Fir cone symbol. Vatican - miracles in the pine cone yard - over. Ancient swastika symbols

Well, it’s clear that it’s unlikely that dads just love going to the forest so much that they would dedicate an entire area to a pine cone just for the sake of pleasant memories.

And here's what people think about this:

Pineal gland and third eye

Many different ancient traditions suggest that deep in the center of our brain there is a physical gland that carries out telepathic transmission of thoughts and the reception of visual images. This tiny gland, about the size of a pea and shaped like a pine cone, is known as the pineal gland or pineal gland. Essentially, the word “pineal” comes from the Latin wordpinea,What does “pine cone” mean? Ancient cultures around the world were fascinated by the pine cone, images of the pineal gland in the shape of a pine cone, and used them in the highest forms of spiritual art. Pythagoras, Plato, Iamblichus, Descartes and others wrote about this iron with great reverence. It was called the seat of the soul. Obviously, if such a “third eye” receives direct images from the Source Field, we have not yet understood how this mechanism can work. But this does not necessarily mean that the ancients were wrong.

The pineal gland, a pea-sized endocrine gland,

located in the geometric center of the brain, which has fascinated many ancient cultures. Notice the shape of the pine cone.

Technically, the pineal gland is not part of the brain and is not protected by the blood-brain barrier. It is located approximately at the geometric center of the brain mass, is hollow inside, filled with a fluid resembling water, and receives more blood than any other part of the body except the kidneys. Unprotected by the blood-brain barrier, the fluid inside the pineal gland accumulates over time more and more mineral deposits, or “brain sand,” which have optical and chemical properties similar to tooth enamel. On x-rays and MRI images, the calcification appears as a bone mass in the center of the brain. Doctors use a hard white cluster to tell if you have a tumor in the brain. If the white spot moves to the side on the scan, they know the tumor has changed the shape of the brain

As I described in detail in the documentary Mystery 2012, pine cones are prominent in sacred art and architecture around the world as a signrespect for the pineal gland. This truly amazing phenomenon has never been adequately explained. Christian article entitledThe pagans love pine cones and use them in their art,shows many images confirming this position:

A bronze sculpture from the Mystery Cult of Dionysus in the late Roman Empire shows a pine cone on the thumb, along with other strange symbols;

A figurine of a Mexican god holds pine cones and Christmas tree slots;

The regalia of the Egyptian sun god Osiris, from a museum in Turin, Italy, includes two “kundalini serpents”; they wrap around each other, rising to the pine cone at the top;

The Assyro-Babylonian winged god Tammuz is depicted holding a pine cone;

The Greek god Dionysus holds a regalia with a pine cone on top,
symbolizing fertility;

Bacchus, the Roman god of drunkenness and noisy fun, too holds a regalia in the form of a pine cone;

The Catholic Pope carries a regalia with a pine cone just above his arm, then the cone expands into a stylized tree trunk;

Many Roman Catholic candlesticks, ornaments, sacred decorations and architectural structures feature the pine cone as a key design element;

The largest pine cone sculpture in the world stands out in Vatican Square - in the Pine Cone Courtyard.

Pope Benedict XVI holding the papal regalia, apparently

symbolizing the ability to make contact

with higher intelligence through the pineal gland.

We'll get back to these amazing Catholic examples in a minute. In film Riddle 2012 years, I also pointed out that the golden funeral mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun depicts uraeus or the kundalini serpent appearing on the forehead from the pineal gland area. Buddha statues are often depicted with the third eye between the eyebrows as a raised circular area. It appears that the Buddha's hair is also stylized in the shape of the pineal gland. Almost all Hindu gods and goddesses have bindi or the third eye between the eyebrows. Many Hindus wear this symbol to this day. The hair of the Hindu god Shiva also looks like a stylized pineal gland, with kundalini snakes coiled around his neck.

After the film's release Mystery 2012 I discovered a figurine of the Meso-American god Quetzalcoatl emerging from the mouth of a serpent, with the serpent's body coiled into the exact shape of a pineal gland. In the same sculpture, Quetzalcoatl wears a necklace made from pine cones. And even better: energy waves flow into the pine cones from below. The serpent's mouth frames the face of Quetzalcoatl in the same way as can be seen on the helmet of a modern astronaut. Also, if you look at the images of the “Winged Serpent” in the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan, you can easily see multiple images of pine cones carved along the serpent's heads.

19.01.2016 - 1:12

On our planet there are many mysterious traces of the past, the mystery of which has never been solved. But the most surprising thing is that in different parts of the Earth they find exactly the same structures or artifacts, the similarities between which no one can explain. We bring to your attention 10 of the most surprising similar coincidences.

1. Ancient metal staples

Ancient metal staples discovered on megaliths, temples and other prehistoric sites are one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of the past. More precisely, we are not talking about the staples themselves, since almost all of them have long since collapsed, but about their traces remaining in the stone.

Scientists are scratching their heads as to why builders used these small metal brackets inside huge monolithic stone blocks. Some of them suggest that they were used for ritual purposes. Other researchers believe that the metal brackets served to tie together the blocks, which were actually cast from some kind of ancient concrete, the composition of which is unknown.

But this is not even surprising, but the fact that exactly the same mysterious technologies were used thousands of years ago in Egypt, Peru, Cambodia and other countries that are separated by thousands of kilometers. Note that America was discovered quite recently by historical standards and it was believed that it was in no way connected with Eurasia, however, on both continents of the Western Hemisphere there are the same exact traces of staples on megaliths, as, for example, in Italy or Iran.

2. Identical pyramids

Most people think of Egypt first when they hear the word “pyramid.” But few people know that pyramids were built all over the world. And recently, even in the center of Europe. What was previously mistaken for mountains of regular shape suddenly turns out to be an artificially created structure. It is curious that, if you believe medieval drawings, there were many more pyramids on Earth in those days, which were later destroyed and dismantled piece by piece.

It is still unknown why these pyramids were actually built. It is believed that they were tombs, but not every pyramid had burials. It is possible that the Egyptians simply took advantage of the pyramids already built by someone in order to bury pharaohs and priests in them. It is also surprising that the pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points and stars.

3. Identical dolmens

Dolmens are stone structures consisting of two or more vertical stones supporting a large flat horizontal stone. They were probably used for ritual purposes.

Ancient dolmens are another excellent example of the amazing similarity of ancient civilizations, for completely identical dolmens are found in India, Spain or Korea. Obviously, the ancient traditions were the same among different cultures, despite the vast distances separating them.

4. Mysterious images of hands

Images of hands are found in ancient rock art from around the world. They are made in different ways - these can be imprints of a painted hand on a rock, hands outlined along a contour, etc. Moreover, on the rocks there are images of completely different hands - men and women, old people and children. It must be said that these days similar images are very popular among avant-garde artists and in interior design.

5. Ancient swastika symbols

Nowadays, the swastika is associated with Nazi Germany, and it is a very heavy symbol that evokes the most unpleasant feelings. However, in fact, this is a very ancient image, the true origin of which goes back to the deep past - the swastika symbol, for example, is widely used in Hinduism. Swastikas have been found in ancient ruins throughout Europe. All ancient European cultures, that is, Etruscans, Greeks, Romans, Gauls, Celts, Slavs, etc. – they used the swastika, and as a symbol of happiness, good luck and the Sun.

6. Ancient sphinxes

Sphinxes played an important role in the ancient world, judging by their numerous sculptures and images. The Sphinx is a mysterious creature, an idol with a human head and the body of a lion, one of the most important symbols in human history. This is the keeper of knowledge, shrines and secrets of life, a symbol of mysteries and intrigue. The oldest known sphinx was found in Turkey. It has been proven that it was created in 9500 BC. Egyptian and Babylonian sphinxes guard sacred tombs and religious temples. It is interesting that numerous images of sphinxes have been preserved in both India and China.

7. Ancient deities showing tongue

Images of gods showing their tongues are found all over the world. What does this symbol mean? Now in some countries it is a sign of respect, in other parts of the world it is a sign of intimidation of the enemy and denotes strength and fury. It is unknown what this meant before, and why the same image was used in completely different cultures.

8. Cone symbol

The oldest images of the cone have been found all over the world. This is one of the most mysterious symbols used in ancient art. Moreover, it can be found in different cultures - among the Indonesians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. The cone symbol is also used in Christianity. It is also used in esoteric movements such as Freemasonry, Theosophy and Gnosticism. Usually the cone denotes a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. It also symbolizes the “third eye,” a secret human organ, possibly the pineal gland, located in the brain.

9. Ancient priests

Priests and priests played a very important role in the ancient world and existed from the earliest times. They were the guardians of ancient wisdom and power, and performed various religious rites, such as sacrifices or propitiation of a deity or deities. It is surprising that many rituals around the world are similar, as are sacrifices made to the gods - for example, killed animals. Why did people in different parts of the world come to exactly the same rites and rituals?

10. Spiral images

Spirals are found in every ancient culture around the world. It remains a mystery why ancient cultures used this sign so actively, but they did it all over the world. This is the oldest symbol that is still used in spiritual practices, symbolizing growth and evolution. The spiral is often an image of the goddess, the womb, fertility and life force energy. Let us add that science has proven that the development of humans, animals, plants and many processes occurring on the planet proceed in a spiral. In addition, our galaxy has the shape of a spiral. Could people really have known about all this in ancient times?


The bottom of the cone is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting Roman athletes. The cone is crowned with an antique fountain. The element, which is intended to emit water, is a bas-relief of a head, with bronze peacocks bordering the fountain on both sides. There are also sculptures of lions.

The landscape design of the courtyard was created by leading Renaissance architect Donato Bramante. There are 4 lawns here, which stretch along the walls of the palace opposite each other. They are located around, having a diameter of 4 m. This is a significant and famous element of the Pine Cone Court, which appeared in the Vatican here in our time. The Vatican bought the sculpture as a masterpiece of modern art under Pope John Paul II. “The Golden Globe” (also called “The Globe” and “Sphere within a Sphere”) is the youngest installation in the Vatican, which is full of ancient compositions and sculptures.

If the pine cone symbolizes life as such, then the “Sphere within a Sphere” symbolizes modern human life and has a deep meaning. The author of the "Golden Ball" is Arnaldo Pomodoro. The sculptor created his ball in 1990. The idea of ​​the composition is very relevant: the author intended to artistically express all the harm that humanity causes to the environment.

The ball is multi-layered. The top layer symbolizes the Universe; it has fractures, “scars” - traces of human activity. Thanks to them, inside the large ball, a small ball is clearly visible, which symbolizes our planet. A drawing is applied to its surface. People live here who destroy the Universe with their actions and thoughts. The surface of the upper ball is mirrored, this is how the author expressed the idea of ​​a mirror reflection of the activities of each person on the fate of the planet and the Universe. The ball can be spun, it will rotate around its axis. The outer and inner balls are connected by gear mechanisms to convey the complexity of the relationship between our planet and the cosmos.

The Pinia courtyard is considered a charming place where it is convenient to admire the architecture of the Renaissance from a good angle among interesting compositions. There are benches and a cafe where tourists can have a snack in a majestic and enchanting environment, reflecting on the beauty they have seen, imbued with the spirit of ancient times and spirituality. This is relevant, since there are few open places in the Vatican; tourists see most of the sights briefly during a tour, but here there is an opportunity to comprehend what they saw.

Location and cost of visiting

Take metro line A to Ottavio station. Go through to the main entrance to the Vatican Museums. The entrance fee is 15 euros. The pine cone yard can be seen by all tourists.

The Court of the Pinecone, or the Court of Pinia, named after the huge pine cone made of bronze and decorating the area in front of the Belvedere Palace, is another attraction of the Vatican. Initially, the gilded bronze cone was placed on the Champ de Mars, but was moved to a new location in 1608. This unusual element, whose lower part is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting athletes of Rome, acts as a fragment crowning an antique fountain, on both sides of which there are figures of bronze peacocks, and in the center there is a bas-relief of a head flowing water.

Another architectural masterpiece of the courtyard is a grandiose spinning golden ball with a diameter of 4 meters and located in the very center of the square. Its author was the Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro in 1990. The master’s idea was to reflect the current negativity that humanity brings to the world around us. In the design of a large ball, symbolizing the universe with gaping faults and having a mirror surface, there is a small ball depicting our planet. This image captures the global processes accompanying the flow of existence on a planetary scale at a given moment in time. The size of the composition shows the volume of the universe, and the people reflected in the ball are inextricably linked with life in it. The appearance of the square is complemented by 4 green lawns, spread opposite each other along the palace walls.

The author of the landscape design of the courtyard was the founder and largest representative of High Renaissance architecture - Donato Bramante. He connected the Vatican Palace with the small Belvedere Palace, rising on a hill, with the help of an extensive garden courtyard, and added a building with a central niche to the villa, which was eventually transformed into the Courtyard of Pigna. Now, this place is considered one of the most charming in the Vatican, attracting the attention of many visitors who gaze in fascination at the unusual sculptural compositions.



highlighted the arch in red

A pine cone tattoo means health, life, fertility, love, fire, luck, fertility, creative power, new beginning, courage, reliability, movement, balance, connection with nature.

The meaning of the bump tattoo

Tattoos with the image of a cone are not so common. This is due to the fact that few people know its meaning. It’s in vain, because since ancient times the cone has carried images of such symbols as sky, fire, sun and even the Universe itself.

The cone is usually associated with health, life and courage. Many years ago, it was dedicated to the god Baal-Hadad and his wife Asherah: the god of fertility and goddess of love. The spiraling layers-cells of the cones, in which the seeds of the plant are hidden, indicate fertility.

The tattoo is associated with another deity - the god of inspiration, vegetation and natural forces, Dionysus. Often you can see a lump in his hands. In this case, it personifies the endless cycle of life in nature and constant rebirth.

A bump tattoo can act as an amulet against the evil eye, as well as to enhance male power. Thus, a tattoo not only preserves and preserves the physical condition of men, but also increases it.

The type of cone is of particular importance. For example, conifer cones have been associated with the gods of fertility and love since ancient times. A spruce cone means improved health and increased vitality. She also acts as a symbol of fire and a new beginning.

At the same time, the pine cone denotes a phallic symbol, reflecting the luck, fertility and creative power of a man. It was the pine cone that crowned the thyrsus of Dionysus.

Another interesting fact that influences the associations associated with the cone is that in India it was believed that it became the prototype for the swastika.

The location of the pattern on the body has a special meaning. If the cone is on the thick end, then this means reliability and balance. If it stands on the opposite sharp end, it means constant movement.

If the top of a pine cone not only points upward, but also has a spiral direction, then this is an indicator of high creative power. It will indicate either an already discovered internal potential, or a still hidden force that is to be discovered in the future.

Both men and women can get a tattoo on their body, but the meaning will be different. For the stronger half, this tattoo speaks of fertility, the meaning of strength, fullness of life and attractiveness. An inextricable connection with Nature is what a tattoo means for women. Also, for the weaker sex, the cone symbolizes love.

Apply the design to the back, wrist, shoulder or forearm.

The cone can be depicted either alone or with other elements that have a direct connection with nature: animals or plants (especially trees).

The color scheme is also different. The tattoo can be black and white or have bright colors. The drawing style is limited only by a person's imagination. Very often the tattoo is performed in realism, which is a win-win option.

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