Strength of mind. Amazing stories of Kazan saints. Saint Barsanuphius, Kazan wonderworker Gury and Barsanuphius




32 years after the death of Saint Gurias and 20 years after the repose of Saint Barsanuphius, by order of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, they began to build a stone church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the site of a wooden one. When they began to dig ditches and dug up the tombs of Saints Guria and Barsanuphius - 1596, October 4 - they announced this to Metropolitan Hermogenes, who was then the arch-pastor of Kazan. The Metropolitan, having performed the tour and requiem, came to the monastery with everything consecrated by the cathedral. The unusual appearance of the incorruptible coffins filled the saint with reverent boldness to open the coffins in front of a large crowd of people. Saint Hermogenes himself describes this event as follows: “We saw a miracle, but we did not expect it. The holy cancer is full of the fragrant myrrh, like pure water, and the relics of Saint Guria are at the top of the world, like a lip worn. God grant incorruption to his honest and laborious body, as even now it is visible to everyone. I only touch the decay of his upper lip, but his other parts are intact and unharmed. By touch, both his funeral vestments and byakhu are very strong. Then we opened the shrine of St. Barsanuphius and saw: with many incorruptibles, God venerated the relics of St. Barsanuphius. I touch the saint’s feet with corruption, but not only are the bones not destroyed, but they are very strong and there is no weakness in the composition of the property, just like Guria the saint. And the funeral vestments are the same as those of the Venerable Gurias, but the new ones are stronger.”

The honorable relics of the saints were transferred from those coffins into new arks and, while funeral hymns were sung, they were placed on top of the ground so that all who came could see and kiss them with faith. This was announced in a letter to Tsar Theodore Ioannovich and Patriarch Job. The pious Tsar and His Holiness the Patriarch, the entire royal synclite and the multitude of people, having learned about this, glorified God, who glorifies His saints. The pious king ordered that the holy and multi-healing relics of the saints be kept in a special chapel, on the south side of the altar of the large church, which was soon splendidly decorated for the sake of this shrine.

On the ancient icon, the images of Saints Gurias and Barsanuphius are distinguished by the rigor of the ancient icon painting style. The height of St. Gury is taller than St. Varso-nofia. The face of St. Guria is distinguished by his meekness, his brown eyes look open and friendly; The saint has a thick beard, long and almost all gray. At St. Barsanuphia's face is thin, emaciated, his cheeks are deeply sunken, his beard is long, but sparse and ends sharply about half of his chest; St.'s eyebrows Var-so-nofia is wider, his mustache is thinner, his eyes look more sternly than those of St. Guria1).

In accordance with the report of Archbishop of Cheboksary and Chuvashia Veniamin (Novitsky; October 14, 1976), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen blessed to create a cathedral commemoration for all Kazan saints on the first Sunday after this day.

In 1552, Kazan became part of the Russian state. The first archbishop at the episcopal department established there was the abbot of the Selizharov monastery, Gury. It was he, who was elevated to the rank of archbishop in Moscow, who in 1555 went to Kazan together with Bishop Barsanuphius, who converted many people in the newly enlightened city to the Christian faith. On October 17, the Church honors the memory of our holy fathers, the Right Reverend Gury, the first Archbishop of the newly enlightened city of Kazan, and Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, Kazan miracle workers.

The youthful years of the future archbishop

Venerable Gury(in the world Gregory) was born around 1500 in the city of Radonezh. He came from a family of poor and little-known boyars, the Rugotins. At a young age, Grigory entered service in the house of Prince Ivan Penkov. From early childhood, Gregory was distinguished by his meekness of mind. He preferred reading to games and idle pastime; He loved to go to church often and never abandoned prayer at home. From a young age, Gregory observed strict fasting and gave alms to those in need.

By his pious life, Gregory gained the respect and love of his master, and he entrusted him with all the management of his house. But among Gregory’s colleagues there were envious people who slandered him before Prince Ivan for committing adultery with his wife. The prince, believing the slanderers, ordered the death of Gregory. But the son of Prince Ivan, more cautious and prudent than his father, begged Ivan to spare Gregory. However, the prince was still overcome by anger, and he put the innocent Gregory in a deep ditch. A well-behaved youth, overcome by hunger, spent two years there. For three days they threw him one sheaf of oats and a little water, and that was all the food. The position of the innocent sufferer was difficult, but he strengthened himself by the example of the ancient Christian martyrs, who did not grumble when experiencing difficulties and troubles.

The second year of imprisonment in prison was already drawing to a close when one of Gregory’s former friends begged the guard to allow him to go to the prison window and talk to Gregory. A friend approached Gregory at night and offered to deliver him enough food. But Gregory refused to accept any other food except that which was provided to him, saying: “I am nourished by the many and abundant grace of God.” Then Gregory asked his friend, instead of food, to bring him papers, ink and feathers for writing the alphabet, for teaching children to read and write. Gregory instructed his friend to sell these alphabet books, and asked him to distribute the money to the poor.

One day, while sitting in captivity, Gregory saw a light in the door of the dungeon; in horror, he mistook this for a demonic obsession, because the doors of the dungeon were never opened. Gregory immediately began to pray, but this time a stronger light again appeared at the door. Then Gregory, approaching, touched the door with his hand, and the door immediately opened. Realizing that it was God Himself who was sending him liberation from this prison, Gregory thanked the Lord and, taking the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which was with him in prison, he left, unseen by anyone, although it was already day.

Monk Gury

And Gregory left for the Assumption Joseph-Volotsky Monastery. Here Gregory took monastic vows with the name Guria. In the monastery, Gury continued his ascetic deeds, which he had learned to do in prison.

Abbot of Joseph-Volotsk and Trinity Selizharov monasteries

For his exemplary monastic life, in 1543 he was subsequently elected abbot of the Assumption Monastery. Having served as abbot of the Joseph-Volotsk Monastery for about nine years, he left the monastery due to illness and lived in retirement for two years, spending time in fasting and unceasing prayer. Then Gury was abbot of the Trinity Selizharov Monastery for about a year.

Election to the archbishop's see. Archbishop Gury

After the conquest of Kazan and the establishment of the episcopal see there, Gury was elected by lot as the Kazan archbishop. It is known that Metropolitan Macarius (c. 1482 - 1563) was inclined towards his candidacy. On February 3, 1555, in Moscow, Gury was ordained Archbishop of Kazan by a council of Russian bishops.

On the Sunday of the Holy Fathers after Easter, May 26, 1555, with the ringing of all the Kremlin bells, Metropolitan Macarius with Bishop Nifont of Krutitsa (1480s - 1561) and all the bishops and abbots, as well as Archbishop Gury, clergy in the presence of Tsar John IV (1530-1584) solemnly served a farewell prayer service in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. At the end of the prayer service, Archbishop Gury with a religious procession approached the Moscow River, here he sat down in the prepared boats and set off with prayers while the bells were ringing. Tsar Ivan the Terrible sent him to Kazan “with great honor, gave him many icons, precious church utensils and many books, and besides this, he gave him many precious things to Guria himself.” Together with Gury, Bishop Barsanuphius and Gury’s future successor, German, went to Kazan (you can read about Saint Herman in the article “”).

Along the way, in each city, Archbishop Gury, greeted by the clergy with a procession of the cross, performed solemn prayer services. Two months later, Archbishop Gury arrived in the city of Kazan and took the archbishop's throne. “In the rank of archbishop, he led the same godly life: he fed the poor, gave everything they needed to the poor, stood up for the poor, widows and orphans and saved them from various troubles. Applying labor to labor, Gury spent the night in prayer, and during the day he taught the infidels the knowledge of God and faith in the Holy Trinity, and through his teaching he led many to Christ.”

During the years of Gury's tenure as archbishop, four monasteries were established in Kazan, the Annunciation Cathedral and more than ten city churches were built. The great labors of the Kazan archbishop, with the weakness of his bodily strength, broken in his youth by a difficult imprisonment, ultimately ruined his health. Physical illness did not in the least detract from his spiritual piety: not being able to perform divine services himself, he was nevertheless present at the sacred ceremonies performed by others, for which he asked to be carried to the Liturgy in the Church of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, built by him. However, even during his illness, Archbishop Gury did not abandon his usual affairs, without ceasing at the same time to humble his flesh with fasting and abstinence. So he labored for three years.

Repose of the Kazan Archbishop

Feeling the approach of his departure to God, Archbishop Gury called Bishop Barsanuphius, for whom he had “great spiritual love,” and wished to accept the great schema from him. Archbishop Gury reposed on December 18, 1563. His venerable body was buried in the Transfiguration Monastery, behind the altar, near the large church.

Youth in captivity

Venerable Barsanuphius(in the world John) was born around 1495 in the city of Serpukhov. His father, Vasily, was a priest. It was he who taught his son church and secular literacy. In 1512, John was captured by the Crimean Tatars and sold into slavery. Submitting to the will of the Lord, he diligently performed the work and labor assigned to him. “In captivity, he found consolation in frequent and fervent prayer to God, chanting by heart those psalms that he remembered.” The infidels, seeing John's good behavior, diligence in his work, humility and unquestioning obedience to them in his work, lightened the burden of his labors and allowed him to live more freely. In captivity, John learned the Tatar language, so that he could freely not only speak, but also write in this language.

John's monastic tonsure. Abbess in the Nikolsky Peshnoshsky Monastery

Three years later, his father bought John from the Tatars. Then he came to the reigning city of Moscow and took monastic vows with the name Barsanuphius in the Andronikov Monastery.

Here Barsanuphius began to spend his life in strict deeds of piety and virtue; For his strict ascetic life, Barsanuphius was appointed by Metropolitan Macarius as abbot of the St. Nicholas Peshnosha Monastery. In 1553, Tsar Ivan IV visited the monastery and drew attention to the talented abbot who knew the Tatar language.

Great spiritual works in Kazan

As you know, in 1555 Barsanuphius, together with Archbishop Gury and Herman, went to Kazan. In Kazan, Barsanuphius zealously helped Archbishop Gury in the spread of Christianity between Mohammedans and pagans. Knowledge of the language and familiarity with the life of the Tatars brought him great benefit in this case: he converted many non-believers to God.

Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

In 1567, after the death of the Tver Bishop Akakios, Saint Barsanuphius was summoned from Kazan to the archbishop's see in Tver. Here, being a good shepherd of the verbal flock of Christ's sheep, he especially labored and always remained in fasting, prayer and all-night vigils. He healed many sick people, as he was knowledgeable in medical science, and he became especially famous for healing spiritual passions, which he healed with the grace of the Holy Spirit. He did not give up manual labor either: his usual occupation was sewing hoods, which he distributed to his brethren, asking them to pray to God for him.

Peaceful death in the newly enlightened city of Kazan

In 1570, already an old man, Barsanuphius moved to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in the city of Kazan. As the literature of the 19th century reports, here he took upon himself the great schema. Despite his great weakness of health, he asked to be brought to church. When he finally fell ill and felt his departure to the Lord, he received the Holy Mysteries of Christ and rested in the Lord on April 24, 1576, and was buried there in the monastery, near Archbishop Guria.

Finding the relics and glorifying the Kazan miracle workers

In 1595, by order of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich (1557-1598), they began to build a stone church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the site of a wooden one.

When the tombs of Guria and Barsanuphius were dug up on October 17, 1595, they announced this to the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and then Metropolitan Hermogenes (c. 1530-1612), who was then in Kazan. Metropolitan Hermogenes, having performed the liturgy and requiem, came to the monastery with the entire Consecrated Cathedral.

On the discovery of the relics of Guria and Barsanuphius Metropolitan Hermogenes wrote:

It’s a wonder to see, but we don’t expect it. The holy cancer is full of the fragrant myrrh, like pure water, and the relics of Saint Guria are at the top of the world, like a lip worn. God grant incorruption to his honest and laborious body, as even now it is visible to everyone. I only touched the decay of my upper lip, but the rest of his lips were intact and unharmed. By touch, his funeral vestments and byakhu are very strong. Then we opened the shrine of St. Barsanuphius and saw: with many incorruptibles, venerate from God the relics of St. Barsanuphius. I touch the saint’s feet with corruption, but not only are the bones not destroyed, but they are very strong and there is no weakness in the composition of the property, just like Saint Guria. And the funeral vestments, like those of the Venerable Gurias, are stronger than the new ones.

Their honorable relics were transferred from the coffins into new arks and, while funeral hymns were sung, they were placed on top of the ground so that all those who came could see and kiss them with faith.

This was announced in a letter to Tsar Theodore Ioannovich and Patriarch Job. The Tsar, the Patriarch, the highest clergy, the clergy and the multitude of people, having learned about the discovery of the relics, glorified God, who glorifies His saints. Saints Gury and Barsanuphius were canonized by decree of Patriarch Job (c. 1525-1607).

Their first life was compiled by Patriarch Hermogenes. Tsar Theodore Ioannovich ordered that the holy and multi-healing relics of the saints be kept in a special chapel, on the south side of the altar of the large church, which was soon splendidly decorated for the sake of this shrine.

In this chapel, when it was built, the relics of the saints rested in the mentioned new arks, exuding healing to the believers for the glory of God.

On July 3 (present day), 1630, the relics of St. Gury were transferred from the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery to the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the city of Kazan.

From September 1918 to May 1919 Due to the fact that the Kazan Kremlin was declared a military town, icons and shrines were removed from the cathedral, including the tomb with the relics of St. Gurias. The cathedral itself was sealed and closed. Where the relics were located until 1934 is unknown. But in 1934, the tomb with the relics ended up in the Yaroslavl Wonderworkers Church at the Arskoye cemetery.

On July 21, 2005, part of the relics of St. Gury was transferred to the restored Annunciation Cathedral.

On December 18, the day of his repose, the memory of Saint Gury is celebrated, on October 17 - on the day of the discovery of his venerable relics, on July 3 - on the day of the transfer of his venerable relics.

The relics of St. Barsanuphius were in the Transfiguration Cathedral until 1918, and then were transferred to the Kazan Mother of God Monastery, which was closed in 1929.

Since that time, the location of the relics of Barsanuphius of Tverskoy remains unknown; only the details of his shrine have been preserved in the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Saint Barsanuphius is commemorated on April 24, the day of his repose, and October 17, the day of the discovery of his venerable relics.

General troparion. Voice 3rd

The first teachers of the formerly dark, now bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, the first heralds of the path of salvation and the guardians of the true apostolic tradition. Pillars of steadfastness, teachers of piety, and teachers of Orthodoxy, Guria and Barsanuphius, pray to the Lord of all to grant greater peace to the universe, and great mercy to our souls.

Troparion to Saint Gurias. Voice 4th

From youth, moving away from earthly wisdom, and following the sorrowful path, the Giver of the Law, Christ God. In the same way, He made you rejoice on earth with incorruption. In heaven, with those who pleased Him, the bishops rejoice, Saint Guria. Pray to Christ God, grant victory to our Fatherland against our enemies, and peace, and great mercy to our souls.

Troparion to Saint Barsanuphius. The voice of the same

With quietness of disposition we direct Barsanuphius to the saint, you have reached a quiet refuge. For the sake of humility, it is convenient to escape from opposing networks. And your holy soul fly to Heaven, standing before Christ, pray for us, who honor your memory, to be saved.

Kontakion to Saint Barsanuphius. Voice 6th

By abstinence the body of the spirit and by enslaving the soul you created equal to the angels. For this sake, for the sake of holiness, honor the rank of rank, standing before the Most Purest One. Pray to Christ God the Saint, to save our all-powerful Fatherland, and your holy people: let us all cry out to you, rejoicing Father Reverend Barsanuphius, praise and affirmation to our city of Kazan.

Kontakion to Saint Gurias. Voice 4th

Having conquered sensual passions, you shone with purity like the sun. Preserving a pure life to the end, and bringing many to Christ from unbelief. And for this reason, from God we are honored by incorruption, and we surprise miracles. We pray to you, Saint Guria, with your prayers deliver us from troubles: may we call upon you, rejoicing, wonderful father, praise and affirmation for the city of Kazan.

For the transfer of relics, in the Cathedrals of Kazan and Tver saints


Soon, a southern chapel was added to the cathedral church of the Transfiguration Monastery in the name of Saints Gurias and Barsanuphius, and the relics of the saints were placed in it, in appropriate arks, one next to the other. On June 20, by order of Metropolitan Matthew, who then ruled the Kazan diocese, the relics of St. Barsanuphius were placed on the right side between the pillars of the main church. During the fire of the year, the relics were damaged by fire, after which they were placed in a silver shrine in the same place. The service to Saints Gurias and Barsanuphius was compiled by the Rostov Metropolitan Saint Demetrius.

The relics of the saint rested in the same place for up to a year. In September of that year, after the monastery was closed, they were moved to the Cathedral of the Mother of God Convent. Then the relics of Saint Barsanuphius were placed in the Central Historical Museum of the TASSR, where they were kept in the basements. In the 1980s, during the next subbotnik, the relics were destroyed; Only a silver shrine has survived. Subsequently, it was put on public display at the Central Historical Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. A small particle of the relics of St. Barsanuphius was preserved in the icon of the three saints of Kazan, which is located in the cemetery church of the Yaroslavl Wonderworkers in the city of Kazan, above the shrine with the relics of St. Gury of Kazan.

Documents, literature

  • PSRL. T. 4. P. 309; T. 19. M., 2000. Stb. 482; T. 31. M., 1968. S. 141, 146.
  • Platon (Lyubarsky), archbishop. Kazan Sat. Art. Kaz., 1868. P. 7-32.
  • Hermogenes, Patr. Moscow and all Russia. Creations. M., 1912.
  • Barsukov. Sources of hagiography. pp. 141-143.
  • Church antiquities of Kazan // Izv. for the Kazan diocese. Kaz., 1877. P. 408-409.
  • Nevostruev K. [I.] List from scribe books for the city of Kazan with the district for 1566-1568. Kaz., 1877. P. 31.
  • The art of Stroganov masters: Restoration. Research Problem: Cat. vyst. M., 1991. P. 162. No. 108.
  • Silkin A.V. Stroganov face sewing. M., 2002. P. 278, No. 88; P. 282, No. 87; P. 296, No. 95; P. 326, No. 129.
  • Eliseev G. Z. Biography of St. Guria, Herman and Barsanuphius of Kazan and Sviyazhsk miracle workers. Kaz., 1847.
  • [Grigory (Postnikov), archbishop]. Life of St. and Wonderworkers Guria Archbishop. Kazansky and Barsanuphius Archbishop. Tverskoy. St. Petersburg, 1853.
  • Stroev. Lists of hierarchs. pp. 216, 442.
  • Rudnev V. St. Barsanuphius as abbot of the Nikolaev Pesnosha Monastery. M., 1889.
  • [Dimitri (Sambikin), archbishop]. Tver Patericon. Kaz., 1907. P. 81-84.
  • Nikanor (Kamensky), archbishop. Life of St. Barsanuphia // Kazan collection. Art. Kaz., 1910.
  • Macarius. History of the RC. Book 6. P. 56, 88, 139, 587. Note. 93, 617. Note. 174.
  • Lebedev E.M. Spassky Monastery in Kazan. Kaz., 1895.
  • Batalov A. L. Mosk. stone architecture XVI century M., 1996. pp. 44-45.

Used materials

  • Lipakov E.V., Chugreeva N.N., "BARSONOPHIUS (Ivan Vasilyevich; ca. 1495 - 1576)", Orthodox Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 670-672:

Saint Var-so-no-fiy, bishop of Tver, miracle-worker of Kazan, was born around 1495 in the city of de Ser-pu-ho-ve is sacred to Va-si-lia in the family. At Baptism, the baby received the name John. From laboring to loving-eating and understanding, from childhood I easily mastered the literacy, mastered the reading of the Psalm. ti-ri and church singing so much that he could not only read and sing himself, but also help others.

In 1512, the Crimean ta-ta-ry, under the leadership of Akh-mat Gi-ray and Bur-nat Gi-rey, went on a campaign to Ryazan, but “not having had time to take anything in the capture of the city of Rya-za-ni,” they passed through a quick and unexpectedly empty raid on the be- re-gam Oki. Among many, John, at the age of seven, was taken into captivity. The young man had to endure a lot in captivity, but in the harsh tests of the faith of Christ, back in his birth In such a way, I deeply reproached Niv-sha-sya in my heart, and bore fruit a hundred times. Trusting in the Lord, the future saint prayed and sang psalms in memory of wonders, lived as he lives. listener in the monastery, not-met-but-by-observance, kindness and patience. John slept very little, barely ate, he was overzealous and gentle, he worked without pre-words and for some reason ras-po-lo-lived to oneself even the same-hundred-of-the-hearts of foreign-religions, which, involuntarily -but having recognized his dignity, began to treat him more gently and condescendingly than with others.

Gradually, but blissfully, he mastered the once-speaking Ta-Tar language to such an extent. How lucky that after two years he could not only speak well, but also write in ta-tar. The captivity lasted three years. With great labor, collecting the necessary sum, priest Vasiliy bought his son Ioan from that Tar-skoy, perhaps. Blessed John returned home, but his heart had already cooled down forever to the fickle earthly realms. to the pleasure and comfort of the boor. In agreement with a certain decision, having matured in the soul of a young man while still in captivity, he went to Moscow, where in Spassky An-d-ro-ni-ko-vo-mon-on-sty-re he accepted a different haircut, giving God both of you virginity, according to -listening and bearing. But-in-po-stri-zhen-no-go-ino-ka na-re-li Var-so-no-fi-em.

The strict and God-pleasing monk Var-so-no-fiy succeeded in his deeds of goodness and prayer. In An-d-ro-ni-ko-vom mo-na-sty-re there was Saint Aka-kiy, Bishop of Tver (1522-1567), dear younger brother of the pre-precious and stri-wife Yosi-fo-Vo-lo-ko-lam-sko-go-na-sta-rya, ar-hi -a good and blessed shepherd, favored by God with the gift of foresight. More than once he told the pre-excellent Var-so-no-fiy, who was still in the rank of hiero-di-a-ko-na, that it is he who will one day become the successor of Saint Aka-kiya at the Tver Ca-fedre. About a good and good life -by-the Moscow Ma-kar-riu, who elevated Saint Var-so-no-fiy to the rank of abbot of Ni-ko- lo-Pesh-nosh-skoy Me-fo-di-e-voy pu-sty-ni, os-no-van-noy in 1461 by a scientist pre-do-do-no-go Ser- giya Ra-do-tender-sko-pre-po-do-by-me-fo-di-em (on June 14) 15 versts from Dmit-ro-va. In the old desert this was called “Ni-ko-la on the Pes-nu-she.”

In 1553, in a fall-out (in gratitude for the miraculous relief from death) on the way to Kir-ril Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his family visited the Be-lo-zersky monastery of the Pesh-nosh monastery. He paid attention to the experience of having become a foreign life, as if he had been in captivity and -what in the Tatar language and customs. That’s why, when in 1555 a new diocese was opened in Ka-za-ni, together with Saint Gu-ri, the first arch-bishop of Kazan, was sent to Kazan and Saint Var-so-no-fiy from the Pesh-nosh monastery in the rank of ar-hi-mand-ri-ta for os-no-va-niya there mo-na-sta-rya.

On May 26, 1555, the first-holy Ka-za-ni solemnly set off on their journey. From Moscow along the Moscow, Oka and Volga rivers, the journey to Ka-za-ni lasted two months. On Sunday, July 27, 1555, Saint Gu-riy with the abbot of Pesh-nosh Var-so-no-fen and the abbot of Uspen-sko- th Starits-ko-mo-na-sty-rya Ger-man arrived in Kazan. Were they met with the crosses and ho-rugs in the Kazan Bla-go-ve-shchen-sky community of the local spirit-ho-ho- ven-stvom and na-se-le-ni-em. Together with Saint Var-so-no-fi-em, monks came to Kazan, po-stri-zhen-i-ki Pesh-no-shi: Ti-hon, Fe- o-do-rit, Job, An-d-ro-nik, Sil-vester, as well as the monk An-d-ro-ni-ko-va mo-na-sta-rya Si-me-on. Already in the next year, 1556, the Reverend Var-so-no-fiy put his wife’s order on him and organized a Pre-ob-ra-zhen-sky mo-na-styr in the Kazan Kremlin. He consecrated the first warm stone church in the monastery in the name of Saint Nikolay Rat-no-go, and subsequently in the future - and the main temple in honor of the Pre-formation of the Lord.

Secretly, he continued to keep faith from everyone for the sake of the flesh. Mo-na-styr soon became part of the spiritual life of the former Ta-tar capital. After a few years, the number of monks in it reached one hundred people. Saint Var-so-no-fiy converted Ta-tar into the right-glorious faith, for which there are many ways - their knowledge of the Tatar language. Bla-go-da-rya is-tse-le-ni-yam of various personal ailments his name has become known-but da-le-ko beyond the pre-de-la-mi Ka-za -no. And quite a few sick people who came to him for a doctor were inclined to accept the Christian faith. After the death of the Episcopal Aka-kiy of Tver (1567), Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, summoned Saint Var- So-no-fiya to Moscow and elevated him to the rank of episcopal of Tver.

Saint Var-so-no-fiy was the true luminary for his flock, not in words alone, but in all beings by showing them the healing path of Christ. Despite his high holy rank, he continued to be the humble mover he was in the Pesh-nosh monastery. te-li and in Ka-za-ni. But he spent his days in prayer, his days in labor and labor, while breathing, he sewed clothes and gave gifts to foreigners and bishops. sko-pam, incessant prayer, diligently healed those forest and mental illnesses that turned to him. At that time, difficult trials began for Russia - Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the wise and blessed ruler of Russia -si-ey, became a horror and a scourge for his subjects, planting the so-called “oprich-no-well.” Tver did not belong to the oprichnina and for some reason did not benefit from the king's favor. With horror and him, Saint Var-so-no-fiy saw him, like his friend Herman, the arch-bishop of Kazan ( memory of November 6), once a favored lord of the king, was summoned from Ka-za-ni to Moscow for transport -ve-de-niya to the rank of mit-ro-po-li-ta, one-on-after, as the Tsar-ryu reminded ti-hi-mi and mole-ki-mi with the words that he would give an answer to God's judgment for his crimes, he was expelled and died for this. Many terrible events took place before the eyes of Saint Var-so-no-fiy during the four years of his arch-hi-herei-sko- th service. Saint Var-so-no-fiy was deeply saddened about his flock. Feeling the infirmity of old age, in 1571 he retired to his home in the Ka-za-ni monastery. He spent five years in the Pre-o-ra-zhen-sky monastery in peace, in prayer and solitude, where he received a great shi-mu. When he could not, due to weakness, go to church himself, loving teachers helped him to visit the temple of God, knowing him so well -blessings to God's service.

Saint Var-so-no-fiy died on April 11, 1576 and was buried in the Pre-o-ra-zhen-sky monastery re ar-hi-episco-pom Kazan Ti-ho-nom. In 1595, according to the blessing of the holy pat-ri-ar-ha Job (1588-1607), it was built in this monastery -the temple in honor of the Pre-formation of the Lord. During the construction of the temple, the relics of the Kazan saints Gu-ria and Var-so-no-fiya were found.

The life-non-description-sa-nie of the saints Gu-ria and Var-so-no-fiya co-became sacred-to-no-one .

October 4/17 - Retrieval of relics

Ob-re-te-re-relics of Saint Gu-ria, ar-hi-epi-sko-pa of Kazan-go († 1563), and Var-so-no-fiya , episcopal of Tver († 1576), occurred in Ka-za-ni in 1595. During the construction of a new stone church in honor of the Pre-o-ra-zhe-niya of the State in the Spa-so-Pre-o-ra-zhen-sky mo -on-sta-re, based on the holy Var-so-no-fi-em, at the al-tar wall of the former de-re-vyan -but-the-temple-ma-would-you-have-gone-with-those-saints. The unusualness of the appearance of imperishable coffins made from the holy Er-mo-gen (Feb. 17) blah-go-go- with the greatest audacity to open the coffins in the presence of great crowds. Saint Er-mo-gen himself describes this co-existence this way: “V-de-hom di-vo, he’s not on-de-I-homed. Ra - because the holy one is half-on the blah-uhan-on the world, like pure water, the power of the holy Guria is at the top of the world like that gu-ba but-sha-hu-sya. No-one, God bless his honest and hard-working body, as even now he can be seen by everyone. a little of the upper lips would be smoldering brass, but the rest of his uds would be intact, we would not be harmed by anything. His great robes and bya-hu are strong and green. -de-hom: with many imperishables, in honor of God, the power of the holy Var-so-no-fiy. th smoldering kos-nu-sya, but both of them are not exactly broken bones, but they are strong bya-hu green and in no way weak bo-sti in the company of property, just as I sacred Gu-ria. -in addition, new crepe tea." Many sick people were healed, having received the holy myrrh that came from the relics of Saint Guria.

In the Iko-no-pis-no-pod-lin-nik-ke on October 4th they said: “Gu-riy is gray-haired, bra-da, aki, in a hat- ke, in omo-for-re, in the hands of Evan-ge-lie, ri-za of the holy. yes, like Gu-ri-e-va, at the end, once-double-and-la, in a hat, ri-za of the saint, omo-phor and Evan-ge-lie.”

In accordance with the pre-clade of the ar-hi-epi-sco-pa of Che-bok-sar-sko-go and Chu-your-sko-go Ve-ni-a-mi-na ( No-vits-ko-go; † October 14, 1976) Holy Pat-ri-Arch of Moscow and All Russia Pi-men blessed to create On the first Sunday after October 4th, commemoration of all the Kazan saints.


Troparion to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

To the proclaimer of the path of salvation, / true guardian of the apostolic traditions, / unshakable pillar, teacher of piety, / and teacher of Orthodoxy, Saint Barsanuphius, / we pray to the Lord of all, / granting universal peace to you // and to our souls great mercy.

Translation: Messenger of the path of salvation, true keeper of traditions, unshakable pillar, teacher and mentor of Orthodoxy, Saint Barsanuphius, pray to the Lord of all to grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Guided by the quietness of your disposition, / to Saint Barsanuphius, / you reached a quiet refuge, / for the sake of humility of mind, conveniently avoiding opposing networks, / with your holy soul you flew to Heaven ,/ where Christ stands,// pray for us, who honor your memory, to be saved.

Translation: Guided by character, Saint Barsanuphius, you reached a quiet refuge, thanks to your ability to easily escape the snares of the enemy (the devil), your holy soul flew up to Heaven, where, standing before Christ, pray for our salvation, who honor your memory.

Troparion to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

According to God's law, a zealot,/ a fierce destroyer of hostile flattery,/ like the world, then labored in his labors and vigils/ in the middle of the Kazan kingdom,/ the monastery of the building of the divine Transfiguration niya/ and following his great teacher Gury,/ having a great spiritual union with him,/ like in the belly, as well as after repose: / with the discovery of your honorable relics at one time / and with many miracles God glorified you; / and, joyfully ascending to the heavenly abodes, / the solid stone of faith, / you endured much sorrow from the foreigner, / good guide in eternal life,/ we pray you are led into it,/ like our Father Barsanuphius,// and pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: God's law, the indomitable destroyer of the devil's deceit, how, then, in his labors and vigils among the Kazan kingdom, building a Transfiguration worthy of God, and followed his great teacher, having a great spiritual connection with him, both during life and after: the simultaneous acquisition of your revered and God has glorified you with many miracles. Ascending with joy to the Heavenly abodes, a strong stone of faith, you endured many sorrows from the Gentiles, a wonderful guide to eternal life, into which, we pray, lead us, Our Father Barsanuphius, and pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion to Saints Gurius and Barsanuphius, Kazan Wonderworkers

First teacher to the formerly dark, / now bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, / first illuminator of the path of salvation, / true guardian of the apostolic traditions, / pillar of the nepo hesitation, teacher of piety/ and teacher of Orthodoxy, Guria and Barsanuphia,/ pray to the Lord of all// to grant universal peace and great mercy to our souls.

Translation: The first teachers of the previously dark, now bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, the first heralds of the path of salvation, the true guardians of the apostolic traditions, unshakable pillars, teachers of piety and mentors of Orthodoxy, Gury and Barsanuphius, pray to the Lord of all to grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

By abstinence you have enslaved the body to the spirit, / you have created your soul equal to the angel, / for this reason you are honored with the rank of holiness, / you stand before the purest one. / Pray to Christ God, the saint, / to save your people , holy one, / let us all cry out to you: / Rejoice, Father, Reverend Barsanuphia , // praise and affirmation to our city of Kazan.

Translation: Having enslaved the body to the spirit, you organized your soul like the angels, and therefore you were honored with the rank of saint and in purity () you stand before the Purest. Pray to Christ God, Saint, to save your people, and we all cry to you: “Rejoice, Father Saint Barsanuphius, to our city of Kazan, strength and honor.”

Kontakion to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

Like an all-bright star, shining with virtues, you were,/ having enriched yourself with prayer and fasting,/ and tying your body with chains of chains,/ in the fullness of the foreigner, you suffered a lot./ Unshakable By faith we will endure for many years, / We will unite together as an angel, / we grieve the demonic militia ./ Following the unmercenary Cosmes and Damian,/ you healed many through medical cunning./ Moreover, now your honest and God-laboring body,/ found from the depths of the earth,/ glorify the Lord with miracles,/ healed I am very ill, not only at the grave, / but also from honest faiths // give abundantly healing gifts to those who come with faith.

Translation: You were like a bright, shining star, enriching yourself with prayer and fasting, and pacifying your body, but in captivity you suffered a lot from the Gentiles. Unshakable in faith for many years, together with the angels, you defeated the demonic armies. Subsequently, you healed many with the art of healing. Therefore, now the Lord has glorified your revered body, which God labored for and found from the bowels of the earth, with miracles, since you heal those suffering from many diseases not only at the grave, but also from the revered faiths, giving inexhaustible gifts of healing to all who come with faith.

Greatness to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

We magnify you, Holy Hierarch Father Barsanuphius, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us, Christ our God.

Prayer to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver

Come, O Saint Barsanuphius, from the mountain villages to those who flow to you and listen to their prayer, begging the Lord God to grant us what we ask of Him for our salvation with your holy relics. Pray to the Lord God to grant our country strong and inviolable peace, decency, enlightenment of minds and hearts and fruitfulness of the land, for the shepherd - holiness, for the law - truth and strength, for the military commander - mu courage and invincible courage, the mayor - the court, the army - devotion to the fatherland and invincible courage, but for all Orthodox Christians - health and piety. Keep us from all the slander of the enemy, so that in word and deed the All-Holy Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages, may be glorified. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, Kazan Wonderworker

Kontakion 1

Let us praise the chosen saint and wonderworker Barsanuphius, as our zealous prayer book and quick helper. But you, saint, because you have boldness towards the Lord, beg Him to deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, so that we joyfully cry to you:

Ikos 1

Creator of angels and all creation, Creator of the manifestation of His holy Church, the new saint and wonderworker, who has the boldness to pray to Him for deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. For this reason, we praise you:

Rejoice, blessed child of the pious father, worthy of the grace of the priesthood;

Rejoice, gracious pupil of the reverent teacher.

Rejoice, watered by the grace that flowed from his instructions;

Rejoice, O youth, who received in your heart the beginning of wisdom.

Rejoice, for with this you drove away all the turbulence of youth from your heart;

Rejoice, having quickly and hastily learned the punishment of God’s law.

Rejoice, having glorified the Most Holy Name of God through reason and virtuous living;

Rejoice, joy and consolation of your parent.

Rejoice, O Krin, returned to the earth for the settlements of paradise;

Rejoice, our zealous prayer book.

Rejoice, our mighty intercessor;

Rejoice, our wise and meek mentor.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the vanity of the world and its temporary blessings, you, Saint Barsanuphius, loved the only God strongly from your youth and with tears of prayer you sowed heavenly joy on earth. Therefore, we rejoice and cry out to God with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having wisely understood the allowance of the all-wise Providence, which wanted to prepare from you a new preacher of the faith of Christ for the unbelieving Hagarians, you, Saint of Christ, complacently in your youth bore the cross of captivity and in the land of captivity you learned the knowledge of the Hagaryan language. For this reason, accept this praise from us:

Rejoice, prepared vessel of the peace of Christ poured out on those who did not believe;

Rejoice, shepherd, brought up among wolves.

Rejoice, lamp of the Church, prepared in secret;

Rejoice, pillar of the Orthodox Church, strengthened by the cross.

Rejoice, having astonished you with the humility, meekness and obedience of those who captivated you;

Rejoice, you have acquired their love for you.

Rejoice, tearful sower of heavenly joy;

Rejoice, having surrendered everything to the will of God.

Rejoice, heavenly tree, who grew among the thorns on earth;

Rejoice, highly valuable in beads, redeemed from captivity with gold.

Rejoice, having left your father and mother for Christ’s sake;

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 3

Having understood the power of Christ the Savior, attracting you to Him, O saint, you followed this attraction with soul and body, and like an Angel, on the wings of fasting and prayer, you soared to Him, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having only one God in your mind and heart, you, holy saint, have despised all the red of this world and have strongly loved solitude with non-covetousness, serving God with fasting and prayer. We also cry out to you:

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord God;

Rejoice, having sanctified your entire mind with the thought of God.

Rejoice, zealous and faithful executor of the will of Christ;

Rejoice, wise teacher of monks.

Rejoice, kind guardian of them;

Rejoice, guardian of virginity and purity.

Rejoice, beloved of your brethren;

Rejoice, image and ascetic of virtues.

Rejoice, mirror of gospel perfection;

Rejoice, living switch of the law of God.

Rejoice, faithful imitator of Christ;

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 4

The storm of inner sorrowful thoughts of everyday life, saint, when you were suddenly captured in a foreign land, where you shed bitter tears. Whenever you surrendered yourself completely to the will of God, then you continually cried out to the wondrous God in His destinies: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about your holy life, Tsar John rejoiced, for such were the secret saints of God in the Russian name, and do not hide the lamp under a bushel, arrange for you to be the abbot of the Pesnosha monastery. We, rejoicing, cry out to you:

Rejoice, lampstand, who was placed under the shadow of a candlestick;

Rejoice, vigilant prayer book.

Rejoice, perspicacious physician of heart wounds;

Rejoice, healer of sinful ailments.

Rejoice, magnanimous and conqueror of obstinacy;

Rejoice, compassionate and patient lover of your brethren.

Rejoice, wise driver of invisible enemies;

Rejoice, reverent servant of God.

Rejoice, wise organizer of the monastic deanery;

Rejoice, delighted by the visit to your monastery from the Tsar of Sovereignty.

Rejoice, having made him glad with your reverence and humility;

Rejoice, angel in the form of humanity.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 5

You were like a godly star, the saint, in your ascension to the firmament of the church, and following, like the sun, Saint Gurias, by the will of the sovereign Tsar you marched to the God-saved city of Kazan, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, the Orthodox saint, the inhabitants of the city of Kazan building the first monastery in it in the name of the magnificent Transfiguration of the Savior, and in reverent joy in the Lord, who does His wondrous works, I cry out to you:

Rejoice, zealous eradicator of wickedness;

Rejoice, zealous zealot of piety.

Rejoice, marvelous exorcist of Magomed’s darkness;

Rejoice, zealous distributor of the light of Christ.

Rejoice, organizer of the first monastery in Kazan;

Rejoice, wondrous chosen one of God.

Rejoice, thou who hast established the grace and mercy of the Lord among thy brethren;

Rejoice, increasing the number of monks.

Rejoice, guardian of church deanery;

Rejoice, skillful teacher of the Divine singing.

Rejoice, wise accuser of lawlessness and wickedness;

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 6

The God-bearing preacher appeared to you, the saint, in the city of Kazan, denouncing the wicked worshipers of the false prophet with their very tongue, and those who could not say anything against you, turning to the one glorified God in the Trinity, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Christ, our true God, brought forth the enlightenment of truth in Kazan and drove away from it the darkness of wickedness, and in this you zealously served Him, the saint. We also appeal to you:

Rejoice, planter of Christ's fields in the land of wickedness;

Rejoice, giver of the living waters of Christ’s teaching.

Rejoice, attribute nothing to yourself, but attribute everything to the one God;

Rejoice, leader of the army of Christ, cutting off all the opposing forces of wickedness.

Rejoice, angel, sent from God to destroy the weeds in His field;

Rejoice, friend of God, who desires salvation for everyone. Rejoice, gracious physician of souls and bodies;

Rejoice, meek pointer to the falsity of the Mohammedan faith who adheres to it.

Rejoice, wise certifier of the Divinity of the Christian faith;

Rejoice, unfaithful teacher of faith in the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, luminary shining in the firmament of the Kazan region;

Rejoice, warmth that warms everyone who flows to you with love.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 7

If you want to arrange the salvation of the Kazan Tatars, teach you, O saint, medical cunning, so that you will be a doctor of their souls and bodies; But you, having God-like love, accepted all the sick who flowed to you, pointing to each one to beneficial healing, and especially to the All-Healer Lord Jesus Christ, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new and wondrous means for converting the unfaithful in your, holy saint, healing of bodily illnesses, attracting to you many sick people of all kinds, who, together with their relatives, you brought to Christ. Moreover, free doctor, accept this from us:

Rejoice, wise imitator, free physician;

Rejoice, for you have known the grace-filled power of their free healing.

Rejoice, healer of the sick, bringing unbelievers to faith;

Rejoice, having used bodily healing for the glory of the Name of God and for the salvation of others.

Rejoice, zealous collaborator of Saint Gurias;

Rejoice, sincere and faithful friend of his.

Rejoice, his tranquilizer on his deathbed;

Rejoice, and after death you will not be separated from him.

Rejoice, our zealous prayer book;

Rejoice, vigilant guardian of your monastery.

Rejoice, praise and affirmation have been given to the city of Kazan;

Rejoice, shining light in the firmament of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 8

It’s a strange prediction about you, saint, of the perspicacious Saint Akakios, who even during your hierodeaconship predicted that you would rule the people of God in the God-saved city of Tferi. We, in reverence for God, who has wonderfully arranged your service to Him, sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were all God, O saint, when you were appointed bishop of the God-saved city of Tferi, serving God with body and soul: exhausting your body with fasting and incessant labor, but nourishing your soul with prayer and the word of God. Also, take from us the calico:

Rejoice, lamp of the Tefera Church;

Rejoice, her good shepherd.

Rejoice, wise feeder of verbal sheep;

Rejoice, faithful imitator of Christ.

Rejoice, heir of the Apostles;

Rejoice, tireless worker of God’s field.

Rejoice, timely drinker of her;

Rejoice, guardian of fatherly traditions.

Rejoice, Orthodox teacher of the faith of Christ;

Rejoice, strict guardian of the fast. Rejoice, you have written the image of the believers in yourself;

Rejoice, vigilant prayer book for your flock.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 9

All the Angels of heaven praised God, who gave you, the saint, the wonderful gift of healing physical and mental illnesses, with which you attracted everyone, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ornate tongues of your rhetoric will not be able to express your pastoral deeds, O saint: how powerful is it to tell everything about the severity of your fasting or the vigilant passing of your nights in prayer; We reverently cry out to you:

Rejoice, shepherd, who kept himself in strict fasting;

Rejoice, ascetic of piety, passing through the nights in prayer without sleep.

Rejoice, companion of God;

Rejoice, sower of heavenly joy with your prayerful tears.

Rejoice, having enslaved your flesh entirely to the spirit;

Rejoice, you who crucified me with passions and lusts.

Rejoice, having saved your Tfer flock from infection through prayers;

Rejoice, compassionate one, for the faithful trustee.

Rejoice, Comforter to them in all their sorrows;

Rejoice, merciful shepherd to all those in need.

Rejoice, partaker in all the sorrows and needs of your neighbors;

Rejoice, compassionate to all who suffer.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 10

To save your soul, O saint, you, desiring spiritual peace, left your Tfer flock in old age and moved again to the Kazan monastery of the magnificent Transfiguration of the Savior, which you built, singing in it until the end of your earthly life to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You, O Saint, were a wall and a strong fence of your Kazan monastery, turning away from it all troubles and misfortunes with your holy prayers, and establishing piety and holiness in your brethren by your example. Moreover, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, pillar of piety;

Rejoice, hardworking prayer book.

Rejoice, fasting and prayer to the teacher;

Rejoice, generous giver of alms.

Rejoice, zealot for the deanery of the church;

Rejoice, kind teacher of monks.

Rejoice, unforgiving visitor to the daily service of God;

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.

Rejoice, you who fly from earth to heaven;

Rejoice, and after your death do not leave us.

Rejoice, our close benefactor;

Rejoice, our ever-present mentor and trustee in Christ.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to you, the saint, and we pray that you beg Christ God to grant us all grace and strength for salvation, so that I may sing with you to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

St. Barsanuphius, the light-receiving lamp of the true light who exists on earth, enlightens the hearts of the faithful and instructs everything in the Divine mind, teaching us to joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, holy saint, stand before the Throne of God;

Rejoice, ever-blessed servant of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, stand before and follow the Lamb of God;

Rejoice, interlocutor of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, companions of the Cherubim and Seraphim;

Rejoice, fellow servant of the Archangels and Angels.

Rejoice, Primate of the Forerunner of the Lord;

Rejoice, imitator of the Apostles.

Rejoice, Martyr Competitor;

Rejoice, Equal Saints.

Rejoice, decoration of the venerables;

Rejoice, cohabitant of all saints.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 12

The grace given to you from God, knowingly, we flow to the race of your relics, Saint Barsanuphius, earnestly begging you not to forsake us with your holy prayers, so that at the end of our earthly residence with you we will sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your blessed death, from which you soared into the sky like an eagle, we pray to you, Saint Barsanuphius, to be our helper in everything for the good and always hear us earnestly crying out to you:

Rejoice, praise of the Saints;

Rejoice, quick helper to those who flow to you with faith.

Rejoice, vigilant guardian of the monks of your monastery;

Rejoice, defender of the city of Kazan.

Rejoice, zealous prayer book for all who flow to you;

Rejoice, physician of the sick.

Rejoice, shepherd, keep your verbal flock;

Rejoice, helper and protector of the offended.

Rejoice, giver of joy to those who cry;

Rejoice, masters of those who are overwhelmed.

Rejoice, consolation for the sorrowful;

Rejoice, encourager and strengthener of those who are saved.

Rejoice, Barsanuphius, miracle worker of Kazan!

Kontakion 13

Oh, all-blessed and holy saint Father Barsanuphius, with your holy prayers beg the Lord God to deliver all of us who come to you from all sorrow, from all troubles and misfortunes, and from all evil, mental and physical, so that I may sing with you to Him : Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, Wonderworker of Kazan

Come, Saint Barsanuphius, from the mountain villages to your relics flowing to the race and listen to their prayer: beg the Lord God to grant to all of us what we ask Him for our salvation with your holy relics. Be an intercessor and intercessor for all of us in our needs and petitions. Pray to the Lord God to grant strong and inviolable peace, decorum, enlightenment of minds and hearts, and fruitfulness of the land, holiness to the shepherds, truth and strength to the laws, wisdom and invincible courage to the military commander, justice to the mayor, devotion to the faith and the Fatherland to the army, and invincible courage to all Orthodox Christian health and piety. Preserve your holy monastery from all the slander of the enemy, so that in word and deed the all-holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit may be glorified in it, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Guriy Rugotin, saint, first Archbishop of Kazan, originally from the nobles of the former town of Radonezh, was called Gregory in the world. At a young age, Grigory entered the service of Prince Ivan Penkov. The prince was so pleased with him that he entrusted him with the management of the entire house. But this power of attorney did not last long. Other servants of the prince, out of envy of Gregory, slandered him that he was in a criminal connection with the princess. Irritated by the false slander, the prince ordered Gregory to be put in prison, deliberately built in a deep dug hole. There the innocent sufferer languished for two years, for after two years the prisoner's door opened freely. Recognizing his salvation through the Providence of God, he renounced the world and directed his path to the monastery of St. Joseph of Volokolamsk. There he put on the clothes of a monk, taking the name Guria, and was soon appointed (1522) abbot of the monastery; then he was transferred to the Selizharov Monastery, and on February 3, 1555 he was consecrated archbishop of the new Kazan diocese. Gury established two school monasteries there to educate the children of Christians and pagans; in addition, under his special supervision, he built a stone cathedral in the name of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Caring for his flock, Saint Gury multiplied it, converting many Mohammedans to the Christian faith. He reposed on December 4, 1563, having accepted the schema two days before his death. His relics, discovered on October 4, 1595, rest in the Kazan Annunciation Cathedral. They were transferred in 1817 to a new silver shrine.

Guryem began the diocese in Kazan. By decree of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, Metropolitan Macarius conciliarly established in 1555 an archbishopric in Kazan, third degree. After the archbishops, there were metropolitans from 1589, and after them, from 1832, bishops and archbishops. At first, the diocesan bishops were called Kazan and Astrakhan; then, from 1602, Kazan and Sviyazhsk, and from 1799, Kazan and Simbirsk. In 1799, the vicar diocese of Kazan was established; its bishops were ordered to write themselves as Sviyazhsk; but in 1802 Kazan vicars were abolished.

Saint Gury (in the world Grigory Grigorievich Rugotin) was the first archbishop of the Kazan diocese established in 1555. He was born in the town of Radonezh near Moscow into a noble family. His parents were not rich, so from a young age he had to serve with Prince Ivan Penkov as an estate manager. From his youth, Gregory was pious, humble and gentle. He did not want to get married. Slandered before the prince in a criminal relationship with his wife, Gregory was imprisoned in a dungeon. This undermined his health, but strengthened and deepened his religious feeling. In prison, the prisoner wrote small books to teach children to read and write. He gave the money for the ABCs to the poor.

Coming out of prison, Gregory took monastic vows with the name Gury in the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery, known for its strict rules. In 1543, he was elected abbot of this monastery by the brethren and ruled it for almost 9 years, and then left the abbess and lived for two years as a simple monk. Before becoming a bishop, Saint Gury ruled the Trinity Selizharov Monastery in the Tver diocese for one year. He was elected to the Kazan department by lot. Supported by Saint Barsanuphius (+ 1576, commemorated April 11), Saint Gury contributed greatly to missionary activity. During the eight years of his priesthood, four monasteries were established, the Annunciation Cathedral and more than ten city churches were built.

In 1561 the saint fell seriously ill. On holidays they brought him to church, and he sat or lay there, unable to walk or stand. Shortly before his death (+ December 5, 1563), he received the great schema from Saint Barsanuphius and was buried in the Transfiguration Monastery. On October 4, 1595, the incorruptible relics of Saints Gurias and Barsanuphius were found. Metropolitan of Kazan Saint Ermogen (future Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', + 1613; commemorated May 12) was present at their discovery and described this event in the lives of the saints. On June 20, 1630, the relics of St. Gury were transferred from the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery to the Annunciation Cathedral. Now they rest in the cemetery church in the name of the holy noble princes Theodore of Murom and his children David and Constantine, in the city of Kazan.

The discovery of the relics of Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan (+ 1563), and Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver (+ 1576), took place in Kazan in 1595. During the construction of a new stone church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior, founded by St. Barsanuphius, coffins with the bodies of the saints were dug up near the altar wall of the former wooden church. The unusual appearance of the incorruptible coffins filled Saint Hermogenes (February 17) with reverent boldness to open the coffins in front of a large crowd of people. Saint Hermogen himself describes this event as follows: “We saw a miracle, but we did not hope for it. For the Holy Cancer was full of the fragrant world, like pure water, but the relics of Saint Gurias are at the top of the world, like a lip worn out. God grant incorruption to his honest and arduous body, as if even now everyone can see it. As soon as I touch the corruption of his upper lip, the rest of his lips are intact, unharmed in any way. With the touch and touch, his funeral vestments are very strong. Then, by opening the shrine of the Venerable Barsanuphius and seeing: with many incorruptibility, honor the might of God Saint Barsanuphius. At the feet of the monk I touched corruption, but not only the bones were not destroyed, but they were very strong and there was no weakness in the composition of the property, just like Saint Guria. And the funeral vestments, like the venerable Guria, are stronger than the new ones." Many sick people were healed by being anointed with the holy myrrh that flowed from the relics of St. Gury.

In the Iconographic Original under October 4 it is said: “Guriy, in the likeness of a gray-haired, brada, like Basil of Caesarea, in a hat, in an omophorion, in his hands, the Gospel, a holy robe. , omophorion and the Gospel."

In accordance with the report of Archbishop of Cheboksary and Chuvashia Veniamin (Novitsky; + October 14, 1976), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen blessed to create a cathedral commemoration for all Kazan saints on the first Sunday after October 4.

The transfer of the relics of St. Gury, Archbishop of Kazan, from the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery to the Cathedral of the city of Kazan took place in 1630.

Saint Barsanuphius

Memorial Days: April 11, October 4

Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, wonderworker of Kazan, was born around 1495 in the city of Serpukhov in the family of priest Vasily. At baptism the baby received the name John. Distinguished by his hard work and understanding, the youth easily mastered reading and writing, mastered reading the Psalter and church singing to such an extent that he could not only read and sing himself, but also help others. In 1512, the Crimean Tatars, led by Akhmat Giray and Burnat Giray, went on a campaign against Ryazan, but “having failed to capture the city of Ryazan,” they carried out a quick and unexpected devastating raid along the banks of the Oka. Among many, John, a seventeen-year-old youth, was taken into captivity. The young man had to endure a lot in captivity, but in severe trials the faith of Christ, deeply rooted in his heart even in his parents’ home, bore fruit a hundredfold. Trusting in the Lord, the future saint prayed and sang psalms that came to mind, and lived like a novice lives in a monastery, quietly learning obedience, kindness and patience. John slept very little, hardly touched food, was distinguished by zeal and meekness, worked without contradiction, and therefore won over even the hardened hearts of the Gentiles, who, unwittingly recognizing his merits, began to treat him softer and more condescending than others. Gradually, thanks to his extraordinary abilities, he mastered the spoken Tatar language to such an extent that after two years he could not only speak well, but also write in Tatar. The captivity lasted three years. With great difficulty, having collected the necessary amount, priest Vasily ransomed his son John from Tatar captivity. Blessed John returned home, but his heart had already cooled forever to the fickle earthly joys and pleasures. According to the unshakable decision that matured in the soul of the young man while still in captivity, he went to Moscow, where in the Spassky Andronikov Monastery he took monastic vows, giving God vows of virginity, obedience and non-covetousness. The newly tonsured monk was named Barsanuphius. With a strict and godly life, the monk Barsanuphius succeeded in deeds of virtue and prayer. Saint Akakios, Bishop of Tver (1522-1567), the younger brother of St. Joseph of Volotsk and tonsure of the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery, a kind and pious archpastor, awarded by God the gift of clairvoyance, visited the Andronikov Monastery. He repeatedly predicted to the Monk Barsanuphius, who was still in the rank of hierodeacon, that it was he who would one day become the successor of Saint Akakios at the Tver See. The virtuous and pious life of St. Barsanuphius became known to Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow, who elevated St. Barsanuphius to the rank of abbot of the Nikolo-Peshnoshskaya Methodius Hermitage, founded in 1461 by the disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Methodius (June 14) 15 versts from Dmitrov. In the old days this desert was called “Nikola on Pesnusha”. In 1553, on a pilgrimage (in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance from death), on the way to the Kirillov Belozersky Monastery, Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his family visited the Peshnosha monastery. He drew attention to an experienced mentor of monastic life, who had been in captivity and was knowledgeable in the Tatar language and customs. Therefore, when a new diocese was opened in Kazan in 1555, together with Saint Gury, the first Archbishop of Kazan, Saint Barsanuphius from the Peshnosh monastery was sent to Kazan in the rank of archimandrite to found a monastery there. On May 26, 1555, the high priests of Kazan solemnly set off on their journey. From Moscow along the Moscow, Oka and Volga rivers, the journey to Kazan lasted two months. On Sunday, July 27, 1555, Saint Gury with the abbot of Peshnoshsky Varsonofne and the abbot of the Assumption Staritsky Monastery German arrived in Kazan. They were greeted with crosses and banners in the Kazan Annunciation Cathedral by the local clergy and population. Together with Saint Barsanuphius, the monks who were tonsured by Peshnosha arrived in Kazan: Tikhon, Theodorit, Job, Andronik, Sylvester, as well as the monk of the Andronikov Monastery Simeon. Already in the next year, 1556, the Monk Barsanuphius fulfilled the assignment entrusted to him and built the Transfiguration Monastery in the Kazan Kremlin. He consecrated the first warm stone church in the monastery in the name of St. Nicholas the Ratnoy, and subsequently the main church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Secretly from everyone, he continued to wear chains to wear out his flesh. The monastery soon became the center of the spiritual life of the former Tatar capital. A few years later the number of monks in it reached one hundred people. Saint Barsanuphius converted the Tatars to the Orthodox faith, which was greatly facilitated by his excellent knowledge of the Tatar language. Thanks to the healing of various ailments, his name became known far beyond the borders of Kazan. And many sick people who came to him for healing were inclined to accept the Christian faith. After the death of Bishop Akakios of Tver ((1567), Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, summoned Saint Barsanuphius to Moscow and elevated him to the rank of Bishop of Tver.

Saint Barsanuphius was a true lamp for his flock, not with words alone, but with his whole being, pointing out the saving path of Christ. Despite his high priestly rank, he continued to be a humble ascetic, as he was in the Peshnosh monastery and in Kazan. He spent his nights in prayer, his days in work and worries, resting, sewing hoods and giving them to monks and bishops, and with unceasing prayer he diligently healed the physical and mental illnesses of those who turned to him. At that time, difficult trials began for Russia - Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who wisely and piously ruled Russia, became a horror and a scourge for his subjects, instilling the so-called “oprichnina”. Tver did not belong to the oprichnina and therefore did not enjoy the favor of the tsar. With horror and indignation, Saint Barsanuphius saw how his friend German, Archbishop of Kazan (November 6), who had once enjoyed the respect of the tsar, was summoned from Kazan to Moscow to be elevated to the rank of metropolitan, but after he reminded the tsar in quiet and meek words, that he would give an answer at God's court for his cruelties, was expelled and died in captivity. Many terrible events took place before the eyes of Saint Barsanuphius during the four years of his episcopal service. Saint Barsanuphius deeply grieved for his flock. Feeling the infirmity of old age, in 1571 he retired to the monastery he founded in Kazan. He spent five years in the Transfiguration Monastery in peace, prayer and solitude, where he received the great schema. When, due to weakness, he could not go to church himself, loving disciples helped him visit the temple of God, knowing his love for Divine services. Saint Barsanuphius died on April 11, 1576 and was buried in the Transfiguration Monastery by Archbishop Tikhon of Kazan. In 1595, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Job (1588-1607), a new church was built in this monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. During the construction of the temple, the relics of the Kazan saints Guria and Barsanuphius were found.

Troparion to Guria, Archbishop. Kazansky

The rule of faith and the image of chastity, /
teachers of good deeds /
and the Lord will give you a teacher of salvation /
to the newly enlightened city of Kazan, /
in it you have acquired a new language from people /
and you brought me to Christ. /
For this reason, I joyfully gathered in your memory, /
We honestly celebrate your holy Dormition, /
you, our father, to the saint of Christ Guria, /
pray to Christ God /
save our souls.

Troparion to Guria, Archbishop. Kazansky and Barsanuphius, bishop. Tverskoy (Discovery of Relics)

The first teacher to the dark one, /
now to the bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, /
the first announcement of the path of salvation, /
true keeper of apostolic traditions, /
pillars of steadfastness, teacher of piety /
and Orthodox teachers, Gurie and Varsanuphia, /
Pray to the Lord of all /
grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Troparion Transfer of Relics

Like a fragrant crin, /
your myrrh-streaming relics /
from Vertograd to the Church of the Savior /
in Vertograd the Church of the Mother of God was honestly brought, /
Saint Guria, /
because the gift is honest, /
Christ gave you to His Most Pure Mother, /
and her holy temple was filled with your fragrance, /
and the bishop’s throne rejoiced, /
receiving you, your chief ruler. /
The council of the faithful with the saint and the priests rejoiced /
about the glorious presentation of your celibate relics, /
as we joyfully celebrate, we pray to you, /
servant of God: /
pray to Christ God /
Give peace and great mercy to our souls.

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