School ditties for a psychology teacher. Gratitude to the computer science teacher: original wishes and congratulations in poetry and prose. What gratitude looks like in prose, classic and original from students

Hello, friends! It is with pleasure that I continue the topic of congratulating teachers on their professional holiday. Today I will share tips on how to beautifully and with feeling write congratulations on Teacher’s Day for computer science teachers in prose or poetry.

How to correctly compose a congratulatory text for a computer science teacher

To understand where to start, think about who will congratulate, in what manner and in what way. This is a key point on which the further course of action will depend. In fact, there are few options. There are several ways to remind a computer science teacher of his importance on one of the most important school holidays:

  • via SMS (suitable for colleagues, friends and acquaintances);
  • by email (relevant for alumni and friends);
  • solemn speech (always works and has a positive effect);
  • by telephone call (allowed, again, for former students, friends, parents, colleagues who are unable to attend the celebration in person);
  • song or poetry as part of the celebration.

Depending on the choice of presentation option, decide on the length of the speech and the emotional component. For SMS, 2 lines will be enough, containing the most important things. The email can be longer, detailing the teacher's credits and thanks, but don't overdo it. It is necessary that the congratulation be read in one breath, not boring and sincere.

Avoid cliched phrases, meaningless promises and wishes. To make your congratulations touching and sincere, feel free to weave into it interesting moments from the teacher’s school life, support individual statements with photographs or short interviews of people involved in the process.

You need to be able to congratulate a happy holiday over the phone briefly, brightly and frankly. The call should fill the teacher’s heart with sunny warmth, so try to put as much sincere gratitude and admiration into the words as possible.

Finally, the most unusual form of congratulations is in poetry or song. There are several variations here too. You can choose a fashionable hit and remake its text so that it comes out as a bright congratulation, you can compose your own poems and set them to a suitable motive, or you can choose ready-made songs on the Internet and perform them with feeling in front of the teacher.

In general, be creative and don’t force yourself into limits, but remember the chain of command. The teacher needs sincere congratulations, but may react painfully to humor that is not always clear to him. Remember this and everything will work out. Below are several options for holiday gratitude for a computer science teacher.

The backbone for teacher gratitude

I’ll tell you a few secrets of creating an effective congratulation. Use words and phrases that educators enjoy hearing. Usually this is: our dear teacher, our favorite teacher (replace with your first and patronymic), a virtuoso in his field, a difficult and responsible task, endlessly happy and grateful, etc. To smooth out the stereotyped phrases, try to use them in a spiritual context, always with a personal appeal .

Don't be a breadcrumb, even if you're preparing a formal thank you note. No one is interested in receiving a thank you note, especially on a holiday. Show emotion and emphasize how interesting it is to study computer science thanks to the teacher’s special teaching methods.

Lastly, be genuinely friendly. Wish the teacher everything that he really dreams of, not forgetting about expressive and emotional appeal.

What gratitude looks like in prose, classic and original from students

Our favorite teacher! We are happy and consider ourselves truly lucky to study computer science under your guidance. The virtual world is our world, where we find it interesting, difficult and easy at the same time. You and I have learned a lot of things that we would never have known even after 20 years spent online.

We fell in love with computer science and know for sure that the computer world is far from just social networks, videos and jokes. Now we are learning how to edit, edit and program. It's great, it's exciting. Maybe this will become our profession and this will be your merit. We are ready to conquer the real and virtual world and are happy to continue our training under your leadership!

Happy holiday, stay as cheerful, motivated and patient as you are.

The original thank you would look like this:

Kilobytes, bytes, effects, overlay, virtual space - these are not just terms for us. This is a new world, the way to which you opened for us! Thank you so much for your work, for your motivation, for your desire to convey complex material in a simple and interesting way. You are our Queen of Megabytes, you teach us to master information, teach us life! Congratulations on the holiday. with love and recognition.

Work without problems and errors

You taught us on the computer.

How to make reports in Excel

We have studied thoroughly.

And therefore I congratulate you

We are in a hurry on Teacher's Day,

Let us declare from our hearts -

We love PC machines!

I hope I helped and inspired you to write a cool congratulations! I would be grateful for the repost and will gladly appreciate your options for gratitude in prose and poetry!

congratulations to the computer science teacher

Codes, sites, kilobytes
Just press the buttons...
All answers, glitches, disputes
On the monitor screen.

computer science teacher,
Our software tamer,
Take all week
Congratulations by email!

Complexity of simplicity!
With computer science on your own
Our computer teacher
Master of megabytes.

Congratulations. Let the hard drive
It will be as fast as the wind
So that there is no virus
Didn't get into the "admin" section.

Everything is clear, everything is very brief,
Everything is accessible and everything is readable...
Yes, it’s not for nothing that we have computer science
It is revered more than other sciences!
Surprisingly to all objects,
We are excellent in your field;
Gigabytes congratulations to you,
Ten Strengths and four Valories!

Not too far from romance
Sometimes being capricious
Computer science is especially important
Among school subjects always;
But in my firm aspiration
Make it closer You are an ace!
And sincere congratulations
Today our class gives you!

We were afraid to go near the computer.
The computer was like a god for us.
We didn't know how to use the mouse.
And they didn’t know what a monitor meant.

But you were able to dispel ignorance.
And make sure that we are on the same page with the computer.
And we want to congratulate you on this day
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you much strength.

Thank you, our dear teacher!
Thanks to you, we now know a lot about IT.
We know both Pascal and Delphi
We can overcome many problems!

We certainly want to congratulate you.
After all, if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know PC.
And we sincerely wish you good luck,
And raise more than one student.

In our age it is impossible without computer science,
And our class marched in step with progress:
School program from A to Z
We visited you with great interest.

And other computer scientists we are the top
We'll probably be able to conquer it.
But we will not forget you for the reason
What they helped us discover this world.

We would like to inform you, computer science teacher,
That we listened carefully to all your lessons.
Haven't managed to become computer geniuses yet,
But perhaps you will hear about us again soon.

We will continue to study computer literacy
And we will have to learn a lot more new things.
But we cannot forget the first lessons,
Thank you! It wasn't easy for you to teach us.


Computer science is a serious science.
Without her today - nowhere.
Windows is not an easy thing
It takes a lot of work to know.
But, (name of teacher), you explain your subject clearly
Because you know everything perfectly well.
Find an approach to each of us.
And this is where our knowledge comes from. Here!!!

Poems about computer science teachers and computer science. Useful for congratulating teachers and events. A selection from the Internet, where the authors were indicated, I indicated them.

We made graphs and diagrams
And they put everything in circles,
We learned Pascal and wrote programs...
And if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know all this.

Thank you for that and after class
You sat with us and spoiled our nerves,
Your work helped us a lot, and by the way,
We understand that a lie is simply zero, the truth is the first.

(First name and patronymic), I wish you
We want health, love and good luck,
And so that your children study at 5.
And a box with great happiness to boot.

Song for a computer science teacher
for graduation / last call
- alteration -
N. Koroleva - "Small Country"

Available in our good school
Little country
There among the overseas technology
The princess lives alone

And if something sparkles
or the lights go out
Our princess will fix everything

There is no cooler hacker

Small country, full of computers
Who will tell me, who will tell me
Where is she, where is she.
Small country, no need for viruses
The princess won't let them live
This is how she is

Information rules the world
Exchange rates, stocks on the stock exchange,
Laptops and mobile phones,
Like lamps for us in the night!

At school they teach computer science,
Mathematics is her friend,
And the calculations are simplified,
Our knowledge is increasing!

Drawing on a computer
Relief with drawings
Even the physicists of the phenomenon,
Here is the explanation!

We print abstracts
We are preparing new files,
Creativity indicator
Increasing activity!

We build interdisciplinary connections,
Invisible at first glance,
At project presentations
Let's take part in the nominations!

If hackers and spammers
Moderators and gamers,
They bring you grief
Start your attack!

Helmet messages for the holidays,
Introducing new names
Virtual tasks,
Online education!

Looking for data on the Internet
So desired for us at times,
We scan the photos,
And we pose for each other!

Poem by V.A. Agafonov "The computer is a faithful friend."

Look around, my friend!
Here... - a faithful friend.
He will always help you:
Add, subtract and multiply.

On top of the whole car
Located... -
Like a brave captain!
And it’s burning...
(display, screen)

Well, next to the main block:
Electric current runs there
To the most important microcircuits.
This block is called...

He believes, he believes
Remembers hundreds of words!
He's a thinker!
But do you know what the problem is?

You turn it off, everything will be forgotten,
He won't know anything -
Just like Absentminded
From Basseynaya Street.

Who will help him? Here,
Meet -...!
If you are computer friendly -
You don't even need a guide!

Packaged like candy
Spinning quickly... -
Programs are recorded there
For both dad and mom!

This is...
This is where the fingers get exercise
And we need gymnastics!
Your fingers should be jumping there!

But this..., brothers,
We need to figure this out
What is this box for?
He will drag the paper into himself,
And now the letters, dots,
Commas - line to line -
Prints in no time!
A very necessary tool.
There is a bunny in the zoo
The computer has...
This... is not simple,
This... this is what it is:
A modest gray box,
Long thin wire
Well, on the box -
Two or three buttons.

Do you have a computer? Let's say it straight:
We now need...
Where does she live? on a floppy disk!
And sometimes on cassette.
The computer is very friendly with her
And he always obeys her.
And on it you will soon be able
Compose... too!

From maid to duchess
To the mathematical machine
Every interest has been shown.
And then one day someone...
With great penetration
Told them about calculations
And logic. And thus
Deep sincere delight.
And in gratitude for the conversation
He was likened to Archimedes.

Now, my friend, a little
Are you familiar with computers?
If long distance is expensive
Will bring him to your house,
Then tell everyone around:
“The computer is your best friend!”

The teacher teaches us everything,
Having found out about the new products,
Our computer scientist, he is the best,
Let's be honest, no praise.
We congratulate you on mobile
And we are in a hurry,
Happiness, joy, health
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Complexity of simplicity!
With computer science on your own
Our computer teacher
Master of megabytes.
Congratulations. Let the hard drive
It will be as fast as the wind
So that there is no virus
Didn't get into the "admin" section.

We would like to inform you, computer science teacher,
That we listened carefully to all your lessons.
Haven't managed to become computer geniuses yet,
But perhaps you will hear about us again soon.
We will continue to study computer literacy
And we will have to learn a lot more new things.
But we cannot forget the first lessons,
Thank you! It wasn't easy for you to teach us.

What's inside the computer?
How to manage it?
With this, whatever you say,
It's hard to figure it out.
But you told us everything,
Thank you very much.
Let everything you wish
You have had it in your life.

How to work with the mega-network Internet,
File create, edit or save
There is no one better than you in this world
I can't explain it in such detail.
Sometimes people rushed headlong to you for advice,
If suddenly a virus appeared.
Well, you certainly taught us
Make it disappear forever.

Thank you, our dear teacher!
Thanks to you, we now know a lot about IT.
We know both Pascal and Delphi
We can overcome many problems!
We certainly want to congratulate you.
After all, if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know PC.
And we sincerely wish you good luck,
And raise more than one student.

We were afraid to go near the computer.
The computer was like a god for us.
We didn't know how to use the mouse.
And they didn’t know what a monitor meant.
But you were able to dispel ignorance.
And make sure that we are on the same page with the computer.
And we want to congratulate you on this day
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you much strength.

Bits, bytes, algorithms,
Data processing,
How to choose a computer
The configuration we need is
Everything about the virtual world
This man knows!
We love everything without exception
Computer science subject!
And in the real world you
We congratulate you today!
And real victories for you
And we wish you success!

Computer science in general
The most necessary item for children.
Without it, in no profession
There is no path to success and career.
We want to congratulate you on this holiday,
To say thank you - we are on first terms with the computer.
Please accept it as a sign of love and respect
Our smiles and beautiful flowers.

In our age it is impossible without computer science,
And our class marched in step with progress:
School program from A to Z
We visited you with great interest.
And other computer scientists we are the top
We'll probably be able to conquer it.
But we will not forget you for the reason
What they helped us discover this world.

Work at the computer
Can we easily now
What, where, why, what is there -
It's just all for us now.
Everything is elementary now -
We will boldly say everything.
We are very grateful to you
For your lessons.

Programming in C
Editing in Word
Internet webs
Endless crosswords...
The teacher will tell us everything
In computer science class -
Daughters of advanced
Queens of mathematics.
After all, today without those rules
It's impossible to live through the day.
We love you, congratulations!
We want to be friends with you!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day:

It doesn’t matter at all whether a professional holiday is approaching or you want to thank the teacher for no reason. Gratitude to a computer science teacher is an excellent means of expressing your own thoughts and feelings towards this teacher. If you are shy about public speeches, you can express your wishes in writing. Whether your congratulations will be poetic or prosaic is up to you: the main thing is its sincerity and sincerity.

A computer science teacher is one of the most advanced and relevant professions that is valued by students. Possessing a broad outlook and skills in working with computer technology, computer scientists teach this to children in an accessible manner. There comes a time when your favorite teacher really deserves warm words. How to thank him correctly?

Compiling gratitude

  • Phrases and words that may be contained in the text: beloved teacher, respected teacher, hard and responsible work, expert in his field, warm memories, accept congratulations, eternally grateful.
  • When composing a text of gratitude, pay attention to the fact that it should contain emotion. Surely no one will like a dry informational reply, and the originality shown will pleasantly surprise your teacher. Focus on his profession, how interesting it is and how clearly the teacher explains the material. Don't forget to thank the teacher for his hard but noble work.
  • The main message is an expressive, emotional appeal, diluted with sincere wishes.

Gratitude to a computer science teacher in prose

Our dear ________! Thanks to you, we are learning computer science, learning to work in a team, like buttons on a keyboard. The virtual world, editing, information processing - all this once seemed unfamiliar and alien. Today we want to express our deep gratitude to you for your hard work! For several years, you taught us programming, editing, photo processing... Now we can safely conquer any network peaks, and all this is thanks to you. We would like to say a huge thank you for putting so much effort and patience into each student. We love you and really appreciate your support!

Original gratitude to the computer science teacher from students

Bytes and kilobytes, virtual space, applying beautiful effects... It’s not for nothing that computer science is rightly called the “Second Queen of Sciences”: you can easily turn boring numbers in this subject into exciting journeys through the computer world. Thank you, dear ______! No one knows better than you how to properly process a video, fill out a table for an abstract, or work in Pascal. Our king(eva) of Megabytes, let your lessons always remain as interesting, informative and vibrant! You own the information - which means you own the world! With respect and love, your students of __ class.

Poetic wishes

Work like in Pascal, apply a cool effect,
Create a summary table and fix the defect there -
You taught us this, our beloved teacher!
You don’t sit still, but keep moving forward!

Kilobytes, megabytes, photoshop, editing and Word,
Virtual reality, unsolved crossword puzzle -
We would like to thank you for this now:
You are the best teacher, let's say it without embellishment!

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