if mom or dad provide some help in the process of preparing a pencil sketch.

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • simple pencil
  • set of gouache paints
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions for schoolchildren on how to paint a thematic drawing for the February 23 competition

  1. Using a simple pencil, without pressing too hard on the paper, make a preliminary sketch. In the upper right corner, mark the semicircle of the sun hiding behind the clouds.
  2. Visually divide the sheet horizontally in half and draw a conventional horizon line on the right side approximately to the middle.
  3. On the left side, stepping back a little from the bottom edge, draw the outline of sharp sea reefs. Almost at the same level, but on the right draw the outline of a warship.
  4. Paint the lower part of the sheet with a wide brush with blue-blue paint, tint the sky with light blue shades, cover the rocks with a light brown tone and let the workpiece dry very well.
  5. When the image is completely dry, dip a thin brush into very light blue paint and paint foamy waves on the sea.
  6. Paint the ship in a gray tone, and depict the Russian flag on top.
  7. Cover the sunny semicircle with yellow paint, and under it paint clouds with a gray-blue tint using broad strokes. Leave the work again until completely dry.
  8. On top of the rocks, sketch out an airplane with a simple pencil, and then paint it green and make red marks on the nose, wings and tail. Draw five-pointed stars on the body.
  9. When the painting is completely dry, submit it to the school drawing competition on the occasion of the celebration of February 23.

For every child, his dad is the strongest, bravest and most courageous. A true hero, the head of the family. And a defender, even if he didn’t serve in the army. Therefore, the idea of ​​congratulating dad on February 23 by making an original postcard with your own hands will be received with a bang by a preschooler or junior schoolchild.

Even the simplest drawing drawn by a child's hand will touch the hearts of parents. But there are some really interesting and unusual cards that you can make with your child for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Ideas and templates of cards for February 23rd in kindergarten

As a rule, by February 23, children in kindergarten prepare surprises for dads, grandfathers and brothers - greeting cards. Their complexity depends on the age of the kids and the creativity of the teacher. For the holiday, kindergarteners make:

  • drawings
  • appliqués
  • crafts made from plasticine, natural materials, improvised materials

IMPORTANT: Children in the nursery and junior groups draw simple cards with two or three colors of gouache paint, and make appliqués according to templates prepared by the teacher. You can also print out sketches of cards for the whole group and let the children color them.

You can make postcards for February 23rd in the form of medals with students in middle and preparatory groups.

For the simplest version of the postcard - medals you will need:

  • sample
  • white and colored cardboard (or colored paper)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • paints, colored pencils
  • satin ribbon

Template for a postcard - medals.

Decor for the postcard - medals.

  1. Templates for medals and decorations are transferred to cardboard or colored paper and carefully cut out.
  2. Children glue decorations onto the medal. These decorations can be very different, from a five-pointed star and the number “23” to various military equipment, a suitcase with tools, or attributes of various male professions.
  3. You can transfer the templates onto white paper and ask the kids to color them.
  4. A satin ribbon folded in half is glued to the back of the medal.

A three-dimensional medal - a photo frame - turns out to be very beautiful; it is more difficult to make. But with the help of a teacher, the children will succeed. Children will need:

  • colored paper 2-3 colors
  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • a round object, such as a glass
  • ribbon

  1. At the first stage of making a postcard, the teacher gives the children 10 squares of colored paper measuring 10 by 10 cm.
  2. Children should try to fold each of the squares according to the diagram that the teacher shows. This is a very good fine motor practice.
  3. Children repeat the folding procedure for all 10 squares.
  4. The resulting parts of the “frame” are joined together and glued.
  5. Children attach a round-shaped object to a sheet of cardboard; this will be the base of a medal - a postcard.
  6. The teacher invites the kids to decorate the medal on one side, for example, by gluing the number “23” cut out of colored paper or some ready-made template onto it.
  7. On the second side there should be a photo of dad.
  8. The final step will be gluing the ribbon.

Congratulations on the postcard - medals.

VIDEO: A simple card for dad on February 23

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23rd to school

A schoolboy can please the men in his family with a card in the form of a shirt. Most likely, he will cope with this task himself, but let his mother be nearby and help if anything happens.
For the shirt card you need:

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler

Template for a tie for a postcard - a shirt.

  1. The tie will be cut out of colored paper. The child can draw its outline himself using a pencil and ruler or transfer it from a template.
  2. A sheet of colored cardboard is folded in half.
  3. The child marks the middle on the top of the left half of the sheet and puts 3 cm down from it.
  4. The child bends the corners of the cut to the side and outward, creating a shirt collar.
  5. A tie made of colored paper is placed slightly under the collar of the shirt and glued there.
  6. Inside the postcard, the student writes congratulations on February 23rd.

If desired, the postcard-shirt can be “dressed” in a jacket or military jacket.

Scheme for making a postcard - shirt.

Postcard - a shirt in a military uniform.

If a student is interested in origami, it will not be difficult for him to make a three-dimensional postcard - a shirt. This diagram will help.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 1-4.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 5-8.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 9 - 12.

Postcard - origami shirt: stages 13-16.

And here is a diagram for folding a tie.

VIDEO: How to make a “SHIRT” CARD?

How to draw a postcard for February 23 with a pencil and paints together with your child?

If the child is small and goes to kindergarten, it will be very nice if he draws a portrait of his dad or grandfather on a postcard for February 23rd. With a school student you can already think through the “design”. The attributes of Defender of the Fatherland Day should be placed on the postcard:

  • inscription “From February 23”
  • five-pointed red star
  • St. George's ribbon
  • soldier's carnations
  • airplane
  • other military equipment

For drawing you will need:

  • album sheet
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • compass or star pattern
  • colored pencils, markers or paints

  1. A sheet of paper is marked. The card will contain: a five-pointed star, a St. George ribbon, carnations, and the signature “Happy February 23!”
  2. The most difficult thing is to draw a five-pointed star. Ideally, a child can do this with a compass and ruler, using a diagram. If this is too difficult, the star template is printed, cut out and traced on paper.
  3. At the bottom of the star, from one of its “legs” a wavy St. George ribbon is drawn.
  4. Inside the star, from its center, the edges are drawn.
  5. Start drawing flowers. They will be behind the ribbon, in the corner of the sheet opposite from the star. There will be three colors.
  6. Above the flowers, thinly, in a sketch, lines are drawn on which the text of congratulations is written.
  7. Decorate the drawing with additional lines.
  8. Color the card at your discretion with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

You can draw a tank on a children's card for dad or grandfather for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

  1. They start, as always, by marking the sheet.
  2. First, the child draws a blank for the tank tracks. They will be almost the entire length of the lower half of the sheet. The tracks are a straight line at the top and a half oval at the bottom.
  3. The fall, flattened on top, is repeated inside. Next, the child draws wheels - large circles, inside of which there are smaller circles.
  4. The child begins to work on the tank’s turret and draws a rectangle on top of the tracks, slightly rounding its corners. The length of the rectangle should be slightly less than the length of the tracks.
  5. A trapezoid of shorter length and greater height, also with rounded corners, is drawn above the rectangle.
  6. The barrel of the tank is formed by two parallel lines, which the child draws from the barrel of the tank. At the free end, the lines are connected by a flattened oval - the barrel.
  7. The child decorates and paints the tank at his own discretion.

How to make a voluminous postcard with congratulations on February 23?

To make a voluminous card for February 23, a child will have to make an effort, show imagination, and spend time. But it’s worth it: the men in his family will be very happy with the original craft. The postcard will be with a ship at sea.

First you need to download and print the templates for the voluminous ship and postcard decor.

Ship template.

Decor template.

You will need:

  • White paper
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler

  1. First they work with a sheet of white and a sheet of colored paper. The white sheet is cut so that it is 1 cm smaller than the colored sheet on all sides.
  2. Fold both sheets in half.
  3. The ship template is transferred onto a white sheet of paper.
  4. Cut straight lines. Fold the boat along the dotted lines.
  5. Unfold the sheet and straighten the lines to make a boat.
  6. Glue the white sheet onto the colored one, one by one: one side, the middle, the other side.
  7. The closed postcard dries under pressure. At this time, transfer the templates of decorative elements onto colored paper and cut them out.
  8. The dried postcard is decorated inside and out.

What card to make for grandfather and father for February 23rd?

You will need:

  • sample
  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • markers or gel pens
  • scissors
  • ruler

  1. The template is printed in two copies: one will be used for the box, the second – for the tools.
  2. Card elements are cut out from paper of different colors. The box will be one color, its handles and corners will be another. You can make rivets at the corners.
  3. The tools will also be multi-colored: metal elements and handles. The outlines of the instruments are drawn with markers or gel pens.
  4. Tools are either glued to the card.
  5. A wish for dad or grandfather is written on a rectangular piece of paper. This piece of paper is glued to the suitcase.
  6. Here are a few more options for designing such a postcard.

What card should I make for my brother for February 23?

By February 23, you can make an elegant postcard with a carved boat for your brother. For it you will need:

  • sample
  • colored thick paper or cardboard
    White paper
  • scissors (small, perhaps nail scissors)

  1. The template of the ship and waves is transferred to colored paper
  2. The pattern is cut right through, very neatly.
  3. The card is folded along the fold line.
  4. A rectangle equal to half the postcard is cut out of cardboard of the same color. It is glued on the side where the slots from the ship remain.
  5. Decorate the card with a congratulatory inscription and a dotted line.

Fine art classes dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day are an excellent opportunity to practice drawing a person, including in motion. How to successfully solve this difficult problem, for example, using the method of adding geometric shapes or other drawing methods, is described on the pages of this section. With military equipment the situation is simpler. The creation of drawings and plasticine prints depicting tanks, planes, and ships is also described in this thematic section. Here you can find drawings for both toddlers and older preschoolers. Come in and use the experience of your colleagues in your creative activities with children by February 23!

All types of drawings for February 23, from a flag to a father’s portrait.

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All sections | Drawings for February 23. Drawing on the theme Defender of the Fatherland Day

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On February 23, men are given official or funny cards with congratulations. Now women in the military and those who serve in the police are also honored. The holiday still glorifies military honor, patriotism, strength and courage, but has acquired a slightly different meaning. On the holiday, they give gifts to husbands, colleagues and all male relatives, children make beautiful crafts, glue wall newspapers, draw cards for dad, and organize matinees for dads and grandfathers. It is believed that in this way the child develops respect for the military profession, as well as generosity and kindness. As a rule, schools and kindergartens organize special performances or sports competitions for children and their fathers, and girls give gifts to boys. However, there is a point of view that February 23 is not a children's holiday, so congratulating boys is irrelevant. Be that as it may, children will be happy to please dads with the help of a self-made craft or collage using pictures for February 23, 2018.

February 23 is celebrated in many countries of the former USSR. This holiday is almost a hundred years old, and the proposal to celebrate the day of the appearance of the Red Army was first voiced in 1919. At that time, the country had an urgent need for military resources, since the old tsarist army could not meet the need for defense with the looming threat of Civil War. The date itself, February 23, was chosen arbitrarily, simply because it fell on a weekend. Over the next few years, Red Army Day was not celebrated due to the tense situation in the country, and in 1920, on the 23rd, the first military parade was held, which laid the foundation for the tradition of organizing military processions on this day. Until 1995, it was celebrated as a professional holiday of the Soviet military and navy, and after the collapse of the USSR, on the weekend of February 23, they began to honor all men, regardless of their type of activity and profession. True, there is another theory about the origin of this holiday, according to which February 23 is considered a holiday only out of habit. The fact is that pre-revolutionary Russia used the old style calendar, that is, then this date fell exactly on March 8 - a celebration celebrated by internationalists. The calendar changed, but people continued to celebrate on this day out of habit. The celebration in honor of the creation of the Paint Army only added to the wonderful folk custom of celebrating something on the 23rd. Subsequently, the holiday was renamed several times, but at first only the military were congratulated, awarded orders, and fireworks and processions were organized in their honor. For the first time, gifts began to be given to men on this day only in the second half of the 20th century, and these were small souvenirs. February 23rd quickly became a favorite holiday for work groups and families. The men were congratulated on behalf of factories and organizations, so the differences between those who served and those who were not at the front began to be erased, everyone was honored equally. Over time, the celebration turned into a men's day, similar to March 8.

Pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for children in kindergarten

You can congratulate fathers and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day to children in kindergarten using a bright collage with pictures for February 23rd. As a rule, children happily make appliqués and draw wall newspapers, so kids will try very hard to congratulate their loved ones. Such collages are often designed using photographs and inscriptions, which children color on their own. Pictures for Defenders of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for children in kindergarten can be downloaded for free and designed as a bright craft. The Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday is an excellent occasion to instill in children patriotism and respect for the military profession, to explain the importance of courage and bravery, and readiness at any moment to become a reliable defense for the Motherland.

Options for pictures from February 23 from children

Pictures for February 23rd at school for children

Schoolchildren often prepare for February 23 by drawing colorful wall newspapers or arranging scenes for their parents. Pictures for children are suitable for a school wall newspaper or for making homemade postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day for school. After all, it is very important for children to understand the meaning of the holiday, the need in the life of every citizen for such qualities as dedication, courage and bravery for the benefit of their native state. You can help make a touching congratulation for fathers and grandfathers by downloading pictures for children for February 23 to school, so that the child can design a postcard on his own.

Options for pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day for schoolchildren

Funny pictures for dad on February 23

One of the most important people in the life of any child is dad. Who else is capable of such understanding and support, with whom else is it so exciting to play football or walk the dog as a child? Of course, dad has his own special place in the life of any person. It’s great to have a trusting relationship with him, built on common hobbies and fun activities. Cool pictures for dad on February 23rd are just right for dads with a sense of humor. After all, the main thing is to congratulate your best and coolest daddy with the help of funny pictures.

Options for funny pictures for dad on February 23rd

Funny pictures for February 23 free download

A sense of humor will come in handy on February 23, because many are already tired of boring official pictures with wishes. Funny pictures for February 23rd are an option for informal congratulations for your closest people and friends. They are able to simply and unobtrusively convey a piece of your attention and goodwill to a man on February 23rd. You can download funny pictures for February 23rd for free and make a collage using a special program.

Coloring pictures for dad on February 23

The best congratulation that a child can create for February 23rd is a do-it-yourself congratulation. Any father or grandfather will be touched by receiving as a gift on February 23 a colored thematic picture made by the hand of their beloved son or grandson. Coloring pictures for dad on February 23 will captivate the child for a long time and teach him to give gifts and express gratitude.

Coloring book for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day from children

Beautiful pictures for February 23rd for a wall newspaper for school

The debate about whether schoolchildren need to congratulate each other on February 23 or whether this holiday is exclusively for adults and Defender of the Fatherland Day has nothing to do with children does not stop. Some believe that it is necessary, because boys are future soldiers, potential military personnel. Others say that there are special children's parties for children. But it is clear that almost all school students sooner or later receive the task of drawing a colorful and unusual wall newspaper for February 23rd. Just for these purposes, beautiful pictures for February 23rd are suitable for wall newspapers for school, which can be designed both as a collage and as a background for congratulations.

Options for pictures for February 23rd for a school wall newspaper

Beautiful pictures on February 23rd for men with congratulations

For those who are puzzling over how to congratulate men on February 23, there is one simple option - beautiful pictures of men with congratulations on February 23. Pictures can be sent to men by e-mail, printed and arranged in the form of a beautiful collage, or used as a background for a homemade postcard for February 23, writing a congratulation. After all, it is so important to pay attention to a reliable intercessor who is always ready to protect his family and become a reliable support for his loved ones.

Options for beautiful pictures for men from February 23

Funny pictures with congratulations on February 23rd for men

In order to make your congratulations more original and cheer up on the occasion of February 23rd, you can send funny pictures with congratulations on February 23rd to men. After all, everyone gets tired of the dullness of everyday life and wants to receive an unusual postcard with a funny wish. Men will be doubly pleased if the greeting is creatively designed and the words are written from the heart.

Options for funny pictures for Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is a special day that reminds us of the meaning of patriotism and the readiness at every moment to defend ourselves from the enemies of our Motherland, people and family. This is a holiday of courage and courage, unity and heroism, honor and strength. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulatory concerts are held in honor of members of the armed forces and war veterans, processions are organized, and fireworks go off. From an early age, children learn to honor their Motherland and those people who are ready, risking themselves, to defend their country. Boys and girls present gifts and pictures on February 23, 2018 with congratulations to their fathers and grandfathers, organize matinees and make beautiful crafts. For children in kindergarten and school, you need to understand the meaning of February 23 and the importance of patriotism in the life of every citizen. On this day, men of different professions are honored by sending both official and cool funny cards.

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