Sis in Russian. Compound verb predicate

Currently, such an industry as construction does not stand still, but is constantly developing, introducing new technologies for the extraction and production of building materials, developing interesting methods for the construction and reconstruction of various objects necessary for human life.

Different decoding of ASG

Often, when studying special documentation and encountering construction, you can come across such an abbreviation as ASG. People working in this field immediately understand what we are talking about we're talking about. ASG is understood, firstly, as sand and gravel mixtures, and, secondly, as industrial civil construction. Let's take a closer look at each definition.

Sand and gravel mixtures

Sand and gravel mixtures are non-metallic building material, which is characterized by a loose state, containing coarse gravel and sand. PGS has good physical and chemical properties and due to its reasonable cost, it is widely used in the construction industry. Depending on the percentage of gravel, there are:

  • OPGS.

In the first option, according to GOST, the content of large gravel fractions should not exceed ten percent. The classic mixture is used in road construction. It is necessary for laying the top layer of the canvas, embankment and serves as a kind of drainage during construction. But for leveling the territory, this class of ASG is not suitable, due to the quantitative ratio of the fractions included in the composition (sand and gravel). For these works, it is better to choose OPGS.

Natural (classic) gravel mixture contains additional natural materials , such as quartz, clay and other impurities. Plus, depending on the mining location, the gravel composition may vary. These can be granite or limestone rocks, which will undoubtedly affect quality characteristics building materials.

The second abbreviation means an enriched sand-gravel mixture, in which percentage components is equal to 70/30. Thus, 30% is the sand content (that is, the volume of the mixture is ¼ sand and ¾ gravel). This type of building material obtained industrially, adding gravel to the ASG. Therefore, by choosing an enriched mixture for the production of concrete and concrete structures, you can be sure that the final product will be dense and frost-resistant.

The mixture is extracted using special equipment from the bottom of rivers, sand quarries and beaches. Respectively, characteristic properties building materials depend on the place of extraction. The main and most important indicator of PGS is the fastening ability. Thanks to this characteristic, this the material is widely used in construction, namely:

  • landscape design of the territory;
  • road construction;
  • concrete production;
  • production of various reinforced concrete structures;
  • leveling the area;
  • filling holes and ditches.

When ASG is added to water or cement, so-called mortars are obtained, which are subsequently used to make concrete. But, it is necessary to remember the purpose for which cement is made and, depending on it, to observe certain proportions of ASG and cement mortar.

Thus, with an increase in the amount of liquid, the final product turns out to be less dense, but if the solution that serves as a connecting link is small, then the concrete will be dense and heavy for further work. The use of this building material in the construction of road surfaces is also known. The mixture is used to level the area where construction is taking place or repair work has been carried out.

Thus, when choosing sand and gravel mixtures, you must clearly understand what they are needed for. If for road construction, then natural ASG is suitable, if for landscape design or the manufacture of concrete structures, then OPGS is better.

PGS - industrial civil engineering

The second decoding of the abbreviation PGS means industrial civil construction. Builders are one of the in-demand professions currently. They are the ones who arrange the environment, making it suitable for human life and erect masterpieces of architecture. Engineers trained in the PGS specialty are engaged in:

  • construction of industrial facilities;
  • project documentation;
  • construction and installation of various facilities;
  • design of engineering systems and drainage;
  • inspection of various structures;
  • geodetic and environmental surveys;
  • management throughout all stages of construction.

Thus, PGS includes all stages of construction, from project documentation before finishing the finished structure. Engineers play a huge role in shaping the appearance of a village or city, starting from creating models settlement and ending with the construction and restoration of various structures. Project activities implies:

  • carrying out engineering surveys;
  • selection, analysis and systematization of received materials;
  • creating a layout of the finished object.

Management is the organization of the work process, making important decisions and responsibility for their implementation. The inspection of structures means carrying out an inspection of the facility, analyzing the data obtained and reconstructing the finished facility.

In conclusion, it is worth repeating that the abbreviation PGS implies two definitions: mixtures of sand and gravel for construction, as well as industrial civil engineering. Mixtures are divided into classic or natural and enriched. The first option is used mainly in road construction, but the second is preferable for landscape design. Industrial and civil construction involves the development, analysis and support at all stages of construction of an object necessary for human life.

The grammatical basis of a sentence in Russian is represented by two parts of the sentence - the subject and the predicate. The latter can take several forms, but the most common is verbal. Most often it is simple and agrees with the subject in person, number, and in the past tense - in gender. But there is also such a category of predicate as compound. It can be a compound verb (CGS) and a compound nominal (SIS). Today we will talk about the first case.

Construction of a compound verb predicate

Its composition is simple: it is an auxiliary or modal verb, agreed with the subject, and a main verb in the infinitive. Sometimes, instead of a simple connective, there may be a compound one, and we will also talk about this.

The link in the GHS can be:

  • phase;
  • modal.

The phase value of the connective determines the moment of action, and the modal value determines the relationship to the action. They do not carry an independent lexical load. For a better understanding, you can give a table with examples of sentences with a compound verbal predicate:

Meaning Verb Example
Phase become At the age of 18 I will start working.
begin He started reading.
get started She began to write a letter.
continue They continued to build the house.
stop Will you ever stop screaming?
stop I stopped singing.
Modal be able to The mouse can dig holes.
be able The patient can get up.
want I want to eat.
want The king wants to have a meal!
try We will try to deliver the house on time.
mean He intended to see it through.
dare How dare you contradict me?
refuse The detainee refuses to testify.
think We are thinking of adding a veranda to the house.
prefer I prefer not to mess with officials.
get used to Oblomov is used to lying on the sofa.
be in love Mom loves to sort through the knick-knacks in her chest of drawers.
hate I hate being on duty at night!
beware He was careful once again look there.

This is not a complete list possible options GHS. It can consist of more than two words. Thus, this category of predicates also includes constructions where the verb combination plays the role of a connective be with short adjectives and adverbs characterizing modality.

Examples of such sentences:

Differences from a compound nominal predicate

It can definitely be distinguished from a compound nominal (CIS). It is quite simple to define it - after the copula it contains not an infinitive, but an adjective. But there are pitfalls in other complex predicates. There are superficially similar cases when in fact there is no GHS in the proposal. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • phraseological units;
  • goal setting;
  • different subjectivity;
  • analytical future.

Here are a few similar cases.


  • And he doesn’t eat, and his nerves are exhausted.
  • I can't wait for it to be a normal winter.
  • He I was going to the store, but it turned out to be closed.

This special case simple predicate (PGS).

Phrase with goal setting

This includes cases where the question “why?” can be asked between the conjugated verb and the infinitive. or insert the conjunction “to”:

The infinitive in such sentences is an addition, since the predicate has a completely full lexical load.

Verbs referring to different subjects

In such cases, the action indicated by the infinitive will not be performed by the same person to whom the conjugated verb refers. If desired, you can even remove it, and the meaning of the sentence will not be lost:

  • The teacher asked the student to complete the task on the board.– The teacher asked the student to doOn the deskexercise.
  • The director demanded to call me to his place.“The director asked me to come in.”

Analytical future tense

The case is strange, but nevertheless it really does not apply to the GHS. The verb to be has lost all modal and phase meaning, remaining only a grammatical indicator of the future tense.

  • I will love you.
  • Our descendants will remember us.

Brief information

The complex future tense was not always present in Russian, as in other languages. related languages. Most often in the Old Russian language, the conditional mood was used to express an uncertain future, and then expressions with modal verbs want, be, have, and each of them for a long time did not lose its modality. In the end he won the race verb be, and this happened closer to the 18th century.


Predicate- this is the main member of the sentence, which usually agrees with the subject (in number, person or gender) and has the meaning expressed in questions: what does the item do? what's happening to him? what is he like? what is he? who is he?

The predicate expresses the grammatical meaning of one of the moods (indicative mood - present, past, future tense; conditional mood, imperative mood).

Types of predicates:

Simple verb predicate. Compound verbal predicate - SGS. Compound nominal predicate - SIS

Simple verb predicate (PGS)

Ways to express a simple verbal predicate

1. Verb in some mood

A gloomy morning is coming.
It was a gloomy morning.
Sergei will enter drama school.
He would gladly go to the village.
Write down your homework.

2. Independent infinitive

To live is to serve the homeland.

3. Interjective verb forms (truncated forms of a verb like bam, grab, jump)

Each friend here quietly pushes her friend.

4. Phraseological phrase with the main word - a verb in conjugated form

The team won the championship.
He's chasing the quitter again.

5. Verb in conjugated form + modal particle (yes, let, let, come on, come on, it was as if, as if, as if, as if, exactly, hardly, almost, just and etc.)

Let me go with you.
Let him go with his father.
May you have sweet dreams.
He started to walk towards the door, but suddenly stopped.
The room seemed to smell of smoke.
He seemed petrified with fright.
He almost died of grief.
He just did somersaults, trying to make the audience laugh.
He was almost crazy with joy.

Compound predicates.

Compound verb predicate

Compound predicates are predicates in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (tense and mood) are expressed in different words. The lexical meaning is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (tense and mood) is expressed in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He started singing(PGS). – He started to sing(GHS); He was sick for two months(PGS). – He was sick for two months(SIS).

A compound verb predicate (CVS) consists of two parts:

a) the auxiliary part (verb in conjugated form) expresses grammatical meaning (tense and mood);
b) the main part (infinitive form of the verb) expresses the lexical meaning.

SGS = auxiliary verb + infinitive. For example: I started singing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not every combination of a conjugated verb with an infinitive is a compound verbal predicate! In order for such a combination to be a compound verbal predicate, two conditions must be met:

The auxiliary verb must be lexically incomplete, that is, it alone (without an infinitive) is not enough to understand what the sentence is about.

Wed: Ibegan- what to do?; IWant- what to do?.

If in the combination “verb + infinitive” the verb is significant, then it alone is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is minor member offers.

Wed: Shesat down(for what purpose?) relax.

The action of the infinitive must relate to the subject (it is a subjective infinitive). If the action of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (objective infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the predicate, but is a minor member.

1. I want to sing. I want to sing– compound verb predicate ( I want - I, sing willI).
2. I asked her to sing. Requested– simple verbal predicate, sing- addition ( asked - I, sing will - she).

Auxiliary verb meanings


Typical verbs and phraseological units

1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action)

start, become, start, continue, finish, stay, stop, quit, stop and etc.

He began to prepare to leave.
He continued to prepare to leave.
He gave up smoking.
He again began to talk about the hardships of rural life.

2. Modal meaning (necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment actions, etc.)

Can, be able to, wish, want, dream, intend, refuse, try, strive, count, be able to, contrive, strive, assume, get used to, hurry, be embarrassed, endure, love, hate, be afraid, be afraid, be cowardly, be ashamed, set a goal , to burn with desire, to have the honor, to have the intention, to make a promise, to have the habit and etc.

I can sing.
I want to sing.
I'm afraid to sing.
I like singing.
I'm ashamed to sing.
I'm looking forward to singing this aria.

Compound nominal predicate

Compound nominal predicate (CIS)consists of two parts:

a) the auxiliary part - the copula (verb in conjugated form) expresses the grammatical meaning (tense and mood);
b) main part – the nominal part (name, adverb) expresses the lexical meaning.

SIS = copula + nominal part

For example: Hewas a doctor; Hebecame a doctor; Hewas ill; Hewas sick; Hewas injured; Hecame first.

Types of linking verbs

Type of connective by meaning

Typical verbs


1 . Grammatical connective – expresses only grammatical meaning (tense, mood), has no lexical meaning.

Verbs to be, to be. In the present tense, the copula be is usually in the zero form (“zero copula”): the absence of the copula indicates the present tense of the indicative mood.

Hewas a doctor.
Hewill be a doctor.
Hewas sick.
Hewill be sick.
Heis sick.
LyricsThere isthe highestmanifestationart.

2 . The semi-nominal copula not only expresses the grammatical meaning, but also introduces additional shades into the lexical meaning of the predicate, but cannot be an independent predicate (in that meaning).

a) the emergence or development of a sign: become, become, become, become;
b) preservation of the characteristic: stay;
c) manifestation, detection of a sign: to happen, to happen;
d) assessment of the characteristic from the point of view of reality: to seem, to seem, to introduce oneself, to be considered, to be reputed;
e) name of the feature: to be called, to be called, to be revered.

Hebecame sick.
Hestayed sick.
Hebeen sickevery autumn.
Heturned out to be sick.
Hewas considered sick.
Heseemed sick.
Heis sick.
Hereputed to be sick.
Theircalled sick.

3. The nominative connective is a verb with a complete lexical meaning(one can act as a predicate).

a) Verbs of position in space: sit, lie, stand;
b) verbs of motion: go, come, return, wander;
c) state verbs: live, work, be born, die.

Shesat tired.
Heleft angry.
Hecame back upset.
Helived as a hermit.
Heborn happy.
Hedied a hero.

Verb be can act as an independent simple verbal predicate in sentences with the meaning of being or possessing:

Himwasthree sons; Himwasmuch money.

Verbs become, becomes, turn out to be etc. can also be independent simple verbal predicates, but in a different meaning:

Heturned out to bedowntown; Hebecamenear the wall.

The most difficult to analyze are compound nominal predicates with a denominator, because usually such verbs are independent predicates (cf.: Hesatnear the window). If a verb becomes a connective, its meaning becomes less important than the meaning of the name associated with the verb ( Hesat tired; more important is that he was tired, not what He sat and not stood or lying).

For the combination “nominal verb + name” to be a compound nominal predicate, the following conditions must be met:

the significant verb can be replaced by the grammatical connective be:

He sat tired- He was tired; He was born happy- He was happy; He came first- He was first;

the link can be made null:

He sat tired - He tired ; He born happy - He happy ; He came first - He first .

If a verb has dependent forms of a full adjective, participle, ordinal number (answers the question Which?), then this is always a compound nominal predicate ( sat tired, left upset, came first). Parts of such a compound nominal predicate are not separated by commas!

Ways to Express the Nominal Part



1. Noun

1.1. Noun in nominative or instrumental case

He is mineBrother.

1.2. Noun in oblique case with or without preposition

Navigatorwas in oblivion.
This house -Meshkova.

1.3. Whole phrase with the main word - a noun in the genitive case (with the meaning of a qualitative assessment)

Son-in-lawwas a silent breed.
This girltall.

2. Adjective

2.1. Short adjective

Hebecame cheerful.

2.2. Full adjective in the nominative or instrumental case

Hebecame cheerful.

2.3. Comparative or superlative adjective

Here's the sound of musicwere more audible.
Youthe best.

3. Communion

3.1. Short Communion

Glasswere defeated.

3.2. Full participles in the nominative or instrumental case

Glasswere broken.
Glasswere broken.

4. Pronoun or whole phrase with the main word pronoun

All fish -yours.
Thissomething new.

5. Numeral in the nominative or instrumental case

Their hut -thirdon the edge.
Their hutwas thirdon the edge.

6. Adverb

Iwas on guard.
His daughterMarriedfor my brother.


1) Even if the predicate consists of one word - a name or an adverb (with a zero connective), it is always a compound nominal predicate;

2) short adjectives and participles are always part of a compound nominal predicate;

3) nominative and instrumental cases – the main case forms of the nominal part of the predicate;

4) the nominal part of the predicate can be expressed as a whole phrase in the same cases as the subject.

The GHS system is:

Universal Russian-German dictionary. 2011.

Russian language 8th grade 6th week Types of predicate and ways of expressing it.

See what the GHS system is in other dictionaries:

GHS system - Topics oil and gas industry EN centimeter gram second system ... Technical Translator's Directory.

CGS METRIC SYSTEM - CGS METRIC SYSTEM, a system of units based on the units centimeter, gram and second. In this system, dyne is a unit of force, erg is a unit of energy. Currently, this system has been replaced by a more advanced SI SYSTEM ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary.

symmetrical system GHS - Gauso vienetų sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. Gaussian system of units vok. Gaußsches Maßsystem, n rus. symmetrical system SGS, f; Gaussian system, f pranc. système d'unités de Gauss, m; system d'unités

SGS - (centimeter g second)#160; a system of units of measurement that was widely used before the adoption of international systems of units(SI). Another title#160; absolute physical system of units. Within the GHS there are three independent#8230; ... Wikipedia.

GHS system of units- CGS (centimeter g second) system units measurement, which was widely used before the adoption of the International System of Units (SI). Within the framework of the GHS, there are three independent dimensions (length, mass and time), all others are reduced to them by #8230; ... Wikipedia.

SYSTEM - (Greek, a whole consisting of many parts). A collection of principles, correctly or incorrectly connected together so that they form something whole: a known teaching, a known school. The placement of parts of a whole, the course of which or in an alternate, coherent order.#8230; ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language.

Gaussian system - Gauso vienetų sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. Gaussian system of units vok. Gaußsches Maßsystem, n rus. symmetrical system SGS, f; Gaussian system, f pranc. système d'unités de Gauss, m; system d'unités symétrique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas.

GHS SYSTEM OF UNITS - system of physical units. values ​​from 3 main. units: length centimeter, mass g, time second; accepted 1 m Int. Congress of Electricians (Paris, 1881) as systems of units, covering mechanics and electrodynamics. For electrodynamics#8230; ... Physical encyclopedia.

GHS system of units- (SGS), system of units physical quantities with 3 basic units: length centimeter; mass g; time second. It is used mainly in physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two CGS systems of units were used: electrical#8230; … Encyclopedic Dictionary.

GHS system units- a system of units of physical quantities in which three main units are adopted: length Centimeter, mass Gr and time Second. A system with basic units of length, mass and time was proposed by the Committee on Electronics, formed in 1861... Great Russian Encyclopedia.

CGS SYSTEM OF UNITS (SGS) is a system of units of physical quantities with basic units: cm g (mass) s. It is used mainly in works on physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two systems of SGS units were used: electrical (SGSM) and electrostatic (SGSE). B#8230; ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.


what is GHS and SIS in Russian language? urgently needed. School knowledge. com is a service in which users help each other for free. PGS SGS SIS Russian language. Why in some cases is the sentence acceptable: I want to draw. (I wish to draw - SGS). Sentence (linguistics) - Wikipedia. tion (in language) is a unit of language that represents grammatically. Compound nominal predicate in the Russian language. Offers with participial phrases in Russian language. Compound verb predicate: examples. A compound verb predicate (CVS) consists of two parts: a) an auxiliary part. Abbreviation - Wikipedia. what is in the literature for SI and GHS units of measurement; In modern Russian language Not. Types of predicates in Russian language. Types of predicates in Russian language what is the subject? what is he? who is able. Russian language | E. Litnevskaya Russian language: brief. A special type of GHS is presented in proposals, B Russian language presented that (in any. a unit of viscosity is What is a unit of viscosity. See what is a “unit included in the GHS system of units. in Russian language. The Russian system of measures is what is Russian. Romanova G. Name of length measures in Russian language. (GHS) Meter See what it is.

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