Symbols and talismans in Feng Shui: their meaning and application. Feng Shui symbols for money luck, career, love Good luck talismans according to Feng Shui

According to the basic tenets of centuries-old Chinese art and science, Feng Shui talismans can positively influence human life and help solve certain problems. Let's try to study in more detail how with the help of such talismans you can attract success and love into your life, improve your financial situation, find true friends and achieve your goals.

At the very beginning, it should be said that just having a talisman is not enough to change your life for the better. In order for it to start working, activating positive energy, the talisman should be placed in a clearly designated place in the apartment or house.

Moreover, do not forget that talismans are designed to activate one or another type of energy, which is clearly not enough in a certain sector of the house. To do this, you should briefly talk about the affiliation of talismans to the main elements of Feng Shui philosophy.

Talismans, symbolism and basic life elements

Knowing which element a particular talisman or symbol belongs to, it is not difficult to learn how to manage the flow of energy in your home, harmonizing the atmosphere and maintaining a continuous energy balance.

Crystal crystals are human friends and helpers

The history of the use of crystals in the science of Feng Shui goes back a long way. It was with the help of these talismans that a person was able to dispel negative energy and activate positive energy flows.

Learn how to control the energy of magic crystals, and they will become your reliable assistants in solving the most difficult life circumstances. So, to activate positive energy in the house, crystal crystals need to be installed in the southwestern sector of the apartment. Moreover, it is necessary to install these talismans so that they are well illuminated by the sun or an electric lamp. Rainbow highlights and sunbeams scattering around the apartment attract good luck into the house and neutralize accumulated negativity.

The music of wind

These elegant pendant decorations, emitting a melodic iridescent ringing, can now be purchased at any store that sells Feng Shui symbols and talismans. Their presence in the house helps to strengthen relationships and prosperity of the family hearth.

Wind chimes are the perfect instrument to attract love. Special versions of “wind chimes”, consisting of elegant pink metal tubes and decorated with red hearts, are best suited for this purpose. When purchasing such a talisman, pay attention to the fact that its configuration does not contain any pointed corners or sharp elements.

It is advisable to hang the purchased talisman next to a photograph of a person personifying the chosen one or chosen one of your dreams. The magical sound of wind music will activate love energy, which will bring a new, long-awaited and fateful acquaintance into your life in the shortest possible time. Keep in mind that under no circumstances should you activate love energy in the bathroom or toilet, from where any energy flows away with streams of water!

Symbols of abundance

Who would not dream of making their home even stronger and more prosperous? Symbols and talismans of abundance can provide tangible help in this - such as beautiful paintings, crystal vases filled with sweets, fruits and luxurious flowers.

If you want to make a painting a talisman of abundance, make sure that its canvas depicts images and objects that in one way or another symbolize luxury and wealth. These can be castles, palaces, magnificent fountains, etc.

By the way, paintings and any symbolic images play an important role in creating love relationships. So, by creating a photo collage with your image and a photograph of a person whose image you consider suitable for the role of your soulmate, and placing the result in the Love sector, you can easily attract long-awaited feelings into your life.

Ceramic paired figurines depicting herons, pigeons, fish or touching mandarin ducks work great in the southwestern part of the home, which is responsible for marriage and love relationships. Placed in the room of a lonely young man or girl, these talismans will certainly contribute to a long-awaited meeting with the chosen one. If such figurines cannot be found, then they can be replaced with suitable pictures (of course, the pictures should also only contain paired objects).


Mirrors are actively used in the art of Feng Shui to increase wealth. One of the classic tips of this science recommends installing a mirror above the dining table - to increase both the number of diners and the amount of food on the table.

When using mirrors, do not forget that they cannot be placed opposite the entrance doors, matrimonial and children's beds. It is also unacceptable to use mirrors that are cracked or clouded over time.

Bells are powerful feng shui talismans

By activating energy in the northwestern sector of the apartment, you can achieve two positive aspects at once, namely:

  • provide yourself with help that comes in difficult times from the most unexpected sources;
  • give yourself the opportunity to travel around the world.

The bell does an excellent job of activating energy in this sector. You can hang it on a beautiful stand and ring it periodically, enhancing the movement of energy flows. The effect of the bell in the northwestern part of the home is also enhanced by the following symbols and talismans, namely:

  • beautiful paintings and landscapes depicting the best views of exotic countries where you dream of visiting;
  • crystal crystals;
  • metal horseshoe;
  • gray rounded pebbles with stripes.

A reliable assistant in career growth - a turtle

A figurine or image of a turtle will help activate energy in the northern sector, which is responsible for career growth and personal achievements. By placing a turtle talisman in the northern part of your home, you can achieve unexpected promotions, new business offers, and the opening of new opportunities.

The effect exerted by the talisman turtle can be greatly enhanced if, in addition to it, the already mentioned “wind music”, a metal horseshoe, mirrors and any objects related to water are placed in the North sector - aquariums, decorative waterfalls, small fountains or just a metal bowl filled with water.

Talismans and symbols that attract wealth

The Prosperity and Wealth sector, according to the Bagua grid, is located in the southeast of the home. By activating the flow of positive energy here, you can contribute to an increase in wealth and financial well-being. Ideally suitable talismans here would be the following:

  • laughing Buddha;
  • god Hattei;
  • half-dragon-half-turtle (figurines of these mythical creatures are now easy to find in specialized Feng Shui shops);
  • a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth;
  • a turtle holding three toads on its back;
  • figurine or image of a Bull;
  • figurine or image of a goldfish;
  • a figurine or image of a Dog that will reliably protect the family’s wealth;
  • Chinese (and not only) coins.

Pot-bellied piggy banks, expensive perfume, and boxes with real jewelry would also be very appropriate in this sector. All these objects are symbols of Wealth and have the ability to attract similar things.

Another powerful talisman of wealth is a pot of beautiful, healthy crassula, popularly called the “money tree.” Its effect can be enhanced many times over by tying a pot with a plant with a red thread or decorating it with a monisto of Chinese coins.

Talismans for those who want to become famous

Do you dream of fame and universal recognition? Perhaps this does not even concern world fame, but recognition specifically in the field of one’s activities? Then the following talismans and symbols will certainly help you achieve your goal.

So, first you need to determine the place in the house that is responsible for the sphere of human success and glory. It is located in the southern part of the home and belongs to the element of Fire. This is where talismans should be placed that would activate energy flows in this sector. Such talismans include:

  • triangular pyramids symbolizing upward movement;
  • objects made of wood (wood is known to fuel fire);
  • a figurine or image of a Horse (preferably directed upward or depicted at full gallop);
  • red items: candles, decorative napkins.

A very effective solution is a red photo frame in which your photo is placed.

If the possibilities and space in the southern part of the home allow, then a real fireplace can become an ideal symbol that can attract success and fame to the owner of the house. Fire in the midst of the element of fire - what could be better than this solution?

The green dragon is a faithful guardian of the hearth

The dragon is a mythical animal revered in the East, which is credited with incredible power. A green dragon figurine, for example, can become a faithful protector of the family and a reliable talisman that protects the house from ill-wishers and evil spirits.

According to the tenets of feng shui science, this creature lives in the east, so it is in this part of the home that the green dragon talisman figurine should be placed.


According to Feng Shui experts, vases carry a powerful energy charge that can favorably influence the overall atmosphere in the home. Vases made of porcelain, ceramics and crystal have always been revered in eastern countries, and not in vain.

Installed in any modern apartment, they will not only decorate it with dignity, but can also become an effective talisman that brings joy and harmony to the house. The effect of these objects is enhanced to an even greater extent when this is accompanied by their shape - for example, vases with a narrow neck and a wide base perfectly capture the positive energy of qi.

The only thing you should pay attention to when intending to acquire such a talisman is that, unfortunately, it is not allowed to place flowers or pour water in them.

A prerequisite is cleanliness in the house, thanks to which the flows of creative energy can easily move in space. Also make sure that your home talismans are not covered in dust. Occasionally take them in your hands, communicate with them and ask for the most secret things - then the effect of Feng Shui talismans is enhanced to an even greater extent.

Cool topic.
If I'm not mistaken, I have four talismans that were given to me at different times - a toad, a money tree, Hottei and a turtle.
And only now I found out what they are needed for.
What do you have?

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.
A symbol of great luck and monetary abundance.
It is best to place the wealth toad at the door of the entrance to the home so
It's like she's jumping into the house.
You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone.
It is believed that toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to place them on high shelves.
The Chinese love this talisman very much and use it very widely.

The horse figurine is considered a classic talisman for the zone of fame and career. A horse directed upward is especially good.
In the South, a horse figurine will activate glory, personifying endurance, swiftness, good reputation, and also be a symbol of undying optimism.
The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.

Birds Phoenix
The phoenix in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South.

Cup of Wealth
Traditionally considered a symbol of prosperity and greatness in Feng Shui. It is recommended to place it in the South-East to strengthen your material wealth and increase your income. It is recommended to fill a box in the shape of a gold bar with jewelry made of precious metals or stones.
In Feng Shui, the Cup of Wealth is the most effective way to attract material well-being.
However, the presence of this symbolism is very easy to notice in other nationalities: remember the palaces of the maharajas, where the obligatory presence of vases overflowing with fruit is the first sign that prosperity and success are constant companions of this place.
And, for example, at a Russian courtyard, expected guests are always greeted with full baskets of various treats and sweets, and excess treats are always a sign that there is joy, prosperity and love in the family.

In China, the elephant is believed to attract good luck. It is recommended to place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, then it will attract good luck into the house from the street through the window. An elephant whose trunk is raised up is considered a good symbol.

Mandarin ducks
Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of fidelity in love and inseparability. The figurine of ducks must be placed in pairs in the South-West, thereby activating the love zone.

Fountains in Feng Shui are an excellent source of pure vital energy qi! Remember that “feng shui” translated from Chinese means “water and wind”. It is running water that is a life-giving symbol of endless power. Decorative indoor fountains are usually placed in the East, in the zone of personal development, or in the Southeast, in the zone of wealth.

Money trees
A money tree with Chinese gold coins growing on its branches attracts financial flows and favorable energy into your home, stimulating the growth of your income. The money tree is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, as well as a symbol of monetary luck. It is recommended to place the money tree in the wealth zone, in the Southeast sector.

Trees with stones
The tree on which semi-precious stones grow is considered the Tree of Happiness. The Tree of Happiness is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and financial well-being. Placing this tree in the East promotes good health, rapid implementation of plans and the implementation of new projects.

Fruit trees
Trees with peach fruits are a classic talisman of health and longevity. It is best to place such a tree in the East or in the center, and it can also be placed where the whole family usually gathers. Trees with tangerine fruits symbolize youth and ardor in relationships. The tangerine tree perfectly activates the love zone in the South-West. Fruit trees are also a wonderful symbol of wealth and abundance.

The Dragon,
holding a pearl of wisdom in his paws, personifies complete harmony, greatness and wisdom. It is considered one of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui.
It is the dragon, with its breath, that gives birth to the life-giving energy qi, which gives life to all living things.
The dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and kindness, and also brings success in business. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron.
It is recommended to place the dragon figurine in the East. However, you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise in this case it is believed that the dragon will dominate.

dragon turtle
This is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from failures and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that radiate life-giving chi like dragons and protective chi like turtles. It is believed that the Grand Duke of the Year of Tai-Sui likes to have the dragon turtle look at him, and the prince does not show his anger towards people.

This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. This symbol appeared in those days when a sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money.
The ship is a powerful symbol of business success, prosperity and financial wealth.
Accordingly, this talisman means the symbolic “arrival” of good luck. When purchasing a sailboat, pay attention that its sails are raised and inflated, which means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. After all, as you know, wind in Feng Shui is always a favorable sign. Also make sure that your sailboat is not a prototype model of any famous tragic shipwreck.
When the sailboat is chosen, load it with gold coins, both Chinese and any other, as well as all the same symbols of wealth that were mentioned above: gold bars, stones painted gold, crystal diamonds, gold items and various jewelry and stones.
Place the sailboat close to your front door or window. For the talisman to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat has its nose turned towards the inside of the house, that is, it is “arriving”. However, make sure that the sailboat does not turn its nose towards the front door or window, otherwise all the wealth that it carries will float past you. The ship of wealth is perfect not only for the home, but also for the office.

a very popular feng shui talisman. The goldfish is very well suited for the wealth zone and symbolizes success in financial matters.
Also, fish figurines are great for activating the North - the career zone, since the element of the North is water.

Any of the three star elders is a wonderful symbol of the family hearth, protecting the home and family, giving happiness, longevity, health and prosperity. Of course, placing the three elders Fu, Lu and Shu together is more effective, but placing the elders separately is also possible.
It is recommended to place Chinese star elders in the East, in the health zone
or where the whole family usually gathers.
An old man named Fu-hsing personifies happiness, symbolizes great monetary luck and prosperity.
Elder Lu-sin symbolizes family authority, and is also addressed to him
for help to give his family an heir.
Shou-shin is the god of longevity and health, and is almost always depicted with two symbols of longevity, a deer and a peach.
The Shaw figurine is often presented to men as a symbol of endless
source of male strength.

Hottei (or Laughing Buddha) is considered one of the most famous gods of happiness and wealth. It helps in fulfilling your deepest desires and represents well-being, fun, communication and carefreeness.
Translated from Chinese, Hottei means “canvas bag”.
By the way, the prototype of Hottei was based on a real character who lived in China at the end of the 10th century. At that time, a Monk named Qi Qi walked around the villages with a rosary and a large canvas bag, and wherever this monk appeared, good luck, health and prosperity came to people. When asked what was in his bag, he answered: “I have the whole world there!”
The image of Hottei is perfect for activating the Southeast, the zone of Wealth.

symbol of heavenly support and protection. It is best to activate the North turtle figurine, since water is considered the mistress of the north.
Just one turtle will be a good talisman, because the number of the northern sector is one.
Particularly good results can be achieved if you place the turtle figurine in a vessel with water. However, do not forget to take into account that the bedroom is a ban for water talismans. Water symbols in the bedroom destroy romantic luck.

In Feng Shui, the lion is, first of all, considered a strong symbol that neutralizes negative influences from the outside.
Usually it is placed in front of the front door or by the window if there are buildings or structures there that have an unfavorable effect (road, pipes, a lamp on a pole, a large lonely tree, etc.).
If there is a place in the room with destructive energy, then you can also place a figurine of a lion there; this will weaken the negative impact.
In addition, lions strengthen the authority of the leader or head of the family.

Chinese coins are round coins with a square hole in the center and characters. Coins are used everywhere in Feng Shui.
It is very effective to tie three coins with a red ribbon with the yang side (hieroglyphs) facing up and place them in the wealth sector, as well as place them in places that are associated with finance.
Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to increase monetary luck, placing them under the rug in front of them.
the front door. Good Feng Shui for a country house under construction would be Chinese coins buried under the path leading to the house.

An eagle soaring proudly in the skies is one of the best images for the glory sector. If you have great ambitions, and you need to very powerfully activate the South zone, then it is recommended to place an eagle figurine there; this will strengthen your good reputation, bring fame and success in business.

Pi Yao
Pi Yao is used to strengthen sources of wealth and increase income.
Pi Yao love their owners very much, are obedient to them and very loyal.
Like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao is considered one of the few animals capable of pacifying the prince of the year, who is in the West in 2007.
If you are doing business, then Pi Yao will undoubtedly suit you,
because according to legend, Pi Yao has an immense appetite.
Pi Yao should be placed below the eye level of the head of the family,
and also refrain from placing it in the bedroom.
If you often leave the house unattended and travel long distances, then you should place the Pi Yao near the front door or in the hallway.

They are not only a beautiful element of interior decor, but also a strong Feng Shui tool that helps to cope with the influence of negative energy from protruding corners, sharp objects and other design features of your home. Fans perfectly dissipate energy, transforming it into positive energy.

Dream catchers
A dream catcher hangs above the head of the bed or nearby and promotes good sleep and good dreams.
The creation of this device was noticed many centuries ago among the North American Indians.
The wise people found mutual understanding with nature through meditation and deep study. When inventing the dream trap, the Indians recreated a woven web from leather ropes.
It was in this way, in their opinion, that she did not allow evil spirits to enter, causing chaos in the mind and, thus, did not allow nightmares to form.

Fu dogs
symbol of protecting the well-being of the home. They personify courage, selflessness and justice. Fu Dogs are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies. It is recommended to place figurines of these dogs opposite the front door or in the wealth area. In this case, they will serve the well-being of the family and the stability of relationships, as well as protect each family member from troubles and failures.

Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns only enhances their effect.

Gourd pumpkins
The gourd pumpkin or Hu-lu is a strong talisman of the health zone in the East. Also, the chola gourd should be placed at the head of or above the bed of a sick person, and after his recovery, it should be thoroughly washed under running water, wiped dry and a large candle burned next to it.
In addition, kholu pumpkin harmonizes relationships between children and adults
and between spouses who have lost interest in each other.

Master of money
The Master of Money or Chen Loban is one of the most revered symbols in China, the keeper of money.
The owner of the money should be placed where you usually keep your savings,
then your money will not slip through your fingers, but, on the contrary, will be preserved and multiplied.
It is believed that the figurine of the Master of Money should be inherited,
along with it, financial success will come to your descendants.

During the time of the emperors, the lotus flower was associated with royal power,
and in China it was revered as a sacred plant. The structure of the lotus flower symbolizes the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles, as well as life, chastity, harmony and purity.
Crystal lotus fills family members with excellent health - place in the center of the room.
For career growth, it is recommended to place it in the South in the glory zone.
Its transparent petals transmit negative chi energy through them,
transforming it into a positive one and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

This is a necklace made of beads that are sorted while repeating mantras or prayers.
The rosary is used to count the spoken mantras and calm the mind.
A person touching a rosary not only strengthens his spirit,
but also becomes more balanced.

Health balls
Chinese health balls are used to maintain harmonious balance
Yin and Yang in the human body.
Targeted stimulation of certain areas with the help of health balls has a positive effect on all areas of the body.
Along the palm there are three Yin meridians (meridians of the heart, circulation and lungs) and three Yang meridians (meridians of the large and small intestine), which are connected to the organs of the body and the brain.
By rotating Chinese balls in your palms, you stimulate many acupuncture points.
Rotating the balls quickly clockwise increases Yang energy, while spinning slowly counterclockwise increases Yin energy.
The sound produced by the balls during exercise has a calming and at the same time stimulating effect. Regardless of whether you exercise with balls for fun or exercise with them for medicinal purposes, such regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your health.

The music of wind
Wind music will protect against unfavorable flows of qi energy, dispersing them through its hollow tubes and transforming them into pure and beneficial ones. With the help of wind music, the room will be filled with strength and harmony, and the soft sound will remind you of purity and wisdom.

Candlesticks are not only a wonderful element of interior decor,
but also carry the energy of fire.
To improve any feng shui zone, you need to light candles there at least occasionally. The warm light of a candle in a beautiful candlestick will gently diffuse throughout the room, attracting beneficial chi energy into your home.

Money envelopes
Storing even a symbolic amount in gold cash envelopes is a sign of multiplying existing capital.
However, you should never save money “for a rainy day,” otherwise it will definitely come.
Save money exclusively for something pleasant (travel, shopping, a happy life)

Heavenly Guardians
are protectors of man both physically and spiritually.
Warrior figurines will protect your home from uninvited guests and people with evil thoughts, protect your material well-being and rid your home of gossip and negative energy from strangers.
Many entrepreneurs keep a warrior figurine on hand during important business negotiations. In China, the heavenly guardians are treated with great reverence and respect, as they represent courage and devotion to their emperor.
In China, it is believed that warriors with their fierce faces can frighten even a robber or an emotionless ghost.

considered the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles.
He is the patron and powerful symbol of good luck in business, as well as the patron of trade and travel, helping to gain authority and influence. The Ganesha figurine is best placed in the assistant zone in the North-West.
His figurine can also be placed on your desktop. In this case, it will help you increase your income and stimulate professional success.

Crystals are a wonderful symbol of love and wealth.
Small crystal diamonds transmit negative chi energy through themselves, transforming it into positive energy and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

(c) lvn

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.
A symbol of great luck and monetary abundance.
It is best to place the wealth toad at the door of the entrance to the home so
It's like she's jumping into the house.
You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone.
It is believed that toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to place them on high shelves.
The Chinese love this talisman very much and use it very widely.

The horse figurine is considered a classic talisman for the zone of fame and career. A horse directed upward is especially good.
In the South, a horse figurine will activate glory, personifying endurance, swiftness, good reputation, and also be a symbol of undying optimism.
The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.

Birds Phoenix
The phoenix in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South.

Cup of Wealth
Traditionally considered a symbol of prosperity and greatness in Feng Shui. It is recommended to place it in the South-East to strengthen your material wealth and increase your income. It is recommended to fill a box in the shape of a gold bar with jewelry made of precious metals or stones.
In Feng Shui, the Cup of Wealth is the most effective way to attract material well-being.
However, the presence of this symbolism is very easy to notice in other nationalities: remember the palaces of the maharajas, where the obligatory presence of vases overflowing with fruit is the first sign that prosperity and success are constant companions of this place.
And, for example, at a Russian courtyard, expected guests are always greeted with full baskets of various treats and sweets, and excess treats are always a sign that there is joy, prosperity and love in the family.

In China, the elephant is believed to attract good luck. It is recommended to place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, then it will attract good luck into the house from the street through the window. An elephant whose trunk is raised up is considered a good symbol.

Mandarin ducks
Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of fidelity in love and inseparability. The figurine of ducks must be placed in pairs in the South-West, thereby activating the love zone.

Fountains in Feng Shui are an excellent source of pure vital energy qi! Remember that “feng shui” translated from Chinese means “water and wind”. It is running water that is a life-giving symbol of endless power. Decorative indoor fountains are usually placed in the East, in the zone of personal development, or in the Southeast, in the zone of wealth.

Money trees
A money tree with Chinese gold coins growing on its branches attracts financial flows and favorable energy into your home, stimulating the growth of your income. The money tree is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, as well as a symbol of monetary luck. It is recommended to place the money tree in the wealth zone, in the Southeast sector.

Trees with stones
The tree on which semi-precious stones grow is considered the Tree of Happiness. The Tree of Happiness is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and financial well-being. Placing this tree in the East promotes good health, rapid implementation of plans and the implementation of new projects.

Fruit trees
Trees with peach fruits are a classic talisman of health and longevity. It is best to place such a tree in the East or in the center, and it can also be placed where the whole family usually gathers. Trees with tangerine fruits symbolize youth and ardor in relationships. The tangerine tree perfectly activates the love zone in the South-West. Fruit trees are also a wonderful symbol of wealth and abundance.

The Dragon,
holding a pearl of wisdom in his paws, personifies complete harmony, greatness and wisdom. It is considered one of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui.
It is the dragon, with its breath, that gives birth to the life-giving energy qi, which gives life to all living things.
The dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and kindness, and also brings success in business. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron.
It is recommended to place the dragon figurine in the East. However, you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise in this case it is believed that the dragon will dominate.

dragon turtle
This is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from failures and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that radiate life-giving chi like dragons and protective chi like turtles. It is believed that the Grand Duke of the Year of Tai-Sui likes to have the dragon turtle look at him, and the prince does not show his anger towards people.

This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. This symbol appeared in those days when a sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money.
The ship is a powerful symbol of business success, prosperity and financial wealth.
Accordingly, this talisman means the symbolic “arrival” of good luck. When purchasing a sailboat, pay attention that its sails are raised and inflated, which means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. After all, as you know, wind in Feng Shui is always a favorable sign. Also make sure that your sailboat is not a prototype model of any famous tragic shipwreck.
When the sailboat is chosen, load it with gold coins, both Chinese and any other, as well as all the same symbols of wealth that were mentioned above: gold bars, stones painted gold, crystal diamonds, gold items and various jewelry and stones.
Place the sailboat close to your front door or window. For the talisman to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat has its nose turned towards the inside of the house, that is, it is “arriving”. However, make sure that the sailboat does not turn its nose towards the front door or window, otherwise all the wealth that it carries will float past you. The ship of wealth is perfect not only for the home, but also for the office.

a very popular feng shui talisman. The goldfish is very well suited for the wealth zone and symbolizes success in financial matters.
Also, fish figurines are great for activating the North - the career zone, since the element of the North is water.

Any of the three star elders is a wonderful symbol of the family hearth, protecting the home and family, giving happiness, longevity, health and prosperity. Of course, placing the three elders Fu, Lu and Shu together is more effective, but placing the elders separately is also possible.
It is recommended to place Chinese star elders in the East, in the health zone
or where the whole family usually gathers.
An old man named Fu-hsing personifies happiness, symbolizes great monetary luck and prosperity.
Elder Lu-sin symbolizes family authority, and is also addressed to him
for help to give his family an heir.
Shou-shin is the god of longevity and health, and is almost always depicted with two symbols of longevity, a deer and a peach.
The Shaw figurine is often presented to men as a symbol of endless
source of male strength.

Hottei (or Laughing Buddha) is considered one of the most famous gods of happiness and wealth. It helps in fulfilling your deepest desires and represents well-being, fun, communication and carefreeness.
Translated from Chinese, Hottei means “canvas bag”.
By the way, the prototype of Hottei was based on a real character who lived in China at the end of the 10th century. At that time, a Monk named Qi Qi walked around the villages with a rosary and a large canvas bag, and wherever this monk appeared, good luck, health and prosperity came to people. When asked what was in his bag, he answered: “I have the whole world there!”
The image of Hottei is perfect for activating the Southeast, the zone of Wealth.

symbol of heavenly support and protection. It is best to activate the North turtle figurine, since water is considered the mistress of the north.
Just one turtle will be a good talisman, because the number of the northern sector is one.
Particularly good results can be achieved if you place the turtle figurine in a vessel with water. However, do not forget to take into account that the bedroom is a ban for water talismans. Water symbols in the bedroom destroy romantic luck.

In Feng Shui, the lion is, first of all, considered a strong symbol that neutralizes negative influences from the outside.
Usually it is placed in front of the front door or by the window if there are buildings or structures there that have an unfavorable effect (road, pipes, a lamp on a pole, a large lonely tree, etc.).
If there is a place in the room with destructive energy, then you can also place a figurine of a lion there; this will weaken the negative impact.
In addition, lions strengthen the authority of the leader or head of the family.

Chinese coins are round coins with a square hole in the center and characters. Coins are used everywhere in Feng Shui.
It is very effective to tie three coins with a red ribbon with the yang side (hieroglyphs) facing up and place them in the wealth sector, as well as place them in places that are associated with finance.
Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to increase monetary luck, placing them under the rug in front of them.
the front door. Good Feng Shui for a country house under construction would be Chinese coins buried under the path leading to the house.

An eagle soaring proudly in the skies is one of the best images for the glory sector. If you have great ambitions, and you need to very powerfully activate the South zone, then it is recommended to place an eagle figurine there; this will strengthen your good reputation, bring fame and success in business.

Pi Yao
Pi Yao is used to strengthen sources of wealth and increase income.
Pi Yao love their owners very much, are obedient to them and very loyal.
Like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao is considered one of the few animals capable of pacifying the prince of the year, who is in the West in 2007.
If you are doing business, then Pi Yao will undoubtedly suit you,
because according to legend, Pi Yao has an immense appetite.
Pi Yao should be placed below the eye level of the head of the family,
and also refrain from placing it in the bedroom.
If you often leave the house unattended and travel long distances, then you should place the Pi Yao near the front door or in the hallway.

They are not only a beautiful element of interior decor, but also a strong Feng Shui tool that helps to cope with the influence of negative energy from protruding corners, sharp objects and other design features of your home. Fans perfectly dissipate energy, transforming it into positive energy.

Dream catchers
A dream catcher hangs above the head of the bed or nearby and promotes good sleep and good dreams.
The creation of this device was noticed many centuries ago among the North American Indians.
The wise people found mutual understanding with nature through meditation and deep study. When inventing the dream trap, the Indians recreated a woven web from leather ropes.
It was in this way, in their opinion, that she did not allow evil spirits to enter, causing chaos in the mind and, thus, did not allow nightmares to form.

Fu dogs
symbol of protecting the well-being of the home. They personify courage, selflessness and justice. Fu Dogs are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies. It is recommended to place figurines of these dogs opposite the front door or in the wealth area. In this case, they will serve the well-being of the family and the stability of relationships, as well as protect each family member from troubles and failures.

Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns only enhances their effect.

Gourd pumpkins
The gourd pumpkin or Hu-lu is a strong talisman of the health zone in the East. Also, the chola gourd should be placed at the head of or above the bed of a sick person, and after his recovery, it should be thoroughly washed under running water, wiped dry and a large candle burned next to it.
In addition, kholu pumpkin harmonizes relationships between children and adults
and between spouses who have lost interest in each other.

Master of money
The Master of Money or Chen Loban is one of the most revered symbols in China, the keeper of money.
The owner of the money should be placed where you usually keep your savings,
then your money will not slip through your fingers, but, on the contrary, will be preserved and multiplied.
It is believed that the figurine of the Master of Money should be inherited,
along with it, financial success will come to your descendants.

During the time of the emperors, the lotus flower was associated with royal power,
and in China it was revered as a sacred plant. The structure of the lotus flower symbolizes the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles, as well as life, chastity, harmony and purity.
Crystal lotus fills family members with excellent health - place in the center of the room.
For career growth, it is recommended to place it in the South in the glory zone.
Its transparent petals transmit negative chi energy through them,
transforming it into a positive one and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

This is a necklace made of beads that are sorted while repeating mantras or prayers.
The rosary is used to count the spoken mantras and calm the mind.
A person touching a rosary not only strengthens his spirit,
but also becomes more balanced.

Health balls
Chinese health balls are used to maintain harmonious balance
Yin and Yang in the human body.
Targeted stimulation of certain areas with the help of health balls has a positive effect on all areas of the body.
Along the palm there are three Yin meridians (meridians of the heart, circulation and lungs) and three Yang meridians (meridians of the large and small intestine), which are connected to the organs of the body and the brain.
By rotating Chinese balls in your palms, you stimulate many acupuncture points.
Rotating the balls quickly clockwise increases Yang energy, while spinning slowly counterclockwise increases Yin energy.
The sound produced by the balls during exercise has a calming and at the same time stimulating effect. Regardless of whether you exercise with balls for fun or exercise with them for medicinal purposes, such regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your health.

The music of wind
Wind music will protect against unfavorable flows of qi energy, dispersing them through its hollow tubes and transforming them into pure and beneficial ones. With the help of wind music, the room will be filled with strength and harmony, and the soft sound will remind you of purity and wisdom.

Candlesticks are not only a wonderful element of interior decor,
but also carry the energy of fire.
To improve any feng shui zone, you need to light candles there at least occasionally. The warm light of a candle in a beautiful candlestick will gently diffuse throughout the room, attracting beneficial chi energy into your home.

Money envelopes
Storing even a symbolic amount in gold cash envelopes is a sign of multiplying existing capital.
However, you should never save money “for a rainy day,” otherwise it will definitely come.
Save money exclusively for something pleasant (travel, shopping, a happy life)

Heavenly Guardians
are protectors of man both physically and spiritually.
Warrior figurines will protect your home from uninvited guests and people with evil thoughts, protect your material well-being and rid your home of gossip and negative energy from strangers.
Many entrepreneurs keep a warrior figurine on hand during important business negotiations. In China, the heavenly guardians are treated with great reverence and respect, as they represent courage and devotion to their emperor.
In China, it is believed that warriors with their fierce faces can frighten even a robber or an emotionless ghost.

considered the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles.
He is the patron and powerful symbol of good luck in business, as well as the patron of trade and travel, helping to gain authority and influence. The Ganesha figurine is best placed in the assistant zone in the North-West.
His figurine can also be placed on your desktop. In this case, it will help you increase your income and stimulate professional success.

Crystals are a wonderful symbol of love and wealth.
Small crystal diamonds transmit negative chi energy through themselves, transforming it into positive energy and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

Amulets and talismans are a powerful means for individual protection of a person, solving his problems and achieving the desired goal. It is able to remove negative energy from its owner, remove the evil eye, and also attract good luck, good energy from other people, new acquaintances, success, vitality and vigor.

Of course, it would be naive to believe that with the help of amulets or talismans alone you can change your life, but the age-old power of the symbols that are depicted on them can protect its owner even in a terrible place, from the point of view of Feng Shui.

To activate an amulet or talisman, you need to concentrate and mentally put all the power of desire into it. When an amulet or talisman begins to work, stains, darkened areas, and dirt may appear on its surface that need to be removed. If used unreasonably, an amulet or talisman may “die.”

An amulet or talisman should hang on the neck of its owner, and after a wish has been placed in it, the owner needs to wear the amulet or talisman without taking it off for one or two weeks. Then you can hang it in your room at the entrance or carry it in your pocket.

The talisman is an individual symbol of the aspirations of its owner, therefore each talisman is unique in its own way. There are a myriad of symbols, diagrams and signs on it, and each serves a specific purpose and a specific person.

Thus, on a talisman with ancient writings, a symbol called “Perfect” is usually depicted in the center. It helps to develop comprehensively and ideally fulfill professional and family responsibilities.

The following symbols may also be depicted on the talisman:

  • Fu - means happiness, good luck;
  • Lu - prosperity, well-being, wealth and abundance;
  • Shu - long healthy life;
  • Shu Xi - double happiness, happiness for two;
  • Tsai - wealth, money;
  • He - harmony, peace and balance;
  • Ai - love, passion, desire;
  • May - beauty, charm, charm;
  • G - good luck in everything.

The talisman with the gods depicted on it is protective and attracts the protection of heavenly powers.

A talisman with the image of all the heavenly gods helps to harmonize and normalize the flow of Qi, an excellent protector against negative energy coming from the sky, stars and evil spirits.

The symbol of Yin and Yang is a circle in which two figures with dots of opposite colors are inscribed. The black one with a white dot is a Yang symbol, the other is a Yin symbol. Points of opposite colors indicate that there is always a little Yang in Yin, and a little Yin in Yang. It should be noted that Yang and Yin are mutually constituent elements. They are not opposed to each other. Yin is the dark, passive and feminine principle. Yang - aggressive, masculine, light. Since ancient times, the Chinese have viewed the sky as the embodiment of Yang and the earth as Yin. Together they create a harmonious whole. Therefore, Yin-Yang (one and indivisible) is a symbol of world unity, helping to unite all contradictions, strengthening vitality and spiritual balance in difficult situations.

The Phoenix Dragon talisman is a symbol of a happy marriage and a long married life. Since the dragon and phoenix are celestial creatures, the power of their protection is considered very great.

The Talisman of Fame is designed to bring honor and fame to its owner. The red color in which it is painted, in the Ba Gua trigram (an ancient octagonal symbol reflecting the four cardinal directions and the four intermediate directions), signifies glory. There are also other symbols of glory on this talisman. If you hang it at your workplace or around your neck, it will be much easier for you to gain fame and make new, interesting and useful acquaintances.

Buddha is one of the main gods in Chinese Buddhism and Feng Shui. In reality, the Buddha's name was Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha was a young prince who left his father's palace in his early youth around 560 BC. e. For seven years he tortured himself and studied sacred texts, and only by abandoning false wisdom, after long and deep concentration, he achieved sudden enlightenment and became a Buddha. This was the completion of the search for the truth, which he decided to convey to people. This is how Buddhism arose - one of the three world religions. From Ancient India, Buddhism gradually spread to the territory of China, Japan, Tibet, and the Arabian Peninsula. In China, Buddhism was modified under the influence of Taoism and Shintoism. Here Buddha is a god, and in Indian Buddhism, any of the brahmans, that is, sages seeking truth and enlightenment, can become Buddha. That's why in China Buddha is in the house.

Cats are known for their love of freedom, involvement in night walks and independence. Therefore, among feng shui animals, it stands out as the most mysterious creature. It is also a symbol of love for others and personal freedom.

The Chinese consider the rat primarily a symbol of wealth, prosperity and well-being. The rat must help the owners, arrange their life, make them more prosperous, and also accumulate money.

The toad brings wealth, longevity and immortality to its owners. Once upon a time she was very selfish and evil, but one day during his travels, Buddha, while traveling, touched a toad, and she ceased to be like that and turned into a bearer of qualities useful to all people. The toad is also a symbol of material wealth.

Elder Ai Tzu is a teacher of love, connects two loving people, and patronizes their happiness in marriage. It should be in a place where lovers spend a lot of time, for example, in their bedroom.

The dragon turtle is one of the main ancient Chinese magical animals with the head of a dragon. This is a unique symbol in the Universe. It is believed that it protects a person from the wrath of Prince Tai-Sui (planet Jupiter), who is the lord of the current year. The Chinese believe that the Grand Duke "Tai-Sui" likes to be looked at by the dragon turtle and is not angry with people. The dragon turtle of which corresponds to the location of the prince of “Tai-Sui” in a given calendar year. It is not recommended to make noise in this direction, make repairs or build there. Having two or three dragon turtles stare at the Grand Duke would only appease him more. Therefore, it is nice to have a figurine of three dragon turtles standing on top of each other.

The rooster is one of the main animals descended from the beginning of Yang. Therefore, it symbolizes courage and courage, and the crest on the head symbolizes a broad mind and the development of intellectual abilities. His natural agility endowed him with protective properties and made him a reliable patron over those for whom he feels favor. The Chinese believe that a figurine of a golden or red rooster can protect against fire and evil spirits during sleep.

The lion in feng shui is the most important animal. It has great strength, power and symbolizes honor, valor, energy, pride and wisdom. In feng shui, the lion comes from Buddhism, where it is considered a sacred protective animal. Sculptures of lions are found at the entrances to temples, and their images are used in colorful lion dance ceremonies to scare away demons and attract positive energy. But lions are best known as stone protectors, which is why they are placed at the entrance gates of temples and ceremonial houses. In Feng Shui, stone lions can also protect the entrance to the houses of ordinary people. They are placed both at the entrance and at the fence to prevent evil spirits from entering the house. In this way, the owners reliably protect themselves from evil spirits and negative influences.

A diary (notebook) serves to enable a person to conduct his or her affairs rationally and successfully. With the help of a notebook, he brings order to his personal feng shui and does not allow some important and positive matters to get lost in his memory. Also, a notebook will help ensure that none of the undertakings completely captures a person. Notebooks can be very different in shape, color, material from which they are made, and pattern. Each individual book must reflect the interests of its owner. It is advisable that the book be made of material corresponding to the horoscope sign of its owner. What many Chinese diaries have in common is that they are never made from materials such as plastic and polyethylene, which destroy a person’s personal feng shui.

Air bells (wind chimes) are not only a source of pleasant melody, but also a tool for attracting, aligning and stabilizing Qi. With proper and skillful placement, air bells are very good at correcting the flow of Qi, but only if the overall environment in the room is satisfactory. It is advisable to have air bells if your door is located opposite a window, another door or a corridor. There are many different types of air bells and their tubes: wooden, bamboo, iron, copper, with or without hieroglyphs. No matter what wind chime is made of, it always transforms negative energy into positive energy, i.e. transforms Sha-Qi into Sheen-Qi. But the material from which this tool is made must correspond to its direction:

  • metal bell - for the east and southeast;
  • bamboo (wooden) bell - for the northeast and southwest;
  • ceramic bell - for the north.

Incorrect placement of air bells can lead to an imbalance and confusion in the flow of Qi, which can lead to failure and disaster. Also, to protect the house from negative flows of Qi, you need to make sure that there are five musical pipes in the wind chime.

Pagodas (temple bells) symbolize the holiness of Buddhist temples and Tibetan monasteries. In Feng Shui, this thing came from Bingshan Mountain in Yuanlan. Pagodas are made in the shape of a bell, which helps transform negative energy into positive energy, bring it to any place, preserve and control it. Almost every home has rooms such as a pantry. You can reduce the negative impact of these rooms by hanging a pagoda in them. It also transforms the energy of any room that has an excess of Yin. Another property that pagodas have is that they attract help. Iron bells will help you in difficult situations. In especially difficult cases, their ringing will call to you the help that is necessary or desirable at the moment. The pagoda also promotes success in studies, career and gaining fame.

The topic of using Feng Shui teachings in everyday life worries people more and more. But many thoughtlessly buy and place amulets, simply paying tribute to fashion.

But when using Feng Shui talismans and amulets in your life, it is extremely important to know not only their meaning, but the places where they should be placed.

The right place enhances the power of a Feng Shui amulet, and sometimes even modifies the direction of this force.

Elements of Water – location by zones

Water talismans are considered very important in Feng Shui. If a person is interested in success and luck in work, career advancement, then they should be located in the career sectors, that is, in the northern part of the room. To achieve wealth and attract money, according to Feng Shui, it makes sense to place water talismans in the southeastern part of the home. Those who want to live in love and harmony, to be healthy not only themselves, but also to improve it for all family members, need to keep them in the Health and Family sectors, that is, in the eastern zone of the home.

A pond with fish is a guarantee of well-being

– the most powerful talismans for health, career, wealth and family happiness.

As already mentioned, water talismans, used to attract money to the family, are installed in the southeastern zone of the home. The choice of fish for these talismans is also important. The goldfish is the most popular sign of wealth. But other fish of golden or silver colors, as well as bright red ones, are also quite appropriate. An interesting fact is that the number of fish living in the aquarium plays an important role. The ideal amount that enhances talismans is considered to be the one that is equal to the number of Gua belonging to the head earner.

Three-legged toad to improve well-being

You can further activate these talismans to attract money using a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth. A figurine of a sunken ship with jewelry, a treasure chest, an ancient castle or a rock with a cave, at the entrance of which one can guess treasures and money, will decorate and increase the power of aquarium talismans. Of course, good care of the inhabitants of the aquarium, constantly clean water, and beautiful plants will help the owners of such mascots.

This may be a “mystical knot”, the meaning of which is to attract a whole cycle of luck. This sign is most often bright red in color, so it is not recommended for use in the quarry area.

But this sign is very appropriate in the sectors of Fame, Wealth and, especially, Love. Indeed, red color stimulates love, passion, and sex most of all.

The second amulet, called “double sign of good luck,” is a pair of hieroglyphs. You can do them yourself and carry them with you all the time: in your wallet or in your inner pocket, on your chest or in your passport.

The teachings of Feng Shui say: for good luck, you can make a double sign with hieroglyphs in other colors, using white, black and blue - they symbolize water. It is also good to use wavy, winding, smooth lines.

“Double Sign” amulets in red are powerful Feng Shui talismans for attracting love.

Mandarin ducks

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of this talisman lies in fidelity and love, marriage and family happiness. After all, these birds choose a mate only once, remaining faithful to each other all their lives. The duck figures must be placed in pairs in the zone of Marriage and Love - in the southwest of the room.

By the way, other attributes symbolizing love and fidelity are also appropriate here: swans, candles, wolves. But it is very important that each attribute-symbol is double, paired. It is recommended to leave wedding rings near these paired talismans overnight. To enhance love, it’s a good idea to include a wedding photo or one that captures the family in the best moments of its existence.

For those who only dream of finding their soulmate, it is also important to add paired amulets to the Love zone in the bedroom. You shouldn’t hang a photograph on the wall where a person who dreams of a family is captured alone.

Video about Feng Shui talismans:

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