Chicken breast shish kebab. Chicken breast kebab Recipe for dietary chicken kebab

Diet food can be delicious. In spring and summer, barbecue recipes are especially relevant - the summer season is open, everyone is eager to go outdoors to make fires and fry meat. It’s hard for those who watch their figure to deny themselves such a delicacy. This is not required!

Dietary chicken kebab can be cooked both on the grill and in the oven. The dish turns out aromatic, very tasty and does not harm the figure at all. The main thing is to cook it without mayonnaise. In this case, barbecue will bring you only benefits and positive emotions.

Poultry for a picnic

Dietary nutrition is based on food intake. If you want to lose weight, you should give up sweet, salty, oily foods, it is advisable not to drink alcohol and store-bought juices and lemonades.

Even lemonades with sweeteners contain harmful substances, and gases can provoke cellulite and sagging skin. That is why it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions, green tea, which accelerates metabolism.

Diets are different, but they all have the same principle - healthy food and a minimum of fat. Shish kebab is a favorite delicacy of many people; trips to the countryside and to nature are indispensable without it. For those who want to lose weight, it can be hard to hold back and watch their friends gobble up flavorful, juicy pieces of meat from a skewer.

There is no need to deny yourself this dish! It is only important to make it dietary. This is possible if you use chicken meat and light marinades to prepare it, which accelerate the metabolism of spices. Chicken kebab is suitable for, because this meat has practically no fats and carbohydrates, but a lot of protein.

Recipes for grill and oven

Chicken meat is tender and very tasty, it cooks and marinates quickly, and you don’t need to fuss with it for a long time. Marinades are typically used to add flavor to chicken, not to tenderize it like beef or pork.

From the breast

The breast is the most nutritious part of the chicken. To reduce calorie content, you can remove the skin, then the meat will be better saturated with the marinade.

You will need:

  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 large chicken breast;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

Interesting! 100 g of chicken breast contains about 100 calories, so this kebab will be as dietary as possible.

From fillet

If you can't get out into nature, don't be discouraged. Make shish kebab in the oven, it is very easy to prepare, has almost no excess fat and has an amazing taste.

To prepare 7 servings you will need:

  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • 2 g spices;
  • 300 g of any vegetables;
  • low-fat natural yoghurt – 300 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the skin from the chicken fillet and cut it into medium cubes.
  2. Mix yogurt with soy sauce and spices; no salt needed. Pour the resulting marinade over the chicken pieces, mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  3. Cut the vegetables into large slices or circles, it all depends on what you choose. You can take mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and other fruits.
  4. Remove the meat from the refrigerator and thread onto skewers, alternating pieces with vegetables. If you don't have skewers, you can use roll sticks. Place the kebabs on foil on a baking sheet.
  5. Place the kebabs in the oven preheated to 250 degrees and cook them for about 20-30 minutes. Every 10 minutes, open the oven and turn the skewers, basting with the remaining marinade. The kebab will turn out golden, appetizing and juicy.

Peculiarity! Be sure to wet the skewers or chopsticks with water before skewering the meat to prevent them from burning in the oven.

From legs

This kebab has more calories than the one made from fillet, but it is still much healthier than pork.


  • 2 kg chicken legs;
  • 600 g onions;
  • 5 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 5 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper;
  • 5 tbsp. lemon juice.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the legs and remove the skin.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings and chop the garlic.
  3. Mix soy sauce, pepper and lemon juice. Spices and salt are of no use here; the sauce is already very salty and will perfectly soak the meat.
  4. Pour the marinade over the chilled chicken legs and place in the refrigerator for three hours.
  5. Thread the chicken onto skewers or skewers, it all depends on whether you are cooking the kebab in the oven or on the grill. In the latter case, you can use a grid. Fry for about half an hour, turning the meat regularly and basting with marinade.

Interesting! Buy fresh meat rather than frozen, as it will better absorb the marinade and be much tastier. If you need to soften it a little, add lemon juice.

Nowadays, stores everywhere sell already marinated meat. This is convenient if you need to save time, but it is still advisable to cook it yourself, because supermarkets often use stale meat, fighting off the smell with aggressive marinades. Plus, you'll know better what spices you like and can use them to make your own marinade.

The simplest marinade is made from mineral water, onion, salt and pepper; you just need to pour all this over the chicken pieces, leave them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then fry them in the oven or on the grill. But if you want a more refined taste, you can use lemon zest, ayran, saffron, honey, soy sauce and whatever spices you like.

Low-fat kefir is perfect for dietary barbecue; it has some acidity, which helps soften the meat. In addition, it makes it juicy and gives it a golden brown crust.

To reduce the fat content of the finished dish, you can remove the skin from the chicken, and if you do not remove it, you will get a crispy crust.

Any greens are perfect for marinade, for example, you can use parsley, basil, dill, cilantro. It is important to chop the greens coarsely and mash them with your hands so that they release their juice before adding them to the pan. Do not cut finely so that it does not burn when frying the kebab. It will have to be removed after marinating.

Before cutting the meat into pieces, wash it in cool water and dry it with paper towels.

Spices such as thyme, savory, coriander and rosemary go very well with chicken. They give the kebab a spicy aroma. Ground ginger helps tenderize the meat, and turmeric creates a beautiful golden hue. The total amount of spices in the marinade should be approximately 2 tbsp.

If you grill shashlik on the grill, make sure that the fire does not break out and burn the meat, otherwise it will be black and tasteless. Fill the flame with water.

Meat with onions pre-marinated in vinegar will be delicious; it is served as a side dish. You can sprinkle the meat with fresh herbs and add fresh herbs to it as a side dish.

To marinate large pieces, such as thighs or whole legs, use vinegar. It helps tenderize the meat and give it a sour taste. It is better to use apple or wine vinegar; 100 ml of product is enough for 2 kg of meat.


Shish kebab can be dietary; for this you need to use only healthy ingredients, avoid mayonnaise and, if possible, butter. If you like a crispy crust and need to use vegetable oil when marinating shish kebab, give preference to olive oil, it is completely absorbed by the body and does not cause as much damage as sunflower oil.

Marinades can help diversify the taste of shish kebab; they can be made in different ways, from soy sauce, kefir, mineral water, vinegar and other products. Spices will also make the dish special. Chicken kebab can be fried either over an open fire or in the oven, in both cases the meat turns out juicy and aromatic.

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Fry shish kebab cut from chicken breasts for 15 minutes over high coals and 20 minutes over low coals.

How to grill chicken breast shish kebab

Chicken breast fillet - 2 kilograms
Onions - 2 large heads
Lemon - 1 large
Olive oil - 100 milliliters and 10 milliliters for greasing the barbecue grill
Sweet dried paprika - two large pinches
Pepper - to taste
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to grill chicken breast shish kebab
1. Wash the chicken fillet and dry with a paper towel.
2. Cut each piece of fillet crosswise into two pieces.
3. Wash the lemon, cut into slices 5 millimeters thick.
4. Peel the onions and cut into half rings 0.5 centimeters thick.
5. Place pieces of chicken fillet, onion, lemon slices into a large bowl, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with two large pinches of paprika, pour in the oil, and stir vigorously with your hands wearing plastic gloves for several minutes until the juice is squeezed out of the lemon.
6. Place a plate on the meat with a diameter approximately equal to the diameter of the bowl, place something heavy on top of the plate (a jar of water, a large stone) so that the meat is under pressure, place in the cold for at least 1 hour.
7. Grease the grill grate with olive oil so that the kebab does not stick to it during frying.
8. Place pieces of chicken fillet on a greased grill so that they do not touch each other too much, otherwise the meat will take longer to cook and dry out - you can put onions between the pieces of meat.
9. Place the grill with meat on the grill, fry for 20 minutes, turning the grill periodically - it is important not to dry out the meat.
10. Check readiness by piercing the meat with a fork - clear juice should come out of the finished chicken fillet.

Juicy chicken breast kebab

Chicken breast fillet - 2 kilograms
Carbonated mineral water - 500 milliliters
Olive oil - 100 milliliters
Lemon - 1 piece
Onions - 3 large heads
Dried rosemary - 1 tablespoon
Salt - half a teaspoon
Pepper - to taste

How to fry juicy chicken breast kebab
1. Wash the chicken fillet.
2. Cut each piece of chicken fillet into portions - preferably square ones, so that they fit comfortably on the grill.
3. Wash the lemon, cut into 7 mm rings and remove the seeds.
4. Peel the onion, cut into 7 mm rings and divide the rings among themselves.
5. Put onion, lemon slices in a bowl, pour in olive oil, mineral water, salt, pepper, and a pinch of rosemary.
6. Place chicken pieces into the marinade and mix with your hands, squeezing the juice from the lemon slices.
7. Place a plate on the meat with a diameter approximately equal to the diameter of the bowl, place something heavy on top of the plate so that the meat is under pressure, place the meat in the marinade in the cold for 4 hours.
8. Thread marinated pieces of chicken breast onto skewers alternately with onion rings.
9. Place the skewers with meat over the coals, fry for 10-15 minutes, turning the skewer so that the meat cooks evenly, but does not dry out.


Chicken breast barbecue meat must be marinated. Although even after this it may turn out to be dry and harsh. To prevent the chicken fillet from drying out, it is recommended to use liquid marinade.

The barbecue season traditionally opens in spring. A typical picture of a weekend in nature - pieces of pork or lamb dripping with fat on skewers, mayonnaise, garlic sauce, ketchup, beer for adults, Coca-Cola for children, packaged juices. An ideal selection of the most harmful things you can eat on a picnic. Harmful, fatty, high in calories, but sometimes you really want it... Is it possible to have shish kebab on the menu? Yes! But only if it is a properly prepared dietary chicken kebab, the calorie content of which is as low as possible.

Is it possible to have a barbecue at the PP?

PP kebab is an excellent protein food But proper nutrition is based on protein foods with a small amount of fat and a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates.

If you choose a lean part of the chicken - breast, thighs without skin - then the number of calories in the finished dish can be significantly reduced.

Having chosen the right marinade, it is easy to prepare meat on skewers or a grill that will meet absolutely all the rules of paragraphs.

By the way, during cooking on coals, the fat is rendered from the meat, which means that it is degreased even more.

KBZHU chicken kebab

Those losing weight are especially concerned about the question, how many calories are in chicken kebab? Remember:

  1. chicken breast shish kebab has a calorie content per 100 grams of about 120 kcal;
  2. kebab from other parts of the chicken- calorie content from 133 kcal;
  3. has a calorie content of 185 kcal, and the reason for such a high indicator is that it is extremely difficult to remove the skin from the wings - and this is where the main fat is “hidden”.

If you don’t have chicken at hand, remember that low-calorie shish kebab can be cooked on the grill from turkey, having first marinated it with lemon juice and ginger, which not only break down fats, but also soften the dryish turkey meat. Another pp kebab can be prepared from rabbit. Its meat is tender, dietary and perfectly digestible.

It is also important to take into account Protein in dietary chicken kebab is 18-25 g, depending on which part of the carcass is selected, fat - 12-18, carbohydrates - up to 1 g per 100 g of dish.

How to make chicken kebab

Cooking low-calorie chicken kebab on a grill or on skewers is no more difficult than any other.

Selecting a part of the carcass

If you cook on skewers, it is better to choose breast or fillet. They are very tender and bake quickly.

In addition, they produce the lowest calorie dishes. Wings and thighs turn out well on the grill.

The fillet should be cut across the grain. It is enough to cut the fillet into three parts.

Marinate poultry for barbecue

Traditional options with vinegar, and even more so with mayonnaise, are completely unsuitable for our chicken. Ideal marinades would be vegetable and fruit marinades. There is no need to marinate the chicken for a long time, otherwise the meat will spread. Turkey, on the other hand, will benefit from an extra hour in the marinade.

Cooking kebab

Boneless meat cooks perfectly on skewers. It is better to cook meat on the bone on a wire rack. The thermal conductivity of the bone makes cooking faster. This process is easier to control on a grate.

Usually on well-heated coals, chicken is ready in half an hour. If in doubt, pierce it with something in the thickest place - reddish or pinkish juice comes out, which means it’s not ready yet.

Options for pp marinades for barbecue

It’s not difficult to marinate a pp-shish kebab - I personally already have a lot of marinades in my collection of ideas. Favorite:

  • onion, but only onions are needed almost as much as meat. It should be cut into rings, slightly mashed by hand and mixed with chicken pieces, left for 4-5 hours. It's delicious to fry everything together. Salt and pepper - to taste and as desired;
  • from kiwi: for 1 kg of meat – 1-2 fruits. The fruits need to be cut into thin slices and placed in a bowl, alternating layers. The bottom and top layers are made from kiwi. Marinate for no more than half an hour, otherwise fruit acids will disrupt the structure of muscle fibers. Kiwi can be supplemented with lemon, some spices, soy sauce;
  • from onions and tomatoes: for 1 kg of meat - half a kilo of onions and tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of nutmeg. Puree the vegetables in a blender and “drown” the chicken pieces in it for 2-3 hours;
  • from fermented milk products: per 1 kg of meat – 1 liter kefir or ayran, tan, yogurt, whey or even regular . It is good to add a mixture of peppers, rosemary, sage, cumin, and oregano to the fermented milk product. We keep the meat for several hours;
  • honey and garlic - a marinade for lovers of unusual mixes different tastes. For 1 kg of meat - 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5-6 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger - 1-2 cm, juice of 1 lemon. Make the sauce in a blender and coat the chicken pieces with it for 4-5 hours. This marinade is suitable for turkey, rabbit, and veal.

Secrets of delicious chicken kebab

Don't be afraid to experiment with marinades. A delicious kebab will turn out if the marinade has 3 components: aromatic, softening and flavoring. You can also try combinations of mustard + spices + herbs, soy sauce + chopped fresh vegetables + seasonings, etc.

No need to use unnatural ignition products– they worsen the taste of fried foods.

Coal is convenient, but on wood, especially from fruit trees, it turns out much tastier any kebab.

Serving chicken kebab is delicious with thin pita bread and plenty of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Although it would be more correct to exclude lavash.

Some vegetables can be baked together with meat, it will be both appetizing and healthy.

For example, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini. The eggplants must first be soaked in cold water and salt.

Diet shish kebab made from chicken breast or turkey fillet will be juicier if you dip it in the sauce.

Store-bought sauces are a mixture of all natural substitutes plus calories.

Natural sauces are prepared from vegetables and berries. Tomato juice is boiled with onions, garlic, fresh herbs and blended in a blender. Berry sauces are prepared from gooseberries, red currants, lingonberries with the addition of a drop of honey. The berries are pureed and brought to a boil. My favorite for today is dietary chicken kebab on kefir with a sauce of olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs and ground paprika, prepared in a blender.

Video recipe for chicken kebab with kefir

Here is my favorite, simple option for preparing dietary kebabs. Breast with kefir, herbs and garlic - the perfect combination! Short video instruction:

It turns out very tasty, juicy and healthy. After all, white poultry meat is particularly nutritious and high in protein. It is worth noting that for such a charcoal dish it is recommended to use not only chicken fillet, but also other ingredients that will give the kebab a special taste and aroma.

Chicken breast shashlik recipe

Required ingredients:

  • thick sour cream 35% - 210 g;
  • chilled fresh breasts - 4 kg;
  • greens - a couple of bunches;
  • large onions - 4 pcs.;
  • spicy tomato sauce - 3 large spoons;
  • iodized salt - 2 dessert spoons;
  • allspice peas - 12-16 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 45 ml.

Meat processing process

Before making shish kebab from chicken breast, it must be thoroughly washed, freed from bones, cartilage and skin, and then cut into long and not very thin pieces. After this, it is advisable to leave the meat aside and immediately begin preparing the aromatic sauce, in which the fillet should be marinated for about 3-4 hours.

Chicken breast shashlik: marinade and its preparation

To create the sauce, you need to mix in one bowl thick 35% sour cream, chopped herbs, spicy tomato paste, peppercorns cut into rings and the laid out ingredients must be mixed with a large spoon, and then start marinating the meat. To do this, place pieces of chicken breasts in an enamel bowl, add the previously prepared sauce to them, stir with your hand, cover with a lid and leave aside for 3-4 hours. During this time, tender and soft white poultry meat will absorb the aromas of seasonings and become more tasty and juicy.

Placing breasts on skewers

Breasts should be fried on birch or oak coals. After they give the first heat, you must immediately begin placing the meat on skewers. In this case, the fillet pieces need to be put on lengthwise so that the ends do not hang down and burn. Onion rings can also be used for charcoal grilling. However, it is not recommended to wear them with meat, as they will burn before the fillet becomes soft. It is better to place the bulbs on a separate skewer and cook them on the grill for no more than 5-9 minutes.

Heat treatment of the dish

Chicken breast kebab becomes soft and crispy after 20-30 minutes after it has been placed over hot coals. To determine whether a dish is truly ready, you should cut a piece of meat with a knife and observe whether blood oozes out or not. If only aromatic clear juice comes out of the breasts, then the kebab can be safely removed from the grill and served to guests.

Correct delivery

Chicken breasts fried over charcoal are recommended to be served hot along with fresh vegetables and herbs. It is also worth noting that such a not very heavy dish can be served with a hearty side dish in the form of boiled or mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta, etc. Also, you should definitely serve ketchup with the white meat poultry kebab.

It is very difficult to make tender and juicy shish kebab from chicken fillet. As a rule, it dries out quickly and becomes hard. I had never made shish kebab from this meat, content with legs and thighs, but then I took a risk, finding a very interesting recipe on the Internet. The meat turned out so juicy and flavorful that it’s beyond words! Therefore, to this day this is our family’s favorite version of kebab. I highly recommend trying it.

Only this time I made it without onions, since picky children came to visit and couldn’t stand this vegetable. The meat was still tasty, but not as flavorful. Therefore, I advise you not to skimp on onions!

Here are the ingredients: chicken, lemon, mineral water, oil, herbs. I really love rosemary. Therefore, I added dried seasoning (due to the lack of fresh). My mom, for example, thinks it smells like cologne, so for her we only make it with parsley. As a rule, there is always a lot of this greenery in the summer. In a word, fresh tastes better and is more aromatic!

Cut the chicken into medium-sized portions.

Lemon rings. The onion is also rings and quite thick (at least 5 mm). More is possible.

I cook shish kebab in a marinator, but you can use any container. Place meat and onions on the bottom, and oil (no more than 100 ml) and mineral water on top. It should completely cover the breasts. Top with salt and spices. I marinate in the marinator for 2 cycles, and without it for 4 hours.

After the specified time has passed, we string the meat onto a skewer, alternating with onions (every other). There is no need for lemon on the skewer, as it will be bitter.

You need to fry quickly, about 5 - 7 minutes on each side, otherwise the breasts will dry out! Although it all depends on the coals.

Here is the finished kebab! You can shoot!

Before serving, juicy chicken breast kebab should be garnished with plenty of fresh herbs. We have leaf celery and parsley.

For those who like something sour, serve lemon. Meat goes very well with lemon juice.

Chicken breast shashlik is ready. Bon appetit!

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