School of Russian Soul Studies - Alatar - Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what. Evil tongues Tavern tereben

Edited by A.N. Tolstoy

Part 1

In a certain state there lived a king who was single - not married. He had a shooter in his service named Andrei.
Once Andrei the shooter went hunting. I walked and walked all day through the forest - no luck, I couldn’t attack the game.

So, we are faced with a not entirely ordinary business situation, when the individual entrepreneur Andrei the shooter is forced to supply his products (killed game) to a single buyer - to the royal table; in the language of economics, this situation is called monopsony (the opposite of monopoly, when there is only one seller).

It was late in the evening, and when he goes back, he spins. He sees a turtle dove sitting on a tree.

“Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll shoot at least this one.”
He shot and wounded her - the turtledove fell from the tree onto the damp ground. Andrei picked her up and wanted to twist her head and put it in her bag.
And the turtledove says to him in a human voice:
Don't destroy me, Andrei the shooter, don't cut off my head, take me
- alive, bring it home, put it on the window. Yes, look how drowsiness comes over me - then hit me with your right hand backhand: you will bring yourself great happiness.
Risky Princess Marya! What if Andrey had mixed up and hit her with his left hand (for example, turning out to be left-handed)?

Andrei the shooter was surprised: what is it? It looks like a bird, but speaks with a human voice.
He brought the turtledove home, sat it on the window, and stood there waiting.

A little time passed, the turtledove put her head under her wing and dozed off. Andrei remembered what she was punishing him and hit her with his right hand. The turtledove fell to the ground and turned into a maiden, Princess Marya, so beautiful that you couldn’t even imagine it, you couldn’t imagine it, you could only tell it in a fairy tale.
Judging by subsequent events, Andrei the shooter was lucky enough to meet independent management consultant Marya the Princess in the guise of a turtledove. Turtle doves, as you know, cannot talk.

Princess Marya says to the shooter:
You managed to take me, know how to hold me - with a hasty feast and for the wedding. I will be your honest and cheerful wife. That's how they got along.

But, however, the author of the fairy tale does not talk about the ordinary hiring of a consultant by Andrei the shooter, but about the conclusion of a strategic cooperation agreement between two entrepreneurs - this is exactly what the agreement between them directly indicates: “I will be your honest and cheerful wife. That's how they got along." Where have you seen lovers who, instead of stormy love passions and Shakespearean declarations of love, pragmatically and simply “got along?”

Andrei the shooter married Princess Marya and lives with his young wife, making fun of her. And he doesn’t forget the service: every morning, before dawn, he goes into the forest, shoots game and carries it to the royal kitchen.
As for the references to marriage in the fairy tale, there are no contradictions here - recently more and more specialists have made associations between strategic partnerships of companies and the joint life of spouses, since these events have a lot in common. For example, Rosabeth Kanter uses the following terms to describe cooperation between two companies: “selection and courtship,” “matchmaking,” “meeting relatives,” “solemn promises,” etc.

They lived like this for a short time, Princess Marya says:
- You live poorly, Andrey!

- Yes, as you can see for yourself.

- Get a hundred rubles, buy various silks with this money, I’ll do it
I'll fix it.
Andrei obeyed, went to his comrades, from whom he borrowed a ruble, from whom he borrowed two, bought various silks and brought them to his wife.
What to do, Andrey had nothing to pledge - the bank would not give money without collateral, so he had to use a loan from individuals.

Princess Marya took the silk and said:
Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya sat down to weave. All night long she wove and weaved a carpet, the likes of which had never been seen in the whole world: the whole kingdom was painted on it, with cities and villages, with forests and fields, and birds in the sky, and animals on the mountains, and fish in the seas; the moon and the sun walk around...

The next morning, Princess Marya gives the carpet to her husband:
“Take it to the Gostiny Dvor, sell it to the merchants, and look, don’t ask for your price, and take whatever they give you.”

So, as we see, things have gone well for the strategic partnership of entrepreneurs (Andrey and Marya). Andrey took upon himself the issues of financing the new project and marketing (in terms of sales), and Marya carried out the R&D (development) and production (carpet making).

Andrei took the carpet, hung it on his hand and walked along the living room rows.
One merchant runs up to him:
- Listen, sir, how much are you asking?

- You are a salesman, give me the price.

So the merchant thought and thought - he couldn’t appreciate the carpet. Another one jumped up, followed by another. A large crowd of merchants has gathered, they look at the carpet, marvel, but cannot appreciate it.

As follows from the text: “a great crowd of merchants... the carpet... cannot appreciate” in the carpet, Princess Marya managed to lay a large intellectual component - even then, as we see, it was highly valued in Rus'.
It was this discovery of the “value of smart thoughts” that led to the fact that Andrei and Marya’s business further developed as exclusively intellectual, namely, as we will see later, consulting.

At that time, the tsar's adviser was passing by the rows, and he wanted to know what the merchants were talking about. He got out of the carriage, pushed his way through the great crowd and asked:
- Hello, merchants, overseas guests! What are you talking about?

- So and so, we can’t evaluate the carpet.
The royal adviser looked at the carpet and was amazed himself:
- Tell me, shooter, tell me the true truth: where did you get such a nice carpet?
- So and so, my wife embroidered.

- How much should I give you for it?

- I don’t know myself. My wife told me not to bargain: how much they will give,
so is ours.
- Well, here's ten thousand for you, shooter.

Andrey took the money, gave the carpet and went home. And the royal adviser went to the king and showed him the carpet.
The first business project brought entrepreneurs 10 thousand rubles. almost (since 100 rubles and, probably, small interest will need to be given to creditors - from whom Andrei borrowed the money).

The king looked - his entire kingdom was on the carpet in full view. He gasped:
- Well, whatever you want, I won’t give you the carpet!
The king took out twenty thousand rubles and gave them to the adviser from hand to hand.
As we can see, the tsar’s adviser did not bother much - by reselling the carpet, he made even more profit than Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess. One word: retail is a profitable business!

The adviser took the money and thought: “Nothing, I’ll order another one for myself, even better.”
He got back into the carriage and rode off to the settlement. He found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opens the door for him. The Tsar's adviser raised one leg over the threshold, but could not bear the other, fell silent and forgot about his business: such a beauty stood in front of him, he would not have taken his eyes off her, he would have kept looking and looking.
As we see, the tsar’s adviser, and in fact the tsar’s internal consultant, was very excited when he met an unusual colleague - an external consultant.

Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the royal adviser by the shoulders and closed the door. With difficulty he came to his senses and reluctantly trudged home. And from that time on, he eats - he won’t eat and drinks - he won’t get drunk: he still imagines the rifleman’s wife.
The king noticed this and began to ask what kind of trouble he had.
The adviser says to the king:
- Oh, I saw one shooter’s wife, I keep thinking about her! And don't drink it
You can’t eat this, you can’t bewitch it with any potion.
The king wanted to see the rifleman's wife himself.
He dressed in a simple dress, went to the settlement, found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives, and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opened the door for him. The king raised one leg over the threshold, but couldn’t do the other, he was completely numb: standing before him was an indescribable beauty.
Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the king by the shoulders and closed the door.
Seeing an external consultant, the tsar himself was even more surprised - he was accustomed to using the services of exclusively internal advisers and consultants.

The king's heart was pinched. “Why,” he thinks, “am I walking around single, not married? I wish I could marry this beauty! She shouldn’t be a shooter; she was destined to be a queen.”
Let me remind you that Princess Marya’s agreement with Andrei Sterlets is purely business.
So the king decided, when external consultants were rare, to lure Princess Marya to provide services to his kingdom. The Tsar decided that it would be more profitable for an external consultant (Tsarevna Marya) to become an external consultant for a wealthy client - the Tsar himself.

The king returned to the palace and conceived a bad thought - to beat his wife away from her living husband.
He calls the adviser and says:
- Think about how to kill Andrei the shooter. I want to marry his wife.

- If you figure it out, I’ll reward you with cities and villages and a golden treasury; if you don’t figure it out, I’ll take your head off your shoulders.
The tsar's adviser began to spin, went and hung his nose. He can’t figure out how to kill the shooter.
Here, in fact, is an example when an internal consultant, accustomed to indulging his client more often (otherwise you will be left without work), has forgotten how to think - he cannot come up with anything sensible.

Yes, out of grief, he turned into a tavern to drink some wine.
A tavern young woman in a torn caftan runs up to him.
- What, the Tsar’s adviser, are you upset about, why are you hanging your nose?

- Go away, you tavern bastard!
As we see, the king’s advisor was lucky - he is already meeting with a second external consultant. However, the second consultant (tavern tereben) makes a mistake when selling his services - when selling any products, the first impression is important, and it (the appearance of the tavern tereben) let us down.

- Don’t drive me away, it’s better to bring me a glass of wine, I’m on your mindI'll show you.
As we see, things are not going well for this external consultant - he works on barter - for a glass of wine. And, apparently, the tavern tereb is advising the very restaurant in which he met the royal adviser. Moreover, most likely, the “Mystery Shopper” services that are well known today are provided, which probably explains the discreet attire of this external consultant: the “Mystery Shopper” should look like an ordinary buyer, here – a visitor to a tavern.

The royal adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief.
Tavern's tavern and says to him:
- Getting rid of Andrei the shooter is not a complicated matter - he himself is simple, but his wife is painfully cunning.
We guessed: the tavern tereben is also a consultant, since he so quickly recognized his colleague in Princess Marya.

- Well, we’ll make a riddle that she won’t be able to solve. Return to the Tsar and say: let him send Andrei the shooter to the next world to find out how the late Tsar-Father is doing. Andrey will leave and will not come back.
So, we are witnessing a rare case when, in fact, two external consultants enter into serious competition.

The Tsar's adviser thanked the tavern's terreben - and ran to the Tsar:
- So and so, you can lime the arrow.

And he told where to send him and why. The king was delighted and ordered to call Andrei the shooter.
- Well, Andrei, you served me faithfully, do another service:
go to the other world and find out how my father is doing. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.
Andrei returned home, sat down on the bench and hung his head. Princess Marya asks him:
- Why are you sad? Or some kind of misfortune?

Andrei told her what kind of service the king assigned him.
Marya Princess says:
- There is something to grieve about! This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
As we see, Princess Marya accepted the challenge, having guessed for sure that she was dealing not with the king and his adviser, but with a tougher competitor - an external management consultant with extensive experience.

Early in the morning, as soon as Andrei woke up, Princess Marya gave him a bag of crackers and a gold ring.
Go to the king and ask for the king’s adviser to be your comrade, otherwise, tell him, they won’t believe you that you were in the next world. And when you go out with a friend on a journey, throw a ring in front of you, it will get you there.
As we see, Marya the Tsarevna is well versed in legal matters - sensing the possibility of deception, she invites her companion Andrei the shooter to take a witness to confirm the completion of the task, since there were no video cameras and cameras at that time.

Andrei took a bag of crackers and a ring, said goodbye to his wife and went to the king to ask for a traveling companion. There was nothing to be done, the king agreed, and ordered the adviser to go with Andrei to the next world.
So the two of them set out on the road. Andrei threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei follows him through clean fields, moss-swamps, rivers-lakes, and the royal adviser trails after Andrei. They get tired of walking, eat some crackers, and then hit the road again.
Whether close, whether far, soon, or shortly, they came to a dense, dense forest, descended into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped.
Andrei and the royal adviser sat down to eat crackers. Lo and behold, past them on the old, old king, two devils were carrying firewood - a huge cart - and driving the king with clubs, one from the right side, the other from the left.
So, task number one has already been half completed: as we see, Princess Marya has not only experience and knowledge, but also good erudition - she knows where the devils live.

Andrey says:
- Look: no way, is this our late Tsar-Father?

- You’re right, he’s the one carrying the firewood.

Andrey shouted to the devils:
- Hey, gentlemen, devils! Release this dead man for me at least for a while
little time, I need to ask him about something.
The devils answer:
- We have time to wait! Shall we carry the firewood ourselves?

- And you take a fresh person from me to replace you.
Well, the devils unharnessed the old king, in his place they harnessed the royal adviser to the cart and let him drive him with clubs on both sides - he bends, but he is lucky.
Andrei began to ask the old king about his life.
“Ah, Andrei the shooter,” the king answers, “my life in the next world is bad!”
Bow down to my son and tell him that I firmly order him not to offend people, otherwise the same thing will happen to him.
Here we see that Andrei skillfully uses primary sources of information collection - he competently takes a personal interview with the old king.
In the process of completing the task, many things become clear. Apparently, Kabatskaya Tereben is not a simple external consultant, but a specialist in strategic management. Since the essence of the task itself lies, as we see, in clarifying the question - what exactly is the main common goal (mission) that the kingdom should have. And the right mission, as we know, will ensure prosperity for any business, while the wrong one will lead to ruin (you can go to hell).
Having found out that the main thing in the mission of a prosperous kingdom should be caring for people (“don’t offend people”), Andrei the shooter successfully completed the first difficult task.

As soon as they had time to talk, the devils were already heading back with an empty cart. Andrei said goodbye to the old king, took the royal adviser from the devils, and they went back.
They come to their kingdom, appear in the palace. The king saw the shooter and attacked him in anger:
- How dare you go back?

Andrey the shooter answers:
- So and so, I was in the next world with your late parent. He lives poorly, ordered you to bow and firmly punished you not to offend people.
- How can you prove that you went to the other world and saw my parent?
“And by this I will prove that your adviser still has signs on his back of how the devils drove him with clubs.”
Then the king was convinced that there was nothing to do - he let Andrei go home.
As we see, legal knowledge is also useful for consultants - in this case, the testimony of the king’s adviser (or rather, his back) helped that the ordered information was obtained from reliable sources.
Let us note, by the way, that during the assignment it turned out that business problems (here - kingdoms) may be due to poor attitude towards their subordinates. This is a useful warning not only for the Tsar, but for any top manager in Russia.

And the king himself says to the adviser:
- Think about how to kill the shooter, otherwise my sword is your head.
The royal adviser went and hung his nose even lower. He goes into a tavern, sits down at the table, and asks for wine. The tavern's tavern runs up to him:
- What, the royal adviser, are you upset? Bring me a glass, I'll give you some ideas.
The adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief. The tavern's tavern says to him:
- Go back and tell the king to set the arrow like this
service - not only to fulfill it, it’s difficult to even imagine: I would send him to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom to get the cat Bayun...
So, the author of the fairy tale presents us with the second round of the competition between two consultants. In the first, Princess Marya has a clear advantage.

The Tsar's adviser ran to the Tsar and told him what service to give to the shooter so that he would not return back. The Tsar sends for Andrei.
- Well, Andrei, you have served me a service, serve me another: go to the thirtieth kingdom and get me the cat Bayun. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.
Andrei went home, hung his head below his shoulders and told his wife what kind of service the king had assigned him.
- There is something to worry about!
Marya Princess says:
- This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya went to the forge and ordered the blacksmiths to forge three iron caps, iron tongs and three rods: one iron, another copper, the third tin.
As we see, Marya the Princess is ready not only to complete the second task, but she clearly knows what needs to be done - in erudition she is not yet inferior to her competitor - the tavern bully.

Early in the morning, Princess Marya woke up Andrei:
- Here are three caps and pincers and three rods for you, go to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom. You won’t reach three miles, a strong sleep will begin to overcome you - the cat Bayun will let you fall asleep. Don’t sleep, throw your arm over your arm, drag your leg over your leg, and roll wherever you want. And if you fall asleep, the cat Bayun will kill you.
And then Princess Marya taught him how and what to do, and sent him on his way.
Soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; Andrei the shooter came to the thirtieth kingdom. Three miles away, sleep began to overcome him.
Since a little earlier we managed to recognize the specialization of Marya the Tsarevna’s competitor (Tavern Terebenya – a specialist in strategic management), let’s try to determine what the essence of the second task is.
Who usually lulls us to sleep? Bah! Yes, we often reassure ourselves. When we need to make long-overdue changes, we lull ourselves to sleep: “You don’t need to do anything, everything will work out and resolve itself.”
It is clear that the tavern talker has set a difficult task: it is one thing, for example, to develop a strategy, and another thing is to learn to overcome resistance (your own, and even more significant - that of the company’s team) in the process of its implementation. It was precisely learning to overcome resistance to change that Andrei needed in the second task.

Andrei puts three iron caps on his head, throws his arm over his arm, drags his leg over his leg - he walks, and then rolls around like a roller.
Somehow I managed to doze off and found myself at a high pillar.
The cat Bayun saw Andrei, grumbled, purred, and jumped from the post on his head - he broke one cap and broke the other, and was about to grab the third.
Then Andrei the shooter grabbed the cat with pincers, dragged him to the ground and began stroking him with the rods. First, he flogged him with an iron rod; He broke the iron one, began to treat him with the copper one - and he broke this one and began to beat him with the tin one.
The tin rod bends, does not break, and wraps around the ridge. Andrei beats, and the cat Bayun began to tell fairy tales: about priests, about clerks, about priests’ daughters. Andrey doesn’t listen to him, but he’s harassing him with a rod.
As we can see, here the author of the fairy tale complements us with the modern theory of strategic management in terms of overcoming resistance when implementing strategy. The Bayun cat personifies both personal resistance and resistance to collective changes, when it tears metal caps with its claws. You have to be very persistent not to give in. Moreover, the author here means that in the process of overcoming the resistance of the collective (when Andrei, having overcome the first attack of the cat Bayun, begins to woo him with twigs), his own resistance to change may again appear - you see, the cat Bayun is trying to put Andrei the shooter to sleep again with fairy tales.

The cat became unbearable, he saw that it was impossible to speak, and he prayed:
- Leave me, good man! Whatever you need, I will do everything for you.

-Will you come with me?
- I’ll go wherever you want.

Andrey went back and took the cat with him. He reached his kingdom, came with the cat to the palace and said to the king:
- So and so, I fulfilled my service and got you the cat Bayun.

The king was surprised and said:
- Come on, cat Bayun, show great passion.

Here the cat sharpens its claws, gets along with the king, wants to tear his white chest, take out his living heart.
The king was afraid:
Here is an example (we see that the king was afraid of the cat Bayun), when the resistance to changes in the person of the cat Bayun turned out to be stronger: the king was probably already planning to make changes in his kingdom, to take care of people, but the officials resisted - they did not give the opportunity to implement the new mission of the kingdom on the advice old king

- Andrey the shooter, please calm down the cat Bayun!
Andrei calmed the cat down and locked him in a cage, and he himself went home to Princess Marya. He lives and lives, amuses himself with his young wife. And the king’s heart shivers even more.
Well, the king was surprised that Andrei got along with the cat Bayun. How surprised will the arrogant competitor of Marya the Princess (tavern-tereben) be when he learns that the difficult task - learning to overcome resistance to strategic changes - has been completed.

  1. If you don’t want to ruin your business (go to hell), develop the mission of your business correctly. Find out from the consumers of your services what specific needs they have, and how you can satisfy them with your company’s products. The author gives us the example of an old king who only reigned for his own amusement, offending the people. Some royal services were, of course, provided to the people, but they did not satisfy the urgent needs of the subjects - consumers of the sovereign's products.

  2. Be aware that developing any plans for change, while important, may fail if you fail to manage resistance to implementing the change. And this resistance, like the cat Bayun, is enormous and difficult to overcome. Here, as the author of the fairy tale tells us, we need not only to overcome ourselves (not to let ourselves be lulled by our own reluctance to change). And you not only need to defend yourself (have three iron caps), but also attack yourself with iron rods, overcoming resistance to change on the part of business partners and the team. Let us remember, by the way, the recommendation of Niccolo Machiavelli: “Fortune is a woman, and whoever wants to deal with her must beat and kick her - she succumbs to such people more quickly than to those who coldly get down to business.”

Good luck to you, dear top managers, in your difficult work of strategic business management.

Part 2


If you follow the “fairy tale theory” developed by Vladimir Propp, then any fairy tale should end, if not with the first test for the fairy tale hero, then with the second. The peculiarity of the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where ...” is that there is a third test in it. This leads us to believe that the author of the fairy tale had good reasons to violate fairy tale canons. We assume that this part was added for some special purpose by a later copyist. Moreover, perhaps this copyist is completely alien, “not ours.” In connection with the above, for convenience, instead of the words “author of a fairy tale,” we will further use the term “scribe.”

Let us recall that the first part of the tale ended with the second victory of Andrei the shooter and the second defeat of the Tsar. The tsar's adviser had to put Andrei to shame by inventing an impossible task for him, so that the tsar could take possession of Princess Marya. The second task (Andrey successfully completed the first task) was to bring Bayun the cat. Andrey brought the cat: “ Andrei calmed the cat down and locked him in a cage, and he himself went home to Princess Marya. He lives and gets along, amuses himself with his young wife.”

And the king’s heart shivers even more. Again he called the adviser:

- Come up with whatever you want, harass Andrei the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
The Tsar's adviser goes straight to the tavern, found a tavern tavern there in a torn caftan and asks him to help him out, to bring him to his senses.

So, the final third round of two management consultants begins: Tavern Tereben (as it turned out in the first part of the fairy tale, Tavern Tereben is a specialist in strategic management) against Marya the Princess.

By the way, we note that the copyist of the fairy tale emphasizes the bad clothes of the tavern talkers: he makes an obvious hint with a mockery that things are going very badly for management consultants in Rus' - their services are not in steady demand, therefore they earn little and dress poorly.

Tavern tereb drank a glass of wine and wiped his mustache.
“Go,” he says, “to the king and say: let him send Andrei the shooter there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what.” Andrei will never complete this task and will not return back.
Yes, it looks like we guessed it right: “I don’t know where” you can only walk across the vast expanses of Rus'. And “I don’t know what” is an irony over our many years of searching for a national idea. We guessed right: the copyist violated the canons of the fairy tale and added a third test for Andrei, in such a cunning way to smuggle unfounded criticism of our country and the wonderful order reigning in it into print.

The adviser ran to the king and reported everything to him. The Tsar sends for Andrei.
- You have served me two services, serve me a third: go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what. If you serve, I will reward you royally, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
Andrei came home, sat down on the bench and cried.

Let us note that the scribe shows us Andrei the shooter, if not a crybaby, then a whiner!

Princess Marya asks him:
- What, dear, are you sad? Or some other misfortune?
“Eh,” he says. - Through your beauty I bring all misfortunes! The king told me to go there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what.

Well, already at the very beginning of the non-canonical magical adventure, we are introduced to Andrei the shooter as a bad manager (and in the first two adventures he was really great). And, thus, in the person of Andrei the shooter they show all the modern managers of our wonderful country.
It is known that real management begins when, when a problem arises, efforts are spent on solving this problem. But when they start looking for someone to blame, it’s “not management, but the kitchen.” Moreover, in reality there is a culprit, but he is always the same - the top business leader. Andrei blames Princess Marya for his problem. Okay, let's forgive the copyist of the fairy tale: indeed, even the top leaders of our country constantly make such mistakes - instead of solving problems, they look for someone to blame.

- This is service! It's okay, go to bed, morning eveningwiser.
Princess Marya waited until nightfall, opened the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed her head: the book said nothing about the princess’s riddle.

It seems that the tavern talker asked a problem that had not yet been included in the book on strategic management at that time; Princess Marya’s erudition does not help this time either.

Princess Marya went out onto the porch, took out a handkerchief and waved. All sorts of birds flew in, all kinds of animals came running.
Princess Marya asks them:
- Beasts of the forest, birds of the sky, you animals prowl everywhere, you birds fly everywhere, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what?
The animals and birds answered:
- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that.

Princess Marya waved her handkerchief - the animals and birds disappeared as if they had never been.

Here is a clear hint at the deterioration of the environment in our country at the present time: both birds and animals are all gone. However, the census taker would look at himself (apparently, he is from a Western power) - many of their animals remained only in the Red Book, and even then only in pictures.

She waved another time - two giants appeared in front of her:
- Anything? What do you need?
- My faithful servants, take me to the middle of the Ocean-Sea.

The giants picked up Princess Marya, carried her to the Ocean-Sea and stood in the middle, on the very abyss, standing like pillars, and holding her in their arms. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief, and all the reptiles and fish of the sea swam to her.
- You, reptiles and fish of the sea, you swim everywhere, you visit all the islands, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what?

- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that.

So, Princess Marya tried to turn to other people’s experience, which had not yet been included in the books, but again there was an “ambush” - no one yet had information on the required topic. Even fish from (overseas) the ocean.

Princess Marya began to spin and ordered to be carried home. The giants picked her up, brought her to Andreev's yard, and placed her at the porch.
Early in the morning, Princess Marya got Andrei ready for the journey and gave him a ball of thread and an embroidered fly.
- Throw the ball in front of you, and wherever it rolls, go there too. Yes, look, wherever you go, you will wash your face, don’t wipe yourself with someone else’s fly, but wipe yourself with mine.

In the first part of the tale, we noted the legal knowledge of Princess Marya. Here it is worth noting another of her virtues - a competent attitude to personal hygiene - Marya recommends that Andrey the shooter not dry himself with other people’s towels. It’s nice that the copyist of the fairy tale does not distort the real facts - does not reinforce with his story the false legend about Russian swinishness spread throughout the world - even baths in Rus' are famous from ancient times.

Andrei said goodbye to Princess Marya, bowed to four sides and went beyond the outpost. He threw the ball in front of him, the ball rolled - it rolls and rolls, Andrei follows behind it.

Let us pay attention here to the fact that Marya the princess sent Andrei the shooter to some as yet unknown goal - where the ball will roll.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Andrei passed through many kingdoms and lands. The ball rolls, the thread stretches from it. It became a small ball, about the size of a chicken head; That's how small it has become, you can't even see it on the road. Andrei reached the forest and saw a hut standing on chicken legs.
- Hut, hut, turn your front to me, your back to the forest!

The hut turned around, Andrei entered and saw a gray-haired old woman sitting on a bench, spinning a tow.
- Fu, fu, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen, but now the Russian spirit has come! I'll fry you in the oven, eat you and ride on your bones.

Well, this is where the scribe has a blast. He describes the very poor service of our forest boarding house, specializing in eco-tourism, where Baba Yaga is the director. But let's agree. Yes, indeed, in general, the description in the fairy tale corresponds to the “starless service” that exists everywhere in our country today. However, the census taker forgot that extreme tourism is now a new fashion. Many are beginning to prefer unusual relaxation to a measured vacation with impeccable service - for example, spending their long-awaited vacation at a considerable travel agency rate in a real prison. And in our country you can get a free dose of extreme sports at any local boarding house - isn’t that great? Therefore, our terrible service can always be considered as a kind of bonus for every vacationer (for example, if in a luxury room of a local boarding house you come across spoons and forks with specially drilled holes in them - in case vacationers don’t steal them for souvenirs, you will easily feel like the owners marked bonus).

Andrey answers the old woman:
- Why are you, old Baba Yaga, going to eat a dear person! A dear man is bony and black, you heat the bathhouse first, wash me, steam me, then eat.
Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse. Andrei evaporated, washed himself, took out his wife’s fly and began to wipe himself with it.
Baba Yaga asks:
-Where did you get your fly from? My daughter embroidered it.
- Your daughter is my wife, and she gave me a fly.

- Oh, beloved son-in-law, what should I treat you with?
Here Baba Yaga prepared dinner, set out all sorts of dishes, wines and honey. Andrey doesn’t boast - he sat down at the table, let’s gobble it up. Baba Yaga sat down next to her. He eats, she asks: how did he marry Princess Marya and do they live well?

It turns out that we “can whenever we want.” True, the census taker hints that to receive good service in our country, you need the manager of the local boarding house to be your relative or, in extreme cases, a relative of a close friend.
Let us note by the way that in the course of his long journey, Andrei accumulates a variety of experience, in this case, negotiation experience with a difficult interlocutor - Baba Yaga, who first wanted to feast on him.

Andrei told everything: how he got married and how the king sent him there - I don’t know where, to get something - I don’t know what.
- If only you could help me, grandma!

Andrei, as we noted in the comments to the first part of the tale, really only has business relations with Princess Marya. Otherwise, how will you like this - Baba Yaga, and not just a woman who usually hides her age, but also a mother-in-law - called grandmother. Not only will there not be a scandal here, you could actually end up in the oven. There are no complaints about the copyist here - he describes the facts correctly.

- Oh, son-in-law, even I haven’t heard about this wonderful thing. One old frog knows about this, he has lived in a swamp for three hundred years... Well, never mind, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Andrey went to bed, and Baba Yaga took two golik
, flew to the swamp and began to call:
- Grandma, the jumping frog, is she alive?
- Alive.

- Come out of the swamp to me.
An old frog came out of the swamp, Baba Yaga asked her:
- Do you know, somewhere - I don’t know what?
- I know.

- Point it out, do me a favor. My son-in-law was given a service: to go there - I don’t know where, to take that - I don’t know what.
The frog answers:
- I would see him off, but I’m too old, I won’t be able to jump there. If your son-in-law will carry me in fresh milk to the fiery river, then I will tell you.

Yes, Marya Tsarevna and you and I, dear colleagues, thought that the strategic means called “know where and know what” was completely new, that’s why it didn’t make it into the books, and few people have experience yet. But it turns out that it was known at least more than 300 years ago: an elderly frog knew about it.

Baba Yaga took the jumping frog, flew home, milked the milk in a pot, put the frog there and woke up Andrei early in the morning:
- Well, dear son-in-law, get dressed, take a pot of fresh milk, there is a frog in the milk, and get on my horse, he will take you to the fiery river. There, throw the horse and take the frog out of the pot, she will tell you.
Andrei got dressed, took the pot, and mounted Baba Yaga's horse. Whether long or short, the horse carried him to the fiery river. Neither an animal will jump over it, nor a bird will fly over it.
Andrey got off his horse, the frog said to him:
- Take me out of the pot, good fellow, we need to cross the river
cross over.
Andrey took the frog out of the pot and let it fall to the ground.
- Well, good fellow, now sit on my back.
- What are you, grandma, what a little tea, I’ll crush you.
- Don't be afraid, you won't run over him. Sit down and hold on tight.

Everyone is debating whether it is worth hiring older people. But the fairy tale provides a positive example: not only does the old frog know a lot, she can also do a lot if she wants. Useful advice for top managers who are still refusing to hire those over fifty.
True, I have an assumption that the copyist of the fairy tale who does not love our country in this place is hinting at our failed pension reform and the near time when the retirement age will be increased for all of us. But it seems to me that he is exaggerating a little here, noting that we are talking about a possible increase in the retirement age of Russians in our country to 300 years.

Andrey sat on the jumping frog. She started to sulk. She sulked and sulked - she became like a haystack.
-Are you holding on tight?

- Tightly, grandma.
Again the frog sulked and sulked - it became even bigger, like a haystack.
-Are you holding on tight?

- Tightly, grandma.
Again she sulked, sulked - she became taller than the dark forest, but how could she jump - and jumped over the fiery river, carried Andrei to the other bank and became small again.
- Go, good fellow, along this path, you will see a tower - not a tower, a hut - not a hut, a barn - not a barn, go there and stand behind the stove. There you will find something - I don’t know what.

Well, our hero is almost there. But here, too, the census taker could not resist criticizing: the poor quality of the hut where “I don’t know what” lives is, apparently, a description of the large amount of dilapidated stock that still remains in our country, where the houses really look like barns. The critic is poisonous - he sees only the bad, does not notice our new buildings.

Andrei walked along the path and saw: an old hut - not a hut, surrounded by a fence, without windows, without a porch. He went in there and hid behind the stove.
A little later it began to knock and thunder through the forest, and a little man as long as his fingernails, with a beard as long as his elbows, entered the hut and shouted:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, I’m hungry!
As soon as he shouted, out of nowhere a table appears, set, on it is a keg of beer and a roasted bull, with a sharpened knife in his side. A man as long as a fingernail, with a beard as long as his elbows, sat down next to the bull, took out a sharpened knife, began cutting the meat, dipping it in garlic, eating it and praising it.
I processed the bull down to the last bone and drank a whole keg of beer.
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, take away the scraps!
And suddenly the table disappeared, as if it had never happened - no bones, no barrel...

Here, as we see, the scribe greatly distorts the facts. He clearly tells us that “I don’t know what” is kept by a small man with a big beard, thus hinting at Karl Marx and his manifesto of the Communist Party, which was recently studied in our country. This is evidenced by the very term “I don’t know what,” which in turn says that we are talking about a ghost. Indeed, the famous phrase “A ghost walks across Europe - the ghost of communism...” is the beginning of the Communist Party manifesto. But, however, the copyist makes a big mistake here: it is known that Marx was fed not by a ghost, but by a completely decent gentleman - his comrade-in-arms and friend Friedrich Engels.

Andrei waited for the little man to leave, came out from behind the stove, plucked up courage and called:
- Swat Naum, feed me...
As soon as he called, a table appeared out of nowhere, on it were various dishes, appetizers and snacks, wines and meads.
Andrey sat down at the table and said:
- Swat Naum, sit down, brother, with me, let's eat and drink
An invisible voice answers him:
- Thank you, good man! I've been serving here for so many years,
- I haven’t seen a burnt crust, and you sat me down at the table.

From this point the scribe returns again to the fold of facts. He notes that “I don’t know what” is a very specific thing and is positive about a good attitude.

Andrey looks and is surprised: no one is visible, and it’s as if someone is sweeping the food from the table with a broom, wines and meads are poured into the glass themselves - the glass is hopping, hopping and hopping.
Andrey asks:
- Matchmaker Naum, show yourself to me!
- No, no one can see me, I don’t know what.

Well, as it follows from here, “I don’t know what” is a little tangible thing, this also brings us closer to the solution. Probably, “I don’t know what” is a certain quality that is not a product, and therefore cannot be touched.

- Swat Naum, do you want to serve with me?
- Why not want to? You, I see, are a kind person.

Another hint - “I don’t know what” can happen not only to a certain little guy, but to almost anyone. But being ready to move to someone who will take better care of “I don’t know what” is a particularly valuable hint.

So they ate. Andrey says:
- Well, tidy everything up and come with me.
Andrei left the hut and looked around:
- Swat Naum, are you here?

Andrei reached the fiery river, where a frog was waiting for him:
- Good fellow, I found something - I don’t know what?
- Found it, grandma.
- Sit on me.

Andrey sat down on it again, the frog began to swell, swelled, jumped and carried him across the fiery river.
Then he thanked the jumping frog and went on his way to his kingdom. He goes, he goes, he turns around:
- Swat Naum, are you here?
- Here. Don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone.

So, as we see, “I don’t know what,” although invisible, cannot live on its own, otherwise it would have run away into the forest long ago, living only with someone, this is also a useful hint for us.

Andrei walked and walked, the road was far - his quick legs were beaten, his white hands dropped.
“Oh,” he says, “how tired I am!”
And his matchmaker Naum:
- Why haven’t you told me for a long time? I'd be quick to take your place

Well, it turns out that “I don’t know what” can not only feed, but also solve other various problems.

A violent whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him away - mountains and forests, cities and villages flash below. Andrei was flying over the deep sea, and he became scared.
- Swat Naum, take a break!

Immediately the wind weakened, and Andrei began to descend to the sea. He looks - where only blue waves rustled, an island has appeared, on the island there is a palace with a golden roof, there is a beautiful garden all around... Matchmaker Naum says to Andrey:
- Rest, eat, drink and look at the sea.

Here the scribe again describes the real facts - that although we are behind in modern technologies, we are quickly adopting Western construction methods: the palace, apparently, was built quickly in a modern way - first a concrete frame, then light walls made of modern materials (the main thing is fast). True, the census taker again could not resist - he wrote about the fact that the palace was not built by Andrei himself, but “I don’t know what” - he was hinting at migrant workers without registration. He has the right - we have a problem that is so far unsolvable.

- Three merchant ships will sail past. Invite the merchants and treat them well, treat them well - they have three wonders.
Trade me for these wonders; don't be afraid, I'll come back to you.

Well, here’s another useful hint - anyone can have “I don’t know what”, but not everyone – you need to have something like that so that “I don’t know what” doesn’t leave you behind and solves various complex problems. And if you don’t have this something, “I don’t know what” will return to the old owner.

For a long time or a short time, three ships are sailing from the western side. The shipbuilders saw an island with a palace on it with a golden roof and a beautiful garden all around.
- What kind of miracle? - They say. - How many times have we swam here, we have seen nothing but the blue sea. Let's dock!
Three ships dropped anchor, three merchant shipowners boarded a light boat and sailed to the island. And Andrei the shooter meets them:
- Welcome, dear guests.
The merchant shipmen go and marvel: on the tower the roof is burning like heat, birds are singing in the trees, wonderful animals are jumping along the paths.
- Tell me, good man, who built this wonderful miracle here?
- My servant, matchmaker Naum, built it in one night.

So, let’s note once again that “I don’t know what” can help any business - look at the palace that was built to the envy of merchants.

Andrey led the guests into the mansion:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat!
Out of nowhere, a laid table appeared, on it - wine and food, whatever your heart desires. The merchant shipbuilders just gasp.
“Come on,” they say, “good man, change: give us your servant, Naum’s matchmaker, take from us any curiosity for him.”
- Why not change? What will your curiosities be?

One merchant takes out a club from his bosom. Just tell her: “Come on, club, break off this man’s sides!” - the club itself will start pounding, breaking off the sides of whichever strongman you want.

This is not even a hint, but a well-known fact. Indeed, the Russian club is our ancestral weapon; it even helped in the fight against Napoleon. Isn't he a French copyist of the fairy tale?

Another merchant takes out an ax from under his coat, turned it with the butt up - the ax himself began to chop: a blunder and a blunder - the ship came out; a blunder and a blunder is still a ship. With sails, with cannons, with brave sailors. The ships are sailing, the guns are firing, the brave sailors are asking for orders.
He turned the ax with the butt down - the ships immediately disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Here the scribe alludes to our huge military-industrial complex. It also reveals our state secret that even for the military-industrial complex (or as they now call the defense-industrial complex), our products are often made in botches.

The third merchant took a pipe from his pocket, blew it - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with rifles, with cannons. The troops are marching, the music is thundering, the banners are fluttering, the horsemen are galloping, asking for orders.
The merchant blew his whistle from the other end - there was nothing, everything was gone.

The census taker does not miss anything - he criticizes our demonstrations. And we like them!

Andrey the shooter says:
- Your curiosities are good, but mine is more expensive. If you want to change, give me all three wonders in exchange for my servant, Naum’s matchmaker.
- Won't it be too much?
- As you know, I won’t change otherwise.
The merchants thought and thought: “What do we need a club, an ax and a pipe? It’s better to exchange, with the matchmaker Naum we will be without any worries day and night, well-fed and drunk.”

So, Andrei the shooter exchanged an intangible thing (Nahum’s matchmaker) for very concrete things. At the same time, he continued to gain invaluable experience in effective negotiations.

The merchant shipmen gave Andrey a club, an ax and a pipe and shouted:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, we’re taking you with us! Will you serve us?
by faith?
An invisible voice answers them:
- Why not serve? I don't care who I live with.

So, the description earlier is confirmed: “I don’t know what,” in principle, can happen to anyone.

The merchant shipmen returned to their ships and let's feast - they drink, eat, and shout:
- Matchmaker Naum, turn around, give this, give that!
Everyone got drunk where they were sitting and fell asleep there.

Once again the census taker couldn’t resist criticizing him – he writes about our drunkenness. Yes, we drink, but not on strangers, after all, on our own!

And the shooter sits alone in the mansion, saddened.
“Eh,” he thinks, “where is my faithful servant, matchmaker Naum, somewhere now?”
- I'm here. What do you need?
Andrey was delighted:
- Swat Naum, isn’t it time for us to go to our native side, to our young wife? Carry me home
Again the whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him to his kingdom, to his native land.

So, as we see, “I don’t know what” has the property, on the one hand, to persist, and on the other, to “not stick” accidentally to others. For such “sticking” some special circumstances are needed.

And the merchants woke up, and they wanted to get over their hangover:

Apparently, the copyist of the fairy tale lived in our country for a long time, learned all our state secrets: he even learned the main secret about how “our” people are cured in the morning after a stormy Sunday.

- Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat, turn around quickly!
No matter how much they called or shouted, it was of no use. They look, and there is no island: in its place there are only blue waves.
The merchant shipmen grieved: “Oh, an unkind man has deceived us!” - but there was nothing to do, they raised the sails and sailed where they needed to go.

The time has come for us to figure out what “I don’t know what” is.

Let us remember that it was not the tsar’s adviser who came up with the idea to send Andrei in search of “I don’t know what,” but a strategic management consultant (in the first part of the fairy tale, we saw that the tavern tavern came up with strategic tasks - either to formulate the mission of the kingdom, or to learn to overcome resistance to change).

What is the most important thing in strategic management? Of course, these are long-term competitive advantages (LCA).

And what they are is not entirely clear, they are not visible:

  • Now it becomes clear why “I don’t know what” is located “I don’t know where” (you have to go after them “I don’t know where”: in the process of moving even towards a not very clear goal, the company acquires DCT “on the way” to this goal.

  • For example, Andrei the shooter, on the way to a distant goal, gained experience in complex negotiation processes - with Baba Yaga, and then with merchants. Such experience is also DCT, you can safely rely on them in the future.

  • PrEP “needs to be treated well” - cherished, otherwise these PrEP will be acquired by competitors and it will be possible to lose to them.

  • DKPs do not “live on their own” - but only with the company (in the fairy tale - with the company of Andrei and Marya), which is why they did not run away into the forest.

  • Relying on the monetary policy, the company can receive additional income (enough to build a palace) and overcome difficulties.

  • And it becomes clear: Andrei the shooter did not deceive the merchants much, since the DCTs are different for everyone - they suited Andrei, but the merchants, who have a different, purely trading, business, need other advantages, another “I don’t know what” (for example, reliable goods distribution system, etc.).

And Andrei the shooter flew to his native land, sat down near his little house, and looked: instead of a little house, a burnt pipe was sticking out.
He hung his head below his shoulders and walked out of the city to the blue sea, to an empty place. He sat down and sat. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue dove flies in, hits the ground and turns into his young wife, Marya the Princess.
They hugged, said hello, began asking each other, telling each other.

For the last time, we note that the communication between the “lovers” was purely business - “they hugged and said hello” in a purely masculine way - no calf tenderness between lovers.

Marya the Princess said:
- Since you left home, I’ve been flying through the forests like a blue dove.
yes through the groves. The king sent for me three times, but they didn’t find me and they burned the house.

Andrey says:
- Swat Naum, can’t we build a palace in an empty place by the blue sea?
- Why can’t it? Now it will be done.
Before we had time to look back, the palace had arrived, and it was so glorious, better than the royal one, there was a green garden all around, birds were singing in the trees, wonderful animals were jumping along the paths.

So, having acquired long-term competitive advantages, the business of Andrei Strelok and Marya the Princess began to develop successfully. As you can see, things went smoothly, and the new office was built better than the previous one.

Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess entered the palace, sat by the window and talked, admiring each other. They live without grief, one day, and another, and another.
And at that time the king went hunting, to the blue sea, and saw that in the place where there was nothing, there was a palace.
- What kind of ignoramus decided to build on my land without permission?

Here the census taker describes our imperfect land law, let’s not argue - we still have something to work on.

The messengers ran, scouted everything out and reported to the tsar that that palace had been set up by Andrei the shooter and he lived in it with his young wife, Marya the princess.
The king became even more angry and sent to find out if Andrei went there - I don’t know where, if he brought something - I don’t know what.
The messengers ran, scouted and reported:
- Andrei the shooter went there - I don’t know where and got something - I don’t know what.
Here the king became completely angry, ordered to gather an army, go to the seaside, destroy that door to the ground, and put Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess to a cruel death.

Well, here is an example of an attempt at a regular raider takeover of someone else’s business. But the restless census taker hints that such seizures in our country began to be carried out in the name of the state.

Andrei saw that a strong army was coming towards him, he quickly grabbed an ax and turned it with the butt up. An ax and a blunder - a ship stands on the sea, again a blunder and a blunder - another ship stands. He pulled a hundred times, a hundred ships sailed across the blue sea.
Andrei took out his pipe, blew it - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with cannons and banners.
The bosses are jumping around, waiting for orders. Andrew ordered the battle to begin. The music began to play, the drums beat, the shelves moved. The infantry crushes the tsar's soldiers, the cavalry gallops and takes prisoners. And from a hundred ships, guns continue to fire on the capital city.
The king saw his army running and rushed to the army to stop it. Then Andrei took out his baton:
- Come on, club, break off the sides of this king!
The club itself moved like a wheel, throwing itself from end to end across the open field; caught up with the king and hit him in the forehead, killing him to death.
Here the battle came to an end.

As we see, having no long-term competitive advantages, the tsar lost the business battle to the partnership of Andrei and Marya.

The people poured out of the city and began to ask Andrei the shooter to take the entire state into his own hands.
Andrey did not argue. He threw a feast for the whole world and, together with Princess Marya, he ruled this kingdom until he was very old.

Ay-ya-ay, Mr. Fairy Tale Copyist! If you are implying that even under capitalism, our presidents rule until they are very old, then you are in vain. However, from a legal point of view, everything is happening within the framework of our constitution. You don't love us! True, the main facts are presented without distortion, and we will turn to them in the final part of our interpretation.


Let us summarize our analysis of the second part of the tale and repeat the points that are especially important for top managers.

1. So, “I don’t know what” is long-term competitive advantages” (LCT). They are acquired during the movement towards the goal. Moreover, the final goal itself is no longer so important. It turns into a means - a means of achieving long-term competitive advantages that are intangible, but will help out in difficult times. Relying on monetary policy, you can develop your business under favorable conditions and withstand the dangers in unfavorable market conditions.
2. A small man with a big beard, when Andrei got to him with a frog, used “I don’t know what,” to whom the matchmaker Naum gave for convenience the nickname. However, the matchmaker Naum was not highly appreciated by him, which is often the case in our business: the DCPs that the company has are not valued, and therefore are easily lost. By the way, now we can decipher the riddle of the author of the fairy tale: he called “I don’t know what” by the name Naum, hinting that PrEP is, first of all, acquired knowledge that “came to mind.”
3. In the story with three gifts, the author of the fairy tale already directly tells us that “I don’t know what” costs much more than any other product: “Your curiosities are good, but mine costs more,” Andrei told the merchants. Let us repeat that the fairy tale reminds us that the DCT cannot simply be transferred from one legal entity to another. Each company is unique in its potential in the relevant business environment and the acquired monetary policy.
4. The king, having learned about everything, decided to carry out a raider takeover of the growing business of Andrei and Marya, and here Andrei was helped by those products that were purchased from merchants in exchange for “I don’t know what.” Judging by the description, it was a well-armed private security company (private security company), and as a result, the raider attack was successfully repulsed.

As for the copyist of the fairy tale, we will forgive him for some hostile attitude towards our country - let’s ignore his barbs. He described the main thing to us correctly; he was forced to admit that before the emergence of the theory of long-term competitive advantages in the United States at the end of the last century, the practice of using monetary policy had already been used in ancient Rus'.

Accounting for any business

 24.11.2010 16:29

The word of living legends,
Powerful, eternal word,
A bright, bubbling spring,
A treasure trove of native wealth.

As children we like fairy tales. With its unusualness, magic, miraculous transformations, the struggle of good against evil. Reading and listening to them is always an exciting pleasure.
No literary work has such an ability to attract and hold attention as fairy tales. And it is no coincidence that everything in them is repeated three times. To make it better remembered.
Tales have been passed down for centuries by word of mouth. After all, this is a natural desire of the people to preserve what is dear to them, what they heard from their closest ancestors. Fairy tales, songs, lullabies, jokes, apt expressions, your own folklore, your own culture.
And in fairy tales, upon careful examination, you can find a lot of different and interesting things. Try to re-read them at a more mature age and you will be amazed by some of the guesses.

In a certain state there lived a king who was single and not married. He had a shooter in his service named Andrei.
Once Andrei the shooter went hunting. I walked and walked all day through the forest with no luck, I couldn’t attack any game. It was late in the evening, and he was going back, spinning. He sees a turtle dove sitting on a tree. “Give me,” he thinks, I’ll shoot at least this one. He shot and wounded her - the turtledove fell from the tree onto the damp ground. Andrei picked her up and wanted to twist her head and put it in her bag.
And the turtledove says to him in a human voice:
“Don’t destroy me, Andrei the shooter, don’t cut off my head, take me alive, bring me home, put me in the window.” Yes, look how drowsiness comes over me - then hit me with your right hand backhand: you will achieve great happiness.
Andrei the shooter was surprised: what is it? It looks like a bird, but speaks with a human voice. He brought the turtledove home, sat it on the window, and stood there waiting.
A little time passed, the turtle dove put its head under its wing and dozed off. Andrei remembered what she was punishing him and hit her with his right hand. The turtledove fell to the ground and turned into a maiden, Princess Marya, so beautiful that you couldn’t even imagine it, you couldn’t imagine it, you could only tell it in a fairy tale.
Princess Marya says to the shooter:
- You managed to take me, know how to hold me - with a leisurely feast and for the wedding. I will be your honest and cheerful wife.
That's how we got along. Andrei the shooter married Princess Marya and lives with his young wife, making fun of her. And he doesn’t forget the service: every morning, before dawn, he goes into the forest, shoots game and carries it to the royal kitchen. They lived like this for a short time, Princess Marya says:
- You live poorly, Andrey!
- Yes, as you can see for yourself.
“Get a hundred rubles, buy various silks with this money, I’ll fix the whole thing.”
Andrei obeyed, went to his comrades, from whom he borrowed a ruble, from whom he borrowed two, bought various silks and brought them to his wife. Princess Marya took the silk and said:
- Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya sat down to weave. All night long she weaved and weaved a carpet, the likes of which had never been seen in the whole world: the whole kingdom was painted on it, with cities and villages, with forests and fields, and birds in the sky, and animals in the mountains, and fish in the seas; the moon and the sun walk around...
The next morning, Princess Marya gives the carpet to her husband:
“Take it to the Gostiny Dvor, sell it to the merchants, and look, don’t ask for your price, and take whatever they give you.”
Andrei took the carpet, hung it on his hand and walked along the living room rows.
One merchant runs up to him:
- Listen, sir, how much are you asking?
- You are a salesman, give me the price. So the merchant thought and thought - he couldn’t appreciate the carpet. Another one jumped up, followed by another. A large crowd of merchants has gathered, they look at the carpet, marvel, but cannot appreciate it.
At that time, the tsar's adviser was passing by the rows, and he wanted to know what the merchants were talking about. He got out of the carriage, pushed his way through the great crowd and asked:
- Hello, merchants, overseas guests! What are you talking about?
- So and so, we can’t evaluate the carpet. The royal adviser looked at the carpet and was amazed himself:
- Tell me, shooter, tell me the true truth: where did you get such a nice carpet?
- So and so, my wife embroidered.
- How much should I give you for it?
- I don’t know myself. My wife told me not to bargain: whatever they give is ours.
- Well, here's ten thousand for you, shooter. Andrey took the money, gave the carpet and went home. And the royal adviser went to the king and showed him the carpet. The king looked - his entire kingdom was on the carpet in full view. He gasped:
- Well, whatever you want, I won’t give you the carpet!
The king took out twenty thousand rubles and gave them to the adviser from hand to hand. The adviser took the money and thinks. “Nothing, I’ll order another one for myself, even better.” He got back into the carriage and rode off to the settlement. He found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opens the door for him. The Tsar's adviser raised one leg over the threshold, but could not bear the other, fell silent and forgot about his business: such a beauty stood in front of him, he would not have taken his eyes off her, he would have kept looking and looking.
Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the royal adviser by the shoulders and closed the door. With difficulty he came to his senses and reluctantly trudged home. And from that time on, he eats without eating and drinks without getting drunk: he still imagines the rifleman’s wife.
The king noticed this and began to ask what kind of trouble he had.
The adviser says to the king:
- Oh, I saw one shooter’s wife, I keep thinking about her! And you can’t wash it down, you can’t eat it, you can’t bewitch it with any potion.
The king wanted to see the rifleman's wife himself. He dressed in a simple dress, went to the settlement, found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives, and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opened the door for him. The king raised one leg over the threshold, but couldn’t do the other, he was completely numb: standing before him was an indescribable beauty. Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the king by the shoulders and closed the door.
The king's heart was pinched. “Why,” he thinks, “am I walking around single, not married? I wish I could marry this beauty! She shouldn’t be a shooter; she was destined to be a queen.”
The king returned to the palace and conceived a bad thought - to beat his wife away from her living husband. He calls the adviser and says:
- Think about how to kill Andrei the shooter. I want to marry his wife. If you come up with it, I’ll reward you with cities and villages and a gold treasury; if you don’t, I’ll take your head off your shoulders.
The tsar's adviser began to spin, went and hung his nose. He can’t figure out how to kill the shooter. Yes, out of grief, he turned into a tavern to drink some wine.
A tavern young woman in a torn caftan runs up to him:
“What are you upset about, the Tsar’s adviser, and why are you hanging your nose?”
- Go away, you tavern bastard!
“Don’t drive me away, it’s better to bring me a glass of wine, I’ll bring you to mind.” The royal adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief.
Tavern's tavern and says to him:
“It’s not a difficult task to get rid of Andrei the shooter - he himself is simple, but his wife is painfully cunning.” Well, we’ll make a riddle that she won’t be able to solve. Return to the Tsar and say: let him send Andrei the shooter to the next world to find out how the late Tsar Father is doing. Andrey will leave and will not come back. The Tsar’s advisor thanked the tavern’s tucker and ran to the Tsar:
- So and so, you can lime the arrow. And he told where to send him and why. The king was delighted and ordered to call Andrei the shooter.
- Well, Andrey, you served me faithfully, do another service: go to the other world, find out how my father is doing. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.
Andrei returned home, sat down on the bench and hung his head.
Princess Marya asks him:
- Why are you sad? Or some kind of misfortune?
Andrei told her what kind of service the king assigned him.
Marya Princess says:
- There is something to grieve about! This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Early in the morning, as soon as Andrei woke up, Princess Marya gave him a bag of crackers and a gold ring.
“Go to the king and ask the king’s adviser to be your comrade, otherwise, tell him, they won’t believe you that you were in the next world.” And when you go out with a friend on a journey, throw a ring in front of you, it will get you there. Andrei took a bag of crackers and a ring, said goodbye to his wife and went to the king to ask for a traveling companion. There was nothing to be done, the king agreed, and ordered the adviser to go with Andrei to the next world.
So the two of them set out on the road. Andrei threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei follows him through clean fields, moss-swamps, rivers-lakes, and the royal adviser trails after Andrei.
They get tired of walking, eat some crackers, and then hit the road again. Whether close, whether far, soon, or shortly, they came to a dense, dense forest, descended into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped. Andrei and the royal adviser sat down to eat crackers. Lo and behold, past them on the old, old king, two devils were carrying firewood - a huge cart - and they were driving the king with clubs, one from the right side, the other from the left. Andrey says:
- Look: no way, is this our late Tsar-Father?
- You’re right, he’s the one carrying the firewood. Andrey shouted to the devils:
- Hey, gentlemen, devils! Free this dead man for me, at least for a little while, I need to ask him something.
The devils answer:
- We have time to wait! Shall we carry the firewood ourselves?
- And you take a fresh person from me to replace you.
Well, the devils unharnessed the old king, in his place they harnessed the royal adviser to the cart and let him drive him with clubs on both sides - he bends, but he is lucky. Andrei began to ask the old king about his life.
“Ah, Andrei the shooter,” the king answers, “my life in the next world is bad!” Bow down to my son and tell him that I firmly order him not to offend people, otherwise the same thing will happen to him.
As soon as they had time to talk, the devils were already heading back with an empty cart. Andrei said goodbye to the old king, took the royal adviser from the devils, and they went back.
They come to their kingdom, appear in the palace. The king saw the shooter and attacked him in anger:
- How dare you go back?
Andrey the shooter answers:
- So and so, I was in the next world with your late parent. He lives poorly, ordered you to bow and firmly punished you not to offend people.
- How can you prove that you went to the next world and saw my parent?
“And by this I will prove that your adviser still has signs on his back of how the devils drove him with clubs.”
Then the king was convinced that there was nothing to do - he let Andrei go home. And he himself says to the adviser:
- Think about how to kill the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
The royal adviser went and hung his nose even lower. He goes into a tavern, sits down at the table, and asks for wine. The tavern's tavern runs up to him:
- Why are you upset? Bring me a glass, I'll give you some ideas.
The adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief. The tavern's tavern says to him:
- Go back and tell the king to give the shooter this service - not only to perform it, it’s difficult to even imagine: send him to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom to get the cat Bayun... The royal adviser ran to the king and told him what service to ask arrow so that he doesn't come back.
The Tsar sends for Andrei.
- Well, Andrei, you have served me a service, serve me another: go to the thirtieth kingdom and get me the cat Bayun. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders. Andrei went home, hung his head below his shoulders and told his wife what kind of service the king had assigned him.
- There is something to worry about! - Princess Marya says. - This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya went to the forge and ordered the blacksmiths to forge three iron caps, iron tongs and three rods: one iron, another copper, the third tin.
Early in the morning, Princess Marya woke up Andrei:
- Here are three caps and pincers and three rods for you, go to distant lands, to the thirtieth state.
You won’t reach three miles, a strong sleep will begin to overcome you - the cat Bayun will let you fall asleep. Don’t sleep, throw your arm over your arm, drag your leg over your leg, and roll wherever you want. And if you fall asleep, the cat Bayun will kill you. And then Princess Marya taught him how and what to do, and sent him on his way.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - Andrei the Sagittarius came to the thirtieth kingdom. Three miles away, sleep began to overcome him. Andrei puts three iron caps on his head, throws his arm over his arm, drags his legs over his legs - he walks, and then rolls around like a roller. Somehow I managed to doze off and found myself at a high pillar.
The cat Bayun saw Andrei, grumbled, purred, and jumped from the post on his head - he broke one cap and broke another, and was about to grab a third. Then Andrei the shooter grabbed the cat with pincers, dragged him to the ground and began stroking him with the rods. First, he flogged him with an iron rod; He broke the iron one, began to treat him with the copper one - and he broke this one and began to beat him with the tin one.
The tin rod bends, does not break, and wraps around the ridge. Andrey beats, and the cat Bayun began to tell fairy tales. Andrey doesn’t listen to him, but he’s harassing him with a rod. The cat became unbearable, he saw that it was impossible to speak, and he prayed:
- Leave me, good man! Whatever you need, I will do everything for you.
-Will you come with me?
- I’ll go wherever you want.
Andrey went back and took the cat with him. He reached his kingdom, came with the cat to the palace and said to the king:
- So and so I fulfilled my service, I got you the cat Bayun.
The king was surprised and said:
- Come on, cat Bayun, show great passion. Here the cat sharpens its claws, gets along with the king, wants to tear his white chest, take out his living heart. The king was afraid:
- Andrey the shooter, calm down the cat Bayun!
Andrei calmed the cat down and locked him in a cage, and he himself went home to Princess Marya. He lives well and amuses himself with his young wife. And the king’s heart shivers even more. Again he called on the adviser:
- Come up with whatever you want, harass Andrei the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
The Tsar's adviser goes straight to the tavern, found a tavern tavern there in a torn caftan and asks him to help him out, to bring him to his senses. Tavern tereb drank a glass of wine and wiped his mustache.
“Go,” he says, to the king and say: let him send Andrei the shooter there—I don’t know where—to bring something—I don’t know what. Andrei will never complete this task and will not return back.
The adviser ran to the king and reported everything to him. The Tsar sends for Andrei.
“You have served me two faithful services, serve me a third: go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.” If you serve, I will reward you royally, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
Andrei came home, sat down on the bench and cried. Princess Marya asks him:
- What, dear, are you sad? Or some other misfortune?
“Eh,” he says, “through your beauty I bring all the misfortunes!” The king told me to go there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what.
- This is service! Well, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Princess Marya waited until nightfall, opened the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed her head: the book said nothing about the princess’s riddle. Princess Marya went out onto the porch, took out a handkerchief and waved. All sorts of birds flew in, all kinds of animals came running.
Princess Marya asks them:
- Beasts of the forest, birds of the sky, you animals prowl everywhere, you birds fly everywhere - haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what?
The animals and birds answered:
- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief - the animals and birds disappeared as if they had never been. She waved another time, two giants appeared in front of her:
- Anything? What do you need?
“My faithful servants, take me to the middle of the Ocean-Sea.”
The giants picked up Princess Marya, carried her to the Ocean-Sea and stood in the middle of the very abyss - they themselves stood like pillars, and they held her in their arms. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief and all the reptiles and fish of the sea swam to her.
- You, reptiles and fish of the sea, you swim everywhere, you visit all the islands, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what?
- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that. Princess Marya began to spin and ordered to be carried home. The giants picked her up, brought her to Andreev's yard, and placed her at the porch.
Early in the morning, Princess Marya got Andrei ready for the journey and gave him a ball of thread and an embroidered necklace.
- Throw the ball in front of you - wherever it rolls, go there. Yes, look, wherever you go, you will wash your face, don’t wipe yourself with someone else’s hair, but wipe yourself with mine.
Andrei said goodbye to Princess Marya, bowed to all four sides and went to the outpost. He threw the ball in front of him, the ball rolled - it rolls and rolls, Andrei follows behind it.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Andrei passed through many kingdoms and lands. The ball rolls, the thread stretches from it. It became a small ball, about the size of a chicken head; That's how small it has become, you can't even see it on the road.
Andrei reached the forest and saw a hut standing on chicken legs.
- Hut, hut, turn your front to me, your back to the forest!
The hut turned around, Andrei entered and saw a gray-haired old woman sitting on a bench, spinning a tow.
- Fu, fu, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen before, but now the Russian spirit has come of its own accord! I'll fry you in the oven, eat you and ride on your bones. Andrey answers the old woman:
- Why are you, old Baba Yaga, going to eat a dear person! A dear man is bony and black, you heat the bathhouse first, wash me, steam me, then eat.
Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse. Andrei evaporated, washed himself, took out his wife’s hair and began to wipe himself with it. Baba Yaga asks:
-Where did you get the sheren from? My daughter embroidered it.
“Your daughter is my wife, and she gave me the sheren.”
- Oh, beloved son-in-law, what should I treat you with?
Here Baba Yaga prepared dinner and set out all sorts of dishes and honey. Andrey doesn’t boast – he sat down at the table and let’s eat it up. Baba Yaga sat down next to her. He eats, she asks: how did he marry Princess Marya and do they live well? Andrei told everything: how he got married and how the king sent him there - I don’t know where, to get something - I don’t know what.
- If only you could help me, grandma!
- Oh, son-in-law, even I have never heard of this wonderful thing. One old frog knows about this, he has lived in a swamp for three hundred years... Well, never mind, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Andrei went to bed, and Baba Yaga took two little heads, flew to the swamp and began to call:
- Grandma, the jumping frog, is she alive?
- Alive.
- Come out of the swamp to me. An old frog came out of the swamp, Baba Yaga asked her:
- Do you know, somewhere - I don’t know what?
- I know.
- Point out, do me a favor. My son-in-law was given a service: to go there - I don’t know where, to take that - I don’t know what. The frog answers:
“I would see him off, but I’m too old, I won’t be able to jump there.” If your son-in-law will carry me in fresh milk to the fiery river, then I will tell you.
Baba Yaga took the jumping frog, flew home, milked the milk in a pot, put the frog there and woke up Andrei early in the morning:
“Well, dear son-in-law, get dressed, take a pot of fresh milk, there is a frog in the milk, and get on my horse, he will take you to the fiery river.” There, throw the horse and take the frog out of the pot, she will tell you. Andrei got dressed, took the pot, and sat on Baba Yaga’s horse. Whether long or short, the horse carried him to the fiery river. Neither an animal will jump over it, nor a bird will fly over it.
Andrey got off his horse, the frog said to him:
- Take me out of the pot, good fellow, we need to cross the river.
Andrey took the frog out of the pot and let it fall to the ground.
- Well, good fellow, now sit on my back.
- What are you, grandma, what a little tea, I’ll crush you.
- Don’t be afraid, you won’t run over him. Sit down and hold on tight.
Andrey sat on the jumping frog. She started to sulk. She sulked and sulked and became like a haystack.
-Are you holding on tight?
- Tightly, grandma.
Again the frog sulked and sulked - he became taller than the dark forest, and how he jumped - and jumped over the fiery river, carried Andrei to the other bank and became small again.
- Go, good fellow, along this path, you will see a tower - not a tower, a hut - not a hut, a barn - not a barn, go there and stand behind the stove. There you will find something - I don’t know what.
Andrei walked along the path and saw: an old hut - not a hut, surrounded by a fence, without windows, without a porch. He entered and hid behind the stove.
A little later it began to knock and thunder through the forest, and a little man as long as his fingernails, with a beard as long as his elbows, entered the hut and shouted:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, I’m hungry!
As soon as he shouted, out of nowhere, a table appears, set, on it is a keg of beer and a baked bull, with a sharpened knife in his side. A man as long as a fingernail, with a beard as long as his elbows, sat down next to the bull, took out a sharpened knife, began cutting the meat, dipping it in garlic, eating it and praising it.
I processed the bull down to the last bone and drank a whole keg of beer.
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, take away the scraps!
And suddenly the table disappeared, as if it had never happened - no bones, no barrel... Andrei waited for the little man to leave, came out from behind the stove, plucked up courage and called:
- Matchmaker Naum, feed me... As soon as he called, out of nowhere, a table appeared, on it were various dishes, appetizers and snacks, and honey. Andrey sat down at the table and said:
- Matchmaker Naum, sit down, brother, with me, let's eat and drink together.
An invisible voice answers him:
- Thank you, good man! I’ve been serving here for a hundred years, I’ve never seen a burnt crust, and you put me at the table.
Andrey looks and is surprised: no one is visible, and it’s as if someone is sweeping the food from the table with a broom, beer and honey are poured into the ladle themselves - and hop, hop, hop. Andrey asks:
- Matchmaker Naum, show yourself to me!
- No, no one can see me, I don’t know what.
- Matchmaker Naum, do you want to serve with me?
- Why not want to? You, I see, are a kind person. So they ate. Andrey says:
- Well, tidy everything up and come with me.
Andrei left the hut and looked around:
- Swat Naum, are you here?
- Here. Don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone. Andrei reached the fiery river, where a frog was waiting for him.
- Good fellow, I found something - I don’t know what?
- Found it, grandma.
- Sit on me. Andrey sat down on it again, the frog began to swell, swelled, jumped and carried him across the fiery river.
Then he thanked the jumping frog and went on his way to his kingdom. He goes, he goes, he turns around:
- Swat Naum, are you here?
- Here. Don't be afraid, I won't leave you alone. Andrei walked and walked, the road was long - his quick legs were beaten, his white hands dropped.
“Oh,” he says, “how tired I am!”
And his matchmaker Naum:
- Why haven’t you told me for a long time? I would deliver you to your place quickly.
A violent whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him away - mountains and forests, cities and villages flashed below. Andrei was flying over the deep sea, and he became scared.
- Swat Naum, take a break!
Immediately the wind weakened, and Andrei began to descend to the sea. He looks - where only blue waves rustled, an island has appeared, on the island there is a palace with a golden roof, there is a beautiful garden all around... Matchmaker Naum says to Andrey:
- Rest, eat, drink and look at the sea. Three merchant ships will sail past. Invite the merchants and treat them well, treat them well - they have three wonders. Trade me for these wonders; don't be afraid, I'll come back to you.
For a long time or a short time, three ships are sailing from the western side. The shipbuilders saw an island with a palace on it with a golden roof and a beautiful garden all around.
- What kind of miracle? - They say. “How many times have we swam here, we have seen nothing but the blue sea.” Let's dock!
Three ships dropped anchor, three merchant shipowners boarded a light boat and sailed to the island. And Andrei the shooter meets them:
- Welcome, dear guests. The merchant shipmen go and marvel: on the tower the roof is burning like heat, birds are singing in the trees, wonderful animals are jumping along the paths.
“Tell me, good man, who built this wonderful miracle here?”
“My servant, matchmaker Naum, built it in one night. Andrey led the guests into the mansion:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat!
Out of nowhere, a laid table appeared, on it - food, whatever your heart desires. The merchant shipbuilders just gasp.
“Come on,” they say, “good man, change: give us your servant, Naum’s matchmaker, take from us any curiosity for him.”
- Why not change? What will your curiosities be?
One merchant takes out a club from his bosom. Just tell her: “Come on, club, break off this man’s sides!” - the baton itself will begin to beat, breaking off the sides of any strongman you want.
Another merchant takes an ax out from under his coat, turns it with the butt up, the ax himself begins to chop: a blunder and a blunder - the ship leaves; a blunder and a blunder is still a ship. With sails, with cannons, with brave sailors. The ships are sailing, the guns are firing, the brave sailors are asking for orders.
He turned the ax with the butt down - the ships immediately disappeared, as if they had never existed.
The third merchant took a pipe from his pocket, blew it - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with rifles, with cannons. The troops are marching, the music is thundering, the banners are fluttering, the horsemen are galloping, asking for orders. The merchant blew the pipe from the other end - there was nothing, everything was gone.
Andrey the shooter says:
“Your curiosities are good, but mine is worth more.” If you want to change, give me all three wonders in exchange for my servant, Naum’s matchmaker.
- Won't it be too much?
- As you know, I won’t change otherwise.
The merchants thought and thought: “What do we need a club, an ax and a pipe? It’s better to exchange, with the matchmaker Naum we will be without any worries day and night, well-fed and drunk.”
The merchant shipmen gave Andrey a club, an ax and a pipe and shouted:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, we’re taking you with us! Will you serve us faithfully?
An invisible voice answers them:
- Why not serve? I don't care who I live with.
The merchant shipmen returned to their ships and let's feast - they drink, eat, and shout:
- Matchmaker Naum, turn around, give this, give that!
Everyone got drunk where they were sitting and fell asleep there.
And the shooter sits alone in the mansion, saddened. “Oh,” he thinks, “where is my faithful servant, matchmaker Naum, now?”
- I’m here, what do you need?
Andrey was delighted:
- Swat Naum, isn’t it time for us to go to our native side, to our young wife? Carry me home
Again the whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him to his kingdom, to his native land.
And the merchants woke up, and they wanted to get over their hangover:
- Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat, turn around quickly!
No matter how much they called or shouted, it was of no use. They look, and there is no island: in its place there are only blue waves.
The merchant shipmen grieved: “Oh, an unkind man has deceived us!” - but there was nothing to do, they raised the sails and sailed where they wanted.
And Andrei the shooter flew to his native land, sat down near his little house, and looked: instead of a little house, a burnt pipe was sticking out.
He hung his head below his shoulders and walked out of the city to the blue sea, to an empty place. He sat down and sat. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue dove flies in, hits the ground and turns into his young wife, Marya the Princess.
They hugged, said hello, began asking each other, telling each other.
Marya the Princess said:
“Ever since you left home, I’ve been flying like a gray dove through the forests and groves.” The king sent for me three times, but they didn’t find me and they burned the house. Andrey says:
“Swat Naum, can’t we build a palace in an empty place by the blue sea?”
- Why isn’t it possible? Now it will be done. Before we had time to look back, the palace had arrived, and it was so glorious, better than the royal one, there was a green garden all around, birds were singing in the trees, wonderful animals were jumping along the paths. Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess entered the palace, sat by the window and talked, admiring each other. They live without grief, one day, and another, and another.
And at that time the king went hunting, to the blue sea, and saw that in the place where there was nothing, there was a palace.
“What kind of ignoramus decided to build on my land without permission?”
The messengers ran, scouted everything out and reported to the tsar that that palace had been set up by Andrei the shooter and he lived in it with his young wife, Marya the princess. The king became even more angry and sent to find out whether Andrei had gone there, I don’t know where, or whether he had brought something, I don’t know what.
The messengers ran, scouted and reported:
- Andrei the Sagittarius went there - I don’t know where and got something - I don’t know what.
Here the Tsar became completely angry, ordered to gather an army, go to the seaside, destroy that palace to the ground, and put Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess to a cruel death.
Andrei saw that a strong army was coming towards him, he quickly grabbed an ax and turned it with the butt up. An ax and a blunder - a ship stands on the sea, again a blunder and a blunder - another ship stands. He pulled a hundred times, a hundred ships sailed across the blue sea. Andrei took out his pipe, blew it, and an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with cannons and banners.
The commanders are waiting for the order. Andrew ordered the battle to begin. The music began to play, the drums beat, the shelves moved. The infantry crushes the soldiers, the cavalry gallops and takes prisoners. And from a hundred ships, guns continue to fire on the capital city.
The king saw his army running and rushed to the army to stop it. Then Andrei took out his baton:
- Come on, club, break off the sides of this king!
The club itself moved like a wheel, throwing itself from end to end across the open field; caught up with the king and hit him in the forehead, killing him to death.
Here the battle came to an end. The people poured out of the city and began to ask Andrei the shooter to take the entire state into his own hands.
Andrey did not argue. He threw a feast for the whole world and, together with Princess Marya, he ruled this kingdom until he was very old.

Once upon a time there lived a king.

The king is you. More precisely, this is your Personality.
Personality, as you remember, is Thinking:
Dead masks and guises necessary for survival in the human world.
Personality grows from the Soul and is essentially its continuation,
it protects, but at the same time holds the Soul captive.
The guard sooner or later becomes a jailer.

He was single, not married.

The beginning of a fairy tale is always a loss of peace.

Peace is lost when “trouble” appears or when you realize that you are missing something. If you really lack something, then you leave your comfort zone and hit the road. We are always moving in search of completeness and wholeness.

And he had a shooter in his service named Andrei.

The shooter is also the Hunter.

When something is missing, the Hunt is born

And Hunting is always connected with the Spirit.

Andrey is the Mind that strives to .

Mind, Feelings, Will - three forces and three nuclei of consciousness (in fairy tales they are presented in the form of three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold).

Your spirit wanders while you are in Personality.

Once Andrei the shooter went hunting. I walked and walked all day through the forest - no luck, I couldn’t attack the game. It was late in the evening, and when he goes back, he spins. He sees a turtle dove sitting on a tree.

You find yourself in a state where you want something, but what exactly you don’t know. This is the beginning . Their revaluation and cleansing of alien and false .

“Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll shoot at least this one.” He shot and wounded her - the turtledove fell from the tree onto the damp ground. Andrei picked her up and wanted to twist her head and put it in her bag.

The images are not random

Tree is Life.

The Tree of Life is a symbol of the universe; it permeates all worlds - from the lower to the High.

Turtle Dove: It's always a bird . The soul in tradition has always been compared to a bird,

and about the chest they said “chest”.

What happened?

The spirit, like a compass needle, is aimed at the Upper World.

And here the Spirit is reunited with the Soul.

And the Mind is reunited with the Heart.

When the Mind enters the Heart, the Spirit is reunited with the Soul.

And the turtle dove says to him in a human voice: “Don’t destroy me, Andrei the shooter, don’t cut off my head, take me alive, bring me home, put me in the window. Yes, look how drowsiness comes over me - then hit me with your right hand backhand: you will achieve great happiness.”

The Spirit met the Soul.

You Woke Up! You've gotten sober!

The scales and darkness have fallen from your eyes!

You have awakened, but the Soul knows that this is only for a while!

The soul asks you to help yourself wake up,

if suddenly the “human porridge” begins to pull you into its brew again.

Why from the right hand?

Angel - on the right, on the left - demon.

Andrei the shooter was surprised: what is it? It looks like a bird, but speaks with a human voice. He brought the turtledove home, sat it on the window, and stood there waiting.

You learn to live the life of the Soul! Listen to movements and aspirations!

And here it is important not to rush - but it is important to listen and wait.

To hear the aspirations of the Soul, you need to be in a Quiet (no-shape) state!

A little time passed, the turtle dove put its head under its wing and dozed off. Andrei remembered what she was punishing him and hit her with his right hand. The turtledove fell to the ground and turned into a maiden, Princess Marya, so beautiful that you couldn’t even imagine it, you couldn’t imagine it, you could only tell it in a fairy tale.

Waking up in a dream is a transition.

This is the discovery of the ability to remember “where you are going” or, more precisely, “where you are heading.” For example, in the Sufi tradition, adherents look for hands in a dream - as a sign of sleep in order to wake up. To wake up, you need some kind of meta or wake-up call!

Sometimes we need some kind of shock like a blow to wake up!

Here also - if you were able to wake up in a dream, then you were able to maintain the direction of the Mind towards the Spirit.

Passed the first test.

Princess Marya says to the shooter: “You managed to take me, know how to hold me too - with a leisurely feast and for the wedding. I will be your honest and cheerful wife.” That's how we got along. Andrei the shooter married Princess Marya and lives with his young wife, making fun of her. And he doesn’t forget the service: every morning, before dawn, he goes into the forest, shoots game and carries it to the royal kitchen. They lived like this for a short time, Princess Marya says:

You're still missing something.

“Emptiness”, “incompleteness” - The soul is still in search.

You are in Search!

- “You live poorly, Andrey!” - “Yes, as you can see.” - “Get a hundred rubles, buy various silks with this money, I’ll fix the whole thing.” Andrei obeyed, went to his comrades, from whom he borrowed a ruble, from whom he borrowed two, bought various silks and brought them to his wife. Princess Marya took the silk and said: “Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.” Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya sat down to weave. All night long she weaved and weaved a carpet, the likes of which had never been seen in the whole world: the whole kingdom was painted on it, with cities and villages, with forests and fields, and birds in the sky, and animals in the mountains, and fish in the seas; the moon and the sun walk around...

You live poorly - in other words, you are poor in Spirit!

The time has come to see the world of Dreams!

It’s not easy to see it - because you don’t know for sure what exactly your Soul wants.

You gather strength (do goal setting - remove other people's and false goals, pay off debts, cut off tails, gather yourself in unforgiven worlds) and direct all these forces into creating a new world that corresponds to life according to the Soul.

The “science of trinity” begins - finding peace, ordering the world and cleansing the world.

You are approaching becoming the Master and Creator of your world.

But it's not easy. You need to step aside and give the soul the opportunity to do everything on its own -

the "vedogon" begins.

The next morning, Princess Marya gives the carpet to her husband: “Take it to the guest yard, sell it to the merchants, and look, don’t ask for your price, but take what they give you.”

Important instructions!

Try not to measure the New by assessments from the old world.

Andrei took the carpet, hung it on his hand and walked along the living room rows.

One merchant runs up to him: “Listen, venerable man, how much are you asking?” - “You are a salesman, give me the price.” So the merchant thought and thought - he couldn’t appreciate the carpet. Another one jumped up, followed by another. A large crowd of merchants has gathered, they look at the carpet, marvel, but cannot appreciate it. At that time, the tsar's adviser was passing by the rows, and he wanted to know what the merchants were talking about. He got out of the carriage, forced his way through the great crowd and asked: “Hello, merchants, overseas guests! What are you talking about? - “So and so, we can’t evaluate the carpet.” The royal adviser looked at the carpet and was amazed himself:

Remember, the old king is a personality, a mindset, a set of faces and appearances.

The Tsar's advisor is a dead specimen in the service of the individual.

Most likely, this is even a “massive womb” (for more details, see the training course “Appearances”)

- “Tell me, shooter, tell me the true truth: where did you get such a nice carpet?” - “So and so, my wife embroidered.”

The soul establishes its connection with Eternity - with the Unknown.

And thinking tries to translate everything into boundaries known to it - into universal human meanings.

- “How much should I give you for it?” - “And I don’t know myself. My wife told me not to bargain: whatever they give is ours.” - “Well, here’s ten thousand for you, shooter.”

The amount seems large, but you sold for cheap!

You gave control to the Personality.

In relation to spiritual experience, the Personality is a predator - it tries to appropriate it for itself.

And now you face new challenges.

Andrey took the money, gave the carpet and went home. And the royal adviser went to the king and showed him the carpet. The king looked - his entire kingdom was on the carpet in full view. He gasped: “Well, whatever you want, I won’t give you the carpet!”

Personality and pride are cunning; it tries to appropriate every spiritual achievement for itself.

Personality (the image of oneself for other people) intensifies and swells from any new spiritual experience and awareness of new horizons.

The king took out twenty thousand rubles and gave them to the adviser from hand to hand. The adviser took the money and thinks. “Nothing, I’ll order another one for myself, even better.”

What is the difference between appearance and mask?

The appearance is simpler, the face has character.

The appearance is forced to obey the “obvious womb”,

but in essence it is a set of dead mental patterns,

he is blind and tries to “live his own life” - as an independent entity.

The “shape womb” weaves each time a new, “stronger” look to replace the one it lost.

He got back into the carriage and rode off to the settlement. He found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opens the door for him. The Tsar's adviser raised one leg over the threshold, but could not bear the other, fell silent and forgot about his business: such a beauty stood in front of him, he would not have taken his eyes off her, he would have kept looking and looking.

What does the appearance lose to?

Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the royal adviser by the shoulders and closed the door. With difficulty he came to his senses and reluctantly trudged home. And from that time on, he eats without eating and drinks without getting drunk: he still imagines the rifleman’s wife. The king noticed this and began to ask what kind of trouble he had. The adviser says to the king: “Oh, I saw one shooter’s wife, I keep thinking about her! And you can’t wash it down, you can’t eat it, you can’t bewitch it with any potion.”

You met the soul and its beauty, living in personality becomes very difficult!

The king wanted to see the rifleman's wife himself. He dressed in a simple dress, went to the settlement, found the hut where Andrei the shooter lives, and knocks on the door. Princess Marya opened the door for him. The king raised one leg over the threshold, but couldn’t do the other, he was completely numb: standing before him was an indescribable beauty. Princess Marya waited, waited for an answer, turned the king by the shoulders and closed the door. The king's heart was pinched. “Why,” he thinks, “am I walking around single, not married? I wish I could marry this beauty! She shouldn’t be a shooter; she was destined to be a queen.” The king returned to the palace and conceived a bad thought - to beat his wife away from her living husband. He calls for an adviser and says: “Think about how to kill Andrei the shooter. I want to marry his wife. If you come up with it, I’ll reward you with cities and villages and a golden treasury; if you don’t, I’ll take your head off your shoulders.”

Personality grows from weakness - it grows where the Soul is weak.

And all weaknesses are rooted in Pride.

The personality tries to master any spiritual experience and experience.

Here the personality tries to destroy the Spirit in the sense that it changes its direction.

The tsar's adviser began to spin, went and hung his nose. He can’t figure out how to kill the shooter. Yes, out of grief, he turned into a tavern to drink some wine. A tavern tereben runs up to him (a tereben is a regular visitor to a tavern) in a torn caftan:

If the form loses, then what is hidden in the shadow personality comes to the defense.

The “dark forest” of consciousness is all kinds of distractions, thinking of hatred in the form of bestiality, a spontaneous bestial state, passions - in a word, all “inner demons”.

Passions come from below - from the lower world.

These “demons” know how to “harm” the Spirit!

It is impossible to kill the spirit, but you can redirect it towards the bottom and fall.

- “What, the Tsar’s adviser, are you sad about, why are you hanging your nose?” - “Go away, tavern bullshit!” - “Don’t drive me away, it’s better to bring me a glass of wine, I’ll bring you to mind.”

Spiritual fall is inevitable - however, if you are a person of self-knowledge, then immersion in the lower worlds, passions and crafty tricks of demons will give you the opportunity to see where your Soul is weak.

A series of tests is coming!

Often a spiritual seeker embarks on “difficult” adventures - there is no point in giving up,
It’s worth starting self-discovery!

The royal adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief.

The tavern's tavern says to him: “Informing Andrei the shooter is a simple matter - he himself is simple, but his wife is painfully cunning. Well, we’ll make a riddle that she won’t be able to solve. Return to the Tsar and say: let him send Andrei the shooter to the next world to find out how the late Tsar-Father is doing. Andrey will leave and will not come back.” The Tsar's adviser thanked the tavern's tereben - and ran to the Tsar: - “So and so, you can lime the arrow.” And he told where to send him and why. The king was delighted and ordered to call Andrei the shooter. “Well, Andrei, you served me faithfully, do another service: go to the other world, find out how my father is doing. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.”

The cleansing of ancestral “curses” begins.

You copied your personality from your “parents”.

And they are from their own.

Mental models are the best models honed over generations.

You began to carefully understand what influences you and what conditions you - what is from your personal experience, and what from your ancestors (churov).

Andrei returned home, sat down on the bench and hung his head. Princess Marya asks him: “Why are you sad? Or is it some kind of misfortune? Andrei told her what kind of service the king assigned him. Marya the Princess says: “There is something to grieve about! This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.”

Early in the morning, as soon as Andrei woke up, Princess Marya gave him a bag of crackers and a gold ring. - “Go to the king and ask for the king’s adviser to be your comrade, otherwise, tell him, they won’t believe you that you were in the next world. And when you go out with a friend on a journey, throw a ring in front of you, it will get you there. Andrei took a bag of crackers and a ring, said goodbye to his wife and went to the king to ask for a traveling companion. There was nothing to be done, the king agreed, and ordered the adviser to go with Andrei to the next world.

So the two of them set out on the road. Andrei threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei follows him through clean fields, moss-swamps, rivers-lakes, and the royal adviser trails after Andrei.

The personality constantly makes sure that you do not blurt out anything unnecessary - do not make a fool of yourself in front of other people, so you constantly live in a state of restraint.

This mechanism must be put at its service, and for this to happen, it is necessary to understand what problem the uterus solves.

The personal uterus is always aimed at helping you achieve your desired place in the community. Different age vezhas (worlds) have their own “poppy”. As many age-bearing vegas as there are so many domes, there are so many “exposing queens” (royal advisers) in us.

If you have removed restraint, then you can become Sincere - just roll out everything that comes your way - without evaluating or replacing in any way.

The ring that rolls itself is a scooter that leads you back through the images along the thread of your destiny.

They get tired of walking, eat some crackers, and then hit the road again.

Self-knowledge requires strength and concentrated attention!

Whether close, whether far, soon, or shortly, they came to a dense, dense forest, descended into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped.

You need to follow the beast's heel - and you will definitely reach the beast's lair.

Andrei and the royal adviser sat down to eat crackers. Lo and behold, past them on the old, old king, two devils were carrying firewood - a huge cart - and they were driving the king with clubs, one from the right side, the other from the left. Andrei says: “Look: no way, is this our late Tsar-Father?” - “You’re right, he’s the one carrying the firewood.” Andrei shouted to the devils: “Hey, gentlemen devils! Free this dead man for me, at least for a little while, I need to ask him something. The devils answer: “We have time to wait! Shall we carry the firewood ourselves?” - “And you take a fresh person from me for a shift.” Well, the devils unharnessed the old king, in his place they harnessed the royal adviser to the cart and let him drive him with clubs on both sides - he bends, but he is lucky. Andrei began to ask the old king about his life. “Ah, Andrei the shooter,” the king answers, “my life in the next world is bad! Bow down to my son and tell him that I firmly order him not to offend people, otherwise the same thing will happen to him.

You have learned to work with images of consequences!

This is an important ability in order not to fall into sinful passions!

As soon as they had time to talk, the devils were already heading back with an empty cart. Andrei said goodbye to the old king, took the royal adviser from the devils, and they went back.

Your personal uterus has also been to hell!
You will know where you will end up if the personality continues to control your life.

They come to their kingdom, appear in the palace. The king saw the shooter and angrily attacked him: “How dare you go back?” Andrey the shooter answers:

- “So and so, I was in the next world with your late parent. He lives poorly, he ordered you to bow and strictly punished you not to offend people.” - “How can you prove that you went to the other world and saw my parent?” - “And by this I will prove that on your adviser’s back you can still see the signs of how the devils drove him with clubs.”

Then the king was convinced that there was nothing to do - he let Andrei go home. And he himself says to the adviser:

- “Think about how to kill the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.”

The personality, without knowing it, knows itself with the help of the Spirit.

Hence the conclusion: even if you have fallen low, there is nothing but self-knowledge!

The royal adviser went and hung his nose even lower. He goes into a tavern, sits down at the table, and asks for wine. A tavern chatter runs up to him: “Why are you upset? Bring me a glass, I’ll give you some ideas.” The adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief. The tavern's tavern says to him: “Go back and tell the king to give the shooter this service - not only is it difficult to do, it’s difficult to invent: he would send him to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom to get the cat Bayun”... The Tsar's adviser ran to the Tsar and told him what service to give to the shooter so that he would not return back. The Tsar sends for Andrei. “Well, Andrei, you have served me a service, serve me another: go to the thirtieth kingdom and get me the cat Bayun. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.” Andrei went home, hung his head below his shoulders and told his wife what kind of service the king had assigned him.

The time is coming for a new test.

Who is Bayun the cat?

Firstly, there is the “beast” within you.

Secondly, to baat is to speak in a special way.

The time has come to master the elemental “beast” within yourself.

This opens the way to "witchcraft" abilities.

For example, you will speak in such a way that people will listen to you.

- “There’s something to worry about!” - Princess Marya says. “This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.” Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya went to the forge and ordered the blacksmiths to forge three iron caps, iron tongs and three rods: one iron, another copper, the third tin. Early in the morning, Princess Marya woke up Andrei: “Here are three caps, pincers and three rods for you, go to distant lands, to the thirtieth state. You won’t reach three miles, a strong sleep will begin to overcome you - the cat Bayun will let you fall asleep. Don’t sleep, throw your arm over your arm, drag your leg over your leg, and roll wherever you want. And if you fall asleep, the cat Bayun will kill you.”

The body is weak - the Spirit is vigorous.

And then Princess Marya taught him how and what to do, and sent him on his way.

Have you noticed that the Soul constantly guides the Spirit?

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - Andrei the Sagittarius came to the thirtieth kingdom. Three miles away, sleep began to overcome him. Andrei puts three iron caps on his head, throws his arm over his arm, drags his leg over his leg - he walks, and then rolls around like a roller. Somehow I managed to doze off and found myself at a high pillar.

Resisting passions is not easy; you need to have perseverance, courage and reserves of strength.

The cat Bayun saw Andrei, grumbled, purred, and jumped from the post on his head - he broke one cap and broke the other, and took hold of the third. Then Andrei the shooter grabbed the cat with pincers, dragged him to the ground and began stroking him with the rods. First, he flogged him with an iron rod; He broke the iron one, began to treat him with the copper one - and he broke this one and began to beat him with the tin one. The tin rod bends, does not break, and wraps around the ridge. Andrei beats, and the cat Bayun began to tell fairy tales: about priests, about clerks, about priests’ daughters.

If you listen to how they criticize and condemn, you become involved in it.

By judging, we put ourselves higher than the other person. Cunning pride is the main spiritual separatist.

Andrey doesn’t listen to him, but he’s harassing him with a rod. The cat became unbearable, he saw that it was impossible to speak, and he begged: “Leave me, good man!” Whatever you need, I’ll do everything for you.”

What is inside of us that is constantly bashing among ourselves? If we look closely at this constant internal chatter, we will see how “talking droolers” talk to each other. In one of the fairy tales, Vasilisa the Wise, escaping from the Sea King, spits in the corners of the hut, and then the saliva talks to the royal servants and stalls for time while the fugitives escape. - The snot is here, but the man is far away.

The skill of stopping “internal chatter” opens the door to Kolo-Dunsky abilities.

- “Will you come with me?” - “I’ll go wherever you want.” Andrey went back and took the cat with him. He reached his kingdom, came to the palace with the cat and said to the king: “So and so I fulfilled my service, I got you the cat Bayun.” The king was surprised and said:

- “Come on, cat Bayun, show great passion.” Here the cat sharpens its claws, gets along with the king, wants to tear his white chest, take out his living heart. The king was afraid:

- “Andrey the shooter, calm down the cat Bayun!”

For the first time, the personality cannot withstand the forces that have been revealed to you.

But it’s too early for her to die. You have not yet acquired Reason and therefore you have nothing to replace Personality with.

Andrei calmed the cat down and locked him in a cage, and he himself went home to Princess Marya. He lives well and amuses himself with his young wife. And the king’s heart shivers even more. Again he called on the adviser: “Come up with whatever you want, destroy Andrei the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.” The Tsar's adviser goes straight to the tavern, found a tavern tavern there in a torn caftan and asks him to help him out, to bring him to his senses. Tavern tereb drank a glass of wine and wiped his mustache. “Go,” he says, to the king and say: let him send Andrei the shooter there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what. Andrei will never complete this task and will not return back.”

The main test begins. You reach into the very depths of yourself.

What motivates you?

What do you really want?

Where are you really heading?

The adviser ran to the king and reported everything to him. The Tsar sends for Andrei.

“You have served me two faithful services, serve me a third: go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what. If you serve, I will reward you royally, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.” Andrei came home, sat down on the bench and cried. Princess Marya asks him:

- “What, dear, are you sad? Or some other misfortune? “Eh,” he says, “through your beauty I bring all the misfortunes! The king told me to go there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what.”

- “This is service! Well, don’t worry, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.”

Princess Marya waited until nightfall, opened the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed her head: the book said nothing about the princess’s riddle.

Marya the Princess - the transformation into “Sophia the Wisdom of God” begins!

In other words, you have embarked on the path of acquiring Wisdom - Divine Mind.

"Where your mind is lacking, ask your mind,

Razuma Dobrov, Tikhova, Mudrova,

Always silent from God's conversation,

Veshcheva, Krepkova, to the call of my heart, sensitive,

Your guardian, your intercessor before God."

You are ready to start seeing the world as it really is.

The husk and veil of false ideas about yourself and the world peels off from you like old skin from a snake. And you, like Pinocchio, are ready to poke your nose through the drawing drawn on the canvas.

To give up decorations and illusions means to become ready to Breathe in a New Breath (Inspiration).

Princess Marya went out onto the porch, took out a handkerchief and waved. All sorts of birds flew in, all kinds of animals came running. Princess Marya asks them: “Beasts of the forest, birds of the sky, you animals prowl everywhere, you birds fly everywhere, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what?” The animals and birds answered: “No, Marya Princess, we have not heard about that.” Princess Marya waved her handkerchief - the animals and birds disappeared as if they had never been. She waved another time - two giants appeared in front of her: “What do you want?” What do you need? - “My faithful servants, take me to the middle of the Ocean-Sea.”

The giants picked up Princess Marya, carried her to the Ocean-Sea and stood in the middle of the very abyss - they themselves stood like pillars, and they held her in their arms. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief and all the reptiles and fish of the sea swam to her. - “You reptiles and fish of the sea, you swim everywhere, you visit all the islands, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what?” - “No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that.”

Princess Marya began to spin and ordered to be carried home. The giants picked her up, brought her to Andreev's yard, and placed her at the porch.

The soul cannot cope with this task. At this stage of life, a person is ready to pacify his “ego” and admit that there are tasks of self-knowledge that he himself is beyond his strength.

We need help from higher powers! This is the beginning of the search and knowledge of God as the supreme Creator!

This is the beginning of the search and acquisition of true and pure Reason - something that will serve you instead of Personality.

Early in the morning, Princess Marya got Andrei ready for the journey and gave him a ball of thread and an embroidered fly (the fly is a towel). – “Throw the ball in front of you - wherever it rolls, go there. But look, wherever you go, you will wash your face, don’t wipe yourself with someone else’s fly, but wipe yourself with mine.”

Scooter again! This means that the movement follows the images and the thread of fate in reverse.

And an important order - remember your Soul in your spiritual search!

The spiritual path is dangerous - it is very easy to forget and lose yourself!

Andrei said goodbye to Princess Marya, bowed to all four sides and went to the outpost.

The outpost separates your world from the world of the “wild field”. From the outpost you began your journey into the unknown.

He threw the ball in front of him, the ball rolled - it rolls and rolls, Andrei follows behind it. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Andrei passed through many kingdoms and lands. The ball rolls, the thread stretches from it. It became a small ball, about the size of a chicken head; That's how small it has become, you can't even see it on the road.

Andrei reached the forest and saw a hut standing on chicken legs. - “Hut, hut, turn your front to me, your back to the forest!” The hut turned around, Andrei entered and saw a gray-haired old woman sitting on a bench, spinning a tow. - “Ugh, ugh, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, never seen before, but now the Russian spirit has come on its own! “I’ll fry you in the oven, eat you and ride on your bones.” Andrei answers the old woman: “Why are you, old Baba Yaga, going to eat a dear person! A dear man is bony and black, you heat the bathhouse first, wash me, steam me, then eat.”

Baba Yaga is always a transition between worlds.

And always a test. Here is a test of politeness - you are tested on your ability to walk through the worlds. Walking through the worlds means seeing their boundaries, structure and owner. An ignorant person is blind - he breaks through worlds, not noticing and destroying them.

A polite person lets the world into himself - he humbles himself and this gives him the opportunity to receive gifts from the world.

Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse. Andrei evaporated, washed himself, took out his wife’s fly and began to wipe himself with it. Baba Yaga asks: “Where did you get your fly from?” My daughter embroidered it. - “Your daughter is my wife, she gave me a fly.”

Baba Yaga - she is the eldest woman in the family, she is also "makosh" - the mythological fundamental principle of femininity.

- “Oh, beloved son-in-law, what should I treat you with?” Here Baba Yaga prepared dinner and set out all sorts of dishes and honey. Andrey doesn’t boast - he sat down at the table, let’s gobble it up. Baba Yaga sat down next to her. He eats, she asks: how did he marry Princess Marya, and do they live well? Andrei told everything: how he got married and how the king sent him there - I don’t know where, to get something - I don’t know what. - “If only you could help me, grandma!”

Oh, son-in-law, even I had never heard of this wonderful thing. One old frog knows about this, he has lived in a swamp for three hundred years... Well, never mind, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Andrei went to bed, and Baba Yaga took two goliks (a golik is a birch broom without leaves), flew to the swamp and began calling: “Grandma, the jumping frog, is she alive?” - “Alive.”

The guardian between worlds turns to a “trickster” - a creature that does not obey “general rules”, capable of traveling between worlds (another example of a fairy-tale “trickster” is a little mouse, which is able to move along the world tree - from the middle world (trunk) to the lower ones (to roots) and into the upper (crown)).

- “Come out of the swamp to me.” An old frog came out of the swamp, Baba Yaga asks her

- “Do you know, somewhere - I don’t know what?” - "I know. - “Point out, do me a favor. My son-in-law has been given a service: to go there - I don’t know where, to take that - I don’t know what.” The frog answers:

- “I would see him off, but I’m too old, I won’t be able to jump there. If your son-in-law will carry me in fresh milk to the fiery river, then I will tell you.” Baba Yaga took the jumping frog, flew home, milked the milk into a pot, put the frog there and woke up Andrei early in the morning: “Well, dear son-in-law, get dressed, take a pot of fresh milk, there is a frog in the milk, and get on my horse.” , he will take you to the fiery river. There, throw the horse and take the frog out of the pot, she will tell you.”

In peasant life, a frog was planted in a pot of milk so that it would not turn sour. The frog's skin produces special substances, and the frog eats all the midges.

Fresh milk is a pair. When meeting the unknown, it is necessary to have a reserve of mental strength so that the Soul can create a pair from itself - a clean environment not filled with images.

Otherwise, the experience of the unknown ("transcendent") will be difficult to translate into the known - creating fundamentally new images.

A genius “steals” from God - he brings fundamentally new knowledge to the world of people.

Andrei got dressed, took the pot, and sat on Baba Yaga’s horse. Whether long or short, the horse carried him to the fiery river. Neither an animal will jump over it, nor a bird will fly over it.

The Fire River is the border between the known and the Unknown. You can get beyond the border of the world through the fiery river only with the help of a magical assistant.

For a shaman, such an assistant is the Spirit “subordinate” to him.

For a saint, a connection with the heavenly world is established through the powers of the Spiritual Heart.

Andrey got off his horse, the frog said to him: “Take me out of the pot, good fellow, we need to cross the river.” Andrey took the frog out of the pot and let it fall to the ground.

- “Well, good fellow, now sit on my back.” - “What are you, grandma, little one, tea, I’ll crush you.” - “Don’t be afraid, you won’t crush me. Sit down and hold on tight.”

Andrey sat on the jumping frog. She started to sulk. She sulked and sulked - she became like a haystack. - “Are you holding on tightly?” - “Strongly, grandma.”

Again the frog sulked and sulked - he became taller than the dark forest, and how he jumped - and jumped over the fiery river, carried Andrei to the other bank and became small again. - “Go, good fellow, along this path, you will see a tower - not a tower, a hut - not a hut, a barn - not a barn, go there and stand behind the stove. You will find something there - I don’t know what.”

The transition between worlds has been completed. From the known to the unknown.

In addition, you need to become unnoticed - hide behind the stove. They also hid a “fool” behind the stove in a Russian hut - which means you too must become a “fool”, but not a “stuffed one”, but that “fool” who is open to everything new - that is, become someone who is able to perceive the New Trend - without trying to squeeze it into the framework of someone who already has an idea about something.

And there is no need to fight with anyone, you just need to See - become a “witness”.

Andrei walked along the path and saw: an old hut - not a hut, surrounded by a fence, without windows, without a porch. He entered and hid behind the stove. A little later it began to knock and thunder through the forest, and a little man as long as his fingernails, with a beard as long as his elbows, entered the hut and shouted:

- “Hey, matchmaker Naum, I’m hungry!” As soon as he shouted, out of nowhere, a table appears, set, on it is a keg of beer and a roasted bull, with a sharpened knife in his side. A man as long as a fingernail, with a beard as long as his elbows, sat down next to the bull, took out a sharpened knife, began cutting the meat, dipping it in garlic, eating it and praising it. I processed the bull down to the last bone and drank a whole keg of beer. - “Hey, matchmaker Naum, take away the scraps!”

You have witnessed what is called “original sin” in Christianity.

You are at the mercy of your deepest bodily needs and passions - they rule with your power.

The man himself is as big as a fingernail, but he devours a whole bull.

The cup of desires is bottomless, passions are insatiable.

It is impossible to defeat the passions, demons and demons that are quietly fattening in the dark forest of your consciousness - but you can stop being in their power, being their slave,

you can simply stop feeding them - and for this it is necessary and sufficient to stop deceiving yourself and be able to direct attention to where it usually does not look.

And suddenly the table disappeared, as if it had never happened - no bones, no barrel... Andrei waited for the little man to leave, came out from behind the stove, plucked up courage and called:

- “Matchmaker Naum, feed me”... As soon as he called, out of nowhere, a table appeared, on it were various dishes, appetizers and snacks, and honey.

You saw how much power flowed into your “dark forest”, now this power is yours!

In goal-setting, you take a big step - you cleanse yourself of passions, as well as of other people’s and false goals. This means you have a huge excess of power that you can use to start truly changing.

Andrey sat down at the table and said:

- “Swat Naum, sit down, brother, with me, let’s eat and drink together.” An invisible voice answers him: “Thank you, good man! I’ve been serving here for a hundred years, I’ve never seen a burnt crust, and you put me at the table.” Andrey looks and is surprised: no one is visible, and it’s as if someone is sweeping the food off the table with a broom, beer and honey are poured into the ladle themselves - and hop, hop, hop. Andrey asks: “Matchmaker Naum, show yourself to me!” - “No, no one can see me, I don’t know what.” - “Swat Naum, do you want to serve with me?”

- “Why not want? You, I see, are a kind person.” So they ate. Andrey says:

- “Well, tidy everything up and come with me.” Andrei left the hut and looked around:

- “Swat Naum, are you here?” - "Here. Don’t be afraid, I won’t leave you alone.”

Swat Naum - aka "Light on the Mind".

You saw everything and realized everything.

Now the Divine mind serves not the passions, but You

It is also obvious that Reason is an independent entity.

You have found the True Mind.

Andrei reached the fiery river, where a frog was waiting for him: “Good fellow, I found something - I don’t know what?” - “Found it, grandma.” - “Sit on me.” Andrey sat down on it again, the frog began to swell, swelled, jumped and carried him across the fiery river.

Then he thanked the jumping frog and went on his way to his kingdom. He walks, walks, turns around: “Swat Naum, are you here?” - "Here. Don’t be afraid, I won’t leave you alone.” Andrei walked and walked, the road was far - his quick legs were beaten, his white hands dropped.

“Oh,” he says, “how tired I am!” And the matchmaker Naum said to him: “Why haven’t you told me for a long time? I would deliver you to your place quickly.” A violent whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him away - mountains and forests, cities and villages flash below. Andrei was flying over the deep sea, and he became scared. - “Swat Naum, I wish I could take a break!” Immediately the wind weakened, and Andrei began to descend to the sea. He looks - where only blue waves rustled, an island has appeared, on the island there is a palace with a golden roof, a beautiful garden all around...

Important story. The mind creates images - from a pair or a dough...

An island appears out of nowhere in the sea, and on it is a royal palace.

There are only a few people capable of creating images - most people are just hunters of strong images. Hence the freedom for those merchants and tricksters who do not create the images themselves, but sense them - collect them and sell them for a high price - wrapping them in the most beautiful wrappers.

Matchmaker Naum says to Andrey: “Rest, eat, drink and look at the sea. Three merchant ships will sail past. Invite the merchants and treat them well, treat them well - they have three wonders. Trade me for these wonders; Don’t be afraid, I’ll come back to you.” For a long time or a short time, three ships are sailing from the western side. The shipbuilders saw an island with a palace on it with a golden roof and a beautiful garden all around.

Your Mind, acquired in the “divine world,” is thrifty.

You peer into any Mind that comes your way and take the best from there.

This ability is called Cleverness.

- “What kind of miracle?” - They say. “How many times have we swam here, we have seen nothing but the blue sea. Let's dock! " Three ships dropped anchor, three merchant shipowners boarded a light boat and sailed to the island. And Andrei the shooter greets them: “Welcome, dear guests.” The merchant shipmen go and marvel: on the tower the roof is burning like heat, birds are singing in the trees, wonderful animals are jumping along the paths. - “Tell me, good man, who built this wonderful miracle here?” - “My servant, matchmaker Naum, built it in one night.” Andrey led the guests into the mansion: “Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat!”

Out of nowhere, a laid table appeared, on it - food, whatever your heart desires. The merchant shipbuilders just gasp. “Come on,” they say, “good man, change: give us your servant, Naum’s matchmaker, take from us any curiosity for him.”

- “Why not change? What will your curiosities be like?” One merchant takes out a club from his bosom. Just tell her: “Come on, club, break off this man’s sides!” - the club itself will start pounding, breaking off the sides of whichever strongman you want.

Another merchant takes out an ax from under his coat, turned it with the butt up - the ax himself began to chop: a blunder and a blunder - the ship came out; a blunder and a blunder is still a ship. With sails, with cannons, with brave sailors. The ships are sailing, the guns are firing, the brave sailors are asking for orders.

He turned the ax with the butt down - the ships immediately disappeared, as if they had never existed.

The third merchant took a pipe from his pocket, blew it - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with rifles, with cannons. The troops are marching, the music is thundering, the banners are fluttering, the horsemen are galloping, asking for orders. The merchant blew his whistle from the other end - there was nothing, everything was gone. Andrey the shooter says: “Your wonders are good, but mine costs more. If you want to change, give me all three wonders in exchange for my servant, Naum’s matchmaker.” - “Won’t it be too much?” - “As you know, I won’t change otherwise.”

Your Mind has an instinct - it takes for future use and stashes what may be useful in the future.

The merchants thought and thought: “What do we need a club, an ax and a pipe? It’s better to exchange, with the matchmaker Naum we will be without any worries day and night, well-fed and drunk.”

The merchant shipmen gave Andrey a club, an ax and a pipe and shouted:

- “Hey, matchmaker Naum, we’re taking you with us! Will you serve us faithfully?” An invisible voice answers them: “Why not serve? I don’t care who I live with.”

The merchant shipowners returned to their ships and let's feast - they drink, eat, and shout: “Matchmaker Naum, turn around, give this, give that!”

Everyone got drunk where they were sitting and fell asleep there.

And the shooter sits alone in the mansion, saddened. “Oh,” he thinks, “where is my faithful servant, matchmaker Naum, now?” - “I’m here, what do you need?”

Andrey was delighted: “Matchmaker Naum, isn’t it time for us to go to our native side, to our young wife?” Carry me home Again the whirlwind picked up Andrei and carried him to his kingdom, to his native land. And the merchants woke up, and they wanted to get over their hangover: “Hey, matchmaker Naum, get us something to drink and eat, turn around quickly!” No matter how much they called or shouted, it was of no use. They look, and there is no island: in its place there are only blue waves.

The merchant shipmen grieved: “Oh, an unkind man has deceived us!” - but there was nothing to do, they raised the sails and sailed where they needed to go.

Any image sooner or later dries up, because the essence is “created”.

Divine Mind, capable of creating any images and even charms, but cannot serve those who do not have the right to possess it.

Here you used one of the streams of Reason - “roguery”.

There are five of them in total - Master, Creator, Warrior, Merchant, Trickster.

And Andrei the shooter flew to his native land, sat down near his little house, and looked: instead of a little house, a burnt pipe was sticking out. He hung his head below his shoulders and walked out of the city to the blue sea, to an empty place. He sat down and sat. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue dove flies in, hits the ground and turns into his young wife, Marya the Princess. They hugged, said hello, began asking each other, telling each other. Marya the princess said: “Since you left home, I have been flying like a gray turtle dove through the forests and groves. The king sent for me three times, but they didn’t find me and they burned the house.”

This is a very important test - it is important not to miss the individual’s attempt to launch self-destruction programs.

Remember - Personality is needed where the soul is weak. In order to survive, the Personality as an entity will do everything to prove its usefulness and even necessity.

And if there is no Faith, then the personality can take over.

Andrey says: “Swat Naum, can’t we build a palace in an empty place by the blue sea?” - “Why isn’t it possible? Now it will be done.” Before we had time to look back, the palace had arrived, and it was so glorious, better than the royal one, there was a green garden all around, birds were singing in the trees, wonderful animals were jumping along the paths.

You have become the Master and made a choice - now, instead of Personality (Thinking), Reason serves you.

You are laying down a New Earth - a world in which your Soul will live.

Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess entered the palace, sat by the window and talked, admiring each other. They live without grief, one day, and another, and another. And at that time the king went hunting, to the blue sea, and saw that in the place where there was nothing, there was a palace. - “What ignoramus decided to build on my land without permission?” The messengers ran, scouted everything out and reported to the tsar that that palace had been set up by Andrei the shooter and he lived in it with his young wife, Marya the princess. The king became even more angry and sent to find out if Andrei went there - I don’t know where, if he brought something - I don’t know what. The messengers ran, scouted and reported: “Andrei the Sagittarius went there - I don’t know where and got it - I don’t know what.” Here the Tsar became completely angry, ordered to gather an army, go to the seaside, destroy that palace to the ground, and put Andrei the shooter and Marya the princess to a cruel death.

The final agony of the ego and personality in an attempt to maintain power. For the sake of this power, the Personality is ready to destroy both the Spirit and the Soul.

Andrei saw that a strong army was coming towards him, he quickly grabbed an ax and turned it with the butt up. An ax and a blunder - a ship stands on the sea, again a blunder and a blunder - another ship stands. He pulled a hundred times, a hundred ships sailed across the blue sea. Andrei took out his pipe, blew it - an army appeared: both cavalry and infantry, with cannons and banners.

The commanders are waiting for the order. Andrew ordered the battle to begin. The music began to play, the drums beat, the shelves moved. The infantry crushes the soldiers, the cavalry gallops and takes prisoners. And from a hundred ships, guns continue to fire on the capital city.

The king saw his army running and rushed to the army to stop it. Then Andrei took out his club: “Come on, club, break off the sides of this king!” The club itself moved like a wheel, throwing itself from end to end across the open field; caught up with the king and hit him in the forehead, killing him to death. Here the battle came to an end. The people poured out of the city and began to ask Andrei the shooter to become king. Andrei agreed and became king, and his wife became queen.

You defeated your Personality and Pride and became a King.

The King is the Master and Creator. This is a complete person reverend to God. With him, all the powers of the Soul and Spirit act as one whole - the Mind, Feelings and Will manifest themselves as a single act.

As always, the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - the path from the king who owns perishable treasures to the True King who owns incorruptible treasures.

And as always, this path passes through the “true fool” - in order to gain divine Reason, one must go along a path hitherto unknown to anyone.

Any path already taken by someone will not lead you to the True Reign.

May God help you all in acquiring the Uncreated Light and gaining the Kingdom of Heaven within yourself!

Suvor Svatnaumovich was with you

Tell me, why Russian surnames like medvedev, volkov, voronov, zaytzev etc. — why are they all in the genitive plural?

I just recently started learning Russian. Very funny. Now the main problem is how to learn to pronounce the letter “Y”. If anyone can give any advice, I will be very glad. My Russian friends advise me to try to isolate the sound between “b” and “l” in the word table, but I can’t do it.

In recent days I have received several compliments on my Russian language. So that my readers will not be disappointed if they have the misfortune of meeting me in life, I will describe my writing process.

1. I sit down and turn on the computer. I open Microsoft Word. I switch the keyboard to Cyrillic mode. (You're probably familiar with this part of the process.)

2. I take a dictionary. (By the way, I have a very good pocket English-Russian dictionary, it almost never fails me. How they compressed so many words into such a small book, I don’t know. Published by Collins. I recommend it.)

3. I open the file “Russian Grammar on One Card”. (This is a scanned copy of a chart I bought 17 years ago that finally came in handy. To use it, a person must understand Russian grammar. It sounds stupid: if a person knows grammar, why does he need a chart? But it really helps.)

4. I'm starting to write.

5. Every second minute I shout to K. Bold, who is working in the kitchen: “Cost!” How do you say “to take the piss” in Russian? - “To make fun of.” - Cost! How can you say “for fuck’s sake”? (Because of K. Bold and other bad influences, even my English has changed, now I use British slang.) - Well, you can say “bl*”. “But intelligent girls don’t use such words, do they?” - Yes.

6. Sometimes K. Bold comes up to me in the room and tries to look at the screen. I cover the screen with my hands and say, “Go away! I am not ready!" He returns to the kitchen and cooks buckwheat.

7. Stages 2−6 last 1−2 hours.

8. Finally I say, “I’m ready!”, and K. Bold comes up to me and looks at the screen. His duty is to explain my mistakes, correct those that hurt my ears, scold me for mistakes that he has already explained to me a thousand times, and laugh at me.

9. I get offended and don’t talk to K. Bold from one to twelve hours.

10. I go to the university and post it on LiveJournal.

11. Everyone reads and praises my Russian.

Okay, maybe I'm an idiot. Taking this into account, please answer me this question: don’t you think that Seryoga (pop singer - Esquire) in his songs sings (O) through the nose, that is, the sound is nasalized? For example, in the word “champion” and several others. If so, what is it? Stylistic device? Or is it because he comes from Belarus?

I am glad! I am very pleased to find this where you can write a blog in Russian. I am Chinese. My name is Zhang Le-Qian, my Russian name is Sasha. I study at Xi'an Diao-Tong University in China. I am a first year graduate student. My homeland is in the city of Danya, Hubei province in the south of China, it is very beautiful there: fields, a river and a mountain... I love modern music (I often listen to the songs of Russian Vitas). I studied the Russian language for more than 8 years, but every day I spend very little time studying the Russian language, because our department is not “Russian language” or “translation”, but “industrial automation”. I want to become an aviation engineer. I love Russia very much. I have a dream: after 3 years I will study for several years at a Russian university. Dear comrades! I dream that we can become friends and get to know each other! May you come into contact with me! Friends, I really look forward to your support! Sincerely! Sasha

The “P” at the beginning of words like “pneumatic” is pronounced, right?

Today, it occurred to me that the Russian instrumental case would be a factor contributing to their readiness to support Marxism. A small contributing factor maybe, but one worth taking into account. In my opinion, the Russian creative case expresses the subjective postulating relationship more specifically, and with a greater difference from the simple objective occurrence of the subject.

Well, I’m reading “Peter the Great” by Alex Tolstoy... And there was the phrase “tavern tavern”... Kabatskaya seems to be clear: from the word “tavern”, but tavern is not in my dictionaries! Even Multitran (website - Esquire) doesn’t know... Can you explain, or does it need context?

I have a friend who is from Moscow. He moved to Cleveland at age 9, in 1980... When Mark was training as a psychiatrist at the hospital where I work, he taught us the Pineapple Song. I made him tell us all about the lives of young schoolchildren, especially regarding indoctrination about the Cold War (was that as bad as it was here?). As an Octoberist, sitting around a campfire with other children in red scarves and Lenin's child badges, he innocently joined in the chorus that went, in English:

Eat your pineapple and your fat little chicks

For tomorrow you die, you bourgeois pigs!

He said that he always imagined that bourgeois people always ate pineapple and chicken all the time. We said, “Which??? Didn't you receive your official bourgeois pineapple when you arrived in the USA?" And we gave him one as a gift at the end of his extreme room rotation... We had his girlfriend return evidence to us that the ceremonial pineapple eating occurred, to ensure that he was truly a capitalist.

Now I'm studying Russian. I ask Mark, what are the Russian words to the Pineapple song? He can tell me what it's like:

rybchiki zhoi, den tvoi poslednyi prehodit burzhoi.

Then I try to write it down and he keeps telling me my spell check is wrong, but he can't remember it.

Ash pineapple, joi ribs,

your last day passes away

Please! Correct my stupid mistakes (but leave my smart mistakes)!

In short, I decided to try to learn Russian. Super cool language. What is most intriguing is the huge number of letters in the alphabet. In addition, it is more difficult, and therefore more interesting, for any American to learn a non-romantic (as in the text - Esquire) language. I understand that I will have to suffer for a long time, but I will really try. To tell the truth, it would be very cool if I could yell at all sorts of people in Russian - much worse, right? I've already found a site that will (hopefully) help me learn the basics. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll buy a book or something that will help me move forward... maybe.

Our lecturer recently told us about the final assignment for the specialty “RUS1120 - Russian Grammar and Translation”. It turned out that everyone would have to write a five-page essay (2000 words) about passive participles! Juicy, right?

Yesterday we had an exercise: let’s make sentences or microtexts with verbs (study, talk...). I wrote it like this (each sentence has a given verb):

The wolf and the monkey studied together at a forest school. The wolf hated reading books, he loved to talk, but the monkey loved to read books. that's why the wolf wanted to kill the monkey. When the monkey was returning home, the wolf opened the door and told the monkey that he was preparing to kill it. the monkey was not afraid of anything, she advised the wolf to dance with her, she also took pictures with the wolf as a souvenir. The monkey's friends were very worried about the monkey, they consulted with the elephant. The elephant arrested the wolf, he said that he would never let the wolf out of prison. the monkey wanted her to have a stronger, stronger body, like an elephant. so she developed her muscles through exercise.

This is just an exercise, a joke.

Please tell me where the emphasis falls in the following names:

Feodulia Sobakevich



Hi all. I urgently need to translate a short phrase from The Brothers Karamazov (I tried it myself, but I just started learning Russian!). It sounds like this: We are guilty before all and for all (“Guilty before all people for everyone and for everything.” - Esquire). If anyone can help I would VERY appreciate it. The phrase is for a tattoo, it will remain on my body forever, please write only if you are absolutely sure of the translation. Thanks a lot.

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Tavern's tavern and says to him:
- Getting rid of Andrei the shooter is not a complicated matter - he himself is simple, but his wife is painfully cunning. Well, we’ll make a riddle that she won’t be able to solve. Return to the Tsar and say: let him send Andrei the shooter to the next world to find out how the late Tsar Father is doing. Andrey will leave and will not come back. The Tsar's adviser thanked the tavern's terreben - and ran to the Tsar:
- So and so, you can lime the arrow. And he told where to send him and why. The king was delighted and ordered to call Andrei the shooter.
- Well, Andrei, you served me faithfully, do another service: go to the other world, find out how my father is doing. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders.
Andrei returned home, sat down on the bench and hung his head.
Princess Marya asks him:
- Why are you sad? Or some kind of misfortune?
Andrei told her what kind of service the king assigned him.
Marya Princess says:
- There is something to grieve about! This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Early in the morning, as soon as Andrei woke up, Princess Marya gave him a bag of crackers and a gold ring.
- Go to the king and ask for the king’s adviser to be your comrade, otherwise, tell him, they won’t believe you that you were in the next world. And when you go out with a friend on a journey, throw a ring in front of you, it will get you there. Andrei took a bag of crackers and a ring, said goodbye to his wife and went to the king to ask for a traveling companion. There was nothing to be done, the king agreed, and ordered the adviser to go with Andrei to the next world.
So the two of them set out on the road. Andrei threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei follows him through clean fields, moss-swamps, rivers-lakes, and the royal adviser trails after Andrei.
They get tired of walking, eat some crackers, and then hit the road again. Whether close, whether far, soon, or shortly, they came to a dense, dense forest, descended into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped. Andrei and the royal adviser sat down to eat crackers. Lo and behold, past them on the old, old king, two devils were carrying firewood - a huge cart - and they were driving the king with clubs, one from the right side, the other from the left. Andrey says:
- Look: no way, is this our late Tsar-Father?
- You’re right, he’s the one carrying the firewood. Andrey shouted to the devils:
- Hey, gentlemen, devils! Free this dead man for me, at least for a little while, I need to ask him something.
The devils answer:
- We have time to wait! Shall we carry the firewood ourselves?
- And you take a fresh person from me to replace you.
Well, the devils unharnessed the old king, in his place they harnessed the royal adviser to the cart and let him drive him with clubs on both sides - he bends, but he is lucky. Andrei began to ask the old king about his life.
“Ah, Andrei the shooter,” the king answers, “my life in the next world is bad!” Bow down to my son and tell him that I firmly order him not to offend people, otherwise the same thing will happen to him.
As soon as they had time to talk, the devils were already heading back with an empty cart. Andrei said goodbye to the old king, took the royal adviser from the devils, and they went back.
They come to their kingdom, appear in the palace. The king saw the shooter and attacked him in anger:
- How dare you go back?
Andrey the shooter answers:
- So and so, I was in the next world with your late parent. He lives poorly, ordered you to bow and firmly punished you not to offend people.
- How can you prove that you went to the other world and saw my parent?
- And by this I will prove that your adviser still has signs on his back of how the devils drove him with clubs.
Then the king was convinced that there was nothing to do - he let Andrei go home. And he himself says to the adviser:
- Think about how to kill the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
The royal adviser went and hung his nose even lower. He goes into a tavern, sits down at the table, and asks for wine. The tavern's tavern runs up to him:
- Why are you upset? Bring me a glass, I'll give you some ideas.
The adviser brought him a glass of wine and told him about his grief. The tavern's tavern says to him:
- Go back and tell the king to give the shooter this service - not only to perform it, it’s difficult to even imagine: send him to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom to get the cat Bayun... The royal adviser ran to the king and told him what give service to the shooter so that he doesn’t come back.
The Tsar sends for Andrei.
- Well, Andrei, you have served me a service, serve me another: go to the thirtieth kingdom and get me the cat Bayun. Otherwise, my sword is your head off your shoulders. Andrei went home, hung his head below his shoulders and told his wife what kind of service the king had assigned him.
- There is something to worry about! - Princess Marya says. - This is not a service, but a service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. Andrei went to bed, and Princess Marya went to the forge and ordered the blacksmiths to forge three iron caps, iron tongs and three rods: one iron, another copper, the third tin.
Early in the morning, Princess Marya woke up Andrei:
- Here are three caps and pincers and three rods for you, go to distant lands, to the thirtieth state.
You won’t reach three miles, a strong sleep will begin to overcome you - the cat Bayun will let you fall asleep. Don’t sleep, throw your arm over your arm, drag your leg over your leg, and roll wherever you want. And if you fall asleep, the cat Bayun will kill you. And then Princess Marya taught him how and what to do, and sent him on his way.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done - Andrei the Sagittarius came to the thirtieth kingdom. Three miles away, sleep began to overcome him. Andrei puts three iron caps on his head, throws his arm over his arm, drags his leg over his leg - he walks, and then rolls around like a roller. Somehow I managed to doze off and found myself at a high pillar.
The cat Bayun saw Andrei, grumbled, purred, and jumped from the post on his head - he broke one cap and broke the other, and was about to grab the third. Then Andrei the shooter grabbed the cat with pincers, dragged him to the ground and began stroking him with the rods. First, he flogged him with an iron rod; He broke the iron one, began to treat him with the copper one - and he broke this one and began to beat him with the tin one.
The tin rod bends, does not break, and wraps around the ridge. Andrei beats, and the cat Bayun began to tell fairy tales: about priests, about clerks, about priests’ daughters. Andrey doesn’t listen to him, but he’s harassing him with a rod. The cat became unbearable, he saw that it was impossible to speak, and he prayed:
- Leave me, good man! Whatever you need, I will do everything for you.
-Will you come with me?
- I’ll go wherever you want.
Andrey went back and took the cat with him. He reached his kingdom, came with the cat to the palace and said to the king:
- So and so I fulfilled my service, I got you the cat Bayun.
The king was surprised and said:
- Come on, cat Bayun, show great passion. Here the cat sharpens its claws, gets along with the king, wants to tear his white chest, take out his living heart. The king was afraid:
- Andrey the shooter, calm down the cat Bayun!
Andrei calmed the cat down and locked him in a cage, and he himself went home to Princess Marya. He lives well and amuses himself with his young wife. And the king’s heart shivers even more. Again he called on the adviser:
- Come up with whatever you want, harass Andrei the shooter, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
The Tsar's adviser goes straight to the tavern, found a tavern tavern there in a torn caftan and asks him to help him out, to bring him to his senses. Tavern tereb drank a glass of wine and wiped his mustache.
“Go,” he says, to the king and say: let him send Andrei the shooter there—I don’t know where—to bring something—I don’t know what. Andrei will never complete this task and will not return back.
The adviser ran to the king and reported everything to him. The Tsar sends for Andrei.
- You have served me two faithful services, serve me a third: go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what. If you serve, I will reward you royally, otherwise my sword will be your head off your shoulders.
Andrei came home, sat down on the bench and cried. Princess Marya asks him:
- What, dear, are you sad? Or some other misfortune?
“Oh,” he says, “through your beauty I bring all the misfortunes!” The king told me to go there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what.
- This is service! Well, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening.
Princess Marya waited until nightfall, opened the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed her head: the book said nothing about the princess’s riddle. Princess Marya went out onto the porch, took out a handkerchief and waved. All sorts of birds flew in, all kinds of animals came running.
Princess Marya asks them:
- Beasts of the forest, birds of the sky, you animals prowl everywhere, you birds fly everywhere - haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, to bring something - I don’t know what?
The animals and birds answered:
- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief - the animals and birds disappeared as if they had never been. She waved another time, two giants appeared in front of her:
- Anything? What do you need?
- My faithful servants, take me to the middle of the Ocean-Sea.
The giants picked up Princess Marya, carried her to the Ocean-Sea and stood in the middle of the very abyss - they themselves stood like pillars, and they held her in their arms. Princess Marya waved her handkerchief and all the reptiles and fish of the sea swam to her.
- You, reptiles and fish of the sea, you swim everywhere, you visit all the islands, haven’t you heard how to get there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what?
- No, Princess Marya, we haven’t heard about that. Princess Marya began to spin and ordered to be carried home. The giants picked her up, brought her to Andreev's yard, and placed her at the porch.

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